Obtaining an electronic signature for IP. Types and features of an electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs: how to get it for free. List of documents for obtaining an electronic digital signature

Is there anything different electronic signature, issued for an individual entrepreneur, from a signature for a legal or individual? What package of documents is required from the applicant?

Is the signature for IP different from others?

An electronic signature (ES, formerly EDS) is always issued for a specific individual and legally confirms the actions that he performs using this electronic signature. But if a signature is needed for an employee or head of an organization, then it must additionally contain the data of a legal entity. Such an ES can be used to sign documents on behalf of this legal entity.

A sole trader works for himself and also issues a signature for himself. The only difference between a signature for an individual entrepreneur and a signature for an individual is that it must contain information about the main registration number of the individual entrepreneur (OGRN IP). If an individual entrepreneur has employees, then they need to issue electronic signatures for individuals.

From the signature of a legal entity, a signature for an individual entrepreneur differs only in the set of documents necessary for its release. To get it, you need to collect the necessary documents and contact the certification center.

What tasks of an individual entrepreneur will be solved by an electronic signature?

Most often, a qualified electronic signature (QES) is suitable for individual entrepreneurs. It can be used to solve the following tasks:

  • Submit tax and other reports via the Internet;
  • Sign electronic documents;
  • Interact with government information systems(Gosuslugi, Rosreestr and more than 300 sites);
  • Participate in public procurement on 8 federal electronic trading floors: get accredited in the Unified Procurement Information System (UIS), send applications and participate in electronic tenders, sign contracts;
  • Participate in (zakupki.gov.ru and other ETPs);
  • Participate in auctions of bankrupts (Sberbank-AST and other electronic platforms);
  • Participate in commercial auctions (B2B-Center and other sites);
  • Interact with EGAIS (CEP is needed on a special carrier JaCarta SE PKI / GOST or Rutoken EDS 2.0).
Planning to bid for the first time? To register in the EIS and obtain accreditation for the ETP, specialists will help you correctly fill out an application.

How to get an electronic signature (EDS) for IP

To understand the difference, let's turn to the process of issuing an electronic signature. An electronic signature is issued for a specific person (natural person) and is his exclusive and identifying attribute.

When preparing an electronic signature for a legal entity, an application is generated for attaching an electronic signature of an individual to a legal entity. This allows you to sign electronic documents of a legal entity using this EDS.

An individual entrepreneur can have employees for whom he, like a legal entity, can issue an EDS.

Thus, an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur differs from the signature of a legal entity only in the set of documents necessary for its issuance.

What allows an individual entrepreneur to make an electronic digital signature

The electronic signature of an individual entrepreneur allows him to carry out actions to participate in open auctions (competitions, requests for quotations) in electronic form, namely:

  • get accreditation on electronic trading platforms
  • sign the necessary documents, applications and forms using the key of the electronic digital signature
  • to register at open auctions (competitions, requests for quotations) in electronic form
  • submit and withdraw an application for participation in an open auction (tender, request for quotations) in electronic form
  • file price offer in an open auction in electronic form
  • submit requests for clarification of the provisions of the documentation on the auction (tender, request for quotations) in electronic form and the results of the auction (tender, request for quotations) in electronic form
  • file complaints with competent authorities
  • sign contracts

Thus, an electronic digital signature for individual entrepreneurs allows you to participate in electronic trading on an equal basis with organizations.

Obtain a digital signature for an individual entrepreneur working for more than 100 electronic platforms, it is possible in our center for 1 day or urgently.

For the work of an individual entrepreneur, an electronic digital signature (ES, EDS) is required - a requisite obtained by cryptographic transformation of information that fixes data distortions in a document, protects it from forgery and confirms that the EDS belongs to the owner.

What is a digital signature for?

For an individual entrepreneur, ES can be used in different areas. This technology will make the job easier, give you a time advantage.

  • Providing reports to government bodies– electronic document management is used in the Federal Tax Service, pension fund, bodies of statistics and accounting, off-budget funds.
  • Participation in electronic auctions (commercial and by state order) - an EDS certificate will allow an individual entrepreneur to register on trading floors, submit applications and sign contracts.
  • Registration in the EGAIS system - a crypto-key is used to connect to the system and protects the transmitted information.
  • Corporate document flow.
  • Remote registration of real estate transactions.
  • Identity confirmation for using the State Services portal - using the ES, you can send applications and appeals to state and municipal authorities.

