Initiative proposal sample. Initiative letters examples. What to look for when writing a letter

  • Presentation - Business Correspondence (Abstract)
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  • Rogozhin M.Yu. Modern business letter (Document)
  • Presentation - Business Conversation (Abstract)
  • Test - Etiquette of a business letter (Laboratory work)
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  • n1.docx

    initiative letter- a letter requiring a response. A large category of such letters expresses a request (proposal, request) to the addressee in resolving any issues.

    During the deployment of works on the restoration of historical valuable buildings of the institute, it turned out that it was impossible to carry out a phased restoration with the continuation educational process in terms of premises. We ask you to assist in the allocation of rental premises with an area of ​​… sq.m. to transfer all training sessions during the restoration of buildings.

    Response letter- in its content, it is dependent on initiative letters, since the topic of its text has already been set and it remains to state the nature of the solution to the question posed in the initiative letter: acceptance or rejection of the proposal, fulfillment of the request.

    115422, Moscow,

    st. Zelenaya, 5, apt. 38

    Ivankin M.P.

    We inform you that the documents of the Petrovsky MTS of the Klimovsky district Ivanovo region for 1934-1935 were not archived for storage, and therefore it is not possible to confirm your work experience in the named MTS for the indicated years.

    Director of the State Archive N.K. Krymkin

    An inquiry- a commercial document, which is an appeal of the importer to the exporter with a request.

    Regarding: sample album

    We kindly ask you to send us your latest album of samples of cotton, wool and viscose fabrics, as well as the price list for 2000…


    Exportlen (signature).

    Language constructs business letters.

    1. Title for the text:

    1. Expression of gratitude

    2. Expressions explaining motives

      1. In order to provide technical assistance…

      2. Due to the difficult situation...

      3. In order to strengthen the protection of state property…

      4. In response to your request...

      5. In confirmation of our agreement…

      6. Referring to + noun. in V.p. (... Your telegram of July 13, we order 6000 tons of wheat)

      7. On the basis of + noun. in R.p. (…trade agreement between Russia and Germany…)

      8. In response to + noun. in V.p. (...Your request dated January 20 this year, we offer you


    1. simple short sentences.

    2. set phrases and turns of written speech.

    3. the use of terms in a generally accepted, uniform interpretation.

    4. direct word order in a sentence (subject + predicate; definition + defined word; introductory words are at the beginning of the sentence).

    5. do not use obsolete words and expressions, local dialects.

    6. avoid tautologies and repetitions.

    7. avoid the unjustified use of foreign words.

    8. use predicates either in the narrative (" established"), or in the imperative (" to approve") inclination.

    1. the presentation of the letter should be in a calm, even tone.

    2. do not rush the addressee with such expressions " Urgently”, “Immediately”, “As soon as possible”. It is better to specify specific dates “I ask you to answer by such and such a date”, “I earnestly ask you to immediately inform about your decision.”

    3. It is necessary to be moderate in requests, restrained in assessing events, objective in presenting facts, concrete in conclusions.

    4. The content or subtext of the document should not impose the expected outcome of the issue covered in the letter " I ask you to study and resolve the issue positively”, “I ask you to approve this candidacy.”

    5. You should not hint at the inattention of the recipient by introducing the final wording " I suggest you take a closer look…

    6. if you inform about the impossibility of fulfilling an order or request, do not start with a statement of refusal - first state the motivation for your decision and make it clear that under certain circumstances you can return to consideration of this issue.

    7. reference (to the place) to certain requirements of the governing documents gives weight to the letter.

    8. the letter must be absolutely clean in the legal sense (especially monetary and personnel documents), impeccable in content and execution.


    1. The newly created document should not duplicate another, already standardized ( Why compose a letter proving the identity of an employee in business trip if you have a travel permit).

    2. incorrect construction of a business letter, disproportionate arrangement of its parts.

    3. the text of the letter should not begin with a repetition of what is already reflected in the indexes, the date of departure and the subject of the letter.

