Conflicts in business communication. Conflicts in business communication and ways to resolve them. List of used literature

  • Sultangazin Gazinur Mubaryakovich, graduate student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

This article examines the most common interpersonal conflicts - conflicts in organizations. The reasons for the occurrence of conflict situations are analyzed. The ways, ways of their resolution and prevention are determined.

  • Features of modern ethnodemographic processes in the Komi-Perm district
  • Experience in solving the problem of the formation of professional competencies of students in the direction of training "Organization of work with youth"
  • Analysis of the results of the study of the degree of interest of students of the training direction "Organization of work with youth" in the formation and development of professional competencies
  • Problems of organizing the educational process of young people with disabilities (on the example of the National Research University "BelGU")

In almost all areas human activity conflicts arise. They are most often based on the collision of opposing goals, opinions and interests of people. As French sociologist Benat Gourney writes: “We all would like to completely avoid conflicts. But this is an absurd dream. " The most common are conflicts in organizations.

According to some statistical estimates, more than 65% of problems in organizations are related to breakdown of relationships, and not to professional difficulties. 25% of leaders' time is spent on resolving conflicts. Subjects of communication are always looking for supporters, and therefore the conflict tends to grow. 70–80% of conflicts in organizations have a "vertical" leaving, that is, they are associated with the activities of management.

The conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties: an individual, a group or an organization - comes into conflict with the interests of the other party. Conflict management is one of the most important functions of a leader. To manage them, you need to know the types of conflicts, the reasons for the occurrence, the characteristics of the course, as well as the consequences to which they can lead.

Conflict, influencing interpersonal relationships, is capable of:

  • show weaknesses, problematic issues and hidden shortcomings in some situations of the social life of an individual team or the whole society;
  • help develop the most diverse spheres of society, organizations, enterprises, groups and collectives;
  • prevent stagnation, both in interpersonal interaction and in the relationships of various social groups and communities.

The reasons for conflicts in business communication are varied. Any of them represents the disagreement of two or more parties, as a result of which they cannot satisfy their needs. The difference in desires, goals, motives or infringement of someone's interests is always destructive. It is better to be able to prevent this collision than to try to restore balance after what happened. In business communication, it is customary to consider conflicts of two types: constructive (or objective) and destructive (subjective).

The reasons for constructive business conflicts in an organization, firm or company can be the following:

  • different ideas of employees about the ultimate goals of activities;
  • different levels of intelligence and education;
  • lack of financial or human resources;
  • unfavorable working conditions;
  • inconsistency of rights and obligations or their incorrect distribution in the team;
  • inability of colleagues to properly build communication with each other.

These reasons lead to the fact that business conflicts in the team, referred to as constructive, occur with regular stability. Eliminating them, first of all, means getting rid of the cause that led to the disagreement. In addition, the resolution of business conflicts of this kind will improve labor productivity, and in the future will lead to the development of the labor collective and the company as a whole.

As a rule, business conflicts do not arise from scratch. There are always preliminary reasons that form the potential for future disagreements, misunderstandings and quarrels - the prerequisites for conflicts. Their characteristics should include 2 sides:

  • Internal (manifested through the intrapersonal properties of the emotional sphere and thinking, perception and the type of psychological defense);
  • External (behavioral factors initiating the conflict).

In the process of conflict interaction, the prerequisites for incidents, disagreements and discord are:

  • Stereotypical view, prejudice, attitude. It manifests itself as a perception of the existing situation not directly, but through a previously formed position.
  • Poor control and low emotional control. Unwillingness or lack of the ability to pacify your own emotional manifestations.
  • Selfish belief. Focusing only on yourself and personal needs.
  • Biased judgments. Lead to erroneous, distorted conclusions and conclusions.
  • Wrong expectations. Subjectivity in assessing the situation and the needs of the opponent.
  • A humiliating position. It manifests itself in a condescending attitude towards the interlocutor, when even praise and compliments look offensive.
  • Insincerity. Leads to unfounded and distorted relationships.

There are many types of conflicts that appear in everyday business interactions:

  • depending on the direction: from top to bottom (from the boss to the subordinates) and from the bottom up (from the subordinate to the boss);
  • by the number of participants: interpersonal, intergroup and between an individual and a team;
  • by the method and nature of the resolution: compromise, with full agreement, with maximum disagreement (antagonistic);
  • by severity: open (with active actions) and hidden (with disguised actions);
  • by the nature of the formation: in the organization, in social sphere, personal.

Psychologists recommend resolving conflicts in business communication in several stages:

  • In order for the warring parties to adequately assess the situation, they need to ask the following questions:
    • How do I understand this problem? What led to the conflict?
    • how does my opponent see this problem? What, in his opinion, is the cause of the conflict?
    • on what issues do we disagree with the opponent, and on which do we agree?
  • Both partners must determine what actions of each other they consider unacceptable, as well as find the goals for which the conflict must be ended.
  • Also, both conflicting parties must determine what they both need to do to resolve the conflict. Which of the ways they have chosen gives them a sense of satisfaction.

After analyzing these issues and deciding on a way out of the conflict, both warring parties must implement this method. At the same time, it is important to explain that the situation itself, which caused the disagreement, is categorically impossible to remember and replay in my head.

Ways to prevent or prevent non-constructive behavior. To a large extent, this is facilitated by:

  • fair and open distribution of benefits and resources in the organization (in the team of employees);
  • a favorable environment (its creation): both material (physical working conditions) and psychological (establishing a microclimate, recruiting employees, taking into account individual characteristics and compatibility);
  • availability of rules and procedures for resolving disagreements (in writing: rules, algorithms);
  • creation of an optimal management structure and organizational system at an enterprise or institution: without duplication of functions, with objective control and fairness of the workload for employees;
  • forecasting rush jobs and stressful situations with an increase in the intensity of activity;
  • blocking the influence of personal and individual problems on the process of activity.

It is almost impossible to prevent conflicts in business communication completely. But if each of the company's employees makes it a rule to ensure that disputes and disagreements are resolved immediately, many problems can be avoided. Of course, it is difficult to foresee all the variety of conflict situations that life creates for us. Therefore, in resolving conflicts, much should be resolved on the spot, based on the specific situation, as well as the individual psychological characteristics of the participants in the conflict.


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Sci. supervisor:

Tomsk State University

Business communication is a complex multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the official sphere. Its members act in official statuses and are focused on achieving goals, specific tasks. A specific feature of the named process is regulation, that is, submission to the established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles.

Conflicts in the business environment are caused by various reasons and occur under different circumstances. Most often, they are caused by a violation or non-compliance with business ethics, or arise as a result of a clash of opposing opinions, incompatible values, different assessments and approaches. The surest way to eliminate conflicts of this kind is to find common values ​​and approaches that would be accepted by the conflicting parties. At the same time, it is important to be able to avoid forcibly imposing one's opinion; one cannot categorically deny what the opponent claims, simultaneously releasing undeserved reproaches against him.

In the process of business communication between the manager and subordinates, different situations arise, including conflict situations. This is due to the fact that not all employees treat the manager in the same way; they carry out assignments and relevant tasks on time and with high quality. In this situation, a showdown is inevitable, long hard-hitting conversations, accompanied by considerable emotional tension.

