Processing related. Works related to the processing and removal of trees (arboristics). The way to create wood mosaic is

2017 year

Lesson objectives:
Get to know the professions
Describe each
Define the concept
"Wood flaw";
Learn to recognize the main
external defects of wood
Form a technological

Professia (lat.professio; from profiteor
"I declare my business") - genus
labor activity human,
the owner of the complex
theoretical knowledge and skills,
acquired during a special

Professions related
with processing
Furniture maker
A carpenter
Master of carving or painting on wood
Saw cutter
Basket-maker, master of vine weaving
Musical Master
instruments (Stradivari)

They work with the tree
people of such
Restorer Cabinetmaker
Gardener Forester
Agronomist Turner (by
Furniture Designer Sculptor
Engineer, woodworking master
Landscape architect

Professions related to
wood processing

Logging operator
combine (harvester)
harvester, there is also
anglicism "harvester" (eng.
harvester, from harvest "to collect
harvest ") - a machine,
performing four or more
operations (felling, cutting
twigs, podrelevka,
crosscutting, sorting). If
less than four, it is called
felling machine.
Installed in the cockpit
the operator's computer allows
control the work of the head
combine and set lengths
ridged assortments.
The program has
auto mode for
achieving maximum
output of commercial wood at
cutting, keeps track of the quantity
harvested wood and its
breed composition.

The feller of the forest -
dealing with
wood harvesting.

Joiner - professional
worker, craftsman,
gouging and
making products from
wood or products based on
wood. The joiner is engaged
carpentry work:
making complex
furniture, doors, windows, arches,
stairs and other products from
solid wood with
possible application
veneering, veneering,
lamination, no thread
manually. The joiner performs
more precise, delicate work,
than a carpenter, and nothing less than
carver (or sculptor) by
wood. Carpenter can
perform unique work
on micromodeling on
wooden base.

Furniture maker A furniture maker must have
some set of elementary
geometric knowledge well developed
spatial thinking, good
eye and coordination of movements.
To successfully master the profession, he
aesthetic flair and
artistic taste, good eyesight and
color perception, scrupulousness,
thoroughness bordering on
pedantry, patience, good
memory for shades of different colors.

A carpenter
A carpenter -
profession, one of
the most ancient
crafts that
associated with
wood processing and
wood in detail,
constructions and
building materials

Builder profession
is very ancient.
Thanks to the historical
architectural buildings
we can learn a lot about
life and culture of ancestors. Before
a lot of our days have survived
structures, age
which is measured
millennia. Your experience
construction masters
passed down from generation to
Every year in our country
is being built everywhere
a large number of
various buildings. This and
residential complexes, and
cottage settlements,
institutions, industrial
enterprises, etc. That's why
demand for a profession
builder is obvious.
Engineering and design

Carving master or
wood painting
Wood carving -
decorative and applied
wow art
(also thread
is one of
wood processing
as well as
cutting out,
turning), and
also arts in
overall (this is an old
folk craft).

Saw cutter
Worker busy
sawing something

Warrior - artisan,
barrel maker, sometimes a master
for the manufacture of ship masts.
The craft is called cooperage. Previously
it was ubiquitous
Spread. In the XXI century
the cooper's profession is still
necessary since real
wooden barrels are required when
production of wine and cognac.
Cooper with an ax and
other carpentry tools
attaches the rivets of the barrel one to
the other, shaves them off, does
folds (folds) by a freak, in them
drives in the bottom and connects everything
wooden or iron

Basket maker, master
weaving from a vine
Wicker weaving - craft
wicker making
from the vine: household utensils and
containers for various purposes,
such as boxes, baskets, vases and
others, furniture (tables, chairs,
chests, cradles), etc. Under
vine means any
natural material
vegetable origin,
capable of a certain
processing with ease bend, and
keep under normal conditions
shape. Material name - "
vine "originated from
the vine from which
weaved baskets. Often
weaving material is
willow twig, it is used for
weaving both in Europe and in
Asia, moreover, Asia weave
made of a material such as rattan
and bamboo. Weaving technique from
vines can be the most

The guitar master is
narrow specialization inside
profession "master
plucked musical
tools ". To the plucked
instruments other than guitars
include harp, harp, and
balalaikas, domras, etc.
Therefore, the masters of
making these
instruments are
guitar colleagues
Another related
specialty - violin
master - specialist in
manufacturing and repair
bowed musical
instruments (violins,
violas, cellos).