    4. it is not necessary to indicate the name of the enterprise next to the position of the person who signed the letter, because this is indicated on the letterhead or stamp.

    1. violation of the specifics of the use of adverbial phrases. The adverbial turnover (DO) serves as a means of conveying an action that occurs simultaneously or before another action.

      1. Through the DO, you can convey the attention paid to the issue raised in the letter in the course of its study, the interest in the speedy completion of the work “Having carefully considered the project submitted for approval, the Board of Directors considers…”

      2. You can formulate the reasons that served as the basis for making a particular decision “Given…”, “Considering…”, “Taking into account…”, “Guided by…”

    2. ignorance of the structure of a complex sentence.

      1. The most common compound sentences with conjunctions and allied words what, which, if, due to ... what, provided that, where, how.

      2. Avoid complex sentences with the same type of subordinate clauses, long enumerations, intricately constructed plug-in constructions, extended quotations.

      3. Relative clauses can be replaced by synonymous participles and participles.

    3. misuse of prepositions.

      1. Incorrect use of the preposition O “The director of the plant noted the importance of the problem posed” ( right: “The director noted the importance of the problem posed»).

      2. There is no distinction between the cases when it is about an institution and when it is about a building. “Young specialists are assigned to work in our enterprise”(right: "To our enterprise...")

    4. wrong case.

      1. Noun in R.p.

      2. The noun MANUAL is used with T.p., not R.p. "Management field trip carried out by the specialists of the enterprise.

    How to write a thank you letter sample text. Sample business proposal letter. Sample response letter. Document sample2 Accounting, Office work. initiative letters These are letters that require a response. Sponsorship letter sample application for. Sample business letters. A large category of such letters expresses a request for a proposal, a request to the addressee in the solution of which. Sample Initiative outgoing letter example. Product samples item 1213 in 2 copies. Severodvinsk, Director of JSC Vympel

    In the first case, it will have an initiative character, and in the second, it will serve as a response to. Its compilation is due to the need to give any response to the previously received initiative letter. With the help of business correspondence, not only business coordination takes place. The timing of the preparation of initiative letters is determined by the leaders. Complaint letter sample. An initiative letter is a letter requiring a response. A business letter is a request from a manufacturing enterprise. A sample letter of cooperation is the first thing a potential partner learns about you, which is why it is so important to reflect everything essential and not in nm. You can see the work in the Internet library A. LLC Webdesignproject. A refusal or consent letter, as the name implies, is drawn up in response to an initiative letter

    A good example of writing a business letter, a sample letter of complaint. TAVARYSTVA Z DADATKOVAY ADKAZNASTSYU. Registration stamp of the form Furniture factory. Sample letter to candidate after. It can be a letter of response to an initiative letter, a letter of congratulation, a letter of invitation or. A letter of thanks can be an initiative or a response to a letter of invitation or. Initiative letter. Sample business proposal letter 15. You can download a sample letter of recommendation from an organization for an employee at this link. The sample letter of thanks given below is compiled to express gratitude for any. Director of the General Department of Banking Supervision of the NBU Shulga A

    Sample letter of response to a claim Size. How to write a business letter sample. Ability to translate text from the clipboard, web page or document into many languages. For more clarity, you can see the sample cover letter to the resume. Letters, it can be a letter of response to an initiative letter, usually with a guarantee for it. Lomonosov, 120 Mr. Konev A. How to write a business letter sample, example, template, business letter form. Sample texts of business letters Confirmation letter Confirmation letter. Sample business letters and petitions. Message letter sample. Thank you letter sample thanks Initiative letter sample

    Information about the initiative letter is included in the composition. A response letter is created as a response to an initiative letter request, request, invitation, offer. on the subject of an initiative letter. Example and rules of writing. She has established herself as an enterprising employee with good organizational skills. R example of compiling initiati. Sample letter attachment to Model Instruction office work in federal bodies executive power. Most of these letters expresses a request for a proposal, a request to the addressee for any decision. Sample letter of thanks to student graduate.

