Timesheet - a form and form for filling out the timesheet. Time sheet - form and form for filling out the time sheet What form of the time sheet is valid in the year

Simple timesheet form- a unified form to be drawn up and certified by several employees of the organization at once. What are the most important nuances of working with this document and where can I download its completed sample?

What is a simple time attendance form and what is it for?

In accordance with Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employing firms must keep track of the working time of employees.

More details about Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will tell this publication.

In the practice of personnel management, the use of 2 unified forms for these purposes has been fixed:

  • T-12 - for manual entry of data on working hours;
  • T-13 - used in automated systems ah time attendance.

Both forms are approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1. Since the simplest technically way of keeping records of working hours is manual entry of data on visits by employees to work, the form T-12 is usually called a simple form (or time sheet).

Let's study its specifics in more detail.

The nuances of filling out the T-12 form (simple form for recording working hours)

A feature of the T-12 form is the presence of a section, which not only reflects information on visits by employees to work, but also a section reflecting figures on wages calculated based on working hours. At the same time, the company may not fill out this section and reflect the salary figures in other documents. In this case, only section 1 is drawn up in the T-12 form.

What codes by type of wages can be applied in the T-12 form, find out by the link.

Form T-12 is filled in 1 copy. Daily notes about employees visiting work are entered in columns 4-6 of the document. There are 2 ways to capture this information:

  • taking into account both attendances and work absences for one reason or another, as well as other events (for example, downtime);
  • taking into account only deviations from the standard work schedule (work absences, downtime).

In both cases, 2 types of data are entered in the timesheet:

  • an alphabetic or numeric code reflecting whether the employee came to work and where he was, if he did not come there (for example, was on vacation, on sick leave or on a business trip);
  • the number of hours spent at work.

However, if a person was absent from work all day, then the code reflecting the absence of work is recorded in the report card without indicating the hours.

We will tell you about the letter codes for the T-12.

Columns 1-17, 35-55 of the T-12 report card are filled in by the responsible person within the time frame determined taking into account the fact that the salary of the company's employees, in accordance with Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, must be paid at least 2 times a month. Further, the timesheet is transferred to the accounting department, which fills in columns 18-34, and then sent for approval:

  • responsible person;
  • the head of the department where the employees work, the visits to which are recorded according to the timesheet;
  • representative personnel service.

Where can I download a sample simple time attendance form?

You can download the completed T-12 time sheet sample on our portal.

Time tracking is a very important task. The employee does not want to lose his hard-earned money, and the organization, in turn, does not seek to pay for absenteeism.

To avoid such misunderstandings will help the timely and correct maintenance of reporting documentation for the recording of working hours.

What is it for

The time sheet is an established document that carries information about the observance of the working hours by each of the employees. In other words, this is a table where data on the attendance or non-attendance of each employee of the organization is entered.

On the basis of this document, wages and bonuses are calculated or penalties are imposed for delays, absenteeism and other deviations from the work schedule.

Such a time sheet must exist in a single copy and be kept by the employee who was appointed responsible for its execution. Most often, this work is entrusted to the HR and accounting department, sometimes to the department head or senior manager. The appointment to the post of "timekeeper", or rather the imputation of the corresponding duties, should be reflected in employment contract.

Form options

You can take into account how many days and hours an employee has worked different methods, but Roskomstat has prepared special forms. They are simple and straightforward to use, with their help you can visually track the work "attendance" and then effectively use the data obtained.

For budgetary organizations a special form of the timesheet No. 0504421 was introduced.

For all other organizations and enterprises, the T-12 and T-13 forms were approved. The latter differ from each other in that the T-13 is used where attendance and non-attendance are not controlled by people, but with the help of automated systems (turnstiles). I came to work, checked in at the checkpoint with a pass, and went on. In this way, it is easy to control late arrivals, absenteeism and other deviations from the work schedule.

Forms in the T-13 form are most often filled in automatic mode, or with partial use of technical means.

Time sheets in the T-12 form are also filled out for the purpose of calculating wages, so it is convenient to entrust the maintenance of such a schedule to an accountant.

