How to interest a first grader in studies. How to interest a first grader to read a methodological development on a topic. Approval and praise as motivation

Many parents often ask the question: "How can you make your child interested in learning?" But it would be more correct to ask yourself: "Why does the child not want to learn?" If a parent asks himself such a question, then a rather banal answer comes to mind - because of laziness. But in reality, everything is much more complicated. After all, the unwillingness to learn, the lack of interest in lessons can be provoked by the parents themselves, presenting their child with unbearable requirements, for example, that he must study perfectly well in all subjects.

So what do you do?

First, take a closer look at yourself. What are your requirements for your child? Do they correspond to his age, capabilities? It makes no sense to force a child to study for hours if he is still a junior schoolchild, and his leader is play activity... A child at this age is not able to sit still for a long time. Such a load, quite possibly, can cause nervous strain. The time allotted for lessons should be appropriate for the child's age - two hours a day with two small, ten-minute rest breaks.

Parents are an example for students. Photo: AiF-Tula / Olga SVIRTSOVA

Secondly, if you demand that your child does only excellently, each time criticizing him for a lower grade, then it is quite natural that the child will develop a negative attitude towards learning. She will be associated for him with the fear of punishment and a negative attitude on your part towards him. But, in addition to this, the child also develops a fear of making a mistake, which certainly happens, since he is in constant stress, and, in the end, attention is scattered, and the child makes mistakes. This fosters in him complexes, self-doubt, and since there is also a fear of disapproval from his parents, a lie appears (nothing was asked, I have already done everything, etc.). To avoid this, encourage the child for good grades, for his efforts, and if he has already received a bad grade, do not scold or criticize, but on the contrary, support, say that he tried and that next time he will definitely succeed.

All children are different, this must be remembered. Photo: AiF-Tula / Olga SVIRTSOVA

Thirdly, each child needs an individual approach in learning, it is necessary to take into account his temperament... By temperament, we mean a type of nervous system that determines the speed and strength of the course of nervous processes. There are only four types of temperament - phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric and melancholic. For example, it is useless, if not harmful, to require a child with a phlegmatic temperament to quickly complete tasks, since his nervous system is inert and is not able to quickly "join" any activity and dynamically perform it. Such a child needs to be given more time to complete the task and not to rush him. But for a sanguine child, a fast pace of work is easy, but finishing the job to the end and not being distracted is a difficult task. Therefore, it is advisable to interest such a child in activities that focus attention, require careful execution, for example, these are constructors, puzzles, needlework. It is also necessary to encourage the sanguine person for his persistence in completing tasks. A child of choleric temperament may experience difficulties due to excess energy, restlessness, inattention. First of all, you need to give an outlet to the accumulated energy, the ideal option is to go in for active sports. Handicrafts, modeling, drawing are also suitable for training attention. Choleric people are always in a hurry, explain to the child that the main quality, not quantity. Special attention must be given to a child with a melancholic temperament. Such a child needs constant support from people close to him. The slightest failure plunges such a child into despondency. The task of parents is to teach a child to see positive experiences in mistakes, praise him for his successes and be sure to tell him that you believe in his strength and that he will be able to cope with the task.

There is no need to demand the impossible from children. Photo: AiF / Sergey Ilnitsky

Fourth, be a role model for your child.It will be great if you tell him about your school years, about your successes, about performing at olympiads and competitions, about fun activities and competition between classes. Think about your favorite subjects, what you especially liked about them. Look through the school album together, tell about classmates with whom you sat at the desk, in a word, form a positive attitude towards school in your child. Also arrange intellectual games with the whole family that broaden the horizons and the desire to learn something new. Play “school” with your child, figure out how you can help your child to do homework in the form of a game, listen to his suggestions. Use a variety of colored cards, pencils and felt-tip pens, magnets, construction sets and various other objects that will arouse the child's interest and diversify boring examples in mathematics, texts and rules in the Russian language. So you get more than just accomplished homework and a good mark, but also the child's desire to start such an entertaining activity again the next time.

