Rule presentation. Good presentation: one idea, one slide. Proper planning is the key to a successful presentation

MS PowerPoint: “Presentation. Presentation rules. Animation".

What is a presentation and what are presentations

IN general case A presentation is a set of slides that contains information on a specific topic and is accompanied by the necessary comments in oral or printed form.

Modern means of multimedia technologies give the teacher the richest opportunities for the implementation of their professional tasks or plans. Presentations can include high-quality graphics and video images, animation, sound, and all these objects can be linked with animation effects.

All presentations are divided into two groups: for individual and classroom use. This is a very conditional division, because in each of the groups several subgroups can still be distinguished. But these two groups have much in common, but naturally, there are many significant differences that must be taken into account when creating them.

Presentations can be linear (linear navigation), i.e. the presentation of information occurs from one slide to another. Linear presentations are widespread, quickly created and play a significant role in the educational process.

Next group of presentations - interactive presentations(branched navigation), in which the plot is possible, i.e. the transition from one topic to another is possible, and the transitions are controlled by the presenter.

Basic rules for creating a presentation

Before you start creating a presentation, you should clearly understand what needs to be conveyed to the audience, what needs to be told. You need to know who will be the listeners.

There should be nothing superfluous in the presentation. Each slide should be a logical link to the topic of the story and work towards the overall idea of ​​the presentation.

Slides should not be overloaded with unnecessary details, and animation should be used only to draw students' attention to the main, key points slide. Sound and visual effects should not come to the fore and distract students from the main information.

Stages of creating a presentation:

Stage number 1. Getting Started: Select a theme. When choosing a topic, you must also immediately decide whether the presentation will cover several aspects within the same topic, or whether it will be a presentation for one aspect.

Stage number 2. Determining the content and design of the presentation:

1. You need to make a plan future presentation. It is desirable that the plan be detailed. You need to draw on paper the structure of your presentation, a schematic image of the slides and figure out what text, pictures, photographs or other materials will be included in one or another slide. Make a list of drawings, photos, sound files, videos (if necessary) that will be placed in the presentation. Define and compose the text part of the presentation

2. Determine whether your presentation will be accompanied by your comments or if you plan it for students to view on their own. The amount of textual information placed on the slides and, as we said above, the font size and type of navigation will depend on this.

4. Decide on a rough design for your slides. It is necessary to think over the color scheme of the backgrounds of the slides, the format of the headings (it is desirable that the same format be maintained in all slides).

Stage number 3. How to create a presentation:

1. Entering and editing text. Text slides are created, only text information is entered on each slide. After entering the text, you need to decide on its location on each slide, think about its formatting, that is, determine the size, color of the font, headings and body text. When choosing a text color, remember that the text should be “readable”, i.e. the background of the slides should not “mute” the text. Do not "take" rare types of fonts, they may not be on other computers, with the help of which the presentation will be shown in other audiences. To determine if the slides are overloaded with text, you may have to leave part of the text for an oral presentation, and if the presentation is shown without the accompaniment of a speaker, then it is necessary to think over the content of the text so that it does not lose its meaning and is understandable. And do not forget about spelling, nothing spoils the idea of ​​​​you and your work like spelling errors in the text of the presentation.

2. Graphs, charts, tables. If you plan to place graphs and charts in your presentation, then consider their location, determine whether the inscriptions are readable, and do not overload one slide with several graphs or charts, the information will be worse perceived by students. The same applies to tables, the text in the tables should be clearly visible, for clarity in the tables, you can use a weak (in color) cell shading.

3. Images, drawings, background. The background of the slides is very important, it creates a certain mood among the audience and should correspond to the theme of the presentation. Serious presentations should not be colorful, contain bright "poisonous" colors and change colors from slide to slide. If the presentation consists of several large themes, then each theme can have its own color scheme, but not differ much from the overall color scheme of the presentation. Don't make the background too colorful, it will distract the audience and make it difficult to read the text. Now let's talk about illustrations. Graphic objects placed in the presentation should be, first of all, optimized, clear and with good resolution. Graphic objects are not located in the middle of the text, it looks bad.

4. The next step in creating a presentation is to insert an animation. With the help of animation effects, you can significantly improve the perception of the presentation and draw the attention of the audience to the most important points reflected on the slides or in the presentation itself. Before applying animation effects, you need to carefully study the possibilities of intra-slide and inter-slide animation and consider how and where to apply it. The need and type of animation should be logically linked to the structure of the report, the viewer should be ready to see the objects located on the slide in a certain place, and not run around the slide with their eyes. You can use the pointer or mouse pointer to help viewers find what you've already started talking about. Take small pauses between slides so that the audience has time to learn what you told them, do not chatter, but do not mumble. The speech should be energetic, but not deafen the audience, but we are getting ahead of ourselves a little, talking about the art of speaking and oratory, we will talk about this in detail a little later.

