Export Manager Job Description. Foreign trade department of the enterprise, its structure and functions. Prospects and career growth

Specialist working in the foreign economic activity department, oversees all operations related to the foreign economic activity of the company. In essence, this is an economist responsible for optimizing purchases or sales (export-import operations). The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics, law and foreign languages \u200b\u200b(see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Depending on the field of activity, the list of duties of a specialist in foreign economic activity may be different. A manager working in an importing company is a purchaser or buyer. The export specialist is mostly a seller. This is the main difference between the two types of profession.

The functional duties of a foreign economic activity manager are diverse:

  • analysis of supply and demand;
  • conclusion and support of foreign trade contracts;
  • preparation of the necessary accompanying documentation (delivery schedules, payment control);
  • development and development of new directions of foreign economic activity of the company,
  • formation and expansion of the client base abroad;
  • negotiation and business correspondence;
  • control of timely payment of export and import payments;
  • interaction with customs and logistics structures;
  • The Foreign Economic Activity Manager also takes part in international exhibitions.

Pros and cons of the profession

Foreign trade specialists are constantly in demand in the labor market, their incomes are consistently high. There are additional compensation packages: in addition to health insurance and payment mobile phone, expenses for the use of personal transport are reimbursed. The disadvantages of the profession include high responsibility, because the success of the entire commercial activities enterprises.

Place of work

Foreign economic activity departments in trading and manufacturing companies different forms property.

Important qualities

Mandatory requirements for personal qualities manager for international logistics - communication skills, ability to negotiate, active life position, organization, attention to detail and responsibility. Foreign economic activity specialist must have higher education and speak spoken English. He must also be well versed in the legislation of various countries, foreign economic activity and customs clearance procedures.

Training for a Foreign Economic Activity Specialist

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In economic universities in the specialty " World economy". At the departments of foreign economic activity there are all kinds of short-term professional development programs.


Salary for 02/04/2020

Russia 30,000-80000 rubles

Moscow 50,000—120,000 ₽

The upper bar for salaries and bonuses is not limited. It depends on the product with which you have to work, the size of the company and the volume of foreign trade.

Career Steps and Prospects

You can start a career while still a senior student from the position of an assistant specialist in foreign economic activity. The next step is the position of an economist in the foreign economic activity department. One step higher is the leading specialist in foreign economic activity, then the deputy head of the foreign economic activity department. And, finally, the head of the foreign economic activity department.

Portrait of a modern foreign trade manager:

90% of foreign economic activity managers have higher education, 80% are fluent english language, and 75% have completed specialized courses. There are slightly more women in this profession (57%) than men. The age range of the most demanded by the labor market for foreign trade managers is 25-40 years.

Tatiana Volkova, manager for foreign economic activity, LLC "StartProm"

The Chinese have a slightly different understanding of trade than we do, from global issues - how companies should interact with each other, to technical details - how to properly package and transport goods. To overcome such contradictions, you need to be able to find a compromise every time - to express yourself clearly and concisely, to be quite delicate.

- Tatiana, what is the competence of the foreign economic activity manager?

- As the title of the position suggests, he oversees all issues related to the foreign economic activity (FEA) of the enterprise.

If an enterprise, as in our case, is engaged in trade, then this is a search for the necessary products, establishing contacts and further communication with its manufacturers, including business correspondence, participation in international exhibitions. The foreign economic activity manager also participates in the development of the company's strategic goals, plans for its development, analyzes the world market of certain goods.

- What knowledge, abilities, skills, personal qualities are needed in your profession?

- First of all, you need to know at least two foreign languages \u200b\u200b- you won't surprise anyone with English alone. If a person is fluent in the language of the country with which he works, this means a significant increase in salary. There is nothing to do without a language in our profession - even if the foreign company with which you trade has a Russian-speaking specialist on staff, we still have to speak with the company's leaders in their native language.

The foreign economic activity manager must have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe country in which he works, know the legislation in the field international trade, to understand the workflow: what standards must be observed during purchases and transportation, how documents should be drawn up.

And, of course, such personal qualities as initiative, resistance to stress, self-confidence, and the ability to present oneself correctly are important. It is encouraged when a person generates ideas himself, and does not just carry out assignments. It seems to me that a foreign economic activity manager needs a certain mindset: he, as a chess player, must be able to think systematically, to calculate the situation several moves ahead.

- With whom and what does your company trade with? In which countries are the goods purchased? And how is it delivered to Russia?

- The company trades in construction equipment, which is purchased in China, from factories located in different provinces. The goods are transported to Russia by trucks - first to the customs point in Manchuria, then to Chita and further to their destination. Sometimes there is sea transportation - if the plant is located near the port, it is more convenient. Then the equipment is transported by trucks to the port, then by ship to Vladivostok or Nakhodka.

