Airbrushing technique. Do-it-yourself airbrush assembly from scrap materials. The history of the emergence of the artistic style

Airbrushing is becoming more and more fashionable in interior design. You don't have to be an artist or a professional to paint the walls of your own home. All you need to do is be patient and know how to use an airbrush.

Airbrush: which tool to choose?

It is very important to choose the right device for painting. There are several varieties of airbrushes.

First of all, the choice of tool depends on the skills and professional level of the painting specialist.

So, devices for a professional and an amateur will be different. When choosing a device, you must carefully study its characteristics in order to choose the one that will meet all your requirements. So, when choosing pneumatic sprayers, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Nozzle and its diameter. It is the nozzle that is responsible for supplying paint. Depending on the surface area that needs to be painted, an airbrush is selected with one or another nozzle diameter. For example, to paint the background, you need to select an airbrush with a nozzle with a diameter of 0.35 mm, and a nozzle with a 0.2 mm in diameter is suitable for drawing details. There are airbrushes with a set of nozzles of different diameters, which significantly saves finances, since it is difficult to get by with one nozzle. However, time must be taken to reinstall the nozzle with the correct diameter.
  2. Tank, its location on the device. How the paint is supplied directly depends on the tank. It can be located on the side, bottom or top. The tank may not be present at all. Then the ink is fed through the slot directly to the needle. An airbrush with a needle is indispensable in cases where a complex painting is performed, where the drawing consists of small details. If the drawing consists of many different colors, an airbrush with a needle is also needed, as it allows you to change the paint frequently.

Airbrushes for the professional and the amateur will be different. In this case, there are 2 types of devices:

According to the type of supply of paint material, the airbrush is divided into: with an airbrush with a lower supply of material, with an upper supply of material and with a supply of material under pressure.

  1. Single action. They are suitable for amateurs, since it is not difficult to paint with this type of airbrush.
  2. Double acting. They differ in that they can be controlled both through the needle and through the air supply. These devices are suitable for professionals. They allow you to perform more complex painting, the paintings are more realistic.
  3. Automatic airbrush. It is a kind of golden mean, especially for beginners. It differs in that the control of the needle is possible only after turning on the machine.

In addition to the device itself, you will need a respirator, a hose, an air filter, and a stand.

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Airbrush components

Before you start working with an airbrush, you need to clearly understand what elements (nodes) it consists of and what each of them is responsible for:

To send paint to the airbrush under pressure, you need a suitable compressor.

  1. Nozzle. It regulates the diameter of the spray of paint that is delivered to the spray. Located at the end of the spray gun.
  2. Tank. This container contains paints with which the master is currently working. The most convenient are those airbrush models in which the tank is located on top.
  3. Needle. It regulates the supply of paint from the tank. If it is necessary to paint a large area, then it is more advisable to choose an airbrush with an external spray, it does not have a needle.
  4. Lever arm. It regulates the flow of color and air.
  5. Adjusting screw. It provides independent air pressure regulation from the total compressor pressure.
  6. Air valve. Thanks to him, air passes through the nozzle.
  7. A pen. In fact, not all devices are equipped with this part, but it definitely makes working with the airbrush more convenient, otherwise you need to hold the machine by the body.
  8. Power parts. These include air hoses and a compressor equipped with a receiver. They compress air and supply it to the apparatus.

The designs of airbrushes may vary, but the details that make up the machines generally remain the same.

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Airbrush: preparing the device for work

The technology of applying paints with an airbrush is that everything needs to be done in stages:

When working with an airbrush, a stencil is usually used, which is made of cardboard, thick paper, film or special foil.

  1. Surface preparation. In particular, it is necessary to remove any defects (chips, cracks, etc.).
  2. Treat the surface with putty, plaster, primer. The latter must be chosen based on the type of paint selected for painting.
  3. Degreasing the surface. It must be dry and clean.
  4. Even out the tone if the surface has a grayish tint. Usually, for this, the surface needs to be painted with paint of white or the lightest color, which is present in the future drawing. 1 or 2 coats are sufficient.

All these steps concern only the preparation of the surface, which will subsequently be painted. Before starting work, it is important either to remove the furniture from the room, or to cover it with foil.

