Building a brand where to start. Communication with people. Communicate constantly and be open. The road is a lifetime

Successful branding will help you outperform your competitors and create an excellent reputation for your product or service. good luck in this issue nothing to do with it, because the key to victory is due diligence, creative thinking, observing your competitors, understanding the key principles of the business, its mission and culture, and a strong desire to work with the people who, together with you, create the success of your company. Next is designing a logo and slogan that represents the unique spirit of your company, and promoting your brand with all your might. Read below to learn how to take the first step towards building a successful brand.


Part 1

Create a true, lively and sincere image

    Define your mission precisely. What qualities, values ​​and experiences do you offer to your clients? In order for your brand to work effectively, you need to project a true image of what your company aims to provide to consumers. But first you need to formulate the mission of your company so that it becomes clear how you differ from your competitors. Think about the following questions:

    • Why are you doing this particular thing?
    • What are your goals?
    • Who is in your target segment?
    • What makes your company special in this area?
  1. How you want to be seen. You must make your customers think of your brand as a living, breathing person they can trust. When walking through a supermarket or flipping through a telephone directory, they should be looking for exactly your product or service. Considering your company's mission, decide what type of relationship you want to establish. What are you going to base your mission on?

    • Maybe you want your product to be seen as an adventure, a ticket to new life or a second chance. This approach is often used by large food companies that sell products such as goji berry juice or germinated cereal bars.
    • Or maybe you want to present your brand as smart and modern. Does your product make you feel cool, like you're in a private club? Urban Outfitters and Apple are taking this approach.
    • Another approach would be to offer your customers a reliable option that they can fully trust and that will never let them down. This is a good approach if you are selling a product that will never fail, such as tires or legal services.
    • When building a brand, you can also rely on nostalgia. People feel connected to things that remind them of childhood and carefree times.
  2. Think like your client thinks. When you buy a product, think about why you are buying it. What makes you choose a particular brand? Try to use your answers to imagine how your own brand will be perceived. Find out what your customers crave to feel and let them feel it through your brand. Do they want to feel powerful? Responsible? Conscientious? Smart? Unique? Your brand should evoke these feelings through its appearance, marketing, and design. Awaken these feelings not only with language, but also with color and product design.

  3. Engage your employees. Communicate to your employees the importance of your brand and explain how and why you came to this brand. You will need their support for the success of your new branding.

    • Remember that the client will see your business through your brand. This also includes appearance and the behavior of your employees.
    • Your employees will have their own specific vision of your business and methods to achieve your goals, so that each of them will make an invaluable contribution to the development of your business. Ask employees how your product was received in the market, and don't ignore their opinion.

    Part 2

    Earn customer trust
    1. Your product must match your message about it. If your message sounds good but you don't deliver on your promises, your customers will go elsewhere and your brand won't catch on. But if your business delivers what your branding promises, you will be rewarded with the trust of your customers. Soon, they will start spreading the word about the quality of your service, and your brand reputation will speak for itself.

      • Also make sure that the associations your brand evokes with your customers are in line with what you are offering. For example, if you promise that your margarita-flavoured lemonade is the most refreshing drink on the market, but your customers usually complain that as soon as they take a sip, they are unpleasantly surprised by the absence of tequila in the drink, then something is wrong with How do you present your product to potential customers? You may need to rename your drink so that customers don't feel disappointed every time they try the product.
      • Transparency in doing business is also important. Trust is a very important part of brand awareness as your customers need to feel like they know your brand like an old friend. Let your customers see your real priorities, how you work and where your money is going. If the information is not always the best, at least it must be true and presented in the best possible light.
    2. Spend marketing research to find out who you serve. What are the age and demographic groups of your main customer base? The answers may surprise you, so it's important to do some research to find out who is interested in the products you offer and how they respond to your branding.

      • Consider creating a focus group as one way to test how people of different demographics react to your product. Ask them to describe their perception of your product before and after trying it.
      • Targeting a specific demographic is often a more effective strategy than trying to make a product appeal to everyone. You can narrow down your target group after you have identified who is buying your product. For example, if you find that teenagers are the most likely target group for your breakfast cereal, you can change your branding strategy to make your product even more appealing to that group.
    3. Do a comparative analysis. Do your research to find out what other companies offer and find your differences from those companies. Your branding should focus on the difference, what makes your product stand out from the rest. Finding something special that sets you apart from other companies is very important, because your customers have so many options that they may never know your product exists unless you make it special.

