How to make a princess laugh. "How they made the princess Nesmeyana laugh." New Year's scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups

Concert program for preschoolers.

/ Children enter the hall decorated as a palace to a Russian folk melody. On the walls can hang family portraits of the dynasty of the Tsar of the Peas, floor vases and tall candlesticks, a throne for Tsarevna Nesmeyana, and so on. When the children have settled into their seats, a quiet and pleasant Russian folk melody begins to sound, against which the Leader begins the story. During the words of the Host, the music gradually fades away. /

Leading: In the kingdom, or maybe in the kingdom.

In the distant one state.

From which there is no trace.

Once a trouble settled.

The king has one, the Peas.

You won't understand where is good and where is bad,

The daughter-princess was Nesmeyana,

Bitter tears poured from the tap.

Everything roared all day, like a beluga,

(whisper) Jackdaws died on the fly with fright.

/ There is a loud hysterical cry of Nesmeyana. /

Do you hear? Crying again.

Poor, poor king Peas.

I listened, listened and became deaf.

Witchcraft or some other deceit ...

It was only wet all over the state.

We do not know whose fault

And the tears flowed in four streams.

/ Tsar Peas and Tsarevna Nesmeyana appear. Nesmeyana with a huge handkerchief screams, stomps her feet, cries with the help of 2 enema pears hidden in the crown at eye level. "Tears" gush in streams, which the Tsar Peas catches in buckets. One bucket should have more water than the other. The tsar will lament, and Nesmeyana echoes him, crying out loud. /

King Peas: Oh trouble, oh trouble! Nesmeyana: Trouble, trouble! A-a-a ...

Why Nesmeyana

Do these tears run and run? They run, they run ...

Why not laughing

Is your name in the kingdom? Name, ah-ah ... name ...

Doctors for you

Potions were brewed Boiled-and-and ...

And your eyes

All the tears shed. Lily, lily ...


We tried day and night We tried.

Only your little eyes

They didn't laugh. They didn’t laugh, no, they didn’t laugh.

/ Here the king looks into the buckets and is surprised. /

Not laughing, daughter, what a grief:

One bucket is fuller than the other.

Your eyes cry in different ways:

Here a bucket of tears, and here - half a bucket.

Nesmeyana: (stops crying and is surprised) Yes?

King Peas: Yes.

Nesmeyana: (looks into the buckets, making sure) Yes! A-a-a…. (crying)

King Peas: Oh trouble, oh trouble!

Oh, my daughter is sick!

/ The nannies follow the Tsar and Nesmeyanoy. They put the princess on the throne, wipe her nose and eyes, squeeze her handkerchief into buckets, give a new one and leave. The king sits down at the princess's feet, tired and lost. And the Leader, against the background of this performance, continues his story. /

Leading: Her father built for her

The best beautiful palace.

There are dolls and marmalade in it,

And overseas there is chocolate.

Tsar: Every time for lunch

She is given a kilogram of candy.

Nesmeyana: The nannies guard my every step.

They create peace and comfort for me.

And they do not give a hand to move.

Leading: All clear.

No joys from sweets

From dolls and persimmons ...

From these very weaknesses

We are healing!

King Grokh: Who are we?!

Leading: We are educators and children

This kindergarten.

So don't cry.

Sit down with us

And have fun!

/ From this moment, a concert for Nesmeyana begins, during which the princess gradually calms down, cries less and less, and then stops crying, smiles, laughs and finally takes part in the game. /

To start

Let's show you foreigners.

So the Spanish dance!

/ Children in Spanish costumes come out and perform a Spanish dance. /

And now we have gymnasts.

Bend over oh, a lot.

/ Children perform a gymnastic sketch. That after the first, that after the second number, the princess sobs and wipes her eyes with a large handkerchief. /

From the princess what trouble, what damage ...

The ceiling near the throne began to leak.

The refectory also looks shabby.

At least scoop, at least do not scoop - it is useless.

/ At this time, the princess very noisily squeezes her handkerchief into a bucket, interrupting, as it were, these words of the Leader and, thereby, drawing his attention and the attention of children to herself. /

And here she roars here.

Tears pouring into buckets and pouring ...

It is already flowing over the edge.

You, the king - father,

Change the buckets.

And don't wet the floor here.

Children will dance now

And on the slippery floor

You can break your legs.

/ The king nods, agreeing with this, gives his daughter a dry handkerchief and leaves, taking the buckets away. The presenter continues, addressing the children. /

Become friendly in pairs.

Hold hands tightly.

/ The presenter announces a dance performed by children. /

Where will the artists come.

They won't like crying there!

/ The presenter announces the next number. /

And the princess is not yet having fun.

She hung up the little head.

Her soul is like ice ...

And he sheds less tears!

Well, good fun, good hour!

Now we have the game!

/ The presenter conducts a musical and rhythmic game. Perhaps the children are dancing a game round dance. /

I will give a cap to a girl

And for the boy - a kerchief.

Dance the other way around

For us now "Kalinka"!