    Business letters are compiled when communicating with partners on almost any occasion. Ready-made examples and rules for compiling such documents can be found in the article.

    A business letter can be defined as a document that is sent on behalf of the entire company to another company, individual entrepreneur or individual (for example, an investor). In fact, any correspondence of the company is business letters. Their purpose is very different:

    1. about cooperation.
    2. cooperation, negotiation.
    3. A reminder of the need to fulfill obligations under the contract.
    4. Clarification of one's position, response to a previously sent letter, and many others.

    The document is usually drawn up on the letterhead of the company, it is allowed to send it by regular or e-mail. However, if the partner is of particular importance, it is preferable to print it on high-quality, thick paper and hand it over personally or by courier. The structure of the letter resembles a typical business document - you can schematically represent it in this way.

    What to pay attention to when compiling

    There are no specific rules and samples of such letters, therefore their structure, volume and design largely depend on the specific case. For example, a notification letter will be quite concise (3-4 paragraphs), and an employee recommendation or business proposal may take more than one page.

    However, there are also several general rules that you should pay attention to when compiling the paper:

    1. The document itself does not have any legal force, however, it is drawn up in accordance with all the rules of registration. Its structure, style of presentation must comply with the generally accepted principles of modern document management.
    2. Proposals are built logically, in a clear sequence. There are no ornate, complex, emotional, and even more so colloquial turns. The tone is neutral.
    3. The presentation is always conducted only from 1 person - either in the singular, if the text is written directly from the head, or in the plural, if it is compiled on behalf of the entire company.
    4. The specific purpose of the compilation and the expected actions of the addressee are spoken out (send a response, consider the candidacy of an employee, agree to negotiations, send a document, etc.).
    5. The paper reflects not the individual interests of the head or other employees, but the goals of the company as a team. If you need to establish a personal contact, it is advisable to do it differently and not position yourself as a representative of the company.

    TOP 5 spelling mistakes

    Errors can be divided into 2 large groups - some are associated with writing as with text (violation of logic, vocabulary, other language norms), others - with a violation of the actual business etiquette:

    1. Spelling, punctuation errors are not allowed - the text of the letter should always be checked at least 1-2 times before sending.
    2. Violation business style statements, the presence of emotional phrases, excessive politeness or, conversely, severity.
    3. Negative tone - even threats must be written without unnecessary words - for example: "We reserve the right to apply to the court within 30 days from the date you receive this letter."
    4. Too large or, conversely, too small volume. Usually the entire text can fit in 1-2 pages. However, this does not mean that you do not need to bring all the important information to your partner. Volumetric data, diagrams, forms of documents can be transferred to applications.
    5. Depriving the interlocutor of the right to choose. For example, you should not write: “Please consider and approve the final version of the contract.”

    Typical pattern phrases

    The use of standard phrases characteristic of business speech in the text is a completely normal and even desirable phenomenon. Below is a list of the most common cliches used in various situations.

    situation phrase
    notice Inform/Bring to your attention/Inform/Notify
    explanation of reason On the basis of / In accordance with / In connection with / For the purposes of / For the reason / In support of / In pursuance
    request Please take action / Please inform, direct, do, confirm ...
    the confirmation Confirm / Assure / Accept your terms / Do not object to ...
    sentence Recommend / Offer / Invite / Ask
    We guarantee
    refusal We are forced to refuse for a reason / We reject your offer due to ...
    conclusion We earnestly ask / We hope for cooperation, understanding, assistance / We ask you to excuse, direct, do ...

    Samples 2020

    Here are a few ready-made examples letters that you can rely on when compiling your version.

    Data request


    Commercial offer

    Letter of guarantee




    Before you start preparing an initiative business letter, you should make sure that writing such a letter is absolutely necessary.

