Warranty letter of guarantee. Letter of guarantee for the performance of work. Letter of guarantee for work performance

For business letters in paper form, the standard font is Times New Roman 12-14 point size. For the title, use a 10 point font. The font size of the appeal can be made 14 point, and the main text - 12.

If the letter is short and fits on an A4 sheet without problems, then the font of the text of the letter is unconditionally 14 pt, with one and a half spacing and 6 pt indents between paragraphs.

But, for sure, you more than once had to deal with a situation when the text of the letter almost clings to one page or writing a letter of no more than one page is fundamental.

What to do in such cases?

How to fit on A4, what does not want to fit?

You will have to play with fonts and spacing.

  1. Reread the letter and think that it is superfluous and can be omitted, reformulated. whether there are no repetitions. If everything is already fine in the text, but the text does not fit, go to the second step of the operation "Push in the unproductive".
  1. Reduce the text font to 12 pt. If you have coped with the task, great. If not, go to the next step.

  1. Go to the Paragraph tab and select single spacing and save your changes. Did it help? If not, we are perverted further.

  1. Again the Paragraph tab - Spacing - Line-to-line \u003d Single. Interval Before \\ After \u003d 0 pt. Did it help? No? How much is left? If there are 1-2 lines, then you can win them by manipulating the fields, font 11.5 pt. If more - go back to editing the text or return the original design - let the text be on two sheets. A business letter up to 3 A4 sheets is considered the norm (don't forget to insert pagination).

Disadvantages of the "push in the stuff" method

The text becomes less readable.

Violation of the requirements of GOST.

Font for business email

An e-business letter involves the use of standard email client tools.

  • Use a sans serif font at least 12-14 sizes.
  • It is appropriate to highlight important information in bold or italics.
  • Use a serif for your signature so that it stands out from the text of the letter.
  • Highlight the greeting message in size and boldness.
  • Font selection in e-mail also subject to regulation corporate culture or a template designed for your company.

A business letter is a document, so there are generally accepted standards for its use.

For paper business letters, use Times New Roman 12-14 point size. This is a serif font.

Tip: Serif typeface gives the impression of something
important and should be read. A sans-serif font (such as Arial) sets up a quick introduction to the document.

It is customary to use sans-serif fonts in email.

You can manipulate the attention of the recipient in an email using serif and sans serif fonts.

For example, the information that the addressee must read is mandatory - your request, write in serif font, and write a report on the money spent in sans serif font. The addressee will treat this information differently.

A handwritten font can be used in an email to sign, but you should not get carried away with it - it will not work for business correspondence and can spoil the attitude towards you.

But a handwritten font is best used in congratulatory and thank you letters. It adds soulfulness

You must write business letter? First of all, think about the ultimate goal of what you need to achieve: increase sales, push a customer to pay, offer yourself as a dealer, write a letter with a claim, congratulations, condolences, an invitation, etc. Based on the desired result, the structure of the letter is being worked out.

Business correspondence basics

In writing letters, be guided by a formal business style, sentences should be clear and concise. Convey the essence of the issue without deviations, use standard phrases that do not contradict the etiquette of business correspondence. The description should be simple, neutral, without florid turns of speech, emotional manifestations. And always remember the spelling and punctuation rules.

Business letter compiled on one topic, or on several close in meaning. Do you need to contact the same company with different offers? Write some letters. Receiving an answer will not be long in coming, since according to the rules of business correspondence, the manager answers every letter, except for introductory ones. Accordingly, you should answer without delay, clearly and clearly writing down the answers. A delay in answering is tantamount to a failure to cooperate.

Structure of the letter

Depending on the tasks, you can use the following contact options:

  • "Dear Mr. Borshevsky!" - an official appeal that sets the framework for communication;
  • "Dear Valentina Innokentievna!" - less distanced official appeal;
  • "Dear Sirs!" - written in the case of a collective appeal.

The text is divided into blocks, each of them carries its own semantic load:

  1. At the beginning there is an explanation: the reasons and goals of writing the letter are described.
  2. The next block contains a proposal based on the essence described above. From their point of view, a solution to the problem is proposed, a request or proposal is described, and recommendations are given.
  3. The final block consists of a short summary of the results. You summarize "we hope that ...", "confident ...".

How to write a letter of cooperation

One of the most common types of letter is an offer of cooperation to a potential partner, in other words, a commercial offer in which the purchase or sale of a product or service may be offered. Used to contact an attractive company with an offer about cooperation... How to write a document competently and efficiently?

The description includes information about the company, its activities, and, most importantly, about the benefits of working with you. At the end or at the beginning of the text, details are indicated, they are drawn up separately (for example, in the form of a "header"). According to the standards, it is necessary to indicate the name of the enterprise and data about it. It is important to note the performer, date and sign.

When creating a document, be guided by the following division:

  1. Description of the company - briefly explain what your organization does, thereby you will create mutually beneficial accents.
  2. Main text - specifically and clearly describe the purpose of the appeal, indicate the benefits of working with you, tell about the capabilities of your organization. Leave the discussion of details for a personal meeting, the main task of this block is to arouse interest in you, a desire to cooperate.
  3. Conditions - describe the range of actions required from the partner company to get started working togetherwhat you would like them to do.

Business texts are not just a collection of formulaic and stereotyped phrases. When creating a commercial proposal, you need to be responsible for every word. Each text is written in its own individual sound, indicating the necessary nuances and features.

The structure is optional, you can vary the form and text content as you like, as long as the alterations bring a result. It is always worth remembering about literacy and concise presentation of information. Let only the necessary and interesting catch the eye.

Cooperation proposal - sample letter

For a clearer understanding, it is suggested to study the example of a letter of cooperation.

Dear partner!

Our organization is engaged in the production of standard and individual metal structures for further use in machine-tool building, mechanical engineering, the construction industry, in industrial and manufacturing enterprises.

High precision of execution and efficiency are the principles of our work.

Our services:

  • Development of drawings and design documentation;
  • Modular design, including the entire cycle of work;
  • Certain types of metal processing (bending, welding, cutting, painting).

We are result-oriented and guarantee high-quality order execution. Do you need a large series of products? Welcome to the price list with wholesale prices! Do you need to make a piece copy? Loyal value is assured. The price of one product on the metalworking market starts from 20 rubles, we have a threshold of 10 rubles. Save wisely.

We will be glad to consider your proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation!

Yours faithfully,

representative office of the company "Metal" in Pyatigorsk:

Sidorova P.P.

Tel. 8-800-000-000

Remember that you need to "hook" a potential partner, please him so much that he will make a personal meeting.

How to prepare a business letter

The text is printed on letterhead, which is designed in a general style and contains the following information: legal form, name, address, telephones. Also, the form may contain the logo of the organization, e-mail, website - at its discretion. Writing a business text on a corporate letterhead indicates the consistency and solidity of the company, being an example of the saying "they are greeted by their clothes."

The letter is printed in a regulated format - the left indent should be at least 3 cm, the right indent should not be less than 1.5 cm, the font used is Times New Roman, size 12, single line spacing. If the letter contains more than one sheet, the numbering is drawn from the second from the top in the center. If there are attachments, each is numbered, at the end of the letter a complete list with the name of each is indicated.

In the upper right corner, information about the recipient is indicated: the name of the company to whom the letter is addressed (position, full name). Alignment of the text to the left, the date and registration number of outgoing correspondence are indicated. If the document is drawn up in response, you must add which letter you are responding to.

Text commercial proposalbusiness card enterprises. A thoughtful and “catchy” description is not always possible to create on your own. Can't put the right accents? Business letter to order will help in attracting the organizations you need - professionals get down to business! Get a sample, use it, modify it, and use it again!

Write in the comments what else you would like to know about cooperation letters. We strive to become better and more useful for you.

Hello, please tell me what font should be printed in personnel documents?


As a rule, it is accepted in Organizations, most of the documents are made in Times New Roman font, font size is 12-14. The same requirements are stipulated by GOST R 6.30-2003 “Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork. Guidelines on implementation "

Moreover, if you use documents of primary accounting documentation, a unified form, it is most logical to adhere to the same font format and font size when filling out.