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Tricks that are not written in the instruction manual of the airbrush

The technical side of the issue, that is, how the airbrush is switched on and how it is operated, is described in detail in the operating instructions for a particular device. In general, it looks like this:

  • the hose of the machine must be connected to the compressor;
  • turn on the compressor;
  • blow out the nozzle with air (this should be done aside).

The main characteristic of an airbrush is the diameter of its needle and nozzle, which determine the potential of the instrument.

Before using each new color in the painting process, the nozzle must be blown out. To do this, fill the tank with solvent. This is important to avoid mixing paints. It is also best to check the color purity before applying paint to the surface. To do this, you need to spray paint on a mixing palette, which can even be a thick sheet of paper. This will prevent unwanted mixing of shades, getting a "dirty" color and provide a neat and beautiful result.

The paint in the tank of the airbrush is filled with a medium-sized brush or pipette (pharmacy or specially designed for the airbrush).

Tricks to help you avoid mistakes and achieve great results:

  1. Dynamism. It is important not to hold the device in one place for a long time, otherwise drips will appear.
  2. Contactlessness. In no way should the apparatus come into contact with the surface to be painted.
  3. The angle of inclination of the apparatus. The optimal angle, thanks to which it is possible to avoid errors in work, is 90 ° relative to the painted surface.
  4. Optimum number of paint coats. It directly depends on the complexity of the drawing and on how voluminous it should turn out in the end. For a volumetric effect, you need from 5-6 layers. In this case, the overlay method is often used when the layers intersect.
  5. Drawing techniques. Of course, aerobatics is painting performed by artists. However, there are more simple ways drawing a picture. For example, stencil graphics. The stencil can be made in any graphics editor (for example, Picasa), in which the image is laid out in layers. Then each layer is individually printed on a printer. At least 4 components are required: contour, basic color base, shadows and partial shadows.
  6. The distance between the apparatus and the surface. The smaller the detail or thinner the line, the closer the airbrush should be to the surface. If you cannot draw a line with a typewriter, it is better to use a regular brush.
  7. Drying. After application to the surface, each layer must be thoroughly dried.
  8. Varnishing. The entire drawing should not be varnished. It is enough to work out the surface with a brush only in some places to obtain additional optical effects. It is advisable to do this on bright or very dark colors.

Briefly, the mechanism of action of the airbrush can be described as follows: air is supplied to the apparatus under pressure, which creates an air stream; dye gets into it, as a result of which it is sprayed. This allows you to create original designs on almost any surface.

What is airbrushing in essence?

Airbrushing is a technique for applying an image to the surface of a car, snowboard, mobile phone etc. Drawing is done using the so-called air brush - airbrush.

An airbrush is a tool remotely resembling a pen that sprays paint onto a surface using compressed air. This allows the artist to make drawings with the finest elements.

Using the method of smooth transition from one color to another, the airbrushing technique can mix one or more colors. The airbrush allows the true artist to paint images onto surfaces with photographic realism.

What makes car owners decide to do airbrushing?

First, the airbrushing on the car makes it unique and exclusive. Standing out from the crowd of motorists and at the same time not breaking the rules, not endangering yourself and other road users by performing tricks, what could be better?

Secondly, the drawing is able to emphasize the design and model of the car, as well as the character and style of the owner, to demonstrate his own taste. On such a car, you no longer want to drive headlong, on the contrary, you want to drive sedately, so that everyone can see the beauty.

And thirdly, a more practical reason is that airbrushing is also becoming an anti-theft agent, since few people dare to steal a car that is easy to recognize, and it will not be possible to sell body parts.

In addition, airbrushing is another type of art that allows you to make a car not only unique, but at the same time demonstrate its success to others. After all, from bad life drawings don't. If you contact a prestigious studio, they will be able to show you a catalog of ready-made sketches. But a real artist is always ready to bring your drawing to life.

And yet, not many dare to draw a drawing on their car, but those who take this step cause admiration and envy among others. Is always!

The turnaround time usually ranges from five days to three weeks. It all depends on the complexity of the drawing. First of all, it is necessary to choose a drawing, because the image should not only please the customer, but also fit the car, otherwise airbrushing will exist, as it were, separately from the car.

How much will airbrushing on a car cost?

