Installation and dismantling of gantry cranes. Dismantling of cranes. Dismantling of crane beams. Dismantling of gantry cranes. Dismantling of crane runways. Terms and Definitions

Warehouse, logistics and production facilities require efficient lifting equipment that will optimize handling processes and increase their efficiency.

The best option for specialized equipment for objects where a high level of lifting capacity is required is a gantry crane.

The gantry crane is structurally a complex mechanism. Spans of such a crane are attached to special supports, and the movement of the crane is carried out using rail tracks.

Such equipment is widely used in various fields, including a wide range industrial branches... In addition, gantry cranes are used in the service sector. nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants.

Installation / dismantling of gantry cranes Is a complex engineering process that requires careful design, compliance with many standards, a large-scale technical base and well-coordinated work of a whole staff of highly qualified specialists.

Engineering and Technical Center "LEX" has extensive experience in the installation, maintenance, repair and modernization of crane systems and offers services for the installation of gantry cranes at the most affordable average market cost

The specialists of our company have the necessary SRO approvals and carry out the installation of such structures in compliance with all safety standards. In addition, thanks to a modern technical base and a streamlined work system, we are able to implement projects of any level of complexity in the shortest possible time.

Also, we provide services for the design and selection of the required configuration of the crane beam, taking into account the characteristics of a particular facility, and we also offer services promptly and quality repair crane equipment and modernization of lifting systems.

Features of the installation of gantry cranes

Gantry cranes have an extremely large weight and overall dimensions, and the lifting capacity of some of them can reach 800 tons, so the installation of such equipment has its own complex specifics.

The assembly and installation of gantry cranes is carried out in a strict sequence. Among the main stages of installation are:

  • Departure of specialists to the site and conduct the necessary studies of the facility where the gantry crane will be installed;
  • Development and approval of the project. The efficiency of the project directly depends on the quality of the project. installation works and the reliability of the entire system;
  • Site preparation;
  • Delivery to the site of parts of the crane structure;
  • Direct assembly and installation of the gantry crane;
  • Conducting routine tests. This stage is provided for in installation technologies and includes tests of static and dynamic types that comply with the FNP standards;
  • Registration and provision of ready-made documents for equipment to the customer.

Stages and types of gantry crane installation

One of the main points in the installation of this type of equipment is a high-quality check and leveling of the crane runway, which must be carried out without fail before the direct installation of the crane.

There are 2 main methods for installing cranes of this type: full-assembly and piece-by-piece.

Assembly of fully assembled gantry cranes

Carrying out this type of installation requires the involvement of additional specialized equipment. The type of equipment and its quantity is determined by the total weight of the gantry crane and its dimensions. All assembly stages are carried out on the ground, after which the entire structure is installed on the crane runway using truck cranes.

Among the main stages of the installation of gantry cranes, such methods are distinguished:

  • Assembly of crane supports;
  • Fastening the supports with screeds at the end of the assembly of the supports and reaching their design heights. At the next stages of installation, the screeds are replaced with crossbars, the number of which is selected based on the design data and depends on the height of the structure;
  • Fastening of supporting structures to undercarriages, which are located on the crane runways;
  • Assembling a bridge on sleepers or a goat. This stage includes the installation of freight trolleys, cable routing, etc .;
  • Fastening the bridge to the supports using movable articulated joints;
  • Direct lifting of the bridge and rolling of the crane supports under the bridge.

This type of assembly is considered the most rational, due to the implementation of all assembly processes on the ground. Full-assembly assembly can significantly save time and optimize assembly processes.

Installation of element-type gantry cranes

The main difference from the previous installation method is the phased installation of crane elements.

The first step is to assemble the bridge and supports. At the next stage, the bridge is raised to the required height using a truck crane and the crane supports are adjusted under it. Only after that the fastening of the bridge and the supports is carried out.

This method is ideal for the installation of massive gantry cranes, which have a maximum mass of assembly elements.

Do you want to order the dismantling of a gantry crane on favorable terms? Vtorchermet24 provides a set of services for the disposal of decommissioned cranes of all types free of charge. Why Free? Because the cost of disassembly and transportation is taken into account when forming the price per ton of scrap metal.

Dismantling the gantry crane- this is laborious process requiring a professional approach. Over the years, our team has dismantled a large number of gantry cranes located on the territory of industrial facilities, warehouses, freight railway stations and river ports. During this time, a large practical experience associated with the dismantling of gantry cranes in various conditions, therefore, this moment we show only competent and efficient organization of work.

