Party hat for man and woman. Scenario "Hat Party" (scenario for holding a birthday). To make the table fit into the atmosphere

Natalia Khomenko

Spring holiday script« hat competition»

Target: Activate, unite the creative manifestations of children and parents, reveal their initiative, cause an emotional upsurge.

Tasks: Develop children's creative imagination, musical abilities, self-confidence, cultivate interest in theatrical activities, a sense of mutual assistance and a team. Invite parents to participate holiday taking on the role.


Mary Poppins


Jury 3-4 employees of the kindergarten

Terms and Conditions: all children participating in the entertainment in hats made with parents.

Evaluation criteria hats:

Aesthetic perception of the image,

originality of the idea,

composition solution,

artistic expressiveness of the work,

Creative personality.

Nominations competition - fashion show of hats:



"The most flowery hat» ,

"The funniest hat» ,

"Family hat» ,

"Sports hat» .


"The biggest hat» ,

"The smallest hat» ,

"The most original hat»

"The most fabulous hat»

"The most mysterious hat»

"Most elegant hat»

"The most creative hat»

People's Choice Award

To the sound of music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Vedas. What day is today spring!

He brought us here for a performance

To present bright and grandiose,

funny and serious!

The song Mary Poppins from the movie sounds "Mary Poppins"

Mary Poppins appears: And what kind of performance brought you together?

I love happy holidays

You probably rejoice at the arrival of spring and meet it today?

Vedas. Not! dear Mary!

Mary: You are not happy with spring and do not like spring?

Vedas. What are you, what are you! We are very happy about the arrival of spring and love it very much, we even know a lot about spring.

Children recite poems:

Again the young spring is whirling in a waltz,

She promises sunny and warm days.

Where it passes, traces will remain -

First spring flowers. (Sasha K)

I'll tell you about spring

About the silence of the night.

About sunsets and dawn

And about the rainbow arc. (Sasha S)

comes into its own,

She's coming, she's in a hurry.

Blooms, fragrant,

Spring beauty. (Series B)

It will cloud over with fog,

That will shine with dew,

The sun will play in the sky,

It will rain down. (Sasha Z)

By the bubbling stream

rustling leaves,

Poplar lonely,

Grew up young. (Grisha)

In the shadow of the forests, among the bushes,

Lily of the valley is silver

And beckons and calls

Datura is fragrant. (Kira A)

Children sing « spring song»

Vedas: That's how much we know about spring

And we are looking forward to it

And today we have gathered holiday hats, to show what we and our parents are craftsmen, inventors, dreamers and masters

Mary: Very interesting, but can I stay with you on holiday? I also love holidays and hats(this is what I have elegant hat)

Vedas: Of course you can, but we have one condition: You, Mary, need to come up with some for us competition or dance. And we continue our celebration.

On the our beautiful spring holiday,

We hats present without any doubt.

Of course they will be different.

Cheerful and mischievous, more serious and stricter,

They don't look alike!

It is a task for us to choose the best ones for us.

Show you now your hats are top notch!

Children stand in a circle and to the sound of a song "Fashionista" pass a circle around the hall and through the center pass to their parents, demonstrating their hats.

Mary: Yes, the task is not easy! Everything the hats are amazing!

really how much different hats here so funny and lovely! and the girls are like hats are good! I tell you this from the bottom of my heart! All princesses are just lovely sight! you from the audience applause admiration!

competition. Hats must be taken,

And pass in a row,

How to reach the end of the row

They need to be sent back. (Whose team is faster to complete the task) (To the sound of music)

Child: We can't sit still

We love have some fun!

We are not too lazy to joke in the morning,

We would dance all day (Olya Z)

Vedas: And we, Mary, are also ready to please you, we have prepared a dance for you

Children are dancing « spring dance»

Mary: Ah, what good fellows, mischievous, nimble, fast, and hats - hats are just wonderful, but unfortunately I have to go, goodbye kids! (leaves)

Vedas: and we will play with you guys

Competition"Move item to hat and not drop»

(to the sound of music "Song Shapoklyak" from m / f bursts into the hall Shapoklyak without hats).

Vedas: Hello, grandma!

Hat: What a grandmother I am to you! YAYAYA SHAPOKLYAK, the most charming and attractive lady!

Vedas: Guys, does this lady look like Shapoklyak?

I also think not. Prove that you are not an impostor!

caps: Exactly (bragging) my handbag, have you seen this? (releases a rat)…Lariska

Vedas: Well, scared! Indeed, Shapoklyak had Lariska. Where is your hat?

caps: I was in a hurry, I'm on holiday to you

Hat fell off his head and rolled off somewhere!

