Music editor profession. Who is Music Editor. Description of the profession. Dominant activities of the profession "Music editor"

It would seem that classical music is a narrow area of ​​activity for a select circle of people. In fact, there are quite a few professional musicians in society. This is not surprising, because hundreds of millions of people on the planet listen to music, and music must come from somewhere.

Today we will talk about where musicians work and name the most common musical professions. If earlier, just 200 years ago, a professional musician had to be universal, that is, be able to play several musical instruments at once, compose music and improvise, promote his own compositions for their performance on stage, now all these functions are shared between different specialists. -musicians.

Music creators - composers and arrangers

Let us first consider the group of musical professions that are related to the creation of music. it composers and arrangers... Composers write music for songs, performances, films, as well as for performance in concert halls.

Despite the fact that many popular musical compositions are created using computer programs, composer's music does not lose its relevance, if only because it is the composers who ensure the constant movement forward. They are "inventors", and until some cool trick is invented by a learned composer, it will never appear in electronic programs to create music.

Arrangers help to distribute composer's music - these are people who prepare music for performance by any group of musicians. For example, there is a cool song for a vocalist with a modest piano accompaniment, an arranger can remake it so that it can be performed, for example, with the following composition: 3 vocalists, guitars, flute, violin, drums and keys. And from this, the song should somehow embellish, and at the same time not lose the composer's originality - this is the professionalism and element of co-creation of the arranger when working with the initial version of the composition.

By the way, both composers and arrangers actively use different ones in their work. Before the emergence duplicating equipment and special notation editors, another old profession was widespread - copyist, the modern analogy is typesetter of sheet music on a computer, music editor.

Music performers - singers, instrumentalists and conductors

Now let's see what kind of musical professions exist in connection with the performance of music. Music can be vocal (the one that is sung) and instrumental (that is played). It is clear that among the musicians there are soloists(performing alone - for example, pianists, violinists, singers, etc.) and those who take part in different forms ensemble playing or singing (any musicians)

The types of ensembles are different: for example, several musicians can be combined into a chamber ensemble (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, etc.), and pop groups can also be attributed here. Members of such associations - chamber ensembles... There are larger associations - a variety of orchestras and choirs, and hence such musical professions as choir artist or orchestra member.

Orchestras and choirs are either independent musical groups or large groups of musicians serving theater performances, church services, or, for example, a military parade. Naturally, in order for the playing of the orchestra and the singing of the choir to be harmonious, the collectives need leaders - conductors.

Conducting is another important musical profession. Conductors are different. Actually conductors- these are the leaders of orchestras (symphony, pop, military, etc.), choirmaster work in secular choirs, and regents run church choirs.

Assistant conductors in the orchestra are accompanists- musicians responsible for the quality of the performance of any orchestral group (for example, the accompanist of violins or the accompanist of brass instruments). The concertmaster of the entire orchestra is the first violinist - before the start of the game, he bypasses all the musicians and, if necessary, adjusts the tuning of the instruments, and, if necessary, replaces the conductor.

The word accompanist also has another meaning. Concertmaster Is a musician (most often a pianist) who accompanies singers and instrumentalists (as well as their ensembles) during performances and rehearsals, and helps soloists learn their parts.

Music teachers

Schools, colleges and conservatories employ music teachers who are dedicated to educating future professionals. You can read a separate article about what is taught at the music school -. In ordinary schools and kindergartens, there are those who bring up music - music teachers and music directors .

Music organizers and PR people

These are the people who are involved in the promotion of musical projects - art managers, producers, impresario- they are not always musicians by their education, but they are well versed in talents. The same group is joined by entertainer - presenters of concerts and thematic evenings.

Musicians in the media, radio and television

Many musicians work in this area. it TV and radio hosts, journalists, reporters... This is due to the fact that many music and entertainment programs are broadcast on television and radio. In creating products for a mass audience (films, programs, music albums, etc.), they take on a large role sound engineers.

Other music professions

There are many other professions related to music. Certain scientific bias acquired by professions music critic and musicologist... Music professions such as piano and grand piano tuner, master of making and repairing musical instruments, creators of computer music programs etc.