Three technologies for dismantling gantry cranes:

  1. Filling the crane entirely... This is the easiest and cheapest way to dismantle a crane. The crane lies entirely on the ground and is cut into an overall piece of scrap. This decision it is used in the presence of a large free space, most often on the territory of abandoned enterprises;
  2. Synchronous lowering... This method is the most relevant. For this, the bridge of the gantry crane is fixed at several points by two truck cranes, then the cross-braces and fastenings of the support "legs" are cut and the structure is carefully lowered to the ground. Next, the structure is cut. Requires free space in the working area of ​​the gantry crane and truck cranes. Such dismantling is relevant in cramped conditions and in cases where it is impossible to drop the crane or its parts, so as not to damage the crane tracks, concrete screed or buildings located in a dangerous radius. The method of such dismantling is more costly and time-consuming, but neat and safe;
  3. Disassembly piece by piece... The most costly and time consuming method. It is used if the gantry crane is located above a production facility or in the immediate vicinity of it. At the same time, disassembly is carried out sequentially, starting with the control cabin, trolley and other nodes of the lifting equipment. Often this method is used when the client expresses a desire to keep certain units and assemblies of the gantry crane for further operation, or for sale as second-hand;

The choice of the optimal method for dismantling and disposal of the gantry crane is carried out after the object has been inspected by our specialist, consideration Terms of Reference the customer and his wishes. We will cut the crane into transportable scrap and export the scrap to ours. Payment is made after shipment of scrap metal and issuance of PSA (acceptance certificate). We are waiting for your applications!

Installation and dismantling of cranes

TO Category:

Construction cranes

Installation and dismantling of cranes

Most models of boom pneumatic, automobile, crawler and railway cranes after delivery to the construction site do not require significant installation work, since these cranes are usually transported by rail or road without disassembly to assembly units. To fit the cranes into the track dimensions, they are removed, and if necessary,) booms, jibs, hook clips are disassembled, sometimes the side walls of the cab are removed. The exception is some models of heavy-duty crawler and pneumatic-wheeled cranes, from which under-crawler beams with caterpillars, wheels or chassis frame are dismantled for transportation.

The greatest difficulty is the installation and dismantling of tower and gantry cranes, usually installed at construction sites.

When designing tower and gantry cranes, any specific installation method is provided, according to which special devices and reinforcements are introduced into the construction of J cranes.


Below are the wiring diagrams that are recommended for each type of crane by the design organization. The cranes are usually dismantled in the reverse order of installation. In the specific conditions of a construction and assembly or assembly and warehouse site, the provided installation method is not always the best. In each case, the installation method depends on the design of the crane, the size and weight of its assemblies, the availability of lifting equipment, the experience of the assemblers, etc.

Preparatory work and work on the installation of cranes must be carried out according to the project of production of works (PPR) in accordance with the "Rules for the production and acceptance of installation work" SNiA III - G.10.1-62 in strict observance of safety rules.

Before the start of installation, the following preparatory work is carried out: layout of the installation site; laying of a section of crane runways; submission to the assembly site of crane assemblies and parts, assembly mechanisms, rigging devices and materials; arrangement of anchors, sleeper cages, scaffolds, etc .; installation of lifting masts, winches, support legs and other necessary mounting devices.

Testing of crane mechanisms and testing of cranes are carried out after completion of installation in accordance with the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor.

Installation and dismantling of tower cranes

The design features of tower cranes of various models require different mounting and dismounting schemes.

Rice. 1. Installation of a tower crane BKSM -5-5A:

In fig. 1 shows the installation diagram of a BKSM-5-5A tower crane. Installation is carried out using a jib crane with a lifting capacity of 3 to 10 g. Pre-assembled crane assemblies are placed on the assembly site; the crane trolley is installed on the rails of the crane runway. Then the tower is assembled and connected to the portal. The swivel head is attached to the tower. The crane boom is connected to the trolley using a hinge, the assembly chain hoist is stocked, after which the boom rises to the one shown in Fig. 230 mounting position and secured with an anchor and braces. With the help of a crane hoist and a pulley block, the tower is lifted and installed on the assembly trestles or on the sleeper cage. After that, a counterweight console is attached to the tower. Next, the tower is raised to a vertical position and fixed on the trolley, ballast is loaded onto the portal and the counterweight console, the boom is disconnected, the brace and assembly ropes are stored and the boom is raised to working position... Then they store all the working ropes, test the mechanisms and test the crane.

