How to answer questions correctly sample. Business letters. Exceptions are cases

The response letter acts as a composition- and subject-dependent text in relation to the request letter. The response must contain a link to the original letter and its subject. Both letters must match the content aspects in the order of their presentation, terminology, wording and reference system.

A response letter with a positive decision is built according to the following scheme:

  • repetition of the content of the request using stable language formulas, for example: We inform you about your request for the supply of spare parts to. ; In response to your inquiry about. directing. ;
  • presentation of information upon request.

The rejection letter is structured as follows:

  • repetition of the content of the request (in a form similar to a letter with a positive decision);
  • reasoned indication of the reason (or reasons) for which the request cannot be satisfied or why the offer cannot be accepted;
  • statement of refusal or rejection of the proposal.

In a rejection letter, it is especially important to use vocabulary that helps the sender of the letter to remain polite, caring about preserving the self-esteem of the recipient of such a letter. A number of situations, such as, for example, situations of refusal, delay in a positive decision, disagreement, involve the use of words expressing regret at the beginning of the key phrase, for example: We regret to inform you that we cannot satisfy your request. ; Unfortunately, we cannot agree to your terms. ; Unfortunately, problems with do not allow us to take advantage of your offer in the near future. etc.

When answering commercial request the seller, if he can immediately satisfy the buyer's request and deliver the goods, sends an offer (offer). Otherwise, he can send a letter of refusal, guided by the above rules, or a letter in which he provides the necessary information:

  • on acceptance of the request for consideration;
  • about finding out the possibilities of supplying goods of interest to the buyer;
  • about changing the terms of the request (changing the quantity of goods, model, brand, delivery time, etc.);
  • about a promise to send an offer for the supply of goods of interest to the buyer.

In this case, when compiling a response letter, you can be guided by the following key phrases:

  • We report that in view of great demand for this product. ;
  • Going towards your wishes. ;
  • We will gladly give a positive answer to your request for discounts, if. ;
  • Unfortunately, we cannot go to your payment terms, however. ;
  • As our longtime partner, you are, of course, well aware that. ;
  • We are ready to take into account all your comments. ;
  • Taking into account your views on this issue. ;
  • We hope you are interested in our offer. ;
  • You will probably be interested in a new approach to this problem (our proposal). etc.

How to write a reply letter?

A response letter is a business letter that is written in response to a formal inquiry or request letter. Such a letter may contain both a positive and a negative decision (in this case, it is a rejection letter).

Since we are talking about business correspondence, there are a number of specific rules that must be followed when composing a letter:

If you receive a letter of request or request, you must give an official response as soon as possible. Procrastination can, in the first place, make your organization look bad and give your associates or clients a reason to see you as an unreliable partner. Secondly, an untimely response often leads to more serious consequences: disruption of supplies, violation of contractual terms, etc.

Any business letter must be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization (if any), contain all the required details of both parties and the imprint of the document (full name of organizations, addresses, OGRN, TIN, registration number, date of compilation, signature, indication of the performer, etc.) .

A letter of response is a compositionally and thematically dependent document in relation to the request, directly in response to which it is compiled. That is, the answer should contain the same terms, formulations, the main semantic aspects should match, and the sequence of presentation should be preserved. Also, there must be a link to the original document. However, do not forget about the literacy of the presentation. If suddenly the initiative document contains grammatical and punctuation errors, they should not be transferred to the text of the answer.

As mentioned above, a written response may contain a positive or negative decision. In the first case, the response should repeat the content of the request letter and include certain stable formulations. For example: "In response to your company's request for ... we inform / send / provide information ... etc." What follows is a summary of the information requested from you.

As for the negative answer, such a letter is structured as follows:

  • the content of the request (you can express gratitude for contacting your company);
  • reasons for refusal to provide data or to satisfy another request;
  • statement of rejection of the proposal or refusal.

When refusing, use polite language so as not to offend the sender of the request. Possible options: "To our deep chagrin...", "We are sorry to inform you", "Unfortunately, our company is unable to take advantage of your offer...".

In addition, it is recommended that in case of refusal to request any information, provide the addressee with information about those organizations that are able to provide the required information, when and under what conditions they can do this (if you have the relevant data).