Here is a far from complete list of those professions that are somehow connected with music. Special musical education is received in colleges and conservatories, as well as in the music faculties of pedagogical universities and institutes of culture. However, it is not equally important for all people working in the music field to receive a conservatory diploma, the main professional quality there is and remains a love of music.

State budget educational institution

additional education Republic of Crimea

"Palace of Children and Youth Creativity"

Outline of the lesson in the circle "Radio journalism"

Theme: Creative professions: sound engineer and music editor.

Expected results

After this lesson, the student should know basic information about such professions as sound engineer and music editor, what types of work they do in the media sphere.

Lesson type: combined lesson.

Equipment: radio studio.

During the classes

Organizing time: communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Motivation learning activities

Students visit a radio studio and observe the process of recording and editing a radio broadcast.

On the fact of what he has heard and seen, a conversation takes place. The teacher answers the questions that have arisen.

Learning new material

The material prepared by the journalist for broadcasting, for example, on the radio, goes through several stages of processing before it is heard in the receivers. A sound engineer and a music editor help the journalist to give the necessary "shape" to this material.

Sound engineerIs one of the key professions in the media and show business. In this profession, the creative side is combined with the technical one. If the main task of a sound engineer is sound quality and its balance, then the task of a sound engineer is much broader.

The sound engineer manages the sound in recording studios, radio, television, concerts, discos and in general wherever high quality sound is required.

The profession of a sound engineer should not be confused with the work of a sound engineer and a DJ - they simply technically reproduce sound, and a sound engineer creates a complete sound picture of the material being recorded or the event being held.

The main goal of the specialist's work is to create a suitable mood and perception among the audience, which the authors of the work or the organizers of the event expect. Therefore, a sound engineer must not only know the technique, but also be a creative person.

Depending on the specifics of the activity or a specific event, the sound engineer may have different job duties:

    to work on the sound solution of programs;

    manage the placement of microphones in the classroom and conduct technical tests, ensure the use of special sound effects;

    prepare equipment for recording and switching;

    to acquaint performers of works with the technique of handling a microphone;

    monitor the accurate and high-quality performance of speech and musical texts, the rhythm and purity of musical sound, as well as the correct articulation of performers;

    create arrangements for music;

    to carry out the installation of musical phonograms and the corresponding work on scoring, overlaying music and noise, toning, mixing, re-recording;

    lead discos, build sound at concerts.

One of the main requirements for a sound engineer isear for music. In addition, the absence of fear of the microphone, knowledge of music editors (Vegas, Nuendo, Sound Forge, Samplitude, etc.), knowledge of sound consoles and other sound consoles, knowledge of the acoustic features of the premises, knowledge of the basics of acting and directing and, of course, the presence vocational education.

As you may have noticed, no radio broadcast is complete without even the slightest use of music. Another one creative profession on the radio - a music editor. It appeared with the development of radio and television.

V Soviet times the music editor was concerned not only with tracking the musical content of the program, but also with the ideological side of the works. The profession of "music editor" in Russia became a reality only in the 90s of the XX century with the appearance of the first music radio station "Europe-plus". Today this profession is very popular.

What does a music editor do? He chooses songs for the air, corrects the list of songs, builds the music broadcast according to the music and information format and the audience of the radio station, takes part in the compilation of music collections of the radio station, organizes performances of artists at the radio station, searches for new musical works, compiles music ratings of songs, prepares programs and conducts them, works at radio stations, music channels, in music programs.

Assignment to students. Choose an excerpt from a work of art (poetry or prose) and choose a musical background for it.


For friends!


The profession of music editor arose with the advent of radio and television. The first professionals were engaged in the selection of compositions for various programs, and also tracked their ideological orientation.

In the modern sense, this specialty appeared in Russia in the 90s. Now she is very popular. There are more and more artists and composers, and the opportunities for creating and distributing music are also growing. Therefore, people are needed who are able to process and promote the material to the masses. This type of activity is well suited for creative personalities with an entrepreneurial streak.

