Funny toast toasts for the new year. New Year's congratulations to Oleg Gadepsky (probaciously liked himself). New Year's parable about white flower

Yes B. but I did not replenished the heading "Capital Truths" and on New Year's Eve I decided to introduce you to New Yearthey parable Ami. On the eve of the new year we not only getting ready for the holiday, butwe begin to analyzethe past year - so everything went, as we thought that they could implement, and what notand why.

You can, of course, dry and on points to decompose all its pros and cons, but our life, not a protocol.

We had both sad and joyful minutes, there were new meetings, new opportunities were opened,with which we can use, and maybe not. So let's estimate the past yearfrom the point of view of lessons,who threw us lifeand we will try to do not commitformer errors, maybe ...

You may have thought, and here New Year's parables.I love parables, in these shorts x story ah laid so much wisdom, they are capable Sometimes unobtrusively opent. We have eyes to many important truths.

Enjoy your time spent, read New Year's parables, Think of change, make desires ... The last days of December - amazing time, which is literally saturated with magic, dreams, hopes.

New Year's parable from Paulo Coelho

The second parable about the rooster is not quite a New Year, but since 2017 will be the year of the rooster, then it can be safely attributed to the category of New Year, and in the topic of our conversation it will fit well.

(Parable from Viktor Likhacheva's novel "Who will hear a height of the canople?")

How do you like New Year's parables? There is something to think about.

Agree, it happens that we are upset about certain events taking place in our lives, but it takes time and we understand that everything is not really bad. Sometimes it even the best way For us, and if not, there were probably other events, more successful. Stop harassing yourself and others, do not dwell on failures, you shouldn't look through the film called "Past", now it's time to create a new scenario of our life.

I wanted to finish this and thought, but I thought, how without, a miracle, they must occur in our lives.

I really hope that these New Year's parables you liked.

I congratulate you from the heart, my dear friends and blog readers, Happy New Year!

It remains quite a bit of time before the magical night when we will, being in the present, say goodbye to the past and meet the future. Take a gladly present, the words of gratitude to the past and widely discover their embraces the future of 2017.

Let joy and happiness be always in your home, health to you and your loved ones, let all your plans are carried out and, of course, let wonders and fairy tales be in your life.

Have a pleasant trouble in these last holiday days of the outgoing year, the New Year holidays you have fun.

See you by the fireplace in the new year. With love I. good wishes, Elena Kasatova.

Cheerful santa frost dance for mood.

When the festive night finally comes, all things and concerns remain in the past. Now you can relax, enjoy communication with guests, from the feast and wires of the old year. On the festive feast everyone is waiting toast. In the New Year's time, the soul of wise toasts takes.

Wise toasts on new Year 2020 is a kind of parables that psychologically configure on new stage Life, for the new year. Therefore, we offer interesting wise toasts for the new year, which will definitely enjoy guests at the festive table and fill their soul to calmness and tremble delicate feelings.

By the way, also do not forget to congratulate your friends and relatives. With a selection you can find on our website.

Wise toasts for the year of rat:

There is such a tradition in Italy - to throw old things from the window. Of course, we are not in Italy, but still let's throw out our old insults, quarrels and bad things as unnecessary trash in these last hours. Behind all this, you can also throw the envy, infidelity and ungratefulness. It's pretty simple to do it, and in the soul we will have only pleasant memories of October 2016. Let's remember it exactly and we will believe that 2020 will be many times better!

There was a skilled master, whom he once caused ten people at once. They shouted and booked that I could defeat the master. But in the end, the master still won the duel. Then the next time he aroused him on twenty people. But the master was able to defeat them. Next time best Masters It caused 50 people for a duel. But, the master of the dreams won the duel and then everyone fell and no longer loyal to new challenges. But one boy asked the masters about the opportunity to fight with him. They entered into the duel, and the boy won him. Everyone was in bewilderment and asked the masters, what happened. He replied: "I don't care, and the child is nice." Let's drink "anyway", above which is nothing in the world. Let the new 2020 brings only worthy victories!

