Labor education project for senior preschool children "all professions are important, all professions are needed." Scenario. External business profession veterinarian Plan Outline of the lesson doctor and veterinarian


Professions. Veterinarian.
Strengthen the knowledge of children about the professions and labor actions of people different professions;

Introduce new profession- veterinarian;

To evoke an emotional response in children, pride in people of different professions;

Contribute to the expansion of vocabulary.

During the event, we read "Who to be?", Then came to visit

Aibolit, played with children using poems:

“Hello guys - animals!

Come to me for treatment

Both the cow and the she-wolf,

And bugs and a worm,

Both the hare and the puppy;

Squirrel, clumsy bear,

Bird, cat and monkey.

Who hurts what?

Why does it hurt and has it hurt for a long time?

(Children shake their heads negatively, Aibolit examines children).

Heal everyone, heal,

Good doctor Aibolit.

After all, not without reason, after all, not without reason,

My name is a veterinarian!

I cleverly set my shoulder

Happy grasshopper,

I cured tummies

To the unfortunate hippos.

Now I will look out of glasses

On the tips of the tongues.

You are healthy?

Children: We are healthy!

Aybolit: Well then, do not be lazy,

Don't yawn, pull yourself up,

Become a warm-up!

To be always healthy

You need to do not only sports,

Also eat right.

I'm happy with the inspection

None of the animals are sick!

You don't need a veterinarian,

Live happily and amicably!

Whom does Aibolit treat?

What is another name for Aibolit? (veterinarian)

What does a veterinarian do?

And why is he called a good doctor?

Yes, guys, we all have animals at home. What animals live with you? And if something goes wrong with our four-legged friend, he gets sick, we know who to turn to - to the veterinarian. And he will tell us how to be and what to do. Guys, did you notice how our Aibolit was dressed?

Who else have you seen wearing such clothes?

Introducing children to the tools used by the veterinarian.

I want to introduce you to the tools that any doctor uses, no matter whom he treats, people or animals.

(He takes out a tool, shows, names and says what it is for).

Lesson summary:

Educator: - So, guys, who is treating us?

Who treats animals? Let's repeat the name of this profession in chorus.

Doctor: - Come on, guys, tell me,

Help me figure it out,

I'll start and you finish

Answer in unison.

For colds and sore throats

We are being saved ...

Children: Vitamins!

Doctor: Vitamins are life.

Everyone needs to be friends with them,

Consume vitamins

And add health!

(Gives out to children a vitamin).

Summary of the lesson "Acquaintance with the profession"

This was my first open lesson, now I already see my mistakes, which I will try to correct in the coming years!

Synopsis of an integrated lesson

on the topic: "Acquaintance with the profession of an educator"

for children of the preparatory group for school

(Cognition, Labor, Communication).

Educator: Podkorytova M.V.

MBDOU PGO "D / S No. 49"

1. To expand the knowledge of children about the diversity of professions on the basis of generalization of typical work processes and work results.

2. To develop the ability to correlate the tools of labor, the performance of the labor process with the name of the profession.

3. Develop imagination, logical thinking.


The responding child, takes the items needed by the teacher from another suitcase, tells briefly about the profession of the teacher (plasticine, doll)

Educator: Well done, guys! Cope with the tasks! You all go to the next round! Now let's find out if our viewers are such clever people?

(Questions to the audience. For a complete answer-order (yellow, for an incomplete-medal (green).)

Blitz poll: guys, you are now in the preparatory group and with you here is the educator, and where will you be in a year (at school) And who will be with you? (teacher) Guys, what is the difference between a teacher and an educator? (the teacher teaches, the educator brings up) There are tables in the kindergarten, but at school? (desks) There is a break in the kindergarten, but at school? (Change) Do you carry toys to kindergarten, but to school? (textbooks) Mom wears clothes for you in kindergarten, and in school you will wear textbooks in what? (in the briefcase)

Educator: Guys, we are so great! Let's see what task Dunno came up with for us this time!

The teacher takes out a piece of paper from the suitcase: "I see, I see the guys have done it! And now a new task! With a secret color, visible only to the teacher, I wrote many different professions on the piece of paper, and you guys have to name who does what!"

Educator: well, let's get started! Whoever gives more answers will go on to the next round (3 professions each)

What is the doctor doing? What is the builder doing? What is the seamstress doing?

What is the artist doing? What is the cook doing? What is the painter doing?

What is the carpenter doing? What is the janitor doing? What is the seller doing?

Educator: Urrrra! you did it again! And we all go to the second round!

Now guys, the musical pause!

All the guys come out in a circle, the music "Box with pencils" sounds. They do physical exercises.

Educator: And now, with renewed vigor, let's start our TV game! Playing with the audience: "What if it weren't." (Questions are asked with a ball: throw the ball-question)

If there were no sellers, then ...

If there were no drivers, then ...

If there were no doctors, then ...

If there were no wipers, then

If there were no chefs, then.

If there were no hairdressers, then.

If there were no composers, then.

If there were no educators, then.

If there were no teachers, then.

Educator: Well done, we have spectators! Well told!

Soooo, we still have tasks from Dunno!

the next stage will be transferred to the participant who best tells about the profession, familiar to you from early childhood!

In the morning, saying goodbye to mom,

We boldly go to Kindergarten.

And mothers are calm, without drama,

They leave their treasure in the garden.

Here is someone you can trust

Creation of love and warmth

You can even check-

There is a spark in our eyes.

It's just a smile

What gives the soul without crooking.

Educator: guys, who are you talking about such a wonderful poem?

Children from the audience: about the teacher!

Educator: Guys, how nice! Such kind words!

Educator: Let's listen to the next participant

We were greeted with affection in the garden,

Kindness and warmth

In the evening we read fairy tales.

Kindergarten is our kind home!

They taught us to be in order

Beauty and purity

Early morning exercise

Together we all got up!


Third participant:

And we love very dearly

Their educators,

We will remember for a long time

Their faces are affectionate!

We will never forget

Our dear kindergarten,

We will come to visit you

We are in summer and winter!

(Cyril R.)

Educator: Guys, what gentle and touching poems! Of course - of course, you all go to the next round!

Educator: Guys, now the most important task, what do you think, what qualities should a teacher have?

Children-participants: The teacher must have such qualities as wisdom, patience, kindness, responsiveness, the teacher must love children, respect (children from the tracks come up with)

Educator: You said everything correctly, and now the question with the trick! we have already talked with you that next year the teacher will meet you! Do you know what things you need to take with you to school? I offer you the following task! we need to determine what things you can take with you to kindergarten, and what to school!

(two children from the audience)

in front of them: notebook, ruler, textbook, plasticine, doll, coloring book, pen, briefcase

Educator: Urrrraaa! you did it!

Educator: I arranged a game for you today, because I love you all very much! And I am sad when you quarrel, when you cannot find a common language with each other, today we all had one common creative task: to learn to communicate with each other, understand, cope with tasks together and never, never quarrel! I am glad to come to kindergarten every morning, I am glad to bring up such wonderful, mischievous children! I am a little sad that in a year you will leave kindergarten, but I am happy that you will become wonderful students and learn a lot of new and interesting things!

Educator: Now let's see which of our participants won today! Oh, wow, you all answered the questions correctly and won all together! Urrrraaa! You are declared Clever and Clever!

Guys, you drew pictures “Who would you like to be when you grow up? »Let us tell you about your dreams.

Children come up to the drawings and 3-4 people talk about their dreams

Educator: I think that when you grow up, you will become real professionals and choose a profession you like.