Wood flaws
Wood defects are features and disadvantages
wood, both the entire tree trunk and individual
its areas, deteriorating its properties and
limiting the possibilities of its use.

To the main vices
wood include:
Insect damage;
Changing the shape of the trunk and
timber structures;

The services of arborists are usually required when it is not possible to cut the whole tree down due to the danger of damage to nearby objects (buildings, power lines, etc.). In addition, the possibility of removal or processing exclusively by arborists arises when there is no entrance of special equipment for working on the lifting cradle.

This technique uses specific belaying, access and positioning equipment, which is generally different from universal safety systems and equipment for rope technology.

Access and positioning of a specialist when climbing a tree is carried out using special manholes worn on the legs (gaffs). When climbing a tree, use adjustable steel core positioning slings (girths) attached to the side points on the harness. A steel core is required to prevent accidental cutting of the sling with a running chainsaw.

The harness used in arboristics differs from the harness used in the rope access technique. She usually has more powerful waist and leg sashes. These harnesses can be either positioning or universal with shoulder straps. Another distinctive feature of such leashes is the presence of a special bridge, which allows you to have more free positioning during work.

For descent of tree fragments and branches in arboristics, super-static ropes with a diameter of at least 12 mm are used. Their main properties are associated with minimal elongation at high loads and increased wear resistance. To work with a load rope, special friction devices and blocks are used.

Helmets with integrated visors that completely cover the face are used to protect the head, face and eyes. Also, the helmet must be equipped with ear protectors.

In most cases, metal is either strong or expensive and difficult to process. Working with him requires knowledge, skills, qualifications and responsibility. That is why the professions related to metal are respected, therefore these professions are in demand in the labor market.

If you stretch your imagination, then the connection with metal can be found in any profession. Even an announcer can read an important message with a touch of metal in his voice. But we will consider only professions that are directly related to this substance.

It would be interesting to go through the chain - from obtaining metal to production finished products out of him.

The difficulty is that different metals are "born" in different ways. Some lie deep in the earth in the form of polymetallic ores, such as gold, and then it is mined by miners, the deposits of others come to the surface and are mined in an open way.

Let's skip several stages associated with the extraction of ores, beneficiation, chemical or mechanical separation of the charge suitable for smelting.

Let's start with metallurgist profession - very difficult and very honorable. Difficult because you have to deal with huge volumes metal, huge equipment that works in a continuous mode and devours a huge amount of energy.

Metallurgist is a very broad concept. It includes all professions related to ore dressing and smelting of pure metal.

Steelmaker in a steelmaking or copper-smelting industry, or a galvanist leading the electrolysis of molten salt - metallurgists.

A metallurgist needs to thoroughly know all the subtleties of the process, have vast experience and a keen eye in order to catch the moment when the welded metal acquires the optimal composition. It is important not to miss this moment, otherwise the value of the smelting and the grade of the obtained metal are reduced, material resources and efforts of large teams are wasted in vain.

Smelting and casting into metal molds is only the beginning of the path to obtaining a finished metal product.

The metal is supplied to the processing industry in the form of ingots, sheets, rods or profiles of various sections. There, people who perform work related to metal processing deal with him.

Rolled products are produced on special rolling mills, where blanks pass through a large number of rotating shafts, gradually acquiring a section of the desired shape and size. Distinguish between hot and cold rolling. And the profession of people engaged in the production of rolled products is called accordingly - distributor .

Not all smelted metal ends up in a tight embrace rolling mills... The part in the form of ingots is intended for smelting alloys. For their smelting in the furnace, various metals and other additives are laid in the required weight proportions, which, after melting, form one or another alloy.