There are several types of conflicts in the organization, in business communication:

1) conflicts that are a reaction to obstacles to the achievement of the main goals of work;

2) conflicts arising as a reaction to obstacles to the achievement of personal goals of employees in the framework of their joint work activities;

3) conflicts arising from the perception of the behavior of team members as inconsistent with the accepted social norms of joint labor activity;

4) purely personal conflicts between employees, which are due to the incompatibility of individual psychological characteristics, sharp differences in needs, interests, value orientations, and the level of culture in general.

Practice shows that conflict-free interaction between a manager and his subordinates is facilitated by the following conditions:

· Psychological selection of specialists for the organization;

· Stimulation of motivation for conscientious work;

· Fairness and transparency in the activities of the organization;

Taking into account the interests of all persons who are affected management decision;

· Timely informing people on important issues for them;

· Removal of socio-psychological tension through joint recreation, including with the participation of family members;

· Organization of labor interaction of the "cooperation" type;

· Reducing the dependence of the employee on the manager;

· Encouragement of initiative, provision of growth prospects;

· Fair distribution of workload between subordinates.

It is important for a leader to competently organize relations with subordinates. In this case, it is advisable to be guided by following rules:

· Set subordinates to clear, specific and doable tasks. The order should be given in simple, clear language. Do not allow ambiguity, uncertainty. The task must correspond to the capabilities of the subordinate;

· Ensure that the task is completed with everything necessary;

· Orders, instructions, exactingness to the subordinate must be justified in legal terms;

· Current control reduces the likelihood of conflicts;

· Do not rush with an unambiguous assessment of the result of the subordinate's activities;

· Evaluate the achievements of subordinates based on the initial state of affairs and the success of other employees. This is more correct than relying only on the task at hand;

· Do not strive to re-educate a negligent subordinate in a short time;

• criticize after praising;

· Criticize and evaluate not the personality, but the deed, the results of official activity;

When giving a critical assessment to a subordinate, do not carry it over to the whole social group to which he belongs;

· Avoid harsh, categorical and categorical in the form of assessments of the behavior and activities of subordinates. The more sharply they turn to a person, the more intensely he is tuned in to counteract the source of such appeal. Also, you can be wrong;

· Do not make subordinates "scapegoats" of their managerial mistakes. Honesty and decency are always appreciated by people, especially if these qualities are manifested in the leader;

· Be fair and honest with your subordinates. Remember, people don't like injustice the most;

· With all your might fight against manifestations of negative emotions in communication with subordinates;

· Less often punish and more often help subordinates to correct mistakes. Such a strategy will yield good results in the future: less misconduct - less conflict - less punishment - fewer problems;

· Respect the rights of subordinates. With any degree of guilt for the misconduct, the subordinate will defend his rights even through conflict;

· When criticizing a subordinate, indicate possible ways of correcting mistakes and miscalculations.

Communication between the participants is of great importance in resolving conflict situations, the central point of which is negotiations. Assuming to conduct a conversation with his opponent, the leader must first, as fully as possible, fully analyze the current situation. The tasks of the leader in resolving the conflict are as follows:

· It is necessary to find out the cause of the conflict;

· Determine the goals of the opponent;

· Outline the areas of convergence of points of view with the opponent;

· To clarify the behavioral characteristics of the opponent.

The research carried out in this way makes it possible to get a general idea of ​​all aspects of the conflict situation.

A preliminary analysis of the situation is a necessary component of an effective conversation. Conducting a conversation, the leader must maintain control over the situation, that is, direct the course of the conversation in the right direction, in accordance with the formulated purpose of the conversation. Negotiations must proceed dynamically. Analysis of the situation, a deliberate choice of a line of behavior, an effective discussion of the situation with its participants are ways to turn an emerging conflict into a tool for effectively solving a problem, finding the best solution, and even a means of improving people's relations.

A lot of recommendations have been developed concerning various aspects of human behavior in conflict situations, the choice of appropriate behavior strategies and means of conflict resolution, as well as its management. It is useful for a leader to know what character traits and characteristics of a person's behavior are characteristic of a conflict personality. These qualities include the following:

· Inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities, which can be either overestimated or underestimated. In either case, it may contradict the adequate assessment of others;

· The desire to dominate at all costs where it is possible and impossible;

· Conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;

• excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness in statements and judgments, the desire at all costs to tell the truth in the face;

· A certain set of emotional personality traits: anxiety, aggressiveness, stubbornness, irritability.

Many conflicts occur because people take positions and then focus all efforts on defending those positions, instead of identifying the latent needs and interests that forced them to take those positions. Thus, their false orientation becomes an obstacle to finding a solution that would take into account the latent interests of the parties to the conflict.

The main positive method of conflict resolution is negotiation. The negotiation theory was developed by American conflictologists Fisher R., Yuri W., Den D.

Negotiation is a joint discussion by the conflicting parties with the possible involvement of a mediator of disputed issues in order to reach an agreement. They act as a continuation of the conflict and at the same time serve as a means of overcoming it. In the event that the emphasis is on negotiations as part of the conflict, they tend to be conducted from a position of strength, with the aim of achieving a one-sided victory. Naturally, this nature of negotiations usually leads to a temporary, partial resolution of the conflict, and negotiations serve only as a supplement to the struggle for victory over the enemy. If negotiations are understood in terms of property as a method of conflict settlement, then they take the form of honest, open debates, calculated on mutual concessions and mutual satisfaction of a certain part of the interests of the parties.

The negotiation method based on certain principles is characterized by four basic rules:

1. Differentiation between the negotiators and the subject of negotiations. Negotiations are conducted by people with certain character traits. Discussion of them is unacceptable, since this introduces into the course of negotiations an emotional factor that interferes with the solution of the problem. Criticism of the personal qualities of the negotiators only exacerbates the conflict;

2. Concentration on interests, not positions. The positions of opponents can hide their true goals, and even more so their interests. Meanwhile, interests are always at the heart of conflicting positions. So instead of arguing about positions, you need to explore the interests that define them. Behind opposing positions, along with contradictions, are shared and acceptable interests.

3. Development of mutually beneficial options. Interest-based bargaining facilitates the search for a mutually beneficial solution by exploring options that satisfy both sides. With this orientation, it is possible to use brainstorming. As a result, more than one alternative solution can be obtained. This will make it possible to select the desired option corresponding to the interests of the parties participating in the negotiations.

4. Search for objective criteria. Consent as the goal of negotiations should be based on criteria that would be neutral in relation to the interests of the conflicting parties. If the criteria are not neutral with respect to any side, then the other side will feel disadvantaged, and therefore, the agreement will be perceived as unfair and ultimately it will not be implemented.

Ideal from this point of view is the rational - intuitive method of conflict resolution, developed by the American scientist Jeanie Graham Scott. The main way to apply a rational-intuitive approach to conflict management is to view any conflict situation as a problem or potential problem that awaits its solution. Then a suitable method of problem solving is selected, using an arsenal of possible strategic measures to control conflict situations. The chosen strategy will depend on the stage at which the conflict is (potential conflict, developing conflict, open conflict), on the importance of a specific solution, on the assessment of the needs and desires of other people, as well as on the nature of the emotions manifested in the conflict. Once the appropriate method has been selected, the best way to apply it is determined.

