How many letters are in the sentence. Counting the number of characters and words. Definition of keys and semantic core of the text

SEO text analysis from a website is a unique service that has no analogues. The ability to highlight "water", spam and clues in the text allows you to make text analysis interactive and easy to understand.

SEO text analysis includes:

Character counter, counting the number of characters and words in the text online

Using this online service, you can determine the number of words in the text, as well as the number of characters with and without spaces.

Definition of keys and semantic core of the text

The ability to find search keys in the text and determine their number is useful both for writing new text and for optimizing an existing one. The arrangement of keywords by groups and by frequency will make navigation through the keywords convenient and fast. The service will also find morphological variants of keys that will be highlighted in the text when you click on the desired keyword.

Determination of the percentage of water content of the text

This parameter displays the percentage of presence in the text of stop words, phraseological units, as well as verbal turns, phrases, connecting words that are not significant and do not carry a semantic load. A small content of "water" in the text is a natural indicator, while:

  • up to 15%- the natural content of "water" in the text;
  • from 15% to 30%- the excess content of "water" in the text;
  • from 30%- high content of "water" in the text.

Determining the percentage of text spamming

The text spam percentage reflects the number of search keywords in the text. The more keywords in the text, the higher its spamming:

  • up to 30%- the absence or natural content of keywords in the text;
  • from 30% to 60%- SEO-optimized text. In most cases, search engines consider this text to be relevant to the keywords that are indicated in the text.
  • from 60%- heavily optimized or keyword spammed text.

Search for mixed words or words in different keyboard layouts

This parameter shows the number of words consisting of letters of different alphabets. Often these are the letters of the Russian and in English, for example, the word "table", where "o" is a letter of the English alphabet. Some copywriters replace part of the letters in Russian words with English ones in order to fraudulently increase the uniqueness of the text.

Why word count matters?

Whether you are a college student, a content writer, manager or novelist, you know how important word usage in any type of text is. The purpose of any writing is to create a readable and convenient text that is easy to perceive. It is important to express your thoughts and ideas effectively. Generally, it means that every word counts, in the majority of cases it is better to be simple and use a minimal number of words. First of all, it makes any text shorter and, therefore, more pleasant to readers. Secondly, it makes it clear and easy to comprehend, a message of your writing should be straightforward and without any misinterpretations.

When it comes to articles, the fewer words, the better. We live in a time of information, and no one has the tolerance to deal with huge piles of text. Generally, any type of written content has a desirable amount of words, whether it is an essay, dissertation or novel. When you are limited with words, it makes you more conscious of their choice and power they have. It helps to deliver ideas logically so the reader won't be lost in endless adjectives.

The main goal of any information source is to deliver the main idea, that's why it is crucial to stick to the point and follow the structure. Your words use also influences your reputation as a writer. Yes, there is usually a desire to make text longer, but it is not always for the better. For example, the more clearly you understand the topic, the simpler you can explain it. If you go around with long metaphors, it might mean that you don't actually have a good comprehension of it.

Every word one use should be efficient in what it is supposed to do. Be sure that you have a clear vision of what you are going to write and what message is being delivered, especially when we talk about academic writing or job-related communication. For example, if you are working on a presentation of the product, concentrate on the crucial features you need to underline, provide only essential information. When you are working on a science project, we use the appropriate scholarly language style, which is very clear, short and straightforward.

How to use words counter properly?

Writers are paid for the number of words, that why some of them might tend to superficially increase them in the text. However, it might be a disadvantage if a reader will get tired of it. Unless you are Honoré de Balzac, there is no need to use all the words you know. It is better to stick to the efficient ways of message delivery.

Sometimes it is also crucial what kinds of words you use and in what number. For example, if you are a blogger or a content writer, you want your text appearing in search engine, like Google, on the first page. It means that the text should be structured and written according to the purpose and main keywords. There are also stop-words that imply that the text is overstuffed with the unnecessary lexis. It reduces the chances of your content to be viewed on the first page. Yes, if you are writing about vacation places, you need to use words in this regard, such as vacation, beach, rest, relax, etc. however, if you overuse them just to make your text relevant it will be impossible to read. Remember that the main purpose of any type of writing is to be informative and interesting to read for a perceiver.