Types of HR documents

In practice, the documents with which the HR department works can be divided into three groups:

The personnel service carries out office work by preparing projects, agreeing and publishing organizational, administrative and information-reference documents, their registration, accounting and storage. You can use as a tool to accomplish this task.

Organizational and administrative documents are internal documents of the organization.

Organizational documents

Organizational documents include, in particular:

    collective agreement;

    regulations and instructions (Regulation on wages, regulations on bonuses,);

Administrative documents

Administrative documents include:

    orders and instructions, which reflect the issues of work with personnel (order of admission, dismissal, transfer, etc.);

    documents on personnel, reflecting the movement and accounting of personnel (,).

Preparation of documents

Work with organizational and administrative documents according to the scheme: preparation of the project, coordination, revision, endorsement, signing (approval) by the head, transfer to the responsible employees for execution. This is stated in the GSDOU approved.

Reference documents

All reference documents can be divided into three large blocks.

The first block is the incoming reference documentation:

    instructions from higher organizations;

    reports on the execution of tasks, acts, letters, memos from subordinate organizations;

    letters, contracts, acts and other documents from other organizations;

    applications, complaints, proposals of citizens.

The second is outgoing reference documentation:

    replies to incoming requests;

    initiative and information documents of the organization (proposals, applications, letters, references, reviews, contracts, etc.).

The third is internal information and reference documentation:

    internal correspondence (reports, service, explanatory notes);

    other documents (protocols, plans, acts, reports, etc.).

Accounting for reference documents

Keep records of incoming and outgoing information and reference documents in the personnel service in the logs of accounting and correspondence. The processing of incoming correspondence can be carried out by a specially authorized employee of the personnel department (secretary, clerk).

Documents can be sent to the organization by mail, fax, e-mail, telegraph, by courier delivery. Work with incoming documents is built according to the following scheme:

  • sorting;

    management review;

    direction to performers.

Processing incoming documents

First, check the correctness of delivery and the integrity of the packaging (if it is mailing). Then open the envelopes and check the contents for completeness. If any attachments should be in the inventory, but they are missing, inform the sender about it. On incoming documents, put down the date of receipt and the serial number. Then sort the documents by executor. Documents addressed to the head of the organization or the organization itself must be handed over to the secretary of the head, who registers them. Documents addressed structural units, are picked up and registered by the secretaries of the divisions.

Documents marked "in person" are not opened and immediately transferred to the addressee.

This procedure for processing incoming documents is provided for in the GDOU, approved.

Outbound processing

When requests are received in the HR department (for example, for documentary confirmation of information about an employee), work on them is based on the following scheme:

    the executor receives the request and prepares a draft response;

    the draft response is sent for consideration to the head, and then for approval by interested parties;

    the contractor finalizes the project according to the comments and prepares it in its final form;

    interested persons endorse the response, and the manager signs it;

    the response is sent for dispatch.

The same scheme (excluding the first procedure) applies to the preparation of initiative documents - requests, notifications, requests, applications, letters of guarantee, etc.

Before sending the document you need:

    check the presence of an address (or all addresses, if this is a mailing list);

    check for the required number of copies;

    clarify the form of sending (mail, email, courier, etc.).

Return incomplete and incorrectly executed documents to the contractor for revision.

This procedure for processing outgoing documents is stipulated in the SSSOU, approved.

Build work with internal documents in the same way as work with outgoing documents: project preparation, approval, revision, endorsement, signing (approval) by the head. Only at the end of the procedure, do not send the document from the organization, but transfer it to the responsible employees for execution. This is stated in the paragraphs and GDOU approved.

2. Situation: Do you need to write the date of publication and the number of the order of admission (transfer, dismissal, etc.) by hand or can you fill it out electronically

The legislation does not contain an unequivocal answer to this question.

As a general rule, the date of the order and its number must be entered after registering the order in the journal (for example, in the register of orders for personnel, for the main activity, etc.) (GOST 51141-98, approved, by the State Educational Institution of Education, approved). At the same time, it is allowed to use both seals (stamps) with dates and numbers, as well as entering the date and number by hand, since the current legislation does not clearly establish or limit the procedure for such entries.

At the same time, the legislation does not contain the obligation to keep order logs. And modern systems of electronic circulation of documentation with its preparation for printing on paper allow us to assign a number and date to a document already in the process of its preparation, ensuring the chronology and sequence of numbering. In this connection, the specified details can be filled in electronically during the preparation of the document, and this will not be a violation.

Thus, the organization has the right to independently decide which documenting procedure to adhere to, and, for example, in the Regulation on personnel records management.

Nina Kovyazina,

deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of Russia

2. Legal basis:







6. Production of documents

6.1. Positioning the text

Documents are made on forms using electronic means computing technology or on typewriters.

Modern black typescript is the most reliable means of text application and long-term archival storage.

On a typewriter, documents are produced:

In the absence of computer equipment in the organization;

The most important documents, the list of which is established by the organization itself.

Typewritten texts use standard typing rules. The letter pitch and line spacing are set according to GOST 6.10.5-87: 2.6 mm - letter pitch (size of the printed character); 4.25 mm - line spacing. It is allowed to use: letter pitch - 2.54 mm, line spacing - 4.24 mm.

Details of the document, consisting of several lines, are printed with one line spacing. The components of the requisites "Addressee", "Document approval stamp", "Application mark", "Approval signature" are separated from each other by 1.5 - 2 line spacing, for example:


(line spacing - 1.5)

Head of the legal department

(line spacing - 1)

(line spacing - 2)

A.S. Kruglov

The details of the document are separated from each other by two to four line spacing.

The name of the type of document is printed in capital letters.

The initials and surname in the "Signature" variable are printed with a space at the level of the last line of the job title. For instance:


JSC "Manufactura" OP Ivanov

The maximum length of a string of multi-line details is 28 printable characters. If the title to the text exceeds 150 characters, it is allowed to extend it to the border of the right margin or to wrap to the next line. Do not put a period at the end of the title.

0 - for printing the details "Heading to the text", "Text" (without paragraphs), "Mark of the presence of an attachment", "Mark of the executor", "Mark of the execution of the document and its direction in the case"; the name of the position in the requisites "Signature" and "Column of document approval", the certification inscription "True", as well as the words "ORDERING", "LISTENED", "PERFORMED", "DECIDED", "OFFER";

5 - for the beginning of a paragraph in the text;

32 - for the "Addressee" variable;

40 - for the variable "Document approval stamp";

16, 24, 56 - for drawing up tables and stencil texts;

34 - 48 - to decipher the signature in the "Signature" variable.

If the text of the document contains notes or a link to the document that served as the basis for its publication, highlighted in an independent paragraph, then the words "Note" and "Base" are printed from the left border of the text field.

If there are several stamps of approval and agreement, they are placed at the same level in two vertical rows. The first row is printed, starting from the left border of the text field, the second - by indenting 40 characters from the left border of the text field of the document.

When making documents on two or more pages, the second and subsequent pages are numbered.

Page numbers are put down in Arabic numerals in the middle of the top margin of the sheet.

It is allowed to print documents using the reverse side of the sheet, in this case the pages are numbered on the front and back sides.

When preparing printer texts, it is recommended to use text editor Word for Windows version 6.0 and higher using fonts Times New Roman Cyr size N 12 - 15, Times DL size 12 - 14 with one or two spacing. When using tables, smaller fonts can be used.

Fonts, line spacing and other printing elements are set in each specific case by the author of the document, depending on the nature of the document and the purpose.

If necessary, the distance between the details in millimeters should be calculated based on the size of the printed characters. This provision is due to the fact that the size of the printed characters when using different software editors may not coincide with the size of the printed characters used by the typewriter.

When making documents using electronic computers, one should pay attention to the reliability indicators of modern text application means - printer texts.

The practice of operational use and archival storage shows the importance of water resistance and mechanical stability of the text as a criterion for the preservation of information when using documents, during their transportation, emergency situations, during restoration.