It remains very little time before the new year. The streets were practically empty. And on one of such streets, a couple of full bags hurry. They meet drunk, which stands on all fours. The wife reproaches her husband that everyone has already had time to drink and having fun, and the husband everything happens at the last minute. So let's drink in the new 2020 to us everything and always came on time!

In the ancient Indian tract "Peach branches" it is said that the needs of the soul give rise to friendship. The needs of the mind give rise to respect, and the needs of the body - a desire. All three needs together give birth to real love. Let's drink for the new year of all three needs for this table for this table in excess!

I do not even know what to wish everyone who gathered at this table ... Probably, all the girls married, and guys - find decent wives. And here's another, probably, you all heard the well-known wish of Russian astronauts: "To eat and drank. So that I wanted and might. In order for you next year, you were with whom and where! ". It seems to me that this is a very wise wish for the new year 2020, for which you need to drink!

God blinded a man from clay, but he still had a material. Then God asked a man that he to make them this clay. The man asked him to blind happiness. God knew everything and saw everything, but he did not know what happiness was. Then he gave a piece of clay to man and said that let him blind his happiness. Let's drink for ensuring that in the new year we always knew what our happiness is and how to make it!

A person comes to the river, spreads one bush, the second, third, fourth and so twenty bushes. Then looks - the woman stands on the banks of the river. He removes one dress, the second, third, fourth ... Let's drink to our prospects in the new 2020!

In young age it seems that happiness is already ahead. In old age, it seems that happiness is already behind. But what, how to do not miss the moment of happiness? It is best to rejoice at every long day. This is what I wish you next year. In the meantime, let's enjoy each other's society in this wonderful New Year holiday.

Short toasts for the new year can be wise. Here is one of them. It comes somehow a physicist to Nilson Bor and on the doors he sees a horseshoe. "Do you really believe that horseshoe brings good luck" - asks the physicist. "I do not believe," Nelson answers, "but the horseshoe seems to believe." Let's drink to ensure that the good luck often came to our house in 2020 and she believed in us!

In Georgia they say so. If you want to be happy day, you should get drunk. If you want to be happy week, then get sick. If you want happiness for a month - marry. If you want to be happy for a whole year - get the mistress. If you want to be happy all my life, then be healthy. Let's raise this glass so that in the future 2020 we were all healthy, and therefore - happy!

Two people talk. One asks about how the other lives. He responds that they say, in different ways. When it happens bad, then the ambulance comes, and when it is good - then the police. Now we have fun and good, so what, wait for the arrival of the police? Be that as it may, but let's drink for the fact that in 2020 we have everything is fine and without a police!

Jumping toad on the rails, then drove the train and touched her legs. The stood glanced to the side and, looking at his feet, thought: "What beautiful legs, you need to return." Only she was on the rails again, as the train drove and cut her head. Let's drink for the fact that in 2020 do not lose heads because of the beautiful legs!

Congratulations to all of us happy New Year! Let it bring to all of us peace and light, strength and inspiration so that we can carry the world and light to other people. And in order to rest after without a doubt a rich New Year's Eve, what could be better than leisurely reflections over the old parables?

Once, one person found the truth.
Seeing this, Chaos's forces came to panic.
The watchman came running toward the main demon and shouted:
- Karaul! Our business is gone.
The main calmly said:
- Something happened?
An impressionable young demon continued to shout:
"You're sitting here, and there one person found the truth." Our whole existence is under threat!
Senior said:
- Sit down and do not worry so. My specialists are already engaged.
Young did not understand:
- I have just from there, and there are no demons.
Then the old devil explained:
- And we are not needed there. There are my people: scientists, philosophers, psychologists, priests. They all organize as it should, but as soon as they do it, with the truth will end. We are absolutely nothing to worry about. They surround this person, will not let anyone to him, begin to interpret his words, and in this interpretation of truth will be lost. So it was always, it will always be, and we are not completely worried about.