That’s why if you are interested in increasing your writing skills and the quality of your texts, you need to care about word count. It is amazing that today we have technologies that help us to do it faster and in a very comfortable way, just behind our computer. So it is only reasonable to use professional software designed for this purpose. That's why when you need an instant count of a specific word, Microsoft Word can show you a general word count, but it won't get you a detailed and comprehensive report.. It is amazing because you don't need to download anything or install additional software. Basically, you just type in or copy paste your text in a box on a website and proceed with analysis. Now you know everything you need to write a decent text!

Characters- these are any letters, signs, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks and characters for the end of a text paragraph. On the Internet there are a large number of different text editors and programs designed to count the number of characters in a given text. Most often, to count the characters in the text, the Microsoft Word text editor is used, which has already been tested by time and is loved by many.

The number of characters in the text.

Number of characters in text can be determined using text editor Word, the user needs to type or copy the finished text in the open blank page of the editor.

For typing, you need to place the cursor before the first character of further text. Then, among the tools, find and use "Statistics" in the Word editor. For such calculations, this tool is best suited.

The number of characters in the string.

Number of characters per line can be determined using various online services, as well as using the "strlen" function, which allows you to count the number of characters in a string (string).


  • strlen($str)
  • str - string


If the count is successful, the number of characters is returned, otherwise 0.


The number of characters in the word "Chord"

  • $str = "hello";
  • echo strlen($str);

The number of characters in the string "Hi. How are you"

  • $str = "Hi. How are you";
  • $len = strlen($str);
  • echo $len;
  • // 16

The number of letters in the string "Hi. How are you"

  • $str = "Hi. How are you";
  • $str = str_replace(" ", "", $str);
  • echo strlen($str);
  • // 14

How to count the number of characters.

  1. The text is typed or copied into the Word 2007 editor;
  2. The cursor is positioned before the first character of the text;
  3. Then you need to find the status bar;
  4. Pressing the left mouse button opens the "Number of words" option (indicated by the number 1 in the figure), after which the "Statistics" window pops up. This box shows the number of characters (without spaces) - 2.304 and with spaces - 2.651.

For your information. If a text of 2000 characters is required, but is not specified with or without spaces, then by default it means "with spaces".

If in Word 2007 if there is a status bar, but it does not have the "Number of words" option, then to count the number of characters, you must do the following. Right-click on an empty space in the status bar. For example, in the area of ​​​​the number 2 in the figure. A window titled "Status Bar Settings" appears:

In the window that appears, opposite the option "Number of words" (indicated by the number 2), you must check the box. After that, the count option will appear in the status bar of Word.

For determining the number of characters in Word 2003 it is necessary to open the "Service" function in the top panel of Word with a single click of the left mouse button.

A window will open in which you should select the "Statistics" sub-item. After a single click on this sub-item, a small "Statistics" window should appear, in which all the necessary statistical information about the text will be presented.

The figure provides information about number of pages, words, characters(without spaces and with spaces), paragraphs and lines:

Count the number of characters in a piece of text.

Sometimes required count the number of characters not in the whole text, but only in a certain part of it. To do this, you need to select the part of the text in which you want to determine the number of characters. Then, using the "Statistics" window, determine the number of characters. That is, the count of characters in a part of the text is no different from the count of characters in the whole text.

The number of characters online.

Numbers of characters online best considered various online services. They are also quite fast count the number of characters in a text. For example, the service, which is both an exchange of articles and a service for checking the uniqueness of texts.

IN search engine you need to find the site On the main page, you should insert your text into the submitted form. The information field is located in the lower left corner of this form. After clicking on the "Check text" button, the system will present all the necessary information.

Enter text:

Service website offers its users many useful tools that greatly facilitate their daily work. There are only two such tools in this section, but they are the main ones for copywriters and optimizers. Of course, you can also find out the number of words and characters (with and without spaces) in the MS Word office program, but there are times when this cannot be done. For example, you do not have office programs on your computer, but you have handwritten text created in a fit of inspiration on the pages of a notebook. It must be typed into in electronic format and hand over to the customer as soon as possible. In this case, we suggest you use the "Text Length Count" tool, with which you will not only type the text, but also immediately find out the exact number of words and characters (with and without spaces) in it.