The price also depends on the complexity and area of ​​the image. After the sketch is approved, the master will begin to prepare the surface. Scratches or dents on the surface will affect the quality of the pattern. The surface must be smooth.

After the surface is ready, the master will apply the drawing. The pleasure is not cheap, but worth it. There is little that can compare with the pleasure obtained from owning an exclusive, beautiful, emphatically individual car, which no one else has. That's what airbrushing is.

Airbrushing technique consists in applying paint to a surface using an air stream. It may seem daunting at first, but with some practice it will be quite easy to learn.

To implement it, an airbrush is needed, which allows the artist to complete the work. It is enough to press down on the airbrush trigger and the paint will be applied to the desired location. By controlling the amount and air pressure, you can use the tool for a variety of jobs, from painting over large surfaces to drawing the finest lines.

Airbrushing allows you to get very effective images, to create such tonal gradations and retouching quality that cannot be realized with any other technique of working with paint coatings. The mixture is applied gradually, in a thin even layer, without lines and strokes. By means of the trigger lever it is possible to adjust the color intensity according to the amount of paint used.

Materials and equipment for airbrushing

The peculiarity of airbrushing is that paint is applied to the surface using a special mechanical device - an airbrush. It works on the principle of mixing a coloring agent with air and spraying it under pressure onto the surface of the paper. To provide air supply, a compressor is additionally used, which creates the required pressure. The reliable operation of the latter largely determines the end result.

Airbrushing technology for high-quality performance of work allows you to use a variety of dyes for different types surfaces and masks to accurately spray paint onto selected surfaces. Erasers, markers and colored pencils are used as accessories to highlight the outlines for more effective images.

A good airbrush model is one that has separate control over the flow of dye and air. All parts of the airbrush are housed inside a metal case. The paint supply can be carried out either gravitationally, when the tank with the working mixture is located on top of the device, or a siphon paint supply can be realized in it, when the container with the material is placed at the bottom.

The main part for regulating the flow is the needle. It must be located exactly in the center of the nozzle, and it is this that ensures the dosage of the amount of sprayed paint.

On the body there is a trigger lever, when pressed, the air supply valve opens and its flow is regulated.

Types of airbrushes

All available airbrushes can be categorized into the following types.
By the method of supplying paint:

  • Gravity feed
  • Siphon-fed

By the way of mixing paint:

  • External mixing
  • With internal mixing

By control method:

  • Single-action adjustable ink flow
  • Single double acting, with air flow only control
  • Double-acting, with separate control of air and paint flows

Most often, airbrushes use the principle of internal mixing of air with a dye. But some work on the principle of a spray bottle, and they have external mixing. These include most spray guns. They are mainly used to create a background or paint surface elements that do not require image clarity.

In single-action airbrushes, only the air flow can be controlled without adjusting the amount of paint. Structurally, they can be both internal and external paint mixing.

Fixed double-acting devices are distinguished by the fact that they use a trigger lever to adjust the amount of paint, while the air flow is constant. Despite this, they can be used to draw both wide and fine lines.

The most sophisticated and high-quality devices are double-acting airbrushes with independent control of the flow of paint and air, where each of them can be controlled separately. In this case, the supply of the dye mixture can be both gravitational and siphon, and its mixing - both internal and external. It is the most versatile instrument for any job.

Additional devices

The airbrush requires air to work. Paint application and image creation is possible only by mixing it with air. Various devices are used to supply gas, such as:

  • Compressed air can
  • Large compressed air cylinders
  • Aerosol paints
  • Compressors

The can with compressed air is small and looks like an aerosol container, attached directly to the airbrush. Air supply is carried out by pressing the trigger of the latter. The main drawback is the small capacity, it is not designed for long-term operation, and as air is consumed, the pressure in the can drops, as a result of which the paint stream can become intermittent, which will affect the quality of work.

Large air cylinders have a large volume, operate silently and do not require an electrical connection, and have a pressure gauge that allows you to control the pressure. They can be refueled many times, but only in special workshops.

Aerosol paint is a can with a propellant gas and a diluted coloring composition. They are most often used for graffiti.