The child should not get tired. Photo: AiF / Elena Volodina

Fifth, help the child, but do not do everything for him. If you do homework for your child, you will take away from him the opportunity to learn to think, develop independence and responsibility. Your task, as a parent, is to respond to requests for help if the child is at a loss with a particular task, but help should be in the form of a given vector, a hint so that the child can develop his thinking abilities, learn to solve the tasks assigned to him.

Summing up, we will mention one more important detail - this is workplace for a child. It should be a comfortable table in a location where good lightingsufficient space and no distractions or noise such as a TV. In this case, you can also show creative ingenuity and stick colorful stickers with mathematical formulas, words-exceptions on the shelves, on the wall. Well, if there are diplomas and awards, then hang them side by side in frames so that, looking at them, the child recalls previous successes and strives for new ones, increasing self-confidence and self-importance.

The main thing to remember as a parent is that your child needs your support. Show a genuine interest in his or her success and be patient and considerate during the school phase of your child's life. Take a closer look at yourself, if you are too categorical and demanding, remember one wise saying of the classic of Russian literature N.V. Gogol: "To educate another, we must educate ourselves, first of all." Good luck, dear parents!

Any child from the moment of birth feels the need to develop, learn and master new skills. And the task of parents is to encourage this desire and not to slow down. Modern pace of life, development information technologies, as well as the requirements for children have changed so much that the baby learns from the cradle foreign languages, learns to read and write. In short, the child receives such a huge load of information that by the time he has to go to school, he loses interest in learning as such. And how to be? How can you help your child to remain interested in learning, moreover, to make learning a joy until the last school bell? Let's talk about this.

Prepare the sleigh in summer

To make it easier to adapt to learning, new knowledge, parents often take the child to preparatory courses or study with him independently: they teach him to count, read, write, trying to put the maximum amount of information into him. This desire is quite understandable, because no one wants his child to lag behind in school. Now answer your own question: “Does your child also show the same initiative? Or is he engaged only because mom and dad said the word "it should be"? " So that this desire does not disappear - use the elements of the game in the learning process, because your task is to interest the baby, motivate. Your parenting instruction in the style of "good studies is the key to a successful future" is just a set of words for a first grader. Such motivation is more relevant for high school students, at the age of 6-7 years it does not matter yet.

The most important thing in the preschool year is to maintain the child's interest in school, prepare him for a new life, new responsibilities, responsibility and respect for school and teachers, convey to the child what is most valuable in school years Is the knowledge gained.

Avoiding disappointment

Going to school, a child may not even know what awaits him there. Well, the parents did not consider it necessary to explain in advance what and how. And in vain. Pay attention to this moment too, dear mums and dads. Tell us how to behave in class, how to behave in a team, what you need to listen to the teacher. It will be great if you introduce the kid in advance to the school, take him there, let him get to know his teacher. You should not show your child your experiences - he and his are quite enough. If he sees that his mother is worried, he may well think to himself that school is actually not such a safe place and it can be scary there. And while he is struggling with fears, he will definitely not have time to study, and you will think that your child cannot learn the material.

All children are different: someone grabs information on the fly, someone needs a little time to assimilate it, and some need to be explained several times in order to understand the material. Of course, the teacher does not have the ability to target all students, she will focus on the majority, explaining the material. And this is another moment for disappointment: the child may be upset because he did not understand something in the lesson, and was ashamed to ask again. I myself was the same in primary school, and therefore it was difficult for me to do my homework. Therefore, we, parents, should pay attention to the first graders, check homework, ask how the day went, what he learned in the lessons. In no case do not perform tasks instead of the child, do not tell him - let him try himself, and only if you see that the child really does not understand, help to figure it out.

Types of motivation to study

About the first option I have already said above: this is study with the aim of gaining knowledge and in the future the opportunity to receive a good education, prestigious work, and so on. Alas, this option will not work for a primary school child. The motivation for the future is not yet clear to him, and therefore not interesting.