How to fill in correctly

The most important aspects of time sheet keeping are:

  • the table exists in a single copy;
  • filled in daily on the basis of official documents (sick leave, orders, orders, etc.);
  • it is forbidden to delete any columns and fields from the generally accepted table.

In this case, you can still change the table. Sometimes there are situations when you need to add additional fields to the existing form. For example, to take into account certain working hours for non-standard shifts. In this case, making changes is possible, but only after signing the appropriate order of the head.

Before the beginning of the reporting month (2-3 days in advance), the responsible employee opens the timesheet. Here is the time to decide which method of conducting will be chosen. This can be a complete registration - daily check-in / no-show marks, or the introduction of only deviations from the regime - late arrivals, night shifts, overtime, etc.

An example of filling out a timesheet using the example of form T-12

First of all, the header and the first three columns are filled in. This information, as a rule, remains constant - structural unit, full name of employees, personnel numbers.

In columns 4 to 7, on a daily basis, notes are put on attendance, no attendance, days off and sick leave. For this, special designations for each of the reasons are used. So, the sick leave is indicated by the code B, the working day off is RV, and annual leave- FROM. A complete list of designations can be found in the most unified form on the first sheet.

It is important to remember that any marks are put on the timesheet solely on the basis of a document. This can be a sick leave, an internal order, or an overtime order signed by a familiar employee.

Situations often arise when it is not entirely clear which code to put. For example, an employee is on paid vacation, he is given an OT code. But at this time he had the imprudence to get sick and did not go to work on the appointed date.

If the employee did not warn us, then it is advisable to put down the NN codes (failure to appear for unknown reasons), and after receiving the sick leave, correct these designations to the “B” code. If an employee has found a way to report his illness, he can immediately mark the code "B".

Perhaps in such a situation, it is better to first put down the codes "НН" and "B" with a pencil, so as not to spoil the appearance of a document that exists in a single copy. If the form is kept in in electronic format, then such problems will not arise.

Some of the absenteeism is considered to be "days", because an employee cannot be on vacation only for half a day, or go on sick leave for three hours. In this case, an empty column is left under the letter designation. If the employee is late for 30 minutes, or worked 4 hours overtime, then the time of deviation from the working regime is indicated under the letter designation.

Columns 5 and 7 summarize the intermediate and final results of the days worked, and columns 8 through 17 provide a full report for each employee - how much he worked, how much he rested, how much he missed and why. From the name of the header above each column, it becomes clear which data to summarize.

Features of keeping a timesheet in budgetary organizations

Form No. 0504421 is also used to monitor compliance with the working regime, but has a slightly different name "Accounting for the use of working time" which reflects the specifics of the work of budgetary organizations. In this report card you can find such designations as "weekend for study", "substitution in the extended day group", "study leave".

The procedure for maintaining such a time sheet is no different from the unified forms of accounting T-12 and T-13:

  • conducted in a single copy;
  • opens 2-3 days before the start of the billing period;
  • used without changing the standard form.

Two registration procedures have also been adopted - continuous (all attendance and non-attendance are noted) and with an indication of deviations.

There are several differences in the table itself. In the head of the report card, in addition to the name of the organization, structural unit and the period of reference, you should indicate its type with a number. If the timesheet is served "as is" without making changes, then it is called primary and is marked in this column as "0". With each subsequent correction, you must indicate the number of changes in order.

The first four columns are filled in immediately - these are the full names of employees, personnel numbers and positions. The following columns are filled in as the period progresses. In the upper part of the column, indicate deviations from the operating mode in hours (if any), in the lower part, the letter designation of the reason for the deviation. Columns 20 and 37 summarize interim and monthly totals, respectively.

No additional calculations are provided in this form. At the end of the billing period, this document is transferred to the accounting department, where it will be calculated on its basis. wage for employees of a budgetary organization.

