How to open a small business abroad. How to choose your own business idea? Pizza in a horn

Business ideas from Europe attract our entrepreneurs with their “freshness” and originality, and with the proper approach, they can be implemented in Russia.

No one can give a 100% chance that a business idea will bring fame and fortune to its creator.

However, at the same time business ideas from Europe attract entrepreneurs with their freshness and originality.

Using the example of "foreign" colleagues, they have the opportunity to observe the implementation of the idea, its strengths and weaknesses, perception by clients.

You can learn from someone else's experience and adapt other people's ideas to Russian life realities.

Moreover, the level of competition in this situation will be absent or so minimal that it will be possible not to pay special attention to it.

After all, your own business in a European way is, as a rule, something innovative that has not been implemented before.

An entrepreneur who implements business ideas from Europe is both a pioneer and a follower.

Therefore, this article offers a number of bright and unusual options for owning your own business.

All of them successfully exist in Europe, but are not yet represented in Russian-speaking countries.

Who knows, maybe you are the one who implements one of them in Russia?

1) Scary business idea: letters from the other world

Where else could such a creepy business idea emerge than the UK, home to many eminent creators of detective stories and horror books.

Its essence lies in the fact that clients can send messages to relatives and friends after death.

Of course, having prepared in advance using a special service.

The client can create up to 100 messages, specifying when and to whom to deliver them.

The creators believe that their business idea will make it easier for the loved ones of the deceased to survive his departure.

But given that even a photo and video can be attached to the "last note", it is possible to use them for other purposes.

For example, to convey the last will.

Of course, in conditions of absolute secrecy.

Can such an idea take root with us?

Why not.

In the meantime, she receives numerous positive reviews from users.

True, this is a bit of a strange fact.

After all, they can check his work only after death ...

2) How do they do business in Europe?

"If you cannot be the first in a certain area, invent a new one, in which you will become the first."
Dan S. Kennedy. How to succeed in business by breaking all the rules

Pedantic housewives and, of course, doctors are especially well aware of the importance of keeping your hands perfectly clean.

Especially for the latter, the innovative PullClean apparatus was created, which is gradually finding its place in Europe.

It appeared, like the previous business idea, in the UK.

The essence of PullClean is that this device allows you to quickly and easily disinfect your hands with a special substance.

What is its innovation, you ask?

The fact that the PullClean is integrated into the doorknob.

Thus, every time the door is opened, a person has the opportunity to bring the cleanliness of his hands back to normal with a light second press.

After all, doorknobs are one of the main places of accumulation of microbes.

That in a hospital it can even be dangerous.

This is why the creators have high hopes for their business idea and its distribution in Europe.

Indeed, in addition to practical benefits, PullClean creates a special reflex: open the door - disinfect your hands.

There is also potential for the development of this business idea in our country.

After all, PullClean can be used not only in public hospitals, but also in private clinics, in some types of industries and even in public toilets!

3) Business idea from Europe: green life

Many people began to pay closer attention to environmental issues.

In Russia, the trend has not yet gained such popularity.

But many business ideas from Europe are built around this direction.

Every conscientious citizen strives to live in a way that does not harm the environment.

One of the most pressing and major problems is waste.

A new invention - "Ooho" will help to partially deal with it.

It is a transparent capsule with drinking water inside.

Why is this business idea unique?

First of all, the fact that the capsule can be biodegradable without any consequences for the environment.

And most importantly - you can eat it!

Yes, you got it right.

Ooho is a stylish, safe and edible water transfer container.

In Russian-speaking countries, where simple waste sorting is difficult to implement, such a business idea from Europe is still unlikely to have a chance of success.

But she has great potential in the future.

After all, the ideas of eco-life are gradually beginning to conquer the minds of Russians.

Finally, here is a diagram of the garbage production of the average citizen:

4) Business idea from Europe: a few more words about garbage ...

One of the significant waste items is organic waste.

As a rule, unlike paper or glass, organic matter is not sent to secondary production.

The European business idea in question is the processing of fruits and vegetables into juices.

Not simple, but not beautiful enough to showcase them.

Indeed, in Europe, such a situation is impossible as in the countries of the Russian Federation, when battered, rotten and simply ugly products are on the showcase along with the rest.

Unless they are sometimes sold at a discount.

In the UK, one of the supermarkets (Sainsbury’s) decided that throwing out fruits and vegetables for a non-marketable type is a waste.

Therefore, they began to make soups and juices from them.

We also created a department where products that look far from canonical are sold with a 30% discount.

5) Business idea from Europe for the lost

How often did you run out of the house and couldn't find the keys?

Of course, this situation is familiar to everyone.

And you could not get into it again if you used the smart stickers Estimote Beacons.

This business idea originated in the USA.

Smart Stickers are special beacons that can be attached to any surface.

They contact mobile phones and transmit the necessary information to them.

The example of losing keys is just a small everyday situation in which this great business idea can come in handy.

In Europe, with the help of such navigation, they help blind people to navigate in space.

Also, beacons make it easier to navigate in stores.

Estimote Beacons themselves are, of course, patented.

But Russian entrepreneurs it is worth paying attention to the principle of operation.

After all, if such a business has appeared and is developing in Europe, it means that the population has a need for it.

6) A wonderful pot from Europe

This business idea from Europe, created by Seunbing Yeung, must be considered as very promising.

He invented a special pot design for indoor plants.

In the lower part there is an ordinary pot in which a flower grows.

But at the top there is a pretty cloud, which is a water reservoir.

The trick is that its holes let the liquid through in a very metered manner.

Now you can discard the problem of irregular watering of plants - the process will occur automatically.

An excellent solution for those who are often on business trips or simply forgets to keep an eye on green "pets".

Russian hostesses have in their arsenal a whole set of ways to regulate watering.

But no one will refuse such a simple and stylish!

7) Find for parents from Europe

When looking for a successful business idea from Europe, entrepreneurs should pay attention to goods for children.

After all, every parent wants his child to have all the best.

A Swedish business idea that is gaining popularity in Europe right now is Tinitell.

The most elementary of all mobile phones, made in the form of a bracelet.

It is designed so that young children can contact their parents if they are not yet ready to use a smartphone for these purposes.

Perhaps such a business idea has a greater future in Russia than in Europe.

After all, besides the inconvenience for the child, we have two more arguments against buying a smartphone: it is dangerous to carry a regular phone, moreover, a child can quickly break it.

And the video below tells about another business idea from Europe,

which will make life easier for many car enthusiasts:

8) Be so kind as a package of wine!

Wine is one of those alcoholic beverages that even doctors recommend to take in minimal doses.

Although few people really follow this recommendation for the sake of improving digestion or quality of sleep.

Be that as it may, busy people will appreciate a business idea from Europe - wine in doy-packs.

They fit exactly a glass of wine - everything as the doctor ordered.

Down with unnecessary snobbery!

Consumers get the opportunity to forget about the corkscrew and sip wine from the bag on the go.

Whether a business idea has the right to be implemented in the Russian Federation is an ambiguous question.

Maybe you should consider this packaging for another alcoholic beverage?

The fact that the idea has taken root abroad and brought fame and fortune to the creator does not mean that you will succeed in the same way.

There are many factors to consider: different advertising campaign, the demand for the product on the market, the willingness of consumers to innovate, the mentality.