When there is no elementary understanding between the participants in a business meeting, a conflict situation can arise completely unexpectedly, even for no reason. As the analysis of conflicts of this kind shows, the conflicting parties usually do not make even the slightest attempt to understand the motives and interests of the opposite side. In fact, these motives are often not so bad, although we involuntarily try to portray them in a negative light of our anger. Often, due to a lack of information, we tend to present highly benevolent motives as arrogant ambitions, forgetting that nothing is more deceiving than apparent evidence. Therefore, in order to achieve mutual understanding, you should put yourself in the place of your agitated interlocutor, and any of his actions, which we regard as a conflict, comprehensively comprehend and understand, and also find out what the matter is. At the same time, you need to try to keep cool and not hastily express your negative emotions.

Conflicts contribute to development and change in the organization, as they reveal flaws in the organization, reveal contradictions. Conflict contributes to the structuring of the organization by defining the position of various subgroups within the system, their functions, and distributing positions of power among them. They help reduce resistance to change and help maintain dynamic equilibrium and social stability. The reasons are revealed, and do not go deeper, where they are even more intensified and have a destructive effect on the organization. Conflict can also reduce the potential for groupthink and submissiveness, and foster group solidarity, which can root out causes of internal disunity and restore unity. But it is necessary to cancel that such an impact is exerted by conflicts affecting only such goals, values ​​and interests that do not contradict the foundations of intragroup relations. In a trend, such conflicts contribute to a change in intragroup norms and relationships in accordance with the urgent needs of individual individuals or subgroups. Also, among the functional consequences of the conflict, it is necessary to indicate the receipt of new information about the opponent, rallying the organization's team in the confrontation with an external enemy, stimulating changes and development in interpersonal relations in the organization as a whole.


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Conflict in business communication is typical for any organization or individual labor activity. But, despite the fact that this concept for many people carries a negative connotation, in fact, conflicts are of great benefit to the organization and the people who work in it. After all, there are not only destructive conflicts, but also constructive ones. Let's take a look at each of the types of conflicts and draw up a detailed plan for resolving them.

Conflict is the key to creativity.
House M.D.

A person does not live by tranquility alone

Despite the fact that every person wants to manage business communication and avoid conflicts, in fact, they perform the function of his adaptation to society. That is, we need conflicts as much as we need air, since they help us to develop. But you need to understand that not all conflicts can do this, but only constructive ones. They are characterized by a calm, intelligent and measured solution to difficult situations that have arisen in the company.

If the cause of the conflict is more emotion than objective reasons then we are dealing with destructive conflicts... As a rule, there may be almost no such at work. At least officially. If they happen, then most often these are personal problems of the team members.

What conflicts are there in business communication?

Before sorting out conflicts in business communication, you need to understand from the very beginning what business communication is. This is a style of communication between people, which is aimed at achieving a common goal or obtaining one or two-way benefits. Business communication involves little emotion.

Since this feature is characteristic of constructive conflicts, it can be concluded that this type dominates in business communication. This greatly facilitates his resolution, since the goal is not to prove his innocence to another person (although this also happens), but to get to the bottom of the truth.

Often destructive conflicts happen within teams, where people communicate more informally and can afford much more than when communicating as business partners. In such cases, you need to use completely different methods, uncharacteristic for business communication. But these conflicts themselves also appear not in the business sphere, but in the informal one.

Ways to resolve business conflicts

Since the goals of the participants in a business conflict are fundamentally different, then it is necessary to perform an algorithm that will help, if the participants wish to each other, to resolve the conflict:

  1. We write down your goals in detail on a piece of paper. The main thing is to be extremely honest with yourself, since often people even hide their true goals from themselves.
  2. We write down the goals of the other person in the same way.
  3. We carry out comparative analysis... We need to understand what we have in common with him and what is different.
  4. Solve the existing contradiction using a communication management method called "brainstorming". It is advisable to write down at least 100 ideas together, since the more you throw out, the more your brain thinks.
  5. Implement the good ideas you have received.

In the psychology of communication and management, this technology is already well-established and proven for more than one year. If you use this method, then you yourself will notice its colossal effect.

We translate the conflict into a constructive stream

If the conflict is destructive, then it must be translated into a constructive one. To do this, you need to wait until the emotional ardor of the other party to the conflict passes, and only then begin to discuss difficult issues with him.

Conflict Communication Management is a whole science called conflictology... If you want to study this topic in more detail, then welcome to the secrets of this science, which emerged from psychology.

The work was added to the site site: 2015-10-28

Conflict in business communication.

ü The concept of "conflict", types and levels of conflicts

ü Causes of conflicts

ü Conflict strategy

ü Conflict Resolution Methods

ü Conclusion



Each of us has to deal with conflict situations. As the American psychologist B. Wool figuratively noted, “life is a process of resolving an infinite number of conflicts. Man cannot avoid them. He can only decide whether to participate in making decisions or leave it to others. ” Therefore, every person, especially in business communication, must have at least elementary representations about conflicts, methods of behavior when they arise. Unfortunately, most people are characterized by inability to find a decent way out of them. In addition, as soon as a conflict arises, and it is always associated with emotions, we begin to experience discomfort, tension, which can even lead to stressful situations, thereby damaging our health.

Memories of conflicts, as a rule, evoke unpleasant associations: threats, hostility, misunderstanding, attempts, sometimes hopeless, to prove their case, resentment ... As a result, the opinion was formed that a conflict is always a negative phenomenon, undesirable for each of us. Conflicts are viewed as something that should be avoided if possible.

The modern approach to the essence of the conflict considers it as an inevitable, and even in some cases necessary element of the organization's activities.

Nowadays, management theorists and practitioners are increasingly inclined to the point of view that some conflicts, even in the most effective organization with the best relationships, are not only possible, but also desirable, despite the fact that it is nevertheless necessary to regulate them. The role of conflicts and their management in modern society so great that in the second half of the twentieth century a special area of ​​knowledge emerged - conflict management. Sociology, philosophy, political science and, of course, psychology made a great contribution to its development.

Conflict is always the interaction of people. Depending on the scale of this interaction, there are psychological, sociological, political science and geological levels of conflict consideration.
Conflict concept

Like many concepts in psychology, conflict has many definitions and interpretations. The very concept of conflict originates from the Latin word "conflictus" - collision. And following the etymological meaning of this term, the English sociologist E. Giddens gives the following definition of conflict: “By conflict I mean a real struggle between active people or groups, regardless of what the origins of this struggle are and the means mobilized by each of the parties.”

There are four main types of conflict: intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal conflict, personality-group conflict, and intergroup conflict.

All conflicts have several reasons. The main causes of conflict are limited resources to be divided, interdependence of tasks, differences in goals, differences in perceptions and values, differences in demeanor, educational level, and poor communication.
Conflicting personality

It may sound strange, but here it is appropriate to give one important advice - be sympathetic to people whose typical characteristics are described below. Conflict, which has become a personality trait, is difficult to overcome by rational self-control, an effort of will. “Educational” influences on the part of the leader are also rarely useful here. Conflict is not the fault, but the misfortune of such individuals. A real help can be provided by a specialist - a practical psychologist.
It is useful for a leader to know what individual personality traits (character traits) create in a person a tendency or predisposition to conflict relationships with other people. Summarizing the research of psychologists, we can say that these qualities include:
inadequate self-assessment of one's capabilities and abilities, which can be either overestimated or underestimated. And in fact, and in another case, it can contradict the adequate assessment of others - and the ground for conflict is ready;
the desire to dominate, at all costs where it is possible and impossible; say your last word;
conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;
excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness in statements and judgments, the desire, by all means, to tell the truth in the face;
critical attitude, especially unreasonable and not reasoned;
a certain set of emotional qualities of a person - anxiety, aggressiveness, stubbornness, irritability.

