Presentation of ways of keeping cattle on farms. Presentation on the topic "breeds of cattle". Mkou "Sordonnokhskaya sosh im. t.i. Skrybykina"

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Livestock industries Animal husbandry is an industry Agriculture, which is engaged in the use of agricultural animals. It provides people food products(milk, meat, cheese, butter); provides raw materials for light (leather, wool), as well as labor (horse, donkey) and organic fertilizer. Directions of animal husbandry: 1) Cattle breeding. 6) Rabbit breeding 2) Sheep breeding. 7) Reindeer breeding 3) Goat breeding 8) Beekeeping 4) Pig breeding. 9) Fishing 5) Horse breeding. wash AA

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Cattle domestication center The areas of domestication and origin of domestic animal breeds are associated with ancient centers of agriculture, but the origin of domestic animals is much more difficult than that of cultivated plants. This is due to the significant movement of their wild ancestors within the original ranges, which are now difficult to establish. Domestication could occur anywhere in such a primary range, and the subsequent distribution of breeds is associated not with the natural environment, but with human activity. Most domestic animals were domesticated 8-10 thousand years ago. their ancestors, as a rule, led a wholesale lifestyle, which contributed to the domestication of wild animals. During domestication, domestic animals underwent significant changes in structure, life functions and ontogenesis, their behavior changed.

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The ancestor of cattle was a wild bull - a tour that lived on the territory of the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Eurasia (the last animal of this species was destroyed in 1627 in Poland). Presumably, it was domesticated about 4 thousand years ago in Ancient Greece. More than 50 breeds of cattle are known, which are bred for meat, milk, skin and as draft power. The main areas of selection are the creation of dairy (black-and-white, red steppe), meat (Aberdino-Angus, Hereford), meat and dairy (Simmental, Le-Bedinsky) breeds (mal.92). Everyone has heard about oxen, which in former times in Ukraine were used as a draft force. Bulls were castrated bulls. In the countries of Southeast Asia, buffalo are used as a draft force, the ancestor of which is a wild buffalo. In the mountains of Central Asia (Himalayas, Pamirs, Tibet, Tuva), the local population breeds for meat, milk and skin which, whose ancestor was a wild yak.

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The applied technology of keeping cattle has a great influence on the intensity of cattle breeding. One of the main prerequisites for the successful intensification of animal husbandry is to take into account the biological requirements of animals to the conditions of their keeping. The technological solutions used on farms should not conflict with the biological needs of animals. At the same time, far from all the technological methods that have developed in the homestead economy are justified from the point of view of physiology. Therefore, the tasks of the livestock breeder are to, with the help of technical means and the use of rational technological methods to create optimal conditions for keeping cattle, contributing to the manifestation of their productive inclinations. If this is not achieved, then the ongoing work to increase the genetic potential of animals becomes ineffective.

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On dairy farms, two methods of keeping cows are used, which have a fundamental difference: tethered and loose. In the first method, the cows are kept in individual stalls near the feeders, in which the feed is rationed, in the second, the animals are placed in group sections of the barn with free access to feed. With both methods, in the summer, depending on the conditions of the farms, various systems of keeping are used. In the presence of good long-term cultural or natural pastures, stall-pasture or camp-pasture maintenance is used. With stall-pasture keeping, cows are kept indoors at night, and grazed during the day. The camp and pasture maintenance of cattle provides for the placement of cows in the summer in summer camps, which are lightweight buildings located at a certain distance from the farm, but close to grazing places. This avoids large hauls of cows to pasture.

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In farms where there are no pastures or their areas are limited, a stall-walking system for keeping cows is used. In this case, in the summer, animals are fed in stalls or pens equipped with feeders, mowed green mass, or year-round uniform feeding is used with feed mixtures of silage, haylage, hay and root crops. With such a system of keeping in the summer, active walks of cows are carried out by driving them over a distance of up to 3 km 2 times a day. The experience of advanced farms shows that with all methods and systems of keeping dairy cows, high milk yields (from 4,000 to 8,000 kg) can be obtained in different zones of the country.

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Systems and methods of keeping young cattle are chosen taking into account natural, climatic and economic conditions and a loose or tethered system is used. The accumulated production and experimental data give grounds to believe that the loose system is the most promising, since the area for accommodating young animals is reduced, tethers and individual drinkers are not required, the use of complex mechanization of feed distribution and manure removal is facilitated, and the bones and hoofed horn are better formed in animals. Loose keeping on slatted floors in cages of 15-20 heads in each with mechanical removal of manure from the premises with a delta-scraper or self-alloy has proven itself especially well.

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In farms with a sufficient amount of straw, young animals are loosely kept on a deep, non-replaceable litter. Such a housing system requires the timely creation of a layer of straw bedding and its regular addition to maintain a good microclimate in the room and a warm den for animals to rest.

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Box Content - Option loose content. Machines for young animals are equipped with individual boxes (in a ratio of 1: 1), so that the animal receives a dry bed with minimal or no litter consumption. It is desirable that the boxes are separated from the feeding places. The lair is formed from earth and clay, tightly packed and covered with a small layer of straw or sawdust on top. As materials for the boxes, you can use expanded clay concrete, wood or other suitable materials. The floor in the boxes should be sloping. Dimensions of boxes for young animals aged 6-12 months: length 1.3-1.5 m, width 0.6-0.7 m; for young animals aged 12 months and older: 1.5-1.7 and 0.8-0.9 m

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On small farms, you can use tethered keeping of young animals on pasture. As one area is bled, the animals are transferred to another. The grazing radius, depending on the age of the young, is 10-15 m. With such a system of keeping, it is necessary to give young animals clean water 2-3 times a day, if necessary, feed concentrates from small portable feeders. With tethered keeping of young animals for growing, the following sizes of stalls are provided: for young animals 6-12 months old, length - 1.5 m, width - 0.7-0.8 m; for young animals of older ages and large animals, the length is 1.6-1.7 m, the width is 0.9 m.

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Breeding work Breeding work with cattle should be carried out in all farms. The main task of breeding plants organized for each breed of livestock separately is to improve the breed bred on the farm, create new lines in the breed, grow elite young animals for breeding plants, stations for breeding work and artificial insemination, breeding state farms and collective farms. The main methods of breeding work in these farms are selection and selection in oneself, purebred and linear breeding, and directed rearing of young animals. The most important task of pedigree state farms and pedigree farms of collective farms with cattle is the creation of herds of purebred and high-blooded animals that meet the requirements of at least class 1; the main breeding methods are purebred breeding and absorption crossbreeding. Special attention should be addressed to increase fat content in all breeds of cattle. The main task of breeding work in commercial farms should be to obtain hardy animals capable of providing v. good conditions feeding high milk and meat productivity with high quality and low cost of these products. In commercial farms, both purebred breeding and various methods crossing.

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Dutch breed. This is the oldest and most highly productive breed, created without the blood of other breeds. The convenient geographical location of Holland, the presence of sea routes, great trade relations, as well as the demand for butter and cheese influenced the direction and development of cattle breeding in this country. The height at the withers in cows is cm, with a proportionally developed body on low limbs; head elongated, dry; the chest is deep and wide; the upper line of the back is straight; the backbone is strong, not coarse; the muscles are well developed; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate hair; the udder is well developed, usually cup-shaped. Weight of calves at birth 3642 kg, adult cows kg, bulls kg. The slaughter yield of fattened animals reaches 55-60%. The milk yield of cows is 6300 kg, fat content is 4.1%, protein content is 3.3-3.6%.

Holstein breed. Bred in the USA and Canada by selection for abundant milk and fat content from an array of black-and-white cattle without crossing with other breeds. Live weight of cows kg, bulls kg, bulls at birth have a live weight kg, heifers kg. Height at the withers 144 cm, chest deep, wide; tub-shaped and cup-shaped udders of large capacity, milk yield kg, milk fat content 3.6-3.7% protein content 3.2-3.3%. It is widely used to improve dairy breeds in order to increase milk productivity. The most common lines around the world are Vis Idiala, Montvik Chieftain, Trainjun Rokita, Reflection Soveringa.

