Business plan for a home appliance repair shop. Drawing up a business plan for a digital technology store Selling household appliances as a business

Technology very tightly surrounds us in everyday life and simplifies manual labor making it comfortable and enjoyable. But even the most expensive and modern models household appliances may break. Buying new ones is not always profitable, but repairing old equipment so that it serves for another couple of years is reasonable. Therefore, the demand for repair services has always been and will be in demand in cities with any population. Below is a business plan for a home appliance repair shop. The example was calculated for the regional center.

Information about the company

Main activity: repair of large and small household appliances. The workshop is expected to perform Maintenance, adjustment and warranty service under an agreement with a local retail chain of household appliances.

Legal form: individual entrepreneurship.

The main consumers should be residents of the city and nearby settlements of another region, republic. This may be due to the fact that residents of neighboring areas have the easiest access to the city than to other large settlements. In addition, the city has regular bus services to neighboring regions of the republic.

Goal: in a year, the workshop must withstand the onslaught of competitors, gain consumer confidence, pay off debts accumulated during the foundation of the project: for rent, purchase of equipment, spare parts, furniture and many other costs.

Over the next 2-3 years, the workshop should become one of the best and most respectable workshops in the field of consumer services and repairs in the appliance repair market. But in order to achieve the maximum goal, it is necessary to win the trust and respect of consumers. Service quality indicators should be such that customers are responsive and loyal to their contractor.

Accommodation: semi-basement in a large residential area of ​​the city. The area of ​​the workshop will be about 120 square meters. m. It includes a reception room, jobs for mechanics, a separate room for the director, a warehouse for repaired and accepted household appliances.

Consider the table of workshop premises:

Form of ownership of the premises: lease, confirmed by the rental agreement.

Taxation: simplified taxation system (income minus expenses).

Opening hours: every day from 10:00 to 19:00, including weekends. Schedule selected based on standard business day office workers, until 17:00. Most customers will be able to get into the workshop after their working day. On weekends, customers from suburban areas will be able to contact the workshop.


For registration, the IP form was chosen. But if you plan to work as an authorized service center for large manufacturers and retail chains, an LLC is formed. There is less trust in individual entrepreneurs, and it will be more difficult to obtain a service contract. There are no manufacturers of household appliances in the selected city. A contract was made with a local store to service their goods. Under the contract, the workshop performs repairs free of charge warranty period, in cases stipulated in the guarantee contract (3 months). Further, customers are served at full cost.

To apply for an IP, you will need the following package of documents:

  • Photocopies of the passport and TIN, certified by a notary.
  • Application for registration of a type of activity. When filling out, the main (mandatory) type of activity and two additional ones are indicated. Even if you do not have the desire to immediately expand your business, we recommend that you indicate additional activities. At the first consideration of the application, registration of additional activities is free, with further expansion you will have to pay extra. The application indicates OKVED: 95.21 " Repair work electronic household appliances”, 95.22 “Repair of household appliances and garden equipment”, 95.22.1 “Repair of household appliances”.
  • Receipt from any branch of the bank on payment of the state fee.

Competition and pricing

Competition plays a big role in the development of an enterprise, as each company tries in every possible way to attract as many customers as possible. There are many ways to attract, we have chosen the following: home service, providing discounts for regular customers, veterans of the Second World War, the Afghan war, the Chechen war, the disabled, orphans and the elderly; delivery of repaired equipment, provision of warranty repair in case of repeated failure.

In addition, competition improves the quality of repair, adjustment, customer service, reduces repair time and price.

Currently, the cost of repairs for a certain type of equipment fluctuates. This means that it is necessary to choose a price so that the company does not suffer losses.

In addition, the cost should correspond to the quality of the repair, and not vice versa.

Price list for workshop services:

Such rates are suitable for the normal development of the workshop, as they are 10% lower than those of competitors, but will not lead to bankruptcy.

Repair company equipment

To organize a small workshop, the following equipment and furniture is purchased:

In addition, masters will need expendable materials: solder, screws, nuts, glue, etc. It is planned to spend from 25,000 rubles per month on consumables.

Personnel formation

In the workshop, the director and accountant belong to the administrative and managerial staff. Working hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:00. The accountant, in addition to the financial part, takes on the role of administrator.

Company administration salary and bonus:

Craftsmen are hired as working personnel. The number of masters is at least 4 people, since the work will be carried out in shifts, according to the schedule: two days after two. Each worker is responsible for the repair of a particular instrument. Employees are interchangeable during holidays and with respectful absenteeism.