But a conflict arises if the personal characteristics of a person or group come into conflict with the above-mentioned characteristics of a person prone to conflicts, that is, in the presence of interpersonal or socio-psychological incompatibility.

Conflict , types and levels of conflicts.

There are various definitions of conflict, but they all make it clear that there are contradictions that take the form of disagreement.

What is conflict concept and definition.

"Conflict-collision of oppositely directed, incompatible with each other tendencies, interpersonal interactions and relations of individuals or groups, as well as in the creation of a separate individual, associated with an acute negative experience"

“Collision is a common form of human contact. In some cases, the clash manifests itself exclusively in the struggle, in the attempts of the opponents to disarm each other. Other forms of collision are more like boxing or fencers' fights. "

It is not even the conflicts themselves that are destructive, but their consequences: fear, hostility, threats. A defensive reaction can arise and gain a foothold - behavior that enters into the structure of a person and distorts the nature of thinking, actions and feelings.

Conflicts can be latent and explicit, but they are always based on contradictions, disagreements. The lack of agreement is due to the presence of a variety of opinions, views, ideas, interests, points of view, etc.

From the point of view of the causes of a conflict situation, there are three types of conflicts: conflict of goals; conflict of cognition; sensual conflict.

A conflict of goals is when a situation is characterized by the fact that the parties involved in it see differently the desired state of the object in the future.

A cognitive conflict or when there is a situation in which the parties involved have divergent views, ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved. The resolution of such conflicts takes more time, since it is necessary to reach a different level of knowledge.

Sensual conflict occurs when participants have different feelings and emotions that underlie their relationship with each other as individuals. Such conflicts are the most difficult to resolve, since they are based on reasons associated with the psyche of the individual.

In addition to these types of conflicts, there are five more basic types in the organization: Intrapersonal; interpersonal; intragroup; intergroup; intra-organizational. These conflicts are closely related.

Intrapersonal conflict occurs within the individual and is often by nature a conflict of goals or cognitive conflict. Goal conflict Intrapersonal conflict occurs when an individual chooses and tries to achieve mutually exclusive goals. Its intensity increases with an increase in the number of alternatives, with the achievement of a balance between its positive and negative outcomes and the perception of its source, which is very important for making a decision. Intrapersonal conflict acquires a cognitive coloration when an individual admits the inconsistency of his thoughts, dispositions, values, or his behavior in general. A person begins to feel uncomfortable and tries to get out of this state by eliminating this inconsistency through changing their thoughts, dispositions, values ​​and behavior, or through obtaining more information about the problem that gives rise to this inconsistency.

Interpersonal conflict involves two or more individuals who perceive themselves to be in opposition to each other in terms of goals, dispositions, values, or behavior. This is perhaps the most common type of conflict. It manifests itself as a clash of personalities about goals and cognition, as well as on the sensory plane.

Intra-group conflict is more than a simple sum of intra- and interpersonal conflicts. This is usually a clash between parts and all members of the group, affecting the group dynamics and performance of the group as a whole. Production, social and emotional processes within a group affect the appearance of causes and ways of resolving intragroup conflicts. Often, intra-group conflict arises as a result of a change in the balance of power in the group: change of leadership; the emergence of an informal leader; development of grouping, etc.

Intergroup conflict is a confrontation or clash between two or more groups in an organization. Such confrontation can be based on professional, industrial, social or emotional basis. Typically, these conflicts are intense and, if mismanaged, do not benefit any of the groups. The transition of an intergroup conflict into a sensory-emotional stage has a destructive effect not only on the groups involved in it, but also on the organization as a whole and on each of its individual participants separately. Its further development leads to an intra-organizational conflict. It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between these two types of conflict.

Intergroup conflicts are accompanied by:

Manifestations of "deindividualization", i.e. group members do not perceive other people as individuals, as distinctive personalities, but perceive them as members of another group, to which negative behavior is attributed.

By manifestations of social, intergroup comparison, during which they evaluate their group more highly and positively, increase their status and at the same time belittle, devalue the other group, give it a negative assessment.

By manifestations of group attribution, i.e. tend to believe that it is "the other group is responsible for the negative events."

Intra-organizational conflict, however, is most often associated with confrontation and clashes arising from how individual work or the organization as a whole was designed, as well as how power is formally distributed in the organization. In this regard, there are four types of this conflict: vertical; horizontal, linear-functional, role-playing. In real life, these conflicts are closely intertwined with each other, but each of them has its own rather different features.

Thus, a vertical conflict is a conflict between levels of management in an organization. Its occurrence and resolution are due to the fact that it affects vertical ties in the organizational structure: goals, power, communications, culture, etc. A horizontal conflict involves parts of the organization equal in status and most often acts as a conflict of goals. The development of horizontal connections in the structure of the organization helps in many ways to resolve it. Linear-functional conflict is most often cognitive or sensual in nature. Its resolution is associated with improved relations between line management and specialists. Role conflict arises when an individual performing the role in question perceives a message inadequate to his role, while experiencing pressure from the sender of this message. An ambiguous perception of the role is at the heart of this conflict.

Causes of conflicts

It is very important to determine the causes of the conflict, since, knowing the reasons for the occurrence of a particular phenomenon, it is easier to take some specific steps to block their (reasons) actions, thereby preventing the negative effect caused by them. Consider the list of causes of the conflict conditionally, it can be presented in the form of three main groups of reasons: first, the reasons generated by the labor process; secondly, the reasons caused by the psychological characteristics of human relationships; thirdly, rooted in the personal uniqueness of the members of the collective.

There are also reasons for the conflict due to the economic state of life in our country, which cannot be ignored.

And so, let's dwell on a group of reasons generated by the labor process.

For many work collectives, they are the main source of conflict situations.

First, conflicts are caused by factors that prevent people from achieving the main goal of work - getting certain products.

Such factors can be:

Direct technological interconnection of workers, when the actions of one of them affect (in this case negatively) the effectiveness of the actions of the other (for example, when working on a photocopier);

The transfer of problems, the solution of which had to go vertically, to the horizontal level of relations (for example, a lack of equipment and tools often leads to conflicts between ordinary workers, although it is not they, but their leaders who should solve this problem);

Failure functional responsibilities in the "management-subordination" system (for example, the manager does not provide the appropriate conditions for the successful activities of subordinates, or, conversely, the subordinates do not fulfill the corresponding requirements of the manager).

Secondly, conflicts in production are caused by factors that prevent people from achieving secondary goals of labor activity - a sufficiently high salary, favorable conditions for work and rest. This group of factors includes:

Again, the relationship of people, in which the achievement of goals by one of them depends on other members of the team;

The indecision of a number of organizational issues "along the vertical" (that is, by the leadership), which may result in the aggravation of relations between people located on the organizational horizontal;

Functional disruptions in the "leadership-subordination" system, which impede the achievement of personal goals, both by the manager and the subordinates.

Thirdly, conflicts arising in the process of implementation of labor activity are often generated by the inconsistency of a person's actions with the norms adopted in his team and life values... Or another, similar, conflictogenic reason: role inconsistencies in the system of "leadership-subordination" relations, when, for example, there is a discrepancy between the widespread expectations in the team regarding the behavior of people occupying certain official positions with their actual actions.