- How do you find suppliers?

- Through the Internet - nowadays you can find almost any information there, up to who sells certain models of construction equipment with certain standards and specifications.

- Have you ever traveled to China for work?

- Yes of course. We came to the plant, examined the territory, the production workshop, then discussed the issues of interest to us with the director, his closest deputies and technicians... The negotiations were carried out by the company's leaders, and I translated, and sometimes I myself raised some topics.

- Professional, what's in business communication with the Chinese, as well as with representatives of other peoples of Asia, there are many subtleties that cannot be ignored.

- It's true. In China, all business negotiations are not complete without feasts. And here there is such a subtlety: you cannot refuse to drink with the owner of the plant. If you refuse, it may even turn out that the business simply does not work out. In my practice, there were cases when, refusing to drink, I said that I was pregnant so as not to offend the owner.

According to Chinese tradition, the feast takes place at a round table - all participants are located exactly in a common circle, and not opposite each other. And here, who is sitting where is of great importance. First, the director sits down at the table, on the right is his closest deputy. The director himself determines who and where to sit. The arriving guest also occupies a certain place. All these subtleties are elements of a long-established culture of communication.

- How did it happen that you learned Chinese? Has this already happened while working for the company?

- No, China is my longtime specialization, I studied there for two years at the university. In general, I am a geographer by education, I began to study the Chinese language while studying at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. I was very interested in the culture of the East, especially in China. Firstly, it is an ancient civilization with a long history, it is interesting to learn the psychology of the Chinese through language. Secondly, it is a very promising, rapidly developing country that produces a lot. As the saying goes, "whatever is done is done in China."

Now in Russia specialists with knowledge of the Chinese language are especially in demand in the trade sphere - my example is very indicative.

- What higher education, in your opinion, is optimal for a foreign economic activity manager?

- This work does not tolerate amateurs, and ideally, the education of a foreign trade manager should be economic or close to it - for example, geographic, like mine. But, as practice shows, often for this work, a certain set of knowledge and skills is sufficient that a person can possess even without specialized education - first of all, this is foreign language and work with documentation. And then everything depends on the desire to comprehend the basics of the profession, to develop.

- Despite the knowledge of the language and oriental culture, you probably have unpredictable situations when difficulties arise in communicating with Chinese partners ...

- This happens almost every day. In general, the Chinese have slightly different ideas about trade than ours, from global issues - how companies should interact with each other, to technical details - how to properly package and transport goods. To overcome such contradictions, you need to be able to find a compromise every time - to express yourself clearly and concisely, to be quite delicate.

The Chinese always do what suits them best and very rarely listen to our demands. They have their own traditions, habits - for example, they believe that if you buy or sell something, you should definitely bargain. If you do not bargain with them, they may even be offended - this trading game is so important to them. They have been playing it since childhood. To bring down the price even twice, even ten times is absolutely normal. You need to be ready for this not only when you come to the ordinary Chinese market, but also in wholesale trade, in big business, even in the case of serious equipment that our company sells. We are accustomed to the fact that representatives of factories call deliberately high prices and we need to persuade them to give a discount.

- Is pricing in big business as spontaneous and depends, first of all, on the mood of the seller and the buyer, as in the Chinese markets or in the shops of the resort villages of Asian countries?

- Of course, in order to succeed in business, you need to understand how much this or that product really costs. The foreign trade manager is just doing what he studies the market, makes price summaries, monitors the general situation. If we are faced with high prices, then, of course, it is our duty to reduce them to a minimum during negotiations. Although there are situations when fixed prices are immediately offered.

In general, when negotiating prices, you need to consider how serious a particular plant is. If he is little known in China, you can demand incredible discounts, and if he has an excellent reputation, then this will not work.

- What specialists within the company does a foreign economic activity manager most often interact with?

- I most often interact with purchasing managers, logisticians and technicians who are well versed in construction equipment. In certain situations, I can get advice from them. For example, in order to discuss the characteristics of a product with representatives of the plant, I often need the help of a professional "techie".

- The "advantages" of your profession seem obvious - these are, first of all, trips to another country, communication with by different people... Could you list the "cons"?

- Probably one of the "minuses", or rather the complexity of our work, is interaction with customs. It's always stressful. There you usually need to complete the documents as soon as possible - you constantly feel the burden of responsibility. Another difficulty, which I have already mentioned, is a possible misunderstanding with foreign partners due to differences in cultures and mentalities. If a foreign trade manager is just starting his career, it is simply impossible to relax - you need to navigate everything very quickly.

- On the question of a career: how is it usually built by a foreign trade manager? And if you take the case when a person does not move to leadership positions, what is professional growth?