It should be borne in mind that currently there are printer inks that are easily removed from paper or that self-destruct when heated.

Actual personnel changes

  • Inspectors from the GIT are already working under the new regulations. Find out in the magazine "Personnel business" what kind of rights have employers and personnel officers since October 22 and for what mistakes they will no longer be able to punish you.

  • There is not a single mention of job descriptions in the Labor Code. But for personnel officers, this optional document is simply necessary. In the journal "Personnel business" you will find the current job description for the personnel officer, taking into account the requirements of the professional standard.

  • Check your PVTP for relevance. Due to the 2019 changes, the provisions of your document may be in violation of the law. If the GIT finds outdated wording, it will fine. What rules to remove from the PVTP, and what to add - read in the journal "Personnel business".

  • In the magazine "Personnel Business" you will find an up-to-date plan on how to create a safe vacation schedule for 2020. The article contains all the innovations in laws and practice that must now be taken into account. For you - ready-made solutions situations faced by four companies out of five in preparing the schedule.

  • Brace yourself, Ministry of Labor is changing again Labor Code... There are six amendments in total. Find out how the amendments will affect your work and what to do now so that the changes are not caught by surprise, learn from the article.

GOST 2.105-95

Group T52


Unified system for design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for textual documents

For the text of the Comparison of GOST 2.105-95 with GOST R 2.105-2019, see the link.
- Note from the manufacturer of the database.

ISS 01.110
OKSTU 0002

Date of introduction 1996-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH) of the State Standard of Russia

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart Russian Federation

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 7 dated April 26, 1995)

Voted for adoption:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus



The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Glavgosluzhba "Turkmenstandartlary"

The Republic of Uzbekistan



State Standard of Ukraine

Amendment No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (minutes No. 23 of February 28, 2006)

The national standardization bodies of the following states voted for the adoption of the change: AZ, AM, BY, KZ, KG, MD, RU, TJ, TM, UZ, UA [alpha-2 codes according to IEC (ISO 3166) 004]

3 By the Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of August 8, 1995 N 426, the interstate standard GOST 2.105-95 was put into effect as a state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1996.

4 REPLACE GOST 2.105-79, GOST 2.906-71

5 EDITION (April 2011) with Amendment No. 1, approved in June 2006 (IUS 9-2006), Amendment (IUS 12-2001)

INTRODUCED: amendment published in IMS No. 2, 2012; amendment published in IMS No. 1, 2018

Corrected by the manufacturer of the database

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes general requirements for the implementation of text documents for products of mechanical engineering, instrumentation and construction.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 2.004-88 Unified system for design documentation. General requirements to the execution of design and technological documents on printing and graphic devices for computer output

GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Basic inscriptions

GOST 2.106-96 Unified system for design documentation. Text documents

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system for design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system for design documentation. Formats

GOST 2.304-81 Unified system for design documentation. Drawing fonts

GOST 2.316-2008 Unified system for design documentation. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on graphic documents. General Provisions

GOST 2.321-84 Unified system for design documentation. Letter designations

GOST 2.503-90 Unified system for design documentation. Change rules

GOST 6.38-90 * Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork
* Canceled without replacement in the Russian Federation.

GOST 7.32-2001 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Research report. Structure and design rules

GOST 8.417-2002 State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Units of quantities

GOST 13.1.002-2003 Reprography. Micrography. Microfilm documents. General requirements and standards

GOST 21.101-97 * System project documentation for construction. Basic requirements for working documentation
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 21.1101-2009 is in force.

GOST 14236-81 Polymer films. Tensile test method

3 General

3.1 Text documents are subdivided into documents containing mainly continuous text ( technical conditions, passports, calculations, explanatory notes, instructions, etc.), and documents containing text broken down into columns (specifications, statements, tables, etc.).

Text documents are executed in paper form and (or) in the form of an electronic document (DE).

It is allowed to use word abbreviations in accordance with GOST 2.316 in text documents containing text divided into columns.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

3.2 Text documents are executed on the forms established by the relevant standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD) and the System for Design Documentation for Construction (SPDS).

Requirements specific to certain types of text documents (for example, operational documents) are given in the relevant standards.

3.3 Originals of text documents are performed in one of the following ways:

- typewritten, while the requirements of GOST 13.1.002 should be followed. The typewriter font must be clear, at least 2.5 mm high, the ribbon is only black (bold);

- handwritten - drawing type in accordance with GOST 2.304 with letters and numbers at least 2.5 mm high. Numbers and letters must be written clearly in black ink;

- with the use of printing and graphical computer output devices (GOST 2.004);

3.4 Copies of text documents are performed in one of the following ways:

- typographic - in accordance with the requirements for publications produced by typographic method;

- by photocopying - it is recommended to reproduce by double-sided copying;

- blueprint;

- microfilming;

- on electronic data carriers.

3.3, 3.4 (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.5 Entering into text documents made by typewritten method, individual words, formulas, conventional signs (handwritten method), as well as illustrations should be done in black ink, paste or ink.

3.6 The distance from the form frame to the text boundaries at the beginning and end of the lines is at least 3 mm.

The distance from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom frame must be at least 10 mm.

The paragraphs in the text begin with an indent equal to five strokes of the typewriter (15-17 mm).

An example of the execution of a text document is given in Appendix A.

3.7 Typos, misprints and graphic inaccuracies found during the execution of the document may be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint and applying the corrected text (graphics) in the same place in a typewritten way or in black ink, paste or ink by hand.

Damage to sheets of text documents, blots and traces of incompletely deleted previous text (graphics) are not allowed.

After making corrections, the document must meet the microfilming requirements established by GOST 13.1.002.

3.8 For placement of approving and approving signatures to text documents, it is recommended to draw up a cover page and (or) an approval sheet in accordance with section 6 of this standard.

The obligation and peculiarities of the execution of the title pages are stipulated in the ESKD and SPDS standards for the rules for the implementation of the relevant documents.

3.9 For text documents, it is recommended to issue a change registration sheet in accordance with GOST 2.503 and GOST 21.101.

3.10 The content and requisite parts of DE must comply with the requirements of the ESKD standard.

The structure and composition of the DE requisites must ensure its circulation within the software (displaying, making changes, printing, accounting and storing in databases, as well as transferring to other automated systems) in compliance with the regulatory requirements for the execution of text documents.

4 Requirements for text documents containing mainly solid text

4.1 Document construction

4.1.1. The text of the document, if necessary, is divided into sections and subsections.

With a large volume of the document, it is allowed to divide it into parts, and parts, if necessary, into books. Each part and book is completed separately. All parts are given a title and a document designation. Starting from the second part, a serial number is added to this designation, for example: XXXX.331112.032F0, XXXX.331112.032F01, XXXX.331112.032F02, etc. All books are given a title and assigned a serial number. An example of filling in field 4 of the title page for a book is given in Appendix B.

The sheets of the document are numbered within each part, each part begins on sheets with a main inscription in the form of GOST 2.104 and Form 3 of GOST 21.101.

4.1.2. Sections should have serial numbers within the entire document (parts, books), denoted by Arabic numerals without a period and written with paragraph indentation. Subsections should be numbered within each section. A subsection number consists of section and subsection numbers, separated by a dot. A full stop is not put at the end of a subsection number. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more items.

4.1.3 If the document does not have subsections, then the numbering of clauses in it should be within each section, and the clause number should consist of the section and clause numbers, separated by a dot. There is no full stop at the end of the item number, for example:

1 Types and main dimensions

Numbering of paragraphs in the first section of the document

2 Technical requirements

Numbering of paragraphs in the second section of the document

If the document has subsections, then the numbering of clauses should be within the subsection and the clause number should consist of the section, subsection and clause numbers, separated by dots, for example:

3 Test methods

3.1 Apparatus, materials and reagents

Numbering of paragraphs of the first subsection of the third section of the document

3.2 Test preparation

Numbering of paragraphs of the second subsection of the third section of the document

4.1.4 If a section or subsection consists of one paragraph, it is also numbered.

4.1.5 If the text of the document is subdivided into paragraphs only, they are numbered with serial numbers within the document.