Video with Dunno

Guys, today you learned a lot of new and interesting things, but, unfortunately, I could not come to you! Guys, please tell me, did you like our program? What did you like the most? What interesting things did you learn on the show?


  • To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To bring up in children a love for animals, a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about the environment in the game. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets;
  • To develop the emotionally - sensual sphere of children, the skills of improvisation of figurative movements;
  • To create a creative atmosphere in the process of musical and theatrical performance based on musical works, as another aspect of art and a way of self-expression, with the help of which he can become a direct creator.

Event progress:

On the TV there is an inscription "Sphere TV", r.p. Novospasskoe. The musical splash screen of Novospassky television sounds. A screen opens, where the presenter is a child.

Leading: Hello! Today in our village happened an important event- a pet clinic with an operating unit was opened. The opening was attended by guests: the governor of the region Sergei Ivanovich Morozov (showing the portrait), the head of the Novospassky region Alexander Sergeevich Vrazhnov (showing the portrait) and many others. They were met by the chief physician - veterinarian Tatyana. Meet her, she's our guest. Dear Tatyana, tell us about yourself and your profession.

Dr. Tatiana (D.T.): I was born in Novospassk, graduated from school here. I love animals since childhood. At the institute I learned how to treat them. I am a doctor who treats animals. My profession is called a veterinarian. Yes, what to say about her, I'd rather sing, and then I'll show you everything.

N1: The song "Veterinarian" (music by Victoria Ilyina) - sung by D.T.

D.T .: I invite everyone to my clinic, where my patients are waiting for me.

N2: Song "Machine"(Song of the group" Street Magic "- a group of children sings, driving in a large children's car along an improvised road. At the end of the song, the children with the car remain at the edge of the road.

N3 Dance of Dogs (musicBrainSectionfeat- Dance of little dogs). Dogs dance on the same track.

(After the song, the car quickly drives along the path and, as it were, "runs over" the dogs, they fall. Children from the car pick up one of the dogs and, to the sound of an ambulance siren, lead her to Doctor Tatiana).

Reb.(children): Doctor, Tanya, help!

D.T .: What happened, tell me?

Reb.: Our dogs did not know the rules
And they danced on the road.
They were carried away by the dance -
Out of nowhere-
The car passed quickly
And one of the dogs got hurt.
The foot cannot be stepped on!
Barks plaintively, whines.

D.T .: Lay the dog on the couch,
Hold the foot with your hands.
Yes ... I urgently need a plaster cast on the leg,
So that she could run along the paths.
(He puts on a "plaster cast" - puts on some kind of tube).
Well, that's all - done!
You will come again in a week!

Reb. Well thank you Dr. Tanya
We will bring her, if necessary! (leave)

D.T. Well, and morality sounds to you
On the road - don't dance or play!
And I will continue my story.
In life it happens like this:
Children and animals quarrel.
It happened once
The cats staged a show of their beauty.

N4 Song: “Two cats” (music by A. Oleinikov, lyrics by A. Churkin).

(At the end of the song they meow and shake their hands)

D.T .: The guys heard the cry.
They raised the cats from the ground.
They saw the paws in the blood
And they ran to the clinic.
(children perform movements according to D.T.'s text)

Reb .: Doctor Tanya help!

D.T .: What happened, tell me?

Reb .: Here the cats have quarreled!
Tore all the paws and noses to the blood!

D.T .: Well ... I'll examine them now.
Yes ... I see wounds, abrasions you have.
We anoint the paws and nose with medicine (solution).
Be patient, friends! It hurts, but it's not a wasp sting!
And here is a lesson for all the animals -
Sharp claws won't solve the problem! (The cats leave.)

D.T .: Our children love animals and really want them to live at home. They bought Petya such a vociferous parrot. He only knew - he sang songs.
Once Petya went for a walk.
He decided to take the parrot with him.
They played on the street
They sang songs and shouted. (Petya and the parrot perform movements according to the text. At the end of the song, the voice of the parrot wheezes, he gives)

No. 5: "Parrot's Song" (G. Trofimov, song from the movie "Mama")

I conquered the earth's ball,
Onlookers are running after me
And I'm walking in plain sight
Smart and handsome.
I'll tell you a secret
How to be young for a hundred years -
Dance from the heart in the morning
And sing like a nightingale!
Never be seriously angry
Spin around important birds,
And you should always - yes, yes! -
Do everything wisely!
I serve as an example for everyone,
I always watch myself
And everyone says:
"The outfit is beautiful with him!"
Anyone on the spot is smitten
Seeing how folded I am
I really love
I praise myself.
I'm a great artist
Subtle parodist,
Became famous
Where I've been.

Peter: That you fell and lay
And you don't wail at all ...
Well, get up and fly!
(the parrot twists its head and flaps its wings exhaustedly)
Yes ... Apparently it's time to go to the doctor.

Peter: Doctor, Tanya help!
Inspect the parrot!

D.T .:(listens, shakes his head in amazement,
Asks to say "A" - the parrot wheezes - again laments)
Yes, it looks like bird flu
It will take a long time for the parrot to heal.
We'll give the injection right away
And then we will send you to the hospital!
Oh, to you, owners of birds, cats and dogs
Follow the doctors' recommendations in full!
Always vaccinate on time! (Petya and the parrot leave).

D.T .: And now my story continues.
We are going to one more family.
There for a girl Masha for her birthday
We bought a beautiful hamster to everyone's surprise!
The hamster was fed by Masha
And cake and even porridge!
He pouted like a ball.
And he lies and only cries.
Masha did not hesitate for a long time, friends!
She carries the hamster to the doctor.

Masha: Hello, doctor, help!

D.T .: What happened, Masha, tell me!

Masha: We celebrated my birthday,
We ate a cake together, drank milk.

D.T .: I see ... Cake ...
Is it possible for a hamster?
The stomach hurts a lot, possibly.
Drink the potion now and then
We will undergo an outpatient course of treatment.
Masha! The hamster will delight for a long time and live with you,
If, do not feed him with anything!

D.T .: This is how my working days go
They give joy to Doctor Tanya.
I try to help all animals in the world!
And you just love them, children!

No. 6: Anthem of veterinarians. Exit of all participants of the holiday.

Hymn of veterinarians (text).

This is not a dream, this is dawn
Singing birds in the green silence
The smell of the meadows sunlight
This is the melody of our soul.
Chorus: Everything that nature has given us, we will save
Our little brothers are children of the earth
Will be next to you and forever
Only kind hands reach out to them
spend over the trouble

By the wind of the forests, by the dust of the fields
The living planet Earth breathes
Thousands of eyes of loved ones, children
She looks with hope at you.