Black-and-white breed. As well as all over the world, it was bred by crossing local low-productive cattle with Dutch and other black-and-white breeds. Black-and-white cows in the mass are characterized by large sizes, a somewhat elongated, proportionally developed body, a deep and medium-sized chest, a wide back and loin, and strong bones; the head is somewhat elongated, rough; neck of medium length, thin, with small folds; muscles are satisfactorily developed; the udder is usually voluminous; cylindrical nipples; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with soft hair. The weight of calves at birth in individual zones ranges from 32 to 40 kg, the weight of cows of the Siberian offspring kg and Central Russian, bulls kg and up to 1100 kg, milk yield kg with a fat content of 3.4-3.6%, protein 3.15-3.4 %.

Yaroslavl breed. It was bred in the 19th century on the territory Yaroslavl region by improving the local cattle, known at that time under the name of the Northern Great Russian. Some researchers, based on the breeding of Kholmogory, Dutch and some other breeds of cattle in the landowners' farms b. Yaroslavl province, suggested the participation of these breeds in the formation of the Yaroslavl. However, no noticeable traces of the influence of these breeds on local cattle can be established. Animals of the Yaroslavl breed are characterized by angular forms of addition, an average size (height at the withers in cows cm), a developed middle part of the body; the head is light, dry, with an elongated front part; the neck is thin, of medium length, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep, but narrow, with a poorly developed dewlap; withers high, sometimes narrow; the skeleton is thin, the muscles are poorly developed, the udder is of medium size. Weight of cows kg, weight of calves at birth 27-30 kg, milk yield kg, fat content 4.1-4.2%, protein-3.4-3.7%,

The red steppe breed was created as a result of complex reproductive crossing. The beginning of its creation dates back to the 18th century, when settlers from Russia began to arrive in the steppe part of southern Ukraine, whose cattle crossed with local Ukrainian cattle. Since 1789, Mennonite Germans moved to Ukraine, raising red Ostfriesland cattle. As a result of crossing crossbreeds, obtained earlier by Russian settlers, with bulls of the East Frisian breed, red steppe cattle were bred. The physique of animals of the red steppe breed in breeding herds is generally satisfactory, although in some cases they also have major flaws in the exterior: some narrowness of the chest, back and buttocks, poor muscles, thin bones, especially limbs. The color of the cattle is uniform red in various shades. Live weight of cows in breeding farms on average kg, bulls kg. Weight of calves at birth 2630 kg. The meat qualities of red steppe cattle are not well developed. Milk yield kg, fat-3.6%.

Jersey breed. The birthplace of these breeds are the islands of the British English Channel: Jersey, Guernesey, Alderney and Kark. Since 1763, the import of livestock to the island was prohibited due to fear of introducing epizootics. Since then, jerseys have been bred “in themselves”. Long-term breeding (200 years) of a relatively small group of cattle (10-13 thousand heads) with one-sided selection for milk yield and fat content had a decisive influence on the formation of the dairy type of cattle. The color of the jerseys is red, there are animals with a dark shade with white marks. It is small (height at the withers cm), with a small, light head, a concave profile and a broad forehead; the neck is thin, with a large number of small folds of the skin; the chest is deep, but not wide; the dewlap is small. Animals with a somewhat elongated body, angular forms of addition and an elevated tail root; the skeleton is thin; the muscles are poorly developed; the udder is voluminous, often cup-shaped and tub-shaped with widely spaced teats; the skin is thin, the hair is soft, tender. Live weight of calves at birth kg, cows kg, bulls, sires kg. Milk yield kg with a fat content of 5.5%. The best cows yield 9-11 thousand kg of milk with a fat content of 5.2-5.8%, and some - up to 8%.

Ayrshire breed. The homeland of the Ayrshires is Scotland. Created by improving local cattle with repeated infusion of the genotype of Shorthorn, Dutch, Flemish, as well as Jersey and Guernese cattle. They are proportionately built, with thin light bones, short stature (cm at the withers). The head is light elongated, the neck is thin. The animals have a well-developed middle part, with a deep, but not wide enough chest, the dewlap is not large, the muscles are moderately developed; the udder is often bath-shaped and less often cup-shaped, with evenly developed lobes, nipples of medium size, widely spaced; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate hair. Early ripening, hardy, well adapted to the conditions of breeding in Northern Europe and long periods of use. Live weight of calves at birth kg, adult cows, bulls kg. Milk yield of cows is 3.5-4 thousand kg with milk fat content of 3.8-4.4%, protein 3.5-3.8%. Meat qualities are good, lethal yield in adult animals. Breeding work to increase the milk productivity of Ayrshires is carried out with 4 genealogical groups A, B, C, D. These lines are enough to avoid inbreeding.

The Simmental breed was bred in Switzerland in the Simme river valley by selecting animals of the desired type. The main color is fawn, fawn-variegated. Cows are large (cm at the withers), proportionally built, with strong bones; the head is large with a wide forehead; neck of medium length; the chest is deep, of medium width, in bulls with a developed dewlap; the back is wide; the back of the body is long and wide; muscles are well developed; the skeleton is strong; the skin is thick; the udder is often rounded with a large margin, with delicate hair; nipples are large conical or cylindrical. Weight of calves at birth kg, cows weigh kg, sires kg, young animals are well fattened, slaughter yield %, milk yield kg, fat content 3.7-4.0%, protein 3.3-3.6%. Lines of Mergel, Lord, Ziper, etc. Breeding work is aimed at increasing milk productivity and improving physique. It is distributed throughout the world in various natural and climatic zones.

The Swiss breed was bred in the mountainous regions of Switzerland by selecting local short-horned cattle. Unpretentious, more hardy than Simmental cattle. The suit is mouse-brown in various shades. The head is short with a broad forehead; elongated torso, chest deep and wide; height at withers cm; well-set strong limbs; the skin is thin dense, the backbone is strong; the udder is cup-shaped and rounded; live weight of calves at birth kg, weight of adult cows kg, bulls 1100 kg, slaughter yield 55-60%; milk yield kg, fat content 3.7-3.9%, protein 3.2-3.6%. It was widely used in the breeding of dairy and meat brown breeds of cattle in our country.

Kostroma breed. Bred in the Kostroma region in the state processing plant "Karavaevo". The beginning of the formation of an array of brown cattle in the Kostroma region dates back to the end of the last century. Kostroma cattle have much in common with Swiss cattle in terms of live weight, productivity level and other characteristics. Swiss bulls Artist, Albert, Prut, Kovyl, Baro had a great influence on the formation of the breed. They have a light gray color with a yellowish-fawn tint on the middle part of the body. In the mass of Kostroma cattle is characterized by a strong constitution, endurance and high milk yield during long term use. Live weight of cows 550 kg, bulls kg, milk yield 4452 kg with a fat content of 3.95%, protein 3.3-3.55%, slaughter yield 58-60%. The most famous lines are Strongman, Severe, Salad and Karo. The breed is common in the Kostroma, Ivanovo and Vladimir regions of the Russian Federation.

