I bought a product on ebay, it then broke. Ebay: how not to forgive a refund for an item not received. EBay Buyer Protection Additional Terms

One of the most common problems faced by buyers of the online auction eBay is when the purchased and paid item does not arrive within the specified time frame, or the item received does not correspond to the pre-sale description presented on the site to one degree or another. To protect buyers and address these concerns, eBay has developed and operates the eBay Buyer Protection program. The main tool for resolving conflict situations is Dispute (Case), a kind of common dispute, but on an e-commerce site.

The mechanism of the Dispute is as follows: a problem has arisen and if the Buyer, in the course of communicating with the Seller, could not resolve it, then in his eBay account he contacts the eBay Resolution Center and opens a dispute on a particular lot, indicating the reason. Then, first of all, eBay offers to work out a compromise solution between the Buyer and the Seller on their own through correspondence, but if the "golden mean" in the Buyer's opinion is not found, then he translates Dispute(case) in Claim / Complaint(claim) and then eBay begins to study the situation and make an arbitration and final decision.

The eBay Buyer Protection program provides two options for the problem on which eBay resolves to open disputes:

  1. The goods were not received on time ( I didn "t receive my item yet).
  2. The product does not match the description provided during the sale ( I received an item that wasn "t as described).


  1. The item was not received or does not match the description.
  2. Payment must be made in the following ways - PayPal, ProPay, Skrill, Paymate Credit card or debit card processed through The seller "s Internet merchant account, Bill Me Later. Recall that the most common payment method in the auction (99% of payments) is PayPal.
  3. Items must be purchased strictly through the eBay shopping interface.
  4. Payment for the goods must be made in full and at a time; splitting the amount of payment into several parts is not allowed.


1. The product was purchased by the buyer's mistake, by accident or by a momentary whim, but the buyer realized his mistake (it is possible to return the goods to the seller).

2. There are obvious attempts to deceive the administration of the auction, to agree with the seller on artificially lowering the cost of goods to avoid taxes, there have been frequent disputes, etc. Suspicious activity can lead to the closure of your account without warning.

3. Items sent to a third party. Those. if the goods are received by a forwarder in the USA and sent to you, for example, to the Russian Federation, then the Program does not apply to your goods.

5. Goods purchased on eBay Wholesale Deals (eBay wholesale platform) and some other conditions which can be found in the description of the Program on the eBay website.

Time Limits for Opening and Conducting Disputes under the eBay Buyer Protection Program

You can apply to the Protection Program during, but not later than 30 days from the date of the actual or estimated period (latest estimated) delivery of goods. Estimated delivery time means the time that the seller defined as the last delivery date in the section Delivery (delivery) lot. In the event that the estimated delivery time is not indicated in the Delivery section, then the period in 7 days after payment if the seller and the buyer are in the same country and 30 days from the date of payment if the seller and the buyer are in different countries... Total for international shipments, the maximum possible time for opening a dispute will be 60 days.

If during 3 working days after opening a dispute, the Seller does not make contact and does not want to resolve it, then you can require eBay to intervene and make an arbitration, i.e. transfer the dispute to claim(claim). Also, after opening a dispute, you have 30 days before the transfer of the dispute to a claim, if after this period you have not notified eBay about the resolution of the dispute or have not translated the dispute into a claim, then your dispute will be automatically closed.

The seller has 3 working days after opening a dispute (case) to respond to the buyer's claim.

eBay may extend dispute resolution times in certain circumstances - if delivery times have been extended due to national holidays, because of work postal services, in the event of natural and man-made emergencies, national disasters, changes in laws and state acts.

Possible decisions made during the dispute

Full refund(full refund). The entire paid amount is returned to the Buyer at the initiative of the Seller or by the decision of eBay. If the goods are received, then this is done in exchange for its return, which is paid by the Buyer.

Partial refund(partial refund). The seller will only partially compensate for the amount paid. This usually happens if the product received has a minor defect, needs repair and / or it is not cost-effective to send it back.

