Contract for partial car wrapping with decorative film. Vinyl wrapping business. Features of the choice of premises

This is how we wrap taxi cars in accordance with GOST. This applies to those who received a taxi license in the Moscow region after February 10, 2017.

We wrap cars according to GOST. It means that MADI will not fine you for color, you won't get a fine for a dedicated lane, and they won't revoke your taxi license.

February 10, 2017 Amendments to the law on taxis in the Moscow Region:

  1. Roof lamp in orange.
  2. The main color of the car is white.
  3. Yellow reflective stripes 15-25 cm wide along the entire length of the body at least 10 cm from the side windows.
  4. Checkered belt.
  5. Dark gray stripes 15-25 cm wide, located from the lower border of the body, along the entire length of the side surfaces of the body, front and rear bumpers.

These amendments were aimed at bringing the MO taxi to uniformity and recognizability. However, government control over these innovations began only by the end of 2017.

On December 04, 2017, all official taxi fleets received a notification. In the notice, they were obliged to provide a photo report for each car for which a taxi license was obtained. If photographs are not submitted within 10 days of receipt, the department will suspend the taxi license.

Since the beginning of January 2019, the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure (MTDI) has already suspended over 500 permits(link to the news on the MTDI website). Now regular raids are carried out in Moscow and the region by the traffic police and the Ministry of Transport in order to identify violations on this topic.

In this regard, we offer car wrapping in accordance with GOST in several options:

Option number 1. Full pasting .

We apply yellow and gray reflective stripes on the entire board and a checkered taxi belt on the car.

The cost is 4,500 rubles. Working time 1 hour.

This sticker is suitable for those who work constantly.

Option number 2. Magnetic tape .

The magnetic yellow strip is removable. Consists of four elements on one side.
- Removable magnetic checker belt.
- The gray stripe on the bottom is non-removable. The vinyl film is glued to the car in a circle.

This service has become popular relatively recently, and the demand for it is constantly growing, especially in large cities where car owners have an above average income. If you have been wanting to organize own business in the automotive service industry Car wrapping is a great idea.

Car wrapping with vinyl is a promising business

Car Wrapping literally translates as car packaging. During the tightening procedure, the body or its individual elements are tightly wrapped with a vinyl film. It looks very impressive thanks to the texture of the film and the drawings on it, and the cost of the procedure will be cheaper than painting a car. The effect of the work done lasts from 5 to 7 years, provided that the film of well-known manufacturers is used. The color and texture of the films is very diverse, which makes it one of the main types of external car tuning, pushing the classic airbrushing into the background. And one more advantage - the vinyl can be easily removed in the workshop without harming the vehicle's paintwork.

What you need to organize such an activity:

Features of the choice of premises

Finding the right box is one of the main conditions successful work, because pasting with vinyl requires free space, cleanliness, a certain temperature regime. It's great if you can immediately buy a business premises inexpensively. Otherwise, you will have to pay a monthly fee for its rental, which can range from 22 to 35 thousand rubles. It's great if the workshop is located in a place where cars constantly pass - near the highway, near the car market or a huge parking lot. Thanks to this location, you can save a significant amount by avoiding unnecessary spending on advertising.

Ideal can be considered a room with an area of ​​at least 50-60 square meters. This space is enough to serve two cars at once. The optimal temperature regime in the box is 20-22 degrees. In winter, it will have to be supported with heaters. It is worth considering that the walls in the workshop must be painted, and the entrance to it must be equipped with a thermal curtain. Good lighting- one more nuance. For the agreed area of ​​the box, about forty fluorescent lamps will have to be purchased. An important factor in the selection of premises is the mains voltage of 380 volts. The wiring must withstand a large load during the simultaneous operation of heaters in winter and building hair dryers used to heat the film.

Vinyl tuning - what tools do you need for business?

Now you need to include in the list of investments and the cost of tools and high-quality raw materials. In the arsenal of workers involved in the application of vinyl film on cars, there are building hair dryers with an air heating power regulator, knives and squeegees. Such a set of tools will cost about 5-7 thousand rubles.

Before applying the film to the car body, the surface is carefully treated and degreased. All kinds of detergents, primers and degreasers - something that you can not do without. Monthly expenses for these needs will not exceed 3,000 rubles.

Vinyl film on a car is not only a raw material, but also a product that will bring about twenty percent of the workshop's profit. Vinyl prices vary significantly - from 400 to 3000 rubles per square meter of raw materials. By purchasing vinyl in bulk from authorized dealers, you insure yourself and your business against low-quality goods and extra spending.