The list of designations used in this time sheet (form No. 0504421) can be found in the table:

Indicator name Code
Weekends and non-working holidays V
Work at night H
Fulfillment of public duties G
Regular and additional vacations O
Temporary disability, disability due to pregnancy and childbirth B
Holiday to care for the child OR
Overtime hours WITH
Truancy NS
Failure to appear for unexplained reasons (pending clarification of the circumstances) NN
No-show with the permission of the administration A
Weekends for studies WU
Additional study leave OU
Substitution in grades 1 - 3 ZN
Substitution in extended day groups RFP
Substitution in grades 4-11 ZS
Work on weekends and non-working holidays RP
Hours actually worked F
Business trips TO

How vacation is indicated

The word vacation in the personnel business unites a lot of concepts. Starting from and ending with a decree. Many young mothers will disagree, but this is also a vacation, although it is provided for caring for a small child.

Each of these leaves is marked in its own way in the timesheet and it is worth paying special attention to the most common types of leave and their registration.

On schedule

On the basis of the vacation order, in which there is necessarily the signature of the vacationer himself, the “OT” code is put in the report card, if it is the main vacation, or the “OD” code, if it is additional.

At your own expense

There are times when an employee needs to get several vacation days outside of their main schedule. The reasons may be different, but the solution is one - unpaid leave.

The legislation provides for several reasons for such a vacation - a wedding, the birth of a baby, or more sad events, such as the death of a close relative. In these cases, you should put down the code "OZ".

If the employee has another reason, and he receives such leave as agreed with the manager, then the code "DO" is used. In both cases, the mark is made on the basis of the corresponding order with the signature of the employee.


The combination of work and study in our time is more the norm than an exception, and the legislation in this matter supports such workers, giving a guarantee for obtaining study leave. After accepting the appropriate application from the employee and receiving the order with the student's signature, you can safely mark the "U" code in the report card for the entire period study leave.

It is worth noting that if an employee falls ill during the course of the next session, then such leave is not extended for the period of sick leave and the "B" code can be set only on days after the end of the study leave, if the employee did not have time to recover before the end of the vacation and provided a sick leave confirming his failure to appear after the end of the session.


Such a blissful period for female employees, of course, should not be overshadowed by red tape with documents, the poet is granted maternity leave on the basis of sick leave, the code in the report card is "P". The same code is used in the case of the adoption of a newborn baby.

For child care

And after that, an order is drawn up on parental leave until the age of three. This vacation is marked with the code "coolant".

Working with documents is always a responsible occupation, but knowing the basics of filling out a timesheet will save you from disputes over payroll and other minor troubles of this kind.

Video - drawing up a timesheet and payroll in 1C:

Labor law obliges employers to keep track of the time worked by employees. Firms should take into account the hours worked, regardless of legal status and individual entrepreneurs... Especially for this, Goskomstat has developed and approved the Forms of the Timesheet N T-12 and N T-13.

Here are the instructions for filling out, which will help to correctly reflect the data and use the timesheet for the benefit of the company.

What is a timesheet for?

The time sheet, approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of 01/05/2004 No. 1, helps the personnel department and accounting department of the enterprise:

Consider time worked or unworked hired worker; Monitor compliance with the working time schedule (attendance, non-attendance, lateness); Have official information about the time worked by each employee for calculating wages or compiling statistical reports.

He will help the accountant to confirm the legality of the accrual or non-accrual of salaries and compensations to each employee. Personnel officer - to track the turnout and, if necessary, justify the penalty imposed on the employee.

The time sheet refers to the forms of documents that are issued to the employee upon dismissal along with work book at his request (Article 84.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted that the unified forms of tables N T-12 and N T-13 from January 1, 2013 are not required for use. However, employers are obliged to keep records (part 4 of article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Organizations and individual entrepreneurs can use other methods to control the time spent by employees in their workplaces. But in fact, the format of the form developed by Gostkomstat is quite convenient and continues to be used everywhere.

Who maintains the timesheet in the organization

According to the Guidelines for the use and filling out of forms of primary accounting documents:

the time sheet for 2016 is drawn up and maintained by an authorized person, the document is signed by the head of the department and the employee of the personnel service, after which it is transferred to the accounting department.

