Form t 1 hiring. Features of the order for employment: adult and minor workers. Probationary employment order, sample

Each worker, having worked for six months at the enterprise, can apply for a vacation. This action is formalized by order T-6 or T-6a. Vacation is a social guarantee of the state. All related issues are regulated by Articles 114-128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When going on vacation, the worker retains his workplace and average salary, which is paid to him on the eve of the holiday in the form of a calculated amount.

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general information

To register a guaranteed rest for an employee in office work, use unified forms approved by the State Statistics Committee in decree No. 1 of 05.01.04.

The rest order is a binding paper. Responsible employees use his data to calculate the amount of vacation pay, enter information into and personal account.

The document must be drawn up no later than 2 weeks before the worker leaves for vacation. This term is legally fixed. It is necessary to remind the employee about the upcoming event so that he does not forget about it and prepare in advance.

The form of the order for granting leave is approved by law. The employer has the right to change the structure of the document, while the main details must be preserved. Adjustments should be secured in the internal normative act companies.

Form T-6 is intended to send one person to rest, if a group of workers goes on vacation, form T-6a is used. The order is drawn up by the personnel service. Responsibility for its development rests with the employees of this department or another authorized person.

The order is drawn up on the basis of the vacation schedule of the T-7 form and applications from workers.

The order may be accompanied by supporting papers:

  • notification-call from an educational institution;
  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • document confirming the length of service;
  • others.

For example, a local act of the organization provides for five days of paid leave in connection with a serious illness or death of a close relative. At the same time, the employee must present a death document or medical certificate.

When do you need to draw up a document?

Making a vacation for an employee includes the following steps:

  • vacation scheduling;
  • an employee writing a statement;
  • preparation of an order (based on and application);
  • calculation of payments due.

Order T-6 indicates the legality of the employee's absence from work. It is issued for the following types of vacations:

Basic paid It is provided annually and consists of 28 calendar daysfrom which holidays are excluded. Right to given view all employees have rest, and those hired this year - after 12 months of work.

The employee has the right to use the right to vacation even earlier than a whole year of work has passed. However, there will be fewer vacation days. They are calculated in proportion to the hours worked. An employee can count on rest after working for six months.

Before the expiration of six months, the following persons have the right to apply for a vacation:

  • minors;
  • adoptive parents of a baby up to three months;
  • women before or after decree.
Additional Provided to certain categories of workers:
  • workers in hazardous industries;
  • students;
  • employees of mines, mines, nuclear power plants;
  • professional athletes and coaches;
  • other things.
Vacation without pay Provided at the request of an employee for personal reasons. It is not paid, but it allows a person to keep a job.

For all of the above types of recreation, a T-6 form is drawn up. The document is signed by the manager and the employee familiar with the content. The paper is binding on both parties.

If an employee falls ill on vacation, the rest is extended for the number of days of illness. In this case, the presence of a certificate of incapacity for work is required.

Filling out the vacation order form

1 copy of the order is drawn up.

The leave order form contains 3 parts:

  • header, includes information about the details of the employer and the primary data of the order;
  • meaningful, reveals the essence of the paper;
  • issuing, confirms the legality of the order.

The name of the organization or individual entrepreneur is entered in the top line of the form, below - the number and date of filling.

This is followed by the employee's data:

  • full name;
  • personnel Number;
  • structural unit;
  • position.

Below in the document there are three sections:

The order is signed by the manager and the employee after review. A note-calculation is attached to the order. It reflects the calculation of the average earnings of an employee and the amount of vacation pay due to a worker leaving on vacation.

Sections of the unified form

Form T-6 consists of several sections:

Organization name and codes The header of each document, including a vacation order, contains the name of the enterprise, the code according to the All-Russian codifier of economic entities () and according to the classifier management documents (OKUD).
Employee information This part includes personal information about the worker: full name recorded in the dative case, report card number.
Structural unit, profession, position This reflects the name of the unit in which the person works. It can be a workshop, department, branch, etc. Also reflect the profession. All information is indicated in the nominative case. Abbreviations in words are not allowed.
The worked period for which the vacation is issued The countdown of the time for which the worker is supposed to rest starts from the day he starts working. Each next one will start on a similar date in the following years.
Main vacation In the order form, the next vacation is indicated in section "A". It reflects the start and end dates of the holiday and the number of days. Usually it is equal to 28, but it can be more (for certain groups of people) or less, for example, when dividing the vacation into parts or granting it before the employee has worked in the company for less than a year.
Additional vacation Information about him is entered into section "B" of the order. They reflect the number of days of rest, the dates of leaving the vacation and its end, the type of vacation: paid, preferential, unpaid, student, etc.
Total vacation This is section "B". It reflects the total number of days of rest, resulting from the number of days specified in paragraphs "A" and "B" and its date.
Chief's signature The director or an employee authorized to do so shall sign in the designated column. The position and decoding of the signature are put.
Order date It is entered in Arabic numerals and corresponds to the date when the unified form was signed.
Order number The cell is filled out after taking into account the form T-6 in the journal of the orders of the company.
Employee signature Two weeks before going on vacation, the employee reads the order and then puts his visa on it.