/ The presenter conducts a game "Think of a Dance". And in the midst of the general dance he loudly shouts:

Move apart, people!

"Barynya" is coming to visit!

The children sit down in their seats. A group of children enter the hall to perky music and perform a dance. This dance should be a surprise for the kids. Perhaps it will be danced by children together with adults or only by adults, and maybe even by the artists who have come. After the dance, the Leader starts a conversation with Nesmeyanoy. /

Leading:See what this means?

The princess cries less ...

Nesmeyana: Look, or I'll cry harder ...

Leading: But why is it stronger?

Nesmeyana:But because I can't dance like that.

A… (starts crying harder)

Leading: (recollecting herself, calms)

What are you, what are you, Nesmeyana,

It's not difficult.

Any dance to dance

You can learn.

One has only to want -

The bear will dance too!

And baby ducklings

They will dance to us from the heart!

"Dance of the ducklings"!

/ Children perform "Dance of the Ducklings" ./

One has only to want -

The bear will dance too!

And they will sing like nightingales.

Our educators ...

/ Dance with singing performed by teachers. /

If illnesses happen somewhere.

Then people go to the doctor for advice.

The doctor will come up with a diet for you,

And he will also prescribe you a vitamin,

More castor oil and aspirin.

Are you rich or poor ...

Everybody has diseases.

Well, microbes are harmful

Will help banish laughter!

Comic dance "Letka-enka"!

/ Comic dance "Letka-enka"! performed by a group of children. /

What a change

After the show?

At the Princess Nesmeyana

There are no more tears.

At the Princess Nesmeyana

Wet nose is dry.

The princess smiles.

It is seen. I like the dance.

It's time for everyone to have fun -

A new game awaits us!

/ The presenter picks up the mask of the Owl and tells the conditions of the game in verses, at the same time choosing an Owl and Birds from among the children who wish. /

Leading: You need an Owl to play

And many, many birds.

The music will sound -

The birds will dance.

And how the music died down

Immediately it became quiet and quiet.

An owl wakes up.

It's time for the birds to hide.

/ A dance game "Owl and Birds" is held, in which the princess is already included. She dances and laughs, squeals with delight, jumps happily, claps her hands. /

Leading: Now the princess is no longer crying,

She is laughing.

How does she do it? ..

Nesmeyana: I, friends, had a big concern -

Mom and Dad would not let me work.

They didn't let me sing and dance, friends,

So I was wasted.

Leading: Of course,

There is no fairy tale without miracles.

And now her eyes are laughing.

I was locked up all the years.

I have never seen songs or dances.

And how she sings: sweetly.

Now the princess has forgotten to roar.

/ Song performed by Nesmeyana, can be together with the king and nannies. /

Nesmeyana: So the fairy tale comes to an end.

And only the soaked palace is sad.

Leading: And the princess laughs with happiness,

From love, from human participation.

Nesmeyana: If friends come to our aid,

That melancholy and illness pass.

Leading: Is the princess crying?

What's question!

We'll get rid of tears in an instant!

Nesmeyana: Everyone is always happy!

Are we going to dance?

Children: Yes!

/ Mass dance performed by all participants of the holiday. /

Leading: It's time for us to end the fairy tale

And see the princess off.

Nesmeyana: I should go home a long time ago.

A feast awaits me there!

Thank you kids for the fun.

From me to you - a treat!

/ A Russian folk melody sounds. The nannies bring and distribute treats to the children: rolls, pies or cookies. /

Leading: (against the background of slightly quieted music) We are Princess Nesmeyane

Let's say together: Goodbye!

Everything: Goodbye!

/ The music is loud again. The princess waves her hand goodbye and leaves. All those present also leave the hall. /


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How do you think, where is the great light of God! People, rich and poor, live in it, and all of them are spacious, and the Lord looks upon and judges all of them. The luxurious live and celebrate; the miserable live and work; everyone has their share!

In the royal chambers, in the princely palaces, in the high tower, Nesmeyana the princess flaunted. What a life she had, what freedom, what a luxury! There is a lot of everything, everything is, what the soul wants; but she never smiled, never laughed, as if her heart was not happy about anything.

It was bitter for the tsar-father to look at the sad daughter. He opens his royal chambers for everyone who wishes to be his guest.

Let them, - he says, - try to cheer Nesmeyana the princess; whoever succeeds, she will be his wife.

As soon as he uttered this, the people began to boil at the prince's gates! From all sides they were going, coming — and princes and princes, and boyars and nobles, regimental and ordinary; feasts began, honey poured - the princess still does not laugh.

At the other end, in his corner, lived an honest worker; in the mornings he cleaned the yard, in the evenings he grazed the cattle, and was incessant toil. His owner is a rich man, truthful, he did not offend with payment. Only the year is over, he has a bag of money on the table:

Take, - he says, - as much as you want!

And he himself was at the door and went out.

The worker went to the table and thought: how not to sin before God, not to put too much for the work? He chose only one coin, squeezed it in a handful and decided to drink some water, bent down into the well - the money rolled out from him and sank to the bottom.