Returning an item in exchange for a replacement(return the item in exchange for a replacement item). The Buyer returns the goods back to the Seller and in exchange for this receives a replacement. The costs associated with the return are borne by the Buyer. As a rule, the Seller will send a replacement upon the arrival of the product or by receiving a tracking number that can be tracked via the Internet.

Solutions in cases where the buyer did not receive the goods

In cases where the buyer has not received the package with the purchased item on eBay, it is necessary to open a dispute in the Resolution Center and contact the seller. Which, in turn, is obliged to notify the buyer about the delivery details, provide a tracking number or refund the cost of goods and delivery, i.e., make a full refund ( refund).

If the buyer is not happy with the seller’s actions to resolve the dispute, or the seller does not respond at all, then you can turn the dispute into a claim and require eBay to make a final decision. Then eBay will conduct its own investigation, during which the information provided by both the buyer and the seller will be considered. It will be checked whether the goods were delivered to the buyer within the specified period. Written confirmation of delivery ( Proof of signature or signature confirmation- this is the buyer's signature on the courier's invoice or postal notice) is requested if the cost of the product is $ 750 or more (if the dispute is opened in PayPal, then signature confirmation may be required if the cost of the product is $ 250 or more).

If eBay finds out that the item has not been shipped, the buyer will be refunded for the item and refunded the full shipping cost ( full refund) to the buyer's PayPal account.

Solutions in cases where the buyer received an item that does not match the description

In cases where the buyer received a product that does not match the description, you should also contact the Resolution Center to contact the seller through a dispute (case). The seller should respond to the buyer and offer possible solutions, such as refund or replacement of the product, a full refund of the value of the product.

If the buyer is not happy with the seller’s actions or conditions to resolve the dispute, or the seller doesn’t get in touch at all, then the dispute can be translated into a claim and demand that eBay make a final decision.

When considering a case on eBay, the information on the product provided in the description of the product at the auction, as well as information provided by the buyer and seller, will be examined. If it is not possible to determine exactly whether the product matches the description, then the buyer will need to return the product to the seller.

Conditions for the return of goods to the seller

  • Item must be returned in the same condition as received.
  • The seller is obliged to take the goods to the address indicated in the description of the lot.
  • If the refund of the return payment is not provided for in the Seller's Return Policy, then the buyer will return the item at his own expense. eBay may pay for returns in some cases. If the cost of the goods is $ 750 and more, it is necessary to return the goods with the condition of a written confirmation of receipt (signature confirmation), that is, the seller must sign the courier invoice upon receipt.
  • Seller pays for everything customs duties when you return.

In some cases, it is not necessary to make a return:

  • the exact address of the seller for the return has not been determined;
  • the return of the goods is dangerous;
  • the seller is in breach of its Return Policy;
  • the transaction does not meet the terms of eBay Buyer Protection.

After confirming that the goods have been returned to the seller, the buyer will be given a full refund for the goods and the full refund will be refunded to the buyer's PayPal account.

An alternative solution may be a partial refund to cover the difference in the properties of the goods received and presented in the description at the auction (partial refund), while the return of the goods is not required.

If the buyer suspects that the received goods are fake or counterfeit and can prove this, then there is no need to return the goods. Buyer will be asked to dispose of the item appropriately and eBay will refund the full cost of the item and shipping. Buyer must not resell such items on eBay or elsewhere.

Refund to the buyer (Refund)

Refunds in the course of a dispute on eBay are processed through PayPal. If the buyer does not have a PayPal account (made payment using methods other than PayPal), then you need to create a PayPal account at the address Email registered to the eBay account from which the dispute was opened. Otherwise, refunds will be issued in the form of a coupon redeemable for future purchases on eBay. If the payment was made from your card through PayPal, then the refund will be made to your card - reverse transaction (operation time up to 10 days).

