Exhibition of Andrey Stenin. State Historical Museum

BAKU, November 9 - Sputnik. international competition photojournalism named after Andrey Stenin, organized by the Rossiya Segodnya International News Agency under the auspices of the Russian Commission for UNESCO, revealed the main intrigue of the competition for the best young photographers of 2018.

The winner of the Grand Prix, as well as the first place in the nomination "My Planet. Series", was 30-year-old Alena Kochetkova from Kaluga. The victory was brought to her by the series of shots "How I was sick" - a documentary report on the dramatic battle with cancer.

“For me, this is a complex and very personal story, which, despite this, I would like to tell as many people as possible,” Alena said. “Compassion and empathy awakens in us love for our neighbors, which is always not enough. those who are sick and perhaps feel lonely because of the inability to talk about their feelings. In addition, for me, working on this series was a means not to break down internally, to accept this test and live doing what I love."

In the nomination "My planet. Single work" the first place was awarded to the photograph "Cranberry Heart" by Sergei Gapon from Belarus, taken from a drone while picking marsh berries. First Prize Winners in the Breaking News category were Justin Sullivan (South Africa) for "Confrontation", in which a police officer holds three poor people hiding under a table at gunpoint, and Luis Tato (Spain) for "Post Election Unrest in Kenya".

  • © Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

  • © Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

  • © Sputnik / Ekaterina Chesnokova

  • © Sputnik / Ekaterina Chesnokova

  • © Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

  • © Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

  • © Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

  • Photographer Younes Hani Somi Sofly, who won the second place in the Breaking News Series category and received a special prize from the International Committee of the Red Cross at the awards ceremony of the 4th Andrey Stenin International Photojournalism Competition in Moscow

    © Sputnik / Ekaterina Chesnokova

  • © Sputnik / Ekaterina Chesnokova

  • © Sputnik / Ekaterina Chesnokova

  • © Sputnik / Ekaterina Chesnokova

  • © Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

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© Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov

First place in the nomination "Sport" was awarded to Tayseer Mahdi from Iraq for the photo "The desire to live", which depicts a young football player with an amputated leg in attack, and the Italian Andrea Alai for the photo series "Ultras" about the tifosi of the Albenga Calcio team from a small Ligurian town . In the nomination "Portrait. A Hero of Our Time" the victory was given to a single photograph of a small Nenets nomad "Flower" taken in Yamal by Oded Wagenstein (Israel) and a photo series by Shiva Khademi (Iran) "Twins".

The partners of the competition were one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the world - the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), as well as the United Shanghai Media Group (OSMG) and the pan-Arab information holding Al-Mayadeen TV.

Special prizes of the International Committee of the Red Cross "For Humanitarian Photography" this year were awarded to two Iranian masters. In the Single Photo category, Omid Vahabzadeh was awarded the ICRC Prize for his photograph "Terror Attack in Tehran" in which a two-year-old boy is lifted through the window of the parliament building after the terrorist attack in Tehran in June 2017. Younes Hani Somi Sofly was awarded in the nomination "Series" for his photo essay "...And Life Goes On" about the everyday life of victims of last year's earthquake in the province of Kermanshah, which killed almost 600 people and destroyed more than 30,000 houses.

The special prize of the United Shanghai Media Group (OSMG) and Al-Mayadeen TV was given to the photo "Wish to Live" won in the nomination "Sports" by Iraqi Taysir Mahdi.

"Today is an important day for us. Every year in the fall we remember our friend and Rossiya Segodnya photojournalist Andrey Stenin, who died while doing an editorial assignment in southeastern Ukraine. We named a competition for young photographers in Andrey's name and in his memory. Today , united by the name of Stenin, young reporters from all over the world talk about what worries them, referring to Andrey's works as a kind of tuning fork of truth. In the center of each work exhibited here is a story - a person, an individual, a country, "emphasized general manager MIA "Russia Today" Dmitry Kiselev.

After the awards ceremony, the Exhibition Complex of the State Historical Museum hosted the opening of an exhibition of works by the laureates, which will be open to everyone from November 9 to 30. Entrance to the exhibition is free.

25 young photographers from 14 countries of the world, including Russia, Iraq, Iran, Spain, Italy, Belarus, Israel, South Africa and others, fought for the right to become the owner of the Grand Prix of the competition in 2018. The exhibition showcases some 200 works by the best young photojournalists, which incorporate iconic images of the surrounding reality — from the biblical beauty of the limestone mines of Upper Egypt to a clip montage of post-election events in Kenya in the fall of 2017; from the Arctic ethnics of the Nenets nomads to the hot images of sports battles on the tennis courts of Roland Garros-2017.