Scheme 2. Lifting the tower and counterweight with the help of a crane and boom cargo winch, used as a mounting mast, with the subsequent growing of the tower. According to this scheme, the BKSM-14 and BKSM-14M cranes are installed. The installation process consists of the following basic operations. The crane assemblies are placed on the crane runway, the portal, fixed and retractable towers are assembled and connected to the portal. A pivoting console is attached to the tower. Then the assembled boom is installed in the mounting position and secured with an anchor and braces. The assembly chain hoist is pre-stocked. Next, the tower is installed in a vertical position and fixed to the portal, the counterweight console is raised to the working position. Then the cab and the tower extension winches are raised and installed. The boom is disconnected from the portal, lifted and attached to the swivel head of the crane, after which it is set in the working position. In conclusion, the tower is mounted using the growing method.

Scheme 3. Lifting the tower, counterweight and boom using the inventory mounting device. According to this scheme, cranes of the BKSM-5 and SBK-1 types are installed. The difference between this scheme and those described above is that due to the use of a special inventory device, the crane boom also rises simultaneously with the tower and the counterweight console. At the same time, there is no need to stock up the assembly rope, and the labor intensity and duration of assembly operations are reduced.

Rice. 2. Inventory mounting device (mast) for mounting tower cranes: 1 - electric motor; 2-shoe brake; 3- winch drum retainer; 4- lugs; 5-guide rollers for the mast rope; 6 - side braces; 7, 10 - thimbles for securing side braces and a cargo rope; 8 - branch block; 9- suspension block; 11, 12, 14 - upper, middle and lower sections of the mounting mast; 13 - cargo rope; 15 - drum of the cargo winch; 16 - worm gear; 17 - sliding lugs; 18, 19, 21 - electric cables; 20 - control panel; 22 - anchor rope.

In fig. 2 shows a diagram of the inventory mounting device. It is a welded mast with an electric winch at the bottom. The mast is equipped with a remote control panel, cargo, anchor and clearing ropes and a suspension block. The carrying capacity of the device is 10 tons; overall dimensions - 20.4X0.8X0.6 m, weight - 2.15 t. electric motor power of the winch - 7.5 kW.

The mast consists of three pivotally connected sections, which allows it to be folded during transportation. In the working position, the sections are bolted together. On the lower section there are brackets with which the mast is attached to the trolley or portal of the crane to be mounted using an axle. The distance between the brackets can be changed depending on the type of crane. A cargo winch is mounted in the lower section. The upper section ends with a box-shaped head with a pull-off block for the load rope and a roller for the anchor rope. Bracing ropes and one of the ends of the cargo rope are also fixed on the head (the other end is fixed on the drum of the device winch).

In fig. 3 shows the sequence of operations for dismantling the crane using the inventory assembly tool. Installation is carried out in reverse order.

Scheme 4. Lifting the tower, counterweight and boom using a mounting mast. According to this scheme, the same cranes are mounted as according to scheme 1.

Before the crane is raised to the working position, the tower sections are joined at the assembly site; the swivel head, boom and counterweight are connected to the tower, the boom chain hoist is stocked. When assembling the tower, inventory trestles with a height of 5-8 m are used. Then the assembly mast is attached to the portal and the assembly chain hoist is stored.

Rice. 3. Stages of dismantling and transportation of the BKSM-5 tower crane:

The mounting mast is raised to an inclined position and secured with an anchor and side braces. Next, the tower is raised together with the counterweight and the boom to a vertical position and fixed on the portal. The final operations of installation are the removal of the assembly mast, re-supplying the working rope instead of the assembly one, loading the ballast and testing the crane. t

The assembled bashsho is laid on the trestle and attached to the portal, after which a counterweight console is attached to it. To connect to the tower, the boom is lifted with a jib crane and supported on the trestles.

At the same time, the anchor is installed, the assembly winch is installed and fixed. The assembly mast is attached to the portal, the assembly chain hoist is stored. The crane's load winch lifts the falling mast into the mounting position, then the tower together with the boom and counterweight console, while the mounting mast is lowered. After fixing the tower, load the ballast and disconnect the mounting mast.

Rice. 4. Installation of the SBK-1M crane using a mounting mast: 1 - boom; 2 - assembly trestles; 3 - tower; 4 - mounting eight-fold pulley block; 5 - mounting mast; 6 - anchor rope; 7 - anchor.

Scheme 5. Lifting the tower, counterweight and boom using the "falling" mast. This scheme (fig. 234), in contrast to the one described above, does not require re-hooking the cargo rope, however, for its implementation, a special winch is needed for lifting the crane. According to this scheme, cranes of the SBK-1 type are mounted.

