Responsibilities of the head of the archive. Unified qualification reference book of positions, section of qualifications of archives and archival workers - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws

Compiled in _____ copy. I approve _______________________________ (initials, surname) _________________________________ _______________________________ (name of the employer, (manager or other person, _________________________________ _______________________________ his organizational and legal authorized to approve _________________________________ _______________________________ form, address, phone, address, job description) _________________________________ email, OGRN, TIN / KPP) __ "___________ ____ year" __ "___________ ____ N _______ M.P.

OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS of the head (chief) of the technical archive

This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with the head (chief) of the technical archive and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor legal relations.


1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the manager (chief) of the technical archive.

1.2. The manager (chief) of the technical archive belongs to the category of managers.

1.3. The head (head) of the technical archive is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.

1.4. The head (chief) of the technical archive reports directly to _______________.

1.5. A person with a higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of the head (head) of the technical archive.

1.6. The manager (chief) of the technical archive should know:

Guiding materials of archival bodies regulating the work of archives of institutions (organizations);

The current system of classification of materials and technical documentation;

State standards for technical documentation;

Regulations, instructions and other normative documents on archival science;

The order of execution and methods of restoration of technical documents;

Basics of office work;

Fundamentals of Economics, Labor Organization and Organization of Production;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

1.7. In his activities, the head (chief) of the technical archive is guided by:

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the organization and the immediate leader;

This job description;

Regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

1.8. During the temporary absence of the head (chief) of the technical archive, his duties are assigned to _______________.


Head (head) of the technical archive:

2.1. Organizes the work of the technical archive, ensures the reception, registration, systematization and storage of drawings, projects, scientific and technical reports, microfilms and other documentary materials and technical documentation related to the conduct of research entrusted to the organization, development, as well as the use of their results in production.

2.2. Carries out systematic control over the timely delivery of technical documents to the archive by the organizational units and the correctness of their execution.

2.3. Provides an expert assessment and selection of materials not subject to storage, in accordance with applicable regulatory documents.

2.4. Supervises the work on the compilation of the nomenclature of cases, catalogs, card files and other reference apparatus, facilitating the accounting, selection and study of materials in the technical archive.

2.5. Provides methodological assistance to the organization's divisions in the correct formation and execution of cases, as well as systematic control over their timely submission to the archive.

2.6. Organizes the selection and issuance of documents to employees, the preparation of the necessary certificates based on the data available in the archive materials, as well as the distribution of copies in accordance with the established procedure upon requests received.

2.7. Carries out control over the state of documents, their safety, timely restoration and replacement.

2.8. Supervises the employees of the technical archive.


The head (head) of the technical archive has the right:

3.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization concerning the activities of the headed unit.

3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the performed by him job responsibilities.

3.3. Submit for consideration by the head of the organization proposals for improving the activities of the headed unit.

3.4. Interact with leaders of others structural units organizations.

3.5. Sign (endorse) documents within their competence.

3.6. Submit proposals to the management of the organization to encourage distinguished workers, to impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

3.7. Require the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.


The manager (head) of the technical archive is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties provided for by this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

4.2. For offenses committed during the period of carrying out their activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The mode of work of the manager (chief) of the technical archive is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, the manager (chief) of the technical archive may go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To resolve operational issues to ensure production activities the head (chief) of the technical archive may be assigned official vehicles.