The time has come to emphasize that a metallurgist is not only a worker at the furnace, often it is a scientist, a leading research work for the purpose of obtaining alloys with predetermined properties, or a scientist who seeks to develop a new, less costly process for obtaining a metal.

Another way for pig metal is to enter the furnace. foundry ... Also a very difficult profession. In short, the caster must prepare the mold, melt the alloy and, when the desired temperature is reached, pour it into the mold. You can fill the metal with a manual ladle (a kind of ladle) or a large mechanized ladle. Over time, the melt will cool and become strong. The mold is opened (or broken, if it is one-time) and a part is obtained that is suitable for further processing. In some cases, an almost finished part is obtained.

It's simple, you say. One could agree, but there are a lot of factors influencing the quality of casting. The temperature and humidity in the room, the quality of the charge prepared for melting, the temperature of the alloy, the quality of the mold lubricant, the casting speed and other "little things" affect the quality of the casting.

Metallurgists include welder ... People of this profession can so concentrate the power of the electric arc, the heat of the flame of a gas or plasma torch, and more recently, focus the laser radiation, that in the right place local melting of the joined parts and their connection into an integral structure begins. Also not easy, very the right profession.

The construction of openwork structures from a profile, welding of containers from metal sheets, thousands of kilometers of pipelines and much more are impossible without a welder.

The number of methods for influencing metal in order to obtain parts and structures of a given shape and given dimensions is constantly growing.

Processing by cutting off unnecessary mass of metal - the so-called cutting is carried out by workers of the following professions:

  • turners on lathes , including on machine tools with numerical control;
  • millers on milling machines different types, including on processing centers controlled by software;
  • locksmiths on drilling machines when drilling holes;
  • grinders on flat and cylindrical grinding machines;
  • toolmakers (an outstanding category of specialists pursuing the micron precision of parts). In their work, they often use non-standard devices, techniques, tools. Relatives of the famous Lefty;
  • boring machines on jig boring machines receive calibrated holes in the parts in the right places.

Pressure treatment is preferred blacksmiths, stampers ... Drawing, die cutting, hot reshaping, and, as a result, products artistic forging- this is a roughly outlined area of ​​their activities.

Relatively new directions - cutting with a laser and plasma on special machines working according to the program. It turns out that even programmer profession associated with metal.

It is not enough to make a detail or weld a structure. Often the properties of the metal are very sensitive to what was the cooling mode after melting, whether quenching (or tempering) was performed at a certain temperature in a certain environment.

Thermist - here is a person who can make a cutting tool from a soft workpiece. He will not allow the appearance of cracks in parts after casting.

Many parts are eaten away by corrosion even under normal conditions. Protect the metal surface can electroplating, electrochemically applying a layer of another metal to the surface of the part.

It should also be mentioned that people who test metal in laboratories carry out a chemical rapid analysis during technological processes, are exploring new deposits, but the volume of the article forces them to stop listing professions. A complete list is impossible in principle, since this list is constantly updated.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Briefly describe the task (problem). There is no need to write an "essay" about how you want to process the data and what to get at the output, describing it in "dry" text without examples.

It will be much better and clearer to give an example of the initial data and what you want to get at the output. In most cases, it is enough to look at the source and "output" matrix to understand what the questioner wants to get. With a description in words (without examples of input and especially output data) is rather rare.

All modules (libraries) mentioned in the question are intended for data processing, so try to give in the question a small (3-6 lines [elements in the case of one-dimensional data] is usually more than enough) reproducible example of input data and what you want to get at the output.

Sample data should help reproduce the problem.

You don't want an answer that will work perfectly for the data you gave as an example, but that won't work for your real data, do you?

So make sure you can reproduce the problem using the data from your example.

Data often contains confidential information- such information must be masked. Instead of real names, addresses, etc. usually "Name111", "Address213" etc. will do.