Three moth, fluttering around a burning candle, reasoned about the nature of the fire.
One of them said: "What are we talking and talking about? You need to learn about the fire on your own experience. "
He flew to the flame, returned to his friends and said: "Fire shines."
The other flew closer, fell wings and said: "Fire burns."
The third flew to the fire quite close and disappeared in it. He learned what he wanted to know, but he could not tell about it.
The same thing happens with knowledge. True knowledge gained the opportunity to talk about him. Therefore, it is said: "Knowing does not say. Talking does not know. "

In one village there lived a gloomy old man. Judging by his behavior, he was one of unhappy people in the world. It was really difficult to take it: everything was wrong with him, he always complained about everything, was always in a bad mood. And the longer he lived, the more bulling became, those poisonge were his words. People avoided him, because his misfortune was contagious. He was so unhappy that he created a feeling of misfortune and in others. But one day, when he was eighty years old, something happened to him. Instantly everyone had news: "The old man is happy today, does not complain, smiles, he even changed his face."
Gathered the whole village. The old man asked:
- What happend to you? What's the matter?
"Nothing," answered the old man. "Eighty years I tried my best to become happy, and I did not go out." So I decided to do without happiness and became happy.

In the palace of one rich, there was a mirror room. All the walls, the floor and the ceiling in it were from the mirrors. Once the dog fell into this room and froze like inserted. On all sides she was surrounded by dogs. She looked up. The mirrors repeatedly reflected her grin, and the dogs have also shown fangs. The dog was horrified, and echo repeatedly repelled her barking. All night the dog rushed across the hall, Beyala and rushed on the imaginary mirror enemies. In the morning it was found dead from fear.
Whether it is a little friendlier and stretching the paw and hang out a friendly tail, everything could have to work out differently.

One Old Indian taught the grandchild of the foundation of life:
- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf is evil: aggression, egoism, envy, jealousy, regret, lie. Another wolf is good: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty. The boy wondered and asked:
- And what wolf wins?
The old man smiled and answered:
- always wins the wolf that you feed.

One old woman walked along the banks of the river. And saw Scorpio, who flured in water. An old woman stretched out his hand to a rapid scorpion, but as soon as she touched him, he stood her in his hand. Then the woman retired her hand, restored the balance and again tried to save the scorpion. But with every attempt, Scorpio Zhalil her.
Moved passerby. Seeing how a woman tries to pull scorpion, he shouted:
- What are you doing, insane? Do you really want to kill yourself to save this creature?
Woman replied:
- Scorpion is characteristic of sting, and I am to save. Why do I find my own because of his nature?

One teacher brought the student on the meadow and asked to look around and remember all the colors of the red shade.
The student began to look around diligently. Then the teacher asked:
- How many white flowers did you notice in the meadow?
- I do not know. I looked for only red. I'm not even sure that white flowers were generally.
"So a lesson," said the teacher. - What are you looking for in life, then you find. Your life is always filled with this. And another you just do not see, even at your nose.

In good music and good parables there is one general one - their essence itself implies that there is a true being that we are usually not visible because of the everyday bustle, but it is. And in the depths of the soul, each of us knows it. And when we listen to good music or good parable, Inside us, recognition arises: "Yes, yes, yes, this is exactly the case, we know it! No one has never taught me to this, but I know my own creature that it is so. "

Thank you for listening!
once again you happy new year! Happiness, light and love in the coming year.
Thank you!

Santa Santa Claus was blinded by the Snowman's assistant and he had a small snow. "What else to make you, my friend? - Santa Claus asked. Snowman thought: there are hands, there are legs, there is a head, even a nose of carrots and that is. Then he said: "And the tples I am happiness!".

But Santa Claus, who had a lot in his century, knew that everyone had his own happiness and said: "You have snow, tagged with my own happiness." So, in the coming year, we will have the opportunity to make your happiness such as each of us represents. "

New Year's parable about the worst heart.