Workshop workers

"Packing" the car with a vinyl film is usually carried out by two people. If you have mastered this species activities, then at first you can independently take part in customer service by taking an assistant. It is desirable that he had some experience in the service station.

Two people can easily handle two cars at the same time. Since the client himself often acts as a designer, it makes no sense to hire him. If the customer wants to see the layout of the updated car, he can turn to a third-party company for help. So, the cost of paying wages to employees will be from 30 to 60 thousand.

Advertising expenses

Important component successful business- an advertising company. Until word of mouth has started working, it is worth investing some money in it - order leaflets, posters, advertise in local newspapers. Do not neglect free classifieds boards.

Creating your own website is a great opportunity to announce your activities, as well as show examples of work. Website development will not cost that much - from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles, but you should be prepared for monthly investments in its promotion, which will be about 4,000-10,000 rubles.

Expected profit and payback period

Everyone who decides to create a Car Wrapping business tries to calculate the expected monthly profit as accurately as possible. How profitable is the business of car wrapping? Considering that it will take 3 days to wrap one car, and you can service two vehicles at the same time, then within a month it is realistic to tune 20 cars. However, not all customers order a full car cover, so we will only take 10 full wraps into account.

For one order, the consumption of vinyl will be 25 square meters, the average price of which will be 1000 rubles. This means that the cost of raw materials for 1 car is 25,000. Do not forget that the markup on the sale of vinyl to a client is 20 percent, and this is 5,000 profits. The cost of covering the car will cost the customer the same as the vinyl film itself - 25-30 thousand rubles.

It turns out that from one full order you can earn an average of 30,000. We multiply this amount by 10 orders, we get 300 thousand monthly. From this revenue we subtract current expenses– box rental (30000), electricity (3000), advertising (5000-6000), wages personnel (40000-60000), as well as the purchase of tools for body treatment (3000-5000). As a result, we get a net profit of 196,000. Considering that the initial one-time investment in this business are about 150,000, then its payback period can be considered small - 2-3 months.