What does it look like

The type of digital signature depends on the specifics of the workflow. For different information, a different method of protection is provided:

  • Character set - contains the key specified in the verification certificate, to a random user the combination will seem like an incoherent combination of numbers and letters.
  • Graphic signature - looks like a stamp containing the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the responsible person, allows you to send a sticker with a message displayed on the screen to the recipient of the document.
  • invisible signature.

Legal Framework

To start a remote exchange of documents, you need to conclude an agreement with counterparties or select an electronic document management operator. Registration of an electronic signature, the use of crypto keys and the activities of the centers producing them are regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Civil Code;
  • Tax code;
  • Federal Law No. 63-FZ dated April 6, 2011;
  • Federal Law No. 149-FZ dated July 27, 2006;
  • Federal Law No. 402-FZ dated December 6, 2011;
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2011 No. 50n.

Types of EDS


Scope of application

Confirms that a specific person has a digital signature. Password or code is used to create

Document flow with physical individuals, organizations and intracorporate. Appeals to state bodies and the Arbitration Court


Identifies the owner, detects changes made to the document after signing. Created using any cryptographic tools

Creating documents that do not require printing


A complete analogue of a handwritten signature. The cryptographic key is indicated on the certificate issued by an accredited certification authority

The legal force of a document endorsed by a qualified signature is recognized by all regulatory authorities

Principle of operation

The algorithm of actions when using the EDS includes the following steps:

  • the sent document, after saving, is signed with a private key using a special program that encrypts the file;
  • an endorsed document containing the public key, the name of the owner of the key and a fixed date of signature is sent to the addressee;
  • the recipient decrypts the document using the private key belonging to him, as well as the sender's public key certificate, checks the compliance with the digital signature, the integrity and authenticity of the document.


To confirm that the cryptographic key belongs to the owner, the certification authority (CA) issues a special certificate (the document can be in electronic or paper form). The validity period of the certificate, during which the EDS is legally valid, is one year from the date of its receipt. The client has 30 days from the expiration date to renew the certificate. If the deadline is missed, the EDS must be issued again.

How to get an electronic key

After deciding on the need for an electronic signature and determining the scope of its application, you will have to:

  1. select a certification authority;
  2. apply for a key;
  3. prepare a package of documents;
  4. pay the invoice;
  5. obtain an EDS by providing the original identity card.

Choosing a certification authority

If you want to issue an EDS for internal document flow and send data to organizations under a preliminary agreement, you can contact an unaccredited certification center to obtain an enhanced unqualified EDS. It is permissible to use this type of signature to participate as a supplier in public procurement under Law No. 44-FZ.

To resolve other issues (submission of reports to regulatory authorities, participation in tenders, work with state information systems, electronic document management with counterparties), an enhanced qualified electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs is needed, which can only be issued by an accredited certification center. Current list accredited centers can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and mass communications.

When choosing a certification authority, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • organization of information protection;
  • the period of existence of the CA in the market and the demand for its services;
  • FSB licenses granting the right to:
  1. provide services in the field of information encryption;
  2. realize Maintenance encryption;
  3. distribute cryptographic tools;
  • assistance to the client in installation, configuration, maintenance software;
  • round the clock technical support;
  • the cost of the services provided;
  • the presence of a CA or its issuing center in your city.

Filling out an application

You can apply for a key on the website of the selected CA or a single electronic signature portal. Standard application includes:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the applicant;
  • the address Email;
  • contact phone number;
  • scope of EDS;
  • additional services you are interested in.

After submitting the completed form, a certification center specialist will contact you, who will be able to advise you on the available tariffs, additional services, a package of documents that you need to prepare, and issue an invoice for payment.

List of required documents

To obtain a certificate, an individual entrepreneur must provide an electronic media and a package of documents (original plus copies) to the selected certification center, including:

  • an application for a certificate;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • an application for accession to the Regulations of the certification center - is issued in two copies;
  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Industrial Property - to be received no later than half a year before the application is submitted;
  • TIN and OGRN data;
  • when issuing a key for an individual entrepreneur through a representative - a notarized power of attorney.

EDS cost for IP

The price of an EDS, regulated by a certification center, can vary from one and a half to fifteen thousand rubles, depending on:

  • Areas of use;
  • registration region;
  • additional services included in the purchased package;
  • pricing policy in the country.