Rice. 5. Installation of the SBK-1M crane using a falling mast (dotted lines show the position of the crane and the falling mast when the tower is installed on the portal): 1 - boom; 2 - assembly trestles; 3- mounting loop; 4 - tower; 5 - falling mast; c - electric winch with a pulling force of 3-5 t; 7 - assembly sevenfold chain hoist; 8 - anchor.

A variation of the described scheme is the installation of cranes using a falling mast, in which the mounting rope loop is attached to the boom head (Fig. 235).

Rice. 6. Mounting of the BKSM-5-10 crane using a falling mast (the dashed lines show the position of the crane and the falling mast when the tower is installed on the undercarriage): 1 - mounting gantries; 2- tower; 3- arrow; 4- mounting loop; 5 - falling mast; 6 - assembly chain hoist; 7 - winch and ballast.

Scheme 6. Installation by the self-lifting method of the tower and the boom using mounting racks. This scheme is used when installing cranes BK-215 (BK-215A), MSK -3-5 / 20, S-390, MBTK-80, T-226 and other cranes of a similar type. During transportation from site to site, cranes are not disassembled into assembly units, working and assembly ropes are not removed from them. When dismantling, only the tower and the arrow are folded. To transport cranes, the tower head is supported on a platform truck, and pneumatic wheels are rolled up under the undercarriage and attached to it.

Cranes BK-215 (BK-215A) are mounted in the following sequence. The crane is installed on a rail track, with the help of a boom winch, the mounting stand available on the crane is raised to the working position and the crane running trolley is slightly raised to remove pneumatic wheels from it, sometimes a pit is arranged for this. Then, with the same winch, the folded tower is lifted from the car and installed on the inventory trestles. Next, 1 load the turntable with ballast and raise the tower using a boom crane winch, an assembly stand and a pulley block; raise the head of the tower to a vertical position and join the tower sections. Before the last operation, the boom is disconnected from the tower on which it was fixed during transportation, raised to the working position and, using the crane's cargo winch, the worker is pulled with a hook clip.

Cranes of the MSK type are mounted according to the same scheme. When lifting the tower, an auxiliary mast is used, which is fixed horizontally to the turntable. The installation of the C-390 crane differs from that described in that the tower is lifted with an attached boom.

Scheme 7., Lifting the crane by pulling the boom with the portal. This scheme is used when installing cranes BTK-5/8, BTK -100. A column (tower) with a boom is attached to the portal assembled and installed on the crane runway using a mounting hinge, all workers and mounting pulley blocks are packed, after which the boom with the column is raised with an auxiliary jib crane or hoists so that the boom hinge reaches a height of about 12 m. The boom with the portal is pulled together by the crane's cargo winch. When the boom reaches the vertical position, its head is connected to the portal with a mounting spacer; further, the column and the boom are lifted with a boom chain hoist.

Rice. 7. Stages of installation of a tower crane BK-215 (BK-215A): a - installation of the crane undercarriage on the crane runway; b - lifting the folded tower; c - lifting the head section of the tower; d - boom lift.

S hChm a 8. Installation of cranes by the method of growing and self-lifting. According to this scheme (Fig. 238), tower cranes of heavy lifting capacity are mounted - BK-300, BK-404, BK-405, BK-406, BK-1425 and others.

Rice. 8. Installation of tower crane BK-300: a, b - assembly of undercarriages, portal, slewing part, crane control cabin; c - the first extension of the crane tower, lifting the counterweight, installing and lifting the boom; 1 - section of the “tower head”; 2 - braces; 3 - auxiliary jib crane; 4- rope for lifting counterweight.

First, traveling bogies with a frame, a portal and the upper sections of a tower with a rotary part and a counterweight console are installed on the crane runways using an auxiliary jib crane. Next, one section of the tower is grown, after which the boom is mounted.

Installation and dismantling of gantry cranes

The installation of gantry cranes begins with the preliminary assembly of "jib cranes on the sleeper cages of the supports and the girder of the crane, then the elements are lifted into working position and connected to each other.

According to the methods of lifting, gantry cranes are divided into two types: self-erecting, which rise when the crane supports (legs) are pulled together using chain hoists; lifted with self-propelled jib cranes or assembly masts.

For the gantry cranes listed in the book, the following schemes and installation methods are recommended.

Scheme 1. Lifting the assembled girder with two jib cranes, then turning it and installing it on the previously raised supports. This scheme is recommended for cranes K-122, K-152, K-182, K-202, K-305, K-405, K-505, K20-32, K30-32. Fig. 239 shows the installation diagram of the K-182 crane.