I heard that you have a lot hats, I'll probably pick up some for myself (begins to look out for himself hat, the presenter intervenes)

Vedas: No, no, dear, you must first, us amuse….

Play or dance with us.

caps: Here's another ... Well, okay, I can play with you and check how fast and dexterous you are.

Competition"Dress hat» several chairs are placed in a circle on them hats, to the sound of music, they walk around the chairs, the music stops, you need to take hat and sit on a chair, on the trail. times 1 chair and hat removed.

Then competition done with parents.

caps: On the head everyone can wear a hat and you try "wear it on your stomach" Competition

(Team members boys sit on the floor one after another. The first participant puts hat on the belly, and, relying on hands and feet, overcomes a distance of 3-4m. Then he gets up and takes hat, runs back to the starting point and passes the baton to the next player.

Can dads do it again?

dad competition

Vedas: Well done Shapoklyak, amused, and we are not born with a bast, we will show you our hats, just don’t touch them, the children did it with their parents, and if you hat like it, then you will ask to tell how they did it.

Defile of the first 7 hats with a performance

Vedas: We have these hats ... there will be more can we play some more now?

caps: And here's another competition for the most accurate, "Bring down hat» (3-4 children 2 teams, hats are put on skittles, they need to be knocked down with a ball)

Oh yes smart guys

Vedas: we are very strong, dexterous, skillful, we love to sing songs, play and of course dance! And now we will show you our Shapoklyak hats

Vedas: And here's another hats. (the 2nd seven comes out hats with performances.)

caps: Hats simply amazing…I would put everything in my wardrobe

Vedas: Wait, that's not all

Defile of the third 7 hats with a performance

Shapoklyak admires hats, we give hat to her and she leaves

caps: Goodbye, kids, it's time for me to run! It was interesting with you, they amused me. Thanks! Till!

Leading. Now invite your parents to happy"dance of friendship"

(during the dance, girls dancing with headscarves go to change clothes)

presenter: Do you know that earlier in Russia there was a headdress - an old kokoshnik, the girls themselves decorated it with embroidery and semi-precious stones, and now our girls in kokoshniks are dancing "dance with headscarves"

"Dance with scarves" to the sound of a song "There was a birch in the field"

Announcement of results and presentation of gifts


hat party.

Festival participants:Children of different age groups.dunno,Cat, Robber, Old Woman Shapoklyak

Carnival is not a joke, it is difficult to prepare for it in our time. Therefore, abandoning the costumes, we propose to hold a carnival of hats. Everyone has old hats at home, from which you can make amazingly cheerful structures and, decorating your head with them, in an instant turn from a person preoccupied with problems into a carefree, cheerful person!

Prepare in advance wall "dead zi bao" (huge colorful stands-announcements) about the carnival. Set up a "hat patrol" at the entrance, and if someone comes without a hat, let him be "fooled" with newspaper hats with flags, caps, panama hats, funny caps, etc.

Attributes for games:Sports skittles (10 pcs), small multi-colored cardboard hats (10 pcs), 2 balls of medium diameter, 1 ball of small diameter, large hat box(with sweet prizes)

Holiday progress:

(Children, to the cheerful song “We are together”, performer K. Sitnik enter the hall, showing each other their hats, take their seats)

Leading.Hello guys!

Hello dear adults!

You came to the holiday for a reason!

We will reveal the secret of beauty without melting.

An unusual collection will be shown now.

We hold the Hat Festival for you!

Guys, do you know that the hat was invented for warmth, i.e. covering the head from cold, wind, snow and rain. The first hats were made from animal skins. Then, in the process of development of society, the hat began to mean - power and strength, belonging to the upper class. All kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, princesses, kings and nobles wore headdresses - crowns, tiaras, all kinds of hats, which were considered luxury items and were decorated with feathers, precious stones, diamonds. The common people walked around with their heads uncovered.

Time passed, images changed, a modern woman stopped wearing hats, preferring scarves, scarves or nothing at all. Now the hat in all its glory can be seen on the catwalks, in magazines. Although the hat is so beautiful and spectacular ...

Let's start the holiday soon!

Oh what is it? My magic hat notifies us that we have arrived fabulous guest from the hat kingdom. Let's greet him with loud, friendly applause!

(The “Dunno Hymn” sounds, Dunno runs out)

Dunno:Hello friends! From all the shorties of the Sunny City, a big hello to you!

Leading:Guys, did you recognize our guest?(Yes) Who is he? (Dunno)

Leading:Dunno, I want to compliment you - among all the hats of the fairy kingdom, yours is the largest and brightest!