A cleaner is hired as support staff. Support staff work schedule - 2 hours from 10:00 to 12:00. Responsibilities include wet cleaning and once a month spring-cleaning premises.

Salary and bonuses for working and support staff:

Summary sheet of the number of workers:

total, for wages personnel and deductions to funds will need a monthly amount of 201,700 rubles. It can be safely added to the initial capital, since the first few months you will have to pay wages out of your own pocket.

Implementation stages

It is possible to implement the project of a household appliances workshop in 2 months. The table below shows the schedule from September 1st to November 1st. Seasonality does not affect profitability, so you can open a workshop at any time of the year.

Workshop opening hours:

All stages are scheduled for specific periods of time. This will help to control processes and run the workshop on time with less loss of time.

Investments and income


The following initial investments will be needed to open a small household appliances workshop:

You can reduce costs by purchasing a used tool, but then the monthly costs for its depreciation and replacement will increase. And this will increase the overall cost. Therefore, it is worth buying a quality tool with warranty service.

Monthly expenses

We plan income

The profitability of the workshop will not be affected by seasonality, so the main factors on which profit depends are traffic and the effect of advertising. There are no competitors near the workshop, so in 1 month the master will bring at least 120,000 rubles. Monthly revenue will be from 480,000 rubles.

Calculate net income by subtracting expenses per month from revenue:

480,000 - 276,700 \u003d 203,300 rubles.

In total, the company brings in net income per year: 203,300 x 12 = 2,439,600 rubles.

Calculate profitability:

(203,300 / 827,900) x 100% = 24.55%.

Until the entrepreneur returns the main investment, the profit will be divided into the following parts:

  • 5% - non-productive expenses (payment for trips to the client's house, unforeseen expenses).
  • 10% - the main fund.
  • 45% return on investment.
  • 40% - expansion.

Since only 45% will go to return on investment every month, which is 91,485 rubles, you can calculate the payback of the project:

827,900 / 91,485 = 9 months. Taking into account all the risks, the payback of the project is 1 year.


This business plan for a household appliance repair shop with calculations is easily adjusted for any region. You need to invest in the project at least 828,000 rubles. But the payback, in the presence of a constant flow of customers, will be only 9 months. At the same time, the calculations took into account accumulative funds for business expansion. In a year, you will be able to open another workshop and increase income, and thanks to the promotion of the first point, the second workshop will become profitable in 5-6 months.

Reading 11 min. Views 63 Published on 09/16/2018

To date, the market segment responsible for computer equipment, peripherals and office equipment is oversaturated. Large retail chains are the reason for fierce competition in this market. As practice shows, unprepared beginners experience many difficulties with entering the market. In order to open your own store, you need to have a large budget that will be invested in marketing. Below we propose to discuss the issue of how to open a computer equipment store and consider several important features this business.

Going to a digital store is like going to the grocery store

Computer store: features and nuances of business

Every direction entrepreneurial activity governed by a set of rules that apply only to a specific market segment. Knowing these rules allows you to draw up a competent business plan containing all the subtleties and nuances associated with the implementation of the idea. In order to open your own computer store, you need to have professional skills. It is important not only to have general concept about the operation of computers, but also be able to understand various technical nuances. The presence of professional knowledge allows you to notice changes in market trends in a timely manner and adjust the course of development of your own project.

Before starting implementation similar business, you need to get practical experience after working in this field for several months.

The main feature of the direction under consideration is fierce competition. In order to get around their opponents, the entrepreneur needs to think through the smallest details associated with the future store. This applies to both the styling of the interior and the range presented. The quality of work of sellers deserves special attention in this direction. Every person involved in customer service should have technical knowledge in this area. Otherwise, the store will be able to serve only those citizens who do not understand the design of computers. The development of such a situation can lead to the loss of large customers and lucrative contracts.

In order to enter the market, you will have to make a lot of efforts, developing marketing strategy. In addition to traditional advertising through the media and distribution of leaflets, an entrepreneur needs to create an Internet resource to promote products. When filling out product cards, you should focus on technical specifications offered products. You need to understand that the bulk of the potential client base spends a lot of time on the Internet. Faced with the need to replace computer parts or upgrade hardware, people are looking for outlets where they can buy everything they need through the Internet. Based on this statement, we can conclude that the main emphasis in business development is placed on the virtual platform.