The data is best presented in the form of Python code to save time for those who want to answer your question. Examples:

Import numpy as np import pandas as pd # simple example df = pd.DataFrame ([,,], columns = ["A", "B"]) np.random.seed (123) # to generate reproducible values ​​# create example DataFrame with random data of various types df = pd.DataFrame ((# some ways to create random data "a": np.random.randn (6), "b": np.random.choice (, 6), "c" : np.random.choice (["panda", "python", "shark"], 6), # some ways to create systematic groups for indexing or groupby # this is similar to r "s expand.grid (), see note 2 below "d": np.repeat (range (3), 2), "e": np.tile (range (2), 3), # a date range and set of random dates "f": pd. date_range ("1/1/2011", periods = 6, freq = "D"), "g": np.random.choice (pd.date_range ("1/1/2011", periods = 365, freq = " D "), 6, replace = False)))

A bcdefg 0 -1.085631 NaN panda 0 0 2011-01-01 2011-08-12 1 0.997345 7 shark 0 1 2011-01-02 2011-11-10 2 0.282978 5 panda 1 0 2011-01-03 2011-10- 30 3 -1.506295 7 python 1 1 2011-01-04 2011-09-07 4 -0.578600 NaN shark 2 0 2011-01-05 2011-02-27 5 1.651437 7 python 2 1 2011-01-06 2011-02- 03

As a last resort, sample data can be provided as the content of a CSV file, or in such a way that it can be easily read using df = pd.read_clipboard () - be sure to make sure that you can read this data yourself using pd.read_csv () or pd.read_clipboard ()

You can also upload file (s) with sample data on any free (and does not require registration) file hosting... This is especially true when, in order to reproduce the problem, it is necessary to bring a file in the original encoding and / or in a binary format (for example, Excel, PDF, etc.). StackOverflow yet? does not allow attaching files (except for images) to messages.

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In the best case scenario, you will get an unverified answer. It is unlikely that anyone wants to "drive" information from your picture to check the correct answer to the question.

Most often, people who know the answer will simply pass by, because in most cases this will result in wasted time and comments like:

  • your code doesn't work
  • your code contains the error "XYZ"
  • I didn't mean it, etc.

Ponder why are you asking the question?

Do you want to get an answer in principle? Do you want a verified (tested) answer?

It is not for nothing that a popular quote (c) W. Edwards Deming circulates among people involved in data processing:

"In God we trust, all others must bring data."

PS it happens that the author of the question is "fixated" on the solution, which seems to him the only possible one. In this case, he formulates the question in such a way that even having received an answer to this question, this will not help him solve the original problem. It's called - if you've been hinted at in the comments, you can greatly improve your question by clarifying the original problem (don't forget about examples!).

Woodworking professions. Wood flaws

2017 year

Lesson objectives:

  • Get to know the professions
  • Describe each profession
  • Give a definition to the concept of "Wood flaw";
  • Learn to recognize the main defects of wood by appearance;
  • Form a technological culture.

Profession(lat. professio; from profiteor"I declare my business") - the type of labor activity of a person who owns a set of theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the course of special training.

  • Carpenter
  • Furniture maker
  • A carpenter
  • Builder
  • Master of carving or painting on wood
  • Saw cutter
  • Cooper
  • Basket-maker, master of vine weaving
  • Craftsman musical instruments(Stradivari)

People of the following professions work with a tree:

  • Restorer Cabinetmaker Lumberjack
  • Gardener Forester
  • Agronomist Turner (for wood)
  • Furniture Designer Sculptor
  • Engineer, woodworking master
  • Landscape architect

Harvester operator

  • Harvester, there is also Anglicism « harvester » ( English harvester, from harvest"To harvest") - a machine that performs four or more operations (felling, branching, prying, crosscutting, sorting). If less than four, it is called a felling machine.
  • Installed in the operator's cab a computer allows you to control the work of the harvester head and set the lengths of the logged assortments. The program has an automatic mode to achieve the maximum output of commercial wood during cutting, keeps track of the amount of harvested wood and its species composition.

Wood feller

A feller is a specialist in timber harvesting.

  • Joiner- professional worker, artisan woodworker, carving and making wood products or wood-based products. The joiner is engaged in carpentry work: the manufacture of complex furniture , doors , windows , arches , stairs and other solid wood products with possible use veneering , veneering , lamination, without thread by hand. The carpenter performs more precise, delicate work than a carpenter, and no less than cutter(or sculptor) on wood. A carpenter can perform unique micromodeling work on a wooden base.