4.1.6 Clauses, if necessary, can be divided into subclauses, which should be sequentially numbered within each clause, for example:,,, etc.

4.1.7 Enumerations may be given within clauses or subclauses.

Each item of the enumeration should be preceded by a hyphen or, if necessary, a link in the text of the document to one of the enumerations, a lowercase letter of the Russian or Latin alphabets, followed by a parenthesis. For further detailing of the enumerations, it is necessary to use Arabic numerals, after which a parenthesis is placed, and the entry is made with paragraph indentation, as shown in the example.


and) ______________

b) ______________

1) ______________

2) ______________

in) ______________

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.1.8 Each item, sub-item and listing is recorded with a paragraph indention.

4.1.9 Sections, subsections must have headings. Paragraphs, as a rule, do not have headings.

Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections.

Headings should be capitalized without a period at the end, without underlining. Word hyphenation in titles is not allowed. If the title consists of two sentences, separate them with a period.

The distance between the heading and the text when performing a document in a typewritten way should be equal to 3, 4 intervals, when executing it in a handwritten way - 15 mm. The distance between the headings of the section and subsection is 2 spacing, when executed in a handwritten way - 8 mm. When executing text documents in an automated way, it is allowed to use distances close to the specified intervals.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.1.10 Each section of a text document is recommended to start with a new sheet (page).

4.1.11 In a document (part, book) of large volume, on the first (title) sheet and, if necessary, on subsequent sheets, place the content, including the numbers and names of sections and subsections, indicating the numbers of sheets (pages).

If the document is divided into parts (books), then at the end of the content of the first part (books), the designation and name (if any) of the remaining parts (books) are listed. The content is included in the total number of sheets of this document (parts, books).

The word "Content" is written as a heading (symmetrically to the text) with a capital letter. The names included in the contents are written in lowercase letters, starting with an uppercase letter.

4.1.12 At the end of the text document, before the change registration sheet, it is allowed to provide a list of references that was used in its preparation. Execution of the list and references to it in the text - according to GOST 7.32. References are included in the content of the document.

4.1.13. The page numbering of the document and the annexes included in this document must be continuous. Instead of continuous page numbering, it is allowed to use page numbering within each section of the document as follows:

3 15

section page

4.2 Text of documents

4.2.1 The full name of the product on the title page, in the main inscription and at the first mention in the text of the document must be the same with its name in the main design document.

In the following text, the word order in the name should be direct, i.e. in the first place should be the definition (adjective), and then the product name (noun); in this case it is allowed to use the abbreviated name of the product.

The names given in the text of the document and in the illustrations must be the same.

4.2.2 The text of the document should be short, clear and not subject to different interpretations.

When stating mandatory requirements in the text, the words “should”, “should”, “necessary”, “it is required that”, “only allowed”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”, “should not” should be used. When stating other provisions, the words “may be”, “as a rule”, “if necessary”, “may be”, “in case”, etc. should be used.

In this case, it is allowed to use a narrative form of presentation of the text of the document, for example, "apply", "indicate", etc.

The documents should use scientific and technical terms, designations and definitions established by the relevant standards, and in their absence - generally accepted in the scientific and technical literature.

If a specific terminology is adopted in a document, then at the end of it (before the list of references) there should be a list of accepted terms with appropriate explanations. The list is included in the content of the document.

4.2.3 The text of the document is not allowed:

- apply turns of colloquial speech, technicalism, professionalism;

- apply for the same concept various scientific and technical terms that are close in meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words and terms in the presence of equivalent words and terms in the Russian language;

- apply arbitrary word formations;

- use abbreviations of words, except for those established by the rules of Russian spelling, the corresponding state standards, as well as in this document;

- abbreviate the designations of units of physical quantities, if they are used without numbers, with the exception of units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of tables and in the decoding of letter designations included in formulas and figures.

4.2.4 In the text of the document, with the exception of formulas, tables and figures, it is not allowed:

- apply a mathematical minus sign (-) in front of negative values \u200b\u200bof quantities (the word "minus" should be written);

- use the sign "" to indicate the diameter (the word "diameter" should be written). When specifying the size or maximum deviations of the diameter on the drawings placed in the text of the document, the sign "" should be written in front of the dimension number;

- use mathematical signs without numerical values, for example\u003e (more),< (меньше), = (равно), (больше или равно), (меньше или равно), (не равно), а также знаки N (номер), % (процент);

- apply indices of standards, technical specifications and other documents without a registration number.

4.2.5 If the document contains explanatory inscriptions applied directly to the manufactured product (for example, on strips, plates for control elements, etc.), they are highlighted in a font (without quotes), for example ON, OTKL., Or quotes - if the inscription consists of numbers and (or) signs.

Names of commands, modes, signals, etc. in the text should be highlighted with quotation marks, for example "Signal + 27 is on".

4.2.6 The list of allowed word abbreviations is set in GOST 2.316.

If a special system of abbreviations of words or names is adopted in a document, then a list of accepted abbreviations should be given in it, which is placed at the end of the document before the list of terms.

4.2.7 Letter symbols, images or signs must comply with those adopted in the current legislation and state standards. In the text of the document, before the designation of the parameter, its explanation is given, for example, "Ultimate tensile strength".

If it is necessary to use symbols, images or signs that are not established by the current standards, they should be explained in the text or in the list of symbols.

4.2.8 The document should use standardized units of physical quantities, their names and designations in accordance with GOST 8.417.

Along with the SI units, if necessary, the units of previously used systems allowed for use are indicated in brackets. The use of different systems for the designation of physical quantities in one document is not allowed.

4.2.9 In the text of the document, the numerical values \u200b\u200bof quantities with the designation of units of physical quantities and units of account should be written in numbers, and numbers without designating units of physical quantities and units of account from one to nine - in words.


1 Test five pipes, each 5 m long.

2 Select 15 pipes for pressure testing.

4.2.10 The unit of a physical quantity of the same parameter within the same document must be constant. If the text contains a number of numerical values \u200b\u200bexpressed in the same unit of physical quantity, then it is indicated only after the last numerical value, for example, 1.50; 1.75; 2.00 m.

4.2.11 If a range of numerical values \u200b\u200bof a physical quantity expressed in the same unit of a physical quantity is given in the text of the document, then the designation of the unit of a physical quantity is indicated after the last numerical value of the range.


1 From 1 to 5 mm.

2 From 10 to 100 kg.

3 From plus 10 to minus 40 ° С.

4 From plus 10 to plus 40 ° С.

It is unacceptable to separate the unit of physical quantity from the numerical value (transfer them to different lines or pages), except for the units of physical quantities placed in tables made by typewritten method.

4.2.12 When giving the highest or lowest values \u200b\u200bof quantities, the phrase "should be no more (no less)" should be used.

When citing the permissible deviations from the specified norms and requirements, the phrase "should not be more (less)" should be used.

For example, the mass fraction of sodium carbonate in technical soda ash must be at least 99.4%.

4.2.13 The numerical values \u200b\u200bof the quantities in the text should be indicated with the degree of accuracy that is necessary to ensure the required properties of the product, while the number of decimal places is aligned in the series of quantities.

Rounding of numeric values \u200b\u200bto the first, second, third, etc. decimal point for various sizes, brands, etc. products of the same name must be the same. For example, if the gradation of the thickness of the hot-rolled steel strip is 0.25 mm, then the entire range of strip thicknesses must be indicated with the same number of decimal places, for example, 1.50; 1.75; 2.00.

4.2.14 Fractional numbers must be given in the form of decimal fractions, except for the dimensions in inches, which should be recorded; (but not , ).

If it is impossible to express a numerical value in the form of a decimal fraction, it is allowed to write it in the form of a simple fraction in one line through a slash, for example 5/32; (50A-4C) / (40B + 20).

4.2.15 In the formulas, the symbols established by the relevant state standards should be used. Explanations of the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula, if they are not explained earlier in the text, should be given directly under the formula. Explanations of each symbol should be given on a new line in the order in which the symbols are given in the formula. The first line of explanation must begin with the word "where" without a colon after it.