The crane is mounted with two crawler cranes with a lifting capacity of 25 tons with booms 20 m long. The girder is assembled at an angle to the axis of the crane runways so as not to interfere with the installation of undercarriages and supports. When enlarging, the supports are laid out so that they can be installed on the undercarriages by turning the boom of the assembly crane without moving it.

All undercarriages are installed on the rails of the crane runway and reinforced with lining made of beams and anti-theft grips. Rigid and hinged supports are alternately installed on the trolleys. Each support is secured with four braces, the tension of which is regulated by screw ties attached to the anchors.

The assembled girder is lifted with two jib cranes slightly above the supports, deployed with the help of manual braces attached to it, lowered onto the supports and attached to them. After that, winches, ladders, platforms and a cabin are installed, a cargo trolley is lifted onto the crossbar and electrical work is performed. Then the braces are removed, the undercarriages are detached from the iodine-crane rails and the mechanisms are tested, after which the ropes are stored and the crane is tested.

The installation procedure for the rest of the cranes in this group is similar to that described.

Rice. 9. Installation of a gantry crane with two jibs: 1- anchor with a permissible load of 3 g; 2-screw tie: 3 - brace; 4 - rigid support; 5 - crossbar; 6 - jib crane SKG-25 with a boom of 20 m; 7 - two-branch sling; 8 - hinged support; 9 - four-leg sling.

Scheme 2. Lifting of the assembled girder by an inclined mast, followed by turning it and installing it on the previously raised supports. In fig. 240 shows the installation scheme recommended for the same cranes as in scheme 1, as well as for the K-308 crane. In fig. 241 shows the installation diagram recommended for cranes K-183, K-183-2M, K-184, K-253, K-451. The difference from installation according to scheme 1 is that instead of jib cranes for lifting the girder, an assembly mast is used, which is installed obliquely on the side of the girder. The head and bottom of it are fixed with braces on anchors. The position of the mast can be adjusted with turnbuckles. The upper cage of the chain hoist is attached to the mast, the free end of which is connected to the winch. Rigid and articulated supports are installed by a 10 t jib crane with a 15 m boom.

Rice. 10. Lifting the assembled gantry crane girder with an inclined mast: 1 - screw tie with a lifting capacity of 3 g; 2 - brace: 3 - rigid support: 4 - rngel; 5 - mast with a lifting capacity of 33 tons and a length of 23 liters; 6 - hinged support; 7 - anchor with a permissible load of 3 tons; 8 - boom with a lifting capacity of 10 tons with a boom of 15 m; S - four-way sling; 10 - mast braces; 11 - combined anchor with a permissible load of 10/3 t; 12 - screw tie with a carrying capacity of 10 t] 13 - anchor with a permissible load of 10 g; 14 - winch with a pulling force of 6 tons; 15 - anchor with a permissible load of 5 tons.

Rice. 11. Lifting the assembled gantry crane girder with an inclined mast: 1 - rigid support; 2 - mast braces; 3 - mast with a lifting capacity of 50 tons and a length of 42 m: 4 - crossbar; 5 - hinged support; 6,7 - anchors with a permissible load of 10 and 20 tx 8, 9 - winches with a pulling force of 3 and 5 tons.

Scheme 3. Lifting the assembled girder with supports by two mounting masts. This scheme is recommended for cranes KK-5, KKU -7.5, KKU -Yu, K2K.

The crane is mounted using two masts with a lifting capacity of 30 g and a length of 22 m, installed as shown in Fig. 12.

The heads and lower parts of the masts are fixed with braces to the rails of the crane tracks and to the anchors. Winches are attached to the same anchors. The bases of both masts and their heads are tied together. The position of the masts can be adjusted using turnbuckles. The upper clips of the chain hoists are fixed on the masts, the traverses are suspended from their lower clips.

The enlarged assembly of the girder and supports, as well as the lifting of the assembly masts, is carried out with a jib crane.

Rice. 12. Lifting the gantry crane bridge with two assembly masts: 1 - crossbar; 2-erection mast with a lifting capacity of 30 t and a length of 22 m \ 3 - slings; 4, 5 - three-roll blocks with a carrying capacity of 25 and 15 g; 6 - supporting block with a lifting capacity of 8 g; 7 - traverse with a lifting capacity of 40 tons; 8 - cleats; 9 - screw tie with a lifting capacity of 5 tons; 10 - anchors with a permissible load of 10 tons; 11 - rigid support; 12 - hinge support; 13 - winch with a pulling force of 5 g.%

The crossbar is assembled across the crane runways so that its center of gravity is between the masts. The assembled crossbar is strapped to the traverse, lifted and installed on channel beams laid on sleeper cages about 3 m high, which are laid out in pairs under each end of the raised crossbar. Then a rigid and articulated support with undercarriage attached to them is brought under the crane girder. The supports are pivotally connected to the crossbar.