5. Soundtrack. If you decide to include audio in your presentation, then be very careful. Music should not drown out the speaker in the first place, irritate the ear, have abrupt transitions, and also lull the listeners to sleep. The soundtrack should organically fit into the theme of your presentation. If you are not sure about the need or choice of the sound accompaniment of the presentation, then it is better not to install the sound accompaniment at all.

6. Fine-tuning the presentation. Fine-tuning the presentation consists in repeatedly viewing your presentation, determining the time intervals necessary for the audience to view each slide and the time for their change. Remember that the slide should be on the screen for so long that the audience can see, remember, and understand its content. Meanwhile, a large interval between slide changes reduces the interest in the presentation. You may need to rearrange some of the slides in order to create a more logical presentation structure or make other adjustments when you finish reviewing your presentation.

Stage number 4. End of the presentation: The presentation should end with a final slide, on which the main conclusions of the report should be placed in concentrated form.

Program launch

On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button.

Move the mouse pointer over the All Programs command. The submenu that appears lists all the programs installed on your computer.

And the proposed list of the program left-click click Microsoft PowerPoint. The program window will open.

Interface and program modes

Tasks area - an area containing frequently used commands specific to a particular task. Its location and small size allow you to use these commands without stopping working on the document.

IN Microsoft PowerPoint There are three main modes: normal mode, slide sorter mode, and slide show mode. Switching between modes is carried out using the buttons in the lower left corner of the program window.

Normal mode is the main editing mode used for recording and designing a presentation.

In the Slide Sorter mode, slides are displayed as thumbnails that can be easily rearranged, thereby changing the order of the slides in the presentation, adding or removing slides. When you finish creating your presentation in Slide Sorter view, you can see the big picture of your presentation.

The Slide Show mode allows you to preview your slides as they will be displayed during the presentation. In this case, the size of the slides corresponds to the size of the screen. When working on a presentation, you can switch to Slide Show at any time and see how the slides will look during the show.

Ways to create a presentation

When starting to create a presentation, you can start from scratch (blank presentation), use standard templates, or modify finished presentation. The choice of one method or the other depends on specific situation. If you don't have any ideas other than the theme of your presentation, you can use the AutoContent Wizard. You can apply a slide design template to an already finished presentation. If you have already decided on the content and design of the presentation, it is better to start with a blank presentation.

1. Launch Microsoft PowerPoint.

2. On the File menu, click New. The Create Presentation task pane opens on the right side of the screen.

The Create Presentation task pane provides options for creating new presentation.

· New presentation - slides have a minimum of design without the use of a background.

· From design template - A design template is a professionally designed slide that includes a background image, color scheme, and fonts, to which you only need to add text. In addition to the standard program templates, you can use your own.

· From the AutoContent Wizard - Using the AutoContent Wizard, you can quickly create a presentation with standard content and design. The wizard walks you through the step-by-step process of creating a presentation, asking for information ranging from the type of presentation to the title of the title slide. After the wizard completes, based on the specified type and style, it will create a complete presentation with standard content that you need to replace with your own.

From an existing presentation - a presentation is created on the basis of an existing presentation with a given design.

Create a new presentation

1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint.

2. In the Create Presentation task pane, click New Presentation.

3. The Slide Layout task pane that appears displays a list of slide layouts.

Slide layout - a layout for placing elements on a slide, such as headings, subheadings, lists, pictures, tables, charts, etc.

The presented layouts are divided into groups:

Text layouts

Content layouts

Layouts of text and content;

other layouts.

When you create a new presentation, the default text layout is Title Slide.

Using ready-made layouts frees you from some routine slide design operations, in addition, text frames are included in the layout.

Saving a presentation

If you are saving a presentation for the first time, you must give it a name and specify the folder where it will be stored.

2. In the Folder drop-down list, select the drive and then the folder where the presentation file will be stored.

3. Double-click the name of the selected folder with the left mouse button.

4. In the File Name text box, type Presentation instead of the suggested name.

Note If you later save the file, you do not need to use the Save As command. Simply click the Save button on the Standard toolbar, or select Save from the File menu.


Animation is the addition of a special video or sound effect. For example, you can create text list items that fly to the left of the page one word at a time, or add an applause sound when you open a picture.

Animating text, graphics, charts, and other objects on slides emphasizes different aspects of the content, controls the flow of material, and makes the presentation more interesting.

To simplify the use of animation, you can use ready-made animation schemes.