EBay Buyer Protection Additional Terms

  • Buyers and sellers give eBay the ultimate decision-making power.
  • eBay may provide seller and buyer involved in a dispute with access to each other's personal and contact information.
  • If the parties to the dispute speak different languages, eBay will provide communication assistance until the dispute is resolved.
  • In some cases, eBay may open and resolve a case on behalf of the buyer.
  • eBay Buyer Protection does not provide a warranty for the product.
  • Items shipped through the Global Shipping Program are covered by eBay Buyer Protection.
  • If errors were made in the refund, eBay can independently correct these errors by debiting or crediting funds.

Algorithm for opening a dispute

So, even if you carefully read the main points and conditions of the eBay Buyer Protection program in terms of opening and conducting disputes above, and still decide to open a dispute, then you should once again carefully consider the following points. Remember the dispute is not a game, as soon as you open it, the amount paid on the merchant's PayPal account is blocked until clarified. Buyers who often open unreasonable disputes seriously risk losing their eBay account - it will be blocked.

  • The item was not received within the expected time frame... Remember that deadlines international delivery depending on the chosen method, it can be a month, or even more. Carefully read the "Delivery" section in the product description, but you should not fully rely on the information received - you can easily find the average time for a particular type of delivery on our website and forum. It is not superfluous to ask the seller again about when and in what way the goods were sent. It happens that sellers make mistakes in the track number, send it in a different way than agreed (to save money), pull with the dispatch. All these issues can be resolved through regular correspondence.
  • Product received but does not match the description... Do not be too lazy to read the sales description of the product very carefully. Decide whether your claims are justified and weigh everything. Answer yourself this question: can you prove to eBay that the item is not as described? By posting, for example, his photo.
  • Contact with the Seller did not bring any results... In most cases, it is contact with the seller that helps, in the traditional way - personal eBay mail (the results of other contact methods will not be taken into account when considering a dispute on eBay). Calmly, balanced, sober, and most importantly, politely and reasonably offer him options for a way out of this situation, or consider counter offers. Remember, sending the goods back, as a rule, is carried out at the expense of the buyer and it does not always make sense, you may be satisfied with a partial refund. The overwhelming majority of sellers will offer you the best solution already at this stage.
  • A lot of time has passed since the payment for the goods... If the deadlines are tight, hurry up, otherwise you will not be able to open a dispute
  • Additional information, which it is desirable to take into account, we set out at the end of the article.

Opening a dispute. Step by step guide

Step 1

You need to go to the eBay auction site using your username and password. On the main page we need a menu Customer support(customer support).

Screenshot from eBay.com

By clicking on the menu button, we will be taken to the customer support page, where we are interested in two items: "I didn" t receive my item "(item not received) and" My item doesn "t match the seller" s description " (product does not meet the description).

Screenshot from eBay.com

Step 2

We select the reason for opening the dispute by clicking on the corresponding line. For example, "I didn" t receive my item "(product not received). An information page will open in front of us, notifying what to do if the product has not been received by you and the algorithm of actions from eBay to resolve your problem. You can also familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the programs protection and support for buyers from eBay and Paypal.

Screenshot from eBay.com

As you can see from the algorithm in the image, the first step would be opening a dispute(Open a case), which we do by clicking on the corresponding button.

Step 3

The choice of a lot that was not delivered or does not correspond to the description is made on the next page. If the product with which there is a problem is on the image on the page, then just click on this image. If this product is not shown, then you can use the search bar by name or lot number.

Screenshot from eBay.com

On the next page, we will be offered to familiarize ourselves with the information about the delivery of the parcel (tracking number and the path of the parcel, if provided by the seller). If this information did not help you, then click Open a case.

Screenshot from eBay.com

You can also choose the lot for which you open a dispute in personal account My eBay. In your personal account, opposite the lot, we find the Actions column and select from the menu More Actions(additional actions). From the drop-down list, we need the line Resolve a problem(Solve the problem of).

Screenshot from eBay.com

After clicking on this line, you will be taken to a page with a choice of your problem, select your case, open the Dispute and the further course of action is described below.