Sample Document: Letter of Response

If you have any questions about this topic, you can ask them in the comments.

sample response letter

A written request requires a motivated detailed response from the addressee. Response letter - required document, which is worth writing in such cases. The message is in free form and has much in common with help. The information sheet contains a limited narrative framework and should only answer the question posed in the requirement. It is easy to write a response letter even to an inexperienced person, having a computer and a printer at hand. The page of this resource provides an opportunity to download and apply in life a sample of the discussed paper for free.

  • Address and name of the institution to whom the response letter is sent;

The letter of response is best delivered personally to the addressee. Instead, you need to receive a mark of receipt on the second copy. If it is not possible to personally send a response letter, you need to use the postal service by sending a document with a notification and a description of the attachment. The existing sample and a set of other forms and examples on the site will help to make the right appeal on your own. Most of the templates are in the simplest format and can be easily edited in Microsoft Word. Happy use.

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Advice from an Expert Job and Career Consultant

Business correspondence is an integral part of many production processes. A significant place in it is occupied by responses to official appeals from various organizations, including regulatory ones. For such letters, an official business style is required, they are quite acceptable, moreover, bureaucratic turns are preferred. They have no place for emotions, even if the requirements contained in the appeal you received are illegal. Just follow these simple step by step advice and you will be on the right track in your work and career.

– Internet access or printer;

- letterhead of the organization;

— mail, courier services or a personal visit to the addressee's office (not in all cases);

- the text of the email you are replying to.

So, let's get down to action, tuning in to a positive result.

Use letterhead to write your answer. Do not forget to assign an outgoing number to the letter, register it with the secretary or office, put a date. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Address the answer to the person whose signature is under the letter. Usually it represents a position and a surname with initials. Try to find out his first and last name. Do this using the Internet or a phone call directly to the organization from which the letter was received. Usually at the bottom official letter the name of the performer and his phone number are indicated. This information will be useful for further interaction, if necessary. However, the answer must be sent to the name of the person whose signature is under the appeal received by you. In the "header" of the answer, his initials are sufficient. But the letter should begin with an appeal by name and patronymic: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich!” Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

At the very beginning of the answer, indicate the output of the letter. Usually official appeals contain an outgoing number, the date is required. The generally accepted wording of the first phrase is: "In response to your letter (appeal, information request, claim, complaint - depending on the situation) for No. such and such from such and such a date, we consider it necessary (option - we can) report the following." Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

If any demands or claims made against you personally or your organization by the author of the letter, in your opinion, are unlawful, indicate that they cannot be satisfied and explain the reason, referring to the provisions of the current legislation, which, in your opinion, contradict. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Use the wording "Respectfully yours" at the end of your answer. You will have to do this, even if you think that the addressee is not worthy of respect. However, it is not necessary to demonstrate this opinion. Do not forget to also indicate your position, surname and initials. If you are submitting a paper response, be sure to sign it below.

We hope the answer to the question - How to respond to a formal letter - contained useful information for you. Good luck in your work and career! To find the answer to your question, use the form - Site search.

Other materials

How to write a reply letter


Banks often remind customers of debt or new lending conditions. You can send information about vacancies and a job notice to the person you would like to see in your team. Certain communications must be received in writing by the firm's employees. This is information about disciplinary actions and a reduction warning.

400 bad request

Sample response letter

Will it be sufficient to send an official written notice to the bailiff with the appropriate copies of documents stating that the debtor has not been working in the organization for a long time? In this situation current legislature does not require the employer to attach any other documents to the writ of execution.

However, given that the employee quit before the receipt of the writ of execution by the organization, it would be advisable to attach a copy of the order to dismiss the employee.

  • previous position;

Business letters

  • letter of apology

In response to your letter, we inform you that the employee is not working

Your request

The University Hospital of Munich is a maximum care medical institution. Most often, patients come to us for treatment on the referral of their therapist or after an examination by a specialist or a stay in another hospital.

We carefully check whether we can provide the medical care you need at our clinic at your request.

The information you provide us will be of great help in processing your request.