Animation scheme - adding ready-made video effects to the text on slides. Each outline typically contains an effect for the title of the slide and an effect for all text or paragraphs of text on the slide.

Animation schemes can be applied both to all slides, only to selected ones, as well as to certain elements located on the slide.

Using the Custom Animation task pane, you can choose where and when an element appears on a slide during a presentation.

For objects located on a slide, it is possible to create four main types of animation effects:

· Entrance. This effect determines how the object appears on the slide. If the effect is not set, then the object appears in the area in which it is located on the slide. If during the slide show you want to enter text or an object accompanied by a certain visual effect, then you must select the Input command in the Animation Setup task pane, and then the desired effect.

· Allocation. An effect that allows you to focus on a specific object already on the slide. In the Animation Settings task pane, you also first need to select the Selection command, and then the desired effect.

· Output. The effect determines how the object will disappear from the slide. For most objects located on the slide, this effect is not needed, but if necessary, you can use one of the 52 animation effects. In the Animation Settings task pane, you must first select the Exit command, then the desired effect.

· Ways of movement. The most interesting type of object animation that allows you to create a path along which the object will follow during animation. If the animation path starts outside the slide and ends on the slide, this effect acts as an entry effect. If the path starts on the slide and ends outside of it, then this effect will be similar to the exit effect. And, finally, if the route starts and ends outside the slide, then the object will appear from behind the slide, "pass" a certain path and disappear outside of it. To create an Object Motion Path, in the Animation Settings task pane, first select the Motion Paths command, and then the desired effect.

You can create multiple animation effects for one object. For example, the entry effect, selection and exit effect. You can also adjust the animation speed for all effects.

Correct and good presentation: the secrets of Apple

Good afternoon, readers of my blog. In one of my articles, I already talked about the founder of Apple, in this article we will touch on the topic of creating presentations and look at the example of this company, how to create spectacular presentations. I am sure that many of you have made all kinds of presentations in your life, they were simple, using slides, pictures, graphs and tables, the main purpose of which was to convey certain information to the audience. If you often attend various trainings, seminars, lectures, then you should definitely know that a good speaker always uses slides to make it easier for you to navigate the topic. It would seem that, ordinary pictures on which a few words are written, but if you know how to use them correctly, then the presentation can be a formidable weapon for winning the loyalty of the public.

Today we will talk about how to make your presentation as effective as possible, and for this we will analyze the techniques used by Apple. Many may ask the question - "Why Apple? Why are they so good?". If you have seen at least one presentation of a new product of this company, then the question would disappear by itself. When Steve Jobs was still alive, each of his speeches became a new book for me, from which I can draw incredible abilities to keep the audience, concentrate attention on myself, then smoothly transfer the listeners' thoughts to the desired product and return attention to myself again. Each performance, each presentation is a small show that has a clear structure, consists of many irreplaceable factors.

So, let's take a closer look at what is the secret of a good presentation from Apple.

Not so long ago, the annual world conference WWDC 2013 was held at which Tim Cook, along with other Apple representatives, presented new gadgets. But we will be interested not so much in technology as in the techniques used during the presentation.

Good presentation: one idea - one slide

One idea - one line. The very first thing that catches your eye is minimalism. Don't try to fit as many words and ideas into one slide as possible. This rule applies to everything. If you are going to present some statistics to the audience, then try to fit only one significant number on the page, one that should surprise the listener, attract attention, and be remembered for a long time.

I'm sure that most people would put this phrase on one slide:

“Our conference arouses incredible interest among developers. More than 6 million users have already watched the presentation video. All tickets for today's presentation sold out in just over a minute (71 seconds)."

It seems to be not a big phrase, everything is clear, everything is clear. But here lies main mistake. There are too many statistics and data, something the listener will definitely miss. Tim Cook divided this phrase into 3 slides. The first one focused on 6 million views, the second slide highlighted the record sales rate of 71 seconds, and the third capital letters it says "Sold".

Therefore, if you have very important information that requires special attention, then place it on each slide separately.

Highlight statistics

At the very beginning of his speech, Tim Cook made a statement that users have downloaded 50 billion programs through the App Store. You could just write "50 billion" on the slide, but look what the Apple team is doing.

Instead of words, they write a long number. This is to make a greater impression on the audience, the listener sees the grandeur of this figure. Note that the numbers are nicely designed and are made up of App Store app icons. What is it for? The statistics are dry, but it will be better remembered if it is beautifully designed.

Drop items

Many are accustomed to the fact that the presentation should have everything according to the plan, which divides the slides into paragraphs and subparagraphs. This is a gross mistake, and now I will tell you why. Not a single slide presented Apple presentations contains no items. They are cumbersome, distract attention, force the listener to read rather than listen to the speaker's story. Scientists have proven that when we read, the ability to absorb auditory information is reduced to zero. So now draw your conclusions. A minimum of words, a minimum of unnecessary information.