Second option - thirst for knowledge or cognitive motivation. However, this type also does not always work. The child comes to the aid of the Internet, all kinds of television programs with an educational bias, fiction, children's encyclopedias. And it is already difficult for a teacher to surprise students with something new than, say, when we were the age of our children. A child comes to school knowing, albeit approximately, about dinosaurs, the structure of the solar system, the structure of man. Here is the task of the parents and the teacher to help the child consolidate what they have already read or watched on TV, systematize the acquired knowledge, and also learn a lot of new, maybe not so interesting, but necessary in the future material.

Third option - praise and support of family members. Initially, the child shows zeal for learning out of a desire to please mom and dad with their successes. Do not skimp on praise in this case, make it clear to your baby that you are proud of his success! Thus, he will have an incentive to study further, learn something new and bring good grades. If a child gets a bad mark - do not rush to scold him for it. First you need to understand why it happened, maybe he did not understand the material, did not manage to complete the task. For example, I had terrible handwriting in elementary school, which often caused my overall grade to be lowered for work done in a notebook. Learn to convey your comments to the child tactfully, believe that a compliment in the style of "writing like a chicken with a paw" will not add to the child's desire to write even better and harder. But praising just like that is also not worth it - otherwise the praise will lose its value for him.


So, let's recap the above. To interest a child in learning, he must have a motive. With high school students, everything is more or less clear: they already understand that school is a start for the future, the more successful it is, the more successful everything will be for him in adult life. They are already more independent and responsible in their actions. But what about kids who are just starting their studies and do not really even understand why they need to go to school?
For them, the motive is important: whether it is praise or a thirst for new knowledge - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that the baby has it. However, motivation alone will not go far. The child needs to know that he is not alone, that you are there and will always help. Therefore, from the very moment your child went to school, show interest in his studies: control the first time carefully enough homework, preparation school uniform and a backpack the next day. But, as I said above, do not do him a "disservice" and do not learn for the child.

He must understand that doing homework is his responsibility. Just like, say, yours, take care of him. Inform your child that it is very important for you, what knowledge he acquired by learning this or that lesson. Do not forget that after school, your child needs to rest for at least 2 hours. If you have the opportunity - take a walk in the park, just along the street. Let him switch over and get a little distracted. Often, after school, children go to circles, in sports sections to study additionally. This is great, but remember that the child still needs rest afterwards. Bad mood, headache and any other are not the best helpers in homework, to force in such cases that the child immediately sat down for lessons wrong. To make it easier for him to allocate time - put together a daily routine, so you will teach your child discipline and order.

So that the child does not lose interest in learning, but, on the contrary, strives for knowledge, be close to him. Attention, as well as understanding - this is the very help a child needs, that he needs. He should know that despite the setbacks, bad marks, the house is the place where he will be helped, where he will be listened to and supported.
Good luck and good ratings!

My first class was 90% boys. And it was a real nightmare. I spent half a lesson to bring the guys to their senses, to seat them in their places, to calm them down. After two months of work, I doubted whether teaching children was really my calling.

But then I looked at my problems from a different angle. I managed to overcome difficulties with behavior and interest the boys in their studies. Here are some takeaways to help parents and teachers in a similar situation.

Let the boys move more in class

Sitting at desks has an intoxicating effect on children. 15 minutes after the start of the lesson, they no longer understand anything. Tested that when boys move, they absorb information better. Therefore, try to stand the lesson in such a way that every 10-15 minutes of work at the table alternates with physical activity.

Give them more time to respond.

I was very angry when I asked a question and did not receive an instant answer. I constantly thought: "Why are they preparing so badly for lessons?" But then it turned out that the children needed to be given a little more time to think - that's all. Now I do this: I warn you that I will now ask questions so that the children focus. Then I ask each of the boys a question in a circle, and then I give them some time to think. Literally half a minute. And only then I ask the answer.

It is easier for boys to receive tasks that are divided into several parts.

When you give them a big assignment, it's best to break it down into stages. You will see that productivity will increase significantly.