Necessary information

  • a description of the ailments you are experiencing, as well as the reasons for your appeal
  • translation of the current medical report into German or English
  • Additional Information

  • up-to-date test results
  • results of performed radiological examinations (CT, MRT, PET, etc.) in German or English
  • operation report (if it was carried out)
  • results of histological analysis (if a biopsy was performed)
  • Submit an inquiry

      In case you want to send patient data to our address, you can use the following options:

    • save them in anonymous jpeg format and send them to us as an attachment to your e-mail
    • take screenshots of image fragments relevant for our analysis (3-5 pieces), save them as a presentation in Powerpoint and send us a presentation by e-mail
    • send us a disk by mail, which also includes a medical statement based on the results of the diagnosis
    • We can also create a Dropbox folder for you on our server where you can upload your documents.

    The contact person

      You can send your request directly to a specific clinic. Most often, this makes sense only if it is an outpatient treatment.

      Steady turnover of business correspondence

      If you decide to contact us about a comprehensive medical problem, it is best to contact our International Patient Department first. In this case, your request will be processed much faster.

    Application processing time

      We carefully review the information we receive from you for completeness to see if we can make any assumptions based on it. If you have provided the information in full, the duration of processing your request will depend on the complexity of your problem. You can count on a final answer to your request after about five business days.

    Treatment plan and appointment of consultations/examinations

      After we have processed your application, you will receive from us:

    • Treatment plan - a rough description of the treatment to be prescribed
    • Payment plan - an approximate calculation of the cost of treatment
    • Schedule - dates of scheduled examinations / consultations with a doctor and hospitalization

    Payment Plan

      As a public health institution, we are interested in being more transparent about the cost of the services we provide.

      The cost of our services is guided by the tariff framework adopted in Germany, as well as the current legislation. Unfortunately, we will be able to tell you the exact cost of services only at the end of the therapy.

      The cost of treatment depends on the complexity and volume of examinations and therapy. Most often, the rule applies: the more severe the patient's disease and the more difficult its therapy, the more expensive the cost of the entire treatment. For this reason, at the very beginning of treatment, it is difficult to accurately assess its final cost.

    In response to your letter, we inform you that the employee is not working

    Our usual conditions are in cash, without discounts, without shipping documents. Terms of payment are detailed in the attached copy of the general conditions of delivery (copy of the contract) Other conditions - according to the general conditions of supply (sales) Please confirm (consider) this offer by (date) (within… days from the date of receipt of the letter) Please send a response no later than (date) (within ... weeks from the date of sending this letter) This offer is valid Until (date) ... months from the date of receipt of the letter, subject to receipt of your acceptance by fax within ... days from the date of receipt of this letter only if the product is not sold before receiving your answer Please send a reply (to us) by return mail (consider our offer, let us know if you are interested in purchasing the proposed product) Please take into account the period of sale of the goods and make a decision as soon as possible.

    How to write a reply letter

    According to the contract dated ... (number), we are entitled to a discount of the invoice value in the amount of We have the right to refuse to accept this batch of goods. This gives us the right to apply for arbitration. Based on the right granted by the contract, we demand (insist) objective reasons juju (our long business relationship..., the circumstance that ...) We were willing to accept this product if you give us a 10% discount We are ready to accept this consignment of goods as an exception, provided that you ... Based on the foregoing, we ask you to replace ... with a new one We kindly ask you to return substandard goods, send us the goods in accordance with the terms of the contract, We ask you to compensate for the damage (pay extra for, reload, deliver) the missing goods, We ask you to reimburse the costs of ... The markdown should be ...% Credit our organization for the amount ... (transfer the cost..

    In response to your letter, we inform

    Dear… We thank you for your request from… for the supply of… (product name) We are currently considering the possibility of providing you with an offer for the product you are interested in. We will inform you of our decision as soon as possible. Or: Unfortunately, we cannot answer your request positively and send you a specific offer for the supply (name of goods). We ask you to postpone this question until ... Or: ... and inform you that for the mentioned goods you should contact our agent - the company ..., which will provide you with the necessary information for the product you are interested in. Sincerely, Signature Proposal (offer) (sent if the seller can satisfy the request for delivery immediately) Specify: 1. Product name2. quantity and quality of goods 3.

    price4. delivery time 5 terms of payment 6.