Who signs the order

The order for the provision of rest is signed by the head of the company or a person authorized to do so. The director can put a negative resolution or sign his consent. He has the right to correct some positions of the document if he has objections.

After approval by the head, the order receives legal force and it cannot be amended. All changes must be made in advance.

A document signed by the head can be corrected in only one way: cancel it by order and prepare another. For example, if an employee in the application asked to postpone vacation for good reasons, then the original document is not corrected, but replaced with a new one. The document is not stamped.

You can download forms T-6 and T-6a from the Internet, their samples are also given in the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of 05.01.03. They can be viewed and saved on a computer in text editors MS-Word.

Document storage

Vacation orders should be kept in the structural units responsible for hR administration organizations. For example, in the HR department. Vacation orders are sewn into special folders designed for storing personnel papers.

The employer, according to the law, must periodically provide his employees with rest time. Holidays are different kind... There are, educational, childcare, other additional leave provided for special conditions labor. The firm must properly document these periods. The fundamental document is a vacation order, we will consider how to draw it up correctly.

Primarily, annual vacation a worker in an enterprise is 28 days. At the same time, for each month of work, 2.33 days of rest time are laid.

If the number of calendar days of activity in a month is less than half, then during the calculation it is discarded, and more than 15 days is considered as a whole.

The right to leave for the first time is granted if the employee has worked for at least 6 months. To receive it, the employee must, on the basis of which the vacation order is filled out.

In the event that a person has been working at the enterprise for more than a year, vacation is granted in accordance with the approved one. Fourteen days before its start, the personnel service warns the employee about the start and end date of the rest time, and the worker submits an application. The notification can be omitted if the order form t-6 is issued in advance and communicated to the employee two weeks in advance.

Another paid vacation time is parental leave for children under one and a half and three years. As a rule, it begins immediately after the end of the sick leave due to pregnancy and childbirth. The application is also submitted 14 days before its start.

In practice, unpaid leave is often found, which is provided by the company administration in certain cases at the written request of employees.

Regardless of the type given time rest must be formalized by order of the director. The company can use the T-6 vacation order form, which is approved by Goskomstat, or an independently developed form in compliance with the mandatory details.

When placing an order, a calculation note is also written out, which is sent to the accounting department to calculate its payment. These orders must be entered into. The vacationer is marked with the “OT” code.

Order on granting leave to an employee, sample filling

In the upper part of the T-6 form, the name of the company is recorded, and the code for registering it on the OKPO statistics is put down. The order must have a number in order and the date of its execution. Below, the data on the personnel number, full name, position and structural unit in which the employee going on vacation works is filled in.

Then it is necessary to indicate the period for which the person is granted leave. If used all the time of rest, it should be equal to a year. The personnel officer can look at this information in a personal card or familiarize himself with similar orders for the previous vacation.

Below is its type and duration, with the obligatory indication of the start and end dates of the rest time. In the next line, information about additional leave or other types of it is filled in, as well as its duration, the beginning and end of the rest time are determined here.

The employee must be familiarized with this document against signature. The date of approval of the order must be stamped.


Some categories of employees are required additional leave... For example, for a personal computer operator, for special working conditions, an additional 6 days are added to the main vacation. When issuing an order for annual paid leave, in this case, you need to split it between sections "A" and "B" of the document. The main time (28 days) is indicated in the first section, the second - as additional (6 days) in the second. Only in the summary line 34 days are recorded.

If an employee applies for parental leave for children under 3 years old, then two orders must be issued for her - first up to one and a half years, then up to three. Moreover, the dates of their end are the days when the baby turns 1.5 and 3 years, respectively.

In a company, very often several employees can go on vacation at once. In this case, it is allowed to draw up a general order, for which the form t-6a is provided.

All HR officers understand the importance of this document. This document must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules. How to issue (draw up) a job order?

At the time of its registration, it is necessary to indicate the name of the structural unit, the position of the employee, the probationary period, the conditions of employment and the nature of the work that the employee will be engaged in.

(Here it is necessary to indicate if the employee is employed part-time, if it is a transfer from another organization, if the employee is a substitute for a person absent from the company, if he is engaged in a certain job).

In case of concluding an agreement for an indefinite period, in the details "date" (T1) or "Period of work" (T1a), the column "by" should not be filled in.