    This need may be due to the following circumstances:

    • 1) the issue (group of issues) that you intend to cover in a business letter cannot be resolved at the moment either during a personal meeting, or by phone, or in any other way due to the temporary unavailability (absence) of the addressee ;
    • 2) you intend to fix (for yourself and for the addressee) certain information on paper in order to subsequently be able - if necessary - to refer to it;
    • 3) you intend to arrange your thoughts in an appropriate way in order to give them a more ordered look and thus make them more clear, intelligible and convincing for the addressee;
    • 4) you intend to pre-dedicate to the course of a case that seems to you rather complicated (or is something completely unknown to the addressee to this day) of a person on whom its outcome will ultimately depend; in order to provide him with relevant information, you use a business letter;
    • 5) you intend to tell the addressee something confidential.

    Also pay attention to who exactly in this case is the addressee, what will be his most likely reaction to the business letter and how this reaction will correspond to the goal that you intend to achieve with your message.

    If, after analyzing the situation, you have established your intention to prepare and send a business letter, then, without putting it off, get to work.

    To this end:

    • a) plan the time necessary (and at the same time sufficient) for productive work on a business letter;
    • b) determine exactly where you will be doing this work: in the office, at home or elsewhere;
    • c) prepare everything you need for a business letter: paper or appropriate forms, a computer, a printer, a floppy disk to save a file with text, a pen, a pencil (in order to make notes and corrections in a draft), perhaps an eraser, " stroke", an envelope and stamps to it, business card or other material that you intend to attach to the message (attachments are prepared separately);
    • d) also select all the information and reference material you need to work on the text: correspondence on the merits of the issue raised in the business letter, reports, office notes, certificates, summaries, acts, reports, contracts, etc.;
    • e) just in case, stock up on literature, in particular, dictionaries (spelling, synonyms, foreign words, etc.) or an encyclopedic dictionary, as well as any other specialized literature (including periodicals), for example, legal.
    • a) the purpose (functional purpose) of the business letter is specified (for example, you intend to ask business partner certain information related to the draft cooperation agreement);
    • b) the type of business letter is determined (in this case, it is a letter of inquiry);
    • c) determined general structure a business letter (the first paragraph is to describe the situation around the draft contract, the second paragraph is to state the essence of the request, the third paragraph is to justify the need to obtain the requested information, the fourth paragraph is to thank for cooperation, and also ask for an answer as soon as possible, etc.);
    • d) the main speech means are determined to achieve the specified goal (standard formulations for the formation of a "framework" of the content, text liners to provide a connection between paragraphs);
    • e) the most important facts and events are determined, the reference to which must be made in the letter (for example, as a justification for the motives of one's actions);
    • f) the form of address, the final courtesy formula, the signature form are determined, the need for preparing attachments to a business letter is clarified.

    After the business letter plan is drawn up, it should be carefully reviewed and refined. Based on the final version of the plan, you can begin to prepare a draft of the main content (text) of a business letter.

    Drafting involves:

    • a) formulating key thoughts that reflect the essence of a business letter (in the form of separate sentences);
    • b) interconnection of individual sentences into paragraphs (consistently for all paragraphs);
    • c) the formulation of text links between paragraphs, as well as, if necessary, the initial and final text line.

    After you have a draft business letter fixed on paper or on a computer screen, you should:

    • a) edit the project, making for this purpose additional structuring of the text, as well as its stylistic processing;
    • b) correct the project, i.e. find, mark and correct spelling, punctuation, etc. errors contained in the text;
    • c) re-format a draft business letter on a new medium, using another sheet of paper and an appropriate computer file for this.

    Updated draft:

    • a) reread;
    • b) re-edited and corrected;
    • c) is issued in the corrected version.

    To this end, the text of a business letter is "connected" with pre-thought out:

    • - greeting (sometimes in combination with an appeal);
    • - the final formula of politeness;
    • - signature.

    A fully assembled (compiled) working version of a business letter is finally reviewed by the author (developer) to identify errors and inaccuracies hidden in the text.