    Steady turnover of business correspondence

    After so labor contract is broken, the employee ceases to be on the staff of the company, and receives all the money that he should receive, and a letter is sent to the bailiff service. As it was already shown above, a writ of execution is attached to it.

    Dismissal of the alimony and a letter to the bailiffs own will additional financial assistance the law does not provide. 03/22/2018 an employee of the Mayak company N.V. Frolov submitted to the personnel department a letter of resignation of his own free will.


    By court order, he must pay part of the salary for the maintenance of two children. It is necessary to determine the maintenance deductions that the accountant needs to make.

    Banks often remind customers of debt or new lending conditions. You can send information about vacancies and a job notice to the person you would like to see in your team. Certain communications must be received in writing by the firm's employees.

    In response to your request, we provide the following

    This is information about disciplinary actions and a redundancy warning.

    Partners usually write new proposals, claims and apologies. 4 A business letter must contain certain details, so it is better to develop forms right away. The completed form can be emailed as an attachment, or printed and sent by regular mail or mail. by registered mail.

    At the top should be the name of your company, and even better the logo.

    400 bad request

    It should contain information about the status, general focus, specifics of the enterprise, characteristics, novelty of the goods, an indication of the addressee (recipient, consumer), the nature of accessibility, location, etc. name password I agree with the Privacy Policy Yu., Magnitogorsk, 26.02 08:29 K.A.V., Magnitogorsk, 15.02 09:49 Yu. Yu. Yu., Magnitogorsk, 05.02 21:08 Z.M.N., Russia, 01.01 16:39 D. A.N., Gatchina, 25.12 14:11 T.S.A., Prague, 25.12 12:48 Sh.O.N., Ulyanovsk, 13.12 11:48 Rating of business unit terms Weighted average cost method Sonation Latest updates Hyaluronic acid (Acid Hyaluronic) Vitamins (from lat.

    Sample response letter

    Will it be sufficient to send an official written notice to the bailiff with the appropriate copies of documents stating that the debtor has not been working in the organization for a long time? In this situation, the current legislation does not require the employer to attach any other documents to the writ of execution. However, given that the employee quit before the receipt of the writ of execution by the organization, it would be advisable to attach a copy of the order to dismiss the employee.

    I draw your attention to the fact that the employer is not obliged to inform the bailiff about the new place of the employee, or to find out information about it. The answer to the bailiffs that the person does not work

    • date of issue and number of the writ of execution.
    • previous position;

    You must also indicate the address of the organization to which the response is sent.

    Business letters

    Letter of reply (sample) Read also:

    • letter of apology
    • How to write a letter of recommendation
    • Compiling transmittal letter to documents

    Negative response If it is not possible to satisfy the request or request, it is necessary to report the refusal most correctly. In this case, as in the above option, the refusal must be written in the same style as the initiating request.

    A negative answer should be as correct as possible and contain objective reasons for the refusal. In the event that there are prerequisites for making a positive decision on the request, you can indicate in the response the conditions that are required for this.

    Note that it is unacceptable to issue a negative response to a letter (a sample is presented below) in a rude tone. Moreover, it would be quite appropriate to express sincere regret about the impossibility of satisfying the request.

    A response letter with a positive decision is built according to the following scheme:

    • repetition of the content of the request using stable language formulas, for example: To your request for the supply of spare parts to inform; In response to your inquiry about sending;
    • presentation of information upon request.

    The rejection letter is structured as follows:

    • repetition of the content of the request (in a form similar to a letter with a positive decision);
    • reasoned indication of the reason (or reasons) for which the request cannot be satisfied or why the offer cannot be accepted;
    • statement of refusal or rejection of the proposal.

    In a rejection letter, it is especially important to use vocabulary that helps the sender of the letter to remain polite, caring about preserving the self-esteem of the recipient of such a letter.

    In response to your letter, we inform you that the employee is not working

    We inform you that the missing quantity of goods will be shipped to you ... After receiving your claim, we immediately contacted (manufacturer) Dear ... We acknowledge receipt of your letter of ... (month) ... (year) and inform you that your complaint has been accepted by us for consideration letters An offer letter (presentation) is sent in order to interest a potential partner in cooperation, a buyer in a purchase, a customer in a service Often contains advertising techniques: the significance of the project is indirectly emphasized by listing client companies, completed projects, recommendations, reviews Letters-presentations inform about new types of services, goods, opening of a new center, store, enterprise, etc. Designed to reflect the individual image of the institution. It is not written according to a template, in each individual case the same issues are covered in a different sequence.