CONTRACT № ____ Moscow Place to enter the date. , further on the person (position) (full name) on the basis of (document name: protocol, decision) No. in accordance with, on the one hand, responsibility, person (position) (full name) on the basis of (document name: protocol , decision) No. in accordance with the Articles of Association, on the other hand have hereby concluded as follows: hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", in, acting (s) on from "" d. and in and limited company hereinafter referred to as the Contractor in, acting (s) on from " " r. and to the agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. The Contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the Customer, to perform the following work with the Customer's things: - develop and agree on a design layout for pasting the Customer's things; - pasting the Customer's item, in accordance with the approved design layout, by sticking a PVC film on the surfaces approved by the parties. hand over its result to the Customer, and the Customer undertakes to accept the result of the work and pay for it. 1.1.1. Description of the things provided by the Customer for the performance of work: - car brand model ________ body number ____________ - car brand model ________ body number ____________ total: _____________ 1.1.2. The Customer is obliged, at the request of the Contractor, to provide things for the performance of pasting work within the time agreed by the parties, but no later than the expiration date of the contract. 1.1.3. The customer is obliged to provide things subject to the following conditions: - the height of the thing must be no more than 3.3 m, otherwise it is required to sign an additional agreement with the agreement additional conditions carrying out works of increased complexity; - surfaces intended for pasting should not have any contamination, deformations not provided for by the design of the thing, and should be suitable for pasting; - the surfaces of things intended for gluing must be provided in the configuration declared by the manufacturer. 1.1.4. The customer guarantees that he has the right of ownership, or other real right to the things provided under this Agreement, or by the consent of the owner, allowing him to transfer, are his property, or he is authorized by the owner to carry out work on pasting these things. 1.2. The contractor performs the work at the location Select the element at: ________________________________ 1.2.1. Mandatory requirements for the place of work: - work must be carried out in a room suitable for pasting things; - the room should be lit; - access to the thing being processed must be provided from 1 m on each side; - the air temperature in the room must be at least +18 C; - the room must be equipped with electrical sockets 220V; - the room must be clean - at the time of pasting work, there must be no parallel work in the room that could impede the work of the Contractor, including welding, polishing, etc. 2. Quality of work 2.1. The quality of the work performed must comply with the mandatory requirements established by the Agreement. 2.1.1. The work is considered to be of high quality if the flaws of the work are indistinguishable to the naked eye from a distance of more than 1.5 meters. The customer accepts that as a result of the work technology used, pasting defects caused by objective physical factors (manifestation of surface color irregularities, item scratches, sand grains under the film, etc.) may appear. 2.1.2. The customer has the right to make claims if the planned colors of materials for pasting do not match with the actual ones only if there is a color proof. Claims for the quality of color printing will not be accepted without a color proof. page 1 of 7 Contract No. ____ 2.2. Guarantee period . 2.2.1. The parties agreed on a 1-year warranty period for the result of the work. 2.2.2. The warranty period for works with a full-color image without lamination is 24 hours. 2.2.3. The warranty period is calculated from the moment when, under the terms of the Agreement, the result of the work performed is accepted or must be accepted by the Customer. 2.2.4. The warranty period is extended for the period during which the Customer could not use the result of the work due to defects found in it, provided that the Contractor was notified in writing by the Customer of the discovery of defects within 3 days. 2.2.5. The guarantee of the quality of work does not apply to: - pasting of bumpers, handles, mirrors, thresholds, moldings, car windows; - damage caused by the fault of the Customer (poor-quality washing, other work with the car related to pasted parts, for example, installing a tee park on a pasted bumper, dismantling a car for soundproofing, etc. works) or due to emergency or force majeure circumstances (accident, hail , fire, vandalism, exposure to chemicals, etc.), damaged by corrosion and unpainted after restoring the surface with putty. 2.2.6. The Contractor shall not be liable for the peeling of paint or putty from the metal surface of the body, if this paint or putty is not applied by the Contractor himself. 2.2.6. In the event that the Customer presents a requirement for the free elimination of shortcomings in the work performed in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 723 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, they must be eliminated by the Contractor within the period specified in the Customer's requirement, if this period is reasonable. If the deadline for eliminating deficiencies is not set by the Customer, they must be eliminated within a reasonable time from the receipt of the Customer's request. 2.2.7. The warranty is terminated early if the Customer attempts to independently eliminate defects without the consent of the Contractor or with a delay in informing the Contractor of more than 3 (three) days in the event of a defect. 2.2.8. A guarantee for the work is not issued if the Customer fails to comply with the requirements of clause 1.1.3, clause 1.2.1 of the Agreement, which is noted in the act of acceptance and transfer of the thing for pasting work. 2.2.9. The customer is informed that surfaces with a drop (recesses) require technological cuts after laying for even shrinkage of the film. In the event that the Customer refuses to cut, the guarantee for lifting (bloating) of the film in the recesses does not apply. Refusal to cut is recorded in the act of acceptance and transfer of work performed. The Customer is notified and accepts that as a result of cutting into the Customer's things, defects may occur in the form of scratches and chips in the coating of the surfaces of the thing. 2.2.10. The Customer undertakes to provide, and the Contractor undertakes to accept the glued item for control washing and warranty inspection within 7 days from the date of acceptance of the item, but no later than 15 days from the date of acceptance of the work performed. In case of non-fulfillment of the specified obligation, the Contractor has the right to refuse to provide warranty repairs and to eliminate the shortcomings that have subsequently arisen free of charge. 