MOU "Secondary school number 41"
Extracurricular activity
within the framework of events
v primary school on vocational guidance
Prepared the event:
primary school teacher
MOU "Secondary School No. 41"
Gorbunova Lyudmila Nikolaevna
Scenario of an extracurricular activity
Profession "Veterinarian"
expanding students' understanding of the variety of specialties in this profession.
to introduce children to the profession of a veterinarian;
to give general information about the content of the labor of this profession;
to form motivation and interest in work;
to form a respectful attitude towards working people;
develop intellectual and creative capabilities;
show ways of self-knowledge to determine their inclinations in the professional field.
Equipment and methodological support: computer, projector, screen, cards, presentation, poster.
I. Organizing time... - Guys! Today we will learn a lot of interesting things, we will guess riddles, remember proverbs, fairy tales, tell poems. First, let's set ourselves up for a good job. II. Psychological attitude. - All, please, stand in a circle. Join hands and let's greet each other. All turned to each other And smiled at each other. Turn all to me, Smile to me too. III. The course of the event.
1. Guessing riddles about professions.
- Guess riddles.
1) Tell me who is so delicious
prepares cabbage soup,
Smelling cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes? (Cook)
2) He runs the show, He knows all the scenes by heart. He teaches how to play a role. What should you call him, friends? (Director)
3) This doctor is not just a doctor, He heals the eyes of people, Even if you see poorly, You will see everything with glasses. (Oculist)
4) He guides the glass eye, clicks once - and we remember you. (Photographer)
5) He protects nature, chases the poachers away, And in the winter at the feeders, forest animals are waiting for guests. (Huntsman)
6) Put dexterous two hands Heels on the shoes. And heels on the heel are also the work of these hands. (Shoemaker)
7) He puts bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for children.
Not a miner and not a driver,
The house will build for us ... the builder
8) He counts exactly, So that everything is strong, solid. Without his calculation, the work will fall apart!
Know, baby, take an example
Factory he is ... Engineer
9) Who is on duty on the road All day, in rain and snow? Who has a stern voice, Though a kind person?
Who will turn on the flashing light in an instant and race bravely in pursuit? (Inspector)
2. Determination of the topic of extracurricular activities.
- Guess the name of our event. To do this, form a word from the initial letters of the answers.
Chef director
- What word did you get? (Professions)
3. Contest "Guess the profession"
Who makes and sells medicines at the pharmacy?
Children's doctor?
Airplane driver?
Who will give us a book to read?
Who bakes bread at the bakery?
Will the letter take us home?
Who will cook the broth for us?
Who will teach everything, teach counting and writing?
4. Guess riddles:
1. Our dog has a fever
Nice little dog, don't cry.
Your doctor will cure you
Kind doctor - veterinarian
2. A doctor, but not for children, But for birds and for animals. He has a special gift, This doctor is ... a veterinarian
5. Student speech.
A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals. The word veterinarian from the Latin language means treating livestock.
A doctor is a doctor for man, a veterinarian is a doctor for mankind.
6. Teacher's story
Veterinary medicine has a very ancient history, and the profession of a doctor who heals animals is probably one of the most humane in the world. It is the healers of the "silent creatures" who must have a special, almost absolute kindness and compassion. Because our smaller brothers cannot tell about their illnesses, be indignant in case of unsuccessful treatment.
History of the profession
The first veterinarians appeared in pastoral tribes several thousand years ago. Already at that time, some herbs were used to treat animals, for example, wormwood.
In the ancient states, they understood how the profession of a veterinarian was needed, and they highly valued such people.
Ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, there was educational institution, called the House of Life. In the papyri-medical books found during excavations, recipes for the preparation of medicines for bulls, sheep, pigs, goats, geese were described.
Ancient Greece. V Ancient Greece were horse healers. They were called hippiatrists.
Ancient India. In India, the veterinary profession was very honorable. Here, the priests were engaged in the treatment of animals.
Ancient Russia. Since olden times, cattle have been treated in Russia. The very first written mention of horse doctors can be found in the Novgorod scribal books of the 15th century. In the 17th century, stables were created in the stables department, where horses belonging to the royal family and their entourage were treated.
Emperor of Russia Peter I
The emergence of veterinary medicine in Russia as a science is associated with the name of Peter the Great. It was during the years of his reign that the first veterinary schools were opened, and books on veterinary medicine began to be published.
King of France Louis XV
Veterinary medicine became a science and profession in the modern sense 250 years ago.
In 1761, King Louis XV of France, worried about the diseases of a large cattle, proposed to establish a veterinary school in Lyon.
The first veterinary clinicians in Russia were Ya.K. Kaidanov, P.I. Lukin, G.M.Prozorov, I.I.Ravich, H.G. Bunge7. Contest "Guess"
- Look at the pictures on the slides and guess where the veterinarians work:
(children guess where veterinarians work)
- in veterinary clinics,
- at veterinary stations,
- in food markets,
- in poultry markets,
- in zoos,
- in animal hospitals,
- at agricultural enterprises.
8. The teacher's story.
What professional qualities must have a veterinarian:
- accuracy;
- discipline;
- a responsibility;
- prudence;
- punctuality, pedantry;
- the ability to switch from one activity to another;
- the ability to plan their activities in time;
- switchability of attention (the ability to quickly switch attention from one object to another or from one activity to another).
What human qualities a veterinarian should have:
- developed observation skills,
- memory,
- logical thinking,
- patience,
- friendly attitude towards animals.
The list of animals that must be examined by a veterinarian includes:
- horses,
- cattle,
- small ruminants,
- pigs,
- rabbits,
- Domestic bird,
- camels,
- dogs, cats, mice, decorative animals, etc.
What veterinarians study:
Veterinarians study the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology of animals. In addition to general disciplines, a veterinarian must know private ones - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (skin, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.) August 31 - Veterinarian's Day
In 2011, a new professional holiday was established in Russia for the first time - the Day of the Veterinarian.
But it was not the secular authorities who announced it, but Patriarch Kirill. Therefore, the holiday of "Aybolits" is celebrated on August 31 - on the Day of the Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus, who have long been prayed in Russia for the protection and healing of livestock ...
9. Scene based on the work of K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit" Host: - Good doctor Aibolit! He sits under a tree. Come to him for treatment And a cow, and a she-wolf, And a bug, and a worm, And a bear! He will heal everyone, he will heal Good doctor Aibolit! And the fox came to Aibolit:
Fox: - Oh, I was bitten by a wasp! Host: - And a watchdog came to Aibolit.Barbos: - A chicken pecked me in the nose! Host: - And the hare came running And screamed.
Hare: -Ay, ay! My bunny got hit by a tram! My bunny, my boy fell under a tram! He ran along the path, And his legs were cut, And now he is sick and lame, My little rabbit! Leading: - And said Aibolit.
Aibolit: `` It doesn't matter! Give him here! I'll sew him new legs, He'll run down the path again. the mother hare also went to dance with him, And she laughs and screams. Hare: - Well, thank you, Aibolit!
10. Competition "Continue the phrase"
- A tractor drives ... a tractor driver. - An electric train ... a machinist. - The walls were painted ... by a painter. - The board was cut by a ... carpenter. - In the house ... an installer led the light. - A miner is working in a mine. - In a hot forge ... a blacksmith. - Who knows everything - well done!
11. Contest "Tell a proverb"
Who does not work shall not eat.
Human labor feeds, and laziness ... spoils.
Do not teach with idleness, but teach ... with needlework.
More action - less ... words.
To live without business is only the sky ... to smoke.
You can't take a fish out of the pond without effort.
12. Working with cards.
- Guys, there are cards in front of you. Each card has a word written on it. From these words you need to make a sentence and explain this statement.
A profession is a work to which a person devotes his whole life.
IV. Outcome of the event. - Guys, our interesting event has come to an end. In order to find your favorite business, you need not only know a lot about professions. You have to listen to yourself, to your inner state, to which your “soul lies”. I think when you grow up, then choose the profession that you like and will love it. It will delight you, but remember, any of them is necessary and important, wherever you work and whatever you do, you will bring joy and benefit to people.
V. Reflection. - What new have you learned about the profession of Veterinarian?
- What qualities should a veterinarian have?
- Guys, what did you like about the event?