      • You may find that a certain company has already chosen a particular market segment, but this does not mean that your product will not be attractive to a slightly different audience.
      • If the market is saturated excellent goods, consider turning in the other direction. Change either the branding approach or the configuration of your product.

Brand for your product, you need to know what other similar products are on the market and which one has the strongest brand. He will become your competitor. Your task is to position your product as the same, but with some advantage. For example, your shampoo for oily hair not only washes the hair well, but also acts on the scalp in such a way that the hair does not become oily for a long time, because it is the scalp that is “to blame” for the excessive oiliness of the hair.

A brand always carries a certain positive message for a certain circle of people. For someone who drives a Nissan Teana, the vehicle's elegance and solidity combined with its reliability can be such a positive message. For those who drink "Klinskoye" - looseness, fun, freedom from obligations, the opportunity to "break away".

A brand is made up of little things. Each detail can be both key and a failure. You can extol the durability of a car - a very important quality for it, but have a low level, because for people who are ready to buy this particular car, style, the ability to drive a car, are more important than it. high speed etc.

Start the promotion before the product is launched on, warm up the interest of the consumer. Before going out and buying a shampoo (to use the oily hair shampoo example further), the consumer should be aware that, among others, there is a special shampoo that works well on oily scalp, which distinguishes it from all other similar shampoos. .

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Clothing appeared in very ancient times as a means of protection from the cold, insect bites. The history of the costume can trace the evolution of mankind. The creation of a costume is connected with human physiology, technical progress.

Clothing at the dawn of mankind

The first "suit" can be considered the skins of animals worn by primitive man. With the development of civilization, clothing becomes a sign of social status, a branch of production. Over time, a person moves from hunting and gathering to a productive economy - he breeds livestock, plows the land, and masters crafts. People have learned to process plant fibers and create canvas. During this period, the loom was invented, and the fabric was sewn together with needles from the bones of small animals and fish. To obtain threads from wool, a spindle was invented.

With climate change, there was a need to protect the body from the cold, which led to the appearance of fur. Animal skins were processed with scrapers made of stone, shells, later metal, tanned with sour-milk products, decoctions of oak and willow bark, and soft skins and skins were obtained from which shoes, sheepskin coats, and fur coats were sewn. Fur to this day remains an important raw material for the manufacture of outerwear. The old way of processing wool is felting. Items made of felt were especially common among nomadic peoples.

Suit evolution

Each historical period brought its own style to clothing, its own forms, material. The costume reflects the aesthetic views that existed at one time or another. Clothes Ancient Greece and Rome were represented by a piece of cloth skillfully draped. Linen was the main raw material from which fabrics were made.

As time went on, draperies gradually replaced cut dresses. They began to distinguish between the back and the front, cut out and sewn on the sleeves separately. The outfits of medieval Europe hid body shapes as much as possible and were far from perfect. Gothic fashion showed the world a tight-fitting bodice and narrow sleeves. The outfit of fashionistas was complemented by narrow pointed shoes and a high cone-shaped cap.

In the Renaissance, the costumes are simple cut, without excessive pretentiousness, in the dress the skirt is separated from the bodice. In the 17th century, France became the trendsetter. During the time of Louis XIV, the Baroque style was in fashion - majestic, grandiloquent. Characteristic elements are a high standing collar and an abundance of lace.

In the 18th century, a sewing machine appeared, cumbersome and inconvenient. In 1850, Isaac Singer improved the design of the machine. This led to the creation of garment factories. In the 19th century, mass tailoring began.

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Advice 3: When and why did the first clothes with a hood appear

Hooded clothing is very popular among young people. It has been used for over a year now. It is difficult to say exactly when it was invented. Most likely, hoods were invented in antiquity, since there is nothing easier than putting two pieces of skin together and fastening them together.

What the sources say

The first appearance of hooded clothing was marked by the Bronze Age. In the present territory of Denmark in the 3rd century AD, the ancient Scotts - ancestors lived. It was they who wore short woolen cloaks, the hood on which was fastened under the throat by a fastener or belt.

Later, Catholic monks began to wear similar cloaks, taking as a basis the cut of these clothes from ancient cattle. They only changed their length, completely hiding their legs under them. It was then that the word "hood" itself appeared. It came from the monks who are in the order of the Capuchins. These clergy were required to hide their faces behind hoods.