Recently, another innovation has been added to eBay. When you have problems with non-receipt or non-compliance of the product with the description and you want to contact the seller Contact Seller, then when you go to the page for choosing a question to the seller and click on any of the items I haven "t received my item yet or Item I received is not as described- a dispute against the seller will be opened automatically! Therefore, in order not to spoil the relationship with the seller on the very initial stage resolve issues, select the item Other (other) and ask your question

Step 4

Filling out the dispute opening form. On this page, we will be asked to fill out a kind of questionnaire, on the correctness and completeness of which the outcome of the case will largely depend. Therefore, we will consider in detail each element of the questionnaire from top to bottom.

  • What "s the problem with the item?(select the item that most accurately describes the problem you encountered)
    • Damaged in Shipping(item damaged during delivery)
    • Defective or broken(faulty or defective)
    • It "s the wrong item(the wrong item was sent)
    • It "s fake or counterfeit(fake or counterfeit)
    • It "s missing parts or pieces(completeness is broken, part of the goods is missing)
    • It "s unusable(item is useless, e.g. concert tickets arrived too late)
    • The problem isn "t shown above(none of the items on the list are suitable)
  • How can eBay help you?(How can eBay help you?) - Help desired from eBay , to choose from:
    • I want a full refund(I want a full refund).
    • I still want the item from the seller(I still want to receive the goods from the seller) - I will have to wait for the goods if the seller resends the same and there is a possibility of receiving two of the same goods due to possible problems with delivery of the first. Your conscience will tell you what to do in this case.
  • Please enter a phone number where we can get in touch with you(Enter the contact phone number to contact you). - You can enter your phone number to clarify the dispute, in practice no one specifies anything on the phone.
  • Can we shere your number with the seller?(Can this number be provided to the seller?) - Put Yes, although it is unlikely that the seller from another continent will call you, but you will confirm the desire to be ready for contact .
  • Send a message to the seller with more details(Message to the seller) - Briefly describe the essence of the claims here. If possible, provide links to the photo of the received product. This message will be read on eBay if they have to make a decision.

Screenshot from eBay.com

And your last action is the final confirmation of the opening of the dispute Open a Case, the notification about which you will see on the next page.

Screenshot from eBay.com

You will also receive email from eBay with all the details of the dispute. It will look something like this:

Screenshot from eBay.com

Now you just have to correspond with the seller already in the dispute format and wait for the final decision of the seller or eBay. You will be informed about every step of the seller and the result of the dispute by email.

Nuances to consider

  • A competent and comprehensive choice and study of the seller reduces the risk of running into problems with the authenticity, reliability and condition of the goods and their delivery - many times over!
  • It should be borne in mind that a dispute can be opened only once per one deal. This dispute can be opened on either eBay or PayPal (if the payment was made through that payment system).
  • The eBay administration keeps records of open disputes and if the buyer opens them too often, then this can be perceived ambiguously and suspiciously (even if the buyer is always right!) And the buyer can easily lose protection under the eBay Buyer Protection program. Or blocking your account. Therefore, every time you should think carefully before opening a dispute. If the purchase is inexpensive, then perhaps you shouldn't open it at all.
  • If, in the course of a dispute on eBay, it is decided to pay compensation to the user, then it is carried out to his account in the PayPal payment system, regardless of which payment method was used during the transaction.
  • If the Seller voluntarily refused to return the funds during the dispute or there are no funds on his account, then in the event that a decision is made on the dispute on eBay in favor of the Buyer, who, due to certain restrictions, cannot accept payments to his PayPal account (and to the residents of Ukraine , Kazakhstan and other CIS countries due to restrictions imposed by PayPal, this applies, since they still cannot accept payments), then he will receive the amount due in the form online coupon for an amount equivalent to the amount of compensation. The buyer can use the coupon code when paying for their purchases on any of the regional eBay sites. When paying for the goods through the PayPal payment system (and this required condition when using a coupon), directly on the checkout page to get a discount, in the box Redeem coupon, gift card or gift certificate at the moment of checkout on the eBay website or field Enter Redemption Code on the PayPal website, you must enter the coupon code.
    If the coupon denomination is less than the payment amount, PayPal will withdraw the difference from the payment card, if more - the balance " burns out". The coupon can be used only once when making payment for one or several lots from one Seller (his consent to use the coupon is not required). If you cannot accept Paypal, but you want to receive a refund on a dispute with "real" money, and not a coupon, then the dispute must be opened directly to PayPal and not from your eBay account. More information about coupons can be found directly on the eBay website and on our forum.
  • If the dispute was opened and conducted directly on the PayPal website, the procedure for paying compensation when making a decision in favor of the Buyer will not change and is made by returning funds to the card (Refund).
  • If the payment was made through Paypal, then as soon as the Buyer opens a Dispute (on eBay or Paypal), the amount equivalent to the transaction amount is blocked (on hold) on the Seller's Paypal account until the Dispute is resolved.
  • Depending on which of the regional eBay sites the product was purchased on, when the Dispute is opened, the Buyer will be redirected to the appropriate branch, according to the rules and conditions in force at which a decision will be made.
  • If the Seller sent the goods in a way that provides for tracking the progress of delivery via the Internet and provided an up-to-date tracking number - tracking number, then it is practically useless to open a Dispute - it will most likely be resolved not in your favor. The exceptions are cases when the tracking number shows that the goods were returned to the sender, sent to another country (the Seller made a mistake with the address) or the date of dispatch does not match (the Seller gave the wrong parcel number).
  • If the decision on the dispute is not in your favor, the deadlines for opening a dispute have expired, etc., you still have a way to return the funds paid by means of a chargeback. In the bank that is the issuer of your card, a corresponding application is drawn up, which is then reviewed by a special department. A decision on a refund is usually made within 30-50 days.