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten

20 "Dolphin" of the South Ural city district


"Profession - Veterinarian"

Completed by: Kucherova Tatiana Iosifovna

Vnukova Marina Ivanovna

educators MDOU d / s number "20"

Currently in education, much attention is paid to the problem vocational guidance the younger generation. This is due to the rapidly developing modern world, its technical progress, the emergence the latest technologies in all spheres of human life, and, consequently, the emergence of new professions. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to lay knowledge, the foundations of human labor, from the early years of a child's life.

Nowadays, almost every house has animals, for many people it is primarily a family member, without which it is difficult to imagine your life. Therefore, the care must be as thorough as for any family member.


V preschool age Of particular importance for the full development of a child's personality is the introduction to the world of adults and objects created by their labor. Familiarization with professions ensures the child's entry into modern world, familiarization with his values, ensures the satisfaction and development of cognitive interests. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating of this project... In-depth study of professions contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, the development of evidence-based speech.

Objective of the project

Acquaintance with the profession of a doctor - veterinarian.


Educational :

To give an idea about the peculiarities of the profession of a veterinarian during an excursion to a veterinary clinic;

Arouse children's interest in this profession;

To acquaint students with various specializations in veterinary medicine;


To expand the knowledge of students about the rules of handling pets;

Develop communication skills;

To develop creative initiative and independence of pupils;

Build public speaking skills.


Promote the formation of emotional responsiveness, love for animals;

Project participants

Kucherova T.I., Vnukova M.I. - educator, children.

Target group: children preparatory group and their parents.

Project type


Duration of the project

3 months

Planned time for project implementation (by stages)

The first stage - preparatory (accumulation of knowledge) - 1 month

The second stage - the main one (joint activities of children and project participants) - 1 month

Third stage - final (result) - 1 month

Expected results


They name and know domestic and wild animals, knows what benefits they bring to man;

Distinguishes and names the professions of doctor and veterinarian, talks about the content of their work;

With the help of an adult, repeats the animal treatment patterns, can name the individual instruments used in the treatment of the animal.


Parents' interest in the work of teachers with children on this project.

Inclusion in the process of collecting information, visual material.

Scenario of joint activities to solve problems (main steps for project implementation)

First step.



Conducting a conversation in order to find out knowledge about the profession - a veterinarian.

Selection of information, illustrations, fiction.

Selection of didactic games.

Replenishment of attributes for role-playing games.

Selection of information material for the parent corner.

Development of abstracts of conversations, excursions.

Organization of a developing environment in a group.

Second phase.

Project implementation. Forms and methods of project implementation.


Situation modeling methods

Verbal Methods (Conversations)

Visual methods (showing methods of action)

Indirect methods (motivation for independent activity)

Practical methods(making attributes, participating in role-playing games.)

Game methods (the use of all types of games: mobile, didactic, plot - role, situational)

Integration with educational areas (FSES DO):

Educational area

« Cognitive development»

Conversations "Who is a veterinarian?""Acquaintance with the professions Veterinarian"

Examination of pictures, illustrations of the veterinary clinic.

Educational area

"Socially communicative


Virtual excursion "To the University of Troitsk"

Educational area

« Speech development»

Learning sayings and proverbs about animals.

Reading poems about the profession - veterinarian.

Guessing riddles.

Reading fiction:

Rudyar Klipling "Tales and stories about animals", Boris Zhitkov "Stories about animals", Vitaly Bianko "Lesnaya Gazeta", Olga Petrovskaya "Children and animals"

Educational area

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Drawing "Veterinary clinic"

Theatricalization of a fairy tale for kids "Kind Doctor Aibolit"

Educational area "Physical development"

P / A "Help the animals find their home", "Owl and birds", "Hunter and animals"

Play activity

S / R game "Veterinary clinic"

Games-situations. "Bunny got sick"

"The doctor came to us"

Didactic game "Who lives where?""Guess what kind of animal", "Whose shadow","What animals are hiding in the picture?"

Finger game "Playful kitten"

Working with parents

Individual conversation with parents about assistance in project implementation

Involvement of parents in the collection of information about the doctor - veterinarian, materials.

Subject - spatial - developmental environment

C / R and "Veterinary Clinic"

Didactic manual "Professions"

Stage three. Project presentation (presentation forms)

Presentation "Veterinarian Professions"

Description of the product resulting from the project

Desktop didactic manual "Professions"

Show young children the fairy tale "Kind Doctor Aibolit"

Additional Information required to execute the project (sources)

Conversations with preschoolers about the professions of T.V. Potapov 2005

Professions. What are they? T.A. Shorygin 2007

Development and correction of speech in children 6-7 years old. E.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Tikhonov 2004

Learning, Talking, Playing G.N. Sergeenko 2006

Development of speech in children 6-7 years old. O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina 2007

Rudyar Klipling "Tales and stories about animals", Boris Zhitkov "Stories about animals", Vitaly Bianko "Lesnaya Gazeta", Olga Petrovskaya "Children and animals"

Games and game exercises for the development of the rhea G.S. Shvaiko 2007

Role-playing games N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Pozdnyakova 2008

Outdoor games E.A. Sotchevanov 2008

Material and technical resources required to complete the project

Selection of printed materials, video materials.

Selection of photographic materials.

Thanks to the "Profession - Veterinarian" project:

Enrichment and expansion of vocabulary; Development of dialogical speech; Improvement and expansion of gaming skills; To educate, kindness, responsiveness, sensitive and caring attitude towards animals. Obtaining and expanding knowledge about the work of a veterinarian. Arouse interest in the professionveterinarian.

The circle of knowledge of children about the work of a veterinarian has significantly expanded;

The interest of preschoolers in the world of pets has increased,

The interest of children in the world of professions in general has increased;

Knowledge about the importance of the profession of veterinarian has significantly improved, the feeling of respect for animals has increased;

The competence of teachers and parents in matters of vocational guidance of children has increased.


The work carried out to familiarize children with the profession - the veterinarian gave a positive result. Children actively show cognitive interest in the representatives of the veterinarian profession, which contributes to the development of the formation of the moral qualities of children.

Materials for the main stage:

Riddles about pets with answers.

We washed our hands

We sat down at the table.

And he is unwashed

Have come to dinner.

And with him is useless

Any conversation:

He will wash his paws

But after dinner! (Cat)

Eyes -

Cherries are green

In the paws -

Chiseled sabers. (Cat)

What a beast

Plays with me:

Doesn't hum, doesn't laugh, doesn't bark,

Attacks tangles

Hides claws in the paws! (Kitty)

Black quietly

Dozing on the floor.

Gray quietly

It was hiding in the corner.

Black quietly

I moved my paw,

Gray nimble

The tail wagged. (Cat and mouse)

How rich the mink is:

On the left is the cheese and on the right is the crust.

Straight - grains of rice,

Sausage, sunflowers

And a withered tangerine

In a word - a whole store! ..

Well, who is the mistress of all,

Try to guess yourself. (Mouse)

The living castle grunted,

I lay down at the door across. (Dog)

White tail, black nose

Our slippers took away

In the corner under the bed -

And he doesn't want to give. (Puppy)

Walks around the yard all day

The king in the crown on one side,

It rings loudly with spurs,

Menacingly shouts to his subjects:

Freeze the worm

Otherwise I'll have my sides! .. (Rooster)

We have built in the country

The house is small, doggy.

Our puppy barks: "Hurray!