In the world there lived a man with a cold heart, but he was so proud that he tried not to notice his shortage.

In childhood, he even boasted that he did not feel offended, pity, sadness, attachment ... nothing feels nothing.

And so it was for many years. Somehow, a man with a cold heart saw a little boy dressed in rags.

The new year was approached, the snow fell on the street, the wind blew, it seemed that even the trees drove.

But the boy with confident steps was going towards the Great New Year Christmas tree, which they dressed in the heart of the city. At the Christmas tree they both stopped.

A man with a cold heart is to consider decorations, and the boy is in order to ask the heavenly angels about something secret.

The boy waited when a man with a cold heart smashed indifferently and went on his affairs, he got up in the Christmas tree on his knees, looked at the sky, and began to talk in a whisper:

"Dear angels, when I was here - I wanted to ask you that you would take new clothes from God for me, my completely wear out, and I was very cold. But on the way, I saw a man who is much more unhappy of me, he freezes for a long time, and it seems, very soon turn into the snow ...

Give him a hot heart, otherwise it will never be happy. I do not know how to help him yet.

A few minutes later, a man with a cold heart returned to the Christmas tree. He had a new clothing for the boy.

Most likely, heavenly angels fulfilled a request. Of course, they did not replace the heart. They just left in him the two most precious gift - love and compassion.

Why was Solomon wise? Because he had many wives he consulted. Why are we unhappy? Because we have one wife with which we never advise. Let's not forget the wisdom of ancestors in the new year!

New Year's parable

Husband and wife solved the new year
celebrate cozy in the restaurant:
"At least once liberated the hassle.
Moreover, there is money in your pocket. "
They were offered a table for two.
Magic twilight, flicker candles,
caresses the soul of an unearthly motive -
everything foreshadows the unusual meeting.
Husband discussing the outgoing year
considered it not very successful -
one of the works important for him
he planned to complete otherwise.
He complained, and his wife
miG thought and added.
Deciding that the topic is boring for her,
he drew attention to the Christmas tree.
-You see what beauty,
like bulbs flashes charming!
Wife replied: - Yes, beauty,
although you do not notice something.
On the tree a hundred lights burning.
One went out and light bulb does not shine.
But you managed to see a general view
And the light bulbs will not notice.
Try to look at last year
from the perspective of the desired achievements.
Let what did not happen, not bite, -
then the mood of the soul will be spring.

Zinaida Polyakova https: // ... based on Proverba Paolo Coelho

Parable for purposes.

- Hello, hello! Can I talk to God?
- Hello! Combine!
- Hello, my soul! I am carefully listening to you!
- Lord, ahead of the new year! I ask you, fulfill my desires!
- Of course, dear, whatever! ... But first I connect you with the department of executed desires, try to understand what you made mistakes in the past!
... Metal voice in the tube: "Please, now connect with the operator of the desire department"
- Greetings! What do you want to know?
- Hello! I was redirected to you, he said that before his new desires would be good, it would be nice to listen to the oldest.
- Clear minute. … And here! All the desires of the soul. Hadustic folio! You listen? - Yes, carefully.
- We start from last year:
1) Tired of this work! (work performed tired!).
2) The husband does not pay attention (executed, does not draw!).
3) Oh, I would have some money (fulfilled, enough for bread, you will not pull on the boots!).
4) girlfriends - fools (executed).
5) I would at least some kind of apartment (executed on the 10th floor under the roof itself, the roof flows, asked for some!).
6) I would even at least some small machine (get "Zaporozhets" of the shaggy year).
7) Oh, well, at least on vacation, at least somewhere (fulfilled, to the mother-in-law in the country, it is just necessary for her workforce).
8) Well, what such, no one will give color (executed, will not give!).
Continue? Here about the year of reading!
- No, no, I understood everything !!! Transfer my call to the Creator!
- Lord, I understood everything !!! I will track every idea, even the smallest !!!
I ask you to always send me positive thoughts and goals!