Other sources say that the hood was invented on the basis of a cloth cap, which was used as a balaclava for knights. At that time, this element of clothing covered the neck and ears of noble men.

The role of monks in the history of the hood

The right to wear this piece of clothing for a long time belonged only to the clergy. The hood symbolized death, retreat and invisibility. Covering the head of the monks, he denoted spirituality and thoughts.

By the way, some ancient deities were also depicted in hoods. These include the Celtic god of the underworld, who was depicted wearing a pointed red hood.

In the 13th century, this piece of clothing became popular in secular salons. At that time, the hood was made quite wide. It was worn by both women and men. The weak half of humanity gave the hoods some form. The result was something like a chump. Men were allowed to wear this piece of clothing, loosely hanging down to the waist.

In the notes of an Augustinian monk, one can find confirmation of the fact that the hood has become a fashionable item of clothing. In his writings, a vain townswoman was noted who wore a man's hood.

After some more time, this wardrobe item will move to Spain. It was there that black lace hoods were first introduced into fashion. Thus, the Spaniards hid their faces from the ardent eyes of the Spaniards.

Having ceased to be a means of protection from the weather, the hood has become a luxurious item of clothing. It was decorated with feathers, ribbons or fur. He not only well emphasized female beauty, but also added mystery to the fair sex.

New story

The feminist movement emerged in the 20th century. Hoods ceased to be the epitome of grace and grace and were subject to persecution. Sly coquetry is a thing of the past - frankness and decisiveness have come into fashion. Women began to wear things that previously belonged only to men.

For a long time, feminists did not allow hoods to return to fashion. But realizing that they can be not only silk and airy, they decided to return this element of clothing to women's wardrobes. But his appearance and cut still changed. Now the hoods looked like knight's balaclavas, which gave the face severity.

A little more time passed before the hood began to be used as an independent piece of clothing. It is sewn to jackets, T-shirts, coats, sweatshirts. The hood can not only be sewn, but also knitted. It makes clothes more practical.

Do you have a desire to communicate with the stars who often appear on the pages of magazines, with famous models, and also sit at fashion shows without fail in the forefront?

Or maybe you want to have your own store in a popular shopping center? If, in addition to your specialized education and the inclinations of a designer, you have a desire to make this world more beautiful, then you should carefully study the following question: “How to create your own clothing brand?”.

Force assessment

How to make your own clothing brand? You don't have to be a designer to do this. Passion for fashion and the presence of a sense of beauty are important. Some experience in this area is required. An undoubted advantage is familiarity with the activities of a garment factory or with the work outlet selling clothes. Experience in a large atelier, in a clothing supply company, or in a fashion magazine will come in handy.

In the absence of such opportunities, it is worth getting a trainee job in a large company. One or two years of work will allow you to get a certain amount of knowledge. An important factor will be the accumulation of certain capital. Work in the company will give not only experience. You will acquire the necessary connections that will help you develop your own business.

Concept definition

In today's market there are a huge variety of brands of clothing. To win recognition, your line must certainly stand out in some way.

How to create your own clothing brand? To do this, you will need to develop exclusive collections in which there will be a large percentage of handmade or inexpensive youth outfits. First of all, you need to have an idea about your potential buyers and the requirements that they will put forward when choosing models. All these questions need to be answered before starting a business.

The easiest way is if you really know the target audience. Even better if you are one of its representatives. For example, for avid club goers, there is no problem answering the question about the outfits that are in demand at parties.

Likewise, athletes will always determine those models that are the best suited for physical exercise. If you do not have such knowledge, then it is worth wandering around shopping malls and get acquainted with the concepts offered by popular manufacturers.

How to create your own clothing brand if there is no bright idea that you are sure of yet? In this case, it is not worth rushing to open the brand. It will take some time to accumulate experience, which can be obtained by organizing, for example, your own franchise store.

Drawing up a strategy

How to create your own clothing brand, if the concept own business already formed? All details of the upcoming project must be described in the business plan being drawn up. This document will be a definite guide to action. In addition, a perfectly developed business plan will become a weighty argument in the eyes of the investor for making a decision in your favor. When developing a project strategy, it is important to consider the following:

The overall concept of the brand and the uniqueness of its proposals;
- description of the main models and trends;
- a plan for the development of the collection and its further production;
- existing niches on the market, target audience and main competitors;
- a plan to promote the created brand, including the probability wholesale sales and opening your own store;
- the prospect of developing the line with access to international market or selling a franchise.