Compressors are now the main source of compressed air for airbrushes. Usually sold complete with additional devices (pressure gauge, manual regulators, filters) to improve their performance. The capabilities of the compressors are assessed by two parameters: the volume of intake air and the maximum generated pressure. For small drawings, a pressure of two atmospheres is sufficient, for larger drawings, its higher values ​​are required.

To ensure uniform air supply, a receiver or expansion tank is needed. There are compressors in which such a tank is already built.

Airbrush paints

Airbrushes have a small outlet (0.3 mm, no more), which is why liquid paints are needed for spraying. The easiest way to do this is to use mixtures in bottles with a pipette, but you can work with other types of dyes, having previously diluted them in water.

Acrylic solutions are best suited for work, forming a durable waterproof film after drying. They dry quickly and do not change color; paper does not warp when used.

Any paints can be used for the airbrush, it is necessary only after work with a strong solvent to remove traces of their use. Oily - must be diluted with turpentine before using in the instrument. They are suitable for obtaining images on canvas, ceramics, wood and glass. It is undesirable to paint with such paints on paper.

Textile dyes must be resistant to detergents and water used for washing, therefore, a fixative is used when applying them. The process of using such a working mixture, for example, when applied to a T-shirt, is the same as when applied to paper.

Enamel paints contain strong solvents, with their help it is best to apply drawings and backgrounds to models, toys and any plastic and non-porous objects, metals. It is best to use a spray gun to spray them when painting the surface in one color.

The color of the paint depends on the pigment and the binder. Liquid watercolors, aniline and textile mixtures - transparent, enamel and oil - opaque. Acrylic paints can be both transparent and opaque. They allow you to get very clear and high quality images. Transparent materials provide the ability to increase the saturation of colors in successive layering.

Basics for applying paint coatings

The choice of base is determined by the type of work and the material used. For illustrations, works that require the display of a large number of details, it is necessary to use smooth paper, for more simple drawings you can use a coarser one.

It is very simple to check the quality of the paper - you need to look at it in the light. If the surface of the sheet is smooth and even, then the paper is of high quality, tuberosity or other defects indicate its poor quality.

To carry out painting work, use a canvas stretched over a frame or glued onto cardboard. Great for fine arts with airbrush smooth surface wooden products... The same applies to metal, plastic, ceramic surfaces.

Working with an airbrush, putting it into action

An airbrush is a sensitive and fragile device that can easily break down if used improperly. When working with it, you need to press the trigger lever lightly. Hold the airbrush in the same way as the brush.

The body is held by the thumb and middle finger, and you have to press the button with your index finger. This should be done smoothly, tilting it back or pressing on it until spraying begins. If you hold the airbrush incorrectly or press the trigger lever too hard, the product will simply flood with coloring matter.

Typically, airbrush colorants are sold in bottles with a pipette on the cap for easy refilling. Some paints will have to be diluted with water. After it is poured into the tank, it is necessary to mix it with a brush. If a paint mixture is to be used, it must be prepared separately to ensure that the desired color is obtained. You can move it to the airbrush tank with a brush.

Drawing dots allows you to gain experience in the practice of adjusting the ratio between the flows of paint and air, as well as in determining the distance to the surface on which the working mixture is applied. When drawing them, it is necessary to gradually move the trigger lever back and monitor the spray, depending on the amount of paint and the distance of the nozzle from the sheet. To draw straight and continuous lines, you need to work quickly so that the airbrush slides along the ruler without stopping at any points.

To depict the background, paint must be sprayed from a long distance. The airbrush should be kept away from the paper and the needle must be retracted to eject a large amount of mixture. A darker background is obtained by repeated spraying of the dye.

Constant contact with paint contaminates the parts of the airbrush. If they are not rinsed, the appliance will deteriorate. This should be done when changing the coloring composition and before use.

Painting the walls or hood of a car with an airbrush has been popular for a long time, but the tendency to use this technique of painting on nails is quite recent. With its help, you can easily make smooth transitions of shades, while any drawings have the thinnest layer.

What is airbrushing?

Making marigolds, during which the main tool is a special manicure airbrush, is called airbrushing. A special device sprays paint with an adjustable intensity, and the drawing of pictures can be either direct or using a stencil.

