Head of catering at school duties. The work plan and the first steps of the manager in the new place. Planning sequence

View job description


At a predetermined time, you will be responsible for the correct quantity of products available for shipment that meet the quality standards required by the purchaser. Working according to standards Working according to plan Operational management Control by human resourses Customer service Product quality and documentary control Health and safety Main horizontal interaction Sales and ordering department, Beginning warehouse and purchasing department, Technical department, Accountancy, quality engineer.

Subordinates: Shift supervisor, shift foreman, technologists, production shops, warehouse finished products and containers, bakery, hot shop, material warehouse, purchases.

Job responsibilities

1. To manage the production and economic activities of the enterprise. To ensure the fulfillment of production targets, the rhythmic release of high quality products.

2. Carry out work to improve production, its technology, mechanization and automation production processes, prevent rejects and improve the quality of finished products, save all types of resources, use the reserve for increasing labor productivity and reduce production costs.

3. Organize the current production planning, take into account, draw up and timely submit reports on production activities, improve labor rationing and material incentives, generalize and disseminate advanced techniques and methods of labor.

4. Ensure the technically correct operation of equipment and other fixed assets, monitor the implementation of the repair schedule for equipment and other fixed assets.

5. Coordinate the work of the shops and the warehouse.

6. To detect and correct deficiencies and take preventive measures within the framework of their responsibility.

7. Carry out the selection of personnel for production, their placement and appropriate use.

8. Monitor employees' compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and safety, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations.

9. Submit proposals for the promotion of distinguished employees, imposing disciplinary action for violators of production and labor discipline. Apply, if necessary, measures of material impact.

10. Organize work to improve the qualifications of production employees, carry out educational work in a collective.

11. Ensure full compliance of the enterprise with the requirements of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system.

12. Monitor compliance with safety measures material values, maintenance of reporting documentation and preparation of daily reports on production and warehouses by technologists and warehouse managers.

13. Ensure the availability of appropriate permits (certificates, veterinary certificates, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions) and specifications existing for raw materials, materials and finished products. Control over technological and sanitary - hygienic quality products. Fulfill and comply with all technological requirements in the production of finished products.

14. To independently analyze the loss of products and materials and control in accordance with the norms.

15. To investigate the reasons for non-compliance with standards, norms, specifications, recipes and requirements in cases of defects and other production irregularities. To issue penalties depending on the damage caused to the enterprise.

16. Control the entire technological process, starting from the reception and storage temperature of raw materials and materials through the production process to sending the finished product to the buyer in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, HACCP, NTD.

13. Control the timeliness of the passage of medical examinations by all employees of the enterprise. Monitor the health of production employees and prevent unhealthy persons from working, according to the requirements of SanPiN, for one reason or another.

14. To control the standards of production, hygiene and housekeeping (to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements established at the enterprise for the release of a quality product).

15. Control the timely delivery of products for the rhythmic work of production, the implementation of the timely shipment of the finished product, taking into account its shelf life, prevent the entry into production of raw materials that are inappropriate for sanitary and epidemiological indications.

16. Monitor the employees' compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and requirements of SanPiN and HACCP.

17. Follow the procedure stipulated by the Production Control Program. Ensure compliance with the requirements of SanPiN for microbiological indicators of finished products and production equipment.

Full time work day.


Schedule 5/2 from 8.00 to 17.00. When in execution official duties, emergency call 24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday. Biryulyovo West

The meaning of competent planning of the manager's working day is to determine the priority areas of activity for several days in advance, which will free up time for solving creative problems.

From the article you will learn:

Competent and effective leadership is the factor that distinguishes successful and prosperous enterprises from those in decline and stagnation.

A characteristic feature of a good leader is the ability to rationally use work time... This approach allows you to free up time not only for rest and leisure, but most importantly - for a creative approach to the performance of managerial duties.

A modern successful leader must be able to manage not only his working time, but the time of his team and the entire enterprise as a whole.