Let the cock you this year
Much happiness will bring!
How much snow outside the window
So much warmth in your home!
How many light bulbs in garlands
So much joy in sight!
How many bubbles in the wine gland
The same good luck in the case!
How much at the guest table,
So much joyful news!
How many festive clothes,
So many hopes come true!

Parable about the old man and the fish.

He went old man, under the new year, to the blue sea. And it, for the joy, he did not frozen this year - the warming global, you see, gorgeous. Well, he, and let's sculp as his own by the water - I ordered something to catch something on the ear of the old woman. Yes, it just does not fall into the waters of the fish, what a fool in the shallow water, in the cold, will splash out! And so, since on the nineteenth, I managed to hook a goldfish old man ... she, after corporate party Neptune, swaming near the shore in search of his golden crown - churbed in the evening, when she flured in a surround foam with some octopus ...

Envy old man gold fish completely fell in spirit.

- Listen, old, if you start me now, again, pour about the old woman's trough ...

"Never-ni-nor!" Heat the old man's hands. - We know, they have already read this fairy tale, did not learn anything good. You tell me here, for how much desires can I count?

- On one, naturally. What is it to you, a fairy tale, or what? And that if not for life changed - nothing would wait! Come on, make it, otherwise I'm already sick of you ... Or maybe, a salad of nautical cabbage is caught, yesterday. In short, what is needed?

"I want, today, in the New Year," an old man is solemnly.

- What, you can't wait a half months? He captured him ...

- Well, wrapped around ... I want to see how many rubles will be added to my retirement in the future. And in general, will they add? Promise all the masters ...

- Just? - Doubt looked at him. "Maybe you add from my generotes - and use to the end of life."

"I don't want fabulous money," said the old man. - I want real, from the government. Whether, what did you choose it with the old woman?

- Well, to be in your way! Throw me into the water.

I threw an old fish in the sea and immediately disappeared myself. I waited for his old woman, but never waited. The old man crashed. Maybe without waiting for an increase, died with hunger. Or maybe he himself bent there from old age ...

Moral: Is it hard for you - to climb into the future? Descendant, at the beginning, with your real. And never give up sponsorship.

I wish you so much money to not peck,
So that the flutter period and comfortable bed,
So that the problems and adversity did not hurt your nose
And so that the eggs are gold for a whole year rooster in you!

New Year's parable to the three wanderers.

Once there were three wanderers. In the way they caught the night. They saw the house, knocked. They opened the owner and asked:

- Health, love and wealth. Let us spend the night.

- Sorry, but we have only one free space. I will go, I will advise with the family, who of you let out.

Sick mother said: "Let's let the health."

The daughter suggested let the love, and the wife is wealth.

While they argued, the wanderers disappeared.

So let's drink for the new year in our house there is always a place for health, love and wealth!

New Year's parable about white flower.

There was one people sign. The one who sills a white flower on the mountain on the eve of the New Year will be happy. The mountain, on which the flower of happiness flourished was enchanted. She was constantly shaking, and no one could resist her.

But every new year was the brave, which tried to climb on the mountain.

One day, three friends also decided to try happiness. Before you go to the mountain, our friends went to the wise men - the Council to ask:

"Will fall seven times - climb eight times - I advised the sage.

We went three friends to the mountain, all from different sides. An hour later, the first young man returned, all in bruises.

"The sage was wrong," he said. I fell seven times, and when it rose eighth time, I saw that only a quarter of the mountain passed. Then I decided to return.

The second young man came in two hours, all beaten, and said:

- The sage deceived us. I fell seven times, and when it rose eighth time, I saw that only a third of the mountains passed. Then I decided to return.

The third young man came every other day with a white flower in his hands.

- Didn't you fall? - asked his friends.

- Fadal, maybe fell a hundred times, and maybe more. I did not consider it, "the young man replied.

