Corporate catering in a public canteen. Organization of meals in the office. Corporate lunch delivery

Today the organization of corporate catering is practiced in many Russian companies and at enterprises. Such an important part corporate culture demonstrates the manager's concern for his subordinates, and also provides a comfortable working environment. You can order high-quality corporate meals in our company. Optimal prices and the highest quality - these two main points formed the basis of our activity.

Benefits of corporate catering

Organization of corporate catering is the key to the health of employees and the success of the company. This axiom has been known since the times Soviet Union when each enterprise had its own canteen at its disposal. It is rather difficult to call the former menu very tasty and healthy, but nevertheless it was highly appreciated by the working team. Since the departure of the councils, most of the enterprises simply closed, and those that remained faced the problem of feeding their employees. As a result, the latter had to satisfy their needs in the nearest cafes or to take care of preparing dishes with food at home.

It is the dream of many workers to have a good meal right at their workplace. While such a practice is common in the West, in Russia it is just beginning to gain momentum. Organization of corporate catering is modern service offered by our catering company.

Now, even without having your own kitchen on the territory of your company or enterprise, you can provide your employees with good nutrition. If before the lunch break turned into chaos and the eternal pursuit of a profitable place in the queue of the nearest cafe, today you can forget about all such inconveniences forever. Corporate catering allows you to solve a lot of inconveniences, while it has the following advantages:

  • The prepared dishes will always be distinguished by their freshness, and will be delivered at a clearly specified time;
  • Depending on your wishes, you can change the daily menu;
  • Can please all staff as dietary and vegetarian meals can be arranged;

  • Dishes will be delivered in convenient containers that are very easy to dispose of;
  • There is an opportunity to save the time of employees as much as possible, which will have a positive effect on their performance. Now you will not need to leave your office to refresh yourself during your lunch break;
  • Saving workers' money. As a rule, prices in nearby eateries are not always the lowest, forcing workers to bring food from home. To avoid these inconveniences will help corporate meals from our catering company, which will cost significantly less;
  • You can provide full meals for employees, including not only lunch, but also breakfast and dinner. This is very convenient if the company works around the clock.

Basic corporate catering options

Considering financial opportunities company, as well as the features of the premises itself, we can offer several of the most profitable options for organizing corporate catering:

  • Complete dining room. It goes without saying that it is the best way for employees and management. This format allows you to provide yourself with a nutritious and healthy diet and give up unhealthy fast food. A full-cycle dining room implies a full-fledged workshop on the territory of a company or enterprise, where all the necessary equipment for cooking will be installed. If there is no such one, but there is free space, the specialists of our company will take care of organizing a mobile kitchen, delivering food and preparing meals;
  • Distribution line. If the budget does not allow organizing a full-fledged dining room on the territory of the office, or there is simply no place for this, then the best option would be to provide a dispensing line, or a buffet. In this case, the chefs of our company deliver dishes to the office with their subsequent preparation. This format also implies good nutrition for employees, while exclusively fresh and healthy dishes;
  • Delivery of ready meals to the office. If there is no separate room in the office, or there is simply no desire to distract employees with noise and a pleasant smell from the kitchen, it is preferable to order ready meals straight to the office. It is enough to call our company, discuss the daily menu with the manager and indicate the exact date of delivery of the dishes. After that, our courier will deliver meals to the specified place and at the specified time every day.

For executives, as well as honorary business partners and other guests, our company provides exclusive meals. It implies the use of only the best products of the highest quality, as well as the preparation of dishes in accordance with all world quality standards. For each individual guest, an individual menu can be compiled according to his personal preferences.

Corporate catering is an effective lever for motivating employees

As you know, the work of any company or organization, in one way or another, is associated with by human resourses... It is the responsibility of each employee to perform well the tasks assigned to him, but among the responsibilities of the management is to provide comfortable working conditions for the working team.

Despite the fact that Russian legislation does not provide for compulsory meals for their employees, more and more managers are trying to incorporate this practice into their activities. Everyone understands that the more comfortable the working conditions, the more efficient the working process will be. It is noteworthy that those employees who previously worked at an enterprise with corporate catering are looking for the next job with the same conditions.