The poor man had nothing to do with it. Another would have burst into tears in his place, tightened his throat and folded his arms out of frustration, but he wouldn’t.

Everything, - he says, - God sends; God knows to whom to give what: to whom he gives money, from whom he takes the last. Apparently, I worked poorly, worked little, now I will become more diligent!

And back to work - every case in his hands is on fire!

The term is up, another year has passed, the owner is a bag of money for him on the table:

Take, - he says, - as much as the soul wants!

And he himself was at the door and went out.

The worker again thinks, so as not to anger God, not to put extra money for work; took the money, went to get drunk and accidentally let it out of his hands - the money went into the well and drowned.

He set to work even more diligently: the night he did not get enough sleep, the day he didn’t eat enough. You will see: for someone the bread dries up, it turns yellow, but for his owner everything is buzzing; whose cattle curls its legs, and kicks it down the street; whose horses are being dragged downhill, and he cannot be restrained by the reins. The owner knew whom to thank, to whom to say thank you.

The term is over, the third year has passed, he has a lot of money on the table:

Take, worker, as much as your soul wants; your work, yours and money!

And he went out himself.

The worker again takes one piece of money, goes to the well of water to drink - lo and behold: the last money is intact, and the previous two have floated up. He picked them up, guessed that God had rewarded him for his labors; he was delighted and thinks: - It's time for me to see the light of day, to recognize people!

I thought it over and went wherever they looked. He walks in the field, a mouse runs:

Kovalek, dear kumanek! Give me the money; I'll be useful to you myself! I gave her some money. Walking through the forest, a beetle crawling:

I gave him some money too. Swam by the river, met a catfish:

Kovalek, dear kumanek! Give me the money; I'll be useful to you myself!

He did not refuse that either, he gave the last one.

He himself came to the city; there are people, there are doors! The worker looked in, spun around in all directions; he doesn't know where to go. And in front of him are the royal chambers, decorated with silver and gold, at the window Nesmeyana the princess sits and looks directly at him. Where to go? It clouded in his eyes, found a dream on him, and he fell straight into the mud.

Out of nowhere came a catfish with a large mustache, behind him a bug-old man, a mouse-haircut; everyone came running. They look after, please: the mouse takes off the dress, the beetle cleans the boots, the catfish drives away the flies.

Nesmeyana the princess looked, looked at their services and laughed.

Who, who amused my daughter? the king asks. He says: I; another: I.

No! - said the princess Nesmeyana. - There is this man! - And pointed to the worker.

Immediately him into the palace, and the worker became a fine fellow in front of the royal face! The king kept his royal word; what he promised, he gave.

I say: was it not in a dream that the worker dreamed about? They assure that no, the true truth was, so you have to believe.

Russian folk tale... Literary processing, rhymed prose - monorim

How do you think, how great is God's light! People, rich and poor, live in it, and they all have ample space, and the Lord looks upon and judges all of them. The luxurious live and celebrate; the miserable live - they work; everyone has their share!

In the royal chambers, in the princely palaces, in the high tower, Nesmeyana the princess flaunted. What a life she had, what freedom, what a luxury! There is a lot of everything, everything is, what the soul wants; and she never smiled, never laughed, as if her heart was not happy about anything.

The tsar-father was saddened, he became twisted. He used to love to gallop on a horse zealously across the open field, to catch up with a gyrfalcon to catch ducks-drakes, to catch sturgeon with frequent nets, to lead round dances with red girls.

And now they have begun feasts and amusements that are not a joy. The royal horse, golden-maned, stands in the stable, spinning with its ears, dreaming of an open field, wide expanse. The clear falcon is not on the royal hand - in a scarlet hood on a gilded six it sits, rattling with bells. The carved rook at the pier sways, - the free wind of the crimson sails does not sway, the dragon's eye has grown dim. Red girls do not lead round dances, they do not sing songs - they all sit in the upper rooms, embroider and spin.

In grief, the tsar-father put on a black monk's dress over his golden-brocaded caftan, put a black morocco hood on his blond curls - and, like a cloud, the sun had eclipsed the sun, like a kite fell from heaven onto the Firebird, - the golden tsar's golden ribbons went out.

The tsar-father began to pray day and night, bow down in front of golden images, repent of sins and for his daughter, beg his beloved child.

It has become quiet in the terem palace - only a goose feather will hide in the Ambassadorial Order and a bell on a buffoon's cap will ring in the chambers.

The father was no longer able to look at the sad daughter. He called the royal boyars before his eyes and asked: "How did the princess repose, did she not smile?"

The thoughtful boyars, the support of the sovereign, beaver gates, oak staves, bow to the tsar-father's legs, beat them with their foreheads: "Do not be angry with your loyal servants, tsar-sovereign, they didn’t order them to execute them, they say the word."

“Say,” the king replies.