As we can see, the rules do not establish the position of the employee who keeps the timesheet. Management has the right to appoint anyone to perform this task. For this, an order is issued indicating the position and name of the person in charge. If the order for the appointment of such an employee is not issued, then the obligation to keep records should be spelled out in the employment contract. Otherwise, it is unlawful to require an employee to keep records. In large organizations, such an employee is appointed in each department. He fills out a form within a month, gives it to the head of the department for signature, who, in turn, after checking the data, submits the form to the personnel officer. An employee of the personnel department verifies the information, fills out the documents necessary for his work on its basis, signs the timesheet and passes it on to the accountant.

In small firms, such a long chain is not followed - the time sheet is kept by a personnel worker, and then immediately transferred to the accounting department.

What is the difference between N T-12 and N T-13 Forms of the Timesheet

Two approved forms of topics differ, one of them (T-13) is used in institutions and companies where a special turnstile is installed - automatic system controlling the attendance of employees. And the T-12 form is considered universal and contains, in addition, an additional Section 2. It can reflect payments to employees for wages. But if the company conducts settlements with personnel as separate species accounting, section 2 is simply left blank.

There are two ways to fill out the timesheet:

solid filling - every day all attendances and absenteeism are noted; filling in by deviations - only late arrivals, no-shows are noted.

For example, we will give instructions for filling out the T-13 form using the continuous filling method.

Step 1 - the name of the organization and structural unit

At the top, enter the name of the company (full name of the IP) and the name of the structural unit. This could be a sales department, a marketing department, Production Department etc.

Step 2 - OKPO code

OKPO - all-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations. Contained in the databases of Rosstat, consists of:

8 digits for legal entities; 10 digits for individual entrepreneurs.

Step 3 - document number and compilation date

The document number is assigned in order. The compilation date is usually the last day of the reporting month.

Step 4 - reporting period

The time sheet is handed over for the month - the period from the first to the last day of August in our case.

Step 5 - employee information

A separate line is filled in for each employee of the department.

Serial number in the report card. Surname and position of the employee.

A personnel number is assigned to each employee and is used in all internal accounting documents. It is retained by the employee for the entire period of work in the organization, and is not transferred to another person for several years after the dismissal.

Step 6 - information on attendances and number of hours

To fill in information about attendance and absenteeism of employees, abbreviated symbols are used. You will find a list of them at the end of the article in a separate paragraph. In our example, for the employee Petrov A.A. 4 abbreviations used:

I - attendance (in case of attendance, the number of hours worked is recorded in the lower cell); On a weekend; K - business trip; OT - vacation.

Step 7 - the total number of days and hours in the month

Column 5 indicate the number of days and hours worked for every half month.

Column 6 - the total number of days and hours per month.

Step 8 - payroll information

The wage type code defines a specific type of cash payment, encrypted in numbers. For a complete list of codes, see the end of the article. The example used:

2000 - salary (wages); 2012 - vacation pay.

Corresponding account - an accounting account from which the costs of the specified type of remuneration are written off. In our case, the account for writing off salaries, travel payments and vacation pay is the same.

Column 9 indicates the number of days or hours worked for each type of pay. In our case, the top cell contains the days of attendance and business trips, and the bottom one - the days of being on vacation.

If one type of remuneration (salary) is applicable to all employees during the month, then the code of the type of payment and the account number are written at the top, columns 7 and 8 are left blank, indicating only the days worked or hours in column 9. Like this:

Step 9 - information about the reasons and time of no-show

Columns 10-12 contain the code of the reason for the absence and the number of hours of absence. In our example, the employee was absent for 13 days:

3 days in connection with a business trip; I was on vacation for 10 days.

Step 10 - signatures of responsible persons

The report card is signed at the end of the month:

the employee responsible for maintenance; the head of the department; personnel worker.

How to mark vacations in the timesheet

Before you mark the vacation in the timesheet, it is important to know the following points:

what kind of vacation to put down; vacation period - from what to what day does the employee rest; by what method the timesheet is filled in - solid or only deviations are registered.