Working time deficit

Lack of working time, its constant shortage to solve all the planned tasks is a problem that many managers face. The table below will help to analyze in detail the causes of this situation:

Deficiency reason

Description of the problem

Unjustified haste

The leader is constantly in a hurry himself and rushes subordinates. As a result, important tasks are performed superficially, "for the sake of appearance"


Permanent job in emergency mode leads to rapid fatigue

A large accumulation of unfinished business

Lack of a clear plan and the habit of taking on several tasks at once leads to a heap of work

This trait is inherent in overly emotional and impulsive leaders not prone to rational planning


A trait common to appointed directors with low wages

Lack of plan

An unorganized and undisciplined person becomes a leader who does not represent the prospects for the development of the company

Finishing work at home

This is a symptom of a serious problem. If the manager takes work home, then there is an urgent need to optimize the work schedule.

Organization of the manager's working day

Planning and organization of working time the head- the process is complex, taking into account many parameters and factors at once. The result of a correctly completed process will not only save time, but also the appearance in the work schedule - empty cells, that is, periods that are not busy with anything and which can be devoted to solving problems that are postponed "for later", or you can think about the upcoming affairs and planning.

The first thing a manager needs to do when starting to fulfill his managerial responsibilities is to define a list of tasks and match him with the resource of the available time. The amount of time in a day cannot be increased, so tasks for which there is clearly not enough time need to be delegated to subordinates.

In general, the entire set of time available to the manager can be segmented as follows:

Ideally, you need to keep track of, that is, record how much time was spent on various tasks. It will take discipline at first, but the results will exceed your expectations. You will see that the execution of really important tasks does not take much time, and most of the time it is not the task itself that "eats up" the time, but the transition from one task to another: you have finished one task, decided to take a break - to walk, drink coffee, talk with subordinates and prepare for the next job. This break can stretch for an hour, while the case itself took half an hour.

Read also:

Diversification of goals

Creating a balanced and harmonious time management system will require the manager to be able to "separate the wheat from the chaff", ie. allocate priority goals and cut off secondary ones. This separation of goals will not only help to correctly plan the sequence of actions, but also serve as an additional motivating factor: all efforts will be devoted to really important tasks.

The S.M.A.R.T.method will help you to diversify your goals. According to this technique, any goal must be:

  1. Specific;
  2. Measurable;
  3. Achievable;
  4. Realistic and
  5. Limited in time

Of course, setting goals and prioritizing them is only the first step in the beginning of a long journey. The second step is to transform the list of goals into an action plan.

Work plan development technology

The basic rule for developing plans for the day, week and month is the strict observance of the uniform principles of their preparation.

The leader should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Each working day and each working week must be completed by drawing up a plan for the day or week;
  2. If there are still things that you did not complete in a day, and they have not lost their relevance, reschedule them to the next day;
  3. To complete any work, you need to set measurable deadlines;
  4. The order of doing things should be in accordance with their importance and priority;
  5. Highlight key areas of activity for the day and week;
  6. Practice efficient use working time.

Planning sequence

A planner, a work time map, and a standard daily routine are three things a manager needs to start planning their time.

Further, his actions should have the following sequence:

  1. Development of a standard daily routine;
  2. Entering into it all tasks, meetings, meetings, etc., which are outlined in the plans for the month, quarter, half year and year.
  3. Grouping all tasks by execution time and ordering them in order of priority;
  4. Prioritization of importance to each case;
  5. Controlling so that the execution time of one task does not overlap with another;
  6. Instruct the secretary to remind you of upcoming events;
  7. Leave some of the cells in the schedule empty - for a reserve;
  8. Remember to schedule time for rest and lunch breaks.

Examples of planning a working day

Let's look at a planning example first working week head:

Now let's look at an example of planning a manager's working day:

  • 9.00-9.30 - morning meeting, approval of the work plan;
  • 9.30-10.00 - work with mail;
  • 10.00-11.00 - work with documents;
  • 11.00-12.00 - development and setting of tasks, communication with employees;
  • 12.00-13.00 - personal time;
  • 13.00-14.00 - lunch break;
  • 14.00-15.00 - control over the execution of orders and assigned tasks;
  • 15.00-18.00 - meetings with business partners;
  • 8.00-19.00 - work with business papers.

For regular monitoring of the efficiency of spending working time, it is necessary to carry out a set of analytical procedures.