Job description developed on the basis of _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__" ___________ ____ Agreed: legal service _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__" ___________ ____ C I have read the instructions: (or: I received the instructions) _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__" ___________ ____

I. General Provisions

1.1. The archive manager answers:
1.1.1. For the work of the archive, the timely and high-quality performance of tasks for their intended purpose.
1.1.2. For performing and labor discipline archive staff.
1.1.3. For the safety of documents (information) containing state and official secrets.
1.1.4. For ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, fulfilling fire safety rules in the office premises.
1.2. Qualification requirements: secondary vocational education and work experience in office work for at least 2 years.
1.3. In practice, it should be guided by:
1.3.1. Instruction for documentation of enterprise management (inv. N ...).
1.3.2. Archive Regulations (inv. N ...).
1.3.3. Internal labor regulations (inv. N ...).
1.3.4. Occupational health and safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection regulations (inv. NN ..., ..., ...).
1.3.5. This job description.
1.4. Must know:
1.4.1. Normative legal acts, other documents and materials on the activities of the archive.
1.4.2. The procedure for accounting for documents held in temporary and permanent storage.
1.4.3. Organizational structure enterprises.
1.4.4. Departmental standards of the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation (USORD).
1.4.5. Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor in departmental archives.
1.4.6. Fundamentals of labor legislation of the Russian Federation (in the part concerning).

II. General job responsibilities

2.1. The archive manager is obliged to:
2.1.1. Lead and effectively manage the archive.
2.1.2. Ensure the timely and high-quality implementation of the daily tasks assigned to it by the archive in strict accordance with the approved work procedure.
2.1.3. Supervise the development and maintenance of service documentation.
2.1.4. Ensure the rational use of material, technical and other means of the archive in the interests of performing tasks as intended.
2.1.5. Provide reliable protection of documents and information that constitute state and official secrets.
2.1.6. Supervise the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to improve their qualifications.
2.1.7. Monitor the compliance of subordinates with the internal labor regulations and safety requirements.
2.1.8. Use in relation to subordinates the rights granted to encourage them (bring them to justice).

III. Special job responsibilities

3.1. The archive manager is obliged to:
3.1.1. To ensure, in accordance with the established procedure, the reception, registration, systematization, storage and use of documents.
3.1.2. To supervise the work on drawing up a reference apparatus that facilitates the accounting and use of archival documents.
3.1.3. Provide methodological assistance in finding the necessary documents.
3.1.4. To instruct employees of structural units of the enterprise on the procedure for the formation, preparation and delivery of cases to the archive.
3.1.5. Control the timeliness of receipt of documents completed by office work in the archive.
3.1.6. Ensure that work is carried out on the examination of the value of archival documents, the formation of documents for permanent and temporary storage.
3.1.7. To supervise the work on the compilation of inventories for the transfer of documents to the state archives, the preparation of acts on the destruction of documents, the storage periods of which have expired.
3.1.8. Monitor the condition of documents, the timeliness of their recovery, compliance in the archive premises with the conditions necessary to ensure the safety of documents.
3.1.9. Organize work on keeping records of workflow and the number of cases, issuing archival references based on the data available in the archive documents.
3.1.10. Participate in the development of regulations and instructions for organizing archiving at the enterprise.
3.2. The head of the archive must timely and in full work out and submit to the relevant officials reporting and other official documentation.
3.3. The working hours of the head of the archive correspond to the norms of federal labor legislation. The time of work and rest during the working day is regulated by the "Internal Labor Regulations" of the enterprise.
In case of official necessity, the head of the archive may be involved in the performance of his duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

IV. Employee rights

4.1. The head of the archive has the right:
4.1.1. Make decisions in order to ensure the daily operation of the archive - on all issues within its competence.
4.1.2. Submit to the head of the preschool educational institution their proposals for the encouragement (prosecution) of archive workers - in cases where their own powers are not enough.
4.1.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the preschool educational institution their proposals for improving the work of the archive (its additional funding, material and technical support, etc.).
4.1.4. Participate in the work of collegiate management bodies when considering issues related to the work of the archive.

V. Responsibility. The procedure for assessing the work of an employee

5.1. The Archive Manager bears administrative, disciplinary and material responsibility for:
5.1.1. Violation of the provisions of guidelines on the organization of the archive.
5.1.2. Failure to comply with the official instructions of the head of the preschool educational institution.
5.1.3. Failure to preserve state and official secrets.
5.1.4. Misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.
5.2. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the head of the archive is the completeness, timeliness and quality of his performance of official duties in accordance with this Instruction.
The head of the preschool educational institution is authorized to assess the work of the head of the archive. The powers of the head of the preschool educational institution to apply incentives and penalties to the head of the archive are determined by the relevant job description and the Regulation on material incentives for employees of the enterprise (inv. NN ..., ...).