The latter reason is mainly due to the poor description of staff functions in many of our institutions. As a result, people have misconceptions about who is responsible for what and what is doing.

There is no exhaustive list of reasons causing conflicts, including in labor activity. And to the reasons just mentioned, you can add many more, generated by organizational practice. For example, for the vertical management section of the organization: "The staff of the firm's headquarters carry out general planning of their activities. It is they who bring all the work of operational employees into a single interacting system. In fact, an employee of the central office can be effective only if he has accumulated experience operational activities... However, the prevailing trend, especially at companies such as Ford Motor, is that they take a Harvard Business School graduate who knows nothing about a particular business and put him in a position in the headquarters of the firm. No man yet practical experience in the management of the enterprise does not have, but already indicates to the operational worker, who has already been working for 30 years, that he, they say, does everything wrong. ".

Mention should also be made of all kinds of communication obstacles and barriers that are often encountered in the organizational process and cause strong "climatic disturbances" in it.

Another group of causes of interpersonal conflict - the reasons caused by the psychological characteristics of human relations.

The most striking example of this kind of features is the mutual likes and dislikes of people, leading to their compatibility or incompatibility.

It would seem that a rather harmless factor "sympathy - antipathy" applies not only to two or more people, but can have more serious consequences for the entire team. Indeed, quite often all kinds of personnel appointments in institutions, at enterprises are based on this very principle. In turn, injustice in official appointments, as a rule, results in aggravation of interpersonal relations.

There are several more reasons for the conflict, related to the one just given:

Unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the team (it can be caused by the formation of opposing groups, cultural, aesthetic differences of people, actions of the leader, etc.);

Poor psychological communication (that is, people do not understand, do not take into account the intentions, states of each other, do not take into account the needs of everyone).

There is one more reason for the conflict that belongs to the category of psychological. This is what it is about. In ecological psychology, the concept of territoriality is used, which implies the occupation of a certain space by an individual or a group and the establishment of control over it and the objects (objects) in it. Moreover, it is customary to distinguish between group and individual territoriality.

We often encounter a manifestation of territoriality in Everyday life, including at work. People entering this or that working group, "settle down" a certain territory (work space or rest room), and its occupation by members of another group often turns into intergroup clashes. In the same way, each member of the group occupies a part of the common space along with the objects located there, he is not enthusiastic about intruding into it. For example, having our own desk, we are unlikely to feel joy when we find another person at it during a department meeting. If this situation happens again, it can be annoying.

And, finally, about the causes of conflicts rooted in the personal identity of the team members. In this case, we mean possible personality traits that sometimes "drive" us into conflict situations. Inability to control their emotional state, low level of self-esteem, aggressiveness, increased anxiety, lack of communication, excessive adherence to principles. The list of personal causes of conflict is not limited to a set of corresponding traits. Demographic characteristics are also not neutral on this issue. So, according to the data, women tend to have a higher frequency of conflicts related to their personal needs (salary, distribution of vacations), men are more prone to conflicts related directly to the woman herself. labor activity(organization of labor, certainty of labor functions).

With an increase in the age of workers, conflicts related to the target characteristics of their activities begin to occupy a greater proportion, while the number of conflicts caused by the problems of adaptation of workers in the work collective (violation of labor discipline, non-compliance with requirements) decreases.

Next, let's dwell on a very important point. We often see conflicts where they actually do not exist, and, on the contrary, sometimes assess relations with others as cloudless, when the conflict is already ripe.

In the developed scheme for the analysis of interpersonal conflict, it is well shown that the conflict can be adequate or inadequate, or misunderstood.

In the first case (adequacy), this means that the conflict situation exists objectively. That is, the desire of side "A" to achieve some desired state "C" objectively prevents side "B" from reaching some desired state "D". And vice versa. Moreover, the parties rightly believe that the structure of their goals and interests is conflicting, and they correctly sense the essence of a real conflict, that is, they give an adequate interpretation of what is happening.

In the second case (inadequacy), the conflict situation exists in reality and the parties are aware of this, but their understanding of the situation does not fully correspond to reality.

In the third case (a falsely understood conflict), the situation is such that there is no objectively conflict situation, but the parties tend to view their relationship as conflict.

Two more really permissible situations are considered: firstly, when objectively there is a conflict, but the parties as such are not identified as such, and, secondly, when there is no conflict both objectively and at the level of consciousness.

80% of conflicts arise outside the wishes of their participants. Conflict genes play the main role.

"Conflict genes are words of action (or inaction) that can lead to conflict."

Moreover, the incitement of the conflict is facilitated by a chain of hostility, i.e. we try to respond to an insult to us or hurt more. The first conflict is often unintentional, accidental, and then a chain follows, and now the conflict is on the face.

Conflict behavior strategy.

To date, experts have developed a lot of all kinds of recommendations regarding various aspects of human behavior in conflict situations, the choice of appropriate strategies and means of their resolution, as well as their management.

It is important to consider both the actions of the parties to the conflict themselves, and the actions, the role of the mediator, which can be a leader.

"There are five main styles of behavior in a conflict situation":

Accommodation, Compliance;





1.Compliance, adaptation This style can be applied when:

The most important task is to restore calm and stability, and not to resolve the conflict;

The subject of the disagreement is not important;

The opponent realizes that the truth is not on his side;

The opponent feels that he does not have enough power or a chance to win.

The source of disagreement is trivial and insignificant compared to other more important tasks, and therefore it is not worth spending energy on it;

The opponent has little power to solve the problem in the way he wants;

The opponent knows that he cannot decide the question in his favor;

The opponent wants to buy time to study the situation and get Additional information before making any decision;

It is dangerous to try to fix the problem immediately. Since the autopsy and open discussion of the conflict can only worsen the situation;

Your opponent was having a tough day, and solving this problem could bring additional troubles.

3. Confrontation, competition is used if the outcome of the conflict is very important and the participant:

Makes a big bet on solving the problem that has arisen;

Feels that he has no other choice and has nothing to lose;

Must make an unpopular decision and have enough authority to choose this step;

Interacts with people who prefer an authoritarian style.

4. Collaboration requires continuous work involving all parties. It is used in the following cases:

It is necessary to find a common solution if each of the approaches to the problem is important and does not allow for compromise solutions;

Opponents have long-term, strong and interdependent relationships;

The main goal is to gain joint work experience;

The parties are able to listen to each other and state the essence of their interests;

It is necessary to integrate points of view and enhance the personal involvement of employees.

5. The style of compromise resembles the style of cooperation, but is carried out on a more superficial level, since the parties are somewhat inferior to each other. This approach to conflict resolution in the following situations:

Both sides have equally convincing arguments and have the same power;

Satisfying the desires of each of the opponents is of too great importance;

Opponents may be happy with a temporary solution;

Compromise will get you at least something.

Ways to resolve the conflict.

Conflict resolution is possible at several levels, the most important of which are conflict management and resolution.

"Conflict management is a purposeful impact on the elimination (minimization) of the causes of conflicts, or on the correction of the behavior of the parties to the conflict."

"Resolution of conflicts is the elimination of all or part of the causes, or changing the goals of the parties to conflicts."

In particular, it is difficult to avoid the influence of a negative attitude towards the opposing party, found in the bias in the assessment of the other. In him, in his behavior, only hostility is seen and felt. And this can lead to the so-called self-supporting assumption: assuming that your partner is extremely hostile, you begin to defend against him, going on the offensive. Seeing this, the partner experiences hostility towards us, and our preliminary assumption, although it was wrong, is immediately confirmed.