Such an analysis, carried out in a timely manner, will provide useful information about the potential of the leader and those points that need to be further improved. It is necessary to objectively compare the real state of affairs and the ideal image that exists in the project. At the same time, it is necessary to reasonably take into account the available material resources, as well as personal and time resources.

  • The tasks that you set yourself should be as specific as possible;
  • Study the to-do list carefully;
  • The due date for each task should be clearly defined;
  • Cases with a specific due date are done first.

Job description production manager.

Position: production director.


Job profile (hiring requirements): Woman or man 25-55 years old. Higher education. Competent specialist (work experience). Communicable. Resistant to stress. Has good organizational and leadership skills (Work experience in leadership position at least two years).

General purpose of the position:

Organization of the production process for the release of quality products: drawing up production program, compliance technological processes and cooking technology in general for production, organization of jobs, training workers in cooking technology, providing raw materials for production the right quality and in the required amount, providing sufficient inventory.

Functional responsibilities

Output product

Product quality indicators

1. To manage the production and economic activities of the shop

Organized production


2. To direct the activities of the labor collective to ensure the release of products in accordance with the production assignment

Completed production task

Products of the required assortment and quality in the required quantity;

Timeliness of the production task

3. Carry out work to improve the production process (optimization of production processes, the organization of the workplace, the introduction of new technologies, the effective use of technology and increase professional excellence workers)

Studying new technologies and equipment, training personnel in the workplace, holding production meetings and master classes, safety and health

Improving the quality of products; acceleration of production processes, reduction of production costs

4. Know the availability of raw materials, its assortment, draw up applications for the necessary raw materials and ingredients based on the production program as a whole for the entrusted area and transfer them to the head of the warehouse.

Drawn up applications and by the end of the working day.

Timeliness of submission;

Completeness of data

5. Control the timing of receipt and implementation, assortment, quantity and quality of items received from the warehouse food products, semi-finished products and raw materials

When receiving goods from the warehouse, check its assortment, quantity, shelf life.

Lack of surplus and / or shortage of some types of raw materials;

Use only high quality raw materials

6. Exercise control over the technology of preparation of products, standards for laying raw materials and compliance by employees sanitary requirements and personal hygiene rules

Compliance with the recipe and production technology,

Sanitation of workplaces, personal hygiene of employees.

Products of the required quality, its availability in the required volume, cleanliness of workplaces and personnel. Filling out health logs

7. At the beginning / at the end of the shift (depending on the operating mode) to acquaint the foremen of the sections with the production task

Distribution of work by shop and areas

Maximum efficiency

8. Draw up a work schedule for employees and monitor compliance with it (if necessary, make changes to it).

Full work shift, full workload of the employee during working hours.

On time, every month

9. Maintain a timesheet

Filling out the timesheet regularly and in a timely manner


Data reliability

10. Organize production accounting, preparation and timely submission of reports on production activities

Keeping records of production activities (can be delegated), its control.

Ease of processing Timeliness;

Completeness of data

11. Supervises correct operation and sanitary condition equipment and other fixed assets

Training of employees in the correct operation of equipment, filling out a safety log

No breakdowns caused by employees; no accidents.

Compliance with the requirements of sanitation and hygiene for the processing of products.

12. Conduct training on cooking technology and other production issues

Conducting operational operations, training and monitoring on the spot, master classes

Improving the quality of products, stability of product quality.

13. Monitor the observance by employees of the rules and norms of labor protection and safety measures, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations

Familiarization of employees with signatures with safety requirements, internal regulations and appropriate measures

Lack of accidents at work, observance of labor discipline

14. Carry out work to improve the qualifications of employees

Conducting certifications, internships.

100% employee participation, product quality improvement.

15. Organization of the workplace of each employee

Provision of the necessary equipment, inventory and utensils. Convenience of work, minimal time spent on moving.

Increase in labor productivity

16. Constantly carry out rejection of finished products, control the release of each batch, enter data in the rejection log.

Only high quality products.

Absence of cases of release of defective products

17. Supervise the keeping by the foremen of the accounting of receipts from the warehouse and accounting for the dispatch of finished products from the workshop.

Filling out the accounting journal.

Timeliness and reliability of data.