Director of Archives, Documentation Center


(name of company)




(Job title)

00.00.0000 N 000

───────── ───────────────────

(signature) (initials, surname)

Director of the archive, center 00.00.0000

storage of documentation

1. General Provisions

1.1. Director of the Archives, Documentation Center, belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. A person who has a higher professional education in the direction of training (specialty) "Historical and archival science", "Records science and documentation support of management", "Records science and archival science", "History" and work experience in management positions towards professional activity with the qualification (degree) "master" and "specialist" - not less than 5 years, with the qualification (degree) "bachelor" - not less than 6 years, in the presence of an academic degree - not less than 3 years or higher professional education, additional professional education in direction of training (specialty) "Historical and archival science", "Documentation and documentation support of management", "Documentation and archival science", "History" and work experience in leadership positions in the direction of professional activity with qualifications (degrees) "master" and "specialist" - at least 6 years, with the qualification (degree) "bachelor" - at least 7 years.

1.3. The director of the archives, records storage center should know:

Laws and other normative legal acts Russian Federationregulating relations in the field of archiving;

Regulatory and methodological documents concerning the activities of the archive;

Composition and content of a set of documents stored in the archive;

Storage and classification systems for archival documents;

Standards for conditions and modes of storage of documents;

Types of archive reference and search tools;

Fundamentals of Economic and Financial Management;

The procedure for the conclusion and execution of agreements and government contracts;

Pay systems and forms of material incentives;

Fundamentals of Labor Organization and Management;

The procedure for drawing up planning and reporting documentation;

Prospects for the development of the archive industry;

Domestic and foreign experience in the field of archiving;

The basics documentation support management;

Modern information technologies;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

Internal labor regulations of the organization;

Labor protection and fire safety rules;

- ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. The director of the archive, documentation storage center, in his activities is guided by:

Charter (Regulations) _______________________________________________;

(name of company)

This job description;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other acts and documents directly related to labor

function of the director of the archive, the center for the storage of documents)

1.5. Director of Archives, Documentation Center is subordinate to

directly _________________________________________________________.

(name of the manager's position)

1.6. During the absence of the director of the archive, the document storage center (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for non-performance or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement ).

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Management of the archive, documentation storage center.

2.2. Maintenance of technical maintenance of buildings and premises of the archive.

3. Job responsibilities

The director of the archives, documentation storage center performs the following duties:

3.1. Supervises the activities of the archive, the documentation storage center (hereinafter referred to as the archive).

3.2. Organizes and coordinates the work of structural divisions and production groups of the archive in order to create the most favorable conditions for storage, accounting and use of documents.

3.3. Supervises the development of development programs and plans for the archive, organizes and controls their implementation, organizes the preparation and submission of planning and reporting documentation.

3.4. Orders financial resources archive, providing savings in spending, effective and targeted use.

3.5. Represents the interests of the archive in relations with Russian and foreign legal and individuals, enters into agreements and government contracts.

3.6. Organizes the introduction of automated archival technologies into the work of the archive.

3.7. Carries out activities for effective use established wage systems, rational spending of the payroll and timely settlements with archive employees.

3.8. Takes measures to provide the archive with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, systematic improvement of the qualifications of employees, creation of favorable working conditions, compliance with the requirements of labor legislation, production and labor discipline.

3.9. Organizes in the prescribed manner the certification of employees, makes appointments, placement of personnel.

3.10. Supervises the work to improve the structure of the archive and the organization of workers' labor.

3.11. Takes measures to introduce rational forms and methods of work into practice, to develop the material and technical base of the archive.