Before lifting, winches and a cargo trolley are installed on the crossbar. The fully assembled bridge rises to a height of 11.5 m and is installed with the traveling wheels on the crane runway, after which the rigid support is finally connected to the girder.

After electrical work and testing the mechanisms, the ropes are stored and the crane is tested.

Scheme 4. Lifting the assembled girder with supports by four mounting masts. According to this scheme, the same cranes can be installed as according to scheme 3. In fig. 243 shows a diagram of the installation of a KKU-7.5 gantry crane with four mounting masts with a lifting capacity of 15-20 tons, a length of 18-20 m.

Rice. 13. Lifting the gantry crane bridge by four assembly masts: 1 - winch with a pulling force of 3 tons; 2 ~ | braced; 3 - block with a lifting capacity of 5 g; : th 4 - mounting mast with carrying capacity | 15-20 t; 5 - rigid support; 6 - crossbar; 7 - hinged support.

The enlarged assembly of the crane metal structures and the installation of mechanisms are carried out by a truck crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons.

The crossbar is assembled across the crane runways on sleeper cages 1 m high. The legs of the rigid and articulated supports are hinged to the assembled crossbar. After that, the crane is lifted with the help of four assembly masts located in pairs at the crane supports and installed on the sleeper cages, which are increased to a height of 3 m.In this position, a cargo trolley, a cabin, ladders, platforms, a winch for the mechanism of movement of a cargo cart and others are mounted in this position, as well as stock up ropes.

On the rails under the supports, the crane running bogies are installed and fixed, connected in pairs by tie beams. Then the crane is raised to the design height and the crane supports are fastened to the undercarriage and to the crossbar.

Scheme 5. Installation of self-erecting cranes. Self-erecting cranes are lifted with the help of special winches mounted on the crane (model K-09, plant "Lifting", plant No. 5), or with the help of free-standing winches (models KMK 2 X 5-23, KMK 2 X 5-11, KS5 X 2-28A, KDKK -7.5 / 10, KSK30-42A, KS50-42).

Rice. 14. Installation of self-erecting gantry cranes: a - crane of the "Lifting" plant: 1 - lifting mechanism; 2, 3 - pulley blocks; 4 - sleeper cage; .5 - tie beam; b - 5-ton crane of plant No. 5: 1 - support leg; 2-assembly trestles; 3 - crossbar; 4 - pulley block; 5-lift-running gear.

In fig. 14 shows a diagram of the installation of a crane from the "Elevator" plant and a 5-ton crane from plant No. 5. Aggregate assembly of mounting elements is carried out by a truck crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons.

The girder is placed on the mounting girders with a height of 2-2.5 m. The legs of the crane supports are brought from both sides under the ends of the girder and are pivotally connected to the undercarriages installed on the crane rails and to the girder. Then a telpher, a cabin, stairs and platforms are mounted, and tightening pulley blocks are stocked up. The fully assembled crane is lifted by pulling the legs of the supports with chain hoists using the crane's lifting and running mechanisms. After raising the crane to the Horji operating position, the supports are fastened in pairs with connecting beams.

The installation diagram of the KMK 2 × 5-23 crane using separately installed winches for pulling the crane legs is shown in Fig. 245.

The enlarged assembly of the mounting elements is carried out by a truck crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons. The crossbar is assembled on six sleepers with a height of about 1.2 m and is fixed with braces to the anchors. The upper parts of the supports are installed on the crossbar - rigid suspensions. On both sides of the crossbar, the legs of the supports are laid out and assembled and attached to the hinges of the bogies. The upper ends of the legs are lifted and attached to the pivots of the rigid suspensions. The ropes of the tightening chain hoists are stored on the blocks, the free ends of which are fixed on the winches. The winches are installed from the side of the driving carts, which are fixed motionless during installation.

Then, by simultaneously tensioning both pulleys, the crane is raised 5 m from the ground level and telphers with cabins are installed, after which the crane is raised to the working position. The legs of the supports are connected to the crossbar and fastened between the boom by the tension beams.

Rice. 15. Installation of a self-erecting gantry crane KMK2X5-23: 1 - support leg; 2 - crossbar; 3 - brace; 4 - sleeper cages; 5-anchor with a permissible load of 2 t \ 6 - winch; 7, 9 - three-part and four-part blocks; 8 - rigid suspension.