It follows from this that we should be as unhurried as possible in our assessments of other people, especially when it comes to conflict with them.

The next factor in the constructive resolution of conflicts is the openness and effectiveness of communication between the opposing sides.

Experts pay attention to such an essential moment related to the resolution of the conflict as an open discussion of the problem, during which the parties, without hesitation and without holding back their emotions, honestly express their understanding of what is happening. Such a confrontation helps to stop the circulation of all kinds of rumors. Often, open expression of views and feelings lays the foundation for building further trusting relationships between opponents.

At the same time, no matter how sharp the clash, it must resolutely exclude manifestations of rudeness.

Since the openness of communication is not only a stormy outpouring of feelings, but also the organization of a constructive search for a solution to the problem. Then "it would be nice if each of the opponents could tell the other the following: what would I like to do to resolve the conflict? What reactions do I expect from the other? What am I going to do if the partner does not behave as I expect?" the consequences I hope if an agreement is reached? "

If people are ready for dialogue, if they are open to each other, naturally, an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation is created.

In fact, any conflict situation is problematic, and when we talk about its resolution, we mean the resolution of a problem situation. And since at least two people are involved in interpersonal conflicts, we should talk about a group solution to the problem, and this inevitably requires the cooperation of the participants in the interaction.

In order to determine the essence of the conflict, the parties to the conflict must agree on their ideas about the current situation and develop a certain strategy of behavior. It is assumed that their actions, being step-by-step, unfold in the following direction:

STEP 1. Identify the main problem

At this stage, it is necessary to clearly understand the essence of the problem that led to the conflict. At the same time, it is very important that the opponents realize the originality of the vision of the problem: both their own and the opponent's, the similarities and differences that exist here.

STEP 2. Identify secondary causes of conflict

They usually serve as a pretext for a conflict, often obscuring the real cause and making analysis difficult. Therefore, after clarifying the main problem, it is advisable to analyze your own behavior in order to identify its conflicting details.

STEP 3. Search possible ways conflict resolution

It can be expressed, in particular, by the following questions that the parties to the conflict should ask themselves:

What could I do to resolve the conflict?

What could my partner do for this?

What are our common goals for the sake of which it is necessary to find a way out of the conflict?

STEP 4. Joint decision to get out of the conflict

At this stage, we are talking about choosing the most appropriate method of resolving the conflict, causing mutual satisfaction of the rivals.

STEP 5. Implementation of the planned joint method of conflict resolution

Here it is very important for the conflicting parties, adhering to the planned strategy of action, not to arouse any rash words or hasty behavior among each other regarding the sincerity of the previously expressed intentions to resolve the conflict.

STEP 6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of efforts taken to resolve the conflict.

On its basis, the problem is considered either solved, or it is concluded that it is necessary to work on it, sometimes repeating the sequence of steps described above.

It should be added that the step-by-step movement of opponents towards resolving the conflict is impossible without the simultaneous action of such elements (factors) of this process as the adequacy of people's perception of what is happening, the openness of their relations and the presence of an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation.

To resolve interpersonal conflict, there are five types of behavior in conflict situations.

Analysis of the behavior of the conflicting parties and the mediator

As already mentioned here, efforts to resolve the conflict can be made not only by those directly involved in it, but also by some kind of outsiders - mediators. And they sometimes manage to do much more than the representatives of the confronting parties. Why is this happening?

To resolve a conflict situation, the presence of a mediator is extremely important, most likely psychologically, since it allows the parties to the conflict, despite mutual concessions, to “save face”. From the experimental data provided by these authors, we learn about the existence of a relationship between a person's concessions to other people and his perception of himself as a "strong personality."

The effect of such dependence can, however, be neutralized if a mediator is involved in the process of resolving the conflict. In this case, a psychologically curious situation arises: if necessary, the parties make concessions to them, addressing not each other, but a third party. It is to her, as it were, a "favor" is done in response to a corresponding request for a concession (usually in the form of advice, recommendation), but by no means to the opposing side. Thus, often the psychological steps of the opposing sides, participants in the conflict, towards the mediator do not mean concession to him, but rather a declaration of readiness to cooperate with him (and therefore with each other) in solving a common problem, while following some "rules of the game."

Selecting a mediator and defining his terms of reference is a daunting task. In a certain way, regulating the behavior of the conflicting parties and the mediator:

1. The parties to the conflict should view the mediator they choose to represent a fair choice.

2. The mediator must be neutral and not involved in the conflict.

3. The parties to the conflict should agree with the presence of the mediator and the use of his recommendations in making the final decision.

4. A mediator can be most helpful if he listens to the respective views of each party individually.

5. The main task of the mediator is to collect information and clarify the problem, but not to make a decision.

6. If, by virtue of his official position, the mediator is subordinate to one or both of the conflicting parties, it is necessary to have guarantees that this circumstance, at the moment or in the future, will not affect his actions to resolve the conflict.

7. The mediator should strive to support each party in expressing their respective views and feelings, to facilitate the integration of the parties' points of view on the issue under discussion.

8. The mediator should help the conflicting parties decide how they can yield to each other.

In the interests of the effective functioning of the team, the leader should not get involved in all sorts of intracollective conflicts, taking the point of view of one or the other side.

It is most reasonable for him to be, as it were, "above the fight." However, not in the position of an outside observer, which makes the organizational process uncontrollable, but as a person interested in the normalization of the interpersonal complications that have arisen, trying to influence the ongoing processes.

The role of a mediator is very suitable for this. In addition, the successful implementation of the intermediary function will increase his psychological authority, which is important in daily management activities.


Due to the existing attitudes towards conflict as a negative phenomenon, most people believe that they cannot control them and try to avoid them whenever possible. But the conflict does not lend itself well to correction when it has already acquired a destructive force. This is something to be aware of, and managers and employees alike need to understand that conflict is life-enriching if it is properly managed.

The conflict helps the individual work collective and the organization as a whole to be in line with the current events, it allows you to determine what is needed for the development and improvement of all areas. The ability to manage conflict can be critical to the survival of the collective as a whole.

Conflict also presents employees with the need to constantly communicate with each other and to know a little more about each other. Team members begin to better understand their colleagues, become more sensitive to the problems of other people. People, finally, appreciate the need to understand the norms and desires of the other and the impossibility of being free from society while living in it.

Living and working together is not easy and needs to be learned specifically. The conflict, giving rise to disputes, checks both the entire team and each employee individually, and can significantly help both in the process of analyzing the problem and developing a solution.

Conflict by itself does not strengthen or weaken the organization. Both employees and managers must manage it to make it as useful as possible. If they avoid discussing their difficulties and fears, they cannot understand either the real state, or the paths of development, or learn lessons for themselves and for others.

If the conflict is managed skillfully, it strengthens both the team and the organization as a whole.

As a result of the study of the conflict, the following conclusions were made:

In case of conflict, the roles of the participants can change. At one stage, a person or group initiates the conflict, and by the end they become victims.

The object of the conflict is eliminated, but the object remains, the possibility of the continuation of the conflict or the possibility of the appearance of a new one remains.

Variants of conflicts depend on the position of the conflicting personality.