I have ... "(Kennel)

Our good friend

Give us feathers on our pillow

Will give eggs for pancakes,

Easter cakes and pies. (Hen)

Yellow dandelion

Walking through the yard

Yellow dandelion

The grains bite. (Chick)

When it floats, it is beautiful

When it hisses, it is dangerous. (Goose)

Walks waddle

Floats with an iron.

Dives into the pond

And again - on foot.

Wide paws

Flattened nose ...

What is this bird?

Answer the question! (Duck)

It was important to walk around the yard

A crocodile with a sharp beak,

I was shaking my head all day

He muttered something loudly.

Only this, it was true, was

Not a crocodile

And turkeys are the best friend ...

Guess who? ... (Turkey)

On a lawn with grass

I walk around and chomp.

By the fence with a hole

I stand and snort.

By the river with sedge

I lie and smack.

A squiggle tail -

I am glad and grunt! (Pig)

A barrel walks, a crochet tail,

Digs the ground with a patch.

And next to it - barrels:

Boys and girls.

And also with spots,

And ponytails with hooks. (Pig with piglets)

Is it a bump?

No, not a bump.

Is it a barrel?

No, not a barrel.

Maybe a pumpkin with a tail

I ran to visit us,

I slipped under the porch

And grunt enough? (Piglet)

With beard

Was born

And never

Didn't shave. (Goat)

An animal entered the door

So hungry:

Ate a broom and a broom

Ate the rug on the floor

Curtains on the window

And the picture on the wall

Help was licked off the table

And again went to the garden. (Goat)

Early morning...

The horns are leaving

Mooing quietly

In flood meadows:

Herbs to pinch

And graze slowly -

Delicious, steamy

Stock up on milk. (Cow)

I saw once

I saw guys

Like a grandfather with a grandson

We were running somewhere.

Hurrying somewhere

Cowardly somewhere -

And the bearded grandfather,

And a bearded grandson!

(Even a child will easily guess

That it was running ... and) (Goat and goat)

It was lowing from the field,

The carried on the neck strummed,

Suddenly it was nonsense to meet him!

Opened its bit and growled!

And Moo raised his waving,

Exposed butted

And it went to Brekhalo.

And it wagged

And ran away ... (Cow and dog)

Grazed by the pines all day

Two girlfriends ME and MU,

MEU warmed the barrel in the sun,

BU interfered with him all day.

Krya swam nearby in the river,

Kukareku sang songs.

GAV was lying on the porch,

Hryu under a bush of nozzles.

Now, my friend, remind me.

Name by name

Those who on this hot afternoon

We caught our eye. (Goat, cow, cat, duck, rooster, dog and pig)

Plows the land

Tractor without wheels.

For him, fuel -

Oats. (Horse)

I'm below the dog

And above the horse.

Think rider

And remember me. (Saddle)

In this house

Sleeping on straw

Eat standing

Dry hay.

And if you are very angry,

They can kick with a hoof. (Stable)

The sun is shining. Birds are whistling.

Here and there streams murmur ...

And hooves rush through the meadow

And they knock, knock, knock.

Who is this playful

It rushes so hard

And, splashing with a wavy mane,

Did you spread your tail in the wind? (Foal)

Who is this:

Pilaf under a fur coat? (Ram)

They rushed to the river

Voditsa get drunk

In a curly fur coat

Four hooves ...

Horns tilted

The legs were broken

Feel - and run

They hurried to my mother. (Lamb)

Conversation “Acquaintance with professions. Veterinarian"

Target :

Strengthen children's knowledge aboutprofessionsand labor actions of people of differentprofessions;

Introduce a new profession - veterinarian;

Evoke an emotional response in children, pride in people of different professions;

Contribute to the expansion of vocabulary.

During the event, we read "Who to be?", Then came to visit

Aibolit, played with children usingpoetry :

“Hello guys - animals!

Come to me for treatment

Both the cow and the she-wolf,

And bugs and a worm,

Both the hare and the puppy;

Squirrel, clumsy bear,

Bird, cat and monkey.

Who hurts what?

Why does it hurt and has it hurt for a long time?

(Children shake their heads negatively, Aibolit examines children) .

Heal everyone, heal,

Good doctor Aibolit.

After all, not without reason, after all, not without reason,

My name is a veterinarian!

I cleverly set my shoulder

Happy grasshopper,

I cured tummies

To the unfortunate hippos.

Now I will look out of glasses

On the tips of the tongues.

You are healthy?

Children: We are healthy!

Aibolit : Well then, do not be lazy,

Don't yawn, pull yourself up,

Become a warm-up!

- To be always healthy,

You need to do not only sports,

Also eat right.

I'm happy with the inspection

None of the animals are sick!

You don't need a veterinarian,

Live happily and amicably!

- Whom does Aibolit treat?

- What is the other name for Aibolit?(veterinarian)

- What is he doingveterinarian?

- And why is he called a good doctor?

- Yes, guys, we all have animals at home. What animals live with you? And now if trouble happens to our four-legged friend, he will get sick, we know who to turn to - toveterinarian. And he will tell us how to be and what to do. Guys, did you notice how our Aibolit was dressed?

- Who else have you seen in such clothes?

Acquaintancechildren with tools usedveterinarian.

I want youto acquaint with the tools that any doctor uses, no matter whom he treats, people or animals.

(Pulls out a tool, shows, names and says what it is for) .


Educator : - So, guys, who treats us?

- Who treats animals? Let's repeat the name of thisprofessions in chorus.

Doctor : - Come on, guys, tell me,

Help me figure it out,

I'll start and you finish

Answer in unison.

For colds and sore throats

We are being saved ...

Children : Vitamins!

Doctor : Vitamins are life.

Everyone needs to be friends with them,

Consume vitamins

And add health!

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Purpose: Formation of children's skills to correlate the image of animals with their habitat.

Didactic material: 24 cards with the image of animals (taken from the lotto) and two playing fields with the image of a forest and a village.

Course of the game: Place the cards in the habitats of animals, domesticated in the village, and wild ones in the forest.

Didactic game "Guess what kind of animal"

Purpose: Development of the ability to describe animals and recognize them by description.

Didactic material: Cards depicting animals.

Course of the game: The teacher distributes cards with the image of animals to the children. Children don't show their cards to anyone. The teacher invites one child to describe the animal depicted in his picture, or make a riddle about it. Other children must guess what kind of animal it is.

Didactic game "Whose Shadow"

Purpose: Development of logic, thinking and visual memory.

Didactic material: Cards depicting various animals, as well as their shadows.

Course of the game: Invite the child to find where whose shadow is and connect the necessary pictures with lines.

Didactic game "What animals are hidden in the picture?"

Purpose: Development of attention, thinking, imagination.

Didactic material: Cards depicting the outline of various animals.

Course of the game: Ask the child to find and name the animals drawn in the picture.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Veterinary Clinic"


Educational - to arouse children's interest in the profession of a veterinarian,

teach the correct name of the veterinarian's equipment, which

uses when working with sick animals, to form the ability

use medical instruments while playing; shape

game skills, to engage in role-based interaction with each other;

Developing - to develop the ability to correspond to a certain role,

develop dialogical speech, develop the ability to listen to the interlocutor,

the ability to sympathize with the sick; develop a creative attitude to the game,

the ability to use substitute items;

Educational - to cultivate an empathetic, attentive, caring attitude

to animals, kindness, responsiveness, culture of communication, friendly


The intended result: children learn the profession of a veterinarian,

his work with sick animals, they will also learn to conduct a dialogue in

role assigned to them, learn how to correctly present the problem, select

the right attributes for a specific disease.

