Order a statement with an enhanced digital signature. An extract with an electronic signature. What does the law say about the discharge of egryul with eds

A certificate from the Unified State Register is a document that contains all the information about a registered organization. It is needed for notarization of documents legal entity, for banking operations, participation in tenders or court, for the conclusion of transactions. The tax inspectorate issues such extracts upon personal contact with the department. A faster and easier white paper can be obtained at. Below is how to issue a statement in a few minutes.

Making a statement via the Internet

The official website of the Federal Tax Service nalog.ru has information and services for convenient communication with the tax authorities. Here it is possible for ordinary citizens, individual entrepreneur, legal entity. After registration, the user sees his tax accruals, debts to the budget, can pay his bills online. Also, through the cabinet, you can correspond with the tax inspectorate, get advice, ask questions of interest.

The portal is especially convenient for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The accounts of these categories of taxpayers are created for quick and convenient interaction with the Federal Tax Service. One of the most popular features of the site is the issuance of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. For legal entities, such a document may be needed at any time; without it, it is difficult for the owner of the organization to prove their property rights.

An extract is:

  • official - this is the one that is issued only by the tax. A document in the form of stitched numbered sheets, certified by the tax stamp;
  • e is one that can be obtained remotely. It contains general information about the enterprise, which are available to everyone. Confirmed electronic signature tax, endowed with the same legal force as the paper counterpart.

Only the electronic version can be obtained from the Tax Office. It can also be printed on paper. Such a document is of interest to those companies that want to verify information about counterparties or potential partners in order to eliminate risks.

The statement is formed as follows:

  1. We go to the FTS website.
  2. If the portal already has a personal account, it's simple. If account not yet, we create it. It should be noted right away that such an account only provides for the receipt of extracts from the Unified Register. To use all the features of the site, you need.
  3. On the main page we find the section "All services", go to it.
  1. A list of all electronic services FTS. There is a necessary section among them.

  1. Click on the link. If there is no account, a login block will appear. There is a registration link under it. Click on it.

  1. In the registration card, fill in all the fields, TIN and patronymic is optional.

  1. Click the "Continue" button. An activation link will be sent to the specified mail, click on it. Automatically it transfers to the request page, click "Submit new". Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities through your personal account is even easier, the request page will appear immediately after going through all the services.

  1. Next, in the appropriate field, enter the TIN of the legal entity or OGRN. Click on "Generate a request".

After that, it remains only to wait for the document to be generated. The process usually takes 2-5 minutes, to check it is better to periodically refresh the page. If the certificate does not appear within 24 hours, you need to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities again. When the document is ready, a link to it will appear in the report.

The document is generated as a PDF file. To view or transfer to electronic media, you just need to click on the link. Also, such a document can be printed if you need a paper statement. Here you will find complete general information about the company, its branches, and the owner. The document does not contain any data that could be used by attackers.

On the last page of the file there is a note that the document is certified by a strengthened qualified signature of the Federal Tax Service. Using the described algorithm, you can get information about a personal organization or about an enterprise of competitors / partners / suppliers.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the personal account is no different from the paper version and is endowed with the same legal significance. When contacting the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate in person, you need to pay 200-400 rubles for such a certificate, depending on the urgency. It is much easier and faster to do this via the Internet, and you do not need to pay a fee to receive an electronic statement. Now you know how to do it.

General information on the procedure for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the amount of state duty

  1. When directly contacting the tax authorities.
  2. At the MFC.
  3. By using information portal state services, which describes in detail the procedure for obtaining an extract and there is a link to the website of the Federal Tax Service, which provides the relevant services.

You can submit a request both for the purpose of a one-time receipt of data, and for permanent access to the database (you can issue a subscription with the provision of access to unified register for a long period). Information is provided to government agencies free of charge, commercial and non-commercial legal entities. individuals and citizens can receive an extract in paper form exclusively for a fee. As for obtaining a document in in electronic format, then this procedure is performed free of charge.

For registration on hard copy the fee is charged in the following amounts:

  • urgent - 400 rubles;
  • in normal mode - 200 rubles.

Note that an extract received in electronic form containing an enhanced electronic signature is equal to one received on paper, certified official and the seal of the tax authority.

How to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities through State Services

The procedure for ordering information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about a specific organization through the State Services can be found here - https://www.gosuslugi.ru/14397/1/info. At the specified address, general information about the service is provided and a link is given to the FTS website, which issues extracts in electronic form. The FTS service is located at: https://service.nalog.ru/vyp/. Authorization is required to use.

Don't know your rights?

  1. Click on the active button "Submit a new request".
  2. Select the tab in accordance with the organizational and legal form of the economic entity for which the request is made (legal entity or individual entrepreneur / peasant farm).
  3. Specify INN or PSRN in the appropriate field and enter the confirmation code.
  4. After filling in the specified data, a list of current requests will be generated.

The processing of the request must be carried out before the expiration of the day following the execution of the request. Accordingly, the due date is a maximum of 2 days. The generated document in electronic form will be available in the personal account on the FTS website. The download link becomes active in the "Request status" column after its processing.