Another important nuance is the search for suppliers of the product range. In the face of fierce competition, an entrepreneur who wants to master the market needs to offer his customers high-quality equipment at a low cost. The search for a supplier is one of the important issues that must be resolved before the implementation of the business plan. Only if there is a guarantee of obtaining uninterrupted supplies of goods, it is possible to proceed with the implementation of the project and the opening of the store.

Store opening plan

When forming a business project, an entrepreneur needs to solve many organizational issues. In order for the chosen direction to bring stable income, it is very important to establish interaction with the target audience. It is from the features of the portrait potential clients depends on the final decision on the choice of assortment, personnel and advertising strategy.

The computerization of Russian society continues to increase, which means that the opening of a computer store can potentially bring significant profit

Selection of suitable premises

To begin with, you should carefully analyze the city, highlighting several main points with a high level of traffic. In order to attract potential customers, you need to order a bright and memorable sign. Similar placement and approach to external design outlet will increase the number of potential buyers. Before choosing a specific location, you need to study the number of competitors operating in this area. As statistics show, points located near large markets, metro stations or business centers are in high demand. In order to reduce the cost of initial stage sign a lease agreement with the owner of the property. When drawing up a contract, it is necessary to fix in a separate paragraph the procedure for the purchase of real estate, with successful development business.

One of the main issues related to the choice of real estate is the area of ​​​​the premises. For organization trading floor an area of ​​​​one hundred to one hundred and fifty square meters is required. This space is enough to organize a store specializing in a certain product range. In the event that an entrepreneur plans to add laptops, monitors, printers and other devices to the assortment in addition to computer spare parts, much more space will be required. To organize such a store, you will need a room measuring five hundred squares.

Trade equipment

When forming a business plan for a computer store, it is very important to pay Special attention interior design of the shop. All elements of design and decor should create a certain level of comfort. It is important to understand that many small details have a direct impact on the overall impression of the store in the eyes of customers. Some experts recommend using various psychological techniques that are often used in trading.

One such technique is the assortment hierarchy. According to this technique, all demanded goods should be displayed in the center of the hall or on those showcases that are visible from any part of the store. Another psychological technique that increases the effectiveness of trading is the visual balance of the products presented. All large items must be placed at the level of human growth. This category includes laptops, monitors and printers. Each visitor should be able to reach the “device” of interest in order to carefully examine the product they like. The top shelves of the slides can accommodate laptop stands, special bags and other peripherals.

It is very important to carefully observe the competent grouping of goods. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of forming a product group by the name of the manufacturer. This approach causes chaos on the shelves, which makes it much more difficult visual perception. It is best to divide the trading floor into several separate parts, where they will be exhibited:

  • laptops, monoblocks and ready-made "assemblies";
  • cameras and office equipment;
  • "Iron";
  • peripheral devices and accessories.

When organizing a trading floor, special attention is paid to lighting. Properly selected light allows you to highlight the best sides offered products. In addition, you need to take care of creating price lists with a list of goods stored in the warehouse.

Portable equipment has become the main product on the market, it is this category that has become popular among ordinary people.


To date, the range of average computer stores includes several thousand items. In order to cover a large part of the computer market, it is necessary to form a large assortment that includes the most popular products. This step will give you wholesale clients who will buy several items at the same time. Achieving such a result is possible only if there is a large amount Money.

Aspiring entrepreneurs who are limited in investments need to start by studying individual segments this market. In order to competently compose a product group, you need to carefully study the needs of potential buyers and current trends. As practice shows, the basis of this business is the sale of laptops and desktop computers. However, in addition to the main goods, it will be necessary to introduce additional components into the assortment. This category includes gaming video cards, various hard drives and other computer components.

When creating an assortment, it is very important to take into account the needs of the target audience. All customers of computer stores can be divided into several separate groups:

  1. Corporate Buyers and Frequent Repair Firms - this group customers buys computer components in bulk. For this group, you can create custom trade offers based on favorable discounts.
  2. Gamers- people who devote a lot of free time to computer games, who constantly update their computers. It is this category of buyers who most often purchases various technological innovations.
  3. Programmers - separate category customers who require competent service. Most people in this group know exactly what they want to buy.

In addition to the computer technology itself, it is very important to introduce a number of additional services. This list can include the installation of various programs, equipment upgrades, assembling computers according to the wishes of customers and setting up additional gadgets. The introduction of additional services can significantly increase the income from the business.