The exhibition was previewed at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on November 2, the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. It was attended by UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Alison Smale, Russia's Permanent Representative to the Community of Nations Vasily Nebenzya, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency Andrey Blagodyrenko. After Moscow, the exhibition is waiting for a tour of the exposition sites in Russia and the world.

The Andrey Stenin International Photojournalism Competition, organized by the Rossiya Segodnya International News Agency under the auspices of the Russian Commission for UNESCO, aims to support young photographers and draw public attention to the challenges of modern photojournalism. This is a platform for young photographers - talented, sensitive and open to everything new, where they draw our attention to people and events around us.

In 2018, the competition jury included representatives of leading international news agencies - AFP (France), Anadolu Ajansi (Turkey), Notimex (Mexico), as well as venerable world-famous photographers and photo editors. The jury was headed by Ahmet Sel, head of the photo service of the Anadolu Agency (Anadolu Ajansi) (Turkey).

The results of the only in Russia international photo contest for young journalists Andrey Stenin. The 2016 Grand Prix was won by a young Italian photographer Danilo Garcia Di Meo with a series of photographs “Letizia, the story of an invisible life” about a completely paralyzed girl. Other young promising photographers from around the world were also awarded. The works presented at the exhibition are the standard of modern photojournalism, and it is a must-see for novice professionals.

Fans should also go to the exhibition to see unique footage: a terrible photo chronicle of Vadim Braidov from Ufa about life and death in the Donbass; a series of photographs of damaged, wrinkled and torn documents of migrants found near the Hungarian-Serbian border in August 2015 by Slovak journalist Robert Tapert; the faces of the Suvorov boys from the Russian Pavel Volkov; bright, light-filled footage of a reindeer herders' camp, where permafrost shown by Russian photographerDmitry Tkachukas bright as ever; and much more. The exhibition is held at the Museum of Moscow from August 31 to September 11, admission to the exhibition is free, age restrictions are 18+.

Ruth Ahhorn, competition jury member, photo editor of GEO magazine, commented on the choice of the jury: “The jury could not remain indifferent to the emotional charge, the soulful nature of each picture from this series. The series follows the life of a young woman with cerebral palsy. The kind heart and delicate taste of the photographer helps to show the beauty and strength of this young woman. It becomes clear to us, the viewers, that her greatest desire is to live the way healthy people live. Before us is not a heartbreaking picture of the suffering of a young disabled woman, but a story of joyful and happy moments that happen in her life. The jury considered that this is an extremely intimate story with a strong pictorial range. The photographer has proven his ability to capture expressive details. Despite its intimate nature, this is a story about the lives of many people suffering from the same or similar diseases.

At the awards ceremony and the opening of the photo exhibition of the winners Dmitry Kiselev, General Director of MIA Rossiya Segodnya noted : "It is an honor and a pleasure to discover new names of young professionals who are already defining the future direction of photojournalism."

Director of the Museum of Moscow Alina Saprykina: “For the second year in a row, the Museum of Moscow hosts an exhibition of the winners of the Andrey Stenin photo contest. Participants of the international competition are recognized photojournalists and novice amateurs. These are live, very vital works, representing not only the news agenda, but also fixing life modern society, the dynamics of large cities. These are the stories ordinary people, our contemporaries, documenting the smallest transformations, events and phenomena.

The exhibition features more than 200 works by the best young photographers in the world - talented, daring, sensitive and open to everything new. They presented their kaleidoscope of life.

Grand Prix winner - Italian photographer Danilo Garcia Di Meo

« Letitia, the story of an invisible life» . Danilo Garcia Di Meo. Italy.The lack of oxygen during birth caused the girl to have cerebral palsy - she has spastic quadriplegia. When she was five years old, the family moved closer to Rome to provide her with modern treatment. She needs a wheelchair, she can't speak or control her body. Best of all, she controls her head.

« Jewish holidays» . Orthodox Jews pray in front of the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem after the celebration of Yom Kippur, September 23, 2015, Rui Li, China

« living village» . Alexey Malgavko. Russia.Residential building in the Omsk region.

« South Sudan: from war to life» . Alessandro Rota. Italy I. The owners of a large cattle are half nomads. The war took a toll on their lives, limiting their ability to move around the bush. In addition, other problems arose, for example, cows became an easy target for soldiers looking for fresh meat. These people sprinkle ashes on themselves as decoration. Over 100,000 people fled here because of the civil war that started in December.