2.2.11. In the case of ordering an author's design, in accordance with the terms of clause 3.14 of the Agreement, the Customer receives an additional guarantee, for the period specified in clause 2.2.1 of the Agreement, in the form of free work to eliminate any defects, including those arising through the fault of the Customer , with the condition of payment for the material for the performance of work. 2.2.12. Additional warranty conditions for work and materials used when pasting the Customer's thing, which is a motor vehicle, are specified in the Appendix to the Agreement. The specified appendix is ​​an integral part of this agreement and is mandatory for signing by the parties only if the Customer's thing provided for pasting under this Agreement is a motor vehicle. 3. Design layout 3.1. The Contractor, on the instructions of the Customer, undertakes to develop a design layout for pasting the Customer's things, and the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for its production in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3.2. The Order of the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the Order) is drawn up on hard copy and approved by the signatures of the parties. The task is an integral part of the Agreement. 3.3. The Contractor performs work on the creation of a design layout in the following order: - formation of the Task by collecting the necessary information - up to 7 days from the date of conclusion of the Contract. The generated Assignment is signed by the parties at a direct meeting of the representatives of the parties, or sent to in electronic format to the Customer's e-mail box (hereinafter referred to as the Customer's mailbox) specified in this Agreement. The Customer prints, signs, scans the Assignment with his signature and sends it to the Contractor's e-mail box (hereinafter the Contractor's mailbox) specified in this Agreement. The parties have established that the signed electronic copies documents are valid until they are replaced by originals. Replacing copies of the Assignment with the originals takes place no later than the signing of the acceptance certificate for the transfer of the work performed on pasting the Customer's things. page 2 of 7 Contract No. ____ - development of preliminary sketches - up to 15 days from the date of approval of the Assignment. Preliminary sketches are approved by sending them to the Customer's mailbox. If the Customer does not provide comments on the preliminary sketch within 2 days, the preliminary sketch is considered agreed. If the Customer provides comments on the preliminary sketches, the Contractor is obliged to correct the preliminary sketches within 15 days, taking into account the Customer's comments. - development of sketches - up to 15 days from the date of approval of preliminary sketches. The developed sketches are sent to the Customer's mailbox. The customer either approves the sketches or sends his comments on the sketches within 2 days. If the Customer does not receive a response to the Contractor's mailbox within the specified period, the sketches are considered agreed, and the work on their implementation is accepted. If comments are received from the Customer, taking into account clause 3.4. of the Agreement, the Contractor is obliged to take them into account and carry out work to correct the sketches within up to 10 days. If the Customer makes significant changes to the sketches, in accordance with clause 3.4. of the Agreement, the Contractor, within 2 days from the date of receipt of additional payment for significant changes, the Contractor begins work on the implementation of the changes from the stage of development of preliminary sketches. - signing the design layout - up to 4 days from the moment the sketches are approved. The Contractor prints out the design layout, signs it, scans it, and sends the signed electronic copy to the Customer's mailbox. The Customer prints out the design layout, signs it, scans it and sends the signed electronic copy to the Contractor's mailbox. The parties have established that signed electronic copies of documents are legally valid until they are replaced by originals. Replacing copies of the Assignment and the design layout with the originals takes place no later than the signing of the acceptance certificate for the transfer of the work performed on pasting the Customer's things. The documents referred to in this paragraph may be signed by the parties on paper immediately at the time of their preparation. In this case, electronic copies of documents may not be sent. 3.4. The Customer has the right to make minor changes or edits to the Task or sketches. The specified changes and changes must be described clearly, in detail and reasoned, otherwise the Contractor has the right to refuse to make changes. 3.5. In the event that significant changes are made to the Task at the initiative of the Customer, the Customer shall pay the fee provided for in clause 6.1. agreements again. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to the stage of work on the creation of preliminary sketches. 3.6. A significant change in the Task is a change in the theme of the sketch, a change that entails a change in the technology of manufacturing materials and pasting, a change in the style of the design layout. 3.7. The design layout must contain the date and place of signing, the details of the Customer's thing, the cost of pasting work, graphic image and the layout of individual elements, an indication of this Agreement. 3.8. The design layout approved by the Customer is an integral part of this Agreement. 3.9. The Contractor has the right to place over the drawing, or in any other place on the Customer's things, an indication that the work was carried out by the Contractor, in the form of an Internet site address: or the inscription "stylingby" in the style chosen by the Contractor. The size of this indication must not exceed an area of ​​0.02 m2 on each side of the thing. If the size of the indication is more than 0.2 m2, and it is placed on the windshield and rear glass of the customer's belongings, if this thing is a motor vehicle, the Customer is entitled to a discount from the cost of work under this contract in the amount of: 30%. 3.10. All exclusive rights to images, design layout and other graphic elements belong to the Contractor and are transferred to the Customer on the basis of a perpetual non-exclusive license. The customer is not entitled to transfer these rights to third parties, as well as to change, use the design layout for pasting other things that are not specified in this agreement, owned by the customer or third parties. 3.11. In case of violation of the rules specified in clause 3.3. of the Agreement, the Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor a fine in the amount of three times the cost of the design, and compensate for the lost profit in the amount of the cost of services under this agreement. 