Share the scene

Most speakers feel they have to do their own presentation from start to finish. Either the ego plays a role here, or some other factors, but very often they sin with this. Tim Cook, like Steve Jobs in the past, follows his own rules of proper presentation, he occasionally invites other Apple executives on stage and gives them the opportunity to speak. At the last conference, 5 different speakers were on stage in two hours of speaking.

The presentation is not a theater of one actor, but a well-constructed show where there are scenery (slides), props (new items being presented) and excellent actors (performing on stage). Each element is very important, and everything together creates the perfect performance.

10 minute rule

Even earlier, I noticed that all speeches, speeches, presentations, the purpose of which is to convey important information to the listener, last no more than 10 minutes. The question arises - why? What it is? Some kind of 10 minute rule?

That is how it is. His Don Madina, a researcher at the University of Washington. According to this rule, optimal time performance should not exceed 10 minutes. Then the listener loses concentration and assimilates the material much worse. Of course, you can speak longer, but it is not a fact that much of what you say will be correctly learned.

All of Tim Kuch's presentations last exactly 10 minutes, then there is a short break for a slide show, or he invites another speaker, or uses other methods to divert the user's attention from himself and concentrate on another object.

Use outrageous

In the photo you see Phil Schiller, Vice President of Apple. At the conference, he presented new design Mac Pro laptop. Naturally, there were those in the audience who did not like this design and they threw Apple the loss of the opportunity to create something innovative. What would any of us do? I would try to get out of the situation, I would talk about all the strengths and aspects of the new designs, but this is us, and Schiller acted differently.

“Hell, do you want even more innovative?” Phil replied. After his words, the hall burst into applause. Make non-standard decisions, do not act according to a template, sometimes show your emotions and the public will appreciate it.

Twitter will teach you how to speak correctly

How many of you used Twitter? Yes, I'm sure many. So, you should know that in this social network the maximum message length is 140 characters, and it is in this short sentence that you must contain the entire depth of your thought, convey to the reader necessary information. When building your presentation, focus on Twitter, speak as you would write there, short, understandable, in fact, no water.

At the iOS7 presentation, Tim Cook used this method. He said that iOS7 is the most innovative iOS ever made by Apple. Short sentence, which fits on Twitter without any problems. The world media immediately picked up and began to replicate this phrase, nothing even needs to be redone, it fits perfectly into 140 characters.

Therefore, if you want someone from the listeners to tweet your key phrase, then build it within 140 characters.

Practice First

To create the perfect presentation in 20 minutes, Apple experts can take up to 250 hours of work. This is the selection of the plot, and the compilation of slides, and testing information in focus groups, and even the practice of performing on stage. Every time like the first new training, a new approach. Do not think that if you have performed 10 times already, you can do something of high quality impromptu. Prepare carefully and think over your every step, every action.

Show respect

If you work in a team and know that success depended not only on you alone, then convey this information to your listeners. Tim Cook thanks the designers, developers and testers of Apple products during each speech. For listeners, this creates the impression of team cohesion, shows them that there are no problems in the middle of the company, which means that it is reliable and successful.

A good presentation should be public

There is no need to hide anything from users. Not everyone has the opportunity to get to your presentation, so post a recording of your speech online. Apple it does, and it has already become part of their marketing policy. Anyone on the official website can view any speech by Apple executives.


Why "experienced advice"? I just happened to be in two roles: how to make and present presentations myself, and evaluate them (of course, not in the role of a simple listener :)).

In general, I can immediately say that the majority draws up a presentation, focusing only on their “likes / dislikes”. Meanwhile, there are still some important "moments" that simply cannot be ignored! That's what I wanted to talk about in this article ...


  1. Many educational institutions, companies (if you are making a presentation on work) have their own rules for the design of such works. I don’t want to replace them or interpret them differently (just add :)), in any case, the one who will evaluate your work is always right (that is, the buyer, customer is always right)!
  2. By the way, I already had an article on my blog with step by step creation presentations: . In it, I also partially touched on the issue of design (pointed out the main errors).

1. Incompatible colors

In my opinion, this is the worst thing they do in presentations. Judge for yourself how to read presentation slides if colors merge on them? Yes, of course, on your computer screen - it might not look bad, but on a projector (or just a larger screen) - half of your colors will just blur and fade.