When the order is signed by the head, it is announced to the accepted employee. The employee must certify with his signature that he has read the order.

The lack of a residence permit in the region must become an obstacle to employment. On the basis of article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is not necessary to present documents that confirm registration at the place of stay.

Refusal of employment on the basis of the absence of such documents is considered illegal. Still, getting registration is the responsibility of the citizen. Failure to comply with this responsibility may result in the person being fined. The amount of the fine cannot exceed RUB 2,500.


This is a document on the basis of which data are entered in the work book, the employee's personal file, a personal account is opened and a personnel number is assigned. It is issued when a manager decides to hire a new employee.

There are 2 forms of this order.

  1. Order form T1. This form is used in the case of hiring one employee.
  2. Form T1a. This form of order is used if the organization recruits several employees.

Correct filling of the unified form T1

This document is usually drawn up by an employee of the enterprise HR department.

Then it is signed by the head of the organization.

How to fill out a job order so that everything is correct?

Name of company... The full name of the organization is indicated here. You can't cut it.

Position. This column should indicate the position of the employee. The position also cannot be cut.

Termination date employment contract. If an employee finds a job as a temporary one, for example, replaces an absent employee, then the date on which the employment contract will be terminated is indicated.

Worker individual number (where does this number come from?)
... This document issues tax office at the request of a citizen. A citizen must obtain a TIN before employment and provide it to the personnel department.

Name of the worker. These data must also be filled in in the order. Full name should be filled in completely, without abbreviations. If a citizen is a foreigner, he may not have a middle name. In this case, there is no need to write down the middle name in the order.

Subdivision. Here a record is made about which department the employee is admitted to.

Probationary period, its conditions and procedure for passing. Different conditions are set for different positions. Not all new employees can be put on probation. To whom is it not installed? This is detailed in Article 70 of the TKRF.

In this column, it is necessary to describe in detail the information for what period of time the test is established, what salary will be on the probationary period, what are the conditions for passing it by the employee.

Conditions for employment. What to write in the order? It is necessary to clarify the conditions under which the employee is accepted for this position (Combination, temporary work, full time job, work as a deputy of a temporarily absent employee). Such conditions depend on the fact that at this moment the employer needs to find a permanent employee or a substitute? This column is filled out if the nature of the work is somewhat different from the standard. For example, an employee is hired part-time, externally or internally. If everything is standard, then indicate that the employee is accepted on normal terms.

The nature of the work. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that the nature of the work can be as follows:

  • mobile nature of work;
  • traveling nature of work;
  • work on the way.

Traveling work means that the worker moves through one or more settlements... In this case, the employee will not have a fixed place of work. For example, this is the nature of the work that will be indicated in the order from the courier, driver or postman.

If this is work on the way, it means that a person cannot return to his home every day. Such work, for example, will be for a conductor or forwarder. They are not issued business trips, but, nevertheless, they may not appear at home from days to several weeks.

The mobile nature of the work. In this case, the workplace changes very often. For example, a builder, security guard, or logger.

Salary (fixed rate and hourly rate - consider two cases). Is it possible not to indicate the salary in the work order?

Usually the rate or salary at which the employee works is indicated. Either hourly rate or salary can be specified. It depends on the specifics of the employee's work.

In the event that an employee is hired on an hourly basis (for example, a catering employee), then the order indicates the rate per hour at which the employee works.

In the simpler case, if an employee gets a job either on a half-rate or half-rate, then here you can specify the salary.

The basis for hiring in the order.
Such a document is drawn up if the manager has decided to accept the employee into the company's staff. After the decision of the manager, an employment contract is concluded between the company and the employee. An employment contract is the basis for drawing up a job order.

Executive visa (can another person sign the order, is the organization stamped on the order?). In addition to the head, the order can be signed by his deputy. The seal of the organization must be present on all orders, including this one.

date (Does the date of hiring and the date of the hiring order coincide? Could the date in the hiring order be later than the worker's exit? Could the date in the order be earlier than hiring the worker?)

It is not always the case, it is drawn up on the day the employee leaves. Sometimes the order is drawn up earlier. In this case, it is indicated that the employee starts work on a different date. It so happens that the document was drawn up on May 5, the order states that the employee starts working on May 10.

Order number. It is assigned according to the logbook.

How many copies are needed?

Usually one copy is drawn up. There is no need to compile more copies.

Do I need to familiarize an employee?

Yes, this must be done, the employer's order for employment is announced to the employee against signature.

Record of registration of orders for employment

Such a journal is kept in the personnel department, it is kept by the employees of this department. It contains columns such as record number, order date, order number, order type, employee name, personnel number and basis.

This magazine is standard. It can be purchased in the office department.

Sample job order log:

How to fill out the T1a form?

The order of the T1a form can be unified. It is filled in for several employees at once, for example, if an already formed team of finishers is hired.