"Why didn't you threw everything?" - Friends were surprised.

"Before going to the mountain, I learned to fall," the young man laughed.

- Not. He learned not to fall, and climb! - said the sage, having heard this conversation.

Christmas parable.

There was one shoemaker. He widowed, and his little son remained. And on the eve of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, the boy says his father:

- Today the Savior will come to visit us.

"Yes, you are full of you," the shoemaker did not believe.

- You will see, come. He himself told me about it in a dream.

The boy is waiting for a dear guest, looks out of the window, and there is no one there. And suddenly sees - in the courtyard on the street two guys beat some kind of boy, and he does not even resist. The son of the shoemaker outdoor, dismissed offenders, and led the beaten boy to the house. They fed him with his father, washed, they combed, and here the son of the shoemaker says:

- Folder, I have two boots, and my new friend has fingers from the shoes fall out. Let me give him my boots, but after all, the passion is cold on the street. Yes, today and the holiday is also!

"Well, let your will be your will," the father agreed.

They gave the boy boys, and that joyful, shining home went.

Some time passed, and the son of the shoemaker did not leave everything from the window, waiting for the Savior's guest. Passed beggar past at home, asks:

- Kind people! Tomorrow is Christmas, and I didn't have three crumbs in my mouth, feed, the sake of Christ!

- Come to us, grandfather! - called him through the window boy. - God grant you health! They fed, they drank with the father of the old man, he left them joyful.

And the boy is all waiting for, he began to worry. Night came, on the street lanterns were lit, blizzard. And suddenly shouts the son of the shoemaker:

- Oh, folder! There some kind of woman at the pillar stands, yes with the baby small. See how it is poor, cold!

The son of the shoemaker ran out to the street, led a woman with a child to the hut. They fed them, drank them, and the boy says:

- Where will they go to the frost? Won, on the street, which blizzard was played. Let, the folder, they don't sleep at home.

- Where do we have a night? - asks a shoemaker.

- But where: You are on the sofa, I'm on the chest, and they are on our bed.

- Well, let it.

Finally, everyone went to bed. And dream of a boy, as if comes to him at last

Savior and says gentle:

- Chado you are my sweet! Whether you are happy for your whole life.

"Lord, I waited for you in the afternoon," the boy was surprised.

And the Lord says:

"So I came to you three times in the afternoon, my dear." And three times you took me. Yes, so that it is impossible to come up with it.

- Lord, did not know. But when?

- I did not know, but still accepted. The first time you did not save the boys from the hands of the kids-hooligans, but I was saved. As I once took from the evil people of spitting and wounds, this and the boy's boy ... Thank you, my native.

- Lord, and when did you come to me for the second time? I swore all my eyes into the window - asks the son of the shoemaker.

- And the second time is not a beggar at all, I came to my meal to you. You and your father themselves spruce, and I gave a festive cake.

- Well, and the third time, Lord? Maybe I would recognize you at least for the third time?

"And the third time I even spent the night with my mother."

- How so?

- Once we had to run to Egypt from Herod. So you and my mother at the pillar, as in the Egyptian desert, found, and let us down under her own. Be happy, my native, forever!

A boy woke up in the morning and the first thing asks:

- Where is a woman with a child? Looks - and at home there is no one. The felt boots, which he donated a poor boy yesterday, stand in the corner, stand on the table - a festive cake untouched. And on the heart - such an unspecified joy, which one never happened.

New Year's Parable of Love.

She did not love the new year. Just did not love. However, like other holidays. But after all, the new year was a special holiday: this night could be made a desire that would definitely come true.

Of course, she made a desire for the falling stars, and for tram and even bus tickets, but all this were ordinary, not basic desires, from the failure of which, in principle, did not change.

But once a year, during the battle of the Kurats, together with everyday wishes for their relatives, she could guess her most cherished desire. And this year it was ...