For example, you should not use:

  1. Black background with white text. Not only does the contrast in the room not always allow you to clearly convey the background and see the text well, but your eyes get tired pretty quickly when reading such text. By the way, it’s a paradox, many people can’t stand reading information from sites with a black background, but they make such presentations…;
  2. Don't try to make a rainbow out of your presentation! 2-3-4 colors in the design will be enough, the main thing is to choose the right colors!
  3. Lucky colors: black (although, provided that you don’t flood everything with it. Also keep in mind that black is a bit gloomy and does not always fit the context), burgundy, dark blue (in general, give preference to dark bright colors - they all look great), dark green, brown, purple;
  4. Bad colors: yellow, pink, light blue, gold, etc. In general, everything that relates to light shades - believe me, when you look at your work from a distance of several meters, and if there is still a bright room, your work will be seen very poorly!

Rice. 1. Presentation Design Options: Choice of Colors

By the way, in Fig. 1 shows 4 different presentation designs (with different color shades). The most successful are options 2 and 3, on 1 - eyes will quickly get tired, and on 4 - no one will be able to read the text ...

2. Font selection: size, writing, color

A lot depends on the choice of font, its size, color (it was told about the color at the very beginning, here I will focus more on the font)!

  1. I recommend choosing the most common font, for example: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana (i.e. without serifs, different divorces, “beautiful” frills ...). The fact is that if the font is chosen too "lurid" - it is inconvenient to read it, some words are invisible, etc. Plus - if your new font is not on the computer on which the presentation will be shown - hieroglyphs may appear (how to deal with them, I gave advice here: ), or the PC will pick up a different font and everything will “move out” for you. Therefore, I recommend choosing popular fonts that everyone has and that are easy to read ( note: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana ).
  2. choose optimal size font. For example: 24-54 pts for headings, 18-36 pts for plain text (again, numbers are approximate). The most important thing - do not shrink, it is better to place less information on the slide, but so that it is convenient to read (up to a reasonable limit, of course :));
  3. Italics, underlining, text highlighting, etc. - I do not recommend messing around with this. In my opinion, it is worth highlighting some words in the text, headings. The text itself is best left in normal font.
  4. On all sheets of the presentation, the main text must be made the same - i.e. if you chose Verdana, then use it throughout your presentation. Then it will not turn out that one sheet is well readable, and the other - no one can make out (as they say "no comment")

Rice. 2. An example of different fonts: Monotype Corsiva (1 on the screen) VS Arial (2 on the screen).

On fig. 2 is a very revealing example: 1 - the font is used Monotype Corsiva , on 2 - Arial. As you can see, when trying to read the font text Monotype Corsiva(and even more so for deletion) - discomfort appears, words are more difficult to parse than text in Arial.

3. Variety of different slides

I don’t quite understand why each page of the slide should have a different design: one in a blue tone, another in a “bloody” one, and a third in a dark one. Meaning? In my opinion, it is better to choose one optimal design, which can be used on all pages of the presentation.

The fact is that before the presentation, they usually adjust its display in order to choose the best visibility for the hall. If you have different colors, different fonts and design for each slide, then you will only do what to set up the display on each slide, instead of telling your report (well, or, many will not see what is displayed on your slides).

4. Title page and plan - are they needed, why do they

Many, for some reason, do not consider it necessary to sign their work and not make a title slide. In my opinion, this is a mistake, even if it is not explicitly required. Just imagine yourself: open this work in a year - and you will not even remember the topic of this report (let alone the rest) ...

I do not pretend to be original, but at least such a slide (as in Figure 4 below) will make your work much better.

Rice. 4. Title page (example)

I could be wrong (since I haven’t been doing this for a long time :)), but according to GOST (on the title page), the following should be indicated:

  • organization (for example, an educational institution);
  • name of the presentation;
  • surname and initials of the author;
  • surname and initials of the teacher/supervisor;
  • contact details (website, phone number, etc.);
  • year, city.

The same applies to the presentation plan: if it is not there, then the audience cannot even immediately understand what you will talk about. Another thing, if there is summary and you can already understand what this work is about at the first minute.

Rice. 5. Presentation plan (example)

In general, on this about the title page and the plan - I finish. They are just needed, and that's it!

5. Are graphics inserted correctly (pictures, diagrams, tables, etc.)

In general, pictures, diagrams, and other graphics can make it much easier to explain your topic and present your work more visually. Another thing is that some people abuse it too much ...

In my opinion, everything is simple here, a couple of rules:

  1. do not insert pictures, only for them to be. Each picture should illustrate, explain and show something to the listener (everything else - you can not insert it into your work);
  2. do not use a picture as a background to the text (it is very difficult to choose the color scheme of the text if the picture is heterogeneous, and such text is read worse);
  3. it is highly desirable to provide explanatory text for each illustration: either under it or on the side;
  4. if you are using a graph or diagram: label all axes, points, etc. elements on the diagram so that at a glance it is clear where and what is displayed.