3.12. The Customer undertakes to cooperate in the process of making a design layout by providing comments and explanations, as well as the information necessary for developing a design layout, at the request of the Contractor sent to the Customer's mailbox. The Customer undertakes to send the specified comments and explanations to the Contractor's mailbox. 3.13. If, according to the Order of the Customer, the design layout includes a logo, the Customer is obliged to present it in curves (in *.eps or *.cdr format, grouped by colors) if required by the design assignment. If the logo is not provided in curves, the Contractor draws it independently. The cost of the works specified in this paragraph is 7000 rubles, which are paid by the Customer separately on the general terms of this Agreement. page 3 of 7 Contract No. ____ 3.14. On the instructions of the Customer, the Contractor can develop a design layout with a complex author's design. What is noted in the Assignment. 4. Production of materials. 4.1. Within 5 days from the date of receipt of the advance payment provided for in clause 6.4. of the Agreement, the Contractor sends the design layout to the printing house of his own choice to receive materials intended for pasting the Customer's things. 4.2. The contractor is obliged to produce and provide materials no later than 40 days from the date of approval of the design layout. 4.3. The cost of production of materials is included in the cost of work under this contract. 5. Performance of pasting works 5.1. After the materials for pasting the Customer's things are produced, the Contractor undertakes to agree on a specific time for the pasting of the Customer's things by sending an application to the Customer's mailbox, but no later than 30 days from the date of manufacture of the materials for pasting. 5.2. The contractor undertakes to provide all materials and equipment necessary for the performance of the work. 5.3. The Customer undertakes to provide the Contractor within the agreed period of time with the thing for pasting work in the place agreed by the parties. If the Customer fails to fulfill the specified obligation, the Contractor has the right to demand an extension of the deadlines for the performance of work and an increase in the price of work specified in the Contract by 25% of the agreed price of work. In cases where the execution of work under the Contract has become impossible due to the actions or omissions of the Customer, the Contractor retains the right to receive payment according to the price specified in the Contract, taking into account the work performed. 5.4. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the thing transferred for processing and other property provided by the Customer shall be borne by the Customer. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to materials, equipment and other property provided by the Contractor shall be borne by the Contractor. If the Customer has delayed the obligation to provide the thing for gluing by more than 2 weeks, the risk of accidental loss of materials passes to the Customer. 5.5. The Contractor has the right to involve other subcontractors in the performance of its obligations under the Contract. 5.6. The Contractor shall be liable for the non-safety of the thing transferred for processing or other property of the Customer, which was in the possession of the Contractor in connection with the execution of the Contract. 5.7. The Contractor has the right not to start work, but to suspend the work begun in cases where the Customer’s violation of obligations under the Contract, in particular the failure to provide the item to be processed, prevents the Contractor from fulfilling the Contract, and also in the presence of circumstances that clearly indicate that these obligations will not be performed within the prescribed period (Article 328 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). 5.8. The customer is notified and accepts the fact that in the places of the protruding parts of the body, during application, the film will be technologically cut off. These locations include, but are not limited to: trucks : framing corners along the contour of the body, “heel pads” of the rear doors, an information plate with the body number, rear door fasteners, nameplates. - for minibuses: mechanical skids, door handles, rubber bands around windows, nameplates. - for passenger cars: door handles, rubber bands around windows, nameplates. 5.9. If the work on gluing the Customer's belongings is carried out on the territory of the Customer, the Customer undertakes to provide free access for the Contractor's employees, as well as free movement of the equipment necessary to fulfill obligations under this Agreement. 6. Price of work and payment procedure 6.1. The price of work on the development of a design layout specified in clause 3.1. of the Agreement, is agreed by the parties in the Task for the production of a design layout. 6.2. The price of works on pasting the Customer's things is agreed by the parties in the design layout at the time of its approval. 6.3. The Customer has the right to apply to the Contractor with a request to fulfill an urgent order. An urgent order is the production of materials for gluing within two working days after the approval of the layout and gluing the Customer's item on the next business day or one day after the production of the layout. At the same time, page 4 of 7 Contract Agreement No. ____ of the Contractor, when fulfilling an urgent order, has the right to demand from the Customer double payment from the price of work and materials established by the parties 6.4. The Customer undertakes to pay for the development of a design layout within 2 working days from the date of approval of the Task. 6.5. The customer undertakes to pay for the pasting of things, in the amount of 70% of the amount approved in the design layout within 2 days from the moment the design layout is approved. The remaining amount of 30% is payable within 2 days from the date of signing the acceptance certificate for the transfer of the completed pasting work. 6.6. The price of the work is approximate. Without agreement with the Customer, an insignificant excess of the price of work is allowed due to additional work or an increase in the cost of materials and equipment provided by the Contractor, as well as services provided to the latter by third parties. A significant excess of the price of the work is allowed only with the written consent of the Customer. An excess of the work price specified in the Contract by more than 25% is considered significant. The work acceptance certificate is considered the Customer's consent to exceed the work price only if the following conditions are met: - the reason for the excess is reflected in the act; - the act was signed by the Customer without comments on the volume, quality of work and the amount of excess. 