But if you're ready to make up detailed business plans and analysis of the market situation, business ideas from Europe can become a treasure for you great ideas!

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  • The newest business ideas from Europe: TOP-12 ideas 2019
  • Business ideas from Europe: how to find them

Most entrepreneurs dream of coming up with a new “million dollar idea” that will bring millions in profits and take it to the business Olympus. Promising ideas do not appear so often, but do not despair - if you cannot come up with anything interesting, you can use the example of our Western colleagues. The ideas of many projects were borrowed from Western startups, and this did not stop them from becoming successful: for example, Pavel Durov took advantage of Mark Zuckerberg's idea and created the VKontakte network, which, although it did not “surpass” Facebook in the world, still became the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS.

The United States has long been considered the trendsetter in business, but European businessmen can demonstrate creativity and bring to life extraordinary ideas that can be easily used here. Ecotourism, women's repair teams, production of Eurobeam - these and many other European ideas are successfully working on Russian market.

The newest business ideas from Europe: TOP-12 ideas 2019

1. Bicycle cafe ... Everyone knows what a MacAuto is - McDonald's and other cafes serve customers right in the car. A similar business for cyclists has emerged recently in Zurich. A person can come to a cafe and drink coffee / eat without getting up from the bike, which “parks” right on the territory of the cafe directly at the table.

It's no secret that bicycles are a very popular form of transport in Europe, and in Russia, in recent years, special parking lots for bicycles have appeared.

Can this idea be applied in Russia? Yes - especially in big cities. In addition to the convenience for cyclists, this novelty will attract the attention of visitors - even those who have come on foot or by car.

By the way, one more business can be done on bicycles, and this idea also came to us from Europe: more precisely, from the most “cycling” country - Holland. This is an automated bike rental point where anyone can take a bike literally in a matter of seconds for little money, and then return it to this point or to any other similar rental point in the city.

Such machines have already reached Russia, but so far the idea has been implemented only in a few large cities.

2. Free gym.Many people don't go to the gym because they need to pay for their annual or monthly membership right away. A person may not have such an amount, or he may not buy a subscription, doubting that he will go there regularly for a month or even more so - a year.

Therefore, free gyms have already appeared in Europe - which, nevertheless, make great money on the sale. additional services or sporting goods. This can be advice from a personal trainer, sports nutrition and drinks, sportswear and footwear, as well as the sale of advertising spaces in the hall.

Is it possible to organize such a business in Russia? Yes - but you need to carefully calculate everything so that the income from sales is greater than the losses from those who just want to go to the gym “for free”. Alternatively, you can make a free visit to the gym in the first months of operation to attract customers.

3. Cone-shaped pizza.Fast food is a trend of our time. People do not have time to have breakfast (they rush to work), they do not have time to dine (there is a blockage at work), and in the evening after work, the last thing they want is to stand at the stove.

This is one of the secrets of the popularity of pizza. However, pizza has one significant drawback - it takes up a lot of space and is inconvenient to eat on the go. The Italians found a way out: they came up with a pizza in a cone - Pizza Cono. This is the same pizza, but more compact, because the filling is inside the dough, which is curled up in a cone. Thanks to this, pizza can be eaten not at the table, without a knife and fork.

Such a business can be organized both in Russia and in any other country - wherever there are pizza lovers, but especially in office districts. In addition, it will allow you to stand out from other pizzerias.

4. Unusual vending.Vending machines for coffee, soda and chocolate have long been popular. German entrepreneurs went further - they installed vending machines at train stations in large cities with sunglasses, towels and other things that travelers often forget.

This idea can take root in any country, because people spend a lot of time at train stations and willingly spend money there. Moreover, according to statistics, the number of Russians traveling is growing every year.

Another unusual vending service sells ... sets of rolls! Japanese cuisine is very popular, but you can order rolls in Russia only in cafes and sushi bars. But in Europe, special machines for the sale of rolls are already operating.

If these machines are installed in crowded places, the idea may well work. Do not forget that rolls, unlike chocolate, water and crackers, have a short shelf life, so the choice of the location of such a machine is of paramount importance.

5. Children's hotels. This idea will surely appeal to parents who dream of a short break from their children - or are forced to go on a business trip. Not everyone has grandmothers or other relatives who can stay with the child, and not everyone trusts nannies. The children's hotel is, in fact, an analogue of a children's camp: the menu and design of the rooms are created taking into account the interests of the little guests. In addition, such hotels must have a medical worker and a psychologist.

This idea will surely take root in large cities - both in Russia and in other countries, because the number of working parents is only growing, and relatives are not always eager to take care of other people's children.

6. Table-bed 2 in 1: an idea for workaholics. Not everyone leaves work at 18:00 - often employees have to stay late at work. At the same time, not every company is equipped with a lounge. The exit is a table that turns into a bed. In its usual form, it is no different from a regular office desk, but as soon as the back panel is lowered and the side cover is folded back, the desk transforms into a resting place. It also has a small TV.

The idea of ​​transforming furniture is far from new, but only this table combines furniture for work and leisure.

It is difficult to say how much this idea can take root in Russian offices - after all, few employees are so “hot at work” that they need a sleeping place. But for small-sized apartments, of which there are plenty in our country, this can be a real boon.

7. Selfie mirror. Selfies are a real trend in recent years. In order not to appear in the frame with an outstretched hand. special “selfie sticks” have already been invented, but the French have gone even further and developed a special selfie mirror - Pixglass. After installing a special application on your smartphone, you no longer have to choose a pose for a photo - the mirror will take a selfie and send it to your smartphone, while your hands can be anywhere.

It's hard to say how popular this idea can be - most likely, the mirror can be bought by true fans of selfies, who do not mind paying for such a thing for the sake of their favorite hobby. And besides, a large selfie mirror can be rented out for various events.

8. Varnish with aromas.Renowned for all women, Revlon has released a new collection of Revlon Parfumerie varnishes - 24 colors with fragrances that match the desired shade. For example, a varnish of the color "Bordeaux" has not only the color, but also the aroma of Bordeaux wine. The smell is said to last up to 3 days.

The fact is that ordinary varnishes have a rather pungent and specific smell that annoys many fashionistas. The creators of this series have eliminated this problem, and other businessmen working in the beauty industry are ready to follow their example. The same hair dyes also have an unpleasant odor, and ideas have already appeared on how to give them a better scent.

9. Travel by smartphone.To board a plane, it is no longer necessary to present a printed ticket - air tickets have become electronic. In large western cities, applications have already appeared that allow you to buy tickets for other types of transport - the ticket remains in your smartphone.

By the way, a similar project called Mobile Ticket was recently launched in Moscow. Now, to pay for a metro ticket, you need to attach an NFC-enabled mobile phone to the turnstile. Something similar can be created in other metropolitan areas.

10. Tours for blind and visually impaired tourists.According to statistics, 8% of the Russian population is visually impaired, and their number is growing every year. Excursion services for people with disabilities are a significant sector in the modern tourism industry. However, visually impaired people cannot enjoy the ride 100%. An interesting idea came to the head of the visually impaired owner of a travel agency Amar Latif - he began to organize special tours for the blind.

During the preparation of the tour, mixed groups are created, and sighted tourists help the blind to feel the beauty of the places they visit.

Creating conditions for people with limited abilities- a very popular type of business and direction social policy in the West. Most likely, this fashion will soon reach us.