    Finally, the final phase of work on a business letter involves:

    • a) agreement on the text (when necessary);
    • b) execution of a business letter on a letterhead or a sheet of writing paper in compliance with the rules in force in this regard;
    • c) registration of applications (if any);
    • d) signing a letter;
    • e) letter conversion and registration (the latter is not necessary for private business letters);
    • e) sending to the address indicated on the envelope. Examples of the most common proactive business letters :
    • but) example of a request letter

    General manager of the open joint-stock company"AAA"

    I. O. Surname

    Dear Sir..!

    The commercial department of our company is extremely interested in the supply of some of the products of your Company and, in particular, ... (specify specifically).

    In connection with the above, I ask you to send the catalog (price list, draft contract, etc.) of the products we are interested in to the company.

    Desired date for receipt of catalogs -... (specify specifically). Sincerely.

    Deputy CEO Marketing

    I. O. Surname

    b) an example of a letter-message

    Executive Director

    CJSC "VVV>> I. O. Surname

    Dear Name Patronymic! I am pleased to inform you that the management of the company is currently considering the possibility of opening a new branch in ... (specify specifically) in order to increase sales of products. Estimated start date of the branch - ... (specify specifically). Headcount - ... (specify specifically). Specified information communicated to you for your information.


    Commercial director of OJSC "GGG" I. O. Surname

    c) an example of a request letter

    Rector of the State Educational Institution...

    I. O. Surname

    Director of FSUE "DDD" I. O. Surname

    Dear First Name Last Name!

    I am sending you a request for documentary confirmation of the length of service of an employee of our enterprise ... (specify specifically), who has lost work book due to ... (specify specifically). Information about work ... at the enterprise entrusted to you, please provide in the form:

    The specified information is necessary for issuing ... a duplicate of the work book.

    Sincerely, Director of MGUP "NEE" I. O. Surname

    Deputy HR Director I. O. Surname

    d) an example of a letter of application (of intent)

    Dear Name Patronymic!

    With this statement, I have the honor to announce the intention of our institution to continue fruitful cooperation with the entrusted to you ... (institute, university, academy). The past academic year clearly demonstrated that our organizations have significant potential for effective and mutually beneficial interaction.

    I wish you and the teaching staff... creative success and well-being.


    Head of the Research Institute... I. O. Surname

    e) an example of a letter of order

    To the head of the sales department of CJSC "ZhZhZh" I. O. Surname


    We ask you to accept for consideration an order for the purchase from CJSC "ZhZhZh" ... (indicate the name of the product) in the quantity ... (indicate specifically). We draw your attention to the fact that the most preferable for sale are products that have ... (indicate the characteristics that contribute to the improvement of sales of products).

    I also ask you to find an opportunity to complete the order with an approximately equal number of products with the listed characteristics. I ask you to send the order ... (indicate the quantity) in equal batches - to ......

    and... (insert dates).

    Sincerely. Director of the trading house I. O. Surname

    f) an example of a letter of congratulations (option 1)

    Name. Middle name. Surname (in the dative case)

    Dear (Name. Patronymic)!

    Allow me, on behalf of ... (specify specifically) and on my own behalf, to congratulate Vasya on his birthday! You have been working fruitfully for the benefit of our company for... (specify) for years, devoting your professional knowledge and experience to the cause. Your labor activity is a rare example of professional success, an example that deserves respect and imitation.

    On this joyful day, we sincerely wish you, dear Name Patronymic, good health, success in all endeavors, prosperity and prosperity, peace and happiness!


    Initials (First name) Last name

    g) an example of a letter of congratulations (option 2)

    Members of the Board of JSCB "Bank "Eldorado""

    Dear Sirs!

    I have the honor to congratulate you on the exceptionally successful completion investment project but funding... (specify).

    It gives me great pleasure to inform you that according to preliminary estimates, the bank's profit in connection with the completion of this project will exceed the planned figures. I am also extremely pleased that the timely and highly successful completion of this project creates more than favorable conditions for the implementation of other equally significant investment programs, namely ... (specify).