Let them be researchers

It is very important for boys to touch everything, carefully examine the subject with their hands. Therefore, if in the classroom you periodically conduct scientific experiments using beakers, measuring spoons, scales, the right decision on your part would be to allow the children to touch and examine each of the objects. Then they will not do this directly during the experiments. The same situation with objects for fine arts. If it is important for the child to twist something in his hands, give him a small elastic ball (like an expander). Let him squeeze it quietly while he listens to your explanations.

Do not pay attention to rudeness, this is a provocation!

Boys love to talk about being rude. "Poop" and "burp" are words that are present in the speech of every tomboy. Adults sometimes react very emotionally to them, and children ... enjoy our reaction and continue in the same spirit. The more calm your reaction, the less harsh words you will hear from boys later.

Boys should feel confident and strong in you.

Noise, clamor, confusion in the classroom - do you know this? To end the turmoil, the lesson should be started in a loud but calm voice (don't shout!). Then the children will quickly tune in to classes.

Many hope that at school children will easily perceive information, assimilate new material and get good grades for it. But often the teacher needs help and support of parents in the matter of study. Indeed, very often, in the absence of motivation and support from loved ones, the child loses interest in gaining knowledge.

Psychologists insist that it is by no means possible to force children to learn, but it is also not worth not paying attention to unfulfilled homework and unsatisfactory grades. In such situations, it is advisable for parents to find out the reason for the lack of interest in school subjects and help the child find an incentive to education.

In the article you will find information on how to get your child interested in learning. Perhaps some motivational methods can help your child regain the desire to learn.

1. It is worth instilling a child's love for knowledge almost from the cradle. Exactly at early age children begin to be interested in the structure of the world, to learn and explore the unknown. It is important not to miss this moment and support your baby in learning.

If it is not possible to send the baby to such classes, then the training should definitely be done at home. In the future, this training will help the child to cope with school loads more easily.

3. Before starting homework, pay attention to the child's mood. If something worries him, find out the cause and try to eliminate it. The oppressed state does not contribute to the assimilation of the material. Therefore, it is advisable to first take a walk, relax and rest, and only then proceed to lessons.

4. The child should be given only those loads with which he can cope. Do not force a little schoolchild to cram lessons for hours, it is better to break learning into breaks for play and rest. Don't demand to learn everything at once.

5. Bad marks, corrections in notebooks are not a reason to scold a child. Help him to work on mistakes and praise even small achievements. It is important for children to feel the support and understanding of their parents. What seems elementary to adults may require considerable effort from a small student.

Constant reproaches about poor grades often lead to insecurity and lies on the part of children. They are simply afraid, again not to please their relatives.

6. Don't focus on failure. For example, if a child is just learning to write, underline beautiful, even letters, not paying attention to the failed ones. Show that he has something to strive for, he succeeds or succeeds the next time. Praise for the efforts, aspiration, motivate with your love, joy for the child's success.

However, over-praising a child can also be harmful. Do not lead to the appearance of overestimated self-esteem, do not label the best genius in everything, otherwise it may soon play against him.

7. For older children, the method of motivation for the future is suitable. Explain that without certain knowledge you cannot achieve high results, you cannot become a successful, interesting and wealthy person.

8. Today's children are hard to surprise. The countless number of educational TV shows, films, cartoons, books, Internet access complicates the teacher's ability to attract the attention of schoolchildren to new topic... Here it is important to find little-known facts, try to present the material in a new way.

9. Explain that it is not the teacher's grades and praise that are important, but progress in learning and understanding. Be interested in the topics covered, about what the child has learned and learned at school today, perhaps something was not clear and should be improved, taken apart at home. Teach children to work not on the marks in the diary, but on the result.

10. Very often children try to be equal to their parents. Share with your child your achievements during school years. If there are notebooks, notes, photographs, report cards or certificates, medals, be sure to show them. Tell about your favorite and least favorite lessons, teachers, tell your funny school stories.

11. It happens that children lose interest in learning due to the fact that parents do their homework instead of them. They don't need to think and strain. Therefore, help when asked or when you see that the child cannot cope on his own. Ask suggestive questions, prompt, stimulate him to think and solve the tasks on his own.