What information is included in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities through State Services

The information in the statement received in electronic form is identical to the information provided on paper and includes the following information:

  1. Registration number of the document and the date of formation of information.
  2. Organization name, INN, PSRN.
  3. Legal address (address of location).
  4. Information about the registration of the legal entity and the registering authority.
  5. Information about the manager and other persons who can act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney.
  6. List of activities.
  7. Registration number and registration data of the organization as a policyholder.
  8. Other information (for example, amendments to constituent documents, etc.).

In conclusion, it remains to say that the electronic statement is provided in PDF format. Since the document is signed electronically digitally signed, it is legally equivalent to a document drawn up on paper and certified by a signature and seal.

To obtain an extract, it is enough

1) register by e-mail or log in with a qualified certificate (it doesn't matter who the certificate is issued for)

2) enter the OGRN of the organization

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP on nalog.ru

V Personal account find the service "Providing information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities".
One of the possible ways:
a) select "Public services";
b) use the filter to select services for "Entrepreneurs" or "Legal Entities";
c) use the filter to select "Popular" services

d) in the list of services select "Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP".
On the page that opens, click on the Get a service button.

The next page is for informational purposes only.

Read the information and click the Next button.

The next page is for informational purposes only:
a) move to the bottom of the page;
b) check the box next to the parameter I confirm my consent to the transfer of information in the electronic form of an application through open communication channels on the Internet;
c) click the Next button.

On the next page:
a) fill in the required fields (full name, OGRN / OGRNIP);
b) select the methods of obtaining a statement and notification of the progress of the service;
c) click on the Submit application button

On the next page:
a) select a certificate;
b) enter the PIN (if the container is stored on a token);
c) click on the Sign Electronic Signature button.

After the notification appears, the Electronic signature has been generated!

A notification will appear that the application was successfully sent.

Go to My Orders

After some time (in our case, after 5 minutes), the application will be executed.

Open the application results and Save the statement.

Send the resulting zip archive to the service center.

Information about all legal entities (LE) is stored in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE).

Information about all individual enterprises (IE) and peasant (farmer) farms (KFH) is stored in the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs (EGRIP).

2. What information can be obtained from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs contained in the registers is provided in the form:

  • The extract contains the name of the organization or the full name of the individual entrepreneur (farmer), OGRN or OGRNP, ​​TIN, information about which tax inspectorate and on the basis of which documents the legal entity or individual entrepreneur was registered, what main and additional activities it can engage in. If a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is closed, this information will also be reflected in the statement. "> Statements from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP);
  • copies of the document contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP);
  • certificates of absence of the requested information.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP and a certificate of the absence of information in the registers can be obtained online, in the form electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, or on paper. Copies of the documents contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP can be obtained only on paper.

3. Who can ask for information?

Information is provided to any interested person.

4. How to find out information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and EGRIP online?

If you want to find out information about a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, you can use the service of the Federal Tax Service (FTS).

To find information about a legal entity, you need to select the "Legal entity" option and enter its name and, if you know, the region of location. You can also find information about a legal entity using its main state registration number (OGRN) or taxpayer identification number (TIN).

To search for information about an individual entrepreneur or a peasant (farm) economy, you need to select the "Individual entrepreneur / farm" option and enter his full name and region of residence. Information can also be found by the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) or TIN.

The information in the service is updated daily. Provided free of charge, immediately after sending the request.

5. How to get information in the form of an electronic document?

You can order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP (or a certificate of the absence of the information you requested in the registers) in the form of an electronic document signed with a strengthened qualified electronic signature.

To do this, you need to register on the FTS website and use a special service. An electronic signature is not required to submit a request.

To form a request, you need to know the OGRN (or OGRNIP) or TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

You will receive a statement or certificate no later than the next day after the request is submitted. You can download an electronic document within 5 days after receiving.

The document is formed in pdf format, containing an enhanced qualified electronic signature and its visualization. It is visible even after you print the document.

Information in the form of an electronic document is provided free of charge.

6. How do I get information on paper?

To order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP on paper or a copy of the document on the basis of which the information was entered into the register, you need to submit a request to the tax office.

In a request to obtain information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you must indicate the full or abbreviated name of the legal entity of interest, its OGRN or TIN.

In the request for information from USRIP, you must indicate the surname, name and, if available, the patronymic of the individual entrepreneur you are interested in, OGRNIP or TIN.

The request must be submitted:

  • if you need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP - to any tax office that provides such a service, or to any one that provides such a service;
  • if you need a copy of the document contained in the USRIP, - to the tax office at the location of the organization you are interested in.

The request can be submitted in person, or you can send it by mail.

The service is paid. You can find out the cost and pay for the provision of the service using a special service on the website of the Federal Tax Service or directly in the centers "My Documents" *.

Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP, copies of documents contained in these registers, or certificates of the absence of information in them are prepared no more than 5 days from the date of receipt of the request. But you can pay extra for the urgency and receive the documents you are interested in no later than the next business day after the request is received.


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