Certification centers offer several options for issuing a qualified digital signature for IP:

  • to interact with a specific structure of interest to you, for example, to submit reports to tax office or participation in public procurement;
  • combined tariffs combining several or all areas of EDS application.

Production time

The waiting time for a ready key and verification certificate for an IP depends on the selected CA and its workload. The technical procedure for issuing a certificate itself takes no more than half an hour. Most of the time is spent collecting and checking the necessary papers. On average, after paying the bill and providing a full package of documents, an electronic digital signature for an individual entrepreneur will be made by a certification center within two to three business days.


Are you also stressed about the reporting process? Waiting in queues, lack of necessary employees, or sad “the program does not work for us.” Remote data transmission convenient and modern way remotely send documents to different organizations. But for this you need to get an electronic signature for IP. Is it possible to get it for free through public services? Is EDS suitable for reporting to the tax office?

EDS: brief description and advantages

An electronic digital signature (EDS) is an analogue of a manual signature. It consists of electronic digital symbols that contain all the necessary information about the owner. Confirm the authenticity of the submitted document, give it legal significance.

Issues related to electronic digital signature are regulated by federal law No. 63-FZ. What are the benefits for the owner:

  • the ability to remotely submit tax returns;
  • participation in public procurement;
  • participation in auctions (Sberbank-AST, OTS);
  • reducing the cost of sending documents, as well as the risks of maintaining electronic document management;
  • saving time spent on registration;
  • the ability to send documents to another country;
  • maintaining legal force.

It is difficult to forge a digital signature, since a personal key is generated for each person, which allows you to decrypt the information. Thanks to modern technologies the document is secure.

How it works

The whole principle of the EDS operation can be divided into several stages:

  1. The file to be sent is generated.
  2. The document is signed with a private key. After that, no changes can be made. Violation is easily detected using a certificate.
  3. The program encrypts the document and sends it to the addressee.
  4. The recipient decrypts the file with the private key. The EDS of the payer is automatically checked: whether the integrity of the document has been violated, whether the sender is the true owner of the EDS, etc.
  5. After verification, the recipient receives an encrypted document, which he can open with his own key.

In the presence of an EDS individual entrepreneur can submit reports, for example, to the tax office. However, obtaining such an electronic signature will not work for free. To obtain it, you must contact the certification center where the signature is generated for the IP. Such services have a cost. However, if you need to obtain an electronic signature of an individual entrepreneur to access the taxpayer's personal account, then this can be done for free. Just contact any IFTS and you will be given a username and password.

Obtaining an EDS

First of all, you need to decide on the type of electronic signature that you need. According to paragraph 5 of Art. No. 63-FZ, there is a simple and enhanced signature. In turn, reinforced can be qualified and unskilled.

EDS type a brief description of Where applicable
Simple Confirms the fact that you have a personal electronic signature using codes, passwords. Banking operations, obtaining public services, signing documents in internal corporate electronic document management
Reinforced unskilled Allows you to identify the owner, detect attempts to make changes after signing. Participation in public procurement under 44-FZ, can be used for internal and external electronic document management
Reinforced qualified State-regulated type of signature. It has the same characteristics as the previous one. The difference lies in the fact that the key is indicated on the certificate and additional protection is provided when creating and verifying an EDS Submission of reports to regulatory authorities, participation in electronic trading, sending documents to the Federal Tax Service, maintaining electronic document management with counterparties

When you have decided on the type, the question arises of how to get an EDS for an individual entrepreneur. What you will need to do:

  1. Submit an application to a certification authority.
  2. Wait for an invitation from the organization that will consider your application.
  3. Come personally to the certification center and present a package of documents.

To get you will need:

  • passport or a certified photocopy (you can present another document);
  • originals of SNILS and TIN.

Remember: if a representative is engaged in issuing an EDS for an individual entrepreneur, a power of attorney (notarized) is issued.

If you need a qualified signature, please contact an accredited certification authority. The list of organizations is published on the official website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunication network “Internet”.

How much will the set up cost?

Now you know how to get an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur. But is this service free? The answer to the question depends on the type of signature provided. If it is enough for you to have a simple EDS, which will allow you to receive the necessary information from the State Services website, then payment will not be required.

Modern world ubiquitous transition to electronic document management. Officials send extracts from many state registers, for example, about the right to real estate or business registration via the Internet. There has already been talk of digitizing Russian paper passports. Electronic signature for IP not yet required by law, but already actively used by many individual entrepreneurs ...