Cost calculation

Work on the brand name - from ten dollars to three thousand. Specialized companies also offer to test the options under consideration on ordinary buyers. Such a service will cost 1-10 thousand dollars.

Development corporate logo- from 150 to 2500 $.

Final tests on potential consumers and registration trademark – 300-1000 $.

On average, you will have to spend 3-3.5 thousand dollars to create your own brand.

Search for an investor

How to create a clothing brand? To get started you will need cash that can be provided by the investor. Where to find it? The search for an investor must be carried out among successful businessmen attending thematic conferences and specialized exhibitions.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that an offer with ready business plan, in which a careful calculation of the initial costs has already been made. The document must contain photographs of finished samples. attractive to investors bright idea, considerable professional experience or the opportunity to sell a franchise to open stores selling clothes of your brand.

First stage

Even before writing a business plan, you will need to come up with a name for your own brand. It should be memorable and vivid, simply perceived by ear and written in Latin letters. If your own imagination is not enough, then you can consult with friends, relatives or acquaintances from social networks, promising a discount on the purchase of future models as a prize for the invented name. After that, you should create your own page on the Internet. It is worth remembering that only the promotion of the brand on the World Wide Web will allow new models to break into the consumer market.

How to create a clothing line if a full-scale business is not yet ready to launch? A few samples are worth sewing on your own or ordering them in the atelier. At the same time, the quality of the models must be impeccable. In this case, it will be easier to find an investor for your project.


Creating your own brand from scratch is never easy. The main difficulty lies in the selection of highly qualified personnel. Chief Design Assistant, especially on initial stage, is a constructor. This specialist transfers all the sketches to the fabric. The quality of the work of the designer depends on how well the outfit will sit on different types of figures, as well as the choice of fabric for a particular dress.

With each, not even a year, but a day, the competition becomes stronger and stronger. Giant companies are emerging, biting off a big piece of the pie from cream-filled customers.

Small competitors appear, who also pinch off a piece of the market with a dessert spoon.

In order not to lose this race, there are over 5000+ ways of marketing.

But if you plan to go for a long time and steadily, then it's time for you to deal not only with chips, but also with more long-term tasks. Namely, think about how to create a brand from your company.

If you think that the word “brand” means the process of creating a logo or slogan, then you are mistaken.

Everything is much more global than it seems. Also, if you think that the brand is pathos and a huge amount of money for, I hasten to disappoint you.

Often this is a sin of well-known companies that aggressively promote their brand to the masses.

In fact, much more is hidden under the word brand: the company's values, its recognition among consumers, etc.

This is all part of why a customer decides to buy from you.

And, as I already said, if you plan to do business "in debt", then without creating your own brand you can't go anywhere. Although at the beginning of my marketing journey, I thought very differently.

Do I need it?

Let's go right away. If you do not want to create your own brand, then either the market will force you to do it, or it will throw you out of its orbit.

Naturally, you can earn little money from sales without a brand. This also has a place.

But if you look at the big players, you won't find a single one among them that works without it.

You already have a company, a name, and maybe even a logo. If you have been working for a long time, then there is form style, and maybe even .

Offhand, we can say that you have an established brand. Well, let's check not by eye, but by science.

Right now, please answer the questions below to evaluate which of us gets candy for being right in our thoughts:

  1. Does your company have a mission? What?
  2. Do you know your clients? Who are they? How do they feel about your company?
  3. What are the benefits of your product and company?
  4. What impression should your customers have of you?

Stop! This raises the question: “Why is the mission, values, customers, benefits, and also the impression mentioned in the brand evaluation?”.

All questions are philosophical, without specifics, it's true. Because the very concept of “brand” in the world is often misinterpreted.

For most entrepreneurs, this is just a logo and a slogan that is advertised everywhere. But in fact it is much broader.

Brand- these are associations, ideas, fantasies: and even emotions that arise in the mind of the consumer when you mention your company.

In fact, this is an abstraction that pops up in the head, which is precisely created due to the logo, colors, slogans and other things.