3.12. Provides proper technical operation archive buildings and premises, compliance with the archive protection regime, labor protection and fire safety rules.

3.13. Organizes the mobilization preparation of the archive, the development and implementation of measures for the shelter and evacuation of documents in a special period, the rescue of documents in emergency situations.

3.14. Participates in the work of the expert (expert-verification, expert-methodological) commission, heads the scientific (scientific and technical) council, directorate and other collegial bodies of the archive.

3.15. ________________________________________________________________.

(other responsibilities)

The director of the archive, documentation storage center has the right:

4.1. To act on behalf of the archive, documentation storage center.

4.2. Sign and endorse ________________________________________.

(types of documents)

4.3. To represent the interests of the archive, the center for storing documents in relations with citizens, legal entities, bodies state power and management.

4.4. To dispose of the property and funds of the archive, the document storage center in compliance with the requirements determined by regulatory legal acts, the constituent documents of the organization.

4.5. Initiate and conduct organizational meetings.

4.6. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

4.7. Demand the termination (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms; give instructions for correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations.

4.8. Issue powers of attorney for the execution of civil transactions, representation, etc., delegate their powers in the manner specified by the employment contract to their deputy (their deputies).

4.9. Give instructions and instructions that are binding on all employees.

4.10. ________________________________________________________________.

(other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The director of the archive, documentation storage center is held liable:

For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For violation of the Charter (Regulations) of the organization;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description was developed based on

The qualification characteristics of the position "Director of the archive, storage center

documentation "(Single qualification handbook leadership positions,

specialists and employees. Section " Qualification characteristics posts

employees of state archives, centers for storing documents, archives

municipalities, departments, organizations, laboratories providing

the preservation of archival documents "approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development

Russia dated 11.04.2012 N 338n), ____________________________________________.

(details of other acts and documents)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description

carried out upon hiring (before signing an employment contract).

The fact of familiarization of the employee with this job description

confirmed by ____________________________________________________________

(by painting on the acquaintance sheet, which is an integral

part of this instruction (in the job description log


instructions); in a copy of the job description kept


from the employer; in another way)

6.3. ___________________________________________________________________.



Republics for Archives

I approve

The head of administration ___________________


"____" ________________ 20___

Approximate job description
head of the archival department of the administration
municipal district (urban district)

I. General Provisions

1.1. The position of the head of the archival department belongs to the "main" group in the Register of Positions of the Municipal Service of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

1.2. The head of the archives department reports directly to _________________________________________________________________.

1.3. The head of the archives department is appointed and dismissed by the head of administration.

1.4. Subordinate to the chief is (deputy chief, leading specialist, specialist).

1.5. The head of the archives department during his absence is replaced (deputy head, leading specialist).

1.6. The head of the archival department carries out his activities in accordance with The Constitution Russian Federation, Labor Code Russian Federation, Federal law dated 02.03.2007 N 25-FZ "On municipal service in the Russian Federation", Federal law dated 22.10.2004 N 125-FZ "On archival affairs in the Russian Federation", other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, The Constitution Karachay-Cherkess Republic, The law Of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic of 15.11.2007 N 75-RZ "On some issues of municipal service in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic", The law Of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic of March 13, 2009 N 5-RZ "On archival affairs in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic", The law Karachay-Cherkess Republic of November 13, 2006 N 85-RZ "On endowing local self-government bodies of municipalities in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic with separate state powers of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic on the formation, maintenance and use of the Archive Fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic", other regulatory legal acts of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

II. Qualification requirements for the position of the head of the archive department

2.1. Towards education: having a higher vocational education in one of the following specialties: state and municipal government, jurisprudence, historian-archivist, confirmed by a document of education and qualifications.