No surplus of raw materials in production.

18. After 6 months of work, undergo a medical examination and supervise the passage of a medical examination by subordinates.

Passed medical examination

On time, every six months

Must know:

1. Resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulations higher and other bodies concerning the issues of the work of enterprises Catering.

2. Organization and technology of production.

3. Assortment and quality requirements for food and culinary products.

4. Basics of rational and dietary nutrition.

5. Accounting rules and norms for the issuance of products.

7. Rates of consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products.

8. Standards and technical conditions for food, raw materials and semi-finished products.

9. Rules and terms of storage of products, raw materials and semi-finished products.

10. Species technological equipment, principle of operation, technical characteristics and conditions of its operation.

11. Fundamentals of the economics of public catering.

12. Fundamentals of the organization of payment and labor incentives.

13. Fundamentals of labor organization.

14. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

15. Internal labor regulations.

16. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire protection.

Qualification requirements:

  • 1. Special knowledge and skills:
  • - Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least a year, or secondary professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least two years;
  • - Knowledge of the schedule and requirements for document flow;
  • - Knowledge of the range of products, as well as the terms and conditions of storage;
  • 2. General knowledge and skills:
  • - Knowledge of ethics business communication and possession of negotiation skills;
  • - Self-management
  • - Ability to manage personnel


Direct: to the director.


Directly: foremen of sections, cooks.

Indirectly: all employees.


In relation to the immediate supervisor

1. Make proposals to improve the efficiency of their work and the work of the organization.

2. Contact the Deputy Director for Production in the event of a conflict in the course of activities, if it is impossible to independently resolve.

3. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management concerning its activities and make proposals for changing these projects.

4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official rights and duties.

In relation to employees of other departments

1. To request information and documents necessary for the organization's activities and appropriate to its level of access from representatives of other departments and to seek the implementation of justified requests.

Make decisions

1. Within the framework of their functions listed in the job description

A responsibility:


For losses incurred through his own fault, the head. production or as a result of his actions, or inaction;

For a malfunction or inconsistency in the condition and / or configuration of the reporting equipment through the own fault of the shop manager


For inaccurate information on the implementation of work plans

For failure to fulfill their official duties

For non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the activities of the head of the shop


For failure to comply with the provisions of guidelines (rules, orders, instructions, regulations and other regulatory documents)

For non-compliance with labor and performing discipline, including labor regulations

For non-observance of commercial and official secrets


  1. He comes to work at 7-00, puts on his uniform, attaches his badge. Shoes should be with a closed toe, comfortable heels and fit.
  2. On guard determines the availability of personnel in accordance with the distribution of the workshops and the schedule for going to work. Makes adjustments in the placement of people in accordance with production needs.
  3. Quickly conducts a tour:
  4. Controls technological processes
  5. Checks the quality of finished products, p / f: checks the output of dishes, carries out rejection of ready-made dishes, makes marks in rejection magazines ..
  6. Checks compliance with sanitary and technological standards.
  7. Supervises the execution of applications and compliance with their deadlines.
  8. Supervises the work of the production as a whole.
  9. Resolves conflict situations arising in the process of work between employees.
  10. At the end of the working day, checks the fulfillment of the shift task by the employee
  11. Carries out operational intelligence based on the results of the shift

Working conditions:

Irregular working hours.

The possibility of business trips.


  1. In case of emergency situations, the head. production decides on the priority and priority of the performance of functions within the framework of its powers. In especially critical emergency situations, head. makes a decision in production, coordinating with the head.

I have read the instructions:

Full name Date Signature

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Full name Date Signature

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Full name Date Signature

___________________ _______ ______

Full name Date Signature

A production manager is an employee who is responsible for the quality of food served in the company's canteen. He fills the menu with a variety of dishes, monitors the preservation of the quality of products and regulates the activities of chefs. In addition to culinary skills, the employee must have organizational skills. To find out what qualities the company wants to see in this employee, the job description of the production manager allows.