    A letter of request certainly requires a response. So, having received such a letter, you must decide whether to grant the request or refuse. If you decide to fulfill the request, then answer as follows:

    Dear Sirs!

    . We express our sincere gratitude for the offer to take part in the construction hotel complex

    . Carefully review the proposal. You draft agreement, we decided to agree to equity participation in the construction(name of the object), will be carried out from by p

    . Thanks again for the offer and we hope that our cooperation will be fruitful and long-term

    . Sincerely and Best wishes

    . Dear Sirs!(the date) . You asked to change the terms of payment for(Product Name) . We revised our You agreed and decided to make changes, given the reasoning. your request. Sending a modified version of our agreement

    . We hope that the new conditions will satisfy. You. FROM

    . Dear Sirs!

    . Thank you for the additions and comments sent to the draft agreement on the construction of the bank. Having studied them, we recognized them as essential, agree with them and are ready to include them in the contract

    . Taking this opportunity, we would like to emphasize once again that according to the draft of our agreement on the construction of the bank. The contractor assumes full responsibility for the organization and execution of all future work.

    . Construction works will be carried out by local firms, which will be hired on a subcontract basis. The performance of work is supervised by highly qualified specialists, the cost of whose services is stipulated by the terms of the contract.

    . Please. You should consider the letter as soon as possible and, if there are no more clauses in the draft contract that caused y. If you have any doubts, inform us about your readiness to sign an agreement between our enterprises

    . We hope for a quick response

    Of course, you cannot always satisfy the request, accept this or that offer, and therefore are forced to refuse cooperation. The refusal must certainly be convincing, reasoned, correct and kindly benevolent. Your task is to convince the addressee that you had no other choice. It is not difficult to achieve this goal, it is only necessary at the beginning of the sentence to accept words that will noticeably soften the tone of the refusal. These include: na w / sal, sorry, very sorry, unfortunately, sincerely sorry, sorry, we are very sorry

    So, the denial can be formulated as follows:

    . Dear Sirs!

    . We have carefully studied. Your comments and additions to the draft contract for the construction of a polyclinic in the year on a turnkey basis

    . Much to our regret, we must inform you that we cannot agree to. Your suggestion. This is due to the following reasons:

    1. Offered. You 5% of the cost of the contract for mobilization costs - the amount is 4 times less than that specified in the draft contract and cannot cover our costs for preparatory work

    2 8% of the contract value in freely convertible currency insufficient amount to purchase all the equipment necessary for construction 12% specified in the draft contract, take into account not only the cost of equipment at world prices, but also the cost of freight, insurance, as well as our expenses for organizing the purchase and supply of equipment for the construction site.

    . In confirmation of the validity of our position, we add to the letter detailed calculations volumes of mobilization expenses

    . We express the hope that, given the above facts,. You will agree to our terms of signing the contract

    . Remain with respect

    . Dear!

    . Thank you for your inquiry from(the date) to supply(Product Name)

    . Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept. Your offer and delivery(Product Name) then what you need. Your goods have already been sold on pre-orders for the current month

    . We sincerely regret that we are unable to comply. Your order. We look forward to mutually beneficial cooperation in the future

    . Best regards and best wishes..

    . Dear Sir/

    . Thank you for your interest in our organization (institution, company). Unfortunately, we have to report. You that the place of our general representative in(the name of the country) already taken. Please resubmit your request via months

    . We wish you success

    . Dear Sirs!

    . We got. Your letter from(the date) wherein. You are asking for financial support for the St. Mary's Charitable Foundation. It's very unfortunate, but this year we have no way to make even a small charitable contribution

    Reply to a letter of inquiry. Response letter

    . Dear! . Execution contract action. Your advertising manager duties end on (date). We have considered. Your request for an extension

    contract for next year. Sorry, but. Your methods of work did not give the expected results, and therefore we are not interested in further cooperation With. You. We wish you success

    A written request requires a motivated detailed response from the addressee. A response letter is the necessary document that should be written in such cases. The message is in free form and has much in common with help. The information sheet contains a limited narrative framework and should only answer the question posed in the requirement. It is easy to write a response letter even to an inexperienced person, having a computer and a printer at hand. The page of this resource provides an opportunity to download and apply in life a sample of the discussed paper for free.