11. Business with clean shoes. “I myself hate dirty shoes” - said the unforgettable Alexei Batalov in the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”. In fact, many people do not like dirty shoes - but what if in some regions of our country there is dirt and slush on the street for ten months a year?

The solution can be a special Ultra Ever Dry liquid: after processing the shoes with it, the boots will repel dirt, water, and even sand. This liquid is successfully sold in Europe. In Russia, this business can work in large cities.

12. A restaurant that counts calories.Many people care about their figure, so some restaurants list not only the weight and price of each dish, but also the number of calories. But the owners of one Swiss restaurant went even further: they indicate the number of calories and fats consumed not only on the menu, but also on the bill. By the way, this restaurant has 2 Michelin stars and is very popular.

The advantage of such a business idea is its simplicity. You just need to drive the calorie content of the dishes into the system and add one line to the account. People who follow their shape, for sure, will not bypass such a restaurant with their attention.

Business ideas from Europe: how to find them

If you are looking towards the West and want to use their developments in the Russian market, there are two ways to find ideas.

  1. If you have friends, family and acquaintances living abroad, ask them what new interesting developments have appeared on their market. You can also subscribe on social networks to groups of Russian emigrants in Europe and find necessary information Through them.
  2. Regular monitoring of foreign business websites. If you speak foreign languages, it is better to subscribe to foreign sites - while this information is found and reprinted on Russian-language resources, it may become slightly outdated.

Do not be limited to Europe and look for ideas everywhere, including around you. Sometimes a good idea can literally wallow under your feet. Remember that a good product must cover the real needs of the client - only in this case he will be willing to pay for it. And here you should not be guided by your personal preferences - look for what will be in demand on the market.

How to test a business idea

A good business idea is one that will be in demand, in other words, one that people are willing to pay for. How can an entrepreneur be convinced that an idea will generate profits and not losses?

You need to determine the demand for a product - this is the most logical method to test a business idea.

  • Create a landing page and set up ads to understand if people are interested in your product or service.
  • Advertise a sale on Avito or another free bulletin board.
  • Formulate search query and see the number of similar requests for Yandex Wordstat
  • Monitor forums and social networks (communities where your target audience is).

The test from the teacher of the J. Kraus business school involves a quick ten-second assessment of any business idea. Good idea may be:

  • Oxygen - that is, a vital commodity;
  • Medicine (Aspirin) - something you can do without, but difficult;
  • A jewel. - products that may not be necessary, but are in demand due to the positive emotions from owning such a thing.

If your idea is neither one nor the other, nor the third - you should think very seriously about its viability.

But Walt Disney used the fictitious word Imagineering for the tests, made up of two English words for "imagination" and "development." The essence of the method is that 3 teams are working on the creation of the product.

  • The first are dreamers, they just generate ideas (even the craziest ones).
  • The second are realists, trying to turn empty dreams into a real product.
  • Still others are critics who criticize the product in every possible way.

Take this method into service and drive all emerging ideas through the prism of realism and harsh criticism!

It often happens that the demanded Western business has not yet managed to reach our latitudes, and the one who can be the first to implement this idea in Russia can make good money on it. Look for business ideas from Europe, analyze them and implement the most successful ones!

Europe is a recognized leader in terms of quantity creative ideas for new business. The specifics of life, mentality contribute to the emergence and subsequent implementation of non-standard projects. They are rapidly gaining widespread adoption and impressive revenues. Successful startups in the West may well become profitable business- both in Russia and in other countries. The 2017 novelties discussed below can be a source of inspiration for finding a good investment of funds and efforts.

1. The perfect jeans store for men

A rare man likes to spend many hours walking through shopping malls in search of a necessary thing. Visual model selection problem and suitable size... Jeans store "Hointer" became a real find for the male representatives. Simple and functional arrangement of goods, modern technologies and lack of intrusive service attracts men like a magnet. The jeans are not stacked in neat piles, but are hung with the front side to the buyer, each in a single copy. It is easy to find out by the QR code on the labels in which of the fitting rooms the required model of the appropriate size is already located. The jeans that you like after trying on are taken to the checkout, the ones that don't fit are sent to a special opening. The advantage of such a store is significant savings on square meters and employees.

2. Shopping with delivery to the place of arrival

A topical service for cities where there is an airport will be the delivery of groceries after online ordering to the place of arrival. Tired passengers will be grateful for the opportunity to go home, skipping the lines at the supermarkets. The idea was implemented by the Woolworths chain of stores in Melbourne (Australia).

3. Goods without packaging

Bulk Barn offers loose, and most importantly, cheap goods: cereals, nuts, teas, pastries, dried fruits and much more in large vending machines with transparent walls. The lack of packaging greatly affects the price. Since its inception, the company has expanded to 200 branches and expanded its product line to 4,000 items.

4. Restaurant with weight control

The fashion trend for a beautiful athletic body made the idea of ​​opening a restaurant where you can calculate your dinner in terms of the number of calories truly "golden". This service is successfully offered by the Hitzberger restaurant (Switzerland).

5. A restaurant with an opportunity to earn money for visitors

The Logbar in Japan gives visitors the opportunity to create their own cocktail recipe on their iPad. The bartender will mix the ingredients, and the visitor will enjoy the taste of his invention. You can come up with a name for the drink and save it in the bar map. If another visitor chooses the invented cocktail, the author will be credited 50 yen for each new order.

6. Cafe for cyclists

A healthy lifestyle and the desire to help the environment increase the number of bicycles in cities every year. People began to often change from cars to two-wheeled vehicles, while the infrastructure of cities is well developed for the former, but bypasses the attention of the latter. In Zurich, cafes are very popular, where you can have a snack without getting off the saddle. There are special tables for parking, at which meals are taken. Convenience and accessibility attracts not only bicycle drivers, but also motorists and pedestrians.

7. Automated bike rental

As with the idea of ​​a cycling cafe, the proposal is influenced by the modern lifestyle. For those who do not have the opportunity to buy a bicycle, a rental service will be in demand instead of taxis and public transport. The pick-up points are automated and perfected. Anyone can take a transport in a few seconds, pay for it in cash or by card, and rent it in a similar rental, without bothering to travel back.

8. Free gym

Expensive subscriptions become an obstacle to visiting the gym for everyone. What are the benefits of opening a free gym? A huge flow of customers and the opportunity to receive large incomes from the sale of related products and advertising spaces.

9. Pizza in a cone

Pizza in its usual form is an expensive meal in terms of production time and inconvenient as a "snack on the go". The Italians came up with a way out of the situation. The dough is made in advance and rolled up into a cone, which, when ordered, is filled with filling and brought to readiness in the oven. Compact in size, convenient for a quick bite, crunchy and endlessly delicious, PizzaCono is gaining popularity in all cities of the world. The idea will be a great start-up in a city where it has not yet appeared.

10. Vending machine for tourists

Towels, umbrellas, sunglasses, toothpaste and other irreplaceable things on any trip are often forgotten at home. In Germany, they came up with the idea of ​​installing a Berlinomat Design Automat, which supplies travelers with everything they need at train stations and airports.

11. Hotel for children

An excellent outlet for parents who have no one to leave their child with during an event or trip. The hotel is a camp available at any time of the year, where experienced educators will look after the baby, entertain animators, look after the doctors and cook delicious food. Given the employment of modern parents, the idea has become widespread in the West.