EXAMPLE The density of each sample, kg / m, is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the sample, kg;

- sample volume, m

Formulas following one after the other and not separated by text are separated by commas.

4.2.16 It is allowed to transfer formulas to the next line only on the signs of the operations performed, and the sign at the beginning of the next line is repeated. When transferring a formula to the multiplication sign, use the sign "".

4.2.17 In documents published in a non-typographic way, formulas can be made by typewritten, machine methods or drawing type with a height of at least 2.5 mm. The use of typewritten and handwritten symbols in one formula is not allowed.

4.2.18 Formulas, with the exception of formulas placed in the appendix, should be numbered with sequential numbering in Arabic numerals, which are written at the formula level on the right in parentheses. One formula is designated - (1).

References in the text to the ordinal numbers of the formulas are given in brackets, for example ... in the formula (1).

Formulas placed in annexes should be numbered separately with Arabic numerals within each annex with the addition of an application designation before each digit, for example, formula (B.1).

Numbering of formulas within the section is allowed. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example (3.1).

4.2.19 The order of presentation in documents of mathematical equations is the same as for formulas.

4.2.20 Notes are given in documents if explanations or reference data are needed for the content of text, tables or graphic material.

Notes should not contain requirements.

4.2.21 Notes should be placed immediately after the text, graphic material or in the table to which these notes relate, and typed with capital letters from the paragraph. If there is only one note, then a dash is placed after the word "Note" and the note is also printed with a capital letter. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered in Arabic numerals. A note to the table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

4.2.22 References to this document, standards, specifications and other documents are allowed in a text document, provided that they fully and unambiguously define the relevant requirements and do not cause difficulties in using the document.

References to enterprise standards (STP) and other technical documentation must be specified in the product development contract.

Reference should be made to the document as a whole or to its sections and appendices. References to subsections, clauses, tables and illustrations are not permitted, except for subsections, clauses, tables and illustrations of this document.

When referring to standards and specifications, only their designation is indicated, while it is allowed not to indicate the year of their approval, provided that the designation with the year of approval is recorded at the end of the text document under the heading "REFERENCE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS" in the form:

4.3 Decoration of illustrations and applications

4.3.1 The number of illustrations should be sufficient to explain the text presented. Illustrations can be located both in the text of the document (as close as possible to the corresponding parts of the text), and at the end of it. Illustrations must be made in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD and SPDS standards. Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations in the annexes, should be numbered with Arabic numerals consecutively. If there is only one picture, then it is designated "Picture 1".

The illustrations of each application are denoted by separate numbering in Arabic numerals, with the application designation added before the number. For example - Figure A.3.

It is allowed not to number small illustrations (small figures) placed directly in the text and to which there are no further references.

It is allowed to number illustrations within the section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the serial number of the illustration, separated by a period. For example - Figure 1.1.

When referring to illustrations, one should write "... in accordance with Figure 2" with continuous numbering and "... in accordance with Figure 1.2" with numbering within the section.

The illustrations, if necessary, can have a name and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure" and the name are placed after the explanatory data and arranged as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.3.2 If the text of the document contains an illustration that shows the component parts of the product, then this illustration should indicate the position numbers of these components within this illustration, which are arranged in ascending order, with the exception of repeated positions, and for electrical and radioelements - reference designations established in the diagrams of this product.

The exception is electrical and radio elements, which are adjustment or adjustment elements, for which (in addition to the position number), the purpose of each adjustment and adjustment, the reference designation and inscriptions on the corresponding strip or panel are additionally indicated in the figure text.

It is allowed, if necessary, to keep the number assigned to the component part of the product in the illustration within the document.

For layouts of structural elements and architectural and construction drawings of buildings (structures) indicate the brands of elements.

When referring to individual elements of parts (holes, grooves, grooves, collars, etc.) in the text, they are designated by capital letters of the Russian alphabet.

The indicated data are applied in illustrations according to GOST 2.109.

4.3.3 On the electrical diagrams given in the document, near each element indicate its reference designation established by the relevant standards, and, if necessary, the nominal value of the quantity.

4.3.4 Material supplementing the text of the document may be placed in annexes. Applications can be, for example, graphic material, large-format tables, calculations, descriptions of equipment and devices, descriptions of algorithms and programs of problems solved on a computer, etc.

The appendix is \u200b\u200bdrawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets or issued as an independent document.

4.3.5 Applications can be mandatory and informational.

Information applications can be of a recommended or reference nature.

4.3.6 References should be made to all annexes in the text of the document. The degree of compulsory attachments is not indicated when making links. Appendices are arranged in the order of references to them in the text of the document, with the exception of the informational appendix "Bibliography", which is the latter.

4.3.7 Each appendix should start on a new page with the word "Appendix" and its designation indicated at the top in the middle of the page, and below it, in brackets, for a mandatory attachment write the word "mandatory", and for informational - "recommended" or "reference".

The application must have a title that is written symmetrically relative to the capitalized text on a separate line.

4.3.8 Applications are denoted in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, Z, Y, O, H, L, Y, b. The word "Application" is followed by a letter indicating its sequence.

It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of letters I and O.

When full use letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets are allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals.

If a document has one annex, it is referred to as "Appendix A".

4.3.9 Applications, as a rule, are executed on A4 sheets. It is allowed to draw up applications on sheets of A3, A43, A44, A2 and A1 in accordance with GOST 2.301.

4.3.10 The text of each annex, if necessary, can be divided into sections, subsections, clauses, subclauses, which are numbered within each annex. The number is preceded by the designation of this application.

Appendices should share sequential pagination with the rest of the document.

4.3.11 All attachments should be listed in the content of the document (if any), indicating their numbers and titles.

4.3.12 Appendices issued in the form of an independent document are drawn up according to the general rules - the first sheet with the main inscription according to form 2, subsequent sheets - according to form 2a according to GOST 2.104, GOST 21.101.

If necessary, such an application can have "Content".

4.3.13 Applications or books issued in the form of an independent document, the designation is assigned as part of the document, indicating their serial number in the document code. If an appendix or book has a title page, then the word "Appendix" and its designation in the case of two or more appendices, for example "Appendix B" or "Book" and its serial number, for example "Book 6", are indicated on it under the name of the document.

4.3.14 * It is allowed to use other independently issued design documents (dimensional drawings, diagrams, etc.) as an attachment to the document.

The document, including the document to which the appendices are issued, are assembled into an album with an inventory of the album. Inventories assign the product designation for which the main document has been developed, and the OP code.

The inventory is made according to the form 8 and 8a GOST 2.106. First, a document is written into it, for which other design documents are applied as an application. Further, the documents are recorded in the order of their collection in the album. If necessary, a title page is drawn up to the album of documents.
* See "Notes" label. - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

4.4 Building tables

4.4.1 Tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The name of the table, if any, should reflect its content, be precise and short. The title should be placed above the table.

When transferring a part of a table to the same or other pages, the title is placed only above the first part of the table.

Digital material, as a rule, is presented in the form of tables in accordance with Figure 1.

Picture 1

4.4.2 Tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered with Arabic numerals sequentially.

The tables of each annex are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of an application designation before the number. If there is one table in the document, it should be labeled "Table 1" or "Table B.1" if it is shown in Appendix B.

It is allowed to number tables within a section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the table number, separated by a dot.

4.4.3 All tables of the document must be referenced in the text of the document; when linking, write the word "table" with its number.

4.4.4 The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter, and the subheadings of the columns with a lowercase letter if they form one sentence with a heading, or with a capital letter if they have an independent meaning. At the end of the headings and subheadings of tables, periods are not put. Column headings and subheadings are indicated in the singular.

4.4.5 Tables on the left, right and bottom, as a rule, are limited by lines.

It is not allowed to separate the headings and subheadings of the sidebar and the graph with diagonal lines.

Horizontal and vertical lines delimiting the rows of the table may not be drawn if their absence does not complicate the use of the table.

As a rule, graph headers are written parallel to the table rows. If necessary, the perpendicular arrangement of the headings of the columns is allowed.