« village school» . Oleg Ponomarev. Russia.The village school, which has existed since 1884. A place where you stop feeling time. The faces of the students, their clothes, the carved doors and the countryside behind the large windows with wooden frames, form a surprisingly sincere, romantic image of something outgoing and truly beautiful.

« Lake» . Nadezhda has just opened an aviary where young cranes are kept. All daylight hours, young cranes move freely, and sometimes fly away for a short time. Only at night they are locked in an aviary. Mikhail Domozhilov. Russia

« white silence» . This story is about people who are not ready to exchange their freedom, albeit under difficult conditions, for something else. Dmitry Tkachuk. Russia

« bear corner » . This is one of the tributaries of the river. Nizhny Tunguska, time is a little frozen here, as in suspended animation - but it flows a little, preserving the main traditions of hunting, fishing and survival in isolation. Elena Anosova. Russia

« Suvorov» . Mikhail Yakovlev, 11 years old, Moscow, 3rd company, 3rd platoon. Pavel Volkov. Russia

" Algae collectors « ​ . A mococho seaweed harvester, also known as cochayuyo, in the Peruvian city of Pacasmayo. Berta Tilmantaite. Lithuania

One of the first rehearsals in the Moscow big top. Mikhail Domozhilov. Russia

« Confrontation» . Martina Batini (Italy) in the final bout of the women's team foil fencing competition at the World Fencing Championships in Moscow. Alexey Filippov. Russia

World Aquatics Championship 2015. Diving. Alexey Malgavko. Russia

" School of Olympic reserve « ​ . This series was filmed mainly in the spring-summer of 2012 during the everyday training of teenagers in the schools of the Olympic reserve in Sochi, Moscow and Yekaterinburg. The last shots were taken in 2015. Julia Abzaltdinova. Russia

« Weightlessnessb» . Maria Paseka performs on the uneven bars in the women's team all-around at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Glasgow. Vladimir Astapkovich. Russia

Berkasovo, Serbia. Balash Beli. Hungary

"Registration queue« ​ . A refugee child, covered in a raincoat, queues up to be registered at the Presevo refugee camp. Most of the refugees who ended up in Serbia try to continue their journey to Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and other EU countries. Matic Zorman, Slovenia

"Knights". Football club fans« Zamalek» celebrating the victory in the league championship with flares and flags. Gehad Hamdi, Egypt

« Fleeing from death» . A man holding a baby flees from government gunfire in Idlib, Syria, after being captured by rebels, April 5, 2015. Ammar Abdullah, Syria

Full information about the winners and their works can be found in the section on

The brightest works of photojournalists from all over the world can be seen in Moscow. The exhibition opened today, admission is free. It presents pictures of the winners of the photojournalism contest. It was organized in memory of Andrei Stenin. Our colleague died two years ago during the fighting in the Donbass. The competition named after him is the largest platform that brought together thousands of participants.

Photos worth a thousand words. Stories of people willing to do anything for freedom. Children forced to work away from home and family. A lion tamer without legs and an Asian dictator - or maybe this is just his double?

The largest and only platform in Russia where young photographers are opened. This year's Andrey Stenin photojournalism competition received 6,000 submissions from over 70 countries. At the exhibition in the Museum of Moscow - the best of the best, 200 winners in various categories.

“There were five categories, in each category we chose three places, but there were so many works that we had to give a special jury mark in almost every category, in a single or in a series,” says jury member Ksenia Nikolskaya.

In the lenses of the cameras, not only the events that will go down in history: the war in Syria and thousands of refugees off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In each picture, it is as if you can see the author himself.

Palestinian photographer Ashraf Amra could not come to the awards, he is a resident of a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. But Amra dedicated his victory and this picture - a father mourning the death of a child - to his fallen journalist colleagues.

The winner of the competition was Danilo Garcia Di Meo. The Grand Prix with a prize fund of 500 thousand rubles was awarded to a series of his works called "The History of Invisible Life". Brave girl Letizia with a terrible diagnosis of cerebral palsy changed his life forever, says an Italian photographer.

“Letitia is paralyzed, she cannot control her body, only her eyes and head - for this she uses a computer in the form of a sensor attached to the back of her head. Thanks to her abilities and ability to use a computer, she can work, she is a secretary. The main goal of my work is to tell about her, about strangers for us, about whom we know nothing, and we don’t want to know anything, ”says Danilo Garcia Di Mer, a photographer from Italy.