Personnel for work

Every salesperson working in a computer store must have technical knowledge in this area. One of the tasks of the seller is to consult. It is important to note that quite often computer stores are visited by experienced specialists who care about the technical details associated with the chosen equipment.

This means that every seller must be able to interact with both amateurs and experienced users. It is very important to correctly present not only the assortment available, but also the benefits of making a purchase at a particular outlet. In order to organize the work, you will need to hire several sellers to service the trading floor and one cashier. In addition, the staff should include an accountant and a cleaning lady.

When opening a computer store, you must first determine the target audience

Marketing Campaign

In order to get customers at the time of opening a store, you need to correctly plan marketing campaign. In order to advertise the store, you need to organize the distribution of leaflets giving a discount on each purchase. Advertising in the media, advertising banners and billboards, and other ways to attract customers will form an initial customer base.

In addition, it is imperative to use various social networks. Creation of thematic communities in in social networks help to get the attention of the public. It is also recommended to register several groups in popular messengers, where news about the arrival of a new batch of goods, technical innovations and interesting notes will be published. You should also agree on advertising with the owners of popular thematic communities, on the placement of advertising banners.

Site creation

The business plan of a computer equipment store should contain various tools that will be used to develop the project. Electronic commerce allows you to cover a separate segment of the market with a large number of potential buyers. It is very important that the created resource is designed in a common style with a real outlet.

The main objective of the site is to advertise an already established store. Here you can post posts about planned promotions, replenishment of the assortment and other innovations. In addition, the site is used as an additional platform for advertising existing products. Product cards must contain the full technical description proposed models and several high-quality photographs. It would be useful to download an additional video from Youtube with an overview of the products offered.

Financial plan

The financial model of the project being developed should contain calculations of the approximate value of the planned costs. It is very important to take into account all unforeseen expenses that can have a direct impact on business development.

Starting costs

At the first stage of organizing a business, an entrepreneur needs to find suppliers who can provide all the necessary products. The amount of expenses for the formation of the initial assortment varies from one to ten million rubles. In the case of a large store, larger investments in the organization of the project will be required, which is explained by the high cost of desktop computers, laptops and peripherals.

In addition, you will need to purchase various furniture and commercial equipment. One of the mandatory requirements of the control bodies is the presence of a registered cash register. The total investment in the purchase commercial equipment varies from one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand rubles. You should also consider certain costs associated with registering a business and obtaining permits to trade.

retail market computer technology in Russia is considered one of the most popular and competitive areas of trade

Monthly costs

The monthly cost item contains the following items:

  1. Rental Property - twenty-five to fifty thousand a month.
  2. tax contributions and communal payments - about ten thousand.
  3. Employee wages- up to twenty thousand to each employee.
  4. Advertising- about fifteen thousand.


The amount of income of a store specializing in the sale of computer equipment depends on many different factors. Here you need to take into account both the available assortment and the location of the outlet. An important parameter is the economic features of a particular region, which have a direct impact on the solvency of customers.

The average payback period for this business is about two years. This indicator can be achieved through the competent setting of the commodity margin. The size of the margin for stationary computers and laptops should not exceed fifty percent. In the case of components and accessories, the size of the commodity allowance can vary from forty to one hundred percent.

Conclusions (+ video)

Sale of computer equipment and spare parts - promising direction with a high level of competition. In order to reach high performance, it is very important to pay special attention to the offered range and training. As practice shows, most consumers prefer to visit those outlets that can offer quality products at a low cost.

In contact with

Household appliances - equipment that is an integral part of life modern society. A variety of numerous devices and devices that are constantly being upgraded and become even more functional and practical are in constant demand.

Based on this, you can decide that your own home appliances store will bring good profit and will become successful business. However, not everything is so simple, because in this case, as in any other, there are nuances and pitfalls.

Features and main stages of business

Before you open a home appliances store from scratch, you should study the features of this trade segment. The fact is that a novice entrepreneur will invariably face a big problem: today, almost all cities are oversaturated with large chain stores, the range of which includes all possible household appliances - from hair dryers and irons to refrigerators and home theaters. Such large hypermarkets can afford to arrange various promotions, sell inexpensive models, make discounts, offer free shipping and other bonuses that are interesting for buyers. Of course, it will not be easy to compete with such giants.