2.2. For work experience: at least three years of municipal service or at least three years of work experience in the specialty;

2.3. To the level of professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties:

Knowledge and ability to apply federal and republican legislation in their activities;

Ability to maintain the level of qualifications required for the proper performance of job duties;

Knowledge of hardware and software, the possibilities and features of the use of modern information and communication technologies in municipal bodies, including the use of the possibilities of interdepartmental document flow, general issues in the field of information security;

Skills in working with databases, information storages, internal and peripheral devices of a computer, with information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, in the operating system, in text editor, from spreadsheets, for the preparation of presentations, graphic objects, graphic objects in electronic documents;

Ability to work with people.

III. Job duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the archive department

3.1. Job responsibilities of the head of the archive department:

3.1.1. Supervises the work of the archival department of the administration of the municipal district (urban district) (hereinafter - the archive).

3.1.2. Develops development programs and plans for the archive.

3.1.3. Leads the preparation of projects regulatory documents, regulating the activities of the archive.

3.1.4. Organizes the development of methodological documents in order to improve the work of the archive, controls their implementation in practice.

3.1.5. Maintains the basic records of the archive.

3.1.6. Organizes and coordinates the work of archive specialists to ensure the safety of documents and their rational placement.

3.1.7. Monitors compliance with regulatory conditions and storage modes of archive documents.

3.1.8. Carries out work on checking the availability and physical condition of documents, selecting them for restoration, disinfection, disinfestation, insurance copying and bookbinding, and controls the quality of their implementation.

3.1.9. Carries out registration and search of undetected files of the archive, identification and recording of especially valuable documents.

3.1.10. Compiles lists of legal entities and individuals that are sources of the archive's acquisition.

3.1.11. Negotiates with federal territorial, republican bodies, non-governmental organizations and individuals - potential sources of the archive's acquisition.

3.1.12. Provides methodological and practical assistance in the office work of organizations - sources of acquisition of the archive.

3.1.13. Accepts documents for permanent, temporary and depository storage.

3.1.14. Organizes the work of the expert commission.

3.1.15. Organizes the selection and transfer of documents for permanent storage.

3.1.16. Keeps records of documents temporarily stored in organizations - sources of the archive acquisition.

3.1.17. Carries out control over the documents stored in the organizations - sources of the archive acquisition.

3.1.18. Participates in the conclusion of contracts between organizations - sources of acquisition of the archive and the department of scientific and technical processing of documents, maintained at the expense of funds from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities of the Republican State budget institution "State Archives Karachay-Cherkess Republic "(hereinafter - RSBU" GA KCHR ") on the ordering of documents and the provision of paid services to them.

3.1.19. Participates in the preparation of agreements on cooperation and coordination of the activities of the administration of the municipal district (urban district) and the Office of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic in the field of archival affairs.

3.1.20. Provides the conclusion of tripartite agreements on cooperation in the field of archival affairs between the administration of the municipal district (urban district), the Office of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic for archives and organizations federal property, property of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and private property, which are the sources - the acquisition of the archive.

3.1.21. Organizes and carries out work on the scientific description of archive documents, improvement and revision of inventories, creation and maintenance of catalogs and databases.

3.1.22. Carries out thematic development of documents from the archive funds.

3.1.23. Organizes and prepares reference and information publications on the composition and content of archive documents.

3.1.24. Promotes the introduction of automated archival technologies into the work of the archive.

3.1.25. Performs analysis, accounting of the state and efficiency of using the archive's reference and search facilities.

3.1.26. Provides access for consumers of documentary information to the reference and search facilities of the archive.

3.1.27. Provides the use of documents of the archive, including the execution of incoming requests to the archive of various nature.

3.1.27. Organizes exhibitions of documents.

3.1.28. Prepares materials for the compilation of collections of documents, their use in periodicals and the media.

3.1.29. Organizes the work of the archive reading room.

3.1.30. Cooperates with museums of the municipal district (urban district) in carrying out informational events of local history character.

3.1.31. Participates in the mobilization preparation of the archive, the implementation of measures for the shelter and evacuation of documents during a special period, the rescue of documents in emergency situations.