12. Sausages with pictures

Feldhues (Germany) has an amazing invention for children. It was proposed to make the sausage in such a way that when cut, pieces with drawings were obtained: bears, hares, dolphins and other cute pictures. Over time, an assortment for adults and a custom design service appeared. The result of a successful commercial offer was the expansion small shop up to three factories with a wide range of products.

13. Tours for tourists with vision problems

Services for people with disabilities are in great demand. In preparation for trips for visually impaired or visually impaired people, groups of half of the visually impaired tourists are recruited to help the first to enjoy the trip and experience the beauty of the surrounding places.

14. Vending to relieve stress

The European fashion for psychotherapists, trainings and other things that help restore emotional health has moved to a new level. A business idea began to gain popularity in the form of placing machines on the street for releasing negative emotions. For example, the vending machine will give out dishes that can and should be broken. After that, a special employee will clean everything neatly and quickly. The service is in demand among young people and adolescents who release energy and have fun with strength.

15. Shop with food sets for recipes

The idea is suitable for both gourmets and people who are busy at work who do not want to search for a long time. the right products on the shelves of shops. An example successful implementation became the Kochhaus chain of stores. All goods inside are on separate tables, on which photos of dishes with descriptions are located and the necessary ingredients are selected in the right proportion. Perishable food items are placed in refrigerators next to the tables.

16. Printout of short messages

Important, valuable information for many remains forever in our computers and smartphones. The company offered a unique opportunity to print and save all valuable correspondence as a keepsake. The service makes it possible to archive correspondence from any messengers (viber, whatssapp, and others).

17. Barzahlen service for online stores

For those who do not accept credit cards and are not friendly with Internet banking, a system has been developed that allows, when buying on the Internet, to print a receipt with a barcode and pay for it at any convenient store (which is a partner of Barzahlen) at the checkout, after which the seller online store will immediately send the goods.

18. Narrow professional consultation

A successful satrap was the idea of ​​Michael Franke, an insurer from Germany. The entrepreneur helps colleagues to understand the nuances of insurance offers, identify pitfalls, draws up and publishes company ratings.

19. Payment for travel by smartphone

Every second European from developed countries the phones have an application that allows you to pay for travel directly on the phone. The idea is suitable for enterprising entrepreneurs who are able to take on complex organizational issues.

20. Smart technologies

The Babolat Play company (France) proposed a tennis racket capable of monitoring the game online and analyzing its performance, which makes it possible to correct the tennis player's game in time. The idea is relevant for other areas of life as well. The introduction of such technologies makes life easier for people and makes the level higher.

21. Service for renting windows for advertising

New from Holland - advertising on the windows of buildings. The owners of the premises are registered in the Add My Window project, the system evaluates the location and their business. After the assessment, the managers of the company send advertising perforated stickers that transmit light well and do not affect the interior lighting of the premises. The monthly rent for landlords is 150 euros.

22. Mobile hotel

Whitbread's Scandic To Go hotel stops where the guest wishes. Fields, meadows, roadside areas: any place accessible to the trailer. The service is becoming more and more popular due to the growing desire among tourists for a secluded holiday with comfort. For a night in a mobile hotel, you will have to pay $ 328.

23. Twitter Hotel

The hotel called "SolWave" offers the sociable tourists a holiday with the services of "twitter". Guests can chat in a general chat, get to know each other, participate in contests and sweepstakes, talk in private rooms for four. To order drinks, just leave a message with the hashtag #FillMyFridge. In the conditions of the popularity of social networks, it is a relevant idea in any country.

24. Rent of identical cars

Silvercar can be considered a successful startup that has gained rapid popularity and good income. The peculiarity is that the company rents a car of only one make and model - Audi A4. Customers do not have to get used to new cars every time, and it is profitable for the company to service similar models. All the necessary data on city navigation is integrated into the car control panel, and you can order a car from your smartphone via the application.

25. Chocolate constructor

The idea was implemented in France by designer Elsa Lambina. The buyer is offered a choice of milk, white and dark chocolate in the form of squares, into which the chocolate bar is usually divided. You can choose any filling and insert it yourself into special holes. There are recesses at the top for decorative elements. This handmade chocolate is in great demand as gifts for dear people.

26. Coworking center

Free space for communication or work. A modern alternative to cafes, restaurants, libraries and other places where it is customary to spend your free time. Payment is made only for the hours spent inside such a center.

27. Hotel for flowers

For travelers setting off on a long journey, those who have planned to make repairs or have other reasons to leave flowers without leaving for a long time, the idea of ​​a vegetable hotel has appeared and successfully showed itself.

28. Virtual presence

LiveLike VR is a project that, using virtual reality, allows fans to "be present" at the stadium where the match of their favorite team is taking place in real time.

29. Scented lacquer coatings

Nail polishes usually have a strong, unpleasant odor. The solution to the problem, which made women of fashion very happy, was proposed by Revlon. The brand has released a series of Parfumerie coatings. The entire line has pleasant, delicate odors that last for 3 days.

If you are looking for new business ideas in Russia, and you yourself want to outstrip the market of goods and services in Russia, then you need to look for new business ideas that are not yet in Russia. The best foreign ideas for unusual business from Europe, America, China, Japan and other countries.

The content of the article :

7 foreign business ideas that are not yet in Russia

There are quite a few international and local business variations that have taken root well in all corners of the planet. It is rather difficult to determine their source, since the process began immediately in many states. Below will be listed the best business ideas that are not available in Russia.

Idea # 1. Server water heating

Company Nerdalize implements ideas for small businesses in Russia. She suggested heating the water in the house using servers, which allows homeowners and the owner of data servers to benefit. The essence of innovation is as follows:

  • A special heater receives energy from the server (computer) cooling system;
  • This approach allows you to save about 40% of energy, cut costs (in Holland, they announce the savings figure of 300 euros per year for an average house);
  • Environmental benefits by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

At the moment, the startup Nedalize has become quite successful and has received an impressive investment in 320,000 euros.

Something similar was offered in Germany by the company Cloud & Heat, but for the installation and purchase of the server they asked for at least $ 15,000. Nerdalize installs servers for free, charging only a subscription fee, which is actually more profitable than a simple monthly electricity bill.

Idea # 2. Car service aggregator

A foreign business idea with a car service aggregator got off to a good start. In most regions of Russia given view business is still absent, so there are great prospects for its implementation. There can be two options in total:

  1. Creation of your website and the conclusion of contracts with services;
  2. Finding a suitable franchise operating within the brand across the country ( for example, "V-AUTOSERVICE").

For the aforementioned franchise, the cost of entry will be about 135,000 rubles for assistance in organizing, providing access to a large project and other nuances, while a potential income is declared - over 100,000 rubles per month. The only task on the part of the entrepreneur will be to conclude contracts with local car services.

Thus, this foreign business idea is quite fresh for Russia, and given the number of car owners, it is also relevant.

Idea # 3. Key duplicate machine

Automation of manual labor is taking over the world more and more, gradually moving to the Russian space. Today, craftspeople who specialize in keymaking may lose their jobs, since it is now possible to make a copy of the key simply using a machine in a shopping center or elsewhere.

This idea is used very actively abroad, but in Russia so far the process is progressing slowly, especially in regions where the level of income is lower. Specialty machines come from various brands such as: MinuteKey, KeyMe other.