Dunno:Yes! Thanks! I don't just love my hat, I'm very proud of it! But I see the guys are dressed up too. Everyone has such different hats...

Leading:Yes, Dunno, you correctly drew attention to the fact that our guys have different hats, but there are such modern, athletic ones, and they are called “baseball caps”

Dunno:Well, since you love hats, baseball caps and panamas so much, I suggest you play with me. I taught this game to almost all the shorties of the Sunny City. Do you want me to teach you?

GAME "Catch the ball with a hat"


Not only can you wear a hat,
In a hat, you can not only force,
Very comfortable with any hat
Catching a ball flying towards you

The distance between the first player from the adult team and the first player from the team is equal to the approximate children's throw. The first adult is holding a hat. At the start line there is a basket with balls that fit into a hat. The first child in the column takes the ball and throws it towards the adult, aiming at the hat - forward and up. The adult tries to catch the ball with his hat. Then he passes the hat to the next adult player and stands at the end of the column. The child also stands at the end of his column, passing the baton to the next child.

Dunno:Have fun playing! But riddles, guys, can you guess?(Yes!)

1. “I am sitting on horseback, I don’t know on whom. I’ll meet a friend, I’ll jump off and bring him.”(Cap)

Well, this was an easy riddle, but the next one ....

She will cover the hairs of any girl, she will also cover the short haircuts of the boy. Protection from the sun. That's what it was made for.(Panama)

Now it's my turn! Here listen:

I wear fields on my head, but this is not land at all.(Hat).

Well done!

Leading:We can’t do without hats, this is an important attribute of a person. A hat will help us to hide from the scorching sun in the summer heat and even with the help of a hat you can express your mood.

Tell me guys, how are you feeling today?(Merry! Good!)

Leading:Someone is in a hurry to us again, we will meet the guest from the heart.

(the soundtrack of "cat's songs" sounds)

CAT: (bowing Madame! Mademoiselle! Monsieur (bows to the children). I received an invitation and hurried to your holiday, I see a hat ball in full swing, why didn’t you call me in vain.

Leading:Dear cat, we have long known that you are an inventor and an entertainer. I have no doubt that you have prepared something funny and interesting for us this time as well. Tell me what's in your bag?

CAT: You're right.. What could I bring to the hat party? Of course, a hat! Admire what I have. Beautiful, magical! (takes out a hat from the bag) And now, kids, I have a game for you.


Game with the hall "Pass the hat"

A hat is thrown over a number of participants in the holiday, which they try to pass back and forth to the music. Without waiting for the end of the movement, they let in a second hat. As a result, ridiculous "jams" can occur along the path of the hats.

Leading:. You guys don't yawn! clap, meet the guests!

Phonogram "We are a bandito - gangsterito." (The robber enters)

Well, the guests! here's the thing! How could I call you?

ROBBER: We always come ourselves with villainous deeds.

Come on, quickly, hooligans, turn out your pockets.

Leading:First of all, we don't have hooligans here. And secondly, the holiday is supposed to play and have fun. You have such a wonderful hat, and our fairy-tale heroes in hats they amused the guys, played with them, and you? You threaten them. This is not good.

ROBBER: Oh, kay! then let's play.

Game "Collect objects in a hat"

ROBBER: Great, well done crumbs! I will never hurt such wonderful children! I swear!

Well, stay until the end of our holiday.

Leading:(shows the hat to the children):

Guys, while you were dancing, I found just such a hat. I wonder who lost it?

(Old Woman Shapoklyak in a red cap enters to the music.

She has a handbag in her hand, from which she looks out rat Lariska.)

Old woman Shapoklyak:

I am a little girl,

I carry a bag

Kefir, cottage cheese and gingerbread,

Pancakes and sausage

Hello kids!

You recognized me?

I am Little Red Riding Hood!

Leading:What a strange Little Red Riding Hood! She reminds me of someone. Little Red Riding Hood, where are you heading?

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Oh, where am I heading? I forgot! Tell me guys! Ah, I remembered, I remembered! I'm going to Piglet's birthday to eat honey. Well? You don't know him, do you? Here is such a patch in front, and behind - such a motor! Lives on the roof, in a hut, on the fifth floor. Phew, that's what I came up with!

Leading:Little Red Riding Hood, what is that delicious smell from your purse? Isn't it sausage?

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Sausage, sausage! Eat, my dears!

(Shapoklyak takes out of his purse rat Lariska by the tail and scares everyone.)