3. Breeds of the meat direction of productivity (of world importance) British breeds: Hereford, Aberdeen Angus, Lincoln, Shorthorn, Galloway, etc. French breeds: Charolais, Limousin, etc. Italian and American breeds: Santa Gertrude (hybrid), Kian Breeds Russian selection: Kazakh white-headed and Kalmyk

Hereford breed in the west of England in the county of Herefordshire in the second half of the 18th century in a mild climate and abundant feeding. At first, Herefords were working meat animals, then they began to select only for meat and precocity. By the end of the 18th century, Hereford cattle possessed all the qualities characteristic of modern herds: compact build, precocity, high growth energy. The average live weight of Hereford cows in our country is 485 kg for the first calving, 530 kg for the second calving, and 544 kg for the third. The best cows weigh kg. The live weight of bulls aged 5 years and older is on average 920 kg, the best producers are kg. Slaughter yield up to 65%. The use of cattle of the Hereford breed in Russia currently has versatile goals: they use industrial crossing of bulls with non-breeding cows of a dairy and dairy-meat direction; Hereford bulls are used for blood flow in the herds of the Kazakh white-headed breed; breeding stock is used to reproduce breeding stock of this breed and to obtain their own Herefords, grown locally and better adapted to zonal conditions.

The Kazakh white-headed breed was bred on the territory of Kazakhstan and the South-Eastern part Russian Federation in a sharply continental climate. To create a base beef cattle breeding since 1930, Kazakh and Kalmyk cattle were crossed with animals of the Hereford breed in the state farms of Kazakhstan and the Lower Volga region. The resulting crosses combined the high meat qualities of Hereford cattle with the endurance and adaptability of the local. Work on breeding the Kazakh white-headed breed was carried out in the direction of obtaining meat-type animals. It was completed in 1950. Valuable features of the animals of the Kazakh white-headed breed are the ability to tolerate heat and frost, quickly feed and give high gains in live weight. In terms of weight and body type, animals of this breed are similar to the Hereford breed. The cattle is medium-sized, with a deep and wide chest, compact build, strong light bones, a round and wide body, with well-developed muscles. The color is red in different shades, the head, dewlap, lower part of the belly and legs, as well as the tail brush are white. The live weight of young animals at birth is 2730 kg, when grown on suction by 8 months of age it reaches kg. Adult cows weigh kg, some up to 700 kg. Bulls have a mass of kg. Cattle of this breed are bred in Kazakhstan, Orenburg, Volgograd, Chita and some other regions, as well as in Buryatia and Mongolia.

The Kalmyk breed was formed in the conditions of a nomadic economy with year-round pasture keeping of animals. Harsh conditions and epizootics led to the death of a large number of livestock. In such conditions of detention, only the strongest, hardiest and most healthy animals, able to endure the harsh wintering conditions, remained. Animals of the Kalmyk breed of medium size, compact build. Two types are distinguished in the breed: early-ripening meat and late-ripening meat. Animals of the first type are somewhat smaller and with a lower live weight, finish their growth faster, they have a lighter skeleton, thin skin and a higher (24%) slaughter yield than animals of the late-ripening type. The color of the animals is red, of varying intensity, with white marks on the head, belly, and limbs. The head is narrow, hook-nosed, with a wide forehead tapering in the upper part, the occipital crest is strongly concave; the horns are crescent-shaped, directed sideways, up and inward. The withers, back and loin are usually even, wide; the chest is deep, fairly wide, with a well-developed dewlap. The sacrum is sometimes elevated. Legs are strong and well set. The muscles are well developed. Leather of medium thickness. The udder is small. The frame is light and strong. The live weight of cows is kg, some reach a weight of kg, bulls kg, some producers up to 1020 kg. Calves at birth weigh 2225 kg. The cattle has good fattening qualities. With intensive cultivation for meat, young animals reach a mass of kg by the age of one month. When fattening one and a half year old calves-castrates1, the daily increase is m. The slaughter yield varies from 55 to 60%, and for fattened oxen it is 68%.

The Charolais breed is one of the oldest European, continental breeds, which have been known since 1760. It was created in the favorable natural and fodder conditions of France as a result of the improvement of local livestock in terms of meat productivity. Charolais animals are large and have well-defined meat forms. The body is long, deep and wide. The head is relatively small, the chest is deep and wide. The back and loins are straight, broad and well muscled. The limbs are short, of medium thickness, correctly set, the skin is elastic, the color is white or creamy white. The disadvantage is that calving of cows, especially first-calf heifers, is difficult due to the high live weight of calves at birth (30-60 kg). Charolais cattle are capable of reaching a large live weight at a milky age. In the body of animals of this breed, internal and intramuscular fat is deposited much later than animals of precocious English breeds. With intensive cultivation from young animals of this breed, heavy carcasses can be obtained at the age of 18 months with a muscle tissue yield of 7880% with little fat deposition. In France, the average live weight of cows in the best herds is kg, and bulls are kg. Individual bulls weigh kg. When intensively grown for meat, animals differ high speed growth. The live weight of calves of 12 months of age reaches 525 kg, and of heifers 360 kg, by 18 months it increases to 658 and 448 kg, respectively. Slaughter yield 6070%. Animals have a high life expectancy.

Limousines are bred by improving the local Aquitanian cattle of the province of Limousin (France). Bred for grazing on the poor hilly plateau of the province and in a harsh humid climate, these cattle are unpretentious in terms of feeding and keeping, constitutionally stronger, but somewhat smaller than animals of the Charolais breed, due to which calving in Limousin cows is easier. Calves are born with a live weight of 3540 kg. According to the exterior, the cattle of the limousine breed are typically beef. Animals are characterized by a short head and a wide forehead; thin horns, slightly rounded at the top; deep chest; broad back with well developed muscles; the sacrum is long, wide at the ischial tuberosities, somewhat drooping; the ham is well developed; legs are low, strong. The height at the withers in cows is cm, in oxen 137 I 38 cm. The color of the cattle is red, lighter on the stomach. Average live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. The milk yield of cows reaches kg. The carcasses of young animals are full-fleshed, the meat is tender, with a well-pronounced "marbling" and high taste qualities, due to which it has high demand. Bulls with intensive fattening at 12 months of age weigh 479 kg, carcass weight is 312 kg, slaughter yield is 71%. In terms of slaughter yield and meat quality, Limousin cattle are one of the best beef breeds.

The Kian is one of the oldest breeds in Italy and throughout the world. Subsequently, the cattle in the Val di Chiana valley underwent improvement, from which the name of the breed originated. This is one of the largest breeds in the world, animals are called giants of the species. The height of the cows at the withers is 158cm, the height of the bulls is 170cm. Bulls-producers weigh kg, individual animals-1700, adult cows kg. Animals have a long rounded body, thin bones, high legs. The head is small with short horns; the back and lower back are fulfilled, the back is long and even; the skin is thin and elastic. The color of the animals is grayish-white, with a peculiar porcelain tint; dark skin pigmentation. The nasal mirror, tips of the horns, the upper part of the tongue, the tail brush are black. Kian cattle tolerate high temperatures well, adapt both to mountainous areas and wet pastures, use roughage well and are distinguished by high feed payment. The live weight of bulls at birth is 4755 kg, and heifers 4248 kg. Despite the large size, calving is relatively easy, the proportion of stillborns is low on average, since calves are born with a small head and an elongated body. Kian cattle are distinguished by exceptionally high growth vigor. The live weight of bulls at 6 months of age is 260 kg, at 18 months 680, and at 24 months 850 kg, heifers 225, 350.469 and 549 kg, respectively. The average daily gain in live weight of bulls from birth to 18 months of age ranges from 1200 to 2000 g, and heifers from 1000 to 1300 g. ), excellent taste. Slaughter yield 6267.7%.

Shorthorns (Tisswater) are one of the oldest breeds of cattle, created in England in the 11th century. The basis for breeding this breed was cattle bred in the valley of the Tisza River. Highly developed agriculture and excellent pastures in these places favored an increase in the productivity of livestock. Work on the breeding of the Shorthorn breed began in 1780. The ancestor of the breed was the bull Hebbak. His valuable successors were bulls Favorit and grandson Kamet. Currently shorthorns are bred in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand. The disadvantages of meat shorthorns include a markedly reduced milk production of cows, intensive fat deposition in animals over the age of three years, while the demand for milk and lean beef increases. Animals of meat type are compact, on low legs. They have lush muscles, color from red to white. The head is small, the horns are short, the chest is wide and deep, the back and loin are wide, the line of the back is even. Meat-type shorthorns with a delicate loose constitution. Early maturation is high. Heifers are allowed to mate at 16 months. Shorthorns are more susceptible to diseases than other breeds, and they are also quite difficult to acclimatize. Of all imported breeds, meat shorthorns have the highest milk content, so when producing dietary dairy veal, you can keep two calves under one cow for suction. Adult cows usually weigh kg, bulls kg. Young animals at fattening per month. Aged reaches live weight kg, slaughter yield 60-65%.

MKOU "Sordonnokhskaya secondary school named after I.I. T.I. Skrybykina"

Related project:

"Cultivation of young cattle"

Completed by: Borisova Ekaterina,

8th grade student of MKOU "Sordonnokhskaya secondary school named after I.I.

T.I. Skrybykina"

Leader: Valentina Egorovna Prokopieva.


Objective of the project: create at school subsidiary farm to raise young cattle for profit, as our school is agricultural.


- think over a project on the topic and defend it to receive a subsidy;

Organization of production: 1) create conditions for rearing young animals: build - a spacious, bright room; 2) purchase of 3-month-old calves; 3) provide fodder and hay;

- draw up a feeding program for calves during the milk period in order to get the maximum weight gain.

- Provide the rural population with local natural meat.

Research problem: the reduction of livestock in the village leads to a deterioration in the well-being of the population. It is necessary to involve the younger generation of villagers in running a private farm for breeding a pet

Object of study: young cattle

Research novelty: for the first time in our village an attempt is being made to raise young animals separately from adult cattle


if a subsidiary farm for growing young cattle is created at the school and production is established, this will help support required amount livestock in the village


Currently in s. Orto-Balagan young cattle are not reared separately, over the past 4 years, as a result of floods, bad weather conditions, due to not having enough feed and hay, the number of cattle has sharply decreased. Therefore, we thought and decided that at the school it would be expedient to create a subsidiary farm for growing young cattle in order to preserve and revive the truly Yakut occupation in the village

Practical significance: raising calves with the right approach to production is a profitable business, we want to increase the number of livestock in the village and bring income to the subsidiary farm of the school


Raising young cattle on a school farm can be a profitable business. This is due to low costs, the presence of large areas of pastures and hayfields, and the demand for high-quality beef on the market.

The most important characteristic of the Simmental breed is its adaptability to the direction of the economy, as well as to the climate of the breeding area. The breed is distinguished by high meat qualities, early maturity, juicy, fine-fibered "marble" meat, but to obtain the positive qualities of the breed, very good feeding and maintenance is required.

Our technology offers the growth of dairy calves purchased at 3 months of age until they reach the age of 18 months - 2.5 years and weighing 200-350 kg. Growing will take place in a special room. In this case, the feeding ration will consist mainly of haylage, hay and mixed fodder.

For the cultivation of one calf per year, feed will be spent in the amount of about 5,000 rubles, for 20 heads 100,000 rubles.

Simmental calves will be purchased to grow beef cattle. This breed is distinguished by good meat productivity by 18-2.5 at the age of one year, young animals gain weight from 300 to 350 kg.

Calves will be purchased at the age of about 3 months at an average price of 15 000 rubles per head. It is better to acquire calves older and stronger. In this case, the risk of disease is reduced and, with proper feeding, calves gain weight very quickly.

As adult cattle are slaughtered, the farm will purchase young cattle for more effective use production areas.

It should be noted that today the demand for high-quality cattle meat remains at a high level. The meat produced by our farm will be environmentally friendly, obtained from natural feed. This suggests that there will be no problems with the sale of manufactured products.

Young animals purchased at the age of 3 months, with proper nutrition and care for one year will gain up to 284 kg of live weight.

With a meat yield of 55%, about 157 kg is obtained. marketable meat from each young. The wholesale selling price of beef today averages 400 rubles per 1 kilogram. The total estimated revenue per calf per year is: 157kg * 400 rubles / kg.= 62 800 rubles.

With the simultaneous cultivation of 10 heads of cattle per year, the subsidiary farm will sell about 1570 kg of marketable meat. The total estimated revenue per year will be 628 000 rub. The monthly turnover of the subsidiary farm will be on average 52 333 rubles

In the proposed plan, the subsidiary farm, in the first year, acquires 20 heads of 3-month-old cattle calves. In the first year, he scores 10 goals, leaving the rest for the next year. Instead of slaughtered young animals, it acquires 10 new 3-month-old goals.

And the next year, it already slaughters 2-year-old young cattle. And so on will score 10 two-year-old heads of cattle.

A 2-year-old cattle weighs on average approximately 350 kg of live weight.

Then, with a meat yield of 55%, about 192 kg of marketable meat is obtained. The total estimated revenue of a 2-year-old cattle is: 192kg * 400 rubles / kg= 76 800 rub.

10 goals is 768 000 rub. estimated revenue per year.

However, taking into account the specifics of agricultural production, the sale of the first batch of products will occur only after 12 months of operation of the farm.




Live weight

Beef yield 55% kg


400rub / kg

Feed consumption


Creation of conditions for keeping young cattle.

Cultivation of calves, oddly enough, does not begin with its purchase, but with the preparation of a place where this animal will live. The room should be bright, clean, well ventilated, but without drafts.

The most optimal room temperature for keeping livestock is between 8 and 12 °C. You need to take care of the bedding - sawdust, straw. The bedding must be deep. Every day, the upper part will have to be changed, and the lower part - at least once every three weeks. It is necessary not to forget to purchase a special brush, because the calf needs daily brushing. Also prepare a calf feeder. Every day, preferably in the evening, the feeder is cleaned.

How to choose young cattle.

The optimal age of the acquired calf is from 3 months. It is from this period that the calf can be pastured. When choosing an animal, you need to pay attention to the coat. It should be smooth, shiny, not tousled. The calf is mobile, vigorous, willingly eats and drinks. He should have a wet nose and no signs of indigestion. After acquiring a calf, you need to invite a veterinarian for examination and consultation.

Feeding young cattle.

Throughout the entire milk period from 3 months, calves must be fed at the same time, 3-4 times a day. Be sure to include warm water and concentrates in the diet. Every month the amount of food consumed increases and, as a result, the calf grows. His weight at 6 months is 155 kg. The main thing is not to overdo it with concentrated feed. If the calf grazes on a good pasture, then the use of concentrates is halved, or stops altogether.



Live weight at the end of the period.

September III m.


October IV m.

November V m.


December 6th

compound feed

January VII m.


February VIII m.

April X m.

September XII m.

October XIII m.


If you create a subsidiary farm at the school, then you can take profits from the school. For example, in our proposed plan, the subsidiary farm acquires 20 heads of 3-month-old cattle calves in the first year. In the first year, he scores 10 goals, leaving the rest for the next year. One young cattle at the age of one and a half years, with good cultivation and fattening, can reach a live weight of 284 kg. per year. With a meat yield of 55%, about 157 kg is obtained. marketable meat from each young. The wholesale selling price of beef today averages 400 rubles per 1 kilogram. The total estimated revenue per calf per year is 62,800 rubles. Then for 10 heads the revenue will be 628 thousand rubles. And at the age of two and a half years, one young animal will weigh 350 kg per year. With a meat yield of 55%, 192 kg is obtained. We multiply this by 400 rubles, we get 76800 rubles. Then for 10 heads the revenue will be 768 thousand rubles.

It means to create a subsidiary farm for growing young cattle and establish production, then for each year the income will be approximately 600,000 rubles. (Appendix 3)


Thus, our agrarian school is an example of the well-being of the village, a universal tool that simultaneously performs a number of functions: the civil formation of the individual, the development of agriculture, the design of one's own activity, cognitive, developing, spiritual and moral.

I was born and live here

Here all paths are passed.

I will call without error

That land is a small homeland.

And even though I'm still young,

I don't know much

But school starts

That Motherland is big!

  • A.I. Ovsyannikov. Fundamentals of experimental work in animal husbandry. 1979. 91 p.
  • I. Antal. R. Blago… Cultivation of young cattle. 1986 186 p.
  • A.P. Golubitsky, V.K. Kazakevich. Cultivation of heifers. 1986 184 p.
  • T.A. Misostov. Cultivation of heifers. 1977 85 p.
  • S.I. Plyashchenko, V.I. Sidorov. Obtaining and growing healthy calves 1990 237 p.
  • N.G. Makartsev. Feeding farm animals. 1999 212-223 p.
  • A.T. Mysik. Feed nutrition, animal needs and feeding rationing 205g. 17 p.

Meat breeds of cattle according to biological characteristics and economic characteristics are divided into 3 main groups: - Meat early maturing (Aberdeen-Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn, Kazakh white-headed); - Meat tall (limousine, Charolais, Chianese, light Aquitaine); - Meat zonal (Kalmyk, Santa Gertrude, Galloway, Bifalo)

Aberdeen Angus breed The breed was bred at the end of the 18th century in the North-Eastern part of Scotland (the original forms are the local breeds of gumlis and gobbie). Cattle are well adapted to grazing, cows give birth easily. Animals of a pronounced meat type, compact build, with a deep and wide body, on short limbs (cm height at the withers). The black color and polledness characteristic of animals of this breed are stably inherited when crossed with other breeds. Animals are characterized by high precocity. They finish their growth early and show a tendency to early fat deposition compared to other beef breeds. Calves weigh kg at birth and kg at weaning. The live weight of cows is on average 500 kg (max. 600 kg), bulls kg (max. 950 kg). Under good grazing conditions, calves under the mother are added per day by year. The cost of feed per 1 kg of growth is 6.5 feed units. Slaughter yield up to 70%.

Features of the breed - Cattle are well adapted to grazing, calving is easy for cows - Animals are easily excitable, but obedient, docile - Animals finish their growth early and show a tendency to early fat deposition - Meat is fine-fibered, with good marbling

Hereford breed The breed was bred in England, in the county of Hereford (in 1845 a stud book was opened). The color of the cattle is red in different shades, the head, dewlap, lower part of the belly and legs, as well as the tail brush are white, the nasal mirror is pink. Animals have a rectangular body shape typical of beef cattle. The head is small, wide, the neck is wide, the dewlap protrudes forward, the skin is thin, elastic, the horns are large, thick. Animals are medium-sized (height at withers cm). At birth, calves weigh kg; at weaning, the weight of calves is kg; at 18 months. weight of heifers reaches kg. Cows weigh kg (max. 720 kg), bulls kg (max. kg). Hereford cattle have high meat qualities. With intensive cultivation, by the age of 12 months, castrato bulls weigh kg, the slaughter yield is 60-70%. Meat without excessive salting, has a high taste. From cows for lactation receive kg of milk, fat content of 3.9-4.0%.

Features of the breed - When crossing with other breeds, the white-headedness and white color of the belly characteristic of Herefords are steadily inherited - By temperament, the bulls are very calm and obedient; cows have well-developed maternal qualities - At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of komologo cattle was bred in the USA - Meat without excessive brining, has high palatability

Galloway breed The breed originated from the beef cattle of the South-West coast of Scotland (Galloway district). Animals are polled, black, sometimes gray with brown shades. Cattle can do without premises all year round. Due to their endurance and unpretentiousness to feed, animals are bred in countries with both cold and hot climates. The length of the hairline reaches 20 cm in winter. In hot countries, animals do not overgrow with long hair and easily tolerate high air temperatures. Weight of calves at birth kg, at weaning at 8 months kg. The live weight of cows is 500 kg, bulls - kg. The average daily growth of bulls reaches 900 g. The slaughter yield after fattening is up to 68%. Milk yield of cows for 190 days is kg, fat content is 4-4.5%.

Features of the breed - Animals are polled, black, sometimes gray with brown shades - Innate resistance to adverse weather conditions - Livestock can do without premises all year round - The length of the hairline reaches 20 cm in winter - Calves are born very strong and viable

Shorthorn breed One of the oldest highly productive beef breeds, bred at the end of the 18th century by improving local shorthorn cattle bred in the Tisza River valley. The infusion of the blood of the Galloway breed and Dutch cattle was used. The homeland of the Shorthorn breed is the North-Eastern part of England (the counties of York, Durham). The color of the animal is diverse: red (50%), red-motley (27%), roan (20%), white (3%). Animals are distinguished by a deep and wide body on low limbs. In the breed, groups of dairy and meat animals are distinguished. Calves weigh kg at birth and up to kg at weaning. On suction, you can raise 2 calves. Live weight of cows kg, bulls kg (max kg). The average daily gain in fattening reaches 1200 g. The slaughter yield is 65-70%, while the yield of pulp in the carcass is 80-81%, fat is up to 8%. Milk yield of cows is kg, fat content is 3.7-3.9%. In England, a record milk yield was obtained from Cherry cow - kg of milk.

Peculiarities of the breed - There is a polled offspring in the breed - The color of the animals is diverse: red (50%); red-and-white (27%); roan (20%); white (3%) - Groups of dairy and meat animals are distinguished in the breed - Increased fat content in carcasses is often observed - Lower feed conversion compared to other British breeds

Kalmyk breed The breed was bred by crossing local Kalmyk cattle with Simmentals, and to improve meat qualities - with Shorthorns. The color of the animals is red, of varying intensity, sometimes with a white stripe along the upper part of the body and with a white head. Animals of medium size (height at the withers cm), compact build (oblique body length cm). Calves at birth weigh kg, by 8 months - kg. Weight of cows kg (max. 675 kg), bulls kg (max. kg). Animals are well fattened on juicy and roughage. The slaughter yield is 55-60%, for well-fed oxen - 68%. The meat is juicy, with good watering. Milk productivity is low and amounts to kg, with a fat content of 4.1-4.5%. Lactation in cows does not exceed 8-9 months.

Features of the breed - The front part of the head is elongated, with a hook-nosed profile, the bend of the horns resembles the shape of a crescent - Animals are hardy, make good use of scarce pastures - Strong development of sweat and sebaceous glands - Large seasonal deposits of internal and intermuscular fat (up to 60 kg in adult animals) - Meat high quality, carcass with good fat watering.

Kazakh white-headed breed The breed was bred on the territory of Kazakhstan and the south-eastern part of Russia by crossing local Kazakh and Kalmyk cattle with animals of the Hereford breed. The resulting crosses, mostly 2-3 generations, were bred "in themselves". In terms of color and body type, animals of this breed are similar to the Hereford breed. The cattle are medium-sized (height at the withers cm), with a deep and wide chest, compact build, with strong, light bones (metacarpus girth cm), the body is round, with well-developed muscles. By winter, animals are overgrown with thick long hair. Calves at birth weigh kg, when grown on suction by 8 months - kg. Cows weigh kg (max. 780 kg), bulls kg (max. kg). Average daily gains of young animals for fattening up to 900 g. Slaughter yield up to 67%.

Features of the breed - The breed was bred for 20 years - Animals tolerate heat and frost well - By winter, animals become overgrown with thick long hair, many animals have curly hair - Milk productivity of cows is low: kg (record holder: cow Picture - 6680 kg of milk

Limousin breed The breed was bred in France in 1850 (by origin, the breed is a branch of the Aquitaine light cattle). Animals are characterized by large growth (height at the withers 135 cm), well-developed muscles and thin bones. The color of the cattle is light yellow, bright, darker on the back than on the belly, the horns and hooves are light, the front legs are very muscular. Limousin cattle are distinguished by good acclimatization ability, relatively easily endure harsh conditions, and make excellent use of pastures. Weight of calves at birth kg, at weaning kg. With intensive rearing, bulls reach a live weight of up to 600 kg at the age of 15 months, with an average daily gain of up to 65% (bone content in the carcass). Milk productivity of cows kg, in some animals up to 4000 kg, fat content 5%.

Peculiarities of the breed - The cattle is well acclimatized, makes excellent use of pastures - The color of the cattle is red-brown, darker on the back than on the belly. Horns and hooves are light - Cows are distinguished by good reproductive and maternal qualities - Meat of limousines is considered the best in France, the bone content in the carcass is 14-15%

Charolais breed One of the oldest meat breeds in Europe. The main advantage of Charolais cattle is its ability to produce a maximum of good meat with a minimum of fat. Leather is also highly valued. The color of the animals is yellow, of different shades, turning into white, nasal mirror. The animals are large (height at the withers cm), on not high limbs, the body is elongated, the muscles are loose, the skeleton is rather rough. Animals are very hardy (used for years). At birth, calves weigh kg (cases of difficult calving are noted - up to 3.5%). Milk yield of cows: weight of bulls at 8 months, kg, heifers - 280 kg. Live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. Gobies at fattening at 12 months. have a live weight kg. Average daily gains of young animals g (record: 1750 g). Slaughter yield 60-70%. Milk productivity kg (in France up to 4500 kg), fat content 4%.

Features of the breed - The color of the animals is light cream, without spots, the nose mirror is light - Hereditary predisposition to the appearance of doppelenders is characteristic - The tendency of animals to build muscle mass for a long time - Animals are very hardy (used up to years) - Difficult calving is observed (up to 80% of cows at calving need help

Breed Aubrac Breed bred in the central part of France, well adapted to extensive production, known for its unpretentiousness, endurance during long transitions. Animals are able to absorb a large amount of roughage. Animals of a light brown color, with light marks on the end of the muzzle and limbs. The nasal mirror and the end of the tail are dark. Calves weigh kg at birth and kg at weaning. Average live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. Young growth is characterized by a high growth rate and reaches 15 months. Live weight kg. When fattening, the average daily gain of animals is 60-62%.

Salers Breed bred in the mountainous regions of Central France. These are native French cattle. Currently, 95% of this livestock is bred for meat production and 5% for milk production (it goes to the production of elite Cantal and Salers cheeses). The breed is known for its fertility, ease of calving and long productive life. Animals of a dark red color, the nasal mirror is light, the horns are long, directed to the sides and up. Cows are distinguished by good maternal qualities. Calves weigh kg at birth and kg at weaning. Average live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. When fattening, the average daily gain of animals is g, the live weight of bulls at 12 months is kg. Slaughter yield 60%.

Features of the breed - Good endurance when moving long distances - Ability to absorb a large amount of roughage - Due to well-developed hairline (with a predominance of fluff) they tolerate sudden changes in temperature - Light markings at the end of the muzzle, nose mirror and tail brush are dark - Stud bulls have hump

Kian breed The breed comes from the old Roman short-horned cattle. Animals are very large ("giants of the species"). The height at the withers of cows is 158 cm, bulls - up to 170 cm. Animals have an elongated body (oblique body length of cows - 173 cm, bulls - up to 193 cm), a small head, a flat and wide back and loin. High cattle. The color of the animals is white, in bulls the front part of the body has a gray tint. Calves are born with a red color. Kian cattle make good use of roughage. Calves at birth weigh kg, at 12 months. – up to 600 kg, 18 months. - up to 800 kg. Daily gains of young animals g (record: 2000). Slaughter yield up to 70%. Live weight of cows 700 kg (max kg), bulls 1300 kg (max kg).

Features of the breed - Animals are very large ("giants of the species") - Strong legs and very strong hooves - The color of the animals is grayish-white, the mucous membrane of the mouth, nasal mirror and pigmentation around the eyes are black. - Calves are born with red coloration - Kian cattle make good use of roughage

LIGHT AQUITANIAN BREED The breed was bred in the south-west of France in 1962. Belongs to large breeds for intensive breeding. Height at the withers in cows cm; bulls, see. The suit of animals is one-color from light to wheat yellow. Animals are distinguished by excellent fattening and meat qualities, prominent muscles, especially on the back of the back and shoulders, and a long and symmetrical body. Animals are easy to keep on grazing, they are calm, easily adapt to different conditions. climatic conditions. This breed can be kept extensively on pastures during the summer and fed with hay and haylage in winter. Calves weigh kg at birth, weight of adult cows is kg, bulls are kg. With intensive fattening, bulls reach a daily increase up to 2000 and reach 12 months. live weight 465 kg. Slaughter yield from 62 to 66%.

Features of the breed - The breed was bred in the southwest of France in 1962; - Animals are distinguished by prominent muscles, especially on the back of the back and shoulders, a long and symmetrical body; - The suit of animals is one-color from light to wheat yellow; - Animals are calm, easily adapt to different climatic conditions.

Belgian Blue Breed The breed originated in central and northern Belgium. Some sources point to the use of the Charolais breed, which was developed during the 19th century. Animals with rounded shapes and well-defined, well-developed muscles. Calves are not born with such muscles, and usually the muscles begin to appear from 4 to 6 weeks of age. Extensive research has shown that Belgian blue DNA contains a gene that suppresses the production of myostatin, a protein that is responsible for inhibiting muscle growth after reaching a certain point. Therefore, muscle growth in the Belgian blue breed practically does not stop. The breed has strong legs and moves easily. The weight of an adult bull ranges from 1100 to 1250 kg (height at the withers cm), cows usually reach a weight of 850 to 900 kg. Slaughter yield up to 70% (meat in carcass up to 80%).

Features of the breed - Color varies from white, bluish-piebald and black to combinations of these colors; - Animals have a very calm temperament; - The breed is famous for its shape and is often referred to as a "double" muscle breed; - Muscle growth in the Belgian blue breed practically does not stop.

The Santa Gertrud breed was bred in the USA (Texas) by crossing zebu with the Shorthorn breed and breeding crossbreeds "in itself" (3/8 of the zebu genotype and 5/8 of the Shorthorns). Animals are well adapted to the hot climate, are hardy and do not suffer from piroplasmosis, they use pastures well. The color of the animals is red with white markings. Weight of calves at birth 30 kg, at weaning kg. Live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. Average daily gain up to 1200 g. Slaughter yield up to 70%. Milk productivity is low: daily milk yield kg of milk, fat content up to 6%.

Features of the breed - First meat breed, bred in the USA - Animals eat reeds and other marsh vegetation well - Cattle easily tolerate high temperatures and are able to make long transitions to pasture - Animals are resistant to piroplasmosis, tuberculosis, foot and mouth disease

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Black-and-white breed The constitution of black-and-white cattle is strong, the exterior and body type are characteristic of dairy cattle. Animals are different good health and adaptability to different climatic zones. Cows are usually large, live weight 500-550 kg, in breeding plants and reproducers 550-650 kg, with a somewhat elongated, proportionally developed body (oblique body length is 158-162 cm), deep (70-75 cm) average width chest, wide waist, back and sacrum. The belly is voluminous, the udder is large, mostly round and cup-shaped. As the Holstein bloodline increases, the proportion of animals with a bowl-shaped udder increases. The limbs are set straight. The color is black-and-white, occasionally there are animals of red-and-white color.

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Kholmogory breed The cows of this breed are large, the height at the withers is 130-132 cm. The constitution is strong. The body is elongated, characterized by some angularity. The chest is deep, but not wide, the back is wide, sometimes with a raised sacrum, the bones are strong, the limbs are set correctly. The udder is medium in size, mostly round and cup-shaped, there is a goat shape and a third pair of teats. The main color is black-and-white, but there are red-and-white and black.

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Tagil breed The color of animals is quite diverse, black and black-and-white prevail, then red and red-and-white. Tagil cattle of medium size (height at the withers in cows 125-128 cm), with a slightly elongated body (oblique length 153-156 cm); head of medium size, dry; the neck is long, straight, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep enough (66-68 cm), but not wide (33-38 cm); the back of the body is elongated, not wide; the udder is well developed; nipples are set correctly; the skin is thick and elastic. In cows, sometimes there is a drooping of the sacrum, a narrow pelvis, incorrect setting of the limbs (saber, proximity in the hocks), as well as poor muscle development. Animals of the Tagil breed have strong bones (metacarpus girth 18-18.5 cm), are well adapted to grazing and give high milk yield for a long period of use. Cows were registered that did not lose their reproductive ability up to 15-20 years old, and bulls that were used in reproduction up to 14-15 years of age.

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Yaroslavl breed Animals of the Yaroslavl breed are characterized by angular forms of addition, average size (height at the withers in cows 125-127 cm), developed middle part of the body (oblique body length 152-155 cm); the head is light, dry, with an elongated front part; the neck is thin, of medium length, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep (66-69 cm), but narrow (35-37 cm), with a poorly developed dewlap; withers high, sometimes narrow. The rear part of the body is wide, there are animals with a drooping and roof-like sacrum. Animals relatively short-legged, with thin bones (metacarpus girth 17-18 cm); muscles are poorly developed; the udder is of medium size, rounded, the anterior nipples are often widely spaced, and the posterior ones are brought together; nipples are cylindrical, medium length; the skin of the udder is thin, delicate, milk veins are developed satisfactorily. Among the shortcomings of the exterior there are a narrow chest, poor development of muscles on the back, lower back and sacrum, interception behind the shoulder blades.

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Istobenskaya breed The predominant color of animals is black and motley, black with a white stripe along the back, waist and sacrum. There are animals of red-and-white and red color. Istoben cattle are not tall (height at the withers 124-126 cm); the head is somewhat elongated; the neck is thin, with small folds; the chest is deep (64-66 cm), but not wide enough (37-40 cm); withers narrow; the body is elongated (oblique length 152-156 cm); the skeleton is thin; elastic skin; the udder is round and cup-shaped; nipples of medium size, somewhat close together; muscles are poorly developed. Among the shortcomings of the exterior found in animals, one can note a narrow chest, a sagging back, a narrow buttock, as well as incorrect positioning of the limbs (saber, rapprochement in the carpal and hock joints).

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Red steppe breed The color of animals is red with different color intensity: from light red to dark red. Many cows have white markings, mainly on the lower part of the body. In bulls, the front and upper parts of the body are usually darker in color. If individual animals have signs of dairy and beef cattle, then in the mass of cows of the red steppe breed of the dairy type and are characterized by the following exterior features. Animals of medium height (height at the withers in cows 126-129 cm), with a somewhat deep and elongated body (152-156 cm); the head is small, light; chest deep (66-68 cm), medium width (37-42 cm); the back and loin are wide enough and long; the sacrum is often slightly elevated; the skeleton is light (metacarpus girth 17-19 cm); the udder is usually well developed, round and cup-shaped; the skin is thin, elastic, forms small folds on the neck. The most common shortcomings are a narrow and drooping sacrum, a narrow chest, and improper positioning of the limbs.

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Ayrshire breed Ayrshires have a dry and strong constitution, a proportional physique, typical for cattle of the dairy direction of productivity. The color of the cattle is red-motley (red marks on a white background). In some animals, red or white color predominates. Animals of this breed are characterized by peculiar features of the exterior: the head is light, dry, somewhat elongated in the front part, the horns are large, lyre-shaped, directed upwards, the neck is thin, with small folds of skin, of medium length, smoothly turning into the shoulder. The chest is deep (65-67 cm), moderate in width (38-40 cm); dewlap small; animals of short stature: height at the withers 124-125 cm; the sacrum is straight, the skeleton is thin and light (carpus girth is 17-18 cm), the muscles are moderately developed, the limbs are short, correctly set, with well-developed joints. The cows have a proportionally developed bowl-shaped udder with a milk excretion rate of 1.8-2.0 kg/min, an average udder index of 46-48%, teats of medium size, widely spaced; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate hair. The live weight of cows is 450-500 kg, in the best farms - 550-570 kg, bulls - 800 kg; the mass of individual cows reaches 700 kg, and bulls - 1000 kg.

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Jersey breed Jersey cattle belong to a pronounced dairy type with light thin bones (metacarpus girth 15-16.5 cm) and dense dry muscles. It belongs to small breeds of cattle with a height at the withers of 120-123 cm. The head is light, small, with strongly developed brow ridges and a shortened front part, the forehead is not wide, with a concave profile; the neck is thin, with a large number of small skin folds. The body of the Jersey cows is flat, the ribs are set obliquely; back with a slight sag; the chest is relatively deep (63-65 cm), but not wide (37-38 cm); the dewlap is small (Fig. 43). Animals have a somewhat elongated body, angular forms of addition, the tail root is raised.

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Holstein breed At present, the importance of this breed is very high, as it is characterized by the highest milk productivity and is used to improve dairy breeds throughout the world. It is distinguished by good adaptability to various climatic and economic conditions, high payment for feed with milk. The milk productivity of cows under conditions of optimal feeding is 8000-10,000 kg of milk with a content of 3.6-4.0% fat and 3.0-3.2% protein. In the best herds, the average milk yield exceeds 12,000 kg. All records for milk production belong to cows of this breed. For example, 25,248 kg of milk with a fat content of 2.8% was produced from the Beecher cow Arlinda Ellen for 365 days of IV lactation, 713 kg of milk fat was obtained, from the cow Miranda Oscar Lukinda - 30,870 kg of milk with a content of 3.3% fat, milk fat 1018 .7 kg.

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Simmental breed The main color of animals of the Simmental breed is fawn, fawn-motley, there are red-motley and red with a white head. In purebred Simmentals, the nasal mirror, tongue, pharynx and eyelids are light pink. As a rule, Simmental cows are large (height at the withers 135-140 cm), proportionally built (oblique body length 160-165 cm), with strong bones (carpus girth 20-21 cm); the head is large, wide in the frontal part; neck of medium length; the chest is deep (68-72 cm), wide (45-47 cm), in bulls with a developed dewlap; the back is wide; the back of the body is long and wide; the sacrum is sometimes raised; the skeleton is strong; the muscles are well developed; the limbs are usually set correctly; the skin is thick; the udder is often rounded, with a large margin, with delicate hair; nipples are large, conical or cylindrical. The udder index in cows is 42-45%.

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Sychevskaya breed The Sychevskaya breed has characteristic features of the exterior and body type, characteristic of cows of the dairy and meat direction of productivity. Among the Sychevskaya breed, there are a large number of animals deviating towards the dairy type. In terms of color, body type and productivity, cattle of this breed do not differ significantly from animals of the same type of Simmental breed. From the Smolensk region, Sychevsk cattle was imported to various regions of Russia, as a result of which it had a great influence on the formation of Simmentalized cattle in the central regions, Siberia and the Far East.

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Brown Swiss breed The color of animals is brown, with different shades: from light gray to dark brown. A characteristic sign is a light hairline around the nasal mirror, painted in a dark lead color. On the upper line of the body from the withers to the root of the tail, the hairline is lighter. In bulls, the head, neck and front of the body are dark in color. Cows have a short head with a wide forehead, the ends of the horns are dark; the body is somewhat elongated (oblique length 165-170 cm), with a straight line of the back and lower back; the chest is deep (68-70 cm) and wide (44-46 cm), with a developed dewlap. The animals are large (height at the withers 133-135 cm), have strong, correctly set limbs (metacarpus girth 19-20 cm); harmonious physique, well-developed muscles; the skin is thin, dense; the hairline is short and dense; the udder is voluminous, cup-shaped and rounded, the nipples are of medium size, cylindrical; milk veins are well developed.