The first boyar says: “We have nothing to console you, father-king. From across the sea, doctors came praised, all the words spoke tricky - to the point of them, that from a goat of milk. The princess is not laughing yet. Everything is sad, like a red sun rolled over a cloud. "

Another boyar says: “He does not eat, does not drink, my dear gray-winged. On another day, there is no poppy dewdrop in her mouth. The cooks will bring sugar dishes, honey drinks, and the princess turns her nose up. Mothers and nannies are in tears, so she will bite off a piece of printed gingerbread for a little bit of a gingerbread and drink a sip of iced water for my mother - like a bird of God! "

The third boyar says: “Everything in the room is sitting and looking out the window. The red sun kisses her on the right cheek, greets her. The clear moon kisses my left cheek. The hay girls will gather in the light near the sardushka; they will sit on the red benches with embroidery hoops to do needlework. And the princess takes a silver bottom in her white little hands, takes a golden spindle and spins a tow - a golden thread stretches. Suddenly tears will roll from her clear eyes. So she grieves, like an incense tree, flowing myrrh. "

The tsar-sovereign sighed and said: “It is sad for me to see my beloved child, my little gold in anguish - sorrow. Think, boyars, what to do, how to be, how to cheer the princess. "

The boyars began to think, dress up, how to please the tsar-father and heal the princess from sorrow. Each boyar has a ward of mind, each has seven spans in his forehead. What's the use? The tsar thought of a painfully tricky problem.

The day has passed, the second has passed, the third is coming. Time stretches, stretches like spindle yarn. The firmament is circling over the multi-colored poppies of the terem palace - the Red Sun is floating, behind it the Clear Moon is keeping pace. The boyars think they think, but they can’t come up with anything.

And by the end of the third day, the clerk-ink leech scratched the head of a goose with a quill and said: “What if you send messengers to cities and villages and to countries overseas and spread the news, they say, whoever makes the princess laugh, the king-father will reward him royally ! Perhaps a master will be found in the white world of ridiculous affairs. And what the Tsar-Father will regret for his only daughter! His treasury is rich, it contains gold, and silver, and semi-precious stones, and pitched pearls, and Italian vessels, and brocade of Constantinople, and Persian fabrics, and Shemakhan carpets, and Indian incense, and sable, and marten, and squirrel, and a fox - plenty of everything. Only the sun is red and the moon is clear and there are no frequent stars in his treasury! "

The next morning the boyars came to the tsar, bowed down to him and told him about the clerk's notion. The king became thoughtful, became sad and let a golden tear. He straightened the crown on the crown, straightened the pearl cross on the Persians, and says:

“If you have honey, so do a spoon. Write, clerk, the sovereign's decree! "

Diachishko - the ink-soul unfolded the scroll, dipped a goose quill in ink and brushed the scientist's fly off the tip of the feather.

The Tsar-Sovereign is broadcasting:

"Whoever makes the princess laugh, I'll give her in marriage and half the kingdom to boot."

The goose feather creaked, the silver horns sang, the drums beat, the runners ran, the heralds galloped. What started here! The people began to boil at the royal gates! From all sides they were going, coming — and princes and princes, and boyars and nobles, regimental and ordinary; feasts began, honey poured - the princess still does not laugh.

Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will not be done soon.

At the other end, in his corner, lived an honest worker, Ivan, the son of prosvirnin. He was stately, his face was white and ruddy, blond and clear-eyed. He was good-looking, he looked like a popular knight. From the scarlet morning dawn to the blue evening twilight, Ivan worked for the owner, he was incessantly labors: he plowed the land, sowed rye, sting, crushed, blew on the current, poured it into sacks, grinded at the mill, watched the cattle ... And after the labors of the righteous with mother he dined and fell asleep under her fairy tales.

His owner is a rich man, truthful, he did not offend with payment. The year has just ended, he had a bag of money on his table: “Take,” he says, “as much as you want!” And he himself was at the door and went out. The worker came up to the table and thought: how not to sin before God, not to put too much for the work?

I chose only one coin, squeezed it in a handful and decided to drink some water. He bent down into the well - his money rolled out, flashed with a copper rib and sank to the bottom. Another would have burst into tears in his place, tightened his throat and folded his hands in frustration, but he didn’t. “Everything,” he says, “God sends; The Lord knows to whom to give what, to whom he gives money, from whom he takes the last. Apparently, I worked poorly, worked little, now I will become more diligent! " And back to work. Every deed in his hands is on fire!

The term is up, another year has passed, the owner of a bag of money for him on the table: "Take it," he says, "as much as your soul wants!" And he himself was at the door, and went out. The worker again thinks, so as not to anger God, not to put extra money for work. He took the money, went to get drunk and accidentally let it out of his hands. Money in the well, and drowned.

He set to work even more diligently, he did not get enough sleep at night, he didn’t finish the day. You will see: for someone the bread dries up, it turns yellow, but for his owner everything grows bloody; whose cattle curls its legs, and kicks it down the street; whose horses are being dragged downhill, and he cannot be restrained by the reins. The owner knew whom to thank, to whom to say thank you.