Description of activities

The boundaries in which the "music editor" can apply his skills are vast. So, his competence will be useful when planning concert programs and releasing new songs. You can find work on the Internet: for example, in digital store or a music service, posting songs for subscribers. Many radio stations require professionals, and each company has its own format dictating the choice of appropriate audio recordings. Music editors who know how to create a certain atmosphere using sound are needed in film studios and TV channels. As you can see, the question of finding a job is easily resolved, and a vacancy can be selected depending on preferences.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

Labor responsibilities

The duties of a music editor depend on the place of work. He can, without leaving home, place tracks in playlists on sites and in social networks, or completely plan the release of the compositions on the air of the radio station. Working on television, the editor is engaged in sound design of programs, selection of video clips, listening to participants in various castings, tracking new artists. In any case, he needs to constantly monitor the release of audio novelties, determine the frequency of songs on the air, make various ratings, cook concert programs and participate in rehearsals, develop a repertoire for singers.

Features of career growth

Possibilities career growth for a music editor are wide. Former DJs, journalists, radio station employees, bloggers come to the profession, who, with the ability to understand pop art and genres, grow to world-class producers or editors. But there is always hard work behind a big name: listening to hundreds of tracks a week, working with novice artists, organizing various castings, studying the audience. It turns out that a successful editor has to associate his whole life with music, but in return he will be able to control the mood of the population of an entire city or the entire country.

Employee characteristics

The job of a music editor requires good taste and ear, as well as an understanding of the basics of arrangement and pop art. Will help higher education in the artistic field. Excellent knowledge of a computer and a foreign language is also useful. Required personal qualities: clear diction, attentiveness, creativity, energy, sociability and patience. This profession is hardly suitable for lack of initiative, passive people without organizational skills. In addition, it is important to have a subtle musical flair, that is, to know in advance which composition can become a hit.

Hello to all blog site readers! Today I propose to consider another option for working from home.

The profession of an editor is not easy, but interesting, for creative individuals. It is also for the purposeful, ambitious, with organizational skills. In the article, we will analyze who an editor is, how to become one, what he does and how much a specialist earns. So let's go!

To begin with, this is one of the most ancient professions. With the development of typography, there was a need for text editing. There was a need for a person who would monitor the literacy of the printed word, its correct addition into sentences, clarity and interest for the reader.

Over time, editing has covered all areas of stylistic activity. Work in the field of literature, mass media is not possible without the participation of an editor. Newspapers, magazines, books, articles on websites pass through the hands of this specialist before they catch the eye of the reader.

Editor - who is and what he does

The name of the profession comes from the Latin "redactus", which means "put in order." So what does the editor tidy up? Text, of course. He is responsible for preparing it for publication.

This process includes:

  • selection of exciting and relevant topics,
  • tracking thematic content,
  • adjusting the content in accordance with the requirements of a certain genre,
  • editing and revision of the finished material.

But not only that. The editor combines the skills of a journalist, and even. It is also a manager / manager, since he has to deal with authors, publishers and other services.

Varieties of profession

Editor is a creative and multifaceted profession. It all depends on what profile you want to create, what kind of editor you want to become:

  • literary (editor of a book publishing house) - to be responsible for the artistic component of the text, its stylistic design, expressiveness of speech;
  • art (build-editor) - to deal with the design of the publication, its aesthetic content;
  • scientific - to advise and edit popular science and educational works;
  • technical - to control the correctness of writing the text, to be responsible for the technical process of the route: editorial office - printing house;
  • the main thing is to lead the publishing department, control the direction of activity, be responsible for all the work of the publishing house.

The development and popularity of the Internet made it possible to do all this remotely and opened the curtain on another type of profession - an editor of an electronic publication / website editor / content editor.

The functional features of the latter differ only in that all work is carried out online, and publications are presented to a wide readership in electronic form.

What are the duties of the editor?

There is an opinion that the main and only responsibility of the editor is to edit the printed text. It is a deep delusion, because without special education, the gift of writing texts and understanding styles of speech, without innate or acquired literacy, you cannot become a professional.

Editing is not an easy creative process and just like they say "from the street" you will not get to this position, you need to have certain skills and be able to perform certain duties.

Responsibilities of the editor:

  • Working with printed material, first of all: compliance with its requirements of genre and style, correction of speech defects and errors in the text, rephrasing of incorrect phrases / words, etc.
  • Creation of the basic concept of the project, which includes the definition of the general direction of activities, topics, title of articles, assignments to authors and control over deadlines, analysis of the material, quality control, and, if necessary, revision and editing of edited materials.
  • Assistance in solving various kinds of issues: artistic and technical design of the material before preparing it for publication.
  • Implementation of management tasks.