The cost of the service does not differ much from the masters (from 100 to 250 rubles, depending on the complexity of the key). The required investment is 200,000 - 300,000 rubles for the purchase of an automatic machine, therefore, due to the low popularity, the idea can take a long time to pay off.

Nevertheless, progress is inevitable, sooner or later Russia will be overrun with these machines. If you want to take part in a new trend, then you shouldn't hesitate.

Idea # 4. VR broadcasts of sporting events

An excellent and modern business idea with minimal investment. Virtual reality is a fairly new phenomenon for the whole world, but unlike Russia, most countries are trying to actively introduce innovations into their lives. In particular, this affected sports matches, which can now be watched in virtual reality glasses, acquiring the feeling of being in a real stadium.

In the future, in the next 5 years, 360-degree videos and broadcasts of matches in this format will become massive, but the implementation of the idea will require a lot of effort and taking into account hundreds of legal nuances.

Idea # 5. Cybersport children's camp

Cybersport is firmly entrenched all over the world, gaining particular popularity in Asian countries, where the training of cybersportsmen is treated as a state project. In Russia, such hobbies are treated with caution, but this does not prevent the industry from developing extremely quickly.

Organization of a camp will require taking into account many factors that are not much different from an ordinary children's institution (food, entertainment programs, accommodation). Cybersport will be here as one of the entertainment, but we must not forget about a full life. On a smaller scale, the camp can be turned into a simple eSports section.

To organize and build your own camp, you will need a fairly large amount, as a rule, it is easier to negotiate a partnership with already open children's camps. Investments will only be required for equipment and hiring counselors, the rest depends on the agreement with the camp.

Idea # 6. Electronic coffee pass system

Morning coffee in the office or before work is a popular way to tone up. Many people drink coffee in this way every day, spending considerable sums in the general recalculation. Special coffee subscriptions have long been popular abroad, which are valid in various restaurants and cafes. In Russia, only recently has one such system appeared - “ Coffee cup».

The advantages of a subscription are that:

  • Its owner can save up to 60% on the cost of coffee, it is enough to show his subscription in the application to a seller or a waiter in a cafe participating in the program, and also provide a special code;
  • The distributor of the subscription will receive about 25 rubles from each cup and more if the coffee is ordered in bulk by corporate clients;
  • Restaurants and cafes also benefit as they receive additional advertising and customers.

It is also interesting that almost no investment is required if you work together with Coffee Cup. It is enough to become a partner and negotiate cooperation with local cafes, after which you will receive a profit ( net profit in the network is about 240,000 rubles per month). Otherwise, having capital, you can try to create your own subscription system and compete with the Coffee Cup. It is enough to recruit a team of partners, develop a website and a mobile application.

Idea # 7. Wedding Gift Aggregator

Enough interesting idea, in which we invested Social Capital in the amount of more than $ 40 million. The application was named " Zola". It is a wedding gifts service with the following features:

  • Newlyweds choose a list of things in the application that they really need;
  • Guests pay for the selected goods, if possible.

The service is distinguished by a high level of usability, very easy to operate and convenient.

Russia on this moment far from similar ideas, but you can try something similar. This will definitely require considerable investment, in the absence of which it is possible to come up with an easy analogue with less potential, which does not require complex development.

American business ideas that are not in Russia

New ones that are not in Russia are born every day, but only a few of them are ways to really work. America has great financial capacity due to cheap lending, therefore, American unusual and new business ideas, which are not in Russia, are quickly being implemented.

Idea # 1. Aggregator of cafes and restaurants with delivery

This niche is already gaining momentum in our country, but some cities do not yet have worthy competitors. A prime example is Delivery Club with food delivery from many restaurants, which is often included in the ratings and the best business ideas in Russia. You can hardly find a worthwhile replacement for them, and in some cities there is no Delivery either, but there is someone to deliver.

The idea is simple:

  1. A website is being created, an application with a menu of various restaurants and cafes (McDonalds, KFC, Subway, etc.);
  2. People are encouraged to order products at a specific price;
  3. Service employees buy food in a cafe and take it to the customer.

The profit comes from the food markup plus shipping costs. The idea clearly came from America, but perhaps the train in this niche is already leaving. Nevertheless, if you have capital, you can compete with Delivery Club, or work in small cities where they have not yet reached.

Idea # 2. Salad constructor

An interesting idea from the USA, similar to Subway, allowing you to design salads in high-traffic places and cafes. In America, one of these cafes is Chop't, in Russia such analogs have not yet been observed.

As customers of such cafes note, the cost of a salad goes from $ 8 and more, someone picked up ingredients for $ 15.

It will take a lot of investments, over 500,000 rubles to implement such an idea, because you need your own cafe, various permits and compliance with sanitary requirements.

The income from a decent restaurant or cafe can be unlimited, it can be scaled within a franchise across the country. Thus, the salad designer is an interesting analogue Subway which appeared in the USA. It can be adapted for many variations of chain cafes.

Idea # 3. Street phone charger

Recharging the battery on the street or on the bus has gained popularity in other countries for a very long time. Many say that it all began with the United States. There are similar charges almost everywhere in New York.

It will be rather difficult to implement such an idea in Russia, because it is rather a social project that requires government permits and support.

Monetization is usually carried out by promoting your own brand, there are no paid chargers, so income can only come from the profit from a government contract upon installation.

As a result, the idea is interesting with street charging, but business from it can only be made if there are connections in state structures... In addition, it takes time for Russia to come to the need to equip most cities with such innovations on a federal scale.

Idea # 4. Interactive lunch and grill

Such restaurants have actually existed for a long time in the United States, and in many other countries, for sure, in Russia they can also be found, but in very, very rare cases.

The idea is that the client is provided raw meat and seafood, which he grills on the coals himself right at the table and eats.

People are primarily interested in the emotions they receive, when everyone can fry the meat as he wants, smell the smell, and so on.

To implement interactive cooking, you will need a cafe-restaurant, plus considerable investments in equipment ( at least 5,000 USD by US standards). The profit is not limited.

Idea # 5. Flower hostel

Not only pets, but also plants need care during a long vacation. In the USA, the so-called " hotels for flowers". Such establishments already exist in Russia, especially in the capital, where progress is in full swing. Regions, as usual, are lagging behind in this regard, which opens up great opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Today there are already many successful cases in this niche, let's highlight the main nuances:

  • For storage of flowers of various sizes, they usually take from 2 to 5 rubles per day;
  • More than 40 small pots can be placed on one square meter, which will bring over 80 rubles per day and 2,400 rubles per month, which is not bad for a business idea with minimal investment;
  • Volume growth depends on the region and opportunities, business advertising;
  • Although in most cases, investments for such a business are practically not needed, but the income is not great either.

A flower hostel is a great overseas business experience as many need flower care while on vacation. It is difficult to predict income, it all depends on the size of the city and the degree of advertising activity, of course, all this can be attributed only to the category of small business.

Idea # 6. Selling bags with speaker

The next option is the sale of briefcases and bags with a built-in Bluetooth speaker. Modern teenagers very often use such devices in Everyday life, so the device will fit well with the trend taken from the USA.

The price for a portfolio depends on the quality of the speakers and varies from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles. The main option for starting a business is the wholesale purchase of portfolios and bags, and then the resale of bags in our own outlets and online stores. To start, you will need capital of about 100,000 rubles or more, depending on offline or online sales.

potential profit in the region of 30,000 - 50,000 rubles per month and more.