These photographs of great sports victories in a matter of seconds became the most popular on the Internet, and Fedor Telkov from Yekaterinburg, the winner in the nomination “Colors of the World. Harmony of Life”, decided to tell about those whom we hardly know. The Ural Old Believers became the heroes of his works.

“The Old Believers today have been very little studied visually; the fact is that in the thirties, a lot of tragic Old Believers were associated with photographs, and I did such a large study of the Old Believers in the Urals, and this, in fact, is the first shooting from this large, future project, ”says Fedor Telkov.

The photojournalism contest is named after Andrey Stenin, a photojournalist for MIA Rossiya, who died in Donbass. His mother came to congratulate the laureates today.

“They sort of went step by step. This is my son's pride. He did everything, it seems to me, according to the principle “if not me, then who?” Therefore, he climbed there, to the Donbass; I wanted, perhaps, to shoot the most such shots so that people could see what was happening there, ”says Vera Stenina, Andrei Stenin’s mother.

The works of the best young photographers from all over the world can be viewed at the Museum of Moscow from 31 August. The exhibition of the winners of the Andrei Stenin photo contest will run until September 16.

On November 8, Rossiya Segodnya news agency announced the winner of the Grand Prix of the Andrey Stenin International Photojournalism Competition at the Exhibition Complex of the Historical Museum. The awards ceremony was followed by the opening of an exhibition of the laureates' works, which is available to everyone from 9 to 30 November. Admission to the exhibition is free during museum opening hours.

25 young photographers from 14 countries of the world, including Russia, Iraq, Iran, Spain, Italy, Belarus, Israel, South Africa and others, fought for the right to become the owner of the Grand Prix of the competition in 2018. The exhibition includes about 200 works by the best young photojournalists that demonstrate the full diversity of life, absorbing iconic images of the surrounding reality - from the biblical beauty of the limestone mines of Upper Egypt to the clip montage of post-election events in Kenya in the fall of 2017; from the arctic ethnics of the Nenets nomads to the hot images of sports battles on the tennis courts of Roland Garros 2017.

The exhibition complex of the State Historical Museum became the first platform for the works of the winners of the competition, after which they will tour the exhibition sites of the world.

About the contest: The Andrey Stenin International Photojournalism Competition, organized by the Rossiya Segodnya International News Agency under the auspices of the Russian Commission for UNESCO, aims to support young photographers and draw public attention to the challenges of modern photojournalism. This is a platform for young photographers - talented, sensitive and open to everything new, where they draw our attention to people and events around us.

The general information partners of the competition are: the information and news portal Vesti.Ru, the all-Russian state television channel "RossiyaKultura", informational portal ZhurDom and portal Russian Photo. The international information partners of the competition are: Sputnik news agency and radio, Askanews news agency, Independent Media media holding, Notimex news agency, ANA news agency, RT TV channel and portal, The Royal Photographic Society, Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG), TeleSUR international information multiplatform , China Daily Newspaper Internet Portal, Frontline Magazine, PNA News Agency, AlYoum AlSabee Online Portal and Newspaper, The Paper Internet Portal, Bernama News Agency, Radio Republik Indonesia National Broadcasting Company, Al Mayadeen Media Network. In the status of industry information partners, the competition is supported by: the Academy of Photography, the GeoPhoto agency, the Photostudy.ru portal, the Union of Journalists of Moscow, the Union of Russian Photographers, the School of Visual Arts, the YOung JOurnalists information portal.

Exhibition the best photos 2017 made by young authors from all over the world,will open on September 8, 2017. The exposition will include over 200 works by the best young photojournalists from 14 countries, including Russia, China, India, Spain, Italy, Serbia, Greece and others. Exhibitionwill last until September 17, works free of charge and is open to visitors during the opening hours of the museum.

The exposition photographs capture fragments of life ordinary people and significant events in the life of large cities and countries; they found an expressive photographic image of moments of sport and bright ethnic holidays. The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography will be the first exhibition site for the works of the competition winners, after which they will tour the exhibition sites in Russia and around the world.

The Andrey Stenin International Photojournalism Competition aims to support young photographers and draw public attention to the challenges of modern photojournalism. This is a platform for young photographers - talented, sensitive and open to everything new, where they draw our attention to people and events around us.

The information partners of the competition were: the information and news portal Vesti.Ru, the all-Russian state television channel "Russia-Culture", the information and news portal KP.ru, the information portal ZhurDom and the Russian Photo portal. The international information partners of the competition are: news agency and radio Sputnik, news agency


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