6.7. Settlements under the Agreement can be made in the following ways: - by depositing cash Money Contractor; - payment orders. 6.8. The Customer's obligation to pay is considered fulfilled at the moment the funds are credited to the correspondent account of the Contractor's bank or the Customer pays the funds directly to the Contractor. 7. Acceptance of work performed 7.1. The Contractor notifies the Customer in person, by phone or by sending a notice to the Customer's mailbox, of the completion of the work and readiness to accept it. The Parties agreed that in order to confirm the fact of sending a notification of acceptance of the result of work, it is sufficient for the Contractor to provide a printout of the Contractor's calls to the Customer's number specified in this Agreement, or a notarized protocol of inspection of the Contractor's mailbox. 7.2. The Customer is obliged, with the participation of the Contractor, to inspect and accept the work performed (its result), and if any deviations from the Contract are found that worsen the result of the work, or other shortcomings in the work, immediately report this to the Contractor. 7.3. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the result of the work performed before its acceptance is borne by the Customer. 7.4. If the work on pasting things is carried out at the place of the Contractor, the Customer is obliged to pay the Contractor excess downtime at the rate of 50 rubles per hour, starting from 25 hours from the moment the Customer is notified of the need to accept the work performed. This obligation does not apply to cases when the thing is in the place of the Contractor in excess of the standard due to his fault. 7.5. The customer is not entitled to refer to obvious shortcomings after the acceptance of work on gluing the thing provided for in this Agreement. 8. Liability of the parties 8.1. Losses caused by the Contractor shall be reimbursed in an amount not exceeding the cost of providing services under this Agreement. 8.2. In the event of a delay by the Customer in the transfer of the thing for the Contractor to perform the work provided for by the contract, the Contractor has the right to demand from the Customer a penalty in the amount of 4,780 rubles. for each hour of downtime of each representative of the Contractor, starting from 20 min. from the moment the representatives of the Contractor arrive until the actual fulfillment by the Customer of his obligation to provide things for the performance of work by the Contractor. At the same time, the downtime is more than 20 minutes. each subsequent hour is rounded up to a full hour. Downtime less than 20 min. every next hour is not paid. The specified penalty applies to cases when the representatives of the Contractor actually arrived at the place of execution of the contract, determined by the Customer. 8.3. Payment of a penalty by the Customer. 8.3.1. In case of delay in payment for the work performed, the Contractor has the right to demand payment by the Customer of a penalty in the amount of 3% of the amount owed for each day of delay. page 5 of 7 Contract No. ____ 8.3.2. In case of delay in providing the item to be processed by the Customer, the Contractor shall be entitled to demand payment of a penalty in the amount of 3% of the price of the work for each day of delay. 8.3.3. In case of evasion from acceptance of the work performed, the Contractor has the right to demand payment by the Customer of a fine in the amount of the contract price. 8.4. The Contractor has the right to demand the recovery of losses from the Customer in the full amount in excess of the penalty (penalty). 8.5. In the event of incorrect information provided by the Customer about the surface of the body (the condition of the body does not allow the image to be correctly applied and/or a rigid body is provided instead of a tarpaulin, or instead of a designated rigid body - a tarpaulin), upon agreement between the Customer and the Contractor, one of the following decisions is made: on the car, while warranty obligations The contractor is terminated. - The customer pays for the re-production of the correct products; previously manufactured, through the fault of the Customer, incorrect products, the Customer takes away independently. 9. Modification and termination of the contract 9.1. The Parties have the right to change or terminate the Agreement at any time by mutual agreement. 9.2. The customer is not entitled to unilaterally refuse to perform the Agreement in accordance with Art. 717 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 10. Dispute Resolution 10.1. Claim procedure for resolving disputes 10.1.1. Before filing a claim arising from the Agreement, the party that considers that its rights have been violated (hereinafter referred to as the interested party) is obliged to send a written claim to the other party. 10.1.2. The claim must contain the requirements of the interested party and their justification, indicating the norms of the law and (or) the terms of the Agreement violated by the other party. Copies of documents confirming the circumstances set forth in it must be attached to the claim. 10.1.3. The party that received the claim is obliged to consider it and send a written reasoned response to the other party within the Select element days. 10.1.4. In case of non-receipt of an answer within the specified period or disagreement with the answer, the interested party has the right to apply to the court. 10.2. The claim arising from this Agreement is presented to the arbitration court in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction provided for by law. 11. Final provisions 11.1. The Agreement enters into force and becomes binding on the parties from the moment of its conclusion and is valid until the Place for entering the date. 11.2. All annexes to the Agreement are its integral part. 11.3. In order to receive notification in a timely manner, the parties undertake to check their own mailboxes at least once a day from 8 am to 6 pm. 11.4. In the event that the customer is individual acquiring works for personal, family and other needs not related to entrepreneurial activity, and the relationship between the Customer and the Contractor is subject to the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the conditions that do not comply with or directly contradict the requirements of this law are void. In this case, the requirements of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and other legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection apply. Page 6 of 7 Contract No. ____ 12. Customer Addresses and details of the parties Contractor Limited Liability Company Location: Name: Location: Postal address: Postal address: Phone Phone Fax Fax E-mail OGRN TIN KPP R / s to C / s BIC on behalf of the Customer: (position) (signature) / (full name) M.P. / E-mail OGRN TIN KPP R / s in C / s BIC on behalf of the Contractor: (position) (signature) / (full name) M.P. page 7 of 7 /