Different types of leave are indicated in the report card with the following abbreviations:

another paid vacation

additional paid

administrative (without saving salary)

educational with save RFP

on-the-job training (shortened day)

educational without saving salary

for pregnancy and childbirth

for caring for a child up to 3 years old

without saving the salary in cases provided by law

additional without saving salary

When using both methods of filling out the timesheet, the vacation symbol is affixed for each day the employee is absent. It's just that when using the continuous method, the rest of the days are filled with attendances (conditional code "I"), and when using the deviation accounting method, they remain empty.

Other designations and codes in the report card

Here are the letters used in the timesheet in the form of tables.

Workplace presence:

daytime work

in nighttime

work on weekends and holidays


on a rotational basis

Business trips and professional development:

business trip

continuing education on the job

advanced training with separation from work in another locality

Absence from the workplace:

temporary incapacity for work (sick leave) with payment of benefits

temporary incapacity for work without payment of benefits

shorter working hours in cases provided by law

forced absenteeism in case of illegal suspension (dismissal)

failure to appear in connection with the performance of state (public) duties

absenteeism without good reason


weekends and public holidays

additional paid day off

additional unpaid day off


unclear reason for failure to appear

downtime due to the fault of the employer

downtime for reasons beyond the control of anyone

downtime due to the fault of the employee

suspension from work (paid)

removal without preservation of salary

suspension of work when the salary is delayed

We will give only basic digital codes of types of wages(Full list in the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 13.10.2006 N SAE-3-04 / [email protected] ):

labor payments (salary, remuneration)

payments under civil law contracts

vacation pay

hospital allowance

payment in kind

material help upon dismissal and retirement

interest on deposits

Completed sample timesheet

Download the completed sample T-13 timesheet in xls


Download timesheet Format T-13


Download timesheet simple form Format T-12

The employer must keep records of the hours worked for each employee. This fact is spelled out in article 91, part 4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this article, you can download and familiarize yourself with the form of the timesheet for 2016, as well as with a sample of filling out this timesheet.


It is known that the timesheet must be maintained in the following forms:

  1. T-12 - the form used in the URV, as well as the calculation of wages.
  2. T-13 - URV report card.

On this page you can find the URV time sheet for 2016. for free download:

URV report card for 2016 (sample)

Form No. T-13:

Form No. T-12:

Rules for filling out the report card of the URV in 2016.

It should be noted right away that the T-12 / T-13 forms are used when taking into account the time that was actually worked / unworked by each employee of the firm / organization separately. This is necessary to exercise control over the following by employees of the general established working hours (RW), to inform about the hours worked, calculate wages, and compile a statistical report on labor. If there is a separate maintenance of the ERM, as well as payments with personnel regarding remuneration, then it is possible to use section 1, which is called "Accounting of working time" of the timesheet form No. T-12, as an independent document (filling out section 2 entitled "Payroll with personnel labor "is not needed here). As for the form No. T-13, then it should be used in case of URV.

URV report card in 2016 it is necessary to draw up only one copy by a person having the necessary powers for this. Further, he refers to the signature of the head of the structural unit, to the employee of the personnel service, goes to the accounting department.

Notes in the report card regarding the reasons for non-attendance at work, work under the incomplete RV system / exceeded time limit at the request of the employee / employer, reduced duration of the RF, and the like should be made in accordance with documents drawn up accordingly. These documents are:

  1. Disability certificates.
  2. Inquiries regarding the implementation of state / public duties/ works.
  3. Written downtime warnings.
  4. Applications regarding part-time employment.
  5. Consent of employees in writing to overtime work only in cases that have been established by law and the like.

In order to reflect the daily expenses of RV for the month relative to each employee separately, there are specially designated lines in the report card:

  1. In the form No. T-12 - here column 4, column 6 - two lines.
  2. In form No. T-13 - here column 4 - four lines (for each half of the month - 2 lines), as well as column 15, column 16.

In forms No. T-12 and No. T-13, namely in columns 4,6, the upper lines are used in order to be able to mark the symbols (codes) of RV costs, and the lower ones are used to make records regarding the duration of worked / unworked time (minutes, hours) according to special codes of costs of RT for a specific date. If there is a need to increase the number of columns in order to add additional details for the working hours, this is quite acceptable. For example, it is necessary to mark the start and end times of work in conditions that differ from the generally accepted ones.