Form T1 a is filled out at once for the entire team - several employees.

The order is filled out as carefully as the order of the T1 form.

Place and shelf life

Employee hiring orders kept for 75 years in the employee's personal file... The personal file folder is in the personnel department.

It can be very difficult to fill out an order correctly when applying for a job. there are many nuances associated with filling out an order. Considering that the storage period of the order is a long time, you should carefully approach its filling.

The order on the hiring of a new employee is drawn up by the personnel department when a new person is hired into the organization's staff. For registration, you can use the developed standard forms T-1 and T-1a.

When looking for a new employee, the HR department conducts a careful selection of applicants. Based on the results of the oral interviews and the data, which each candidate is invited to fill out, the employee personnel service determines a suitable candidate for the vacant position.

An employment contract is signed with a new employee, and, if necessary, a liability contract is concluded. You can download a sample of an open-ended employment contract by, urgent - by. An employee writes a job application, a sample of which can be downloaded.

Based on the above documents, an order form T-1 is drawn up. If you need to register several employees at once, then form T-1a is used.

Sample filling

Order form T-1 is used if it is necessary to accept one employee.

Instructions for filling out the T-1 form:

Any order must contain the name of the organization, the number and date of registration - these data are written in the header of the form.

Accept for work with: the date of the first working day of the new employee is indicated.

By: to be filled in in the case of a fixed-term employment contract, when the employee is hired for temporary work, the expiration date of the employment contract is set.

Employee details: Full name in genitive case, personnel number, structural subdivision, position.

Conditions for admission: the nature of the work and the conditions of admission are prescribed (for example, permanent or temporary work, part-time).

Tariff rate (salary): the salary level set for the employee is prescribed, or tariff rate (in accordance with the applicable wage system).

Surcharge: to be specified if available.

Probation: the duration of the probationary period is indicated, if it is established for the employee.

According to Labor Code Russian Federation, a new employee must present original documents when applying for a job: identity card, work book (when entering work for the first time, the employer independently starts a document for the employee), insurance certificate SNILS (or issued by the employer during initial employment), education certificate, military ID (for those liable for military service).

An employment contract signed by the employer and the new employee - documentary evidence of the employee's employment and the beginning labor relations with a company. The next step after drawing up the contract, the personnel department prepares an order for hiring and puts a mark in work book.

How to fill out order T-1

Basically, T-1 is a form that is fairly easy to fill out because it is convenient and practical provides all the points of the order. And it also includes all the necessary details to confirm the primary recorded documents established by Art. 9 of the Law "On Accounting". All personal information in the T-1 form is entered strictly according to the passport of the new employee.

  1. The upper part is the name of the company, which should be indicated in full, as prescribed in the constituent documents.
  2. Order form code according to OKUD. You should enter the following numbers in the field: 0301001.
  3. Organization code according to OKPO. Enter your company code in the field - it is unique for each legal entity.
  4. Document Number. Must have every order of the company when registering a document. Often companies use standard numbering according to the usual order of all forms filled out by the HR department. You calculate the number yourself.
  5. Start date of taking office. Rewrite the information verbatim as written in the employment contract.
  6. Information about the end of the term of labor relations. For this data, the column "by" of the "Date" variable is intended (for urgent labor relations, for example, for the period when the main employee is in maternity leave). If an agreement has been reached on an indefinite period of validity, then leave the box blank.
  7. Structural division of employment. Indicate this information if it is prescribed in the contract (labor).
  8. Employee job title. Make sure that the title matches the wording from staffing table your company.
  9. Conditions of admission. In this column, it is written whether the work is the main one for the employee or whether he combines it with something. It is possible to indicate admission to seasonal work.
  10. The size of the salary. Indicate the tariff rate or salary. If any other payment system is used, be sure to indicate these payment terms.
  11. The period for passing the test. Provide information only if installed for a beginner trial period upon admission to the company.
  12. Requisites of the labor contract. This is the basis for the application of the order.

Frequent mistakes when filling out the T-1 form

  • The item "Nature of work" should not be empty. Even if the conditions of admission and work are the most standard, be sure to indicate this in the field.
  • The item "Probationary period" can be left blank.
  • Be sure to fill in the item "Salary size" in detail The order will be used by the financial department or accounting department to calculate the salary of the employee. That is, in the field it is necessary to register all allowances to payments.
  • The legislation does not provide for the requirements for order numbering, so there is no need to worry about errors in the sequence of numbers.

The completed T-1 form, or order, must be signed by the head of the company. Then familiarize the employee with the order and ask to put the date of familiarization and the signature in the appropriate fields.

A sample of the completed unified form T-1 and the actual blank form of the form can be downloaded on specialized sites for personnel records.


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