Activities: Talking with children about the work of a veterinarian,

making riddles about animals, finger games, outdoor games,

reading poems about animals.

Equipment: animals - soft toys, knitted, robes, hats,

pencil and prescription forms, phonendoscope, thermometer, bandage, cotton wool, tweezers,

sponge, scissors, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

Game progress:

1. Motivation to play.

The teacher reads an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit".

- Where did Aibolit treat animals? (under the tree)

- Whom did Doctor Aibolit treat?

- What do we call doctors who treat animals? Here is given new things for

children concept "veterinarian".

- Where do you think animals are treated now? (children: in the hospital) Given

a new concept “veterinary hospital or clinic”.

- Do you want to play such a game?

- What should we do to start playing?

- What do you think we need for this game? (children's answers)

2. Distribution of roles and definition of game actions.

Q: - What do you think, the roles of what professions will we need in the game? (doctor-

veterinarian, nurse, nurse, visitors with patients).

- What are the responsibilities of a veterinarian?

Children: he treats animals, monitors their health.

Q: Who will fill this role? Okay, go get your workplace ready.

- What other profession do we need to play?

Children: Nurse.

Q: - What are the responsibilities of a nurse?

Children: She helps the veterinarian, writes prescriptions, gives vitamins,

puts injections.

Q: Who will take on this responsible role? Good. Go get ready.

Q: who else is needed?

Children: Nurse.

Q: What does a nurse in a veterinary clinic do?

Children: she washes the cabinet, wipes off the dust, changes the dirty equipment to


Q: Who will be the nurse? Good.

Q: What is the role of visitors to a veterinary clinic?

Children: Visitors come with sick patients to see a doctor-

veterinarian or to know about the health of patients (animals - cat, dog,

bunny, bear ...)

Q: So, the rest will be our visitors, and you will choose the patients

yourself. Deal? Go choose whom you will treat.

Before we start, let's play the game "Little White Bunny Sits." Played.

3. Reception of patients and examination of animals by a doctor.

- Hello, can I see you? The first visitor comes with a cat to

to the doctor.

- Hello. Come on in. What happened to you? What are you complaining about?

- My kitty doesn't eat anything for the second day, only sleeps? What with her? Help

please. - Good. Place the cat on the table. Now we will examine it.

The vet looks at his mouth, puts a thermometer, puts an injection.

- Your cat is fine, she just has a tummy ache, but soon

will pass because we gave the injection.

- Thank you. Goodbye.

- Bye.

Then the second visitor, the third, etc. Between visits

finger play

“This little squirrel is a red-haired girl,

This bunny finger is a jumping bunny,

This fox is a sly sister,

This teddy bear - he likes to roar loudly,

This finger is a top, it turned out to be a cam

Let's unclench our fist as soon as possible - we will release all the animals into the forest.

4. Guys, let's remember the verses about animals. Children recite poetry

A. Barto: "Bunny", "Bear", "Horse".

Well done!

5. The outcome of the game.

Did you enjoy playing Veterinary Clinic? What roles are you

performed in the game?

What was the most interesting role?

Who found it difficult to cope with the role?

What was the difficulty?

Thank you all for playing. Well done

Conversation "Who is a veterinarian?"

If you are unwell, then your mother calls the doctor at home or you go to the clinic to see the doctor, to whom you tell about the symptoms of the disease together. In the fairy tale about Doctor Aibolit, the animals themselves told about their illnesses. But in fact, a sick animal cannot speak, and a special doctor comes to his aid - veterinarian. You can also call a veterinarian at home - to see a cat or a dog, to a farm - to a sick cow, to a circus - to a sick elephant, to a zoo - to a wounded tiger. The veterinarian has to carefully watch whether the animal's eyes are cheerful, whether the coat is shiny. He asks the owners if the animal is eating well, moving. Veterinarians help sick animals the same way doctors help people. They give medicine, wash wounds, give injections, and even perform surgical operations. In addition, with a sick animal, you can come to the veterinary clinic, where the veterinarian will help her.

The vet needs to be very fond of animals. A good veterinarian knows and can do a lot!

- Guys, do you remember the tale of K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"?

- Whom did this doctor help? Let's remember these animals.

- Do you have any pet?

- Did you and your parents go to the vet to help your pet? Tell us about it.

- Would you like to become a veterinarian? Explain your answer.

(Graphic series: Illustrations depicting pets and a veterinarian.)

Poem by A. Barto " Veterinarian»

I thought about this:

It would be nice to be a doctor

But not for children, but for cats!

It hurts children - we will cry

Let's burst into tears in the heat

Mom will call the doctor.

And to a stray cat

If suddenly unbearable?

Who calls doctors to him?

He's a stray - he's nobody's!

Hospital games.

Game-situation. "Bunny got sick" No. 1

The educator-doctor plays a dialogue with the bunny-patient (toy).

At r and h. The hospital opens. I am a doctor. Who came to see me?

Bunny patient (plaintively). I am doctor.

At the hour. Sit down, patient. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

A patient. I have a cough, my ears hurt.

Doctor. Let me listen to you. Breathe deeply. (He listens to the patient on the pipe.) You are coughing violently. Show your ears. The ears are inflamed. And now we need to measure the temperature. Take a thermometer. High temperature. You need to drink your medicine. This. (gives a bottle.) Spoon it and drink it every day. Did you understand?

A patient. Yes. I will take the medicine as you ordered. Thank you Doctor. Goodbye.

Hospital games.

Game-situation "The doctor has come to us" No. 2

The teacher points to the toys sitting on the couch - a bunny, a bear, a doll, a hedgehog - and says:<(Какая очередь в больнице! Зверята, вы все заболели? Но доктор уехал к больным, а больше врачей нет. Что делать? Нам срочно нужен доктор. Кто будет лечить больных? Лена, ты будешь доктором? Полечишь больных зверюшек? Надевай халат. Теперь ты доктор. Зови больных в кабинета.

"The doctor '> listens to patients, looks at the throat, gives medications.

Educator. Doctor, we have an office in the hospital where the ears and nose are warmed. I am a nurse giving injections. Your patients will come to me.

Patients are being admitted. The nurse helps the doctor: prescribes a prescription, warms the ears and nose with devices, and gives injections.

The teacher says:<(Я должна уйти домой, моя работа закончилась. Кто будет медсестрой? Оля, иди работать за меня. Приводите к Оле кукол лечиться. Она делает уколы хорошо, совсем не больно.

Game continues.

Role-playing game "Veterinary Hospital".

Children determine the place for the veterinary hospital and prepare the office. A veterinarian enters the corridor from the office.

Veterinarian: Hello. Please pass the first one.

Sits down at the table and starts recording.

Veterinarian: What happened to you?

Visitor: The kitty is sick. He does not want to eat or drink, does not run, lies, groans, sad.

Veterinarian: What's his name?

Visitor: His name is Murzik.

Veterinarian: Place Murzik neatly on the examination table. Well, what are you, Murzik - a wretch, now I will examine you and decide what to do with you. How long has he been in this state?

The veterinarian examines the cat.

Visitor: He jumped from a tree yesterday and has not been running since then.

Veterinarian: Ah, that's it.

Veterinarian: Murzik's leg probably hurts, is it broken? We need to look at his leg. This can be done with a special device. No, everything is fine, it didn’t break.

I will now write you a special ointment for pain.

Visitor: Thank you doctor.