The head of the table should be separated by a line from the rest of the table.

The height of the table rows must be at least 8 mm.

4.4.6 The table, depending on its size, is placed under the text in which the link to it is first given, or on the next page, and, if necessary, in the appendix to the document.

It is allowed to place the table along the long side of the document sheet.

4.4.7 If the lines or columns of the table go beyond the format of the page, it is divided into parts, placing one part under the other or next to it, while in each part of the table its head and side are repeated. When dividing a table into parts, it is allowed to replace its head or side with the number of columns and rows, respectively. In this case, the columns and (or) lines of the first part of the table are numbered in Arabic numerals.

The word "Table" is indicated once to the left above the first part of the table, the words "Continuation of the table" are written above the other parts, indicating the number (designation) of the table in accordance with Figure 2. When preparing text documents using software, the inscription "Continuation of the table" is not allowed indicate.

Picture 2

If at the end of the page the table is interrupted and its continuation will be on the next page, it is allowed not to draw the lower horizontal line delimiting the table in the first part of the table.

Tables with a small number of columns can be divided into parts and placed one part next to another on one page, while repeating the head of the table in accordance with Figure 3. It is recommended to separate parts of the table with a double line or a line 2 thick.

Figure 3

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

4.4.8 The column "Number in order" is not allowed to be included in the table. Numbering of table columns with Arabic numerals is allowed in cases where the text of the document contains references to them, when dividing the table into parts, and also when transferring part of the table to the next page in accordance with Figure 4.

Figure 4

If necessary, the numbering of indicators, parameters or other data, serial numbers should be indicated in the first column (sidebar) of the table immediately before their name in accordance with Figure 5. Before the numerical values \u200b\u200bof quantities and designation of types, brands, etc. serial numbers are not affixed.

Figure 5

4.4.9 If all the indicators given in the columns of the table are expressed in the same unit of physical quantity, then its designation must be placed above the table on the right, and when dividing the table into parts, above each of its parts in accordance with Figure 2.

If most of the columns in the table show indicators expressed in the same units of physical quantities (for example, in millimeters, volts), but there are columns with indicators expressed in other units of physical quantities, then the name of the prevailing indicator and its designation should be written above the table physical quantity, for example "Dimensions in millimeters", "Voltage in volts", and in the subheadings of the remaining columns, give the name of the indicators and (or) designations of other units of physical quantities in accordance with Figure 4.

To shorten the text of headings and subheadings, graphs of individual concepts are replaced by letter designations established by GOST 2.321, or other designations if they are explained in the text or shown in illustrations, for example - diameter, - height, - length.

Indicators with the same letter designation are grouped sequentially in ascending order of indices in accordance with Figure 4.

4.4.10 The limiting words "more", "not more", "less", "not less", etc. should be placed in one line or column of the table with the name of the corresponding indicator after the designation of its unit of physical quantity, if they refer to the entire line or graph. In this case, after the name of the indicator, a comma is placed before the restrictive words in accordance with Figures 4 and 5.

4.4.11 The designation of a physical quantity unit common to all data in a line should be indicated after its name in accordance with Figure 5. It is allowed, if necessary, to place the designation of a physical quantity unit in a separate line (column).

4.4.12 If the values \u200b\u200bof the same physical quantity are placed in the column of the table, then the designation of the unit of the physical quantity is indicated in the heading (subheading) of this column in accordance with Figure 6. Numerical values \u200b\u200bof quantities that are the same for several lines may be indicated once in accordance with with figures 4 and 6.

Figure 6

If the numerical values \u200b\u200bof quantities in the columns of the table are expressed in different units of physical quantities, their designations are indicated in the subheading of each column.

The designations given in the headings of the columns in the table should be explained in the text or graphic material of the document.

4.4.13 Designations of flat angle units should be indicated not in the headings of the columns, but in each row of the table, both in the presence of horizontal lines separating the lines in accordance with Figure 7, and in the absence of horizontal lines in accordance with Figure 8.

Figure 7

Figure 8

4.4.14 Limit deviations related to all numerical values \u200b\u200bof quantities placed in one column are indicated in the head of the table under the name or designation of the indicator in accordance with Figure 9.

Figure 9

4.4.15 Limit deviations related to several numerical values \u200b\u200bof quantities or to a certain numerical value of a quantity are indicated in a separate column in accordance with Figure 10.

Figure 10

4.4.16 Text repeated in lines of the same column and consisting of single words alternating with numbers is replaced with quotation marks in accordance with Figure 11. If the repeated text consists of two or more words, at the first repetition it is replaced with the words "The same ", and then with quotation marks in accordance with Figure 12. If the previous phrase is part of the next one, it is allowed to replace it with the words" The same "and add additional information.

Figure 11

Figure 12

If there are horizontal lines, the text must be repeated.

4.4.17 Replace with quotes the numbers repeated in the table, mathematical signs, percent signs and numbers, designation of grades of materials and standard sizes of products, designations regulatory documents not allowed.

4.4.18 In the absence of individual data in the table, a dash (dash) should be inserted in accordance with Figure 11.

4.4.19 When indicating in the tables consecutive intervals of numbers covering all the numbers of the series, they should be written: "From ... to ... incl.", "St. ... to ... incl." according to figure 11.

In the interval covering the numbers of the row, between the extreme numbers of the row in the table, it is allowed to put a dash in accordance with Figure 13.

Figure 13

Intervals of numbers in the text are written with the words "from" and "to" (meaning "From ... to ... inclusive"), if a unit of physical quantity or number is indicated after the numbers, represent dimensionless coefficients, or through a hyphen, if numbers represent ordinal numbers.

Examples of

1 ... the layer thickness should be between 0.5 and 20 mm.

27-12, Figure 1-14

4.4.20 In tables, if necessary, stepped bold lines are used to highlight the range attributed to a certain value, combine positions into groups and indicate the preferred numerical values \u200b\u200bof indicators, which are usually located inside the stepped line, or to indicate to which values \u200b\u200bof the columns and rows certain deviations, in accordance with Figure 14. At the same time, an explanation of these lines should be provided in the text.

Figure 14

4.4.21 The numerical value of the indicator is put down at the level of the last line of the indicator name in accordance with Figure 15.

Figure 15

The value of the indicator, given in the form of text, is recorded at the level of the first line of the indicator name in accordance with Figure 16.

Figure 16

4.4.22 Figures in the columns of the tables should be put down so that the digits of numbers in the entire column are located one below the other, if they relate to the same indicator. In one column, as a rule, the same number of decimal places must be observed for all values \u200b\u200bof quantities.

4.4.23 If it is necessary to indicate in the table the preference for the use of certain numerical values \u200b\u200bof quantities or types (brands, etc.) of products, it is allowed to use conditional marks with an explanation of them in the text of the document.

To highlight the preferred nomenclature or limit the applied numerical values \u200b\u200bor types (brands, etc.) of products, it is allowed to enclose in brackets those values \u200b\u200bthat are not recommended for use or have a restrictive application, indicating in a note the meaning of the brackets in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 17

4.4.24 For products weighing up to 100 g, it is allowed to indicate the mass of a certain number of products, and for products made of different materials, the mass for the main materials can be indicated in accordance with Figures 18-20.

Figure 18

Figure 19

Figure 20

Instead of indicating in the table the mass of products made of different materials, it is allowed to give a reference to the correction factors in a note to the table.

EXAMPLE To determine the mass of screws made from other materials, the masses given in the table must be multiplied by a factor:

- 1,080 - for brass;

- 0.356 - for an aluminum alloy.

4.4.25 If there is a small amount of digital material in a document, it is inappropriate to draw up it in a table, but should be given in text, placing digital data in the form of columns.


Limit deviations of the sizes of profiles of all numbers:

in height

along the width of the shelf

by wall thickness

by shelf thickness

4.5 Footnotes

4.5.1 If it is necessary to clarify individual data given in the document, then these data should be indicated by superscript footnotes.