Furniture maker

  • A furniture carpenter must have a certain set of elementary geometric knowledge, well-developed spatial thinking, a good eye and coordination of movements. To successfully master the profession, he needs aesthetic flair and artistic taste, good eyesight and color perception, scrupulousness, thoroughness bordering on pedantry, patience, and a good memory for shades of various colors.

A carpenter

  • A carpenter- profession, one of the most ancient handicrafts, which is associated with the mechanical processing of wood and the transformation of untreated wood into parts, structures and building materials


  • The profession of a builder is very ancient. Thanks to historical architectural buildings, we can learn a lot about the life and culture of our ancestors. Many buildings have survived to this day, the age of which is measured in millennia. The construction masters have passed their experience from generation to generation.
  • Every year in our country, a large number of various buildings are being erected everywhere. These are residential complexes, and cottage settlements, institutions, industrial enterprises etc. Therefore, the demand for the profession of a builder is obvious.
  • Engineering personnel
  • Performers.

Master of carving or painting on wood

  • Wood carving- view arts and crafts(also carving is one of the types of artistic woodworking along with sawing, turning), as well as art in general (this is an old folk craft).

Saw cutter

  • SAWING CUTTER, Worker engaged in sawing, sawing something


  • Cooper - artisan making barrels, sometimes a master in the manufacture of ship masts.
  • The craft is called cooper... Previously, it was widespread. In the 21st century, the profession of a cooper is still necessary, since real wooden barrels are required in the production guilt and cognac .
  • Cooper by means of an ax and other carpentry instruments He attaches the rivets of the barrel to one another, shaves them out, makes the folds (zutorov) a joke, drives the bottom into them and ties everything together with wooden or iron hoops.

Basket-maker, master of vine weaving

  • Vine weaving - craft making wickerwork from vines: household utensils and containers for various purposes, such as boxes , baskets , vases etc., furniture (tables, chairs, chests, cradle), etc. A vine means any natural material of plant origin, capable of bending with ease under certain processing, and keeping its shape under normal conditions. Material name - " vine"Originated from vine from which baskets were woven. Often the material for weaving is willow twig, it is used for weaving as in Europe and in Asia, in addition, in Asia they weave from a material such as rattan and bamboo... Vine weaving technique can be very diverse.

Musical Instrument Maker (Stradivari)

  • The Guitar Master is a narrow specialization within the profession of “master of plucked musical instruments”. In addition to guitars, plucked instruments include gusli, harps, balalaikas, domras, etc. Therefore, the masters of these instruments are colleagues of the guitar master. Another related specialty is the violin maker - a specialist in the manufacture and repair of bowed musical instruments (violins, violas, cellos).

Wood flaws

  • Wood defects are features and disadvantages wood like everything trunk wood

The main defects of wood include:

  • Cracks;
  • Insect damage;
  • Changing the shape of the trunk and the structure of the wood;
  • Knots;
  • Rot.

Types of knots:

  • Knots are the base of branches enclosed in a tree trunk, alive or dead during the life of the tree.


  • Cracks - it's a gap wood along the fibers. Forms a group wood defects .

Insect damage

  • Insect damage (wormhole) - these are holes and passages left by insects (beetles and their larvae) feeding on wood.

Barrel shape defects- these are the features and disadvantages wood like everything trunk wood, and its individual sections, deteriorating its properties and limiting the possibilities of its use.

Defects in the structure of wood- these are deviations from the norm in the structure of the trunk, all violations of the physical condition.

Rot wood occurs as a result of damage to it by wood-destroying fungi, which can develop both on a growing tree and on a felled tree.

Questions. (in writing)

  • What professions are associated with tree processing?

A) Joiner; B) Furniture maker; C) Carpenter; D) Cooper; E) Locksmith

  • Give the definition of the profession "CARPENTER".
  • Who is STRADIVARI?
  • Name 6 wood defects.
  • What types of knots are shown in the picture?
  • Name 5 defects in the shape of the trunk.


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