Sample job description of a production manager

General Provisions

1.1. This instruction regulates the following aspects professional activity production manager: job tasks, working conditions, rights, obligations and areas of responsibility.
1.2. The recruitment and subsequent dismissal of the production manager is carried out through the creation of an appropriate order on behalf of the management of the enterprise. The procedure is carried out based on Russian labor legislation.
1.3. The status of the immediate supervisor of the production manager has the general director of the enterprise.
1.4. In the absence of a production manager at the workplace, his tasks are entrusted to an employee who has the appropriate level of professional training, experience and competence. Substitution occurs in accordance with internal regulations organizations.
1.5. The production manager must meet one of two requirements:

  • higher specialized education and work experience in the specialty at least three years;
  • secondary specialized education and work experience in the specialty at least five years.

1.6. The production manager must be aware of:

  • organizational and technological aspects of production processes;
  • the rules for compiling the menu;
  • the procedure for accounting for food stocks and the rules for their issuance;
  • rules for the consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products;
  • calculation of menu items and the order of their pricing;
  • standards for the use of products, raw materials and semi-finished products;
  • rules for storing products, taking into account the shelf life;
  • technological equipment with which the kitchen of the enterprise is equipped: its varieties, methods of work, technical characteristics and application rules;
  • economic aspects of catering;
  • ways to stimulate the labor activity of subordinates;
  • rules of organization and remuneration;
  • orders and orders issued by the management of the enterprise, which affect the topic of the functioning of the enterprise;
  • the rules of sanitation at work.

1.7. The production manager in his professional activities is guided by:

  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • Russian labor legislation;
  • the production rules applicable to this company;
  • issued job description;
  • operating hours of the kitchen and dining room.

Job responsibilities

2.1. Into the sphere job functions production manager includes the following tasks:

  • organization of production and economic activities of the reporting department within the enterprise;
  • stimulating the activity of employees for the rhythmic production of products own production the required quantity and quality - based on the production assignment;
  • creating comfortable conditions for optimizing production processes, teaching the latest technologies, effectively using equipment and deepening the professional skills of subordinates to improve the quality level of products;
  • drawing up applications for ending food products, raw materials and semi-finished products, organizing their timely acceptance from the company's warehouses, controlling the timing, assortment and quality of incoming goods;
  • providing a wide range of dishes based on customer demand and available ingredients, forming menu items;
  • control of the technologies for the preparation of dishes, the norms for laying raw products, the adherence of subordinate employees to sanitary standards and the basics of personal hygiene;
  • placement of cooks and other subordinates in production, contributing to the optimization of work processes;
  • scheduling of work of subordinate employees (including cooks);
  • marriage of cooked dishes;
  • organization of careful accounting, creation and timely sending of reports on the results of production activities, implementation the latest technologies and labor methods;
  • control over the correct operation of machinery and other equipment;
  • instructing on the rules for making dishes and other production tasks;
  • monitoring the compliance of employees with labor protection standards, sanitary rules and regulations, compliance with discipline in labor and production areas, maintaining subordination;
  • creation of conditions for advanced training of subordinates.


3.1. The production manager is endowed with the following powers:

  • familiarization with the projects developed by the management of the organization, which relate to the functioning of the company;
  • taking initiative in the form of making proposals that contribute to optimization labor activity within the competence of the employee;
  • attracting employees of those structural divisions that are required to solve production problems (in the event that this item is provided for by the specifics of the work of the company's structural divisions - in other situations, the permission of the general director is required);
  • signing and reviewing papers affecting the competence of the production manager;
  • submission to the general director of the organization of proposals for the appointment, transfer or dismissal of subordinate employees, the promotion of employees who deserve rewards due to high results and employees who are subject to sanctions due to violations of disciplinary norms;
  • the requirement from the management to create appropriate conditions for the performance of official duties.

A responsibility

4.1. Disciplinary responsibility is imposed on the production manager in the following cases:

  • incorrect performance or refusal to perform their direct duties, which are concentrated in this instruction - within the framework of the current labor legislation;
  • systematic non-compliance with the regulations practiced in this organization, the labor regime, disciplinary norms and safety rules;
  • ignoring orders and orders issued on behalf of the company's management;
  • violation of the current Russian legislation- in the civil, criminal, labor and administrative spheres;
  • infliction material damage organizations by their illegal actions and negligent attitude to work duties;
  • disclosure of information that has a confidential status.