Does length matter?

Both the customer and the contractor, while discussing the nuances before starting work on the text, necessarily focus on the number of characters that the author should "fit" into. It often happens that the subject is so unfamiliar to the performer that he "sucks" every line out of his finger and ultimately gives out a text that absolutely does not suit the customer. But at the same time, the number of characters is respected. Is this approach to work correct? Most likely no. If the copywriter is "out of touch", then it is better to directly tell the customer about this and refuse to work on the text than to count the symbols "until victory" and "pouring water".

However, conciseness in creating texts for websites does not always work. If a customer wants to see a text of 15,000 characters long on the page of his resource, and you prove to him with foam on your lips that "there is nothing to write about" and "here you can invest in 1000 characters", then most likely they will refuse your services . Sharks of the pen working on the Internet must feel the line that should not be crossed. And (if possible) work with topics that are more or less familiar (or like). Then the work will bring pleasure and you won’t have to “extort” each character and “pour water” in order to hand over a decent text to the customer.

DS with or without spaces?

The measure of the professionalism of a copywriter is the cost of a thousand characters of texts that he writes. And on this basis, oddly enough, very often there are conflicts between the contractor and the customer. The first voices the cost of 1000 characters with spaces, arguing that "the thumb also works," and the second is willing to pay the same amount for text without spaces, because "a space is not a character." Some authors after such words send "text without spaces" to the customer and look at the reaction. Usually helps. However, in order to avoid such unpleasant situations, payment for "voids" in the text should be agreed in advance. Option two: tell the customer the cost of 1000 characters with and without spaces. As a rule, in the second case, the figure increases by 20%.

Rounding up?

So, the text is written, the number of characters is counted using the "Count Text Length" tool. For example, the number of characters with spaces (or without spaces, if you agreed with the customer) is 3820. What to do in this case? Usually this figure is rounded up to a number that is a multiple of 100. That is, you can set the "account" for 3900 characters. However, here everything is individual.

If earlier, when working with texts, the main unit of measurement was one sheet, now it is one character. Under the sign or symbol understand letters, numbers, punctuation marks, spaces. There are two types of counting - this is the count of the number of characters with spaces and the number of characters without spaces.

How to count the number of characters in a text in three easy ways

1. Visual method, when the number of characters can be determined "by eye", approximately. It is enough to count the number of characters in one line and lines per sheet. Then you need to multiply these two numbers and get the result.

For reference: on a Microsoft Word page with standard font and indentation settings, there are about 60 characters with spaces and up to 50 lines per line. But this will be an approximate figure.

How to count the number of characters in a text using Word

2. If you work with Microsoft Word, you can use the special character count function that is on the menu. How to do it?

- select or paste the desired fragment;

- find in the bottom line "Number of words", click;

– View the required information in the “Statistics” window that opens.

- select or insert the desired piece of text;

- click "Service" in the top menu bar;

- go to the "Statistics" section;

– get a quantitative analysis of the fragment.

How to count the number of characters in a text online

3. There are many sites on the Internet where you can check the spelling and the number of characters in the text. Such sites are called "counters". For example, to work with texts, you can use:,, All these sites do not require mandatory registration.

- go to one of the proposed sites (I use the site or type in a search engine: "how to count the number of characters in a text";

- paste the previously copied text in which you need to count the characters;

- analyze the received information.

In order to attract more users, each "counting room" offers its own list of additional services.

So on the site, in addition to the standard character count, there is also a count of commas, spaces and paragraphs. On the site you can do the calculation plus text analysis. And on there is a qualitative check for uniqueness and SEO analysis.

It may seem that the above information is needed by a limited circle of people. But it's not. Counting characters in text is done frequently, starting with school essays and institute term papers ending with the publication of books and newspapers. Also, this method is widely used for working on the Internet. One character is a unit for calculating the cost of a text document. Even the average person faces this challenge in their daily lives by posting an ad in a newspaper or posting a comment on a website.


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