Many have long dreamed of starting their own business. But, in order to start the first steps in this difficult path, sometimes there is no competent idea, determination and start-up capital. Your attention is invited to Car Wrapping. Behind this combination of words lies a completely understandable procedure.

Translated from of English language, "wrapping" means wrapping. Car Wrapping is wrapping a car in a vinyl film. This is a less expensive way to update the appearance of the car than traditional painting.

For example, the cost of matte painting is from 60 thousand rubles, while the “wrap” will cost an order of magnitude cheaper - 45 thousand rubles. The effect of Car Wrapping is often more colorful due to the texture and pattern of the coating. This kind of film can keep proper appearance for 7 years.

In order to open this kind of business, it is necessary to register at the first stage individual entrepreneur for VAT. When passing the registration procedure, In the Species Classifier economic activity you must specify " Maintenance cars."

At first, you will need a rented room (which is in good condition), supplies, a set of tools, as well as a small mass media campaign. In this case, unit costs can range from 90 to 110 thousand rubles.

Suppose you already have all of the above, the next step is to conduct general cleaning, as well as cosmetic repairs (painting the walls, ceiling and floor with water-repellent paint). The entrance to the box must be closed with a thermal curtain.

This is the cheapest method of getting rid of dust. Quality lighting also plays an important role. To do this, it is necessary to use fluorescent lamps, which should be located on the ceiling and walls. The optimal number is up to 40. In some workshops, such devices are compensated by the use of spotlights.

To ensure that tools and materials are always at hand, it is recommended to install several conventional shelving. In the end, the cost of preparing the working premises will cost approximately 30 thousand rubles. In the future, cleaning should take place regularly. It is not necessary to decorate the box, but if regalia appear in the process of work, then why not brag about them.

The list of necessary tools includes industrial hair dryers, knives and squeegees (a special tool that removes pimples when applying the film). key element here is a hair dryer, which must have a temperature regulator and dissipate currents of warm air. A hair dryer worth 2 thousand rubles is enough for a year of trouble-free operation.

A set of other tools will cost approximately 3 thousand rubles. In addition, do not forget about the special tools needed to prepare the surface on which the film will be applied (primers and degreasers). All this can be purchased at specialized hardware stores.

Monthly for the purchase of consumables, implementation preventive work, electricity will go a little more than 3 thousand rubles. This figure was taken based on the execution of 10 orders.

The key material in this case is the film itself. Vinyl or polyurethane film is not a common consumable, but the products that the workshop sells to the consumer with some extra charge. The wrapping should be approximately 20% of the cost of raw materials. It is optimal to use a film of well-known manufacturers.

Materials from American, British, Italian, French and Japanese companies are not only an order of magnitude better than their Chinese and Korean counterparts, but are also available in a richer assortment. Their cost is higher, respectively, more can be squeezed out of them.

Price for 1 sq. m of film can vary between 300-3000 rubles. For 300 rubles, you can buy the most common glossy or matte finish, for a textured carbon-like finish you will have to pay from 1000 to 1500 rubles. The cost of a film for gold or chrome starts at 2,000 rubles. It is optimal to purchase film from official dealers and representatives.

Chrome film costs from 2000 rubles per 1 sq. m.

Future staff

The work is carried out in several stages - order formation, installation and dismantling of removable elements (side mirrors, door handles, etc.), surface preparation, film sticker. The formation of the order is assigned to the manager, whose role is performed, as a rule, by the owner.

To work with removable elements, a mechanic is needed, to apply the film - a gluer with an assistant. In fact, two people can handle this, since the operations have a clear sequence, respectively, the number of employees does not affect the speed of the order in any way.

There is no strict need for a designer, since it is the customer himself, otherwise the design is developed by a third-party company, the payment for whose services the client undertakes. The cost of creating a layout ranges from 1000 to 5000 rubles.

Assembly and disassembly of the car frame does not require serious qualifications; even an experienced motorist can perform these procedures. In state educational institutions there is no training for specialists in working with automotive film. All the subtleties are studied in private courses. The minimum course of study is 3 days, its cost is 25 thousand rubles.