Drawing up a job description

At the level of labor legislation, there are no strict requirements for the preparation of job descriptions. Its creators are guided by the specifics of the organization and, on its basis, include certain points. The standard sections that are included in this document include the following:

  • general provisions;
  • job responsibilities;
  • rights;
  • a responsibility.

If necessary, writers can add sections on working conditions, interactions with other departments, and so on. From the clarity of compilation of this document the coherence of work in production depends. Therefore, the compilers of the instructions are interested in a comprehensive description of the functions that are assigned to the employee.

Job description structure

Open document information about CEO enterprises. Information is provided about his post, company name, full name and signature with a decryption. The title of the document is placed in the center of the first sheet.

General Provisions

General provisions provide basic information about the position of a sales representative:

  • the category to which the position belongs;
  • the order by which the applicant was appointed a sales representative;
  • persons to whom the sales representative is subordinate and persons who are subordinate to him;
  • requirements for an applicant for appointment to a position: education, work experience, additional skills, etc .;
  • legislative acts, orders and orders, which the employee must familiarize with before starting to perform work tasks;
  • rules for paperwork, keeping records and sending reports to management;
  • safety rules, personal hygiene and sanitary standards observed at work.

Reference! When listing the documents that the employee should rely on in the process of professional activity, it is mentioned labor Code RF.

Job responsibilities

The responsibilities section is one of the most important. When creating it, it is important to reflect all aspects of the activity that the management expects to see from the hired employee. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of this chapter when there are several employees in one position.

If it is assumed that different production managers will be responsible for different production sectors, this is reflected in the instructions. If this rule is not followed, the workflow will fail.


The activity of a production manager provides for the manifestation of initiative in a number of important issues:

  • reporting to the management about outstanding employees and about employees who are negligent in their duties;
  • interaction with other structural divisions within the framework of their competence - when it is required by job tasks;
  • the requirement from the management to create working conditions that are necessary for well-coordinated work and the implementation of the plans;
  • taking part in meetings that affect the work of the enterprise and the area of ​​activity of the production manager.

Reference! The Rights section gives the employee the opportunity to participate in improving work processes by making practical suggestions.

A responsibility

Responsibility implies those actions for which the employee will be punished. Punishments have different manifestations: penalties, sanctions, reprimand, suspension, and so on. The severity of the punishment is directly proportional to the damage the employee has done to the company. Therefore, some of the most serious offenses include:

  • material damage;
  • disclosure of confidential information;
  • providing reports with deliberately distorted data.

Reference! All penalties that the company has the right to apply to an employee are within the framework of labor law. Going beyond what is permitted by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is also regarded as an illegal act.

Employee details

At the end of the job description, short info about the employee hired for the position. The following data of the head of the enterprise are reported:

  • passport data;
  • Company name;
  • signature;
  • date of acquaintance with the document.

Reference! The job description is not certified by a seal.

In order for the job description to gain legal force, it must have three signatures. In addition to the employee to whom the document is intended, signatures are left:

  • compiler of instructions;
  • general director of the enterprise.

Different people can act as drafters of the instructions. On large enterprises this task is assigned to the specialists of the HR department. In smaller companies, the boss may take over this task.

Why women should be praised more often than men; what tone to give orders and other subtleties that will not be taught in any business school.

Effective leadership of people requires specific skills that, unfortunately, are not developed in everyday life. The formula is simple: Lack of management skills = Lack of effective leadership. And if you do not adhere to this axiom, your work in a leadership position will be torture for both subordinates and for you personally. Using these tips, you will learn how to perform it quickly, clearly, effectively.