EBay appeal a case

The rules of the eBay Buyer Protection program provide for the possibility of filing an appeal (objection) against the decision of the auction administration on a particular dispute. That is, if the result of the dispute was an eBay decision that absolutely does not suit you and you think that your case was considered biased, superficial and erroneous, then you have the opportunity to appeal the auction decision within 45 days after the decision was made. To file an appeal, you must contact the Resolution Center and provide additional materials on your case. Your appeal and case will be reviewed again and if eBay deems you right, you will receive a refund.

Dispute and Feedback

Opening a dispute, refund or product refund does not in any way affect the exchange of mutual reviews ( feedback) at the end of the transaction. To form up-to-date information about a particular user eBay recommends exchanging feedback after each transaction.


With a transparent payment system, online tracking of parcels and a return guarantee, eBay is considered one of the most convenient and reliable trading platforms in the Internet. However, all these advantages do not exclude the possibility of facing fraud, receiving a defective product or making a mistake with the size.

It's good that in case of failure, you can easily fix the matter - just follow these simple guidelines:
1. Buy only goods with exchange / return and refund options (this is not a default function, the seller can set his own settings).

2. Carefully study the product page before buying (open "See details" everywhere). In the detailed description of the goods, additional conditions may be indicated - most often there is a request to write to the seller in case of difficulties or the eBay return policy is duplicated, but the opening hours of the store and other useful information may also be indicated.

These guidelines are suitable for both fixed price items and auction lots.

How to return or exchange an item on eBay

Nearly all items on eBay have a 14, 30 or 60 day return guarantee from delivery. The seller sets the return period. According to the rules of eBay, the seller cannot completely exclude the possibility of a return (even if he chooses such an item in the settings, this will not affect eBay's policy), however, he has the right to specify his terms of return: only a refund, a refund or exchange for any other product ( at the buyer's choice), a refund or replacement for another similar product (at the buyer's choice). Also, the seller can set a restocking fee, which applies only to non-warranty cases of returning goods to eBay.

In most cases, you can or exchange an item if it:

  • does not match the description,
  • damaged,
  • fake,
  • not delivered complete.

If the size did not suit you, subjectively did not like the real appearance things or you simply changed your mind, you will not be able to use the guarantee - in these cases, you can only negotiate directly with the seller.

There are three options for returning an item to eBay:
1. Use the order history in "My eBau". Select "More Actions" - "Return This Item".