"Please let him be happy, please let it be happy, please ...", "she repeated the spell, fearing that the chimes are already silent, and her desire will never reach Santa Claus.

They rang out the first hymn sounds, and she happily sighed - he managed, everything, now he should be all right for a whole year. "No matter how I wanted to make it happy ... But even if not with me ... The main thing is that he is happy ..." she thought.

In the residence of Santa Claus, the work ordinary for New Year's days. The whole staff of the staff was engaged in the execution of desires that flew here from all sides of the globe. Some were responsible for children's desires, others - for material, for the spiritual and special department engaged in desires about love. Before the desire fell into the desired department, it passed the sorting, where it was carefully checked for sincerity, on the need for execution, on its consequences. For example, the desires like "I want me to be the coolest phone in the class" were redirected to the department responsible for human relations. Because most likely, the coolest phone is needed in order to enjoy the authority of classmates. But for this you do not need a phone ... And the desire is still fulfilled, only in a few other form.

"Please let him be happy, please let him be happy, please ...", "after reading the next desire, the assistant of Santa Claus, responsible for the sorting, opened a fat logbook and found the desired entry:" Let it be happy. Even if this happiness is not with me, then let her just be happy ... ".

Pretty smiling, Assistant Santa Claus scored the right number: "Is this a department" love "? Record ... "

Happy New Year,
Happiness, I wish you joy.
Santa Claus for the New Year,
Let the money bag bears.

There will be love and happiness,
We will be idle.
Positive and good.
Happy New Year to all, Hurray!

The new year is always waiting for some kind of fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you so that all these expectations come true. Let everything come true. Let all the good multiplies, and everything is bad remained in the old year. Let every day of the new year give you joy and happiness, turning every day for a holiday!

Let's drink for the new year
He is already going, goes,
He carries love, good,
Miracles and Magic!

Let's drink with you for
To every lucky,
To believe in miracles,
Being happy always!

Let's drink for adversity,
So that they went through,
So that they did not come to us,
In order not to spoil our days!

So that the new year was the brightest,
To come true all the dreams,
So that nothing regretted
To make things all in the mountain walked!

Let's drink for the lucky
So that his new year brought him
So that he performed all the desires,
And troubles away from us took!

Snow, frost and beauty,
Miracles come to life
Magic come to life,
And all will be well!

New Year is already on the way
Will be joyful days
There will be happiness and good,
It will be easy and easy!

So that my words come true,
I drink a glass to the bottom,
I wish all love
So that all the dreams come true!

I want, in the new year, each of us would acquire not the best, but its own. Because the best can not always be your own, but my own is always the best. Take care of loved ones and loved ones! Happy New Year!

So, friends, gathered together,
I will congratulate you
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
You sustain all wish!

And you all - health.
Do not hurt never.
For success and for good luck
Drink you need to bottom!

In the past year there was a lot of "jumps in return" and "the abuses in the abyss", love and hatred, friendship and hostility .. But, during this year we have acquired a lot of experience. They say, smarter will be the one who learn only on other people's mistakes, not on his own ... But, I will tell you so - there is nothing better than experience, we become wiser, we will be smart and, it turns out that it is so faster ... faster On your mistakes! Therefore toast! We wiser became, wisely, you can stay. I wish everyone in the coming year not to make tricky mistakes, not "fall into the dirt face", but only enjoy life! Be happy, loved! Let it be this year for everyone the happiest!

On the eve of the New Year, everyone summarizes, draw conclusions, make plans for the next year. I want to wish to spend this holiday with ease and ease. The easier and more comfortable you will be on New Year's Eve, the more successful will begin and the next one will begin. Therefore, I wish one thing: not strain!

The new year is always better than the old one. We all know about it. But what exactly distinguishes him from the previous one? Perhaps unpredictability and endless possibilities. Not everyone uses them, but everyone expects them. So I want to wish us everything so that in the new year we felt when the possibilities are knocking on our doors, and always caught a chance!


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