The term is over, the third year has passed, he has a lot of money on the table: “Take, worker, as much as your heart desires; your work, your money! " And he went out himself. The worker again takes one piece of money, goes to the well of water to drink - lo and behold: the last money is intact, and the previous two have floated up. He picked them up, guessed that God had rewarded him for his labors.

Once a wanderer knocked on the mallow of a crow. They looked: there was an old man standing with a silver beard, a golden mustache. The soup with his son opened the gates, the wanderer was allowed into the house - after all, a guest from God!

The bathhouse for the peasant was heated, fed, watered, and put on a bench by the stove.

“Tell me, dear man,” says Ivan prosvirnin’s son, “how to call you, to dignify, from which land will you be and where are you taking your way?”

The stranger answers: “Call me the Old Man-himself-with-vershok. Himself from the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state. I wander around the world, looking at various wonders and wonders. "

“And if that's the case,” says Ivan, “tell me and my mother what you saw in this wondrous and outlandish world. But only such that we would not see and hear by sight, and we will listen. "

“Okay,” replies the Old Man-himself-with-vershok, a silver beard, a golden mustache, “I’ll tell you stories from a black rag.”

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in the land of the Firebird, there is a city of wonders. Gingerbread itself, watered with glaze, sprinkled with sugar, flavored with honey, mixed with vanilla, seasoned with ginger, seasoned with anise, decorated with raisins and nuts.

In the city there is a temple of nine heads with onion domes, multicolored poppies, with white-stone staircases, elegant porches, colored tents, with carved gates, mica windows, gilded bowels - decorated with images, church utensils - gold, silver with semi-precious stones and pearls pitched - filled.

There is a Tsar Cannon - a bronze belly, on cast-iron wheels, fire spews out, shoots with cast-iron cannonballs; the basilisk is called. It is so great that people walk along its muzzle on holidays, and the daring archers play dice in the muzzle. So heavy that even a dozen horses cannot move!

There is also a Tsar Bell - pewter cheeks, a copper forehead, a silver tongue, a golden ear! It is also extremely large, weighing ten thousand poods, standing on the ground, and inside him, like in a tent, children play.

In that city, in the terem palace, Nesmeyana lives - a princess, a beauty written. She has everything, everything is enough; elbow-deep in red gold, knee-deep in pure silver - only she doesn't laugh, she doesn't smile.

The tsar-sovereign announced to the whole world: whoever cheers his daughter Nesmeyanu - the princess, will give her in marriage and half the kingdom in addition! "

“This is the end of the fairy tale, but whoever listened - well done! And you, Ivashka, white shirt, go to bed, the morning is wiser than the evening. " The Old Man said so, yawned sweetly and fell asleep. I went to bed and went to bed. Only Ivan lies, tosses and turns from side to side, cannot fall asleep. All about Nesmeyana - the princess thinks.

In the morning Ivan got up neither light nor dawn. Lo and behold, the guest is gone. Ivan thinks: "It's time for me to look at the white light, to recognize people!" And he says to his mother: “Collect me, mother, on a path-path. I'm tired of sitting at home, I want to look at the white light - at the Tsar Cannon, at the Tsar Bell and at Nesmeyana - the princess. After all, glazed is better than vaunted. "

I tried to dissuade my son: “Don’t believe this wanderer, he lied to you from three boxes. And forget about the royal daughter. Not our epunch cloth! " But he keeps repeating everything. There is nothing to do, I baked a loaf of bread, collected a knapsack. Ivan prosvirnin's son made a travel staff for himself, bowed to his mother and went wherever his eyes would look.

He walks in the field, a mouse runs: “Kovalyok, dear kumanyok! Give me the money; I'll be useful to you myself! " Ivan gave her the money. Walking through the forest, a beetle crawls: “Kovalek, dear kumanyok! Give me the money; I'll be useful to you myself! " I gave him some money too. Swam by the river, met a catfish: “Kovalyok, dear kumanyok! Give me the money; I'll be useful to you myself! " He did not refuse that either, he gave the last one.

Whether Ivan walked long or short, he himself came to the city; there are people, there are doors! The worker looked around, spun around in all directions, where he does not know where to go.

And in front of him are the royal chambers, decorated with silver - gold. And in front of the chambers the people crowd - suitors, therefore, from all cities, from different countries arrived Nesmeyanu - the princess to woo, they are waiting for their turn.

And the windows in the royal palace are large, spacious, through them you can see everything that is going on there. Ivan, son of a prosvirnin, is looking, surprised. The palace is full of suitors, both simple and noble, and their own and overseas. Everyone wants to make Nesmeyana laugh, everyone wants to make her laugh.

There buffoons hunt, play on psaltery and domrah, knock on spoons, strum on the horn, sing songs, dance in a squat, wave their sleeves, blow a pipe, they want to make Nesmeyanu laugh the princess. As the saying goes: "Every buffoon has his own beeps."

But the buffoons - puppeteers staged a performance: the bear tells fairy tales, and the goat hits and dances with spoons!