A full and high-quality lunch will have a positive effect on the health and condition of the employee. In addition, it allows you to significantly strengthen the corporate spirit, as well as increase loyalty and respect from the working staff. Our company will take into its own hands all responsibilities regarding the organization of corporate catering, which will free the hands of managers.

Why corporate meals should be ordered from us

There are several main points that distinguish us favorably from other catering companies:

  • The highest quality corporate catering. Catering from our company will allow you to use any field service. Depending on the stated requirements, our specialists will develop a full-fledged corporate catering concept. Thanks to us it will be possible to personal experience make sure that the food in the office is convenient;

  • Rich menu. Depending on the preferences of employees, it will be possible to create the most suitable menu that can satisfy the wishes of any employee. Regardless of whether there will be a meeting of important guests or you just need to feed your working staff - our specialists will take great responsibility in the preparation of each dish;
  • Great experience. Thanks to this, the specialists of our company can make the most interesting ideas come true. We can deliver him not only to the office, but also to any other place where the company's employees will be located;
  • Quality assurance. Positive reviews our clients have long secured us the status of a really high-quality catering company that performs its work at the highest level;
  • Only healthy and high quality meals. We make sure that each employee gets only the best, therefore we use the highest quality products and adhere to all the requirements of cooking so that they can keep their freshness and benefits longer;
  • Prompt delivery. Professional couriers will not be a minute late, so workers will receive their meals on time. To preserve the freshness of the prepared dishes, we use special equipment that allows freshly prepared dishes to retain their best qualities;
  • Affordable prices. Many people think that ordering food to the office is very expensive. In fact, it is much cheaper than eating at the nearest cafes and other eateries every day. In addition to affordable price for food, we guarantee its usefulness and high quality. All this will have a positive effect on the health of employees and their performance.

Special offer

We deliver ready-made meals. Lunches delivered to your home, office and construction site in Moscow. At the choice of the customer, the transportation of portions is organized: in sealed containers or in thermoses.

We will compose a personal lunch menu for the week, a wide range of choices.

Lunch order conditions:

  • The minimum order amount is 5000 rubles.
  • Delivery cost when ordering from 5000 rubles. - IS FREE
  • Lunch delivery to the office daily from 10.00 to 15.00
  • Orders are accepted according to the system "today for tomorrow"

Terms of payment for lunch delivery:

  • Daily cash to the courier upon delivery
  • Cashless prepayment

Lunch order amount - calculated individually for each client;

Organization of corporate catering

Organization of catering in production from centralized food delivery to the creation of a canteen at the enterprise. We offer catering for employees working on the job or working on a rotational basis.

Organization of meals for employees during seminars, conferences, business negotiations. We will help you to organize profitably proper nutrition workers, colleagues, friends at the enterprise.

The qualified personnel of our company ensures uninterrupted round-the-clock organization of corporate catering services.

Thanks to our organization, you do not need to go to different institutions on your own and waste your time, which everyone cherishes. Call us on the phone and we will solve any of your questions about catering.

Always tasty and fresh AND always on time!

Organization of meals for employees at the enterprise

For large corporate clients, we develop unique solutions directly to the requirements of the customer.

Corporate meals for employees, timely delivery of food directly to workplace Is a serious intangible stimulant.

Will increase the productivity of your employees!

Delivery of food for employees of the enterprise

By organizing food, you can solve many important tasks that are posed to any organization. We organize the delivery of ready meals for employees at the enterprise, upon concluding a contract.

We offer hot meat, fish and lean dishes to choose from for corporate clients. Preparation of festive meals and service of parties, banquets and buffets. Salad, first, second and side dish, for any budget at the customer's choice!

Ready made in strict accordance with standards. Use of quality products.

Organization of a dining room at all stages and a buffet with light snacks and fresh pastries

We offer a wide range of buffet products, drinks, fresh pastries.

The presence of a number of tables with all kinds of snacks, drinks and desserts on your territory.

Menu development.

Launching and managing the canteen at all stages.

Organization of corporate catering services for remote facilities, watch crews, etc.

The finished portioned lunch products are packed in disposable packaging and delivered by our transport to the place of work of employees of this category.