What is an electronic signature

An electronic digital signature (EDS for IP) is a set of symbols, codes and passwords that replaces the handwritten signature of an individual. EDS can have external media (flash drive or floppy disk) or be formed without it.

But an electronic signature for individuals in many cases not only confirms that the document was sent by a specific person, but also protects its text from unauthorized changes. If we talk about the safety of documents and the guarantee that they are signed by a specific person, then this is much more evidence of an electronic signature for individuals. Paper documents signed with a personal signature are much easier to forge or damage than electronic ones.

Why you need an electronic signature

An electronic digital signature for individual entrepreneurs is in most cases optional, but there are situations when it is indispensable.

1. For reporting

Some types of reporting are accepted only in electronic form:

  • VAT declaration, which is submitted by individual entrepreneurs for OSNO;
  • Calculation of insurance premiums, Form 4-FSS, reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and personal income tax, if the average number of employees is more than 25 people;
  • Any declaration, if average headcount employees for the previous year exceeds 100 people.

2. To participate in electronic trading

Application and price offer for participation in electronic trading and public procurement accepted only if digitally signed.

3. To hire employees for remote work

If an individual entrepreneur hires a remote worker, the document flow between them must be certified by an electronic signature.

Types of electronic signature and their differences

EDS for IP can be of different degrees of protection:

  1. Simple;
  2. Reinforced unskilled;
  3. Reinforced qualified.

Each type of electronic signature has its own characteristics and situations for which they are intended.

Simple electronic signature

A simple electronic signature is a combination of login and password, which is recognized as an analogue of a handwritten signature only in some cases.

For example, when registering on the Public Services Portal, you receive a confirmation code in a letter and can carry out certain actions online (apply for a passport, make an appointment with a doctor, find out about your debt, etc.). In fact, all sites that have a user's personal account are an example of using a simple electronic signature. Preservation and immutability electronic documents this kind of signature does not prove.

Enhanced unqualified electronic signature

An enhanced unqualified signature can be used in the taxpayer's personal account, in transactions with counterparties or in internal document management. EDS for " Personal account taxpayer for individuals" on the website of the Tax Service can be obtained free of charge. The key of such a signature will be stored in the cloud storage of the Federal Tax Service.

Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature

Such a signature must be confirmed by a certificate from an accredited certification authority.

Please note: only an enhanced qualified signature is unconditionally recognized as an analogue of a personal signature of an individual, including for proving facts in courts. A simple and enhanced unqualified signature can replace a personal signature only if it is recognized by the parties to the document flow or by regulation.

What you need to apply for an EDS and where to apply

How to get an electronic signature for an individual? If you need a simple signature to access sites such as the Public Services Portal or Sberbank Online, then you will find the procedure there. Usually, to obtain a simple signature, it is enough to register in the system to your email address and indicate the phone number for SMS.

Some banks issue an enhanced qualified signature with the issuance of a key verification certificate. But there are also such credit institutions (for example, Tinkoff Bank) that allow the client to work in the online system only on the basis of a login / password and SMS confirmation.

So, if you need remote access to, contact your bank immediately, if necessary, you will be issued an electronic signature there. At many bank rates, connecting to the Internet service and issuing a USB key is free of charge.

To issue a universal enhanced qualified signature, you must select an accredited certification authority. The current list of certification centers with full contact details is on the website of the Ministry of Communications.

To issue an enhanced qualified signature, CA employees must identify your identity, so you must have the following documents with you:

  • The main certifying document (usually an internal Russian passport);
  • Insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS);
  • Certificate of tax registration (TIN);
  • IP registration certificate or USRIP record sheet.

Further, an agreement will be concluded with the recipient of the electronic signature and an invoice will be issued for payment for the services of the center. The cost of a qualified digital signature depends on the scope, programs for its installation, availability of round-the-clock support and other options. The price of the carrier itself for recording the certificate and signature keys also matters.

On average, prices for EDS with certificates start from 2,000 rubles, and this is the cost for one year of validity. After the expiration of this period, the electronic signature can be renewed or reissued at another center. Moreover, the documents signed by the EDS during the period of its validity retain their significance even after the termination of the certificate support.

Now you know what an electronic signature gives for an IP, what types of EDS are and where you can get a signature that meets your requirements. If you have any questions, ask us in the comments - we will not delay the answer!


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