Reselling trending items like speaker backpacks is an interesting business option. A lot of various new products appear in the financial center of the world - the USA.

Idea # 7. Plant phytowalls

A narrow and innovative niche - the design of phytowalls from plants in offices and residential buildings. Another name is “ vertical gardening". There are very few companies in Russia in this direction, basically everything is concentrated in Moscow, so in large regions the path is free, with practically no competitors.


  • Phytowalls and phytomodules will require initial investments, now there are manufacturers in Russia (the price per square meter is from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles);
  • Profit from 50,000 rubles per month and is not limited, depending on the scale of the city, region;
  • Large customers will become a gold mine - shopping centers and corporate offices.

In general, phytowalls are a trend in recent years, since many participants are actively breaking into the niche, so you should hurry up when choosing this direction.

Idea # 8. Vacation rental car service

A prime example of an interesting business idea from the United States is the FlightCar car rental service. The idea is to rent cars to those who leave them at the airport during their holidays. The owner of the car makes a profit and the founder of the service, which gives some legal guarantees.

In the United States, the owner of a car is paid 15 USD per day, and if it is rented, then an additional 10 USD per day.

The American business idea of ​​renting a car is a pretty good way to earn extra money while on vacation, but there are also a number of problems associated with the timely return of the car and other aspects.

European business ideas that have not yet come to Russia

Following the USA, we present to your attention new business in Russia, taken as an example from European countries that are no less developed and open to innovation.

Idea # 1. Bicycle cafe

This type of cafe is still developing in Europe under the Velokafi brand, but it has already managed to make noise and gain a reputation. The idea is that visitors to the café ride their bicycle and can have a snack or drink coffee without getting off it.

This approach relieves the burden on bike parking and prevents potential bike theft.

Opening in Russia will require investments of at least 500,000 rubles and approval from the municipality, the potential profit is about 15,000 - 30,000 rubles per month.

A considerable number of cyclists travel across Russia, but parking for them is rare, therefore this business an idea from Europe can attract a lot of attention and visitors.

Idea # 2. Shop with a selection of food recipes

The use of non-standard solutions is always appreciated all over the world and in Europe. One of these is a store that sells ready-made food collections for various recipes.

The point is to provide absolutely all the products needed to prepare a particular dish. For example, all products for the preparation of Greek salad or Caesar, for various soups, etc. It is convenient for a person that he does not need to look for various goods in different stores, buy them in excess. The store is profitable because you can make a mark-up.

As known, retail products requires considerable investments and business registration, so capital is needed from 1,000,000 rubles. The potential income depends on the scale of the city and the chain of stores, at one point it can vary from 30,000 to 200,000 rubles per month.

As a result, a selection of products is an original solution for a grocery store, which can bring novelty and add convenience to people. Such an unusual business idea in Russia may well take root.

Idea # 3. Chocolate products constructor

For the first time such an idea was realized in France by designer Elsa Lambinet and her chocolate brand “ Sweet play". The idea is that a person is given the opportunity online to create his own modification of chocolate, both in terms of fillings and appearance.

The process of making your own chocolate gives pleasant emotions and allows you to create ideal gifts for loved ones. Unsurprisingly, the service quickly gained popularity.

Today there are already companies making chocolate self made, therefore, at the first stages, you can start working on the service with minimal investment in a similar style, and in the future, open a full-fledged production.

Thus, the chocolate constructor is again a non-standard solution for the usual purchase of chocolate, which appeared in France. In Russia, such an idea can be successful with a competent approach to marketing.

Idea # 4. Vending with goods for travelers

Unusual vending is quite common in Europe. Of course, there are machines with completely useless goods that are easier to buy in a store. You need to bet on urgency and speed. One of these areas is the sale of goods for travelers directly at the airports.


  • The vending machine contains chargers, headphones, shoes, clothes and other things for long trips that a person can forget.
  • The cost of the machine depends on the model and ranges from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.
  • Also, you will have to negotiate and pay rent at the airport, which is not always possible. In this case, the prices are completely individual.

In general, vending is a very popular trend; people find it convenient to buy goods quickly and without consultants. Non-standard solutions from Europe will work very well in Russia as well.

Idea # 5. Vending with the sale of rolls

The next variant of unusual vending is the sale of rolls. There are a lot of such machines in Europe, and they are in good demand. In Russia, they are already trying to implement such ideas, for example, they often sell sets of rolls in supermarkets, but branded vending can work well.

Vending machines for storing food are more expensive than usual, their cost is in the region of 250,000 - 300,000 rubles. Additional investments will be required to purchase rolls from trusted suppliers.

The approximate income depends on the location of the machine and can vary from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles per month. Daily maintenance of the machine will be required.

As a result, unusual vending with rolls is a great idea from Europe, which can be easily adapted in Russia. In the vastness of the capital, such machines are already found, but more often they still try to open the delivery of rolls, so there will be practically no competitors.

Idea # 6. Healthy food restaurant with calorie counting

We continue original ideas arriving from Europe. The next interesting solution is a healthy food restaurant, where calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are counted, diet recommendations are given depending on the goal. A healthy lifestyle, weight loss and weight gain have become a very fashionable trend in recent years, which opens up excellent opportunities for restaurant business.

The organization of a unique restaurant business is not an easy task; considerable investments will be required from 1,000,000 million rubles or more. Much depends on the scale of the city, in small settlements there will be no audience capable of perceiving fashion trends in healthy way life. Potential profit - over 100,000 rubles per month.

A calorie-counting restaurant is a unique idea from Europe that can be well implemented in large cities of Russia. At the moment, the niche is poorly developed, there are only a few institutions of this kind.

Idea # 7. Construction of custom houses

Any niche has many narrow directions, and construction is no exception. In Europe, they took advantage of this fact, which led to the popularity of highly specialized construction companies building original houses in non-standard designs. Non-standard means ultra-fashionable designs in minimalist and other styles with panoramic windows and other attributes.

A company will need an impressive portfolio to win new customers.

Registration of a construction business is always a large investment and considerable risks associated with hiring experienced workers and team leaders. To organize a worthy company, you will need at least 2,000,000 rubles. Potential profit over 300,000 rubles per month. In larger cities, profits will be higher; in small regions, it makes no sense to open such a company.

In this way, Building bussiness is still relevant, especially if you choose trendy directions and narrow specialization... There are very few such companies in Russia, for the most part, organizations are focused on stamping monotonous cottages with a minimum of extravagant solutions.

Idea # 8. Taxi pass

Many people know what a revolution in the world of taxi Uber and similar services have made. In Europe, they went further, knowing that many people and businessmen travel by taxi, created special passes for almost unlimited travel.

To sell season tickets, it is not necessary to organize your own agency with a taxi, sometimes it is enough to conclude partnership agreements, but not all companies make such concessions. When opening your own taxi, you need to have a budget of at least 1,500,000 rubles in stock.

Subscriptions are rarely found in Russia today, the approximate price in Moscow is 26,000 rubles per month for 60 minutes of travel per day, which, when calculated, allows the owner of the subscription to save about 10,000 rubles.

These taxi passes are beneficial, provided that you need to travel up to 50 km per day. They will disperse well in large cities of Russia, where the level wages significantly higher than in the regions.