The second inconvenient point is the initial investment in the business: if you want to open a large store with a more or less wide range, then you will need to find quite decent amounts, since both the initial purchase of goods and the rental of suitable premises will cost a lot.

Alternatively, you can start with a small specialized department or outlet, for example, you will deal only with small household appliances, which does not require as much space for display and breaks down more often, which makes the demand for it even greater. Own niche and narrow the target audience This is what can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Virtual store

Online stores have recently become a great alternative to conventional stores or markets. Buyers save their time, and you, as an entrepreneur, can significantly save on renting large retail space.

There are two options for organizing a virtual store.

  1. You only have a site that needs to be promoted and filled. This option can be very profitable, because you do not purchase goods in advance, but take them from suppliers strictly for a specific order, so that you can then deliver them from the warehouse to the required address. So, you only maintain the site, and do not spend money in advance on rent and goods.
  2. Another option could be a virtual storefront. However, you will rent an office, warehouses in which the declared goods will be located, hire movers, couriers, etc. That is, you save only on renting a room for a store.

There is certainly a benefit in this, and your financial costs for opening an online store will be much less, but do not forget that big stores have their own sites, so you will have to fight for the trust and attention of the client in any case.

First steps

Having wondered how to open a home appliances store, you should be set up for serious preparatory work: a well-written business plan can help you, in which everything should be calculated, evaluated and taken into account possible risks, think over ways out of them, paint approximate costs. In addition, you will have to go through some mandatory stages of organizing a business.

  1. To formalize the case legally, obtain the appropriate permits.
  2. Select a store location.
  3. Make repairs (if necessary) and bring in commercial equipment.
  4. Find suppliers.
  5. Buy a product.
  6. Hire staff.
  7. Engage in advertising and promotion of the store.

So, the action plan is ready - you can begin to implement it.

Legal registration of business

If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then you will have to register your business. For a home appliances store, registering an individual entrepreneur is suitable. As a form of taxation, experts advise choosing the simplified tax system.

You will also need to pay a fee, buy a cash register and make a seal. The Rospotrebnadzor service must issue you a permit to locate the store. Do not forget to select the codes of your type of activity according to OKVED, draw up a sanitary production control program (PKK) and approve the assortment list of goods in the sanitary and epidemiological service.

In addition, the opening is coordinated with the district government, and you must have on hand permits(ownership of the premises or its lease agreement). It is necessary to conclude contracts with representatives of public utilities or other organizations:

  • for the provision of services for washing or cleaning the uniforms of employees (with dry cleaners, laundries);
  • for the removal and disposal of solid waste and other waste;
  • for the export and disposal of mercury lamps;
  • for the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological measures (disinfection, disinsection, etc.);
  • for regular cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

The Consumer Protection Society requires that your store must have a buyer's corner, as well as instructions on imported goods in Russian. That's all the official requirements that must be met before opening a home appliances store in Russia.

Room selection

In many ways, the amount of your costs will depend on what place and room you choose for the location of your store. You can settle in the city center, however, given that you need an area from 250 to 1000 square meters. m. (depending on what volume and range of goods you are targeting), it is clear how expensive it will be to rent such a room. However, statistics say that stores located in the central part of the city are able to provide the highest sales of goods.

Pay attention to the areas of new buildings: there may not yet be competitors there, and renting will cost you much less. A busy street, a residential densely populated area, the proximity of transport stops or a good transport interchange - these are, perhaps, all the markers for a good location.

Also make sure that there is a convenient parking near the store, which would make it possible to drive close to the building (for quick loading of overall items).

There are no particularly strict requirements for the premises, but you still have to obtain permits for it from various services:

  • representatives of the SES and Rospotrebnadzor must issue a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion that would confirm the compliance of your enterprise with all norms and requirements;
  • employees of the State Fire Supervision will also conduct an inspection, so all premises must comply with fire safety standards: you will have to equip emergency fire exits, make fire hatches and fire alarms, plus stock up on fire extinguishers.

You may need to make repairs. No pretentiousness or extravagant design solutions are needed here: such stores, as a rule, look simple. The main thing is to provide high-quality lighting and good ventilation. A burglar alarm doesn't hurt either.

Layout features

Having chosen the concept of trade and having decided on the future assortment, you will be able to plan the store. If you are only interested in selling mobile phones and accessories, then 30 sq. m. If the assortment includes small household appliances (curling irons, hair dryers, kettles, irons, etc.), then you will settle on an area of ​​​​up to 100 square meters. m. A full-scale store will require space to the maximum.