Effective organization of corporate catering is

Catering for employees has several advantages:
  • Closer to lunchtime, employees do not glance at their watches, planning to leave early in order to make time for lunch, to take a queue. They calmly go about their work, knowing that at the right time they will be able to eat without haste and there will be time for rest. It is important that a joint meal contributes to the creation of a friendly, trusting atmosphere in the team;
  • Adequate and regular nutrition helps to maintain human health and good mood... And for the team, this is an important component;
  • The staff feels that the company cares about its employees, working more responsibly and with greater efficiency.
  • In addition, the company's employees are provided with more comfortable working conditions. The staff of the company is not burdened with food concerns. Employees do not have to go to the nearest market or cafe every time and stand in lines during their lunch break, risking being late from it.

Depending on your preferences and tasks, the allocated budget for corporate catering of the company, as well as the availability of free space in the office, we can offer several options for providing food.

  • Full cycle dining room
    Of course, a corporate canteen is a very convenient option for organizing meals for company employees. This format allows employees to eat well and healthy without harming their health with fast food and dubious snacks. Organization of corporate catering in Moscow and other cities in the canteen format implies a full cycle. That is, the preparation of meals is completely carried out on the spot. We equip a place for chefs, take care of the delivery of groceries, provide all the necessary equipment, dishes, furniture, staff and everything else to create a cozy dining room.
  • Distribution line
    If the organization of the dining room is not part of your plans, or there is not enough space in the office for preparing meals, a dispensing line or a buffet is preferable. In this case, we deliver all the necessary ingredients of the dishes to the office with the subsequent preparation of the dishes on the spot. This format also assumes good nutrition for employees and the provision of exclusively fresh meals. Transportation of ingredients and dishes is carried out in special refrigerators, thanks to which they retain their useful properties and taste.
  • Delivery of ready meals
    In the case when there is no separate room for employees' meals, you can order the delivery of set meals to the office. Delivery is also agreed in advance with the possibility of making a menu. At the appointed time every day, in special vehicles with thermal equipment, we will deliver delicious meals to you. These lunches include freshly prepared meals in special thermoboxes.
For catering for executives, business meetings and important corporate events, we provide VIP meals with a special menu. Premium dining means flawless execution of the most delicious dishes that meet the highest food standards. We compose the VIP menu for each client individually, it can include any dishes, including real gastronomic masterpieces from the chef of the "Ministry" company. Premium corporate catering

Corporate food - photo

Variety of menus

Organization of corporate catering

Catering for company employees is an important part of corporate culture. However, not every office and even a business center is equipped with a comfortable area for dining and eating. Because of this, employees have to independently search for canteens or cafes, which do not always guarantee quality service. In addition, there may not be worthy establishments nearby. Therefore, it is not easy to overestimate the thoughtful organization of corporate catering.

Corporate catering is a manifestation of care for employees, creation of comfortable working conditions for employees and company managers, as well as strengthening the organization's image. Lunch break helps people of intellectual work to replenish their strength and increase efficiency. A wellbeing environment and good performance ultimately affect the productive distribution of working time, employee discipline and the success of the company. Organization of meals without having to leave the office building is convenient not only for employees, but also for the managers themselves. It is also a great option for creating a friendly business atmosphere when communicating with business partners over a cup of coffee.

Specialists of the catering service "Ministry" professionally organize corporate catering for companies in Moscow and other cities. We will provide meals to any office in any format according to your requirements - from thoughtful delivery of meals to creating a full-fledged dining room. Do you have a non-standard office or an unusual corporate event? We will deliver delicious meals wherever you want - whether it be a film set or a private jet. Any menu options are at your service - delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, dishes of national cuisines of the world, lenten menu, coffee breaks, VIP menu, etc.

Conditions for ordering corporate meals

If your company needs a corporate catering organization, please contact us at the specified contacts. We have following conditions order:

  1. an order for corporate meals is made in advance, at least a day in advance, because we prepare meals personally for you, providing them as fresh as possible,
  2. the minimum order for corporate catering is an order for 50 people,
  3. there are no restrictions on the choice of the menu, we will help you create an optimal and varied menu within the stated budget, we will also offer a menu for a week,
  4. the place of delivery can be any, especially corporate meals in Moscow and large cities.