  1. People do not work on their own, they have to be “put into work”. It is difficult for a person to start in the morning, and later, when he has already “entered a rut”, it is difficult to stop. Therefore, in the morning and in the afternoon, train yourself to bypass workplaces, and by your presence to stimulate subordinates to start work. Make sure subordinates go out to lunch and leave workplace no later than indicated in their schedule (provided that there are no emergencies). Thus, you save employees from overwork, which is a kind of error prevention.
  2. Observe this algorithm: first, assignments were given or confirmed and only then you start to perform own tasks... Do not make subordinates wait for your assignments, it annoys them!
  3. Instructions regarding assignments should be voiced as clearly, loudly, and directively as possible. They should be completely different from the usual conversational manner. The repaired should not ponder and discuss what "it was" - a task, a wish, a joke of humor.
  4. Plan your work for tomorrow. Allocate a specific time to solve this problem, for example, from 14:00 to 15:00. And then at 15:00 you should already know exactly who and what will be doing tomorrow.
  5. Separate the working from the non-working, as one idly staggering person can distract up to six others from work. Non-workers must be taught to hide. Make a rule: when you meet a bum, organize the most unpleasant, dirtiest and stupid task for him.
  6. Keep track of the organization of the work rhythm. Drive too slow and hold back too rushed. It is your responsibility to create balance. If you do not rush the team, then people will realize their unspent energy on the side: drinking, walking, re-educating their wife, gambling personal and other people's property. But if you drive the team too hard, then expensive and difficult to correct mistakes will arise in front of you.
  7. Apply the carrot and stick rule. Demonstrate publicly that you are keeping a record of all the mistakes and merits of your subordinates. Be able to praise, if necessary: ​​it motivates the employee, shows him that his work is appreciated. And use the whip when the behavior is inappropriate. This technique develops discipline. Academician Ivan Pavlov, experimenting on dogs, found that the ideal proportion between reward and punishment is 7 to 1.
  8. Do not meddle with subordinates with your help if the situation does not require it. Remember that your main task is to organize the work in such a way that it can be done without your direct participation. After all, as he said Karl Marx: "If you want to influence other people, then you have to be a person who really stimulates and moves other people forward."
  9. Women should be praised especially often. The body of women is arranged in a very successful way for leadership: the more you praise and defiantly appreciate, the better they work. Always use this technique. The method of gifts and treats is fine too. Don't be greedy: give each woman one tangerine a month or one candy - and the results will exceed your wildest expectations.
  10. Feel free to remind people that they came to work to work. A person, unfortunately, forgets about it, if not reminded at least once a week. Do this as correctly and politely as possible.
  11. On Friday, write down what you need to start working Monday with: save at least an hour of working time. For two days off, operational tasks go somewhere in the backyard of memory and do not emerge immediately.
  12. Learn to scold and scold people without emotion. Remember that you have agreed with a subordinate (within employment contract) that you are older than him in position, but no one gave you absolute rights to his upbringing.
  13. Remember that the one who organized the optimal work rhythm, and not the one who demanded the most, achieves the maximum result at the end of the month. Your task is to load people so that they would be slightly tired for lunch, and after lunch they would have enough energy until the end of the working day. During the night, they must have time to recuperate in order to work the next day. By squeezing all the strength out of people, you will receive the desired results for a very short time. If your business process doesn't involve regular staff changes, don't do it. By the way, it is interesting that in Russian business culture it is not customary to sleep at work during the lunch break: apparently, in the value base, the willingness to do work is still on a higher priority than labor productivity.
  14. In order to control something, you need to know the control object. You should know basic information about your subordinates: married, children, main hobbies, interests. When talking to a person, take him not as "Vasya Pupkina", but as "Vasya + wife + two children + a volume of your own poems in your hands." I assure you: the quality of communication, understanding and effectiveness of your communication will be much better.
  15. Accept two things: money and responsibility are unfairly distributed. If you are a leader, you will be required to be held accountable for what you cannot influence, to demand the impossible financial results... If you prove directly and rationally that this is impossible, you will be written down as opponents. If you agree, you will be perceived as "terpily". We need to find our own strategy for conveying doubts about the reality of plans.
  16. Listen to the comments of your superiors. From a higher level, your erroneous actions are visible, which in principle are invisible from your level.
  17. Devote Special attention transfer of information to related departments of the organization, specialists. The necessary information should be transmitted at the right time and place in the required form. The information transmitted should be sufficient, but not redundant. If information is passed on too early, it is likely to be forgotten. If it is too late, it will not be properly responded to. The form of transferring information should provide the receiving party with the convenience of working with it.

Thank you for attention! I sincerely hope that this material will be useful for you, and most importantly - used in your work. Constructive criticism and significant additions in the comments are welcome!

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