5 business ideas from China

Not only Western countries are distinguished by interesting solutions and business ideas, but also Eastern ones. The current section will present business ideas from China that are not yet available in Russia.

Idea # 1. Paid 3D printing

A real innovation for the whole world has become the production of 3D printers that can print any shapes and products. Today it is not difficult to get a 3D printer, as a result, entrepreneurial citizens have appeared, selling various products printed on such devices, and also performing custom printing. The whole trend began in China, where the direction has gained particular popularity.

A good 3D printer will cost the owner around 500,000 rubles. Anything that costs less is the low quality and amateur level.

3D printing can be organized as an analogue of a modern copy center with enormous possibilities. In this case, you will need to rent an office, as well as additional investments in components and Consumables to the printer.

Printing on 3D printers is something new, which is still very weak in Russia. Using such a solution from China as paid 3D printing and selling various products made with a 3D printer can become a real trend in the next decades.

Idea # 2. ESports business

As you know, Asian countries are famous for their serious attitude and love for esports. We already mentioned the creation of an e-sports camp for children at the beginning of the article, now we will talk about a more serious direction - sponsoring and collaborating with e-sports teams, promoting e-brands, etc.

The business model of an esports organization is based on advertising contracts with other companies. Before full-scale work, you should at least enlist good partners. You need to have connections among both professional players and potential sponsors. Initial capital - at least 500,000 rubles.

Another option is to earn money through special services for esports players, the sale of gaming equipment and the organization of major tournaments. Here the scale is completely different and larger investments are required.

In theory, the esports business looks very attractive and has great prospects, but in practice in Russia it still lags behind in terms of development. Most of the teams have foreign sponsors, and Russian corporations are just beginning to take their first steps in advertising and brand promotion through eSports.

Idea # 3. Restaurant with robots

D Another interesting area in China and other eastern countries are robots, which have already started to participate in business. For example, there are restaurants and cafes where special robots act as waiters, they bring food and can take orders. One of these robots has already been installed as an experiment at Domodedovo airport.

Today similar robots are already being sold in Russia, the price starts from 500,000 rubles per piece.

Robots in a restaurant are interesting and new, but in terms of return on investment, they are far from ideal. Taking into account the fact that one robot costs how to open a separate cafe in the region, such ideas are not available to everyone in Russia, and in China they are in the order of things.

Idea # 4. Roll chips

Eastern countries are also famous for their unique dishes and cuisine, which are quickly gaining popularity when introduced to the business of another country. At one time, Japanese rolls received such success, but China has its own rolls in the form of potato chips. They are often sold on the streets and are a kind of fast food option.

To open a business, you will need an amount of 200,000 rubles or more. This includes the purchase of a special apparatus for spiral chips, as well as a deep fat fryer and other equipment. Depending on the place of sale and marketing, income can be in the region of 20,000 - 50,000 rubles per month.

In general, roll chips are analogous to french fries and any variation of fast food, but since it is not widely used, it will play like a "novelty" for many people.

Idea # 5. Game account promotion company

As already mentioned, in China, computer and online games are simply super popular, so there is a huge demand for pumped accounts for various games. Of course, in the post-Soviet space, such a business will not gain a large scale, but as a variant of an idea for a small business in Russia, it is quite suitable. We already offer such services for Dota 2 and CS: GO, and in China they even make money on simple games like the Farm.

Promotion of game accounts is not entirely serious, rather small business, vaguely reminiscent of esports directions. In theory, such an idea can "shoot" and bring a good income against the background of the popularity of any game, but all this will only be a temporary phenomenon.

5 Japanese business ideas

No less amazing business ideas from Japan, which are not yet available in Russia. The Japanese have a completely unique mentality and way of doing business. Let's take a look at some of the Japanese businesses.

Idea # 1. Alcoholic second-hand

Similar stores began to open in Japan back in 2013 under the Liquor Off brand. The idea is to resell used alcohol that is at home, but has not yet been opened.

The key advantage of second-hand alcoholic beverages is affordable prices. The Russian mentality could accept this kind of establishment, but it will not be easy to resolve legal issues, so it will not be possible to predict profit yet.

Idea # 2. Capsule hotel

Japan has always been distinguished by its special traditions and approach to life. A kind of analogue of a kind of hostel has become a capsule hotel, which in fact gives a kind of single space, but at the same time is a hostel.

To open a capsule hotel, you will need to purchase a room with a large area, as well as its repair and arrangement, which will cost at least 10,000,000 rubles. Capsules are sold separately from specific manufacturers such as “ KOTOBUKI". The cost of one capsule is about 100,000 rubles, 6 capsules will take about 15 square meters. meters.

Idea # 3. Cafe with surprises

The essence of a cafe with a surprise is that here you can order a dish for yourself and for the next guest, or taste a surprise prepared for you, respectively. Such cafes have existed for a long time in Japan, and in Russia they began to appear in isolated cases only recently.

By outward appearance- this is an ordinary cafe, a business plan is not much different from restaurants and cafes, only you should position yourself differently. In Russia, cafes with a surprise are still a novelty, it is difficult to find them, so this is a free niche in Russia.

Idea # 4. Cocktail maker at the bar

We have already mentioned websites that construct chocolate and salads, but in Japan we went further and began to design drinks in a bar through the application. The activity is quite fun, it allows you to get special emotions. Of course, a bartender is still needed to control the process and make cocktails ordered through the constructor.

You will need a special terminal or several so that customers can place an order, as in McDonalds. It can be used in large clubs and at concerts. This approach can unload the queue and speed up the process of preparing drinks.

Such a constructor is a good fit as an idea of ​​improvement already existing business in the form of a club with a bar where there are a large number of people.

Idea # 5. Cafe for singles

An interesting find has become a cafe where lonely people come, but instead of leaving such guests alone, the heroes of a fairy tale called "Moomins", made in human size, are brought to them. There is already a whole chain of such cafes in Japan under the brand Moomin House Cafe... As toy neighbors, you can choose other characters, investments in Stuffed Toys each table will cost about 5,000 - 10,000 rubles apiece.

There are no such establishments in Russia yet. Due to the specifics, this business idea, which is not yet in Russia, can work successfully only in large cities.


Foreign business ideas that do not exist in Russia are common. There are unique options among the most different countries: USA, Japan, Europe and China. These can be non-standard options for cafes, vending machines and shops.

Usually, all categories of entrepreneurship require a lot of capital investment, because innovative ideas for small businesses are rare in Russia. Also, in most cases non-standard business it is difficult to adapt to the Russian mentality, it may take a long time for a product or service to be adopted by a local audience, and often it may not even turn out to be a profitable business.

"Big Gay Ice Cream"

Now it is a developed network of cafes, although back in 2009 the activity began with a small van for the sale of ice cream and shakes. The essence of the idea is very simple but effective. BGIC offers original and delicious combinations of ice cream additives: lime curd, vanilla cookie crumbs, pumpkin jam. Another secret of popularity is the original and catchy names of sweets.


This is an unusual coffee shop. Its creators and visitors are Queen fans. There are photographs of Freddie Mercury and other musicians of the group hanging in the hall. From time to time one of the group's compositions sounds in the coffee shop. At this moment, the first customer in line receives the ordered drink for free. The slogan of this promotion is: "When Queen plays, Freddie pays!"