Cranes KS50-42 and KSK30-42A are mounted using two jib cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons (Fig. 246).

A crossbar is assembled on the sleeper cages across the crane runways, on which cargo and traction winches and diverter rollers are mounted. Next to the crossbar, two special mounting posts are installed, which are fixed with braces to the anchors.

The assembled girder is lifted by two jib cranes and placed on the mounting posts in an inclined position so that the vertical axis of the girder is at an angle of about 40 ° to the ground. Ladders and platforms are installed on the legs of the supports. The upper ends of the legs are pivotally connected to the crossbar, the lower ends are connected to the undercarriages. The legs are secured to the crossbar using wedges. After that, the legs and the crossbar are bolted together. Then, the cargo trolley is fixed on the crossbar with special angles.

The bogies are riveted with braces to the anchors and anti-theft clamps to the rails. On movable undercarriages at the time of installation, the drive gears of the movement mechanisms are removed. The assembly pulley blocks are stocked up, through which the legs of the supports are pulled together with assembly winches, and the crane rises to the operating position. In this case, the simultaneity of the convergence of the supports is controlled by the risks applied to the crane rails. At the end of the lifting, the legs of the supports are connected by tie beams, the crossbar is leveled and rigidly connected to the legs of the supports. Then the cabins are installed, electrical work is performed and the mounting devices are dismantled.

In the absence of assembly cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons, cranes with a lower lifting capacity are used. In this case, the crossbar rises to the racks not fully assembled, but by separate mounting elements that are interconnected after installation on the racks.

Construction and erection organizations also use other methods of installing gantry cranes.

Scheme 6. Lifting the assembled girder using a mounting mast installed inside the bridge. This method differs from those shown in Fig. 240 and 241 in that the mast is not installed obliquely, but vertically inside the girder. When lifting the crane with chain hoists, this scheme is preferable, as it reduces the need for rigging equipment. However, for most cranes with a girder in the form of a diagonal girder, lifting by the mast is associated with the removal of part of the diagonal braces.

Scheme 7. Lifting the assembled girder with a jib crane using a temporary support. According to this scheme, gantry cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 50 g and a span of up to 32 m at a height of up to 15 m are mounted. For large spans or heights, it is necessary to use more powerful jib cranes.

Rice. 16. Installation of self-erecting gantry crane KS50-42: 1 - crossbar; 2 - mounting rack; 3, 9 - braces; 4 - sleeper cage; 5, 6 - anchors with a permissible load of 7 and 3 g; 7 - jib crane with a lifting capacity of 30 g; 8 - support leg; 10 - winch with a pulling force of 5 tons.

Rice. 17. Installation of a gantry crane with a jib crane using a temporary support: a, b, c - installation sequence; 1 - crossbar; 2 - sleeper cage; 3 - support post; 4 - jib crane; 5 - rigid support; 6 - brace; 7-pivot bearing.

Installation is carried out in the following sequence. The crossbar is assembled on sleeper cages across the crane runways. The assembled rigid support with undercarriages is lifted by a jib crane, installed on the crane rail and secured with braces. Then the end of the crossbar from the side of the hinged support is lifted and installed on a temporary support post, after which the second end of the crossbar is raised to a height slightly greater than the height of the support. A rigid support is rolled under the crossbar with the help of a winch, which is lowered onto the support and fastened to it.

After that, the hinged support is installed on the crane runway, the end of the crossbar is lifted from the temporary support post. The rack is removed and the pivot bearing is rolled in its place. The crossbar is lowered and connected to the support. With the help of the jib crane, the rest of the installation work is carried out.

Sometimes, when installing cranes with consoles, the load trolley is installed on the girder before being lifted and, being located at the end of the girder opposite from the erection crane, is used as a counterweight that reduces the load on the crane.

Scheme 8. Installation of a gantry crane with a jib crane using an auxiliary support. When installing a gantry crane according to this scheme, enlarged assembly of the girder is not performed. The assembled supports are connected to the undercarriage, installed on the crane runway and secured with braces. The first section of the girder is laid on a rigid support and connected to it. Then an auxiliary support is installed in the form of a mast with a transverse beam, onto which the second section of the girder rises and connects to the first. After that, the auxiliary support is moved to install subsequent sections. The last section of the girder rises directly onto the pivot bearing and connects to it and to the assembled sections. A cargo trolley, winches, ladders, platforms, a cabin are installed on the portal assembled in this way, and the rest of the installation work is performed.