Host: We recognize you! You are not Little Red Riding Hood, but the harmful Old Woman Shapoklyak! We found your hat.

(Shapoklyak takes off his red cap and puts on his hat).

Old woman Shapoklyak:

Think you know! Once in my life I wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood, I dreamed about it all the time. And that didn't work out. Sit down here, smile! If only I were invited to the party! (Teasing children, getting angry, stamping his feet.)

Boys-stumps, But I’ll ask you questions, you won’t answer for anything!

Blitz-poll "Studying the hat theme"

1. Name the headdress of the postman Pechkin from the cartoon "Vacations in Prostokvashino". (Hat with ear flaps )

2. What kind of headdress did you wear

A.S. Pushkin? ( Cylinder )
- Charlie Chaplin? (
bowler hat )

Baron Münghausen (Cocked Hat)

Murzilka? (Beret)

- Scattered from Basseinaya street. (Pan )

What did Papa Carlo make a headdress for Pinocchio? (From a sock )

What kind of hat can not be drawn? (Cap of invisibility )

"The country where Panama appeared (Ecuador)",

What is the name of the Mexican national hat? (sombrero)",

What is a felt hat called? (fedora)”, etc.

What state can be worn on the head? (Panama)

Host: Well done. And now let's play!

"Hat Tower"


We will build a tower now from hats.
It takes two brave dads for this.
They will have to show us the class here -
Keep a tower of hats on your head.

Two dads are selected from among the fans - one dad each to participate in the team competition. Both dads sit on chairs placed in front of each team. On a signal, the first pair of participants in the competition - an adult and a child (each from its own end) - runs up to the sitting dad and puts his hats on his head, then returns to his teams and passes the baton to the next pair. If necessary, an adult can lift the child to put on his own hat. Timoshka and Antoshka before the relay must pay attention to the hats of the participants. That pair of players whose hats are fragile, or those whose hat ornaments can be wrinkled, is best placed at the end of the column. Then their hats will be on top of the "tower" and will not be damaged.

"Unusual headdress"


The artists take up the cause together,
They need to come up with a headdress.
A similar hat to you or me
Can't appear even in a dream.

Team players are built in pairs in a column. In front of the members of each team there are easels with sheets of drawing paper attached to them. Each team has a couple of participants - a child and an adult. They have a felt-tip pen in their hands. The players run up to the easel and draw one detail of the headgear, after which they return to the team and pass the baton to the next pair, while they themselves stand at the end of the column. The next pair adds new details. At the end of the relay, the presenter shows the fans the final result of collective creativity.

"Hat Shootout"


What is it, what happened?
Why is everything around
twirled, twirled
And rushed somersault?
Hats fly in the air
They strive to fall on the floor.
These are our kids
naughty and naughty,
Throw their hats up
You are offered to catch them.

Children of each team stand one behind the other on one side of the playground, adults - opposite, on the other side. The first adult has a gymnastic stick in his hands. The child runs up to the chair on which the hat lies, takes it and throws it up towards the adult. An adult must catch the hat on a stick and return it to its place, then pass the stick to the next one and stand at the end of his column. The child also stands at the end of his column, passing the baton to the next child.

Leading:I admire your amazing hats and hats.

How many hats are there. So funny and beautiful, small, medium and large.

I suggest choosing among them.

the biggest one;

the smallest;

The most magical

the most blooming;

the most unusual

Most vivid image»,

"Miss or Mr Glamour"

"The most extravagant image",

"Extraordinary romance"

"Retro image",

"A guest from a fairy tale or a movie",

"Madam or Mr. Creative", etc.

Leading:Since you love hats so much, I suggest you play with them.

The game "Who will put on a hat faster" is being held

All participants are invited to stand behind the hats arranged in a circle. There should be more participants than hats. To the music, the participants run in a circle, at the end of the music they must put a hat on their heads. Players left without hats are out of the game. The host removes 2-3 hats, the game continues on. And so on until there is one hat and one winner.



Guests are invited to create a hat from improvised materials in 15-20 minutes. This competition will provide an opportunity to demonstrate to the participants their talent, imagination and ability as a designer. At the end of the competition, you can organize a defile of participants in their creations.

"Tear off your hat"

For this competition, guests are divided into 2 teams. One member of each team with hats put on their heads enter the ring. The participants hold their left hand behind their backs, and with their right they must remove the hat from the opponent, without losing their own. In such "battles" for the hat, all team members participate. The team with the most hats left will win.