Footnotes in the text are placed with paragraph indentation at the end of the page on which they are indicated, and are separated from the text by a short thin horizontal line on the left side, and to the data located in the table at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

4.5.2 A footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which the explanation is given, and before the text of the explanation.

4.5.3 The footnote mark is executed in Arabic numerals with a bracket and placed at the level of the upper edge of the font.

Example - "... printing device ..."

Footnote numbering is separate for each page.

It is allowed to use asterisks instead of numbers: *. It is not recommended to use more than four stars.

4.6 Examples

4.6.1 Examples may be given when they clarify the requirements of the document or make them more concise.

4.6.2 Examples are placed, numbered and executed in the same way as notes (according to 4.2.21).

5 Requirements for text documents containing text, divided into columns

5.1 Text documents containing text divided into columns, if necessary, are divided into sections and subsections that are not numbered.

5.2 The names of sections and subsections are written in the form of headings in lowercase letters (except for the first uppercase) and underlined.

The location of the headings for the statements is established by the corresponding ESKD and SPDS standards.

One free line should be left below each heading, above - at least one free line.

5.3 Notes to sections, subsections or to the entire document are numbered in accordance with 4.2.21.

5.4 In text documents in paper form with lines, all entries are made on each line in one row.

To facilitate making changes:

- write at the bottom of the line field. Records should not merge with lines separating lines and columns;

- leave free lines between sections and subsections, and in large documents - also inside sections and subsections.

When drawing up documents for prototypes, they additionally provide free lines for recording documents and other data that can be entered into the documentation.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

5.5 If text is written in several lines in a column of a document, then in subsequent columns the records begin at the level of the first line. If in the following columns the record is placed on one line, then with the typewritten method of execution it is allowed to be placed at the level of the last line.

5.6 For electronic documents when withdrawing to paper carrier or a display device using software, deviations are allowed in the forms of execution of tables (frame sizes, graphs, etc.) and text placement (field sizes, intervals, etc.), while observing the requirements for the design of text documents.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

6 Requirements for the title page and approval sheet

6.1 The title page is the first page of the document. The title page, compiled for the album of documents, is the first page of the inventory of this album.

6.2 An approval sheet (LU) is issued for documents on which, according to the terms of their use, the developer and (or) the customer considers it inappropriate to give the names of organizations, positions and names of the persons who signed these documents.

6.3 LU is issued for one document, for several documents, for an album of documents or a set of documents. It is allowed to issue license plate for a separate part or several parts of the document.

6.4 LU designation consists of the designation of the document to which it belongs, with the addition of the LU code through a hyphen, for example XXXX.XXXXXX.XXXTU-LU.

6.5 If an LU is issued for an album of documents, it is assigned the designation of one of these documents with the addition of the LU code, separated by a hyphen, and is written into the inventory of the album first.

6.6 If an LU is issued for several documents, it is assigned the designation of one of these documents with the addition of the LU code, separated by a hyphen, and recorded in the specification that includes this document.

6.7 If an MD is issued for a set of documents, it is assigned a specification designation with the addition of an MD code and is written into the specification in the "Documentation" section first.

6.8 When recording the LU in the specification, it should be indicated in the "Note" column - "Multiply as directed".


1 LU is multiplied and sent out if necessary. The need for distribution of copies of the license is determined by the holder of the original license in agreement with the customer.

2 They are not included in the list of operational documents, as well as in the list of documents for LU repair.

6.9 The title page and license plate are made on A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301 in the form shown in Figure 21:

field 1 - the name of the department, the system of which includes the organization that developed this document. Filling in the field is optional;

field 2 - on the left - the product classifier code, on the right - special marks. To be completed only for the title page;

(Amendment. IUS N 1-2018).

field 3 - on the left side - approval stamp, on the right side - approval stamp, performed in accordance with GOST 6.38, if necessary;

field 4 - name of the product (in capital letters) and the document on which the title page or LU is drawn up. If the title page is drawn up for documents divided into parts, indicate the part number and its name. For a document album, indicate the album number and the total number of albums, for example:



Outline drawings

Total Albums 5

Figure 21 - Layout of the fields of the title page and the approval sheet

field 5 - the words "Approval sheet"; the field is filled only for the license;

field 6 - for the title page - designation of the document (in capital letters), for the album of documents - designation of the inventory of this album; for LU - LU designation;

field 7 - the number of sheets of the license plate. The field is not filled in if the license is made on one sheet;

field 8 - for the title page: signatures of the developers of the document, carried out in accordance with GOST 6.38. If the document is subject to approval by several officials, then, in addition to the signatures specified in field 3, the remaining signatures are placed on the left side of field 8.

The signatures indicated on the title page title block must not be repeated on the title page and approval sheet.

For LU: on the left - the approval stamp (if necessary), on the right - the signatures of the developers and the normative controller in accordance with GOST 6.38 in the manner established at the developer enterprise.

With a large number of signatures, field 8 is increased by issuing a second sheet. In this case, in the upper right corner indicate: for the title page - "Continuation of the title page", for the LU - "Continuation of the approval sheet" and then the name and designation of the document. In this case, at the end of the first sheet indicate: "Continuation on the next sheet";

field 9 - columns 19-23 in accordance with GOST 2.104, placed on the field for filing. It is allowed to place field 9 on field 10 according to GOST 2.004;

field 10 - columns 14-18 in accordance with GOST 2.104 (dimensions can be set arbitrarily; lines dividing columns and lines are not applied; the name of the columns is not indicated). The field is filled with lines from bottom to top. The field is filled only for the license.

6.10 In case of issuance of an LU for several documents, in field 8 below the signatures, indicate the designation of the documents to which this LU applies.

6.11 When one or more documents are approved by the approval sheet, an inscription is made on the title page in the upper left corner for text documents or above the title block for graphic documents:


lU designation

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.12 A change in LU is made in accordance with GOST 2.503 and reflected in additional columns in accordance with GOST 2.104 or GOST 2.004.

Examples of the design of the title page and approval sheet are given in Appendices B-E.

7 Requirements for paperwork for double-sided copying

7.1 For double-sided copying, the sheets of the document are doubled with a fold line in the middle. The main inscription is given on both halves of each sheet (Figure 22), with the exception of additional columns, which are placed only on the odd page.

Figure 22

7.2 In the main inscriptions, the name of the column "Sheet" is changed to "C.", and the name of "Sheets" (on the title pages) to "Pages".

7.3 Separate sheets of the document (for example, the title page or sheets with graphic content attachments) are published without filling in the reverse side of the copy; such sheets indicate odd page numbers, and the corresponding even page numbers are not indicated, but included in the total number of pages of the document.

7.4 For documents made by duplex copying, the size and number of sheets are indicated as follows:

- the format is written in the form of a fraction, where the format of the double sheets of the document is indicated in the numerator, and the format of copies, for example A3 / A4, in the denominator;

- the number of sheets is also recorded as a fraction: in the numerator - the number of double sheets of the document, and in the denominator - the number of pages, for example 45 / s. 90.

Appendix A (reference). An example of executing a text document


* The second example is in the appendix. Probably a mistake in the original. It should read "Main inscription according to GOST 2.104-2006 (form 2a)". - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

Appendix B (reference). An example of filling in field 4 of the title page per book


(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

Appendix B (reference). An example of filling out an approval sheet for one document



Appendix D (reference). An example of filling out an approval sheet for several documents


Note - Since 2000, the designation of the year in the date is indicated by four digits.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

Appendix D (reference). Example of filling out a title page


Note - Since 2000, the designation of the year in the date is indicated by four digits.


Appendix E (informative). Example of filling out a cover page with an approval sheet


Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified by:
official publication
Unified system for design documentation.
Key points: Sat. GOSTs. -
M .: Standartinform, 2011

Document revision taking into account
changes and additions prepared

For the preparation of various kinds of documentation, it is imperative to use legal regulations.

With regard to most business papers, no restrictions have been created and they are issued in free form.

As for the official, technical positions, here the adjustment consists of the established criteria of GOST.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical solutions legal issuesbut each case is different. If you want to know how to solve your problem - contact a consultant:


It is fast and IS FREE!