Rice. 18. Installation of a gantry crane using an auxiliary support: d, b, c, d - installation sequence; 1 - rigid support; 2 - crossbar sections; 3 - brace; 4 - jib crane; 5 - auxiliary support; 6 - hinged support.

Scheme 9. Installation of a gantry crane with rolling of supports. The assembled crane supports with undercarriages are installed on the crane runway and temporarily uncoupled. The crossbar is assembled on sleeper cages across the crane runway and, with the help of masts or jib cranes, rises slightly above the design mark. The supports are rolled up with the help of winches under the crossbar, which is lowered onto the supports and connected to them. After that, the installation ends with a jib crane.

Scheme 10. Lifting the assembled gantry crane by turning it 90 °. This method is used in the conditions of cramped installation sites and in the absence of jib cranes with a lifting height sufficient to install the gantry crane girder in the design position.

Rice. 19. Lifting the assembled gantry crane by turning it 90 °: 1.6 - anchors of the lifting and brake winches; 2, 4 - lifting and brake pulley; 3 - mast; 5 - sleeper cage; 7, 8 - lifting and brake winches.

The gantry crane is assembled on sleeper cages in a horizontal position using a jib crane. The undercarriages are installed on the crane tracks and attached to the rails. Temporary lugs are welded on the undercarriage frames and on the lower part of the supports, which are connected to each other and form assembly hinges. Sometimes rollers of bogies are used as pivot joints. Rollers are attached to the rails steel ropes and overlays. In order for the rollers to serve as the axis of rotation of the crane during lifting, the protruding cantilever parts of the beams of the trolleys are cut off, and after the installation of the crane, they are welded again.

The crane is lifted and set into working position by turning around the hinges with two winches through the pulley blocks. On the lower part of the supports, mounting masts are strengthened, to which the upper clips of the chain hoists are attached.

When the crane is installed in a vertical position, it is held by two brake winches with the help of guy wires. Instead of lifting and brake winches, tractors, diesel locomotives, electric locomotives and other heavy machines can be used.

Dismantling a gantry crane includes disassembling metal structures and crane runways, removing equipment and disconnecting mechanisms. In the simplest cases, dismantling work consists in filling the crane and its subsequent cutting and removal of the remaining construction waste. In this case, the area at the site of the collapse is thoroughly cleaned, and the crane clings with the help of cables to the bulldozer. After that, the metal is cut using hydraulic shears, and the resulting pieces are sent for recycling.

When is the need to dismantle a gantry crane?

Dismantling of gantry cranes is necessary in several cases:

  • you need to replace worn-out or out-of-order equipment;
  • it is necessary to change outdated mechanisms for newer analogs;
  • the gantry crane needs repair;
  • a decision was made to demolish the crane;
  • you need to transport the crane to another location.

Dismantling a gantry crane is much faster than installing it. However, not all cases use the simple heaving method with a bulldozer. If the crane will be operated further, there is not enough space for filling, and there are buildings or power lines nearby, then a team of specialists must be called in, which will disassemble the structure in stages.

Features of dismantling a gantry crane

To dismantle the gantry crane, lifting equipment is necessarily involved. Lightweight cranes can be dismantled quickly and easily, but for more massive and complex structures it is necessary to involve an additional team of workers. In addition, an experienced electrician must be involved in the dismantling process.

The steps to dismantle a gantry crane include:

  • dismantling of electrical equipment and cable routes under the supervision of an electrician;
  • removal of the control cabin with a crane;
  • dismantling of the cargo trolley;
  • removal of equipment from the superstructure;
  • gradual disassembly of the crane itself - unscrewing the bolts on the joints of the supports, dismantling the supports, etc.

In order to ensure a high level of safety, all dismantling of the gantry crane must be supervised by specialists and carried out with the help of two truck cranes. Craftsmen who carry out dismantling must have the appropriate documents giving the right to carry out such a type of activity.

Gantry Crane Dismantling Cost

The main feature of the installation and disassembly of a gantry crane is that this structure is used in the construction of residential and industrial buildings, at railway stations, warehouses, open bases, at industrial sites and in other places where continuous production... This means that the dismantling of the gantry crane must be carried out quickly and efficiently in order to minimize losses during production downtime.

The price for dismantling a gantry crane includes the involvement of heavy equipment and payment for the work of a team of specialists. The cost of services depends on the complexity of the working conditions and the time allotted for the dismantling of the crane. In addition, the price of dismantling work will be higher if you need to accurately and quickly disassemble the structure that will be used in the future. And, accordingly, dismantling a gantry crane with an expired service life using the filling method will be much cheaper.


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