Offering customers a wide range, it is very important to divide the trading floor into segments:

  • Large home appliances;
  • small household appliances;
  • audio and video equipment.

Some entrepreneurs place them on different floors, others separate them from each other with partitions, others make transitions from department to department smoothly flowing into each other. The last option is good because free sellers will be able to notice the influx of customers in another department in time and come to the aid of their colleagues.

The trading floor will occupy up to 80–90% of the entire area. The rest of the space is utility (for staff) and warehouses as well as a small administration office.

Equipment and assortment

Trade equipment is selected taking into account the specifics of your product. Depending on the range offered, you will need:

  • podiums for large-sized equipment (the cheapest type of equipment);
  • racks with dimensions and with glass doors that could be locked (for the department of small household appliances);
  • audio and video equipment is also located on the shelves, but they are slightly different. Most of these racks are open, but there are also deep ones (60 cm);
  • you will also need counters for vendors, cash registers, chairs;
  • in administration and accounting - all kinds of Office equipment, tables, chairs, cabinets, safe;
  • everything you need in the staff quarters (lockers for storing uniforms and personal belongings, a small kitchen, bathrooms, etc.).

If not all household appliances are displayed on your trading floor, then make sure that the warehouse meets the conditions and norms of the microclimate in which the goods should be stored. It is best that the warehouse is located either in the store building or not far away so that the client can as soon as possible receive your purchase.

When choosing an assortment, consider several factors.

  1. The manufacturer's advertising campaign generates demand for the product, and here the ratio of price and quality or functionality is not even taken into account.
  2. You can use the weaknesses of large retail chains and try to provide customers with other product niches as an alternative. Sometimes people are looking for exclusive trade marks or expensive brands that are not available in regular stores. However, you should not completely focus on such a VIP segment.
  3. Include new items in the assortment, track which models or lines are used in great demand, make sure that there are no downtime in deliveries, plan how to interest customers and push them to buy.

Remember that all goods must be clearly visible, and the trading floor is equipped and furnished so that the buyer has enough space for free movement and the opportunity to view the presented assortment.

It is better to take care of additional security: attach special chips to small-sized equipment that will work as an alarm at the exit in case of an unpaid purchase.

Personnel and organization of work

It really depends on your employees how high sales will be, so give preference to competent, qualified and experienced employees. First you can take people to probation or for an internship, and after successful work- Take it full time.

Pay attention to some nuances when choosing sellers:

  • they must have a good command of all the information about the technical characteristics of the product, understand all the nuances of the equipment sold, models, new products, etc.;
  • in fact, the buyer does not always clearly know what exactly he needs, therefore, the sellers are obliged to convey information to him intelligibly and clearly, explain and show everything;
  • sales managers are usually focused on a certain category of goods, but they must have all the information about the assortment in order to come to the aid of their colleagues who cannot cope with the influx of buyers.

In addition to 2-3 sellers for each department, you will need loaders, drivers, an accountant, cleaners, security guards. The minimum staff will be 12-15 people per shift.

Store advertisement

On the one hand, manufacturing companies actively promote their product on the market, spending a lot of money on its constant advertising even before it gets into your store. However, on the other hand, the store will still need to conduct its own advertising campaign, in which it is worth emphasizing the benefits of purchasing this or that device in your store, and not in any other. It can be special promotions, discounts, sales, free shipping, bonus or accumulative cards, etc.

One of the cheapest and effective ways is the usual distribution of leaflets or promotional booklets of the store. You will also need to make a beautiful bright sign, invest in light boards or big boards. If the budget allows, order advertising in all types of local media. Do not forget about your own website: the Internet platform will be an excellent additional advertisement.

As an option for expansion and development prospects after the opening of a home appliances and electronics store, it will be possible to organize in parallel the repair or warranty service of branded equipment. Service center store-based is a great way to attract additional customers.


This business can be quite profitable (up to 20-25%), but only with competent organization, careful selection of the assortment and selection of personnel, as well as with a well-thought-out marketing policy for winning the attention of the client.

Approximate costs (prices are in rubles):

The payback period of the store will depend on many factors and can range from 2 to 5 years. The size starting investments to create a large store from scratch reaches 2.5-3 million rubles.

Is it worth investing in a hardware store? Judge for yourself. The Russian household appliances market, estimated at $40 billion, has been demonstrating growth dynamics over the past year.