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Conflict is, not always conscious contradictions, disagreements that arise in one person, between two or more subjects or groups, due to mutually opposite, incompatible, mutually exclusive needs, interests, views, attitudes, aspirations, goals, relationships, values essential for individuals and groups. Possible struggle, mutual opposition, confrontation, active collision of personalities, i.e. deliberate practical activity to overcome these contradictions, which does not always lead to subordination or elimination of the enemy.

The first question examines the socio-psychological prerequisites and features of conflicts in business communication. Conflict as a psychologically conscious clash of oppositely directed interests, goals, attitudes, motives of business partners. The typology of conflicts is given. Revealed such concepts as interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup conflicts.

The second question lists the stages of formation and course of conflicts in business communication. The structure of the conflict is revealed: the object of the conflict situation: the goals and participants of the conflict; the difference between the causes of the conflict and the reason is shown.

In the third practical task, I compiled a typology of conflicts that occur in my business communication. The stages of their formation and course are analyzed. The structure of these conflicts is revealed: the participants in the conflict, the reasons for the conflict and the reason.

1. Socio-psychological prerequisites and features

conflicts in business communication. Conflict as a psychologically conscious clash of oppositely directed interests, goals, attitudes, motives of business partners. Typology of conflicts. Interpersonal, intrapersonal, intergroup conflicts.

Conflict is a clash of opposing interests on the basis of rivalry, confrontation or lack of mutual understanding for various reasons.

Conflict genes play the main role in the emergence of conflicts - words, actions (or inaction) that contribute to the emergence and development of a conflict. However, a "lonely conflict-generator" by itself is not capable of leading to a conflict. For this, a chain of conflicts should arise - their escalation, that is, when we try to respond to a conflict with us with a stronger conflict agent, often choosing the strongest of all possible.

The "exchange of pleasantries" takes place in the following way. Having received a conflictogen in his address, the “victim” responds with “an offense to an offense” in order to compensate for his psychological loss. Moreover, his answer should not be weaker, therefore, for full confidence it is done with a “reserve” (is it difficult to resist the temptation to teach the offender a lesson ?!). As a result, the force of the conflict generator increases. The following main types of conflictogens are distinguished:

1. striving for excellence;

2. manifestation of aggression;

3. manifestation of selfishness.

The main objective factors of the emergence of conflicts are: the natural clash of interests of people in the process of their life, poor development and use in Russia of normative procedures for resolving social contradictions; lack and unfair distribution of material and spiritual benefits that are significant for the normal life of people; the very way of life of Russians, associated with material insecurity and radical, large-scale, rapid changes; traditional for us stereotypes of conflict resolution of social contradictions, etc.

The main organizational and managerial factors of conflicts are: structural - organizational, functional - organizational, personal - functional and situational - managerial.

To typical socio-psychological causes of conflicts include: loss and distortion of information in the process of interpersonal and intergroup communication; unbalanced role-based interaction of people; selection of different methods for assessing performance results; different approach of the same complex events; intragroup favoritism; competition and competition; limited ability to decentrate, etc.

The first difficulty is disagreement due to the discrepancy between your reasoning and the reasoning of the other side. After all, the way you see the problem depends on from which bell tower, figuratively speaking, you look at it. People tend to see what they want to see. From the mass of facts, we remove those that support our views, ideas and beliefs, and ignore or misinterpret those of them that call our ideas into question.

The next difficulty that arises in the process of communication and can influence the emergence of a conflict is that people, talking very often, do not understand each other. Even if you speak clearly and directly, you may not be heard. How often do you feel that people do not pay attention to your words. Just as often, you are not able to repeat what they said, because at that moment you may be busy thinking about a counterargument, etc. In addition, what one says may be misunderstood by the other. All this taken together creates the prerequisites for conflict and difficulties in managing it.

The main personal the causes of conflicts are: subjective assessment of the partner's behavior as unacceptable; low conflict resistance; poor development of empathy; inadequate level of claims; character accentuation, etc. In the process of interpersonal perception, distortions of the partner's image may occur, leading to mutual misunderstanding and conflicts.

There are various definitions of conflict, but they all emphasize the presence of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreement when it comes to the interaction of people. Conflicts can be hidden and explicit but they are always based on a lack of agreement. Therefore, we define conflict as a lack of agreement between two or more parties - individuals, groups.

The lack of agreement is due to the presence of a variety of opinions, views, ideas, interests, points of view. The ability to have and express different opinions, to identify more alternatives when making decisions is positive meaning conflict. This certainly does not mean that the conflict is always positive. Some conflicts can contribute to the development of relationships and making informed decisions, such conflicts are usually called functional... Conflicts that hinder effective interaction and decision-making are usually called dysfunctional.

For the normal functioning and development of the team, one must strive not to "once and for all" destroy the conditions for the emergence of conflicts, but to learn how to properly manage them. To do this, you need to understand the causes of conflicts, be able to analyze them. There are 4 main types of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal, between an individual and a group, intergroup.

"Participants" intrapersonal conflict is not people, but various psychological factors of the inner world of the individual, often seeming or incompatible: needs, motives, values, feelings. The solution to such a conflict can be functional or dysfunctional, depending on how and what decision the person makes and whether they accept it at all.

Intrapersonal conflicts associated with work in the organization can take various forms... One of the most common is role conflict, when different roles of a person make conflicting demands on him. Intrapersonal conflicts in production can arise due to work overload or, on the contrary, when, in the absence of work, it is necessary to be at the workplace (formal "serving" working time).

Interpersonal conflict Is the most common type of conflict. In organizations, it manifests itself in different ways. Many leaders believe that it is caused by a dissimilarity of characters. Indeed, there are people who, due to differences in characters, views, demeanor, are simply not able to get along with each other. However, a deeper analysis shows that such conflicts are based on objective reasons. Most often it is a struggle for limited resources. Everyone believes that it is he who especially needs the resources, and not the other. Conflicts arise between the manager and the subordinate, for example, when a subordinate is convinced that the manager makes exorbitant demands on him, and the manager believes that the subordinate is a slacker and does not know how to work.

Conflict between personality and group... Informal groups (organizations) establish their own norms of behavior and communication. Each member of such a group must comply with them. The group regards deviation from accepted norms as negative, as a result of which a conflict arises between the individual and the group. Another common conflict of this type is between the group and the leader. Such conflicts are most difficult under an authoritarian leadership style.

Intergroup conflict... Any organization consists of many formal and informal groups, between which conflicts can arise. For example, between management and performers, between employees of different departments, between informal groups within departments, between the administration and the trade union. A common example of intergroup conflict is the disagreement between the highest and lowest levels of management, that is, between the "line" and "staff" personnel. This is a prime example of dysfunctional conflict.

In addition, all these conflicts fit into another scheme of typologization of conflicts. - vertical-horizontal.

According to the principle of the vertical, conflicts arise between the administration (different levels of leadership in the organization) on the one hand, and individual members of the organization on the other.

The simplest type of vertical conflict occurs in a two-tiered organization.

If the organization has a multilevel management structure, then the possibilities of vertical conflicts expand, and the conflict usually develops between representatives of neighboring levels, and the more management levels in the organization, the greater this probability.

In addition to vertical conflicts at both levels of the administrative structure (administration and other members of the organization), there are also horizontal conflicts.

At the “Administration” level, both vertical conflicts (between different levels of management subsystems in the organization's system) and horizontal conflicts (between representatives of the same management level, say, among directors large enterprise or department managers). At the level of the general mass of ordinary members of the organization, conflicts are of a horizontal nature.