Veterinarian: Not at all. Here, everything is written down. I am expecting you and Murzik in four days. You will definitely get better.

Visitor: Goodbye.

Veterinarian: Goodbye.

Synopsis based on the tale of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

"The good doctor Aibolit came to visit us"

Preliminary work:

Reading Chukovsky's fairy tale "Aibolit" and discussion with children.

Course of the lesson:

Q: Today we have an unusual activity. Now I will put medallions around your neck, and you will turn from children into little animals. One guest will come to us, I will now see if he will come (the teacher changes clothes in another room or behind a screen). Guess who came to us?

Kind, kind in a white coat, guess? Heal everyone, heal. Good doctor….

Children's answers:

D: Aibolit.

Have you guessed? That's right, here it is!

Aibolit: Hello children, I finally got to you. It was difficult to walk: both wind and snow were on the way. Where are our guys, sick animals? And here they are (I put on hats with the image of animals: bunnies, bears)

(Aibolit addresses a child with a picture of a bunny)

- A: Bunny, what hurts you? (Leans over to the bunny and listens to him with a pipe)

- A: Is that it, bunny caught a cold? Well, bunny, how could you catch such a cold?

(The child tells)

Bunny: The mistress threw the bunny

There was a bunny in the rain

I couldn't get off the bench,

All wet to the thread.

A: It's not good to throw your toys away. Go to bed, zayinka, we will put you a thermometer, and the guys will bring you healthy products that will help you recover and not get sick. (Place the child on the sofa, use the "vegetables and fruits" set on a tray)

The game "Useful - not useful"

A: Here are the guys, good fellows, you helped the bunny to recover.

A: And you, bear, what hurts?

(The child reads)

Bear: They dropped the bear on the floor,

Tore off the bear's paw

I won't leave him anyway,

Because he's good.

A: Paw? We'll bandage her now. I see you have a lot of instruments in the hospital. Tell me what is needed to cure a bear? (bandage) Now we will bandage the bear's foot and he will recover.

(The second teacher brings a letter)

A: Oh guys, this is a letter from Africa. (Opens, reads)

A: Yeah, Aibolitu, from whom? From the hippos, they grabbed their tummies, the poor hippos have stomach pains. Guys, we urgently need to go to Africa to cure the poor animals. How can you get to Africa?

Children's answers: on the ship, on the plane.

A: Let's go on the ship, I will be your captain, and we will stand behind each other and go (in the hands of the ship's steering wheel)

A: After a long boat trip, we need to warm up.

    Art. feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, head turns left and right, look where the path is.

    Art. feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, circular movements in the shoulders (put on a backpack)

    Art. legs apart, slopes to the right - to the left leg (we tie the laces)

    NS. feet together - together (found a way)

(Put hippo toys on the mat)

A: So we found the hippos!

(Discussion: Why did the tummies get sick in hippos?)

A: Let's cheer them up and invite them to play

(Game "Carousel")

A: The hippopotamus became cheerful, but it became hot, let's blow on it.

(Breathing exercises)

A: Saying goodbye to hippos. We had fun with them, but we should go back to the group. We sit down on the ship and return back to the group.

(After the trip ...)

A: Guys, why do hippos have tummy pains?

Children's answers: We did not wash our hands well, did not wash fruits and vegetables before eating ...

A: Do you know how to wash your hands and why?

(Answers of children)

A: What good fellows you are. We cured hippos and taught them how to wash their hands correctly. In order not to get sick. And I have to go, other animals are waiting.

(Changes clothes)

Q: Who was your guest? Where did you go? What for?

(Answers of children)

Q: Aibolit left you a gift.

Excursion to the veterinary clinic.

The guys got acquainted with the clinic, with the instruments and equipment used for research and treatment of animals, were able to observe the work of specialists.

The guide (veterinarian) told and showed how the patient's pet is examined, what the veterinarian does in order not to be bitten or scratched, showed us to the booth where the animal is vaccinated.

Compiled by: Elena Vasilievna Bulavinova

Voronezh region

Vorobievsky district

Vorobyevsky village

MKOU "Poselkovaya secondary school"

Primary classes

Extracurricular activity "All works are good!"

Grade 3

Explanatory note.

An extracurricular activity is held in the 3rd grade, studying under the "School of Russia" program. The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with various professions, develop interest in work, creativity, initial career guidance, education of hard work, responsibility, development of skill, ingenuity. Previously, the students are given homework: to compile a vocabulary of professions and draw pictures for them.

Plan of the event.

1. Reading poetry by students (editing)

2. The word of the teacher.

3. Messages from students.

4. Poems about professions.

5. Riddles about professions.

6. Competition for the restoration of sayings and proverbs.

7. Execution of ditties.

8. Competition for matching subjects and professions.

9. Competition "Pilot"

10. Contest "Interview"

11. "Detective" competition

12. "Announcer" competition

13. Artist Contest "

14. Contest "Builder"

15. Concluding remarks from the teacher.

Extracurricular activity

Matinee about professions in grade 3

"All works are good!"

Purpose: acquaintance of students with various professions, development of interest in work, creativity, education of hard work, responsibility, development of skill, ingenuity.

Equipment: Quote Posters

"All professions are good, all are honorable, if you master the skill perfectly" (M. Kalinin)

“You need to love what you do, and then work, even the coarsest, rises to creativity.” (M. Gorky),

proverbs, student drawings, black box, cards with assignments, computer, projector.

Matinee's course.

1 student.

In the world of various words,

That shine, burn and burn, -

Gold, steel, diamond, -

There is no more sacred word: "labor"!

2 student.

Everything that we drink in a full cup

In the past it was created by labor:

All the contentment of our life

Everything that every house is red with.

3 student.

Victory light of the new lamp,

Running motors, trains,

Monoplane flight without a trace, -

Everything is a legacy of labor!

4 student.

The table you are sitting at
The bed in which you fall asleep
Notebook, boots, a pair of skis,
Plate, fork, spoon, knife,
And every nail
And every house
And every slice of bread -
All this is created by labor,
And did not fall from the sky!
5 student.

For everything that was created for us
We are grateful to the people
The time will come, the hour will come -
And we will work.
6 student.

My years are growing

There will be seventeen.

What to work for me then,

What to do?

Teacher: This question arises when a person becomes an adult. He needs to master some profession in order to be useful to his family and society. Already now, many of you dream of being someone. Today our matinee is dedicated to professions.

Everything that surrounds us is created by the labor of people.

Any object, thing, unit, tool, production technology - everything connects us with various professions, of which there are thousands in the world. The word profession meansmain occupation,labor activities of a person who owns a lot of special knowledge, skills acquired as a result of special training, work experience. This means that in order to consider oneself as belonging to a particular profession, one must undergo special training, master many theoretical knowledge, and gain experience.

How many professions are around us?

1 student: Early in the morning I wake up in a house thatbuilt not only by builders. People of more than a dozen professions participated in its creation - from architect to painter.

2 student: An alarm clock interrupts my sleep - a few more professions. We open our eyes, and the world of things and objects presents itself to us as business cards of professions: dishes, clothes, books, food - everything in our house is made by people of hundreds of professions.

3 student: I go out into the street, and this world expands to a grandiose size. We travel by transport, study at school, use tools in our studies and work.

4 student: In the evening, I have at my service a world of other professions that give an opportunity to touch art: actors, announcers, artists, musicians, composers, photographers.