Rice. 6. Example: how to correctly insert a description for a picture

6. Sound and video in the presentation

In general, I am somewhat opposed to the sound accompaniment of the presentation: it is much more interesting to listen to a living person (and not a soundtrack). Some people prefer to use background music: on the one hand, this is good (if it is relevant), on the other hand, if the hall is large, it is quite difficult to choose the optimal volume: those who are close will listen too loudly, those who are far away will listen quietly ...

Nevertheless, in presentations, sometimes, there are such topics where there is no way without sound at all ... For example, you need to bring the sound when something breaks - you can’t show it in text! The same applies to video.


(Note: for those who will present the presentation not from their computer)

1) Your videos will not always be saved in the body of the presentation and sound files(depending on the program in which you make the presentation). It may happen that when you open the presentation file on another computer, you will not see any sound or video. Therefore, advice: copy your video and audio files along with the file of the presentation itself to a USB flash drive (to the cloud :)).

2) I also want to note the importance of codecs. The computer on which you will present your presentation may not have the codecs you need to play your video. I recommend taking video and audio codecs with you as well. By the way, I have a note about them on my blog:.

7. Animation (a few words)

Animation is some interesting transition between slides (fade, shift, appearance, panorama, etc.), or, for example, an interesting presentation of a picture: it can sway, tremble (attract attention in every possible way), etc.

Rice. 7. Animation - a spinning picture (see Fig. 6 for completeness of the "picture").

There's nothing wrong with that, using animation can bring a presentation to life. The only point: some people use it very often, literally every slide is “saturated” with animation ...


I finish on sim. To be continued…

By the way, once again I will give one small piece of advice - never put off creating a presentation until the last day. It's better to do it in advance!

Presentation is a fairly common form. academic work. With the coming into our life high technology, teachers are increasingly trying to give students this task. There is absolutely nothing complicated in it, especially considering the fact that all, without exception, students are fluent in computers and can deal with a more or less elementary program.

Expecting each student to submit an original work is hopeless, as the presentation software has certain templates.

Proper presentation formatting

To presentation produced good impression , and your answer turned out to be complete and clear, it is worth considering a plan initially. Regardless of what the purpose of your presentation is, the design rules will still be the same.

The presentation must contain:

  • title page;
  • introduction;
  • main part;
  • conclusion.

Title page and presentation introduction

On the title page name must be written educational institution, course and specialty, your name and the name of the teacher, as well as the title of the topic. Introduction should contain brief information about work and lift the veil of secrecy.

Main body of the presentation

Concerning main part, then you should not place the entire text of the term paper or diploma on the slides. The best way to understand what exactly needs to be placed in the main part of the presentation, it is to imagine that it would be interesting for you to know if you heard it for the first time. After all, people will listen to you, even if they own the subject, but still see you and your coursework for the first time.

Conclusion of the presentation

Conclusion must contain facts from your work. Perhaps even all the conclusions that you have drawn by studying the problem. Therefore, try to arrange it in such a way that the results of the work are understandable and can be perceived by ear, and also illustrated, if possible, with additional pictures. Do not be too lazy to find images that will fully convey the essence of the text that is used on the slide.

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Presentation design rules: do not miss important points

It is always worth remembering that there are several rules that must be strictly observed. These include text font. Be sure to use exactly one font for headings; it should not change on all slides.

The same goes for common text. The color of the main text should match throughout the work. If you still want to highlight some particularly important points, then these can be quotes or any applications. Remember that you should not get too carried away with highlighting bold and italic. Enumeration will dissolve important information in the general flow.

Slide background

If we talk about the background of the slides, it is best to choose the same one throughout the entire report. You should not jump from style to style and change it with each new slide. The very final slide must be a thank you for your attention.

How to make a presentation correctly and without errors?

If all the presentation design rules that we have written have not helped you so far, then you should not suffer. Ask for professional help, which will be provided by specialists in the design of any presentations and other educational works.

Creating a good and understandable presentation in power point and its further presentation to the audience requires certain skills, abilities and experience. Despite the fact that many designers say that there are no special rules for creating a presentation, since it is pure creativity, we are convinced that the presentation of a company, brand or product is the most important tool for creating an impression and, ultimately, its image in the eyes of the target audience. , and requires special approach. Since the presentation is also capable of selling, we consider it necessary to talk about the basic rules for its creation.

Fig.1. Presentation for industrial company made by our experts.