We believe that the most important thing in corporate catering is variety, benefits and meeting expectations. How dinners are organized at the enterprise, the choice is up to the management.

Corporate meals in the canteen

It can be a canteen where corporate meals are prepared and dine there. As a rule, it makes sense to open a canteen if the staff of the enterprise exceeds 200 people. The company helps in organizing canteens in Moscow and other cities of Russia. This type of corporate catering has its own characteristics:
high speed service, high cross-country ability,
limited menu, depriving visitors of the right to choose,
the need for a room for preparing meals and staff on an ongoing basis.

There are legal subtleties in the organization of corporate canteens, in particular with the paperwork (certificates, permits, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor and others). For more information on how to open a canteen at an enterprise, contact the experts. We will tell you, help and come to visit.

Corporate meals in neighboring cafes

Another option is to attract the nearest restaurants and organize them into a so-called corporate catering network.

You go around all the cafes next to the office, try every business lunch, choose the ones you like and conclude an agreement with them for corporate meals. Employees receive lunch vouchers every day or monthly, eat well, are healthy and happy. And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe. has partners whose restaurant chains cover many districts of Moscow. With our help, it is easier to negotiate the cost of a business lunch for employees and get a discount.

Corporate lunch delivery

True, even in the case of an agreement with the cafe, there are some nuances. An employee left for lunch, and returned an hour and a half hungry. Why? I went to an exhibition in a nearby gallery. Or at the movies. Or shopping. There is a solution to the problem of staff drain during lunch break - food delivery to the office.

Corporate catering companies are represented on the website. Order today, lunch delivery tomorrow. In addition, friendship with and partners allows us to organize full-fledged meals for employees at offsite events, exhibitions, which is more convenient than searching for canteens and cafes with reasonable prices and food quality in an unfamiliar place.

Advantages of the Energy of Vkusa restaurant holding when choosing a catering organization:

1. Reliability(we will not be blown away by receiving cash, as often happens now, through bankruptcy proceedings). We stand firmly on our feet! That is why we have been working since 2005 and are still in the process of development, opening new horizons, mastering new directions. This also allows our clients to feel in good hands;

2. Cadres decide EVERYTHING! The whole team is highly qualified specialists in their field, true masters. We can guarantee that we do not attract foreign labor without medical records, appropriate education, experience and qualifications! This allows our clients not to fear for their health.

3. We conduct and carry out all the processes independently without contracts and on a turnkey basis! This allows our clients to contact us not to run around different companies and, accordingly, save their time, effort and money.

4. Individual approach to each client! We are not chasing a long ruble and we carry out orders for every taste and budget! We offer both individual and time-tested programs! This allows our clients to feel comfortable in the first place, not to pay too much, even if he has no intention of saving, and secondly, and in the case when there is neither time nor desire to deal with approvals, simply trust us by choosing one of the standard programs. third.

5. We use only fresh, natural, high-quality and tested products that meet the necessary safety certificates! This allows our clients to be vigorous, healthy, effectively solve the assigned tasks and come home to be still active, pay attention to their family, their friends, find strength for hobbies, hobbies and leisure! It is not for nothing that they say: “You are what you eat!”.

6. We treat our work with trepidation, respect and love! We pass on our positive energy to our customers, and this is worth a lot in our difficult life today, believe me!

7. We respect, appreciate and love our clients! And this, I must say, is mutual! What could be better than friendly and mutually respectful relations in our time ?!

8. Honesty and openness... We do not undertake projects that we cannot perform flawlessly! Therefore, our clients trust us from the first meeting!

9. We are not afraid to let the client down! In order for our clients to have the opportunity to get to know us and evaluate the quality of our products, before the conclusion of the annual contract, we are ready to bring lunch to try at any time! That is why our clients immediately decide on cooperation - because it is delicious!

10. We conduct promotions from time to time! This allows our clients to use the saved funds in one more priority area and, in general, money is never superfluous!

11. We have our own high-quality imported equipment! This saves the customer money again!


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