    Allow me, gentlemen, to express confidence that the activities of our bank will continue to be just as successful and noble. Wish you all the best.

    With perfect respect,

    • (I. O. Surname), General Manager
    • h) example of an invitation letter

    Dear Sirs!

    The Regional Exhibition Center "New Hermitage" has the honor to invite you to participate in the exhibition-fair... (specify specifically). The exhibition-fair will be held in ... (specify) from ... to ... (specify).

    The program of the exhibition-fair provides for the deployment of the following thematic sections:

    The annual exhibitions-fairs... are the largest such events currently held in... the region. Each year, on average, more than ... exhibitors take part in the work of these exhibitions.

    Thus, the participants of the exhibition-fair ... have excellent opportunities both for demonstrating their achievements in the field ... and for a productive exchange of experience, including the establishment of new partnerships.

    In connection with the above organizing committee fairs...invites your organization to take part in its work. We are ready to provide you with every possible assistance in preparing for participation and direct participation in this significant event.

    For more detailed information you can go to:....

    The website address of the organizing committee of the exhibition-fair is....

    To request application documentation, please contact... (specify) by e-mail...

    We will be glad to see your organization among the participants of the exhibition-fair....


    Chairman of the Organizing Committee... First Name Last Name Secretary of the Organizing Committee... First Name Last Name

    i) an example of an apology letter

    To the General Director of CJSC "KKK" I. O. Surname

    ... (indicate the full name of the enterprise) apologizes to you in connection with improper performance obligations under the contract dated ... No. .... Let me also inform you that what happened, unfortunately, became possible due to circumstances independent of the activities of our company.

    Nevertheless, dear First Name Patronymic, we express our deep regret in connection with this unpleasant fact. At the same time, we would like to hope that this unfortunate event will not affect the prospects for our business cooperation. We would also like to assure you that the management of the enterprise will make vigorous efforts to ensure that such incidents do not happen again.

    We sincerely wish you well-being and prosperity.

    I remain sincerely yours. Managing Director of CJSC "LLL" I. O. Surname

    j) an example of a letter of sympathy

    To the Executive Director of CJSC "INN" I. O. Surname

    Dear Name Patronymic!

    Let me express my sympathy in connection with the misfortune that befell your enterprise - a production accident that caused significant material damage.

    We share your grief and at this difficult hour we intend to present you with this letter our support and sympathy. At the same time, we offer you our assistance in resolving issues related to the restoration and repair of a damaged building, equipment and property.

    We sincerely hope that the consequences of the accident will be successfully overcome soon. In this regard, we confirm our intention to maintain and develop in every possible way business cooperation with your company and you personally.

    Taking this opportunity, we wish you, Name Patronymic, fortitude, energy and perseverance, good luck in the implementation of your difficult mission, the speedy and complete recovery of the Enterprise, health and well-being.

    With deep sympathy and unfailing respect, I. O. Surname

    (If necessary, the name of the position is indicated after the surname separated by a comma.) h) an example of an image letter

    To the Chief Editor of CJSC "TV Channel" I. O. Surname

    Dear Name!

    Glad to be able to send you a little message.

    I believe that you have not forgotten about our agreement on ... reached last week. Let me know how the implementation of this agreement will affect the long-term plans of our cooperation.

    It was also extremely interesting for me to know your opinion about .., whose candidacy was recently proposed to you by my colleague and longtime friend Name Family. In any case, I will be happy to receive a prompt reply from you.

    I hope you are fine?

    I remain sincerely yours, First name Last name, producer

    m) an example of a letter of thanks

    To the General Director of CJSC "PPP" I. O. Surname

    Dear Name Patronymic!

    I express to you on behalf of labor collective JSC "RRR" heartfelt gratitude in connection with the congratulations sent to our Company on the occasion of ... (specify specifically).

    We sincerely hope that the strong mutually beneficial business relations that have developed between our Enterprises will receive their further fruitful development. I take this opportunity to convey to you and your colleagues the wishes of success in your work, prosperity, peace and happiness.