Acrobats tumbling, jugglers throw apples and catch. But the bear is led on a chain, he dances to a tambourine and a horn! He ate the bull, he wasn’t satisfied yet! The drunkard drinks a barrel of green wine to the bottom; the jester is ringing bells, talking jokes, jokes.

But the overseas guests - all sorts of foreigners, Swedes and Germans, dressed in silk and velvet: they perform importantly, speak imposingly; Italians and Gishpans show dances - beards like a wedge, gaits like a peacock.

And at the vaulted windows on the silver throne of Nesmeyan - the princess sits, a beautiful written one. She props her face with a little white princess. With pointed bows, embroidered with beads, he tramples on a carved bench. On her head she has a crown of five petals sprinkled with pearls. She is wearing a crimson dress made of pavolok from Tsaregrad, embroidered with birds of paradise. And on top of it is another dress - satin, woven with silver thread. Black strands spread over the shoulders. The eyes are languid, that the nights are dark, they look into the distance, they do not want to see buffoonery. And on a white cheek a gold tear flickers, that on a lily of God there is a dewdrop.

Suddenly it seemed to Ivan that Nesmeyana, the princess, was looking directly at him from the window. Where to go? It clouded in his eyes, found a dream on him, and he fell right into the mud.

Out of nowhere came a catfish with a large mustache, behind it an old beetle, a mouse - a haircut; everyone came running. Courting, pleasing; the mouse takes off the dress, the beetle cleans the boots, the catfish drives away the flies.

She looked, looked at their services Nesmeyan - the princess and laughed. And the princess sounded laughter with a gentle crimson ringing in the white-stone chambers, and birds sang in the garden on the tree branches.

And the tsar, in the Ambassadorial Prikaz, received letters from the English ambassadors, sat on the throne in a monastic dress and a black hood. He heard the princess laugh - he shook himself like a clear falcon, a gray eagle rushed into the amusing chambers, so much so that the dwarf barely managed to grab hold of the tsar's hem. And so they ran through the galleries: in front of the tsar - father, behind him a dwarf on chess marbles, as if rolling on a sled, and behind her - a fool, a motley cap, and behind him and the clerk, and behind the clerk, the archers-fellows, the ambassador overseas, after the ambassador a cat - a bayun, behind a cat and a mouse, and behind a mouse a flea skipping.

At the very doorstep, the tsar-father of their monastic dress was released - the golden royal vestments in the underside of the sun flashed, so that the dwarf closed her eyes, and the clerk pulled his cap over his eyes!

Then the boyars arrived in time, they laid the royal crown on the head - a hat with a sable band, decorated with semi-precious stones.

The tsar enters the ward, does not believe his eyes: his beloved daughter sits at the window, looks out into the courtyard, fills with a silver bell; her eyes sparkle with diamonds, a poppy blush plays on her cheeks!

“Who, who amused my daughter?” Asks the king. He says: "I"; another: "I". "No, - says Nesmeyana - princess. - There is this man!" - And pointed to the worker. Immediately take him to the palace, and the worker became a fine fellow in front of the king's face - a fine fellow!

The king kept his royal word, what he promised, then he gave it. I gave my daughter to the groom.

The bride was dressed up in the Tsaritsa Chamber, the priest was escorted to the groom: the priest walks in front, sprinkles the bride's way with holy water, followed by candlesticks, loafers, friends, the bride’s relatives, and after them the matchmakers and boyars lead the bride under the little hands.

And the bridegroom and the bride went to the wedding ceremony in the cathedral, holding hands, and the whole path was covered with carpets and precious fabrics, under the bells ringing.

And after the wedding they came to the Golden Porch, and here they were taken by the white hands, they were taken to the Golden Chamber, and white-oak were seated at the tables, at the tablecloths, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks. And a feast began for the whole world!

I say: was it not in a dream that the rabonik was dreaming? They assure that no, the true truth was, so you have to believe.


Crimson - dark red.

Pavoloka is a patterned silk fabric.

How do you think, where is the great light of God! People, rich and poor, live in it, and all of them are spacious, and the Lord looks upon and judges all of them. The luxurious live and celebrate; the miserable live and work; everyone has their share!

In the royal chambers, in the princely palaces, in the high tower, Nesmeyana the princess flaunted. What a life she had, what freedom, what a luxury! There is a lot of everything, everything is, what the soul wants; but she never smiled, never laughed, as if her heart was not happy about anything.

It was bitter for the tsar-father to look at the sad daughter. He opens his royal chambers for everyone who wishes to be his guest.

“Let them,” he says, “try to cheer up Nesmeyana the princess; whoever succeeds, she will be his wife. As soon as he uttered this, the people began to boil at the prince's gates! From all sides they were going, coming — and princes and princes, and boyars and nobles, regimental and ordinary; feasts began, honey poured - everyone was not laughing.

At the other end, in his corner, lived an honest worker; in the mornings he cleaned the yard, in the evenings he grazed the cattle, and was incessant toil. His owner is a rich, truthful man, he did not offend with payment. Only the year is over, he has a bag of money on the table:

- Take, - he says, - as much as you want!