3.1.32. Promotes the introduction of modern scientific and methodological developments into practice.

3.2. The head of the department has the right to:

3.2.1. Familiarization with the documents establishing his rights and obligations for the substituted position of the municipal service, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties and the conditions for promotion.

3.2.2. Provision of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

3.2.3. Labor compensation and other payments in accordance with labor legislation , legislation on municipal service and service contract.

3.2.4. Rest provided by the establishment of the normal duration of working (office) time, the provision of days off and non-working days holidaysas well as annual paid leave.

3.2.5. Obtaining, in the prescribed manner, information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as for making proposals on improving the activities of the local self-government body, the election commission of the municipal formation.

3.2.6. Participation on its own initiative in the competition for replacement vacant post municipal service.

3.2.7. Professional development in accordance with the municipal legal act at the expense of the local budget.

3.2.8. Protection of your personal data.

3.2.9. Familiarization with all the materials of his personal file, with reviews of professional activities and other documents before entering them into his personal file, as well as for attaching his written explanations to the personal file.

3.2.10. Association, including the right to form trade unions, to protect their rights, socio-economic and professional interests.

3.2.11. Consideration of individual labor disputes in accordance with labor legislation , protection of their rights and legitimate interests in the municipal service, including the appeal in court of their violations.

3.2.12. Carrying out an official check at his request.

3.2.13. Medical insurance in accordance with federal law on compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation.

3.2.14. Pension benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2.15. Other rights, which, within the limits of his competence, are possessed by the head of the archival department in the performance of his official duties.

3.3. Responsibility of the head of the archives department:

3.1. Bears responsibility, established by law, for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him; for actions or inaction leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens; for not saving state secrets , as well as the disclosure of information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties;

3.2. Bears material responsibility for possible property damage related to the nature of the service;

IV. The procedure for official interaction in connection with the performance of official duties with municipal employees of the same municipal body, municipal employees of other municipal bodies, state bodies, other citizens, as well as organizations

4.1. Service interaction is carried out in accordance with Federal law "On municipal service in the Russian Federation" The law Of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic "On some issues of municipal service in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic", Federal law "On archival affairs in the Russian Federation", The law Of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic "On archival affairs in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic", The law Of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic "On endowing local self-government bodies of municipalities in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic with separate state powers of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic on the formation, maintenance and use of the Archival Fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic", Regulations about the archives department, as well as the instructions and resolutions of the head.

4.2. Instructions and instructions to the chief are given by the head of administration, the curator of the archive department orally or writing on the activities of the archives department.

4.3. For the purpose of fulfilling official duties and assignments, the head of the department has the right to contact other specialists of the archive department, RSBU "GA KCHR", employees of other state bodies, local governments, citizens and organizations.

4.4. The head of the archives department interacts with the heads of the archival departments of the administrations of municipal districts and urban districts, directors of the RSBU "GA KCHR" and its branches, territorial bodies of federal and republican authorities to resolve issues related to his competence.

V. List of state, municipal services provided to citizens and organizations

5.1. Chief according to administrative regulations "Information support of citizens, organizations and public associations according to the documents of the Archival Fund of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, which are temporarily stored in the archival departments of the administrations of municipal districts and urban districts of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic "and Regulations on the archives department provides the following services to citizens and organizations:

5.1.1. Providing citizens, organizations with archival references, archival copies, extracts from archival documents.

5.1.2. Conducting consultations, clarifications on issues related to his competence.

Vi. Indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional service activities of a municipal employee

6.1. When assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the professional performance of the head of the archives department, the following indicators are taken into account:

Work planning (prioritization of work, order in the documentation);

Amount of work performed (number of completed and current work regardless of quality);

The quality of the work performed (thoroughness and accuracy, regardless of the quantity);

Responsibility (performance of duties on time with a minimum of control);

Independence (the ability to complete tasks without strict control);

Discipline (adherence to the official schedule and deadlines for the performance of work).


It might be helpful to read: