How to introduce yourself so that you are remembered. How to present your project creatively

How you present yourself at the competition directly affects its outcome. The first impression made on the jury and the audience is preserved throughout the event. In order to win people over, to create a positive atmosphere, it is important to think over the greeting to the smallest detail: the external image, text, manner of speech, design.

How to write a presentation about yourself

In order to form an impression about a person, at competitions, regardless of the subject, participants present a story about themselves - a business card.

It is advisable to prepare in advance, compose an original and interesting text, come up with design and external image so that the jury and the audience have a favorable opinion about the speaker.

When making a presentation about yourself, it is important to avoid some points:

  • Performancedo not tighten. Brevity, capacity, accuracy are important.
  • A business card is not a biography of a participant, but a way of self-expression. Instead of listing the stages of life, it is important to show the inner world.
  • An artistic and confident manner of speaking is encouraged. The viewer should not get bored, otherwise he will lose interest in the participant and will not remember him.

Business card

Ideas for self-presentation are varied and depend on the type of competition. The task of a business card is to provide information about the participant, his merits, strengths, and achievements.

To the beauty contest

The standard greeting includes a greeting, short biography, a story about hobbies, achievements, mention of the family, information about children, gratitude for participation.

A video resume made from photos and videos looks creative. In the format of the competition, it is recommended to include materials from professional filming in the film.

It is important to work on the outside. It is better to sew a dress from a fashion designer - this way it will favorably emphasize the figure and eliminate the risk of an identical rival.

For seasonal competitions (Miss Spring, Autumn, Summer, Winter), the costume is decorated with appropriate paraphernalia: leaves, flowers, and so on.

This outfit is especially suitable for children.

The image suggests charm, the delicate shades of the dress for girls look beautiful and appropriate. It is beneficial to use hats, wreaths with flowers (for a summer holiday), an umbrella and so on.

Also, at the mini-miss or mister competition, you can introduce yourself in a national costume.

Example 1

Dear friends! I have long dreamed of participating in such a competition. I went to this for a long time, the support of family and friends helped me decide. Now I am absolutely sure that I can win. I am attractive in appearance, which opened the way for me to participate in fashion shows, advertising photo shoots. I am artistic and ambitious, which I will prove to the jury and the audience today. Thank you all for your support and fighting spirit!

Example 2

Greetings viewers, jury, participants! I am happy to be on this stage today. I am a creative person, as my hobbies prove. I am fond of choreography, vocals, drawing (listing). I have achieved some success in sports, science (list). I have a wonderful family and true friends. I have a beautiful appearance, but my inner world is no less beautiful. I am grateful to my support team for their sensitivity and responsiveness, their desire to help. I will justify my hopes, I will apply my talent to win.

In these examples, the personal data of the participant must be added: full name, age, marital status, the presence of children.

"Miss Camp"

To make a business card, you can resort to the help of a support group, for example, from a detachment and arrange a theatrical scene. The guys will play parents, brother, sister, teachers and so on, describing a short biography of the participant.

If there is vocal data, it is advisable to perform a song about yourself.

A short demonstration of skills and abilities in the room is welcome: crafts or paintings, several dance moves, an acrobatic trick, and so on.

The text of the greeting is composed in verse and prose.

Example 1

Hello, girls and boys, as well as an authoritative jury. Today I am here to demonstrate my talents, skills and charm. I am a versatile person and can be both a diligent student, an excellent student, and a tough girl. I am surrounded by cheerful guys who have become real friends for me. Thank you all for your support and forward to victory!

Example 2

My name is (Name) and I am (number) years old,

I am smart, capable

I will find an answer for everything.

You won't get bored with me

I love fun

I give the audience great emotions.

I'm attractive on the outside

Well, look

Forward to tasks, competitions,

Victory ahead!

"Mr Camp"

A business card for a boy is distinguished by conciseness and capacity. In addition to personal data, they list the merits and achievements in sports, school, circles.

Demonstration of skills is welcome: dance moves (for example, break dance elements), strength, handicrafts, and so on.

If vocal data allows, you can sing or rap.

Example 1

Greetings, dear friends! Today I am here to demonstrate my abilities: mental, athletic, creative. I will surprise you with artistry, talent and natural charm. I have many hobbies: I love football, hockey, music (list). I will name my achievements: (list). I have the best friends and girlfriends in the world. Today I will do my best to win!

Example 2

My name is (Name) and I am (number) years old

To the jury, friends and spectators, I say: “Hello!”.

I am smart and funny

Athletic, naughty.

Protective and kind

Come be friends with me!

I will demonstrate my abilities to everyone,

And skills, skills today I will show.

I hope you like it and win.


A business card for a family team can be made in poetry or prose. It briefly describes all the participants. At the same time, the speech should not be delayed.

Example 1

Perhaps an unusual representation of the family in the form of a fairy tale. To do this, the performance is formatted as a short skit, while it is important to think over the image of each hero, his game, prepare costumes and paraphernalia. For example:

Hello good people! Today we will tell you either a fairy tale or a true story. Listen carefully.

Once upon a time there was a Name (mother), she sat in the tower and waited for the prince. Soon he, and his name was Name (dad), appeared for her on a snow-white horse. He took away her distant kingdom of the city (indicate the name). They lived happily ever after, soon a heroic son (Name) was born to them, all in dad: both in mind and strength.

And beauty and ingenuity went to my mother. It grows by leaps and bounds. The family is friendly and helps each other in everything: they clean the palace together, prepare a feast, fight computer enemies. But the time has come when the heroes and their princess decided to see the world and show themselves. And here we are in front of you, ready to overcome difficult trials and emerge victorious from them.

Example 2

You can design business cards based on the options presented.


A competition for the role of a presenter is usually held for middle and high school children to develop creative abilities and stage skills. Therefore, when drawing up their own ideas, they use fantasy and imagination.

Usually the duration of the speech is very limited in time and is 1-5 minutes, which is better to clarify in advance. Upon entering the stage, you need to say hello, then resort to the options for the texts below.

Example 1

This morning, looking at myself in the mirror, I saw a person who can change ... No, not the world yet, we will deal with this later ... But any show. I can turn a standard number into an enchanting performance. And today I will prove it. Yours, (Participant's name).

Example 2

My ambition knows no bounds. They are the ones that brought me to this stage today. I am energetic, enterprising, smart, resourceful, have a sense of humor and wit, which I hope will help me earn the title of "Best Host". Thank you for your attention and forward to victory!


When preparing a team presentation, it is important to briefly introduce each participant, indicating their role. It is advisable to think over their image: put on glasses for a smart person and give a book in their hands, a dancer to make several movements, a strong man to demonstrate muscles, and so on.

Example 1

Dear viewers and respected jury! You are greeted by a great team (Name), all members of which are unique: here is a wise man, here is a strong man, here is a joker, here is a daredevil, here is a dancer, here is a singer, and so on (everyone takes turns stepping forward). We complement each other, so we are interested together. We promise you won't get bored today.

Example 2

Design options for business cards are shown in the photo.


In the presentation of the class in a creative way, it is desirable to involve the maximum number of students, depending on the allocated time. A few words need to be said about each, beating the image. The general self-presentation includes listing the merits of the class as a whole.

Example 1

Our class is the most wonderful, because it is friendly! We've been together for so long that we know all the weak and strengths each other. And the commander directs us - the best teacher (Name Patronymic). We are always in the thick of all school and world events and are ready to help. And today we will prove that you can rely on us and we can handle all the trials.

Example 2

Variants of business cards for the class are shown in the pictures.


The performance should reveal the main talent of the girl - the skill of driving. A business card for the "Avtolady" contest is made in verse or prose.

Example 1

My name is (Name), I am (number) years old,

A bicycle gave me driving skills.

Then the car came to replace

And here I am on it for so many years.

Probably the best driver

Than I, believe me, there is no world.

Not "I'm a monkey with a grenade"

I am competent and smart

And restrained: believe me, boor,

I won't be rude for anything.

And the rules are the most expensive

How to multiply the quality?

I'll tell you this: I'm not a scorcher and not an amateur,

I am charming and a great driver.

Example 2

Dear jury and dear viewers! Today I am here to demonstrate my professional talent - driving. And let them say that this is not a woman's business, I cope with it with dignity. My driving experience is (number) years, and over the years I have learned to communicate with the machine on "you". We understand each other the best. I am a careful driver and follow the rules, but speed is my passion. Today I will show the ability to drive a car and prove that a woman is a super driver.

For a couple

Performance together is often found in competitions. In a self-presentation, describe the merits of each participant or give a general description.

Example 1

Dear viewers! We act as a couple, so you will have double pleasure: we are doubly smart, cheerful, artistic, charming. We are a well-coordinated team and complement each other perfectly. Today we will do our best to become winners!

Example 2

Dear jury, dear viewers and worthy opponents, the couple welcomes you - (Names). We are always together, friendly, supportive and responsible for each other. Therefore, we are not afraid of the most difficult tasks. And today we will prove it.

To the talent competition

There are many options for what can be shown at the talent competition: people present their abilities in vocals, dance, scientific achievements, sports, and so on. Self-presentation depends on the type of skills and abilities.

Example 1

Dear jury and dear viewers! Today I will demonstrate the best features of my personality. I read a lot, especially non-fiction, get new knowledge on the Internet and in courses. I participated in competitions and achieved some success (list). Today I will prove myself in the field (specify). This is an invaluable experience for me new stage in life.

Example 2

Dear jury and dear viewers! Relatives and relatives believe that I have talent in singing, dancing, science and so on (choose). I really love my hobby, and therefore I am good at it. Whether I'm talented or not, it's up to you, friends. I am happy to participate in the competition, this is an unforgettable adventure for me.

For work

The representative business card of an employee for a competitive vacancy includes personal data, achievements, work experience, best qualities. General phrases should be avoided, it is desirable to back up the merits with facts.

The teacher describes the methods of work that he uses, the cook highlights the most successful dishes, the fashion designer arranges a defile of several outfits, and so on.

Example 1

My name is (full name), I work in sales. Higher education in the specialty (specify), achievements (if any). I am great at interacting with people, getting training (specify where) and putting into practice new methods, which is reflected in the growth of sales. I am initiative, decent, I easily find contact with any person, as a result I have an extensive base regular customers. I believe that I can cope with the job for the vacancy (specify the name) due to competence and experience.

Example 2

The photo shows a card for a teacher competition and samples of standard business cards for business.

Presentation of the dish

When compiling a presentation of a culinary masterpiece, they usually do not just list the ingredients, but apply fantasy and imagination.

Example 1

Good afternoon friends! I present to you the pie. In addition to the main ingredients, I added a little secret to it: whipped up positive emotions, crushed joy, sweetened it with caress and tenderness. I mixed everything and put it in the dough. Therefore, the dish turned out to be airy and fragrant. I seasoned the filling with kindness, love and sincerity. I invite everyone to taste my fabulous cake.

Example 2

Dear friends, come try my culinary masterpiece. This dish is not easy: it gives strength, beauty, wisdom, kindness, because I generously seasoned it with these ingredients. Believe me, whoever tastes it will never forget the spicy taste and will want to know my magical recipe. I will definitely share it with everyone and hope for a positive assessment of my culinary work.

Greeting in verse

If the contestant knows how to add rhymes, you can come up with a concise and beautiful self-presentation. The use of poems in competitions for children is widespread.

Examples of this kind are presented in several versions. Scenarios are pronounced at the competition after pronunciation brief information About Me.

Example 1

Suitable for representing girls, girls, women.

Hello everyone and good luck to everyone

I wish today.

draw the jury's attention

I invite to me.

I am beautiful and smart

And I strive to win.

I will prove it to you

Not in words, but in deeds!

Example 2

The poetic scenario makes it interesting to present a boy, a teenager, a man at the competition.

I salute the jury

worthy rivals,

I strive for victory, friends,

And I have every chance.

I am talented and smart

Beauty is not deprived.

Let in the most difficult competitions

The strongest will win!

Example 3

An example of how to present yourself is suitable for a team or family.

Hello everyone, friends,

On this glorious day.

Compete and play

Today we are not lazy.

We are a friendly team

We are brave and smart

Resourceful, savvy,

Cheerful and cheerful.

Forward to the tasks we are in a hurry

And today we will win.

Business card

Depending on the chosen style, the text in the welcome speech can be serious, humorous, concise, expressive, and so on. In any case, it should correspond to the theme of the event.


Somewhere in a galaxy far, far away... A young star shone in the sky: bright, beautiful. She illuminated the darkness of the universe with light. Her neighbors, stars, told her about people: beautiful, sincere, smart, who warm each other with warmth and tenderness.

In the cold Universe, the starlet was imbued with sympathy for strange creatures, went downstairs and looked into the window. She was reflected in the eyes of a newborn baby and gave her her beauty and charm. The girl (Name) has grown up, and today she demonstrates her best human qualities (kindness and tenderness) and stellar qualities (beauty and charm) in front of you.


Greetings, dear friends! They call me a beautiful name (specify), my age is in the prime of life. I love adventures, new acquaintances, I like to sing karaoke to the joy of my neighbors - in general, I have a character with a twinkle. My family and friends say that I am beautiful. It's not for me to judge, but the reflection in the mirror makes me mostly happy. I wish all rivals to perform with dignity, and not to blunder myself. Jury, do not judge strictly. Thanks for attention.


Dear viewers! On this beautiful evening, I greet you and thank you for the opportunity to be on this stage and express yourself. Relatives and relatives consider me an ambitious, beautiful and smart girl. And I see myself as an ordinary girl, deep in her soul dreaming of declaring herself to the world. Well, let's start...


Hello! The ideal woman greets you. You may not agree with this bold statement, but the fact remains, and today I will prove it. You will not call me timid, shy, stupid. I always go forward, sometimes I stumble and even fall, but my crown does not fall, I get up and move on.

Among my hobbies I can name reading my favorite books to the holes, dancing until I drop, singing at the top of my voice and much more. Oh yes, I'm smart. I would like to become a secret agent, but, unfortunately, I do not have the main quality - I do not know how to keep secrets. Thanks for attention! Beauty and clever, (Name and Surname).


Good afternoon, dear viewers! My name is (Name), my age is (specify). Without further ado, I will say that I consider myself worthy to participate in the competition and become a winner. I am smart, talented, ambitious, which proves my achievements (list). I strive for the goal and do not retreat in the face of difficulties. Thanks for attention.

Useful video

Examples of self-presentation of participants at competitions are presented in the video

We live in an amazing time. The world is changing rapidly, and by 2020 the digital universe will grow tenfold. There will be even more diverse content, it will be more and more difficult for our overloaded brain to perceive it.

To cope with such an influx of information, you need to learn how to properly structure and present it.

How to create an effective presentation and what mistakes to avoid in the process?

Rule 1: Engage with Content

During one of my lectures, I was asked: "Alexander, what do you see successful presentation. I thought for a long time, looking for arguments, because success in this business consists of many factors.

First of all, interesting, structured and well-presented content.

Such that during the presentation the listener looked at the phone for only one purpose - to take pictures of the slides, and not to check the Facebook feed.

So that his eyes would burn and the desire to create would appear.

But how do you know if the audience is ready, if they are interested in how involved they are?

First you need to come to terms with an important fact: people do not go to think and strain. And they probably don't care about your presentation. However, how you present and what they see can change their mind.

Dave Paradis is a presentation specialist who did some research on his site.

He asked people a question: what do they dislike about presentations? Based on thousands of people's responses, he formed two important remarks for any speaker.

Rule 2. Do not read the text from the slides

69% of respondents answered that they hate it when the speaker repeats the text placed on the slides of his presentation. You must explain the information on each slide in your own words. Otherwise, you risk that your audience will simply fall asleep.

Rule 3. Don't "shrink" :)

48% of people cannot tolerate too small font in the presentation. You can come up with ingenious text for each slide, but all your creativity will go down the drain if this text is unreadable.

Rule 4. Joke and be sincere

Will Stefan at TED-x knows how to laugh at himself even during important presentations.

Look. Make a conclusion. Smile. The audience will appreciate your ease of communication and simplicity of speech.

Rule 5: Use the right fonts

In 2012, The New York Times conducted an experiment called "Are you an optimist or a pessimist?".

Its participants had to read an excerpt from the book and answer "yes" or "no" to several questions.

The purpose of the experiment: to determine whether the font affects the reader's trust in the text.

Forty thousand people participated and were shown the same paragraph in different fonts: Comic Sans, Computer Modern, Georgia, Trebuchet, Baskerville, Helvetica.

The result is that the text written in Comic Sans and Helvetica did not inspire confidence among readers, but Baskerville, on the contrary, received consent and approval. According to psychologists, this is due to its formal appearance.

Rule 6. Visualize

We all perceive information differently. You tell the person: make a beautiful presentation. You draw a specific example in your head.

And you don’t even realize that in his mind a beautiful presentation looks completely different.

Therefore, it is better to show five pictures than to explain everything in words once.

Before your speech, you need to pick up clear illustrations of your key message. It doesn't matter what you sell - lunch boxes, your consultations or life insurance.

Show your audience five pictures


Your product

Benefits of your product

Happy buyers

Metrics of your success

Rule 7. Simplify

Most people think that making a presentation on a white background is boring and unprofessional. They are convinced that it is worth changing the color - “magic” will happen and the client will immediately accept the order. But this is a delusion.

We try to "embellish" the slide with a large number of objects, although we can explain its essence in one word or picture.

Your goal is not to reach the level of Rembrandt's skill. An overly detailed and elaborate drawing only distracts the audience from the message you intend to convey. (Dan Roam, author of Visual Thinking)

Using illustrations and a minimum of text, we help convey our thoughts to the audience and capture their attention.

Less is not boring. The design of the one dollar bill is over 150 years old, and it only gets better every year.

It is constantly visually changed, leaving only the most important on the bill. Today, the banknote is beautiful in its simplicity.

Rule 8. Rehearse your performance

If you don't have time to prepare a presentation, why should the client take the time to do so? How will you enter the hall? What will you say first? Your laptop will be ten percent charged, and where do you expect to find an outlet? Will you rehearse a few scripts and your speech?

All questions have the same answer: important meetings and presentations need to be prepared. It is not enough to create a presentation with cool content and pictures, you need to be able to present it. At the performance, you must be understood, heard and accepted.

Creation effective presentation is not just adding cool content and pictures to the slides, it is the ability to present them. At the speech, you should be understood, heard and accepted.)

Imagine: a person comes into the hall and starts rushing about - then the 1st slide, then the 7th, then back to the 3rd. Worries, worries, forgets. Will you understand anything? I do not think.

People feel very good about other people. When you are not ready, not sure, you can see it from a distance. So my advice is to rehearse your presentation in front of a mirror at least three times.

Meet on the cover

Imagine you came to a meeting, amazed everyone cool presentation, added as a friend on Facebook the one to whom they were “sold”, and you have a flower or a skull on your profile picture.

First, it's weird. Secondly, in two weeks, when you write to a person in the messenger, he will not remember your face.

Open messenger. If you see letters or a person who has his back turned to you on the avatar, do you remember the face of the interlocutor without his name?

Presentations make a difference. This does not necessarily mean that they are changing the audience. This can also happen, but I'm not talking about that now. Presentations transform you and your own ideas. It's not about making you rich and famous with their help. It's about being different the best people. You will become more knowledgeable, more understanding, more sincere and more passionate. ( Alexey Kapterev, presentation expert)

No matter how cool your presentation in PowerPoint is, if you have a picture in a bad resolution on your profile picture, they will forget about the presentation.

Remember that your Facebook profile is selling while you sleep. They visit it, read it, look for something interesting. The visual design of your page is very important.

Can I ask you to do one thing? Upload your facebook avatar with a white background and make a cover with your photo and short description, What do you do.

Over time, you will realize that you are “meeting by the cover”, and you will get a specific result from communication.

Presentation by mail: 5 life hacks

A presentation in front of an audience is very different from the one you need to mail.

What I advise you to pay attention to before sending a presentation to a client:

The title slide always sells. Your first picture should be provocative, unusual. Looking at it, a person should want to know more.

Self-presentation is one of the topics that presenters fear. It is difficult to understand what the audience wants to know and how much they want to tell about themselves. Self-presentation is one of the most common speeches you will be asked to give in life.

Self-presentation is the process by which individuals present themselves in the social world. This process takes place on both conscious and unconscious levels, usually motivated by the desire to please others and satisfy one's own needs. Self-presentation can be used as a means of managing impressions.

Self-presentation is any behavior intended to create, modify, preserve an impression of oneself in the minds of other people.

Self-presentation performs three important functions:

  • helps social interaction
  • enables people to achieve material and social rewards
  • helps individuals create desired identities

Types of presentations

You can communicate information about yourself to people through self-presentation. They are divided into groups:

  1. The ratio of the audience to the presenter.
  2. According to the form of implementation (oral, in the form of text).
  3. According to the purpose of the event (promoting, informational).
  4. By the size of the audience (private, chamber,).
  5. The theory of self-presentation suggests that human behavior is aimed at creating a desired impression. We want people to see us in a certain way.

Three components of a successful self-presentation:

  • the speaker must be motivated to have a special effect on the minds of the listeners
  • the speaker must have the cognitive ability to know which particular behavior will lead to the desired impression
  • must be able and willing to accept the desired behavior

Successful self-presentation involves a balance between benefits (presenting the most useful image for the situation) and believability (making sure that the image will be perceived by others). Being aware of these factors, people usually change according to the audience's expectations.

When planning a speech, divide it into three parts - beginning, middle, conclusion. This will give it structure and help with writing.

Greet the audience with warmth, tell who you are, what and why you are going to speak.

Tell us about yourself: hobbies, hopes, dreams, goals. Be informative, if appropriate, be sure to talk about personal achievements.

Discuss the reasons for wanting to work for the company, touch on past experiences, and explain why you think you are the right fit for the position. Tell an interesting incident from the past, if appropriate. Let interviewers know what you're proud of. It can be the ability to save time, efficiency, skills. Get ready for questions about this.

If you are in high school, starting a new college course, explain why you chose this course, what interests you in a particular job or career.

The most important moment! Don't add Additional information at the end of the speech, you should ask the audience if there are any questions. You should thank the listeners for their time and attention.

Aspects of Personal Presentation

Important components of a personal presentation: clothing, accessories (bags, phones, diaries, jewelry, scarves), body language, voice.

Clothing is the most obvious side of personal presentation. When deciding what to wear, pay attention to a few things. What is the audience expecting? business suit may not always be appropriate. Much depends on the expectations of potential listeners. Sometimes a smart casual style is more appropriate.

You need to feel confident and relaxed at the presentation, you need to find a balance between the expectation of the audience and comfort.

Women need to think about shoes: you will have to stand for a long time, make sure you can do it. If you're not used to heels, don't wear them.

Accessories must match the clothing. This does not mean that the bag should be the same color as the jacket. If you are wearing a suit, then your materials should be in a briefcase, not in a backpack.

The role of the voice in a speech

Three main elements of speech must be mastered by those who want to become effective speakers:

  1. Volume - to be heard.
  2. Clarity is to be understood.
  3. Variety is to generate interest.

Volume. Some people have naturally soft voices. If the voice is too high, the tonal quality is lost. Do not raise, but “project” your voice as you exhale.

When talking to a group, it is important not to direct the speech to the front row or just to the people closest to you, but to consciously address the phrases to those who are further away.

Clarity. Some people tend to speak through clenched teeth. This inability to open the mouth and not make sounds distinctly is the main cause of slurred speech.

Diversity. To make speech effective and interesting, you need to apply vocal variety. Ways to achieve vocal diversity:

  • speed
  • volume
  • delivery - intonation - accent
  • pause

Speaking speed. If the speech is too fast, the listeners do not have time to absorb what is said. To keep the listeners interested, you need to vary the pace of speech - first speeding up, and then slowing down.

Volume. By increasing or decreasing the volume, you can create an accent.

Presentation - Intonation - Accent: Speaking in public, try to convey information with as much energy and enthusiasm in your voice as possible.

Pause. Can be used for effect, to highlight a previous statement, or to grab attention with an important message.

Sample of self-presentation in an interview

An interview is a meeting and conversation between an applicant and a potential employer. During the interview, it is important for the parties to understand whether they are suitable for each other, to discuss the details joint work. can ask questions about education and as well as skills and knowledge. It is possible to talk about personal, aspirations and plans in life.

First impressions can play important role how the employer perceives you as a candidate. What you say at the first stage of the interview can make a big difference in the outcome.

  1. Start with a smile on your face, identify yourself.
  2. Tell me about the details of education.
  3. Answer the question why you want to work for this company.
  4. Report skills and abilities.
  5. Add if necessary.
  6. Tell us about your hobbies and hobbies.
  7. How do you spend your free time, if any?
  8. When finished, say THANK YOU to the person who listened to you.

Things to avoid talking about in an interview:

  1. I can't stand my current job.
  2. My boss is the worst boss.
  3. My current company is terrible.
  4. When I can ?
  5. Can you give me a taxi to get back home?
  6. May I answer the call?
  7. I really need this job.
  8. I don't have all the experience you need, but I'm a fast learner.
  9. I do not know.
  10. I have an appointment, will this end soon?
  11. Sorry I'm late.
  12. Profanity, profanity.
  13. Babysitting is not available right now, but I will do something.
  14. I don't have a car yet, but soon.
  15. it does not suit me. Can it be changed?
  16. I have no questions.
  17. What is included in the benefits package?
  18. Interviews make me nervous.
  19. Can I ?

Self-presentation example

Good morning,

Nice to introduce myself. My name is Igor Novikov. I'm from St. Petersburg. I work in electronics and software engineering. Last year I graduated from LETI. I also completed courses in computer security there.

My father is a civil servant and my mother is a housewife.

My strengths are that I like to solve problems, I am a self-motivated person and a self-disciplined person. I am a good team player and I am great at leading a team. I can accept any medium. I am a good listener and a fast learner.

I do not want to talk about my weaknesses, but I like to talk about the possibility of improvement, I believe in myself and my work, and I want to improve.

My short term goal is to have a base where I can make a career along with the growth of an organization like yours.

I think that the most important thing at an interview is to be self-confident and know what you are going to tell, the manager will feel confident. Highlight the most important things for yourself in advance and tell without a hitch.

To answer

I can say that not everyone is given to speak in public. But if the goal is at stake good job, then of course it makes sense to thoroughly prepare and present yourself with better side. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how.

To answer

The speaker walked onto the stage, tapped on the microphone, winced at the terrible sound of the speakers from his manipulation, laughed tightly, swallowed loudly, muttered something and began to stutter.

And everything went wrong. With that, the most interesting part of the presentation is over.

As he spoke word by word, I looked around the room. A sea of ​​heads with heavy eyelids nodded their noses. No one could keep awake, let alone follow the speaker's train of thought. It was sad to watch.

Really sad, because I personally knew the speaker and knew how smart he was in his work. But his presentation that day did not convince anyone of his sharp intellect. Even worse, no one in the room wanted to collaborate with him as an expert in their field of expertise.

Success in business depends as much on your knowledge of the business as on the ability to talk about your work in a way that makes it sound smart, attractive, and persuasive. Because if no one sees how smart you are, how will they know they need your services?

In other words, a well-guarded secret will not bring popularity.

A brilliant business under a thick veil will not make you money.

This means that as a small business owner, you will have to make presentations about your work. Stunning, brilliant and intriguing presentations about their work.

Creative presentation ideas to inspire your audience. ()

What separates a compelling presentation from one that puts everyone to sleep?

Next 10 creative ideas presentations will help you prepare a presentation that will keep the audience's attention on you and your speech.

10 Creative Presentation Ideas

1. Tell a story

The human brain is designed to automatically respond to stories. It's part of the survival mechanism (" Don't leave the cave! There is a huge mammoth roaming around!"). It is also a way of entertainment (" And then the mammoth approached, I jumped out of hiding, all camouflaged with branches, and began to growl like a wild animal".) And this dual function elevated the genre of storytelling to the level of the highest means of communication known to man.

We perceive and learn the facts of the world around us with the help of a story.

Stories are much more interesting to listen to than listing facts, because they captivate us. Stories capture attention and hold it. They help the audience understand and remember information for a long time, much longer after the story has ended.

Instead of presenting your findings in a string of facts (budgets, numbers, summaries) that will drive even the most positive-minded audience crazy, write a story out of your facts.

Use professional design with eye-catching photo and graphics layouts to help your audience make eye contact with your story. For example, the Summit 2 PowerPoint template will work for you.

Summit 2 Flexible PowerPoint Template

What intersting links can you find for your facts? What kind of story can you create from these facts to help them follow your train of thought from start to finish? Tell them!


2. Ask questions at crucial moments

The statements sound expected and uninteresting. Especially during a presentation. Since a presentation is essentially a series of statements tied together, one more statement is unlikely to intrigue the audience - even if it is extraordinary.

What if you ask a question?

The question breaks the monotonous rhythm of the presentation and helps to add weight to what you are saying. Moreover, the question will turn your presentation from a passive story into active search, in which the audience can independently join with the help of their answers.

Ask questions and interact with your audience. (graphic resource)

When you encourage your listeners to answer a question (even mentally), they are drawn into the presentation. This keeps them interested in your words.

3. Break the entire presentation into 3 clear arguments.

Since ancient times number 3 considered a bit of a magic number in many cultures. There is something about groupings of three that affects the human mind in an inexplicable way and helps us retain information better. Examples: "body, soul and mind"; "fire, water and copper pipes"Blood, sweat and tears."

With or without magic, the number three always works. At the end of the presentation, we will always remember three things we were told.

So instead of letting the listener choose which three things they remember, why not take the plunge and break down your presentation into three key arguments and conclusions? Now you can be sure that the audience pays attention to the most important points, and not to insignificant details.

Even if you give more than three arguments, and you probably will, you can find ways to organize all the little things into three main categories. Then you can easily go back and summarize the gist of your presentation at the end.

Cost, time, results. Problem, suggestions, solution. Beginning, middle and end. The main thing to remember is to divide the content into three parts!

4. Don't Forget About Humor

Humor moves the world. The same is true in the world of business. After all, no one wants to work with a dead person.

So even when you're making a presentation in front of a "serious" client or investor, don't forget to use humor. This doesn't mean you should be cracking jokes all the time. You just need to behave easily, be a little perky and prepossessing.

Do not make friends with humor? Do not worry. You can find presentations on how to make humorous presentations!

23 comedian tips for being funnier in your next presentation by David Nihill.

5. Presentation Design Should Convince, Not Distract

Consider that your PowerPoint slides is a presentation guide for the audience to help them keep their attention in every moment.

The ability to imagine yourself is an important skill that can be useful in all areas of life. Self-presentation can occur arbitrarily, but in some cases special preparation is required. These events include competitions. A lot depends on the first impression, so you should know how it should be business card for the competition.

Competitions are usually held in order to show talent, knowledge or beauty. Regardless of the purpose of the event, all participants must prepare a presentation of themselves. This is necessary in order to make a good impression on the jury and guests.

It is required to approach self-presentation with special seriousness, because a business card for the contest is a great opportunity to tell about yourself. Here are some tips that might help:

  • First you need to determine in what style a business card about yourself for the competition will be drawn up, how you can structure it. For example, when participating in a scientific competition, you should demonstrate yourself and your activities, talk about the successes in the field of science that have already been achieved.
  • If a person participates in a creative event, then he simply must use all his imagination. It is necessary to show creativity in such a way that the jury is delighted. Thus, a story about yourself for the competition should be compiled in accordance with the theme of the event.
  • Another important element of a business card is appearance. It should also correspond to the theme of the event, the image of the speaker should be in harmony with the presentation of his personality and the general atmosphere.
  • Of course, the story about yourself must be learned by heart. However, you need to make a copy of the business card. You can do this by writing down the text with your own hand, printing it on a computer, and also saving it on a disk or flash drive. One copy must be given to the jury members.
  • If the text for the competition is saved on a disk, then you need to put it in some colorful envelope made by yourself. regular envelope white color will not look very original.
  • The business card should contain all the basic information about yourself, that is, last name, first name, patronymic, place of study or work.
  • Do not forget that a story about yourself should contain information about the talents, achievements of the participant, his positive aspects. For example, a business card for a Miss Beauty contest may include information about what the girl is fond of, whether she has previously participated in such contests, if so, whether she managed to win, and so on.
  • There is no need to delay the performance, the most optimal period of time is a few minutes. The story should be short and logical, not be too crowded with information, everything is only the most basic.
  • Not bad if a business card for a beauty contest or any other is accompanied by pleasant music. It should also be carefully selected and appropriate for a particular event. It is best to choose music without words, so as not to distract the attention of the jury members and guests. Otherwise, they may not delve into the story and evaluate it objectively.
  • If you have special equipment, you can prepare a presentation for the competition from photos and videos that confirm the talents and achievements of the participant. It is desirable that the presentation was built with a specific plot.
  • Most importantly, you should not worry and be afraid of speaking. After all, judges are ordinary people They also have their own hobbies and preferences. In order to impress them, you need to show your imagination, come up with something unusual.

A business card for the competition is not a strict statement of one's own biography. It is considered a way of self-expression, demonstration of one's inner world and worldview.

Presentation in poetic form

For the most concise and beautiful presentation of yourself, it is recommended to use a poetic form. Of course, a business card in verse should be invented independently. If the participant has the ability to compose a rhyme, then there will be no difficulties.

No need to compose too long pieces. It is better to make it short, but such that it immediately catches the audience, and then dilute it with a narrative without rhyme. How to present yourself at a poetry competition? It is worth considering examples.

You can imagine yourself at the event like this:

I am athletic, naughty
Very attractive!
I'm resourceful, smart!
Listen carefully!
Dance and have fun -
Anything you want I can
I will prove it to you!

Business card in verse for a beauty contest:

bright, alluring,
With a beautiful smile.
Our meeting with you
Definitely not a mistake!
Befriending such a lady
You will be like on a comet!
I explode all the time
Burning everyone by accident.
Energy - more than enough
Please choose me!

A business card for boys that is suitable for little mister contests:

I am strong and brave
I'm already driving!
Any difficulties for me
And there is no reason to be discouraged!
Who am I?
A real man!

Another verse, how to present yourself at the competition, a business card for school events:

I know everything in class
I answer questions first
I understand everything in the world
And I love science!
And I'll tell you a secret
There is simply no better guy!

For a beauty pageant, the following business card for a Miss pageant would be appropriate:

Good afternoon everyone, my name is Karina,
Student, activist, 20 years old.
I am an optimist, I love life so much
That gives only happiness to me dawn.

I decided to participate spontaneously.
My stylist told me about the contest.
Mom and dad know that I'm here
And for friends - this is a big surprise!

A business card for a competition of various topics with the help of poems will help you stand out from other participants, which will only play a plus for the speaker. Only a well-created self-presentation can be appreciated by the jury members and remembered by them in the final evaluation.

A good business card about yourself for the competition is a guarantee of success. But still, the decisive role is played by the intellect, talent, skills and knowledge of a person. The participant should try to ensure that both the presentation of himself and the further performance were done on the same level.


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