In the course of filling in columns 5,7 of the time sheet of form No. T-12, the number of days worked should be entered in the upper lines, and the number of hours that were worked by each employee separately for the accounting period in the lower lines.

The time sheet reflects the costs of RV. You can also use the method of continuous registration of attendance / absenteeism for work, registration of only deviations (late arrivals, absenteeism, overtime, etc.). Reflecting non-attendance at work, if they are accounted for by days (vacations, days of temporary disability, business trips, vacation due to study, time for performing state / public duties, etc.), in the report card, in the top line of it, in the appropriate columns, only codes should be entered legend, and at the bottom - leave blank.

When compiling a timesheet in accordance with form No. T-12, in section 2, provided for one type of payment for all employees, as well as a corresponding account, columns from 18 to 22 should be filled, and provided for each employee separately - from 18 to 34.

Form No. T-13, called "Report Card URV" is used in the course automated processing credentials.

Drawing up a report card according to form No. T-13:

  1. If credentials are recorded, which is necessary for calculating salaries exclusively for one type of payment and a corresponding account that is common for employees who are included in the timesheet, then it is necessary to fill in the details "code of the type of payment", as well as the "corresponding account" above the table that has columns from 7 to 9 and column 9 (here you do not need to fill in columns 7, 8).
  2. If accounting data is being recorded, which is necessary for calculating salaries for several types of payment and corresponding accounts, it is necessary to fill in columns 7 to 9. An additional section with similar column numbers is provided for filling in the corresponding data by type of payment, if there are more than four of them.

Timesheet forms according to form No. T-13, in which the details are partially filled in, can be made using the means of the appropriate computing technology... These requisites include.

The time sheet is a document in which the presence or absence of an employee at the workplace is noted, and according to which the employee is paid a salary

Time sheet form. Form T-12

View empty timesheet form T-12: page 1 , page 2 , p. 3 , page 4

Form and sample timesheet. Form T-13



View empty timesheet form T-13: page 1 , page 2

There are two unified forms of time attendance:

  • T-12 - consists of two sections - is used to record the use of working time and to calculate wages; both sections are commonly used in small organizations, where the accountant combines the duties of a personnel officer and a normalizer.
  • T-13 - is used only for accounting of working hours.

Working hours can be recorded either according to the first part of the T-12 form or using the T-13 form. After filling out, the form is submitted to the accounting department.

Rules for drawing up a timesheet according to forms T-12 and T-13

Form forms are filled out daily, in one copy, by the person responsible for this. At the end of the month, the grand total is summed up.

First, the "header" of the document is filled in:

  • the name of the organization, its OKPO code,
  • the name of the structural unit in which the employee is listed,
  • number and date of preparation (final filling of the document),
  • reporting period for which information is submitted.
  • sequence number of the record;
  • Full name and position of the employee, his personnel number, if assigned;
  • marks on the presence / absence of the workplace every day of the month (an alphabetic code is put in the upper cell - there is a list of them at the beginning of the T-12 form, in the lower - the number of hours worked on that day); weekends and holidays (C), sick days (B), business trips (C) and others are celebrated.
  • the total number of days / hours worked for two weeks and for a month; including overtime, night, holiday - are indicated in the T-12 form;
  • payment type codes, correspondent account number accounting how many hours / days this code matches;
  • number of absenteeism (hours / days), absenteeism reason code.

The second section of the T-12 form is completed in detail by the accountant.

The time recording form is signed by the person in charge, the head of the structural unit for which the document was filled out, and the personnel department employee.

Basic codes for the type of payment:
2000 (salary, travel and other service),
2012 (vacation pay),
2300 (temporary disability benefit).

Corresponding accounting accounts:
20 (remuneration of employees of the main production),
23 (remuneration of workers in auxiliary production facilities),
26 (remuneration of management personnel),
44 (remuneration of workers employed in trading activities or in operations for the sale of finished products).


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