- Career growth is certainly possible, and, as in any business, it depends on experience. At the beginning of his career, a foreign trade manager may engage in marketing research, study the market, establish contacts with factories. Over time, competence grows, more responsibilities appear, the position in the staff is strengthened, the salary increases ...

- Who do you think feels more comfortable in this position, a woman or a man?

- Our profession requires increased sociability, the ability to communicate with people and win over a person to himself, an understanding of what you can talk about and what you can't. Therefore, it seems to me that this job is more suitable for women, they feel more comfortable in this role, since they are more sociable than men. As far as I know, statistics confirm that there are more women among foreign trade managers.

Although, of course, much depends on the specifics of the goods. For example, it is believed that men should sell construction equipment; women are often not taken seriously. But I try to break this stereotype.

- Do you think the circle has changed job responsibilities foreign trade manager in russian companies for the last few year s?

- Probably, the range of official duties has not so much changed as it has become more extensive. There is more work. And there are explanations for this: a huge part modern world is based on commerce, over the past few years, international trade has increased, it has become more companiesengaged in export and import competition has increased.

Russia is no exception, so the profession of a foreign trade manager in our country is now in great demand.

Interviewed by Yulia Solovieva

I. General Provisions

1. A manager for foreign economic activity belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of _______________.
2. A person with a higher economic or engineering-economic education and work experience in the field of foreign economic activity for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of a manager for foreign economic activity.
3. The foreign economic activity manager reports to ________________.
4. In his activities, the foreign economic activity manager is guided by:
- legislative and regulatory documents regulating foreign economic and economic activity;
- methodological materials related to relevant issues;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- labor regulations;
- orders and orders of the director of the enterprise (direct manager);
- this job description.
5. A foreign economic activity manager should know:
current legislation, decrees, orders, orders of higher bodies regulating foreign economic and economic activities of the state, methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials on the organization of foreign economic activity: directions and prospects for technical, economic and social development of the industry and the enterprise;
the procedure and conditions for the conclusion and execution of contracts;
methods of analysis and a system for collecting, processing and transmitting information;
nomenclature and range of products manufactured by the enterprise;
standards and technical conditionsapplicable to the manufactured products, their main properties, quality and consumer characteristics;
organization fundamentals advertising activities and types of advertising;
the basics of production technology, the experience of leading domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of organizing and improving foreign economic activity;
techniques and methods of negotiating and communicating with people;
economics and foundations of the organization of production, labor and management;
foundations of ethics and psychology;
rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.
6. During the absence of the foreign economic activity manager, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by the appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for their proper execution.

II. Job responsibilities of the foreign economic activity manager

1. To supervise the development of proposals and measures for the development of progressive forms of foreign economic relations, scientific, technical and economic cooperation with foreign countries.
2. To organize the establishment of direct, production and scientific and technical ties, the solution of issues of production and technical cooperation with enterprises and firms of other countries.
3. Develop a feasibility study for the establishment of direct production ties, the creation of joint ventures.
4. Carry out preparation and participate in negotiations with foreign companies.
5. To organize, in accordance with the established procedure, the reception of representatives of foreign and domestic enterprises (firms) who arrived to address issues of foreign economic activity.
6. Develop recommendations for the development of new forms of foreign economic cooperation.
7. Organize the collection, systematization, study and generalization of information materials on marketing; on the economic, sales and other activities of enterprises (firms) with which cooperation agreements have been concluded; preparation of abstracts and annotations, thematic reviews on the competitiveness of the products manufactured by the enterprise and the requirements for similar products in the world market.
8. Organize work to increase the volume of export supplies, involve other types of goods and resources in the export.
9. Monitor the implementation of contracts with foreign trade organizations for the supply of products for export and the supply of products for import by foreign companies.
10. To coordinate the work of the enterprise in the field of foreign economic activity with the relevant republican departments.
11. Prepare information for the management of the enterprise on all issues of foreign economic relations.
12. Supervise subordinate employees.

III. Foreign trade manager rights

The Foreign Economic Activity Manager has the right to:
1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.
2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the performance of his official duties.
3. Submit proposals for improving the company's activities for consideration by the management.
4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
5. Interact with leaders of all structural units enterprises, to receive information and documents necessary for the performance of official duties.
6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility of the foreign economic activity manager

The Foreign Economic Activity Manager is responsible for:
1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their duties stipulated by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Real job description Foreign Economic Activity Managerwill help the employer to correctly and clearly organize the international activities of the company, since effective work a specialist in foreign economic activity largely depends on the expansion of the client base abroad and effective interaction with foreign partners.