5 student: In the modern world, the number of professions is growing and they are all useful, necessary and important for a person. The world is changing, and some professions disappear as unnecessary, others are improving. For example, boots have long been sewn not by hand, but by machines, loaders in the port are armed with cranes, and the baker does not knead the dough with his hands - there is an automatic machine for this.

Teacher: Let's check the homework in which it was necessary to compile a vocabulary vocabulary.

(Students come out with letters of the alphabet and drawings of professions on this letter, become in alphabetical order and name invented professions)


Yes, there are many craftsmen in the world,

Tell poetry about them, children.

1st student

The bricklayer builds dwellings

Dress is the work of a tailor.

But the tailor has to work

There is nowhere without warm shelter.

2nd student

The bricklayer would be naked

If only skillful hands

Didn't make it in time

Apron and jacket and trousers.

3rd student

Baker to the shoemaker by the deadline

He instructs to sew boots.

Well, a shoemaker without bread

Will he sew a lot, sharpen it?

4th student

So it turns out that way,

Everything we do is needed.

So let's work hard

Honestly, diligently and amicably.

5th student

Crow, cow, puppy and peacock

Will accept and cure everyone

Animal doctor.

6th student

White sawdust is flyingFlying from under the saw:This is the carpenter doingWindows and floors.
7th student.

In the store, in the bazaarAnd finally in the buffetEverywhere, wherever they go,The seller meets you.8th student

For pines, lindens, to eat

Didn't hurt, turned green,

To new forests

Ascended to heaven

Under the ringing and hubbub of birds

A forester is guarded by a friend.

9th student.

The turner bent over

A smart machine.

Thin shavings

Runs in a stream.

10th student.

Master teaches us generously

What will be very necessary in life:

Patience, reading, counting and writing

And loyalty to the homeland.

11th student

A lifeguard wherever there is trouble
He will always come to the rescue.
And there is no reason to doubt:
Rescuing is a job for men.

12th student

A scientist looks through a microscope
Apparently conducting experiments.
He doesn't care until he gets bored -

All in work, all in science.

13th student

If suddenly trouble happens,
Somewhere something will light up,
There is an urgent need for a firefighter.
He will extinguish - that's for sure.

14th student

Every day he goes to sea
And he catches fish with nets.
Catches both in winter and in summer
- Rybak's job in this.

15th student

Chauffeur job

Difficult and difficult

But how is she to people

Needed everywhere! ...


Now be careful

Do not forget to name the profession!

(Riddles about professions)

Furniture, bread and cucumbers

Selling to us ...(sellers)

I'm glad to get dressed

Both an artist and a deputy.

I dexterously sew with my needle -

It's not for nothing that I ...(tailor)

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

We are partners with water.

Everyone needs us very much,

So who are we? - ... (firefighters)

He looks like a captain

But the steppe ship leads.

He argues with the wave stubbornly,

Only with a golden wave. (combiner)

A stretched canvas, paints, a tripod -

He paints a picture from nature ... (artist)

He protects nature,

He drives away the poachers,

And in winter at the feeders

The forest animals are waiting for a visit. (forester)

Tell me who is so delicious

Cooking cabbage soup,

Smelling cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook)

She carries out her service in secret,

The cows know her for a long time

Always greeted with a low

And for her hard work

All milk is given to her. (milkmaid)

Fun work

Enviable from the heart!

Whistle when hunting

Wave your wand! (police officer)

Dexterous two hands put

Heels on shoes.

And heels on the heels -

This is also the work of these hands. (shoemaker)

We teach kids

To love nature,

Respect old people. (teacher)

The earth awaits his work

As soon as the dawn lights up the rays.

In the spring he will comb the fields,

Autumn will come - she will cut her hair. (gardener)

With a heavy bag he goes around the area,

He puts letters to us in a box ... (postman)

Every resident in the house knows -

This house was built by ... (builder)

This sorceress

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

A comb and scissors. (hairdresser)

In the circus, he is the funniest of all.

He has great success.

It only remains to remember

What is the name of the merry fellow? (clown)

Teacher: Well done guys!

People have always respected hard work, dedication, striving for excellence. This is probably why they came up with many proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs and Sayings Contest - Recover Proverbs.

Do you want to eat rolls - do not sit on ...

A. tractor V. bench

B. oven G. roof

Don't sit back, it won't be ...

A. money B. boredom

B. work G. misfortunes

He who does not work does not ...

A. swims B. rolls

B. drinks G. eats

A small business is better than a big one ...

A. Idleness B. Idleness

B. wealth G. pleasure

The eyes are afraid, but the hands ...

A. knit B. do

B. work G. wash

Finished business - walk ...

A. boldly V. fast

B. fun G. joyfully

Business is time, and fun is ...

A. minute B. second

B. hour G. year

Teacher: Now let's sing ditties.

I tell everyone I know

What I want to beastronomer.

I do not like to sleep at night,

Better to study the stars.

I love in front of the whole class

Answer in the classroom.

This experience will come in handy -

I wantactressbecome!

If, Petya, you later

Will youdeputy,

Then your diary can become

Terrible compromising evidence!

Have pity on me mommy

Let me skip school!

Well, son, you are theredirector,

You must be there!

I decided I didn't need anything

To do boxing -

I will becomedentist,

Everyone is afraid of him.

Vovka boasts to the guys,

What will he becomea lawyer.

Until then, not a lawyer

He pounds everyone.

To bescoutI want

After all, I was resourceful and dared.

Mom hid the candy

I scouted out where - and ate it!

I will becomehaircutter

And I will take revenge on Lariska -

I will cut it as much as a boy,

And then I'll forgive.

I go to gymnastics

I only eat once a week.

I'll tell you a secret:

I want to becomemodel.

Teacher: A person of any profession needs tools and instruments. Name the professions that need these items.

(Hammer, soldering iron, saw, scissors, ruler, microscope, binoculars, camera, syringe).

Teacher:What do you kids want to be?
Answer us as soon as possible!
- I want to be a chauffeur.
Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet.
Better there is none in the world.

I want to be a great doctor.
I will treat everyone with medicine.
Delicious like candy.
I ate it - there are no diseases!

In paints I do not have a soul.
I dream of becoming an artist.
Order me a portrait.
I can handle it, no doubt about it!

You with me, friends, do not argue,
I want to be the first in sports.
To hammer the puck is a trifle
I play for Spartak!

I want to become a pianist.
A wonderful artist.
Music with me since childhood
I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming sooner
Educator of children.
Sing, walk, play with them.
Celebrate birthdays.
In chorus:
All professions are great.
All professions are important.
We know that our hands
The Motherland will need it!

Teacher: Now we will see what your hands can do. We will hold contests.

1 competition "Pilot". How many of you guys want to be a pilot? Come out. Your task is to quickly make a paper airplane and launch it as far as possible.

(The students come out and carry out the task).

2nd competition. "Interview"

2 students are invited: one is a journalist, the other is a person of a given profession. The "journalist" asks questions, and another student answers them, talking about his profession, but does not name it. It is necessary to guess what kind of profession we are talking about.

3rd competition. "Detective"

Two participants. One is blindfolded, the other is hiding an object in class. The detective needs to find this item. Pupils help with the leading words "hot-cold".

4th competition. "Speaker"

Several students are involved. It is necessary to quickly and correctly read the tale

1 student.

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip has grown big, very large.
My grandfather went to pick a turnip. Pulls - pulls, cannot pull.

The grandfather called the grandmother. Grandma for a grandfather, grandfather for a turnip, pull - pull, they cannot pull!


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