This is not the whole range of responsibilities. It can be supplemented, expanded or, conversely, reduced depending on the staffing features, the presence or absence of specialists, as well as the concept of the editorial office / organization / site.

Important professional qualities

Who can become an editor? Who is this profession suitable for? What qualities should a person possess who wants to become a professional in this matter?

Alas and ah, many will have to upset: not everyone who already sees himself in the editorial chair can achieve success. It is necessary to have many personal qualities, on which the result of the work will depend.

  • are responsible
  • attentive
  • hardy,
  • creative,
  • communicative,
  • literate,
  • erudite,
  • emotionally balanced and stress-resistant,
  • have organizational and public speaking skills,
  • have an analytical mindset and a good memory,
  • love to read,
  • good computer skills,

this job is for you. If you do not have any of the listed qualities, it does not matter, "there is no limit to perfection" - you can develop them in yourself if you wish. Experience in journalism, teaching in the field of philology, knowledge of languages ​​will be an excellent help. And the main thing is to love what you do.

A purposeful professional, confident in his abilities, having a solid store of knowledge and skills behind his back, will not be unclaimed.

Pros and cons of the profession

As in any other profession, there are pros and cons to working as an editor.

The positives include:

  • Moral component

The release of the next edition brings joy and satisfaction from the work done. The work itself, whether it be an article or a book, entails the formation of opinions, attitudes, tastes and biases of the readers. This is largely due to the editor.

  • The opportunity to work quietly remotely in solitude with a computer, copyright material and linguistic splendor, to be the first in line for a masterpiece.
  • Constant self-development and improvement. Working with educated, intelligent people- a powerful incentive to self-education, knowledge and realization of their capabilities.
  • "A good addition to your pension," as Lenya Golubkov said from the once sensational MMM advertisement, that is, your ability to write and edit gives you an excellent opportunity to earn a part-time job.
  • Career prospect.

The disadvantages, first of all, include medical contraindications:

  • vision limitations,
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • diseases of the nervous system.
  • numerous stresses due to a large amount of work within the framework of a tough,
  • high responsibility,
  • big competition.

The profession is in high demand, since editorial organizations, Internet resources are rapidly developing. More and more new projects appear every day, and the need for competent and timely editing is increasing significantly.

How much can you earn

A question that is difficult to answer unambiguously. The editor's fee may depend on many components: education (it must necessarily be higher philological or journalistic, in extreme cases, pedagogical), qualifications, place of work (which is very important), your experience, the complexity of the projects being performed, related skills (knowledge foreign languages, for example), etc.

An important factor affecting the level of income is a lot of competition. It is clear that the prestigious publishing house of a newfangled magazine or the editorial office of a book publishing house is more competitive and salaries there are several times higher than the editorial office of a regional periodical or an electronic publication.

If you are specifically interested in numbers, then on the World Wide Web they range from $ 300 to $ 1,000. How much you will earn depends only on you and your desire.


How do I become a remote editor? As mentioned above, without experience, no one will entrust you with their project. Usually a career begins with work, as the level of professionalism in this area increases, you can already count on the position of an editor.

You can get settled in the same way as for any other remote work, search and respond to vacancies.


Everyone, I think, made a conclusion for himself. Work that allows you to combine business with pleasure, turn a hobby into a source of income.

If you are seriously thinking about doing this job, here are some final tips from established pros in this niche:

  • in order to “fill your hand” in the editorial craft, do not limit yourself to one thing, work in different genres, focus on your target audience;
  • don't leave facts unverified;
  • learn to work with a large amount of information;
  • master the spelling rules (remember: the editor does not have the right to make mistakes!);
  • study the computer (master the programs necessary for editing);
  • develop;
  • the site editor needs to know;
  • constantly improve yourself by reading informative literature, expanding your horizons.

“Oh, this is not an easy job ...” Well, who said it would be easy? But then it will be nice to show off your ability to turn even the most boring article into a masterpiece.

That's all, friends. I hope the article was useful and interesting to you. Share your opinions, considerations. I look forward to your comments. See you on the blog pages.


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