Let us clarify that our article will discuss creating a multimedia business presentation in PowerPoint, which may contain the following elements: texts, pictures, photographs, video or audio, graphics and diagrams. Although some of the rules outlined in the article are also valid for standard PPT presentations. A distinctive feature of a business presentation is the presence of several main parts: a) introductory information about the essence of the product or service being presented, a statement of the essence of the presentation, b) information about the company c) information about the benefits d) the essence of the work or a detailed description, test or trial results, conditions applications e) reference lists or reviews f) information about cost, delivery, etc. Of course, this is just one of the possible options for the structure - each presentation, like any business, is unique, so there cannot be a single presentation structure template.

Multimedia presentation in PowerPoint, especially in its modern format, which allows the placement of videos, animations - a multifunctional marketing tool that can be used in various media depending on the goals.

Proper planning is the key to a successful presentation

1. Plan. The first rule for creating a successful presentation, which, unfortunately, is often forgotten when starting to prepare it, is to determine target audience, time, place and purpose (the main message that the presentation should convey to the audience) of its presentation. A small plan will help you with this. Arrange it so that each slide has a message that brings the audience closer and closer to the main conclusion that they should make at the end of your presentation. When planning, it is very important to take into account the format of the event or event for which it is being prepared, while it is important to know in what medium they will be presented.

What is a company presentation in PowerPoint used for today:

  • for participation in tenders(as a rule, in this case they are presented in the form of printed brochures, or on electronic media - ipad or PC)
  • for participation in special marketing or industry events, for example, exhibitions (usually broadcast on plasma screens)
  • for participation in business events, for example, forums, conferences, round tables (usually displayed on a large screen, controlled remotely by the speaker who represents it)
  • to inform potential consumers(as a rule, in this case, the presentation is intended for posting on a corporate website, in catalogs, on sites for posting presentations, for example, Slideshare)
  • to inform partners, investors and other stakeholders (as a rule, in this case, the presentation from PowerPoint is transformed into PDF format for more convenient use).

One slide, one thought. Presentation Structure

You should not try to fit all the information you have on a topic into one slide. It is best if one slide contains one informational message, which will be concise, concise and systematic, and "disclosed" and "illustrated" on this page.

Since the presentation structure consists of a set of messages, each slide is an information block. It is desirable that there are not too many of them in the presentation. Let's single out basic recommendations for creating information blocks:

  1. the size of one information block should be no more than 1/2 the size of the entire slide, it must have free space
  2. it is good when the information block is presented with different types of information, for example, text, graphics, tables, infographics, illustrations that complement each other
  3. it is important to focus on the main elements, phrases that are key in the block
  4. it is recommended to place information blocks horizontally, if they are connected by some cause-and-effect relationships, then you can use "spatial", for example, circular, vertical or other schemes
  5. some people think that it is important to put the most important information in the center of the slide, we fundamentally disagree with this statement. Much more important is how the information is highlighted than where it is located. Sometimes a bright photograph or off-center color graphic is much more important and attracts much more attention than the text that explains it.
  6. the logic of each information block should correspond to the presentation plan.

Lack of a clear and understandable structure. One of the most big problems presentations that experts have identified is the unstructured information in the presentation. For more information about other common problems, it is best to flip through the presentation below:

The logic of the presentation of thought. Not losing the thread of the story is a difficult task. To do this, the presentation should be logically built, and the material should help the speaker express the main thoughts, and not confuse him and the audience in numerous details. To prepare presentations, we recommend using such tools for creating a Mind Map on the Internet or simply drawing a diagram of a future presentation in the old fashioned way - on paper.

We consider XMIND and BUBBl.US to be the most suitable tools for creating a "map" of a future speech - they will help make your speech perfect.

Design - 50% of presentation success

Use of incompatible colors. This is especially bad when not only visual perception slide, but the "readability" of the text itself is difficult or completely lost. Often this happens when using different shades of the same color or colors that are close in color, for example, shades of blue and green.

Use of small font.

There is an opinion that it is not recommended to use font less than 14 in Power Point presentations. Lots of information? Text not included on page? See point 2. And before you rush to fix 11 font by 14 and still try to place all the information on one slide, you need to analyze, maybe you need to “split” a slide that has so much information into two or more? Or even remove part of it, and during the presentation comment on it orally. Do not forget, your presentation should be visible from the farthest rows.

Fig.2 Slide from the presentation shown at the Moscow Urban Forum, 2015

No capital letters.

This rule for creating a presentation appeared in connection with a well-known fact: a person perceives words, not individually, but as a whole, and if the accepted Format is violated, replacing it with UNUSUAL, then the word written in capital letters will be isolated from the text and perceived by a person with b about more work than what will be written in lowercase.