According with the organization of society conflicts are formed at the level:

Individuals, in between;

Groups of individuals;

Large systems (or subsystems);

Division of society into classes and strata;

Society as a whole;

At the regional or global level.

Social conflict- a collective concept, covering many forms of manifestation of group collisions. Such conflicts differ in scale, type, composition of participants, causes and consequences. Wherein by the form of manifestation these conflicts can be divided into two types:



The second type is characterized by confrontation, rivalry, competition.

Confrontation- this is often a passive confrontation between social groups with opposing political, environmental, social interests. As a rule, confrontation does not take the form of an open clash, but presupposes the application of pressure, the presence of disagreements. Confrontation can turn into rivalry.

Rivalry is a struggle for recognition of achievements and abilities an individual or some generality. The goal of the rivalry is to acquire the best social positions, to achieve prestigious goals. Rivalry, in turn, can turn into competition.

Competition- This is a special type of conflict, the purpose of which is to obtain benefits, profits, or access to scarce goods.

Antagonistic (irreconcilable) conflicts are divided into unrest, rebellion, rebellion, uprising, revolution, i.e., conflicts that have acute forms.

Troubles- this is vaguely expressed dissatisfaction with the existing situation. First, irritation appears, it turns into indignation, and then into indignation. Unclear goals are formed into more or less clearly expressed demands, although it is not always clear what the organizers of the turmoil want, that is, their will is not clearly expressed. Troubles can escalate into a riot or insurrection, then - into an uprising.

Riot and mutiny is a purposeful expression of personal or collective activity in aggressive forms.

Insurrection- purposeful expression of personal or collective aggression with a high degree of organization of collective protest. Revolution can become the highest form of conflict.

The revolution- This is an extreme form of disagreement, a political way of overthrowing the existing system, which means qualitative changes in the existing socio-economic order. As a rule, a revolution presupposes a violent military method of action and the involvement of broad masses in its orbit.

2. Stages of formation and course of conflicts

in business communication. The structure of the conflict: the object of the conflict situation: the goals and participants in the conflict; the reasons for the conflict, the reason.

Conflicts, in spite of their specificity and diversity, have, on the whole, common stages of their course:

1. stage of potential formation of conflicting interests, values, norms;

2. the stage of transition of a potential conflict into a real one or the stage of awareness by the participants in the conflict of their rightly or falsely understood interests;

3. stage of conflict actions;

4. stage of withdrawal or resolution of the conflict;

5. post-conflict stage.

The object of the conflict is a specific material or spiritual value, to the possession of which the conflicting parties strive. The subjects of the conflict are employees of the organization with their own needs, interests, motives and ideas about values.

A participant in the conflict can consciously take part in the conflict, or he can accidentally or against his will be involved in the conflict.

In the course of the development of the conflict, the statuses of the participants and subjects can change places.

It is also necessary to distinguish between direct and indirect parties to the conflict.

The latter represent certain forces pursuing their own interests in someone else's conflict.

Indirect participants can:

1. provoke a conflict and contribute to its development;

2. to assist in reducing the intensity of the conflict or its complete cessation;

3. support one side or the other or both sides at the same time.

Indirect participants in the conflict constitute a certain part of the environment in which conflicts take place. Therefore, the social environment can act as either a catalyst or a deterrent or neutral factor in the development of a conflict.

Formula: Conflict Situation + Incident = Conflict

Let's consider the essence of the components included in the formula.

A conflict situation is an accumulated contradiction containing the true cause of the conflict.

An incident is a combination of circumstances that are cause for conflict.

Conflict is an open confrontation as a result of mutually exclusive interests and positions.

The formula shows that the conflict situation and the incident are independent of each other, that is, neither of them is a consequence or manifestation of the other.

Resolving a conflict means: eliminate the conflict situation,

2. exhaust the incident.

Five strategies of behavior: competition, cooperation, compromise, accommodation and avoidance.

    Rivalry- this is an open "fight" for their interests. This strategy is used when a person has a strong will, power and sufficient authority. However, rivalry rarely brings lasting results; the one who lost today may later refuse to cooperate. Therefore, this strategy cannot be used in personal close relationships.

    Cooperation Is the search for a solution that satisfies the interests of both parties. Such a strategy leads to success in business and personal life, since in the process of resolving a conflict there is a desire to meet the needs of everyone. Experts recommend starting the implementation of this strategy with phrases like: “I want a fair outcome for both of us,” “Let's see what can be done to get what we both want,” etc.

It has been proven that when both sides win, they are more inclined to comply with their decisions. Collaboration implies the ability (desire) to restrain one's emotions, explain one's decisions (argue demands) and listen to the other side. Collaboration leads to the acquisition of joint work experience and the development of listening skills.

    Compromise Is the settlement of differences through mutual concessions. Such a strategy is effective when both parties want the same thing, but they know for sure that at the same time their desires are impracticable (for example: the desire to take the same position).

As a rule, a compromise allows at least something to get something, than to lose everything, and makes it possible to work out a temporary solution if there is no time to work out another.

    Avoidance- this is the desire to get out of the conflict, not solving it, not insisting on one's own, but not yielding to one's own. This strategy is recommended to be used in cases where one of the parties feels that it is not right, or believes that there are no serious reasons for continuing contacts. Moreover, withdrawal or postponement suggests that during this time the situation may resolve itself, or you can deal with it when you have enough information or the desire to resolve it.

    Adaptation represents a tendency to smooth out contradictions by compromising their own interests. If the need of the other person turns out to be more important than yours, and the feelings are stronger, then this strategy is the only one for resolving the conflict.

3. Practical task.

Make a typology of conflicts that have occurred

in your business communication. Analyze the stages

their formation and course.

Relationship aspect

Expert method

Manifestation, demonstration of independence, clarification of their intentions

Determination of the structure of the relationship of the parties

Understanding the internal structure, structuring the relationship between the central government and the parties to the conflict

Maintaining an “optimal” level of conflict intensity

Determining the consequences of protracted conflicts, researching the willingness of the parties to implement changes

Differentiation of intervention by type of conflict

Choice of interventions that fit this classification

Detailing the conflict, confrontation, synthesis

Step-by-step consideration of the conflict, confrontation and study of hopeless situations for further detail

Determining the procedures for reaching a compromise for each side


Conflict theory covers a fairly wide range of issues. This is the definition of the very concept of conflict, the disclosure of its nature as a special social phenomenon, the study of the causes and conditions of conflict situations, their prevention, control and resolution. Most often, the structure or, as it is commonly called, the "anatomy" of the conflict of a certain system is analyzed, as well as the structure of the driving forces for the development of social collisions. An important problem is also the issues of typology, classification of conflicts, identification of their functional role in the life of society.

Conflict is always the interaction of people. Depending on the scale of this interaction, there are psychological, sociological, political science and geopolitical levels of conflict consideration.


1. Psychology and ethics of business communication: a textbook for university students / Under the editorship of VN Lavrinenko - 5th ed. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2006.

2. Grishina N.V. The psychology of conflict. SPb.: Peter, 2000.

3. Conflictology / Under the editorship of VV Ratnikov. M .: UNITI, 2005.

4. Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology: Textbook for universities. - M., 2000.

5. Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology: Textbook for universities. - M., 2000.

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