A high-quality unit allows the nail art master to choose the thickness of the lines, so the drawings are realistic and voluminous, especially if the airbrush is in the hands of a real pro.

Varieties of airbrush

The pricing policy of special devices for spraying paints directly depends on the capabilities of the selected tool. Among the varieties of devices, there are simpler options or double ones. The difference in quality and cost is enormous.

Both one and the other cannot be used without additional tools and special materials. You can choose such accessories from a huge range of products and a variety of prices.

Materials and tools

Using an airbrush for nails is impossible without some additional accessories. Necessary materials and tools are not only paints, stencils, but also solvents, gun cleaning fluids.

Among the wide assortment of materials and tools, there are often not only fakes, but also simply low-quality products. It is worth approaching the choice responsibly, because the quality of the result obtained depends on it.

Paints and varnishes for artistic painting

It is naturally not possible to draw simply with air, so a set of paint is simply necessary. They are purchased more often with a set of the basic palette. These colors are good for the main background. Shades are often obtained by mixing several colors, but you can choose from color palettes if you wish.

Most of the paints are water-based. From this, they are well diluted and washed out of the airbrush. But there are also special varnishes, which include special compounds for better adhesion.

High-quality paint will not crumple, flow like water or, on the contrary, be excessively thick. If the pigment has such characteristics, it cannot be used in order to avoid damage to the airbrushing device.


They are simply necessary for creating various effects on nails, if there is no time for manual design or there is no drawing skills. Although stencils are often used by craftsmen who deliberately want to give the marigold some special design option. Among the stencils one can find disposable paper stickers (or made of film) and reusable ones.

Commonly used stencil options:

  • "Leopard" spots and other animalistic patterns;
  • geometric shapes (often used as a basis for subsequent design);
  • for a jacket,;
  • outlines of animals, plants, objects, monograms;
  • inscriptions, letters, symbols;
  • specific drawings (religious themes, subculture, etc.)

In almost all cases of using stencils, a contrast effect is used. This can manifest itself in shades (light-dark), colors.

Ready-made sets

The airbrush machine itself is a gun-like object that has a reservoir for liquid pigment, a spray nozzle, switches. In order for it to start "blowing out" the paint under pressure, you will have to purchase a separate special compressor. The work of the airbrush directly depends on its power. Some manufacturers provide an airbrush and a compressor at the same time, so you can find machines that come in kits. Connect the "gun" to the compressor using a hose through which air passes.

In addition to the complete set for the device, the all-inclusive set may include:

  • paints or varnishes;
  • stencils;
  • solvents and cleaning fluids;
  • a set of nozzles, needles, etc.

Depending on the configuration of the kit and the quality of the device itself, the cost of the kit can easily fluctuate several tens of times.

How to create airbrush drawings step by step

Like any coating, airbrush paint can be applied to natural nails, extended nails, or coated with gel polish. If the drawing by the apparatus will occur immediately on a natural nail, then its surface is prepared in the same way as for: a hardware or other manicure is done, the nail is polished. Artificial coatings do not need to be prepared in advance, the main thing is to remove the dispersion layer.

In order to easily remove the remnants of paint from the skin around the nail after artistic painting, it is worth applying oil for hands in advance to those areas where you need to protect the skin from paint. A greasy cream is also suitable. In this case, it is important not to touch the nail plate.

Do not be intimidated by this wonderful airbrushing machine, but practice more. If you have completed a training course in airbrushing techniques, then working with the device will not be special labor... If the theory is mastered independently, numerous trainings cannot be avoided. It is better to do this on training tips.

But in any case, the process of decorating nails with an airbrush is the same:

Apply the stencil tightly to the surface of the marigold. If it is not used, then the main drawing is applied in stages.

When using a large number of colors, it is worth using each one on all conceived marigolds in turn, and only then change the paint in the airbrush for subsequent drawing. If necessary, especially small details can be applied with a thin brush;

With a sufficient level of skill, both simple patterns and more sophisticated complex compositions or thematic drawings can be created on the nails.

Photo examples of complex compositions for painting:

The advantage of airbrushing is the realism of the created picture, as well as thin layer on the marigold.