Owner similar business can either master the profession of a paster himself, or find a third-party master and pay him a salary. In addition, it will probably be necessary to share income with the paster, since the cost of work is almost always linked to the cost of consumables. In such a situation, the employee unwittingly becomes a partner who gets almost half of the profits.

Future prospects

When the business becomes popular, you can offer an additional range of services. Recently, vinylography is beginning to enjoy serious popularity - applying a pattern that is printed on a vinyl film to the smooth surfaces of a car body. Additional services should also include car polishing.

Stages of work on the machine - duration 2 - 3 days

Room selection

Theoretically, you can organize your own workshop in an ordinary garage, but practice shows that this is quite difficult to do. Residents of nearby houses will not be particularly delighted with your activities if the garage is located in a residential area, or neighbors in the garage cooperative will show their dissatisfaction.

Pasting the film requires a lot of space, which is not so much in a regular garage. In addition, during technological process, dust and moisture should not get on the car body. Therefore, working in the open air is fraught not only with discontent, but also with marriage.

For a comfortable organization, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be at least 60 square meters. m. This will be enough to accommodate two cars at once, and the masters will be provided with hassle-free access to all areas. In addition, there is a place for storing consumables.

The room is equipped simply. It is optimal that the electricity voltage be 380 V, since large amounts of electricity are needed for hair dryers and lighting. The presence of sewerage and water supply will only be a plus. Business is better organized in large cities, due to the presence of more transport, but in the provinces you can also find a clientele.

If you approach the location of the premises in terms of marketing, then there are no clear priorities. For customers, there is not much difference whether it takes 10 minutes or an hour to get to a one-time service.

Therefore, when choosing a box, first of all, you should focus on its rental value. True, in places where there is a congestion of motorists, they are more preferable (garages, car markets, gas stations, etc.), since the workshop will immediately fall into the attention of potential customers.

What benefits can be obtained

Order fulfillment takes 2-3 days. However, it is necessary to take into account the period of the year (in winter, one additional day must be allocated). During this time, two cars can be “wrapped”. While one car is being cleaned, the second can be wrapped.

While the wrapped car is in the sump, the film is applied to the second car. In this case, it is possible to wrap about 10-30 cars per month. Some clients order full body wraps, while others order individual body components. Therefore, when calculating the profit, we will take 10 “full” orders.

The consumption of raw materials directly depends on the class of the car and the specific components to be pasted. In our case, we will focus on full "wrappling", which requires an average of 25 square meters. m. film. The cost of the film is about 500 and 1000 rubles per 1 sq. m., respectively.

On average, it comes out to 700 rubles per “square”, we add 20% of the markup here (140 rubles) and at the output we get the total cost of the film, which will go to cover the entire car - 3500 rubles.

The cost of the work is the same as the cost of the material to the client - 21 thousand rubles. Thus, you can earn 24.5 thousand rubles on one car, and 245 thousand rubles per month.

Do not forget that monthly expenses are deducted from this amount - box rental (22 thousand rubles), money for advertising campaign(6.5 thousand rubles), electricity (3.5 thousand rubles). If you don’t want to mess with the film yourself, then we add here the salary of two masters - 30 thousand rubles.

The total net profit is 183 thousand rubles. A similar profit can be obtained after six months of work.

Gaining customer trust

Vinyl tuning cannot be called a cheap pleasure. Such a cosmetic operation occurs once every few years, sometimes once in a lifetime. Consequently, the war for customers will go on constantly.

Given the unprecedented growth information technologies, most effective method promotion is a web resource. On the site you can place a price list, contacts, as well as additionally various informative articles on rapping and portfolio. In this case, it is additionally necessary to create workshop pages in popular in social networks.

The cost of website development ranges from 3000-25000 rubles. Additionally, you will need to spend from 3 to 10 thousand rubles for monthly promotion, as well as for updating information on social networks. Of course, you can do all this yourself, but by outsourcing, you are guaranteed to get a high-quality result.

When you are well promoted, you will need to take part in various automotive events - exhibitions, etc. Therefore, you should always be prepared for unexpected expenses.

At first, when the company is still little known, the main key to success will be the cost of the service. Various discounts will become weighty arguments in favor of choosing a workshop, and will also allow you to work in a plus. It is optimal to bonus program lasted for 6 months. Such actions are especially relevant in the winter period, when the demand for this service is seriously falling.

In addition to cost, customers can be lured by the speed of work. For example, chrome plating of the body should be carried out in the same time frame as the usual pasting with a film, that is, in three days. As bonuses, you can offer a number of additional services– Tinted headlights translucent film.


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