    With unfailing respect, General Director of OAO "RRR" I. O. Surname

    Head personnel service ZAO "SSO I. O. Surname

    Dear Sir..! With this letter, I am pleased to recommend to you Name Sename Family, whom I have the honor to know as a conscientious, decent worker and promising specialist. You can certainly entrust him with any business without fear of adverse consequences.

    I also testify that during the internship in the company entrusted to me, Mr. II. S. Family Show! exceptional ability in the field information technologies. I think he will be very useful to your company as a specialist.

    Appendix: feedback from the head of the department on the work of N. S. Family during the internship ...

    With utmost respect, I. O. Surname,

    Vice President of Human Resources

    about) example of a letter of negative content (option 1)

    Name of the position of the employee I. O. Surname

    Dear Sir..! We regret to inform you that you have been dismissed from our company since... (be specific). We sincerely regret that, despite the previous... (specify how much) disciplinary action You have not been able to change your work for the better.

    In spite of what has happened, we recall with gratitude the work that you performed with due responsibility and due service zeal.

    You can get an extract from the dismissal order, calculation and work book ... during the whole working day. The necessary instructions in this regard will be given to the relevant officials.

    We wish you all the best.

    On behalf of the General Director of the company "TTT>>, I. O. Surname, manager

    o) an example of a letter of negative content (option 2)

    I. O. Surname

    Dear Mrs..! Substitution competition vacant position sales manager.

    Thank you for your interest in our job posting and for the detailed resume (CV) you have received in this regard.

    The information you have kindly placed at our disposal has been studied with due care. However, to my great regret, I have to inform you that your surname was not included in the final list (short list) of applicants for these positions.

    I am sincerely sorry that I have to write to you about this. I take this opportunity to express the hope that Vata's next attempt will be more successful.


    On behalf of the general manager but to the staff of the company

    I. O. Surname, office assistant p) an example of a letter with an expression of refusal

    To the chief supply manager of OAO FFF> I. O. Surname

    Dear Sir..! With this letter, we are deeply saddened to inform you of our refusal to transfer to your organization an additional payment for made ... (indicate when) deliveries ... (indicate specifically). Our decision is dictated by the following circumstances:

    • 1. Your organization did not notify us of ... (specify specifically), which contradicts .... (specify specifically) the supply and settlement agreements for the current year.
    • 2. Your organization made a delivery ... (specify) late against the terms stipulated in the agreement. This is also a violation of the current agreement (Sub .... p .... (Specify)).

    You also did not bother to provide us with any explanation on this matter.

    The direct and indirect costs incurred by our company in connection with ... (specify specifically) became a consequence of these violations by your party of contractual obligations.

    In connection with the foregoing, we consider your demand for ... (specify specifically) to be absolutely unlawful. For our part, we must warn that in the event of repeated improper delivery of components, we will probably have to take care of finding a more reliable business partner.

    We hope that our arguments will be convincing. Your next request for additional payment will force us to refer this case to arbitration.


    ST. supplier manager

    I. O. Surname

    legal adviser

    I. O. Surname c) sample resume letter

    For the information of the management of the company "ChChCh" when considering applicants for a vacancy:


    Applicant: First name Middle name Last name, age ... years (years), education ... (specify specifically), work experience in the specialty - ... years (years). Contact information: telephones:... (office), (home).:

    Dear Sirs!

    In ... he graduated ... with a degree in Management. From... to... years. worked for... in position... in the period from... but... year permanent job did not have - worked on a temporary basis in ...

    From... to the present time I work as a personnel manager of the company... In my official duties includes:

    • but)...;
    • b)...

    According to colleagues, I have sufficient knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation and relevant practical skills to fulfill the duties of a personnel manager.

    I dress with high efficiency, broad outlook. I have good skills in working with computer programs

    By nature, he is calm and friendly. I am fond of ... (specify specifically). Recommendations from former places I am attaching the work.

    Sincerely, I. O. Surname


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