We will discuss what it takes to develop a company brand in the next chapter. Still, the article should be with clear instructions, and not sketchy knowledge.

But before that, I want to warn you. Creating a company brand is only a small part of a big task called branding.

Branding- is the work on the creation and "promotion" of the brand to create a positive image and associations in the minds of consumers.

If you manage to do everything according to Feng Shui, then the result will make you the king of the copper mountain. The risk will be justified by the list of advantages that you will receive by going through this voluminous work. Here are some of them:

  1. Correct perception of your company;
  2. Increased awareness among competitors;
  3. Reduction of drawdowns during the crisis;
  4. Growth in the number of loyal customers;
  5. Increased employee loyalty.

All this leads not to mythical benefits, but to quite measurable ones, which will be reflected in the company's personal account.

Therefore, the process of creation must begin now, although no, it should have started yesterday. And there is only one reason for this.

The road is a lifetime

Bad news. Branding implies a rather long sequence of actions for the development of the company.

No one knows exactly what it takes to create a strong brand for the ages. This work has blurred boundaries. The only thing we know is that it happens in 5 directions:

  • Brand positioning. This is where the brand is born. What place will he occupy and where will the company go. Remember the famous Steve Jobs and his Apple company.

    If it’s easier for you, you can divide the brand into: product, place, price and promotion. This is if it's really rude.

    And what to do then?

    It is important to understand the specific creation algorithm, the sequence of steps and actions that will bring you closer to a strong brand.

    We have considered the directions that generally describe the situation. Now let's look at each one under a microscope.

    And we will define 11 steps (all books are reduced to them), each of which is responsible for one of the previously studied areas.

    big idea

    What the brand is created for and what image of the company will be promoted with its help.

    It can also be called the key message that you will convey to your customers in all your communications.

    In our case, this is “only an integrated approach (marketing, sales and personnel) will lead the company to stable and predictable sales.”

    Example 1: The footwear company "Geox" broadcasts the idea of ​​healthy footwear. In addition to the fact that it is made of quality materials, it is made taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person.

    And in this struggle, a properly created brand becomes a pretty good help and weapon, which, albeit in the long term, will still ensure the company's growth and consumer loyalty.

How to create your brand - choosing a name and logo, registration steps. Get 7 tips on how to open your clothing brand + 4 ideas for successful advertising.

When opening a brand, an entrepreneur patents not only the logo of his company, its slogan and product features.

A brand is something more: all the emotions, associations, customer feelings associated with a product or service, positive and negative reviews, happy and disappointed consumers.

How to start your own clothing brand?

This is the question that this article will answer.

You will learn all the intricacies of the process of creating a new trademark, how to come up with a brand name, how to register your creation with Rospatent.

How to come up with a brand name?

Brand development begins with the task of coming up with a brand name.

The consumer appreciates not only the graphic design of the company logo.

He is also interested in the semantic content contained in the title.

An entrepreneur must be creative.

The brand name is reflected in the success of all marketing operations!

How to come up with a unique brand name?

"In any project the most important factor is the belief in success. Without faith, success is impossible.”
William James

Think about what will be special in the manufactured product, determine competitive advantages products.

Let us again recall that the target audience- young people who buy absolutely everything on the Internet.

When you follow these marketing steps, your clothes will very soon break out into a leading position in the market.

How a young girl herself created her own clothing brand is described in the next video.

Watch and get inspired:

How much money do you need to start your own clothing brand?

Let's move on to dry exact calculations.

Entrepreneurship in any manifestation does not tolerate financial mistakes.

For the convenience of arithmetic operations, we will take as a sample the monthly production of a batch of 1,000 units by your enterprise.

The cost of production of one unit is 450 rubles. (fabric + tailoring), selling price - 700 rubles.

Let's start by calculating the initial investment in production:

Monthly investment:

Monthly income from the sale of branded clothing will amount to 700,000 rubles.

With such indicators, the payback of a successful enterprise selling branded clothing will be 1 month.

Do you have a desire to test yourself as a designer and entrepreneur?

Your own clothing brand is the perfect solution.

The business quickly pays off and brings a stable income.

If after reading this article you still have a question: how to create your own clothing brand, it remains only to personally try in practice in order to understand all the subtleties of entrepreneurship.

All that is required to implement the project is perseverance and self-confidence.

Are you willing to pay that price for success?

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