Drawing ideas for manicure

Real nail design pros don't look at the clock when they paint their nails. Creation of original effects does not occur in one hour, usually masterpieces on nails appear over a longer time. Even the smallest idea requires careful work with the image to convey the idea. Therefore, this design method is not suitable for manicurists with a large number of clients per day.

The interaction of dark and light shades on one nail creates a more expressive effect, a certain volume. Therefore, combinations of dark and light are the most popular in order to use them in nail design.

Airbrushing in dark colors

Marigolds of any length can be transformed beyond recognition if decorated in dark shades. They can be used in the same color range as well as mix between primary and derivative monochrome tones.

Each car owner strives to distinguish his vehicle out of the crowd. In this regard, in recent years, such a type of tuning as airbrushing has been rapidly developing. Thanks to her, everyone can decorate their iron horse in accordance with their taste preferences, demonstrate their personal taste or lifestyle.

Beautiful airbrushing: lightning in the form of waves and smoke

What is airbrushing?

This is the art of applying various designs or paintings to any surface. Using this method, you can decorate the car body even when it is impossible to complete the drawing using ordinary artistic means.

Beginners most often cover only a small part of the hood or fenders of a car with a pattern. But over time, they want to improve their car further, so the area covered with drawings increases dramatically.

Before doing airbrushing, you need to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of doing the job in order to get high-quality tuning. It is recommended to contact only professional painters who have extensive experience in the industry.

They will be happy to demonstrate photos of the work they have already completed and even allow them to be present when drawing a picture on the body. This service is considered quite expensive, but trying to save money can only worsen appearance car (the drawing will have to be washed off and reapplied, or the car will have to be repainted altogether).

High-quality airbrushing, when the entire body of the car was decorated with a complex multicolored pattern, can be as expensive as the price of the car itself. And the master will apply such a drawing for at least a month.

If the car owner decided on tuning, the priority when choosing a master should be his professionalism, but not the cost of the work. If you want to save money, you can try to do airbrushing yourself. Some people with the desire to learn airbrushing soon become real pros and can open their own airbrushing business.

Types of airbrushing

The technique of drawing a picture will depend on many parameters: its complexity, details that need to be decorated, etc. There are two types of drawings:

  1. Monochrome (in this case, the main color of the car is chosen for the background, which should be in harmony with the pattern). Most often, this work is done with one or more colors that differ in contrast.
  2. Multicolor (you can use additional colors as a background, and the work itself is done with paints of several shades).

To choose the right drawing for airbrushing, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of such tuning and the style in which it can be performed. Masters who apply drawings to the body say that car owners practically do not think about the method of application, spending a lot of time choosing the sketch itself. Views:

  • Classic.

It is considered the most expensive method, but it guarantees high-quality drawing on the body using special nitro paints and an airbrush. What is an airbrush? This is a special device that allows you to more accurately apply paint to the painted surface.

When working with him, you need to be very careful and have some practical skills. The paints with which the drawing is made will not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and soon will not crack under the influence negative factors environment.

beautiful airbrushing: the night sky, in the process of work.

They are very resistant to wear and tear, so the car can be periodically polished without fear for the safety of the pattern. Most often, you need to select the image yourself and only after that the master using a special computer program develops a sketch (the choice of ready-made images is very limited).

This technique is suitable for those car owners who want to have an exclusive car and are willing to pay a lot of money for it. The quality of the work will largely depend on the professionalism of the master and the quality of the paints and varnishes with which he works.

  • Tapography.

This technology for applying airbrushing to a car involves pasting it with a special film on which the image was applied. The service life in this case will be much shorter than when applying a pattern to the body, since the film is highly susceptible to negative influences and may soon begin to peel off.

To get the drawing chosen by the customer, the photo is scanned and printed on film. This airbrushing has some advantages, because the film is very easy to remove and return the car to its original appearance.

If desired, you can paste over the body with a film with a different pattern. This method is very fast and economical (the cost is much lower than classical airbrushing); even a beginner can do it.

Airbrushing types differ greatly from each other and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is worth making a choice based on the personal preferences of the customer and the amount that the car owner is ready to pay for the work of the master.