General requirements

In Russia, there are a certain number of rules for paperwork. The establishment of new positions is negotiated from July 1, 2020.

It is assumed that positions will be placed in relation to GOST R 7.0.97-2016, which was supposed to come into force in 2017.

Before this period, everyone used the provisions prescribed in the document GOST R 6.30-2003. And therefore, you should understand what are the similar points and differences. In the new legal document, the main changes are in the field of requisite turnover.

In the standard provisions, in the state act, information is posted in the following areas:

For reporting, which is issued in paper or electronic versions Positions are set by:
  • creation algorithm;
  • what is included in the details;
  • location of codes on forms;
  • design with information technology;
  • what forms can be used, composition according to their details, schemes for prescribing them;
  • what generic or fixed forms can be used
Documentation requirements Several important points work:
  • affixing numbers on pages;
  • structure of forms with double-sided placement on a sheet;
  • typeface and font support of the text by details;
  • structuring text content;
  • rules for the allocation of parts;
  • title formatting

To official papers

The font is used in documents in accordance with GOST, not for the main document flow. Still, relying on some structural points is worth considering. For example, those that are spelled out in the local regulations of the company.

The scope of reporting is also important. To work with accounting forms, you need to select those fonts that are easy to read.

The differences between them should be even in the application system based on the compilation format - some are convenient for use on paper, and others when reading papers from the screen.

The most popular method is document preparation using the program Microsoft Word... This utility provides the ability to properly structure information.

Times New Roman is best for writing text. For the Russian version of the information flow, Calibri is used - since 2007.

At the same time, after the development of work and the use of computer technology in the banking system, other fonts began to spread. Best suited for these purposes Arial, Helvetica - based on their chopped, grotesque shape.

There are no specific rules for official papers. According to GOST, those parameters are spelled out that are most suitable and acceptable for all characters.

The size of the font used is 12 or 14

Regarding typefaces and font sizes, this document contains preferred guidelines only. Changes to these items depend on which version of the document is selected.

Consider the following value algorithm:

Variations close to such dimensions are also allowed by the document. When choosing, it is necessary to rely on several factors:

  • how readable the text is;
  • reflection of information, its perception from the sheet and the screen;
  • the format of the form used is A4, A5, A2.

The best way to determine is to print and look for readability, reviewing the statements.

Affect the effect and parameters by interval. They visually separate the text and therefore, together with the font, create a picture of the text within the following framework:

There is one space between words as standard, and the interval between letters is set by the information program in the usual way.

At the level of the state standard, only the placement of recommendations is supposed. Therefore, the document specifies the ability of the compiler of the paper to apply smaller fonts to the text.

The style of information will depend on the specific needs and scope, direction of action.

Pay particular attention to electronic signature... It does not have a set size, so it is much more difficult to control the correctness of the forms.

But GOST is prescribed that digital sighting should be distinguishable, readable and correspond to the actual size.

This also refers to the option of printing such a norm as a template, on which all the listed parameters should be visible.

The distribution of the amount is specific to each reporting item. If it is necessary to highlight information, then choose larger characters. Everything in this case adjusts to the design of the corresponding appearance.

Technical documentation

There are specific government developments in the field of this kind of paperwork.

The fact is that important data on construction, architectural solutions and other forms in the field of technical support are recorded here.

It is worth relying on several legal acts in terms of the need to develop such papers. In the Russian Federation for 2020, the following positions are relevant:

These regulatory legal acts contain general provisions regarding the formation of technical papers.

But at the same time, they do not contain clear instructions on the choice of style and size of information, certain typefaces.

This legal collection stipulates that it is mainly necessary to establish their positions in style. After all, you need to highlight information, emphasize its importance.

This can be done only on the basis of this or that type and size of the text, styles of use in forms.

In tables

When such a position for organizing information information as a table is used in a document, it is worth developing its appearance correctly. There are no special instructions on the account of fonts and their sizes in acts of the GOST type.

The last government regulator adopted to control all positions contains only one mention of the size and style in the table.

Sizing guidelines are negotiated as part of the compiler's determination of convenient configurations.

They must correspond to the same points that are written for the main content. At the same time, state reports are allowed to be filled in with tables and there to lower the size.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that all information should be in one plane. But when creating a structure in the Word system, there are already standard parameters and it is not difficult to build it.

The main positions on the internal organization of the text can be divided into the following groups:

  • there is no need to change the name of the style - it should be the same as for the text as a whole;
  • it is possible to lower the size by one or two points;
  • headings in headers should be placed in the center;
  • the name of the stitches is left justified;
  • numbers are prescribed in Arabic values \u200b\u200b- on standard grounds.

Video: Which font group should you choose a font for your document from?

Drawing design

In this area, they rely on GOST 2.304-81, which contains several types of fonts:

In order to deal with inclined planes, parameters for fixing letters, there are several tables:

Photo: table for the design of drawings-font type A

Photo: table for the design of drawings-font type B

What should be the page parameters in the Word

  • when printing, use white paper in A4 format;
  • portrait orientation with binding position on the left side;
  • retreat for fields - on the left 30 mm, top and bottom 20 mm, on the right 10 mm;
  • use a black font of at least 12 points.

Indents are assumed within the following limits:

  • paragraph - from 15 to 17 mm;
  • do not indent left and right;
  • do not use spacing before and after paragraphs;
  • between the lines - 1.5 points;
  • aligned in width - for even distribution of information.

The obligation to fulfill is valid only in relation to scientific and research work. The rest of the parameters are recommended.

Designing a number of requirements for items such as font, numbering and style structuring. All parameters should be correlated with the provisions of the corresponding GOST.

It is important to be informed on the basis of current validated legal documents. Although for most papers, the norms are advisory, and not mandatory.

These points should be taken into account and considered in the right direction of use, and according to the law of Russia.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the site.
  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee a solution to your specific problems.

When creating any documentation, we refer to state standards, which formulate recommendations for creating different types documents. The standards regulate the peculiarities of the construction of documents in certain areas of office work. Below we will analyze what type of font is regulated in various documents in accordance with GOST, and what are the features of its use of one or another in the created business documentation.

General requirements for fonts in company documentation

Features of the visual design of the company's documentation directly depends on its head. He chooses the visual style of the documentation in accordance with the established practice in the company, or builds on the brand book developed by professional designers for this company.

The fonts used in the documentation are part of the image of this company and may not be selected in accordance with GOST. They should be light, readable, easy to read, without excessive pretentiousness and imposingness.

Development of corporate identity for a company is the key to its prosperity

The general rule of thumb is to use sans-serif (Arial) fonts for PC screen readers. Serif fonts (for example, the well-known Times New Roman) are recommended for printing text on a sheet of paper, as this way they are perceived better.

The features of office work are regulated by several GOSTs - 2.105-95, 7.32-2001, as well as 6.30 - 2003, the recommendations of which have been replaced by 7.0.97-2016. The latter regulates the execution of organizational and administrative documents for most of the currently existing enterprises. The purpose of "hosting" fonts in documentation is to unify the scope of office work, bringing it to uniform samples, which will not only simplify the workflow, but also make the documents created in this way as convenient as possible for work.

In accordance with the requirements set out in these GOSTs (in particular, the standard 7.0.97-2016), the font in the document is selected based on the field of application. The chosen font should not be too pretentious or decorative (does not correspond to business correspondence). You can use different typefaces (a collection of similar fonts, united by a single style), taking into account the peculiarities of your chosen business style.

Please note that the use of a font in accordance with the regulated GOST is advisory in nature. Gosstandart does not oblige each company to create documentation with the proposed standards. But at the same time, the application of the recommendations outlined will allow you to create really high-quality documents that will be convenient to work with.

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In our material, we have analyzed which font is recommended for use in official documents in accordance with GOST. Compliance with the regulations is the key to high-quality office work of your company, allowing you to create correctly designed and easily readable documentation. We recommend that you study the texts of the listed GOSTs (by contacting special attention on 7.0.97-2016) and further use their recommendations for processing various types of business documents.


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