2. If you are unsure if your case is eligible for the eBay Returns Guarantee, contact your seller as soon as you discover the problem and try to work together to negotiate a solution. As a rule, most sellers are accommodating to buyers in order to avoid negative reviews. In the same alternative way, you can return the money for the purchase on eBay. To send a message, use the "Seller Information" section in the product card, then the dialog will be displayed in your personal account "My eBay". The seller's normal response time is up to 48 hours.

3. If you are going to return an item you bought on eBay under warranty, the seller must send you a so-called. return label and your address, and you, in turn, send the goods to him within 5 days of the date of the reply. If the seller does not respond to the appeal or makes unlawful demands, you can open a dispute in the "Conflict Resolution Center" section: https://resolutioncenter.ebay.com/.

Select a product, answer the questions and click the "Open case" button. Take some photos, which clearly show the flaws of the thing, and attach to the request.
After that, you will have a position in the "Your inquiries and disputes" window. The seller will be automatically sent a claim, to which he must respond within 7 days, otherwise eBay will refund you the money for the item.

! If the seller has agreed to the return, you must send the item back to them within 5 business days, otherwise you will lose money.
! It is imperative that the type of product returned is in accordance with the eBay requirements, otherwise you may be refused. They can be viewed here: http://pages.ebay.com/en/en-us/help/policies/return-item-condition.html.

Return shipping cost

Most eBay sellers have a condition for the buyer to pay for return shipping. However, these terms do not apply if the item is covered by eBay's return guarantee. Agree to pay for delivery only if you want to change the size / color or change your mind about buying an item - in other cases, the seller is obliged to pay not only return shipping, but also the delivery of a new product that he sends for replacement. If the seller refuses to do this and you are sure that you are right, you can safely open a dispute.

Refund procedure

Most products also have a money-back guarantee. Refunds on eBay are possible thanks to the PayPal payment system, in which money is transferred first to the eBay account, and only after the delivery of the goods to the seller's account. At the same time, although the cost of goods on eBay is always calculated approximately, depending on the exchange rate of the seller's country, the amount of your payment will be returned to the account.

You can get your money back from eBay if

  • the goods were not delivered within the specified period;
  • the goods were not sent (this situation can occur, for example, if the seller's account was frozen due to suspicion of fraud);
  • you want to return the product, but the seller does not provide an exchange option;
  • you want to return the product without exchange for another;
  • funds were debited from the account without your consent (for example, the account was hacked).

Attention! If the seller can confirm that the item was shipped and provide a tracking number for the package, the delivery problem will have to be resolved at the post office. The eBay return guarantee does not apply to such cases.

To get your money back, follow the same procedure as for returning an item. If the product has not been shipped or delivered within the specified period, write to the seller. If you do not receive a response for more than 48 hours, use the Conflict Resolution Center by selecting “I have not received my item yet”.

Money back guarantee abuse

Four years ago, you could hear stories about how easy it is to get a free product or two instead of one by defrauding an eBay seller. But now the site's policy has tightened - even if there is a suspicion of fraud, the seller can send a complaint against the buyer. We will not talk about intentional deception - and it is clear that this is bad and dishonest. But one can get into the number of violators because of an error or simply because of ignorance.

To correctly make a return on eBay, to avoid accidentally blocking your account and losing money, follow the rules:

Carefully read the announcement of sale - if it contains information about existing defects, you cannot return such a thing under warranty.
- Do not try to return the money before the estimated delivery date (it is indicated on the product card).
- State the exact reason for the return.
- Do not duplicate eBay support return request.
- Follow the instructions that the support team sends you.
- You can study the rules of the site in more detail here: http://pages.ebay.com/en/en-ru/help/policies/buying-practices.html.

Happy shopping!

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It happens that you wait, you wait, but the package still does not come and does not come. This rarely happens, so every time I forget the rules - how long it takes to open a dispute, how long it takes before contacting ebay support, how much time I have for all this ... And so on.

These questions are especially relevant for parcels without a tracking number (which is typical for most penny purchases).