"Booty's Street Food"

The owners of this restaurant in Louisiana have traveled the world for a long time and studied the peculiarities of national cuisines. They have chosen, learned how to cook and serve their customers the most popular, classic food from street caravans around the world. But this is not enough for restless businessmen. A hidden art gallery located in the restroom has become a special feature of the restaurant.

"Carousel Bar"

There is a real working carousel in the center of this huge bar. This is an old carousel. They don't ride on it. The carousel contains huge photographs of the most interesting and popular places of the historic Royal Street. Visitors sit around the carousel and watch a breathtaking spectacle of successive pictures of local attractions. Also, the bar offers a huge number of original cocktails.

"Crock Spot"

Translated, the name of the chain of grocery vans means "Egg Slut". The choice of the brand name turned out to be very successful, it is funny and is instantly remembered. But the main feature of the business is that all dishes are prepared using eggs. There are also delicious signature recipes. It turned out that many people are willing to pay for it. The network is very popular and continues to expand, opening new points.

"Forbes Island"

This restaurant is located on the water in San Francisco Harbor. In addition to the magnificent and rare views that open from the windows and the terrace of the restaurant on the water, visitors are offered exquisite dishes. There are banquet rooms and special menus for various celebrations. The restaurant is a huge success and is often booked for special occasions.


It is a social network for travelers. When traveling on vacation, users have the opportunity to receive useful advice from experienced travelers who know the most interesting places along the chosen route. On the Internet, you can find out what types of transport are best to get there, about the best hotels and other features of the route.

This is a mobile application. It gives additional motivation to people who decide to start playing sports. If you visit the gym regularly, pleasant bonuses in monetary terms will be credited to your account, and truants will be fined. It turns out that those who skip workout pay people who managed to force themselves to workout.

"Honor & Folly"

This is a vintage hotel in the spirit of an inn from the beginning of the last century. The style is perfect, and this attracts a lot of guests. An additional marketing trick is the hotel's regular cooking classes from local chefs.

"Hot Doug's"

This is a famous Chicago diner chain that is famous for its original hot dogs. For example, there are rattlesnake sausages on the menu. Specialty recipes for sauces and snacks also attract customers.

This is one of the best and most famous burger places in Boston. Customers love this place because of the delicious food, but the main reason for its immense popularity is the themed menus that change every week.

This is a Los Angeles bar that serves unique drinks to its customers. Spirits are added to traditional Thai tea made from tapioca balls. Signature alcoholic bean cocktails are very popular, and the institution does not experience a shortage of clients.

This is a restaurant in New York. The specialty of the establishment is the constantly changing chefs. Visitors to the restaurant have the opportunity to taste dishes from the stars of the culinary arts. Also, here they give the opportunity to prove themselves to no one known to beginners. Many new stars have appeared after a week at LTO.


This trading floor on the Internet. Its users get the opportunity to order the production of any things seen in real life or in social networks... Another part of the users are masters of various directions who carry out these orders.

"Maximus / Minimus"

This is a van that prepares and sells incredibly delicious and original braised pork sandwiches. The van itself is also remarkable; it looks like a large pig made of metal. The business operates in Seattle.

"Miso & Ale"

This is a family owned pub in Honolulu. The owners serve authentic Hawaiian cuisine using only local and seasonal ingredients. Unique recipes, exemplary service, freshness and ecological friendliness of the products have made the pub one of the most beloved establishments in the city and a tourist attraction.

A chain of stores in New York. The best tailors work here, who sew to order. men's suits... You can place an order online, but you need to come to the salon for fitting. The chain offers several hundred varieties of fabrics and many models of suits, which can be selected using a special computer program with visualization. Cutters take many different measurements and work with innovative tailoring technology. As a result, the client receives a suit that fits his figure perfectly.

"Pangea Pal"

It is an online travel service. Going to an unfamiliar city, users of the service find people who live in it. Having met one or more local residents, the traveler makes an appointment or receives valuable advice regarding sightseeing, hotel selection or shopping.

A Houston-based couple bought an old bus, refurbished it and created an original photo booth. The service is in great demand at various celebrations and parties. Clients order a mobile photo booth very often, because after preliminary booking, it arrives at the appointed time directly to the place of the holiday.

"Restaurant Jezebel"

This is an upscale restaurant in Austin. Visitors are not offered a standard menu, but are asked about their taste preferences and, based on the information received, they prepare a unique gourmet dinner. Here you can taste rare wines, pamper yourself with an e-cigar, and get great service.


This is an online store with a very original concept. Customers pay $ 10, but until they receive the order, they don't know what they will receive in return. It can be anything from a piano to household items or a funny hat. Despite the stupidity of the idea, the service has a lot of fans. People are attracted by the possibility of pleasant and exciting expectations and the surprise they experience while receiving their purchase.

"The Beer Dabbler Store"

This special shop beer theme. Here you can buy barrels, original glasses, equipment for the sale of beer and clothing with the logos of the most famous breweries. The assortment of the store includes items of art and beer-themed souvenirs. Also, customers are offered novelties, for example, beer soap or stylish candles in curly beer bottles.

“The Best Fish Taco in Ensenada”

This is the best place in Los Angeles and serves the most delicious fish tacos in town. Having chosen a narrow specialization, the owner of the buffet has reached perfection in his direction. The local tacos are truly recognized as the finest in town. Noteworthy and entertainment this institution. Comedy nights are organized here. The best comedians of the country perform on the small stage of the buffet.

"The Big Board"

At first glance, this is an ordinary bar, of which there are a lot in Washington. But the institution has developed unique system pricing for beer. Its value changes depending on demand, as in a financial exchange. There is a huge board on the wall of the bar, not all types of beer are indicated and changes in its price are made in real time. Also, the bar offers burgers with 1005 natural ingredients.

"The Boring Store"

Translated, the name means "Shop of boring things." Regulars and Chicagoans alike know that the sign directly contradicts the store's actual assortment. They sell everything super agents might need here. The trick worked, there is no end of tourists and local buyers. In fact, the store was created to raise funding for a non-profit learning center for aspiring writers located in the same building.

It is an online store that specializes in selling a wide variety of items to people who are passionate about cutting edge technology. Among the buyers of the store are programmers, students, technical specialists, people who create and are interested in different directions internet culture. In addition to advanced things that are necessary in the work on creating new inventions, the store's assortment contains various trinkets, for example, Minecraft-themed souvenirs.

The idea behind this business is to create unique bespoke perfumes. The company has its own recipes for fragrances and invites customers to create new compositions. All comers have the opportunity to undergo training in the basics of creating spirits. Special courses are held here for students planning to work in the perfumery industry.

"Zombie Apocalypse Store"

This is a shop in Las Vegas. The assortment of this store consists of everything that can be useful for survival in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Here you can buy weapons that are effective against zombies, means of protection, a supply of food and many other things that will come in handy with the onset of the collapse of the existing order of things and social order. Needless to say, the store is hugely popular with tourists, fans of the fantasy genre and people hosting or going to themed parties?

"Unclaimed Baggage Center"

This store sells items from lost and unclaimed luggage. A certain percentage of travel bags and suitcases do not find their owners. After the measures taken by the airline to find the owners of the luggage, forgotten and lost things are sent to a special storage facility. The clause of the agreement between the airline and the passenger comes into force, according to which, after the specified time, the baggage is opened, and the things are sent for sale.

These goods make up the assortment of the store. They are cleaned, processed and sold to everyone at a low price.


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