The second factor that speaks against the use of CAPITAL letters in the presentation is that in the world of digitalization, the use of capital letters in the text means "raised tone", "shout", respectively, for those who are intimately familiar with interactive communications, is constantly present in in social networks, these words will look at least alarming.

Less words, more graphics and diagrams.

The advantage of a presentation from an oral message is that a person receives most of the information from it in the form of certain visual elements. Information in this form is easier to perceive and remember. Causing certain emotions and associations, symbols, signs, pictures and graphics directly affect the human subconscious. In this regard, the quality of information transfer and impact on the audience is significantly improved.

Schemes, graphs, photographs, drawings are designed to supplement textual information or convey it in a more visual form, but it is desirable avoid in the presentation of drawings or images that do not carry a semantic load, if they are not part of the styling. Color schemes and graphic images should not contrast sharply with the overall style of the slide. All illustrations or photos in the Power Point presentation are recommended to be accompanied by explanatory text.

Fig.3 Example of completed work - real estate presentation

Infographic. If you want your slides to make a splash, make them look like infographics. About, as well as we wrote earlier in our articles.

Variety of colors and fonts. It is perfectly. But not in the presentation. "Multicolor" greatly distracts, leads away from the main idea. And the use of various fonts can lead the audience to the idea that you have never used Power Point before and now that you have finally got to the whole list of fonts, you have decided not to deny yourself anything. As a rule, a presentation uses one (for example, corporate), maximum two fonts.

Misuse of photos.

It is also very important that the photos you add to the slide are not overly stretched or cropped badly. This can cause, at best, dumb indignation, spoil the overall impression, up to a complete refusal to work. And the last, mandatory rule: photos and pictures must be good quality(in high resolution). If there are none, then it is better not to use them at all.

Design is a matter of taste, but some stylistic rules should not be neglected either. We, like many modern designers, do not recommend actively using shadows (especially under texts and photographs) and a gradient for filling graphic elements, as well as, if possible, avoiding a large number of artistic filters, especially in drawings - reflection, highlighting and other design " chips" in non-professional hands can look ridiculous or even spoil the impression of the presentation.

Fig.4 An example of using photos in a presentation

Texts must be read

No matter how beautiful drawings, graphics and photos are in the presentation, this should not affect the readability of the text. The main rule is that either the text or words must be readable, or all unnecessary must be removed. Or delete text.

Grammar. Not paying due attention to the spelling of words, punctuation, semantics of words in a presentation, you can find yourself in a very unpleasant situation when the audience or one of the recipients will point out grammatical or spelling errors to you in the process of studying it. This is perhaps the surest way to ensure that in your professional competence doubted, and the company was added to the list of "undesirable".

Not preparing for a presentation is a big mistake.

Before using the presentation, you need to clearly consider the "logistics": if you are speaking in public, you must pre-record the presentation on a flash drive, and also send it via e-mail/ upload to a file hosting service (if it is heavy) to duplicate.

Before the performance, it is necessary to view the presentation, check whether the equipment is working, whether the slides are visible, whether the texts are readable, whether the sound is heard. If you are going to send the presentation by mail, you need to check if the size of the slides corresponds to the allowable size for sending files by e-mail. For example, the size of files sent to OutLook does not exceed 10MB. To avoid incidents of "non-delivery" of messages, we recommend: 1. reduce the size of the file to be sent by mail (220 px) and convert the presentation to PDF. This will make it easier to open and read.

Fig. 5 Presentation for a construction (engineering) company, made in the communication agency Comagency

planb. During public speaking, as well as at all on-line events, various circumstances often appear, which, at times, are difficult or even impossible to predict. If you imagine at least a few of them and think in advance what kind of “backup” plan you can act on in case of unforeseen situations, you will feel much more confident during the speech.

Speaker appearance. A perfectly executed Power Point presentation will not be able to correct the negative reaction of the public to the appearance of a person in dirty shoes or a wrinkled shirt showing them.

So, following the simple rules for creating a presentation, you can achieve success in your business and correctly convey your idea to the audience! If you want to entrust the creation of a presentation to professionals, call us: +7 495 669 50 61.

You can order from our agency as design or preparation of the finished presentation, elements (for example, slides with infographics), in this case, we will ask you to send a draft filled with primary information, or we can offer you make a turnkey presentation. In the second case, we will not only study in detail your business, competitors and the features of the messages that should be conveyed in presentations, offer a logical structure and select persuasive content, but also adapt the finished product for use (as a rule, we give our clients several formats - you will receive not just a static presentation "hardwired" into a design format, but, in addition to the source code, you will receive a template in PPT (Power Point) format with dynamic elements and inscriptions, which you can easily change yourself if you need to) .


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