    Consider the main features included in the concept of a letter-response. The meaning of the response is business communication counterparties. An excellent way to resolve problems out of court allows you to save significant money and time for participants in legal relations.


    The legitimacy of communication is hard copy information compiled in accordance with all the rules of office work and having a genuine management visa. Email is an unreliable option for evidence in court.

    Date: 2015-11-04

    The response letter is drawn up in free form and has much in common with the certificate. The page provides an opportunity to download a sample of the discussed paper for free.

    A written request requires a motivated detailed response from the addressee.

    In response to your letter, I inform you about

    A response letter is the necessary document that should be written in such cases. The message is in free form and has much in common with help. The information sheet contains a limited narrative framework and should only answer the question posed in the requirement. It is easy to write a response letter even to an inexperienced person, having a computer and a printer at hand. The page of this resource provides an opportunity to download and apply in life a sample of the discussed paper for free.

    Consider the main features included in the concept of a letter-response. The meaning of the response lies in the business communication of counterparties. An excellent way to resolve problems out of court allows you to save significant money and time for participants in legal relations. The legitimacy of communication lies in a paper carrier of information drawn up in accordance with all the rules of office work and having a genuine leadership visa. Email is not a reliable option for evidence in court.

    Mandatory items that make up a response letter

    • Address and name of the institution to whom the response letter is sent;
    • Own data of the author, contact numbers;
    • Number, date and title of the story;
    • A brief summary of the request to which the response letter is being drawn up;
    • Clear and specific answers to questions. There is no need to write too much;
    • A respectful tone is welcome, but rigor is also important;
    • Fixing the executor of the paper, the signature and decoding of the head, the seal of the institution.

    The letter of response is best delivered personally to the addressee. Instead, you need to receive a mark of receipt on the second copy. If it is not possible to personally send a response letter, you need to use the postal service by sending a document with a notification and a description of the attachment. The existing sample and a set of other forms and examples on the site will help you make the right appeal on your own. Most of the templates are in the simplest format and can be easily edited in Microsoft Word. Happy use.

    (it's a letter-response) - the standard norm of business ethics. As a rule, requests are made either by potential partners of the company with a request to provide any information about the activities of the enterprise, goods, services, prices and discounts, or by existing counterparties, for example, to obtain information about the timing of delivery, payment, forwarding or correcting documents, etc. .d.


    The response to the request is of an official nature and is part of the company's business document flow.

    General rules for writing a response

    First of all, it should be remembered that the answer should be written by exactly the employee of the enterprise in whose name the original letter was written. Exceptions are possible only for those cases if this employee is absent for some reason (sick leave, business trip, dismissal) - then the answer can be written by the one who replaces the absent one at the moment.

    The language and presentation of the message should mirror the request letter. In other words, it is desirable to use in the text the same form of address that was used by the sender of the request, the same vocabulary, terminology, language turns and sequence of presentation, of course, provided that the author of the initiative message proved to be a competent and correct person.

    It is necessary to indicate the reference to the number and date of the incoming message, but at the same time it is impossible to repeat the mistakes made by the author of the request and it is undesirable to indicate them in the response letter (only if this does not apply to the specific activities of the company).

    The response to the request can be either positive or negative.

    • A positive answer should be as detailed as possible,
    • and negative - justified and extremely correct.

    In addition, if a request is denied, it is good practice to inform its author of information about the circumstances under which the answer may become positive.

    In any case, the response letter should be written in the most polite manner. It is advisable to avoid empty replies and even in the absence of the necessary information, you need to write an answer restrained, polite and respectful in relation to the author of the request. Rudeness, just like knowingly false information, is completely unacceptable.

    How to write a response to a request

    The form in which a response to a letter of inquiry is submitted and executed can play a decisive role in relations between organizations. That is why its compilation should be treated very carefully, adhering to certain rules.