And he himself was at the door and went out.

The worker went to the table and thought: how not to sin before God, not to put too much for the work? He chose only one coin, squeezed it in a handful and decided to drink some water, bent down into the well - the money rolled out from him and sank to the bottom.

The poor man had nothing to do with it. Another would have burst into tears in his place, tightened his throat and folded his arms out of frustration, but he wouldn’t.

- Everything, - he says, - God sends; God knows to whom to give what: to whom he gives money, from whom he takes the last. Apparently, I worked poorly, worked little, now I will become more diligent!

And again to work - every case in his hands is on fire.

The term is up, another year has passed, the owner is a bag of money for him on the table:

- Bern, - he says, - how much the soul wants!

And he himself was at the door and went out.

The worker again thinks, so as not to anger God for too much work, not to put down; took the money, went to get drunk and accidentally let it out of his hands - the money went into the well and drowned.

He set to work even more diligently: the night he did not get enough sleep, the day he didn’t eat enough. You will see: for whom the bread dries it turns yellow, but for his owner everything is booted; whose cattle curls his legs and kicks him down the street; whose horses are being dragged downhill and he cannot be held back. The owner knew whom to thank, to whom to say thank you.

The term is over, the third year has passed, he has a lot of money on the table:

- Take, worker, as much as your soul wants; your work, yours and money!

And he went out himself.

The worker again takes one piece of money, goes to the well of water to drink - lo and behold: the last money is intact, and the previous two have floated up. He picked them up, guessed that God had rewarded him for his labors; he was delighted and thinks: "It's time for me to see the light of day, to recognize people!"

I thought it over and went wherever they looked. He walks in the field, a mouse runs:

- Kovalek, dear kumanek! Give me the money; I'll be useful to you myself!

I gave her some money.

Walking through the forest, a beetle crawling:

I gave him some money too.

Swam by the river, met a catfish:

- Kovalek, dear kumanek! Give me the money; I'll be useful to you myself!

He did not refuse that either, he gave the last one.

He himself came to the city; there are people, there are doors! The worker looked in, spun around in all directions; he doesn't know where to go. And in front of him are the royal chambers, trimmed with silver and gold, at the window Nesmeyana the princess sits and looks directly at him. Where to go? It clouded in his eyes, found a dream on him, and he fell straight into the mud.


"How the whole world made Princess Nesmeyana laugh"

All roles are played by students.


1st buffoon

2nd buffoon


Princess Nesmeyana


Dancers - daredevils, dancers and mololds


Event progress

The action takes place at the fairground "and" in the royal palace ". The place allotted is conditionally divided: The painted gate must open; behind them are two thrones - kings and princesses. The hall itself is decorated with multi-colored papers. A perky Russian folk melody sounds. On opposite sides, two buffoons in folk costumes stand in front of the closed gate:

1st buffoon. Have fun, honest people,

The holiday is at the gates today!

2nd buffoon. Bah! And what is the holiday today?

Easter or New Year?

1st buffoon. Well, you, Filya, a simpleton,

Have you looked at the calendar for a long time?

2nd buffoon. Well, I looked ... Today is April Fool's Day ...

1st buffoon. Day of everyone's fun!

2nd buffoon. A...

1st buffoon. Songs, dances, laughter and jokes

And, of course, jokes.

Celebrating the people with might and main

And sings ditties ...

(The buffoons run away. The members of the folklore ensemble in folk costumes come out.)

Ditties with movements are performed.

Number 1: Congratulations to you 6 "B" cl

Spring naughty ditties

The members of the folklore ensemble leave for a merry play. Again, buffoons run out from opposite sides.

The members of the folklore ensemble leave for a fun game. Again, buffoons run out from opposite sides.

2nd buffoon. In! What songs our people are singing!

And tama (pointing to the closing of the gate), in the palace,

Princess Nesmeyana sheds tears and pours,

Day and night it roars like a beluga ...

1st buffoon (intrigued. Yah?!

2nd buffoon (nodding his head). Aha!

Buffoons put their ear to the "gate", listen. Muffled sobs are heard. The buffoons look at each other in surprise, shrug their shoulders.

1st buffoon. Why is she roaring?

2nd buffoon. (Spreads his hands.) And the jester will understand her ...

The buffoons "open the gates". The king sits on the throne in a shirt-shirt, wide linen pants, a crown on his head, and galoshes on his legs. Covering his ears with his fingers, frowning, he says to the sobbing princess Nesmeyana:

Tsar. Daughter, stop now!

How many tears can you shed ?!

From your sobs

Straight already stirring up!

The princess, not paying any attention to the tsar's remark, rolls her eyes and sobs intensely. Beside her are buckets of different sizes, "filled with tears," and used handkerchiefs are scattered about.

Princess Nesmeyana (whining).

I'm sick, I'm sick, daddy!

Nobody gets married ...

Tsar (annoyed).

Do not Cry! By God, daughter,

With fright, all the servants will run away! ...

Nesmeyana (wringing his hands).