12. Consider also the temperament of the child (phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, melancholic). Having figured out what type of nervous system your child has, it will be easier to find an individual approach to the assimilation of school knowledge.

13. Do not rely only on school. Develop your child on your own. Read interesting, informative books, look at encyclopedias, go to museums, theaters, exhibitions. Spend time together more often, in a fun and useful way.

If children feel the love and support of their parents, they learn with great pleasure, share their impressions and talk about the knowledge gained at school. Do not let the child's education take its course, help, guide. And remember, to force, or vice versa, to over-praise the child is not worth it.

Prepared by Natalia Bilyk

At the end of the first grade, all students can read. In order for the children to not lose their fluency in reading, not to lose interest in intellectual pursuits during the three summer months of vacation, parents must make sure that they have a list of literature for grade 1 for the summer.

How to interest a first grader?

What should be done in order to instill an interest in literature?

In the preschool period, we would advise parents to read as much and often as possible. But now that the child has mastered literacy, the approach should be somewhat different. After the first year of schooling, children can read all books for grade 1 for themselves! On the this stage the main task of parents is to give the child a taste of reading, to teach him to perceive it as a pleasure, and not as a duty, and even more so, not as a punishment.

How can this be done?

Firstly, it is necessary to take into account that books for children of 7 years old should correspond to their age, which means that they should be bright, easy to understand and at the same time carry the "grain" of knowledge, that is, replenish the child's vocabulary, expand his horizons. Secondly, focus on the child's independent reading - in no case read to him aloud: switch roles - before you read books to him, now he is to you. At the same time, you will evaluate your child's reading technique with an open mind.

Probably, one of the parents is worried about the question: how many words per minute should a seven-year-old child read? In fact, you don't need to stand with a stopwatch and count the number of words read in 60 seconds. Take any books for children of 7 years old and give the child the opportunity to choose the one that will interest him with the cover, illustrations. Don't show your baby that you want to test him - because of the excitement, he may read worse. Just ask him to read aloud, tell him that you also liked this book very much and now you can't wait to find out what it is about.

What is good"?

You can give an "excellent" mark to your first grade graduate if his reading is fluent, there is no division of long words into syllables; punctuation marks are respected: at the end of a sentence, the voice is lowered - the thought is over, in the place of commas there are small pauses, emphasizing the author's thought; interrogative and exclamation sentences are read with appropriate intonation.

If you, frankly, were unhappy with the child's reading technique, and this may well be, do not be upset: over the summer, your child will learn to read very well, but only if the list of summer references for the 1st grade will not just be rewritten, but accepted as a "guide to action."

But even those parents who thought that the child's reading technique is already excellent, that is, he reads fluently, should "support" the achievements in the summer. You can see what literature for the summer for grade 1 is offered to children of this age category, choose a book with a lot of dialogue. Periodically invite the child to voice the "roles". The kid will like this exercise, and the parents will solve an important educational problem: the child will learn to read not only quickly, but also expressively over the summer, and will learn the basics of "acting".

It is very important to understand the capabilities of a child of this age: he seems to be already a schoolboy, but at the same time it is difficult for him to sit still for a long time, he does not like "difficulties", if he is not at all interested, he quickly loses interest in the lesson. Its still as in kindergartenare attracted by vivid pictures. Based on this, he needs to select books for 7 years that he will like immediately, even visually, that is, the child will want to look at colorful illustrations, and then, accordingly, learn the plot.

Common mistakes parents make

The mistake of many parents lies in the fact that they seek to "complicate" the material for their children as soon as possible, so books for first graders seem to them no longer relevant: they want their children to be much ahead of their peers. Sometimes you can hear fathers and mothers proudly saying that their seven-year-old child is already reading, for example, the story of Alexander Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" or something else from the program for high school. And now we have come to the most important thing: books for grade 1 are selected taking into account what a small student can understand! Indeed, if a child has mastered the reading technique, he will voice - only voice, but not understand - a text of any complexity: such reading will not give anything for the formation of the child's personality.


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