    First of all, before composing a response letter, you should inform the sender about the receipt of the request in any convenient way. Then, if you have all the necessary information, you can proceed to the answer. The sooner a response message is written, the better, but if the requested information is not available at the moment, it is better to wait with the letter.

    The structure of the response is quite standard in terms of office work.

    1. At the top of the message (on the right or left), you need to write the name of the sending company (with the address and phone number), as well as the specific employee on whose behalf the response is being made.
    2. Further, information about the recipient is entered in the same way.
    3. After that, the answer itself is written. It must fully correspond to the essence of the request, and if the requester in his letter asked several questions at once, divided into separate paragraphs, the answer must be written in exactly the same format. If the answer is accompanied by any additional information, this must be reflected in the text of the letter, noting separately.
    4. In the same way, if circumstances so require, references to some laws, regulations and legal acts can be included in the answer.

    How to write a reply letter

    Answer can be written

    • as in handwritten form (mostly they do this when the request itself comes in a similar format),
    • and in print (this method significantly saves time).

    It can be drawn up on a simple sheet of A4 format or on the letterhead of the organization - the second option allows you not to manually drive in the details of the company, and it looks much more solid. The answer must be contain a signature an employee who represents the organization with an indication of his position. It is not necessary to put a seal, because. since 2016, the requirement of the law on the application legal entities stamps and seals are no longer valid.

    Compiling an answer in a single copy, before sending it must be numbered (in accordance with the internal document flow of the company), as well as put down the date.

    Information about the letter must be entered in the log of outgoing documentation - in case the answer to the request is lost or there are disagreements with the counterparty, this will allow you to quickly sort out the situation.

    How to send a letter

    The response can be sent in a variety of ways. Email or Fax allow significant time savings. But if the letter contains particularly valuable information or original documents and the sender is interested in guaranteed receipt of the message, you should use the services of the Russian Post by sending a reply by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

    Whether to wait for a response to the letter-response

    Almost all business letters require a response, but there is an exception to this rule.

    The response letter does not need any response, since it initially does not contain any requests, requests and proposals. In fact, it contains only the information that was required by the second party.

    At the same time, it is the letter of response that can become the starting point for concluding a profitable contract or deal, as well as a simple and affordable way to resolve any problems and difficulties in relationships between partners.

    We will tell you what letters you need to answer. We will explain how to correctly compose and issue an answer in accordance with the requirements of the new GOST.

    Download useful documents:

    When to respond to a formal letter

    Letter of instruction

    Such letters are sent, as a rule, by higher and parent organizations, sectoral ministries and departments, control and supervisory bodies and executive authorities.

    The response to the letter containing the order must be prepared by the deadline indicated in the incoming document. The letter of instruction after the introductory part may contain the phrases: “In connection with the foregoing, I propose ...”, “In view of this, until .... 2019 must be prepared and sent to us ....", "In pursuance of the provisions of the law .... by ... 2019 to ensure ... ".

    Letter of request

    This letter contains a request sent to the addressee. As a rule, the purpose of the document is to obtain certain information, goods or services that the author of the letter needs. This category of incoming documentation is issued on letter form. It contains such phrases as: “Please notify about…”, “Please inform…”, “Please take action…”, etc.

    In some cases, a business paper may not contain a direct request, but a wish. For example, "We hope for consideration of the appeal ...". In this case, the document should contain the appeal itself or a description of the situation that requires certain measures to be taken.

    Letter of request: sample

    Download the sample in the magazine

    There are also situations when one letter of request contains several petitions. In this case, the formatting rules require that each of them be described in a separate paragraph. Moreover, each subsequent paragraph containing the petition should begin with the words "We also ask you to take action ...", "In passing, we ask you to pay attention ...", "At the same time, we ask you to consider ...", etc.

    An inquiry

    A letter of response to the request must be sent without fail. Despite the fact that request letters and request letters are very similar in style and content, the request has one distinctive feature - the rationale for the document.

    Request letters refer to official letters that are sent to the addressee in order to obtain certain information, documents and business papers. This document has a rationale that the requester specifies. As justification, he can indicate a reference to government document, normative act or law, according to which the author has the right to get acquainted with information or business papers. Also, the justification can be a reference to organizational and legal documents that allow you to get acquainted with certain information. And precisely because of the existence of a legal justification, a letter in response to a request must be prepared and sent without fail. Below is an example of a response to a request letter.