Oh, how boring and sick to me ...

Tears are rolling from my eyes ...

Tsar (stamping my foot in my hearts).

So! Make the princess laugh! Urgently!

This is my royal decree!

Buffoons readily write goose feathers on the scrolls of paper "decree" of the king. He, jumping up from the throne, continues to dictate, nervously striding back and forth, clasping his hands behind his back:

For those who will cope with the task-

I will declare gratitude.

A valuable memento

I will certainly give it!

The buffoons bow to the king, run out of the "gates", close them. The scrolls are unfolded and the decree of the king is read.

1st buffoon. Sorcerers and fakirs,

Magicians, clowns, fighters,

Daredevil buffoons ...

2nd buffoon. We invite you to the competition

Participate all of you!

1st buffoon. The one who makes the princess laugh

Receives a valuable prize from us!

Together. Well, and the one who is especially lucky

He will marry the royal daughter!

Russian folk melody sounds. The buffoons take the gates and open the "gates". The princess is still putting handkerchiefs to her eyes, sobbing from time to time. King, with nothing to do, clean your crown. The buffoons announce the start of the competition:

    Let's start the competition!

(They bow to the king, then to the princess.)

1st buffoon. An overseas guest came to us,

Famous dancers ...

2nd buffoon. (pushing buddy to god)

A! We know, we know. Isn't he

Worn out the suit to the holes?

Dancers are performing

Cheerful daredevils

The dancers are great!

Number 6 "B" Dance,

Princess (sobbing bitterly)... But I don't know how

So dance like they do! A-ah-ah!

Tsar. Ugh you! ...

Nesmiyanushka, what's the matter

What is the reason for your tears?

(quietly addressing the audience)

I have no more strength ...

Princess (excitedly, pointing at the stunned fakir)... Daddy, I feel sorry for the dancers!

Tsar. What didn't please you

Dancers are dancers?

The speakers leave with a shrug. The tsar completely hung his head, sulked. A Russian folk melody sounds, Ivan appears, humming.

Ivan. Oh, you canopy, my canopy,

Seni new mine ...

(Stopping and looks around.)

What kind of weirdness is this ?!

All the people are having fun

And the young princess

How is Vaughn roaring ?!

(Bowing low to the king, he addresses Nesmeyana.)

Why are you roaring so loud?

What kind of grief do you have?

Hear, girl, stop,

Look at me ...

(The princess pauses, staring at Ivan in surprise. The Tsar happily addresses him.)

Tsar. Vania! You are my dear friend

Help us out of trouble:

Princess Nesmeyanu

Make me laugh urgently! ...

Dampness has spread

Mold in the corners

The frogs are croaking

Outright shame and disgrace! ...

As in a bad mood-

Shed tears at once!

So after all, and not for long

Flood the kingdom! ...

You really try

Vanya is great,

Make the princess laugh

And the trouble is the end!

(Vanya dubiously looks at Nesmeyana, she modestly lowered her gaze, covering her eyes with a handkerchief.)

Vania (thoughtfully)... Yes, the task is not easy ...

Tsar (interrupting).

You, Vanya, do not hesitate: you will cope with the task

I will declare gratitude,

A valuable memento

I will certainly give you! ...

Vania. For me, king-father, there is nothing to give gifts,

And I will help your trouble ... (I appeal to the princess)

Well, damsel-beauty,

Look what I have ...

(He holds out a carved-frame mirror to Nesmeyane.)

This is a very difficult thing,

How will you look at it,

You see miracles ...

The princess fearfully and at the same time with great curiosity takes a mirror in her hand, looks into it, cries out in surprise:

Nesmiyan. Ouch! What is this?

Sitting in this thing ?!

Well, completely, completely alive ...

Look, she moves her lips ...

(unexpectedly loud laughs)

Look at her tears

Rolling out of red eyes ...

Nose with potatoes, cheeks with beets ...

What fun! ... (without finishing, laughs).

Tsar. (relief).

Vanya, how can I thank you?

Maybe you

To marry my daughter ?!

Look how he laughs

Directly pleases the father ...

I would like such a son-in-law

Vanya is great!

Vania (with a bow).

Not! I'm a young guy

I look like I'm single for the time being!

I love to roam the world

To amuse the people.

And in your palace

I would get sick ...

And the princess Nesmeyana

It is necessary to teach business:

Hustle around the house,

Dough to set, spin and sew.

Then your princess

Will forget to shed tears ...

Some kind of overseas prince

Can love ...

Tsar (shaking Vanya's hand, with feeling).

Well, thank you, Vanya,

For your good advice.

Finally in this kingdom

There will be silence, peace!

(addressing the audience):

Make way, honest people,

The tsar is going to dance with joy!

The melody (in the recording) of the Russian folk dance "Barynya" is played. The king is squatting. Ivan picks up Nesmiiana, dances with her. The buffoons run out and close the "gate". The music is muffled.

1st buffoon.

Have fun, honest people, Today is a holiday at the gates! 2nd buffoon. April 1st is the Day of everyone's fun!


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