Job description for foreign trade manager

General director
Surname I.O. ________________
"________" _____________ ____

1. General Provisions

1.1. Foreign economic activity manager belongs to the category of managers.
1.2. A person with a higher economic or engineering-economic education and work experience in the field of foreign economic activity for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of a manager for foreign economic relations.
1.3. A foreign economic activity manager is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director.
1.4. Foreign economic activity manager should know:
- decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulationsconcerning the work of the company;
- the rights and obligations of employees and their mode of work;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety.
1.5. The foreign economic activity manager is guided in his activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Company Charter, Internal Labor Regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and orders of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a foreign economic activity manager

The foreign economic activity manager performs the following job duties:

2.1. Supervises the development of proposals and measures for the development of progressive forms of foreign economic relations, scientific, technical and economic cooperation with foreign countries.
2.2. Establishes direct production and scientific and technical ties, solves issues of production and technical cooperation with enterprises and firms of other countries.
2.3. Develops a feasibility study for the establishment of direct production ties, the creation of joint ventures.
2.4. Carries out preparation and participates in negotiations with foreign companies.
2.5. Organizes, in the prescribed manner, the reception of representatives of foreign and domestic enterprises (firms) who have arrived to resolve issues on foreign economic activity.
2.6. Develops recommendations for the development of new forms of foreign economic cooperation.
2.7. Organizes the collection, systematization, study and generalization of marketing information materials; on the economic, sales and other activities of enterprises (firms) with which cooperation agreements have been concluded; preparation of abstracts and annotations, thematic reviews on the competitiveness of the products manufactured by the enterprise and the requirements for similar products in the world market.
2.8. Organizes work to increase the volume of export supplies, to involve other types of goods and resources in the export.
2.9. Supervises the implementation of contracts with foreign trade organizations for the supply of products for export and the supply of products by foreign companies for import.
2.10. Coordinates the work of the enterprise in the field of foreign economic activity with the relevant republican departments.
2.11. Prepares information for the management of the enterprise on all issues of foreign economic relations.
2.12. Supervises subordinate employees.

3. Rights of a foreign economic activity manager

Foreign economic activity manager has the right:

3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, in the amount necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.2. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.
3.3. Within the limits of their competence, inform their immediate supervisor about all deficiencies identified in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

4. Responsibility of the foreign economic activity manager

The Foreign Economic Activity Manager is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to perform and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. Failure to comply with existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. Violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety regulations.
4.4. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.5. Causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Suitable educational specialties: "Economy"
Key items: Russian language, Mathematics, social studies

Tuition fee (average in Russia): 500,000 rubles

Description of the profession:

* the cost of training is indicated for 4 years in the full-time department.

A specialist working in the foreign economic activity department oversees all operations related to the company's foreign economic activity. In essence, this is an economist responsible for optimizing purchases or sales (export-import operations).

Features of the profession

Depending on the field of activity, the list of duties of a specialist in foreign economic activity may be different. A manager working in an importing company is a purchaser or buyer. The export specialist is mostly a seller. This is the main difference between the two types of profession.

The functional duties of a foreign economic activity manager are diverse:

  • analysis of supply and demand;
  • conclusion and support of foreign trade contracts;
  • preparation of the necessary accompanying documentation (delivery schedules, payment control);
  • development and development of new directions of foreign economic activity of the company,
  • formation and expansion of the client base abroad;
  • negotiation and business correspondence;
  • control of timely payment of export and import payments;
  • interaction with customs and logistics structures;
  • The Foreign Economic Activity Manager also takes part in international exhibitions.

Pros and cons of the profession

Foreign trade specialists are constantly in demand in the labor market, their incomes are consistently high. There are additional compensation packages: in addition to medical insurance and mobile phone payments, expenses for using personal transport are compensated. The disadvantages of the profession can be attributed to high responsibility, because the success of all commercial activities of an enterprise often depends on a specialist in foreign economic activity.

Place of work

Foreign economic activity departments in trading and manufacturing companies of various forms of ownership.

Important qualities

Mandatory requirements for the personal qualities of an international logistics manager are communication skills, negotiation skills, active life position, organization, attention to detail and responsibility. A foreign trade specialist must have a university degree and speak spoken English. He must also be well versed in the legislation of various countries, foreign economic activity and customs clearance procedures.

Where do they teach

In economic universities with a degree in World Economy. At the departments of foreign economic activity there are all kinds of short-term professional development programs.


40,000 - 90,000 rubles.

Career Steps and Prospects

You can start a career while still a senior student from the position of an assistant specialist in foreign economic activity. The next step is the position of an economist in the foreign economic activity department. One step higher is the leading specialist in foreign economic activity, then the deputy head of the foreign economic activity department. And, finally, the head of the foreign economic activity department.


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