    Invitation letters

    Although invitations to various events do not require the addressee to send a letter of response, in many cases business etiquette dictates such a need. In this case, it is desirable to issue a response message as soon as possible. If this is not possible, you can warn about the decision by calling the inviting party.

    How to write and issue a response to an incoming letter: a sample

    The deadline for responding to a letter depends on the content of the original document. When it comes to a command, request or request, the original document usually establishes either a specific date or period in which the response must be submitted. An invitation letter usually does not require an urgent response, but the rules business etiquette establish that the addressee must inform about consent or refusal at least a week before the start date of the event in which he was invited to participate.

    When you need to write a response letter, samples and examples can be downloaded from the Internet. But you cannot use them simply by rewriting the content. It is necessary to take into account not only the meaning, but also the style of the source document. Rules business correspondence require the response to be in the same style as the request.

    The response to the letter, which was issued in the form of a request or request, can be either positive or negative.

    positiveresponse letter sample

    The format of the response to the letter is standard, in accordance with GOST R 7.0.97-2016 and the Regulations on office work approved by the organization. At the same time, in the introductory part, it is necessary to give a link to the registration outgoing number of the original document assigned to it in the sending organization. This will make it easier for the recipient of your letter to find the source and will quickly remember the essence of the request or request sent to you.

    Negative response to an official letter: sample

    If it is not possible to satisfy the request or request, report the refusal as correctly as possible. In this case, as in the variant with a positive answer, the refusal must be written in the same style as the request. A negative answer must contain objective reasons for the refusal.

    If there are prerequisites for making a positive decision, you can indicate in the answer the conditions that are required for this. It is unacceptable to issue a negative response to a letter in a rude tone. It would be appropriate to express sincere regret about the inability to satisfy the request. Such measures help to maintain business relations.

    Sample negative letter of response to a request

    Download document

    Reply letter details

    In response to an official letter, it is not customary to indicate the type of letter. For its registration, a standard form with a certain set of details is used. The form of the letter contains two details that are not used in other types of forms:

    1. reference data about the organization;
    2. reference to the registration number and date of the received document.

    The presence of these details is the main sign of an official letter. In addition, in accordance with GOST R 7.0.97-2016, the following mandatory details must be filled in the response letter:

    • name of company;
    • organization code;
    • main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity;
    • taxpayer identification number/registration reason code;
    • the date;
    • registration number;
    • destination;
    • heading to the text (when writing a letter on A4 form);
    • signature;
    • information about the performer.

    The response letter is drawn up in free form and has much in common with the certificate. The page provides an opportunity to download a sample of the discussed paper for free.

    A written request requires a motivated detailed response from the addressee. A response letter is the necessary document that should be written in such cases. The message is in free form and has much in common with help. The information sheet contains a limited narrative framework and should only answer the question posed in the requirement. It is easy to write a response letter even to an inexperienced person, having a computer and a printer at hand. The page of this resource provides an opportunity to download and apply in life a sample of the discussed paper for free.

    Consider the main features included in the concept of a letter-response. The meaning of the response lies in the business communication of counterparties. An excellent way to resolve problems out of court allows you to save significant money and time for participants in legal relations. The legitimacy of communication lies in a paper carrier of information drawn up in accordance with all the rules of office work and having a genuine leadership visa. Email is not a reliable option for evidence in court.

    Mandatory items that make up a response letter

    • Address and name of the institution to whom the response letter is sent;
    • Own data of the author, contact numbers;
    • Number, date and title of the story;
    • A brief summary of the request to which the response letter is being drawn up;
    • Clear and specific answers to questions. There is no need to write too much;
    • A respectful tone is welcome, but rigor is also important;
    • Fixing the executor of the paper, the signature and decoding of the head, the seal of the institution.
    The letter of response is best delivered personally to the addressee. Instead, you need to receive a mark of receipt on the second copy. If it is not possible to personally send a response letter, you need to use the postal service by sending a document with a notification and a description of the attachment. The existing sample and a set of other forms and examples on the site will help you make the right appeal on your own. Most of the templates are in the simplest format and can be easily edited in Microsoft Word. Happy use.


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