In order not to search for this information every time, I will put it in this article.

So everything you need to know is written.

Here are the most important squeezes:

If you did not receive the product, or it does not correspond to the description (broken, missing parts, etc.), then the entire purchase price, including the shipping cost, is covered by the ebay guaranteed return program.

Open your purchase history and find the estimated delivery time:

If the delivery time has expired, and the package has not arrived, then you can safely open a request (dispute) in the problem solving center:

You can open such a request (dispute) within 30 days after the final date of the expected delivery.
In the example above, in order to make a refund request, I will have a lot of time: from September 26 to October 25.

If you try to run into the seller ahead of time, you will receive a message like this:

This means that there is no need to twitch ahead of time, your package is probably still on the way. Get nervous after September 25th.

After you have opened a request (dispute) and requested a refund, the seller will have three days to answer you somehow. If this does not happen, then on the 4th day, you can already ask Ebey's support to intervene in the situation and make some decision (which will be absolutely in your favor).

Usually sellers begin to freeze and write that, they say, please wait another week, this is very important for us. Your parcel is simply delayed, you will see, it will definitely come, blah blah blah ...

You can discuss with them as much as you like, just remember that if within 30 days from the moment the dispute was opened, the seller did not solve your problem, and you did not connect Ebay support to this issue, then the dispute will automatically close... Together with him, the opportunity to return money for a parcel that has not arrived will be closed forever. Opening the dispute in a new way will not work, the train has already left. So don't forgive this moment.

By the way, if the seller promises you send the item again, disagree. If you still need the product, then first you solve the current problem, and then make the order again. Let me explain why: suppose the seller informs you that he sent the goods again (of course, without tracking, so there is no way to confirm the fact of sending), you, out of the kindness of your soul, close the dispute, the ebay thinks that the problem has been settled and everyone is happy. After about a month, you realize that you have been bred as a pedal sucker, but you can't do anything - all the deadlines have passed, all disputes are closed. Congratulations.

What about feedback?

Feedback aka a review of a perfect purchase can be left within 60 days after the date of payment. To do this, opposite the order (in the purchase history) there is a special button "Leave feedback":

This period does not depend on open disputes. After the specified period has passed, this button will turn into a pumpkin, another button and you will not be able to leave a review:

I believe that reviews should be left without fail. It is our reviews that influence the seller's rating and the decision of other people to buy. And this, ultimately, stimulates sellers to improve the quality of the goods.

If the product formally matches the description, but in fact is a dull shit, then you should definitely go in and leave a negative review, in which you directly indicate what specifically you did not like. You can write directly in Russian, thus protecting your fellow countrymen from unnecessary expenses.

If the parcel has not arrived, then I usually leave a neutral review, in which I indicate a concise phrase in two languages: Package has not come. I haven’t received the item.

While a detailed article is being prepared about buying at foreign auctions and in online stores, I want to tell you what to do if you didn’t receive what you should have.
After repair Epson Artisan 800(see the topic about adventures with him), a review of which is already listed in the general list of materials for publication, it turned out that CISS for a twin brother Epson TX800FW do not approach him. Someone scoffed in the comments, saying that I ended up on consumables, but in reality everything is much simpler. The printer was bought for home, printing does not burn, for the first time the resource of native cartridges is enough. As a solution to the problem, I ordered the CISS on the same eBay.

On February 9th, 2010 I ordered from a good (by the standards eBay - PowerSeller, 5,000 items sold) seller's continuous ink supply system for the injured and now refurbished printer.
On February 10, the parcel was sent, and on the 19th, the courier called the intercom (unexpectedly, without a call).

Screenshot of the statement:

Answer number two:
HI, sorry to see that for you. I will send a new one out to you asap and wrap better.

In total, within a few days he will send me a new CISS at his own expense using the same EMS, and the old one remains inoperative, but with 5 full tanks of 200 ml of paint - it will come in handy later.

Do not be afraid to assert your rights - the buyer is always right. Enjoy the shopping.


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