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The Bestuzhev breed The Bestuzhev cattle are heterogeneous in body type. In most herds, animals of the milk-and-milk type predominate, although there are cows that deviate towards the dairy or meat-and-milk type. In the mass, cattle of this breed are characterized by the following exterior features: the head of cows is medium in size, light and dry, with elongated facial bones, a narrow forehead, wide ganaches, large, white horns; neck of medium length, with small folds of skin; the chest is deep, with a developed dewlap; the back is straight, the loin is straight and wide; the sacrum is somewhat elevated; limbs are low, widely spaced; the udder is medium in volume, round and cup-shaped, with widely spaced nipples, covered with fine hair, the lobes are clearly expressed; elastic skin; muscles are developed satisfactorily. Cows have the following exterior flaws: interception behind the shoulder blades, roof-shaped sacrum, saber hind limbs. The indicators of the main measurements are as follows (cm): height at the withers in cows 130-132, chest depth 70-72, chest width 40-42, oblique body length 157-159, chest girth behind the shoulder blades 190-194, metacarpal girth 19-20.

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Red Gorbatovskaya breed The color of the animals is red, of different color intensity, there are animals with white marks on the lower part of the belly and udder, with a white color of the tail brush. Bulls have a darker color, turning almost black on the neck and head. The nasal mirror is light. Animals of the Red Gorbatov breed are characterized by a strong constitution, well built. With low growth, they have an elongated torso. The head is short, the neck is of medium length, wide; the chest is deep, wide; the line of the back is even; the loin is wide; the sacrum is slightly raised, wide, but not roof-shaped. The tail is set high, long. The udder is of medium size, the lobes are evenly developed, the nipples are conical, slightly close together; muscles are developed satisfactorily. The following exterior flaws are encountered: drooping of the sacrum, sagging of the back, saber-like limbs.

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Kalmyk breed Cattle of this breed have a strong constitution, have endurance, make good use of scarce pastures, quickly gaining fatness. This cattle is characterized by certain biological features: large seasonal deposits of internal and intermuscular fat (up to 60 kg per cow); a special morphological structure of the hair with an increased thickness of the guard hair and its core; strong development of hair and down in winter and decrease in summer; strong development of sweat and sebaceous glands and an increased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels in the blood. The color of the animals is red, of varying intensity, sometimes with a white stripe along the upper part of the body and with a white head. Often animals have white markings on the lower part of the body; the nasal mirror is usually light; the head is small; forehead short; the horns are not long, directed upwards with their ends inward, the front part of the head is elongated, with a hook-nosed profile.

slide number 21

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Hereford breed The color of the Hereford cattle is red, of different shades; the head, dewlap, underparts of the belly and limbs, as well as the tail brush are white. The nasal mirror is pink. The white-headedness and white color of the belly characteristic of Hereford cattle are quite steadily inherited when it is crossed with other breeds. Animals of this breed have a rectangular body shape typical of beef cattle; the head is small, wide; the dewlap is well developed and slightly protrudes forward. The height at the withers in cows is 124-126 cm; the anterior and posterior parts of the body are well developed; the chest is deep (68-72 cm) and wide (48-50 cm); oblique body length is 152-158 cm; the back and loin are wide, short; the rear is wide, straight, with well-developed muscles; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate hair; the horns are long and thick.

slide number 22

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Kazakh white-headed breed The cattle of the Kazakh white-headed breed is well adapted to the conditions of a sharply continental climate and the use of natural pastures. It tolerates heat and frost well, fattens quickly and has high live weight gains. Color: body red; head, chest, belly, lower limbs and tail brush are white; there are white marks on the withers and rump. In general, the color of animals and body type are in many ways similar to animals of the Hereford breed. The height at the withers of cows is 123-125 cm, the chest depth is 68-70 cm, the width of the chest behind the shoulder blades is 43-45 cm. backbone (metacarpus girth 18-20 cm); rounded and wide torso (chest girth 187-190 cm), well-developed muscle-tour. By winter, animals are overgrown with thick long hair.

slide number 23

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Aberdeen-Angus breed Aberdeen-Angus cattle are hornless, black in color, which is stably inherited during interbreeding, of a pronounced meat type. Animals of compact build, with a deep (chest depth in cows 66-67 cm) and wide (chest width 45-46 cm) body on short limbs (height at the withers 116-118 cm); the head is light, somewhat tapering towards the back of the head and protruding in the forehead; the neck is wide and short, imperceptibly passing into the shoulder; the musculature is well developed, on the ham descends to the hock; the skin is loose, covered with delicate hair. Animals are characterized by high precocity. They finish growth early and tend to become obese earlier than other breeds of beef cattle.

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Shorthorn breed The main color of Shorthorn cattle is red, of varying intensity, there are animals of red-and-white, roan and white. Animals of the meat direction of productivity are characterized by a delicate loose type of constitution. They have a compact deep body; the head is small, light, the horns are short, the forehead is wide; the neck is thick, short, inconspicuously connected to the body; the back and loins are straight, wide; the chest is deep and wide, with a protruding dewlap; the sacrum is long, straight, wide; muscle tissue is well developed; limbs are strong, correctly set; the skeleton is thin; the skin is thin, elastic, covered with delicate thick hair. In the USA, Great Britain and other countries there are herds of polled animals.

slide number 26

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Limousin breed According to the exterior, the animals of the Limousin breed are typically meat. They are characterized by a short head and broad forehead, deep chest and round ribs. The color of animals is red, red-brown. The back is very broad, with well-developed muscles; the sacrum is wide, with well-defined muscle tissue; the limbs are correctly set, muscular. The height at the withers in cows is 127-130 cm, in bulls - 135-140 cm; chest girth 187-193 and 230-235 cm, respectively.

slide number 27

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Charolais breed The color of animals is light in different shades (from yellow to white). The nasal mirror is light; the head is short, with a broad forehead. The neck is short, fleshy. The chest is deep and wide (chest girth behind the shoulder blades 200-210 cm); the dewlap is poorly developed; the back is wide, with a slight sag; the back is broad and well muscled. The limbs are in the correct position. Charolais cattle are large, tall (the height of cows at the withers is 134-136 cm, bulls - 141-145 cm), on low limbs; the body is elongated, with almost the same length of the anterior, middle, and posterior parts; the muscles are loose, the backbone is rather rough; the hairline is thin. The disadvantages of the exterior are the bifurcation of the shoulder blades, the unevenness of the back and the roof-shaped sacrum. Animals of this breed are hardy and have a high duration of use. Breeding bulls are effectively used up to 15 years, cows - up to 13-14 years.

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Breed Santa Gertrude The color of the animals is red, of different intensity; there are animals with white marks on the lower part of the belly. At birth, calves weigh 29-30 kg. When grown on suction at the age of 8 months, young animals weigh 230-250 kg, and at the age of one and a half years, when kept on pasture, heifers reach a live weight of 400 kg, bulls - 460-510 kg. Adult cows weigh 560-600 kg, individual animals - up to 780 kg, bulls - 830-1000 kg. Animals of the Santa Gertrude breed have good meat qualities. When fattening gobies, their daily gains reach 1000-1200 g. Tolerating heat well, animals give high gains in summer, even at high air temperatures. Slaughter yield reaches 63-65% or more. The young of the Santa Gertrude breed, under the same conditions of feeding and keeping, exceeds the live weight of English breeds at weaning by 45 kg. Milk productivity of cows is low. The daily milk yield of first-calf heifers is 5-10 kg of milk with a fat content of 4.6%. Some cows have up to 6% fat in their milk.


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