Basic styles of airbrushing

Airbrushing. What it is? This is a special type of artistic surface painting that is becoming more and more popular among car owners. Often they want to convey some features of their character or lifestyle with the help of airbrushing.

beautiful airbrushing: ship (sailing ship)

Therefore, there are three main styles of airbrushing:

  1. Luminous. With the help of a special paint that has the ability to glow, the master creates gorgeous compositions. Everything here depends only on his professionalism, and if you have some experience and design skills, you can even create airbrushing with a double effect (during the day it will be a simple drawing, at night the paint will create a completely new picture). It is very difficult to make such a drawing, therefore the work of the master will be expensive and this style is suitable only for true connoisseurs of this type of tuning.
  2. Pseudo-aerography. For work, the master does not use paints and an airbrush, but vinyl wrap with an image already applied to it. Visually, this tuning practically does not differ from ordinary airbrushing, but it additionally protects the car body from paint fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and chips. You can remove the film at any time without damaging the paintwork of the car and, if the owner wishes, paste over the car with a film with a different pattern. Before applying airbrushing, the car body is carefully prepared and cleaned so that the film lies as tightly as possible and does not begin to peel off.
  3. Volumetric airbrushing. For work, the master uses not only different kinds airbrushes, but also performs the image in the 3D technique. This allows you to get a more voluminous and embossed pattern. Then it is varnished so that the colors become more saturated, and the drawing itself is "alive".

Airbrushing tools

First of all, you need to purchase an airbrush. If you don't need to build an airbrushing business, a beginner can purchase an inexpensive device with a set of replaceable nozzles. You will definitely need to buy a compressor and a special hose for it.

To make it easier to work, craftsmen use a special tripod and many additional tools that may be needed in the process. There are such types of airbrushes:

  • External spraying with a needle (Thanks to the air inside the device itself, pressure is created, thanks to it, the paint is sucked in). Its amount can be adjusted only after the spraying has been interrupted. They are used by experienced craftsmen and allow you to perform work on drawing a pattern more accurately.
  • External spraying without a needle (Its principle of operation is the same as a conventional spray gun, and since it does not have a needle, it is impossible to adjust the flow of paint or air. In most cases, it is used when there is a need to paint over a large area of ​​the body with one shade of paint).
  • Single-action airbrush (Its lever can only control the air supply).
  • Internal spraying with a needle (The paint is mixed with the air inside the airbrush, and the force of the paint ejection from the nozzle depends on the position of the needle itself).

Preparing the car for airbrushing

Beforehand, the machine must be thoroughly washed and all those parts that may interfere with the work of the master must be dismantled. Those parts of the body that will not be stained can be protected with a roll of polyethylene and masking tape.

beautiful airbrushing: a dragon on a car

The car is dried, then the foreman conducts an attentive visual inspection places where you want to apply the drawing. It should not have any flaws and defects, the surface must be leveled and degreased.

In addition to choosing a sketch, the owner of the car must also decide on the method of applying airbrushing, because this greatly affects the result of the work, the duration of its implementation, the quality of the drawing itself and its cost.

Airbrush in as soon as possible and at quite reasonable prices, you can use the technique of tapography. This method is suitable for those car owners who love variety, because the film with a picture is very easy to remove and stick on a new one.

If the customer wants to perform exclusive airbrushing, which will not be like that at all, it is necessary to use the services of a master who will perform the work with a special tool and nitro paints.

The drawing is applied to a previously prepared surface of the car, and then covered with a special varnish. When choosing a varnish in a spray can, you need to pay attention to its brand so as not to acquire a fake. Low-quality material can ruin the whole work, giving the airbrush a yellowish or blue tint.

The quality of the work in this case depends entirely on the professionalism of the master and compliance with all the subtleties technological process... Therefore, you need to choose a specialist carefully, because a garage master cannot guarantee a high-quality drawing on the body of a vehicle.

Airbrushing is considered not only a great way to stand out from the crowd, it can also help protect your car from theft. Such a vehicle is always remembered, so fraudsters prefer not to steal such bright cars that can be easily identified.

Additional care for airbrushing is not necessary, a well-made drawing can even be polished occasionally to give it an extra shine.

Various types of mechanical damage should be avoided, which can cause deformation of the body or chips of paintwork (since the cost of restoring a picture in case of damage is quite high). It is recommended to wipe the body only with a clean cloth so as not to leave scratches on the surface.


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