It is predicted, well-formed and occupies the fourth position among European countries, leaving behind Germany, France, England. An entrepreneur can enter this huge market at the micro level by linking his business plan for a household appliance store with the real situation.

The forecast of its further development in 2014 is favorable, which reflects the positive macroeconomic situation in the country, the tendency inherent in the population - not to concentrate on savings, further development of the consumer credit market.

Statistics of the Russian market of home appliances and electronics in 2013

The range of home appliances on the Russian market has a steady upward trend. Consider the statistics of 2013. Among the segments of this market, sales of smartphones and mobile phones show the best dynamics - more than 19.8 million units.

Moreover, within this segment, there is an increase specific gravity smartphones, which is expected in 2016 to be 90% of general sales mobile phones. Samsung stands out among the leading companies - 30.4%, followed by Apple - more than 13%.

Good growth last year in the segment of household appliances: washing machines - 9.1%, refrigerators - 8%. There are also leaders in the segment of kitchen appliances: sales of bread makers and pressure cookers grew by 6.7%. I was surprised by the relatively small segment of “beauty and health”, last year it suddenly went uphill: the sale of hair dryers and razors increased by 18.8%.

However, the dynamics of different segments is still different: for example, sales of photographic equipment in 2013 decreased by 22% compared to the previous year. The substitution effect has worked due to the improvement in the characteristics of cameras built into smartphones.

Should a home appliance store business plan take into account the prevailing proportions and market dynamics? Undoubtedly.

Competition to traditional stores from online commerce on Russian market while less than in the same Germany and France. The reason, obviously, is in the traditional tastes of the population, which prefers to see the "goods face" before selling. And this despite the lower retail prices of online stores. However, as entrepreneurs themselves say, in the future, online and offline prices will become the same, as traditional and online commerce will merge into a single, integrated one.

Entering the market

Of course, entering this segment of the market, it is necessary to have a balanced business plan, a studied market, and established economic ties. After all, an unsuccessful attempt to enter leads to a large loss. And then inventory of a bankrupt store, sold through a home appliances sales store, are only able to pay off the costs incurred for their purchase by 60%.

What can be said about an entrepreneur who is now trying to enter the home appliance market? He must be a courageous man. It’s not even about his willingness to “lay out” a lot of money for an initial investment of $ 200-500 thousand. The problem is that 25% of this market is already occupied retail chains federal level MediaMarket,, Eldorado.

It's not even about the percentage, but about the key places "captured" by networkers for successful sales. Be that as it may, the entrepreneur will have to spend about 3 weeks on the legal registration of the new store, as well as about $ 3 thousand on the installation of conventional and fire alarms.

Two alternatives: rent or profitability

Entrepreneurs, when compiling a business plan for a home appliance store, often try to save on rent. Is it worth it? Stores located in the city center are "doomed" to be leaders in sales. As experience shows chain stores, if there are, for example, 10 of them in the city network. then 2-3, located in the center, give 50-60% of trading revenue.

The profit of a relatively small store (with a sales area of ​​250 square meters) is $40-60 thousand monthly. Household appliances supermarkets with an area of ​​500-1000 square meters are more profitable. If the average store is located not in the very center, but close to it, then its profit will decrease by one and a half times. “Non-zero” also looks like the option of opening a store in a newly built quarter. However, the profit in this case will be 50% of the profit of the same institution in the city center, and in addition, in the process of “setting in” new buildings, revenue gradually decreases.

The warehouse of household appliances serving the store, according to logistics, should not be at a significant distance.

In all cases, you should not lose sight of the circumstances so that there is a busy traffic intersection nearby. Ideally, when a crowded street leads to the store. For the convenience of customers, it is significant that there is a stop near the store public transport. And of course, for the efficient delivery of goods, parking should be provided for both the official transport of the store and the transport of store visitors.

According to experts, of the options discussed above, a home appliances store near the center looks preferable because of the often practiced overpriced rent in the city center.

Repair and trade equipment

Finishing the premises of a home appliances and electronics store is quite expensive. Often, entrepreneurs include in the business plan of a household appliance store the amount for repairs, based on the level of costs of $ 200-400 per square meter.

However, modern Construction Materials can significantly reduce these costs.

For the optimal location of goods on retail space, it is important to install special equipment for various groups of goods. For the installation of bulk household appliances, the costs are limited to the purchase of 15-30 linear meters of podiums, the price of which is $25-40 per square meter.

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