Teacher: It's time to find out how much our guys know the name of the hats. This will help us the competition "Changeling". Girls should pull a leaf out of a hat. On the leaves are written words in which the letters are not in their places. Guess the headdress name:

Sombrero (ROMBSORE), Panama (MAAPAN), Cap (KAKEP), Top hat (DRLITSIN), Peaked cap (UFKAZHAR), Ushanka (SHAKANU), Cap (PIKALOT), Cap (PECEC), Shapoklyak (KLYAKPOSHA),

Hat (PYASHLA), baseball cap (CABOLBASE).

It is interesting...

The Nuer and Langs of South Sudan have been making hats from their own hair since ancient times. The height of such hats reaches half a meter, and the weight is several kilograms. Similarly disposed of their hair in ancient Egypt. Upon reaching adulthood, the Egyptians shaved their heads, and made wigs from their hair, which they removed at night. They considered this approach to wearing "hats" hygienic and convenient.

Monomakh's cap is the most "precious" cap in the world. A symbol of Russian autocracy, the Monomakh's hat was made in the 15th century. It is decorated with more than 60 precious stones (pearls, rubies, emeralds) and sable edges.

Hat with ear flapsdescended from the Mongolian malakhai. The Mongolian hat was a cone-shaped cap made of sheepskin. Such a men's hat was indispensable in winter: its wide lapels protected the faces and cheeks of the warriors of the Tatar-Mongolian horde from wind and snowstorms. Later, the sheepskin lapels of the Malachai began to be cut vertically on the sides, resulting in "ears" that could be tied at the back of the rider's head when the weather warmed up. From such malakhai came the legendary men's hats with earflaps, which became popular in Russia in the 16th-17th centuries. and were called "three". It is noteworthy that now a hat with earflaps is a symbol of a man's winter headdress, but at first it was mostly rich Russian women who flaunted in them, who decorated the triplets with expensive fabrics and stones.

Byindian hatit was possible to determine how many enemies he had destroyed. Indians North America were proud of the number of scalps taken, which was determined by the number of eagle feathers stuck in their hair - this is the very “cap” of feathers familiar to us from films about Indians.

The expression "cap acquaintance" explains the depth of the relationship. This expression, meaning a superficial acquaintance with someone, is associated with the tradition of the 19th century. When just acquaintances met on the street, they only raised their hats as a sign of greeting, and only friends shook hands with each other.

military capshakoreplaced travel bag. Huge shako hats, which were part of the uniforms of the grenadiers of the Russian army, were used as travel bags during long marches: they were stuffed to the top with various food: fruits, bread, cheese ...

Pomponon the cap was invented to protect the head of French sailors. Previously, the ship's rooms had low ceilings, and in general it was a little crowded. And the pompom on the cap protected the sailor's head from accidentally hitting his head on the ceiling. Now the ceilings are higher, but the red pom-pom on the cap of a French sailor still reminds of the old days.

"Magic and Prophecy"

For this contest-game, you will need 2 hats with a deep crown. A top hat or wizard's cap is best. Leaves with the names of the guests are placed in one of the hats, and cheerful wishes or prophecies are placed in the second. The “magician” of the event pulls out papers from both hats in turn and reads out the “sentences”.

Proverbs and sayings about hats.

On the thief and the hat is on fire.

Came to the cap analysis.

According to Senka and a hat, according to Thomas and a cap.

Not in your head - you can’t put it in a hat.

It's all about the hat.

If you want to succeed, wear a hat (English proverb).

Looking to the past - take off your hat, looking to the future - roll up your sleeves (Eastern proverb).

A piece of bread in your pocket is better than a feather on your hat (Estonian proverb).

No pants, but a hat.

My home is where my hat is (English proverb).

A hat makes a gentleman.

"Oh, you hat!" (Russian expression, so they say to an unlucky person).

To miss - to miss something important.

Eat your hat - insist on something (English expression).

To sow rice through a hat is to engage in stupid business (Chinese proverb).

Riddles about the headdress

Upside down - thick,Downside down - empty.I wear fields on my head,But this is not land at all.I am protection from the sunThat's what it was made for.(Cap.)

Sometimes from silk, sometimes from chintz,And very girls go chubby.Decorated with flowers or polka dots.The girls in it look like nesting dolls.(Kerchief.)

So that the miner undergroundWork without fearHe descends into the faceOf course, only in...(Kaske.)

Your forest cozy house,Hooked up,The gnome goes for a walk,Wearing a scarf and...(Cap.)

We always put onTogether with a T-shirtsports capWith the title...(Baseball cap.)

The tanker has it and the pilot has it -Everyone who is busy with dangerous work.And dressed in heavy armor,Always worn by a knight once upon a time.(Helmet.)

Where the sun, cotton, melons,Everyone wears it to this day.Name a cap -All in patterns...(Skullcap.)

And run on the hottest dayAnd take a picture -unhappy mother.I am a summer hat...(Panama.)

So that my ears do not freeze,I will listen to my motherand I will put it on slowly"Something" warm with the ears!And about "something" someone knows?
And guess the riddle?
(Hat with ear flaps.)

With a cap long, so fighting,

Of course, we have met more than once.

She is like a girlfriend to any soldier,

And famously he wears it on top of his head.

PThe latest fashion trend among European youth is Russian hats with earflaps. True, in our country they can hardly be worn, since they are sewn from silk, viscose and even polyethylene. One way or another, the fashion for hats is back. Today - 10 fun facts from the history of the relationship between a man and a hat.

1 fact: Now it's hard to imagine, but at one time European dandies wore two hats at once, completely different from each other. One, as expected, was on his head, and the other dangled on a ribbon behind his back, waiting for someone to put it on. They say that some even tried to wear three hats, but it turned out to be completely inconvenient.

2 fact: In the Middle Ages, hoods were in fashion, and their elongated part, which sometimes hung down to the floor, was used as a pocket, since they had not yet learned how to make pockets in suits. By the way, at the same time they wore shoes with long toes, so the person looked pretty funny: he had to hold the toes of his boots at the same time (usually ropes were attached to them for this) and keep a hood stuffed with all sorts of things.

3 fact: Russian boyar hats. They were made from silver fox or marten fur and were not removed even indoors. At home, the hat was put on a special blank, painted like a portrait. Thus, the hat has become a very prestigious decoration of the interior.

4 fact: Prussian young ladies also practically did not take off their kokoshniks, and European ones - various bonnets and capes. Therefore, for a long time no one wore hairstyles - they were not needed.

5 fact: In the 19th century, ladies wore a bonnet with curls glued to it. There was a complete impression of beautifully styled hair, but in fact there was no hairstyle under the hat.

6 fact: 18th century fashion. Hairstyles then were so complicated that they had to come up with special hats - cases. Each such hat was sewn for one, specific hairstyle, fortunately, one hairstyle could then be worn for several months. The frigates with sails and flower baskets were the most difficult to pack: the ladies demanded that, God forbid, nothing be dented or broken.

7 fact:
By the way, the military generally suffered with headgear. Huge shakos made it very difficult to walk on foot, especially since during marches they were used as pantries: they were stuffed to the top with oranges, pies, rolls, cheese and candies. From this reserve for three days then it was difficult to turn the neck.

8 fact:
The vast majority of headgear we wear today are just modified models from past centuries. And how everything, frankly, got confused! For example, the bonnets worn by babies are an exact copy of men's headdresses of the Middle Ages. Only 50 years later, men began to wear hats with a brim and a round crown, but - alas! - they again were left with nothing, because now only women wear such hats.

There are many different hats here,

So funny and beautiful

All in hats were good,

I tell you from the bottom of my heart

Everything was wonderful and beautiful

We'll tell hats to everyone.


Entertainment for children of the preparatory and senior group

"Hat Party"

Target: to create a joyful and cheerful mood in children, to develop an idea of ​​the history of headdresses, of their purpose.

Previous work: looking various kinds hats, looking at illustrations of hats, talking about hats from different times and peoples, reading N. Nosov "The Living Hat", "Dunno and His Friends", C. Perro "Little Red Riding Hood", "Puss in Boots", memorizing poems about hats .

Attributes: hats of different styles and purposes for children; an exhibition of drawings by children and parents “Parade of hats”, a collage from fashion magazines “Different hats are needed, different hats are important”, “hat medallions” cut out of paper.

Entertainment progress:

The hall is decorated with drawings of children and parents, on the central wall there is a collage of hats. To the music, a teacher enters in a beautiful big hat.

V .: Fanfare, sound louder

I am glad to all the guests today.

Hurry up to the elegant hall,

The hat parade is about to start!

A child comes out wearing a hat.

R. : worn ladies hats

In the old days

Charlie Chaplin loved them

I have a hat.

But that's what happened, my friends.

I don't know anything about hats.

V.: Well, my friend, don't worry. We are here to learn more about hats, and for starters, I am the Hat Queen, announcing the hat fashion show.(children in hats go out to the music and read poetry, showing off their hats.)

1. Nice, cute little hat, -

You can put it on your palm.

Only Thumbelina fits her.

The hat was made just for her.

2. The owner himself is very happy -

The exhibit is visible everywhere,

Hat bright, big

Such a cute one.

3. It is impossible not to notice

This wonderful thing.

It is obvious that above her

I had to work for a long time.

4. Put on this hat -

Go back to your childhood

To start, smile

Then laugh out loud.

5. If the hat is decorated with stones,

The hat will suddenly become a crown,

And add daisies from the meadow -

Will turn into a flower meadow.

V.: Here, thank you, friends, you pleased me and the guys. You have beautiful hats, unusual, even magical. I also love my hat very much and often play with it. And all of you, guys, I suggest to play.

(plays with hats)

"Pass the hat."To the music, the children pass the hat to each other in a circle. When the music stops, the one with the hat fulfills the wish of the hat queen: guesses a riddle, names his favorite headdress, dances with the queen, etc. The game is played 3 times.

"Get in the hat."Three teams of three people must hit the hats with paper balls.

V.: Well, let's continue our holiday. Hats have been worn at all times by men, women and children. The hat saved from rain, wind, from the sun. Hats are straw, cloth, felt, paper, feather and even cork. There are many mysteries about the hat. And now I will tell you.

(for the correct answer - hat medallions cut out of paper)

What hat do you wear when it rains?(under an umbrella)

Which fairy tale characters wore hats?(Dunno, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, Thumbelina)

What grows with a hat? (mushroom)

In which work did the headdress scare the boys?(N. Nosov "Live hat")

How can you call a cap, beret, panama, cap, hat in two words?(hats)

What was the helmet made of in ancient Russia?(from metal)

Which hat do people bow down to?(in front of the mushroom cap)

V.: Well done, guys, you guessed all my riddles. And now the game is back

(plays with hats)

"Extra Hat" There are 6 hats on the chairs. Seven playing to the music go in a circle. When the music stops, put on your hat and sit on a chair. Those who do not have time are out of the game. The game is played until there is a winner, the chairs are reduced one by one.

"Hold your hats." According to the music, 2 children put on the other two children as many hats as possible from the common pile, one on top of the other. The goal is to keep as many hats on your head as possible.

V.: Well, it's time to say goodbye to you. We played merrily and learned something about hats. And I say goodbye to you and wish you happy summer. Goodbye!

hat party

The school is tired of traditional holidays, the same type of matinees. I want something new and interesting. My parents came up with the idea of ​​ending the hardest, longest term with a hat ball. All first graders were delighted.

All guests must be dressed according to the style of the holiday according to the scenario of the "Hat Party" event. That is, each guest must have a hat. What exactly it will be is a matter of taste. For example, you can wear a cap, you can wear a headscarf, or you can wear a crown.

The room was decorated with all kinds of headdresses and pictures with their image. The table should also be decorated according to the style of the holiday according to the scenario. For example, for each guest, you can fold a napkin in the shape of a hat. You can also make sandwiches in the shape of a hat.

Divide all guests into groups according to the headdress worn on them. For example, you will get three groups of Caps, Hats, Scarves. But if a group is too small, then you can give the opportunity to move from it to another group, but you will need to wear the appropriate headgear.

The party according to the scenario of the “Hat Party” will be aimed at identifying the best headdress. To do this, teams named according to their headgear will participate in competitions and defend the right to call their headgear the best.
All competitions on this holiday must be with the participation of headdresses. First, you can hold a general entertainment, in which all teams participate at the same time. For example, it could be a "Hat of Touches". For fun, you need a hat. All guests participate in the competition. Participants stand in a circle around the hat, alternating boy - girl - boy - girl. Each participant in the entertainment writes the name of a body part on 5 pieces of paper, for example, ear, arm, leg, etc. Then everyone puts their papers in a hat. The host shuffles the papers. Then the participants take turns taking out one piece of paper and touching it. right hand to that part of the body that is written on a piece of paper. Then everyone takes out another piece of paper and touches with their left hand that part of the body that they got. In the third circle, they again touch with the right hand, in the fourth - with the left, and so on, until the pieces of paper run out.

Further, the “Live Hat” game is played between the teams. For the game you will need hats (according to the number of teams) and a stopwatch. All teams line up. The leader puts on the hats for the first team members. The task of the participants is to pass the hat to the last participant without touching it with their hands, but at the same time, each participant must put the hat on his head. If a member of one of the teams touches the cap with his hands, then this team is given a penalty point. Each penalty point when summing up will be calculated as additional time spent (about 30 seconds). At the end of the task execution, each command fixes the execution time. The team with the best result wins.

Then the competition "Tear off the hat" is held. Each team is given a hat. One representative per team is called to the battlefield. Each representative puts a hat on his head. The participants must keep their left hand pressed to their side, and with their right hand they must rip off the opponent's hat, while not allowing their hat to be torn off. After the hat is torn off, the fight continues between the next two representatives. And so the competition continues until all the representatives take part in the battles. The team that rips off the opponent's hats the most wins the competition.

After determining the main headdress, distribute such a headdress to those who do not have it. After that, invite everyone to the table, and after the feast, continue the party, dancing to the incendiary rhythms.

Did you come to our ball?

A hat ball was announced in our class and I was looking forward to it. Getting ready. Together with my mother, we made a hat for me. And it looks like she succeeded.

All my friends and I came in fancy hats. Some had crocheted, woven, veiled, flowered hats, musketeer hats, college hats, and baseball caps. Who cares what.

We, like real models, walked the catwalk and showed our guests how we can choose.

The boys participated in the "Take off your hat" contest, and the girls cheered for them. The funniest task was counting sweets while sitting on a chair in an unusual way. And we were completely amused by the game "Question and Answer", in which we answered the usual question of the teacher with funny words.

And here is the award ... Diplomas for participating in various school competitions all children received. Because there are smart and talented kids in our class.

And our holiday ended with a disco. Incendiary songs sounded here, under which everyone danced, annealed and no one was shy.

Student 1 "A" class Yust Zlata

A hat party is one of the easiest and most fun birthday party ideas that can be easily adapted for all ages from toddlers to teens.

A hat party can be the most fun, special and memorable event, because it is somewhat akin to a costumed masquerade, only in a simpler version, when all you need is a hat!

Before organizing a hat party, think about whether you might want to set some special theme. For example, if the birthday will take place in the country or in country house- you can indicate in invitations that you are waiting for guests in rustic hats, or in sports-type headwear. For a bachelorette party, romantic hats (or crowns) would be an ideal theme. If it’s difficult to decide on a theme, then ask guests to come in funny (crazy) hats or just don’t indicate anything.

Party invitations

It is desirable to issue invitations to a party with the image of a hat or make it in the form of a hat. Include the date, time and location of the party on the invitation. If there is a certain theme, be sure to indicate it so that guests can take into account your wishes. Also, in the invitation, do not forget to mention about the competition for The most…funny, huge (etc.) hat to spur the interest of the invitees.

Send the invitation ahead of time so that guests have time to prepare and find the right hat.

hat party decor


Of course, the theme of the holiday will draw the main attention to your guests. But if you want to emphasize the atmosphere, then with hats, hang hats from a chandelier, place them in prominent places, or make special decorations in the form of oversized hats.


An excellent option would be to create special place, something like an exhibition of original (funny) or other hats. You can place them on boxes wrapped in wrapping paper or cloth, or on a hanger. It’s a good idea to place a mirror nearby so that everyone can look at themselves in a hat or try on another hat. Such a place will surely become a great backdrop for photos for a long memory!

If you have a special celebration, for example, an anniversary, you can take a photo of the birthday boy in a hat frame. Or pick up a few photos of the hero of the day in interesting headdresses.

Serving and menu

The food and drink at your party should be easy to prepare and serve. or a buffet - perhaps the best way for a party like this hat party sure to be something to see!

Games and contests

Approximate entertainment plan for hat party:

  1. Photo session "Arrival of guests"
  2. Competition "Musical hats"
  3. Competition "Best Hat"
  4. Karaoke or disco

Photo session "Arrival of guests"

The arrival of guests is the best moment to "catch" every guest who does not yet know what reaction his headdress will cause. Try to take a photo each guest upon arrival.

Contest "Tell me about your hat"

Invite invitees to tell the invitees why they chose this hat, while asking leading and, if possible, humorous questions to the contestants (Why is your hat blue?; Why did you insert a feather?, etc.). A simple contest to help your guests relax a bit and get to know each other.

Competition "Musical hats"

Count the number of guests at the party. Subtract one and stack the hats. When the music is playing, everyone must walk around the hats, as soon as it stops: everyone must take apart the hats, the one who did not have time is out. Continue until one person remains.

Competition "Best Hat"

The best hat contest is best held at the end of the party. Nominations other than "Best Hat" can be: The funniest (funniest) hat, The biggest hat, The smallest hat, The most creative hat, The most boring (consolation prize).

Prizes, awards, souvenirs

For a hat party for participation in competitions, you can offer the following options for awards and / or prizes:

  • Caps and hats
  • Keychains with hats
  • Scarves and bandanas
  • Sunglasses (funny)
  • Any hair accessories and hair care products


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