Job description of the head of the industrial practice of the college. Responsibilities of the head of practice from the college. Head of industrial practice

Pharmacy No. 1 has a separate DLO department serving the decreed categories of citizens. The reason for the separation of the department is the fact that the population is served with drugs that are not the property of the enterprise. The drugs are sourced from authorized pharmaceutical organizations. The employees bear the brigade financial responsibility for the safety of goods and materials and the validity of their sick leave. Since the pharmacy serves the patients of four health care facilities, this is associated with a large volume of specific information work for each health care facility.

The position of the head of the department has been added to the staffing table of the pharmacy instead of the position of a pharmaceutical worker. The duties of the head of the DLO department are reflected in the job description approved by the head of the pharmacy, there is a note in the instructions that the specialist is familiar. Job description is compiled in duplicate, one is kept by the head of the pharmacy, the second - by the employee.

The job description contains a section on general provisions, where it is indicated who has the right to occupy the position of the head of the department; the procedure for admission, dismissal; membership in the brigade for the safety of goods and materials. The section contains a link to the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, Khabarovsk Territory, local acts of the enterprise. The rules and regulations of labor protection and safety measures are also indicated. The second section lists the functions performed by the specialist. The third section is specific job responsibilities. The fourth section is the employee's rights, the fifth section is the employee's responsibility.

The report on the movement of goods in the DLO department is kept in accordance with electronic program developed by an authorized pharmaceutical organization. The report is drawn up in two copies, one is handed over to an authorized organization, the second is kept in the pharmacy. The report contains information about the movement of goods, the balance at the beginning of the month, consumption and the carry-over balance at the end of the month.

Consolidated documents include: a register of invoices indicating the date, number, amount of incoming goods; Consumption consolidated document, drawn up on the basis of the primary documents of the PR form, registering the personified dispensing of medicinal products to patients at the healthcare facility separately. Primary documents (consignment note, prescription, according to which the vacation was made to privileged categories of citizens), in accordance with the ND, are stored in the pharmacy for 5 years.

Reports are drawn up separately by type of budget (federal, regional). Separately, records are kept of the movement of goods received by tender and through warehouses (first quarter of 2009, first half of 2009). In total, 11 reports are drawn up monthly. The number of reports fluctuates depending on changes in the stock of goods.

Vii. Working with the head and his deputy. Administrative work

The staff of pharmacy No. 1 does not provide for the positions of administrative and economic personnel, which include the duties of conducting auxiliary and economic work, for carrying out licensed activities, therefore these functions are performed by the head of the pharmacy - Lepo Lyudmila Petrovna. Under her leadership, I got acquainted with the organization of document flow, the nomenclature of cases, studied the main organizational and administrative documents, the procedure for maintaining documents and processing cases.

Office work

There is no local act of the enterprise on the list of office work. Office work is regulated by ND taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, a local act is drawn up, which indicates the procedure for receiving documents from higher authorities. The office work is carried out according to the topic, the manager gets acquainted with all the documents included in the pharmacy. His task is to organize work in accordance with incoming orders, letters and orders. There is no nomenclature of cases in KKGUP; each manager draws up it himself.

The procedure for hiring and dismissing

Pharmaceutical and auxiliary personnel are hired by the head of the pharmacy in accordance with his job duties. Personnel documents (orders for admission and dismissal, work books, work book forms and inserts to them) are stored in the safe by the head of the pharmacy. The pharmacy maintains two books of orders: 1) Orders for personnel; 2) Administrative orders.

Orders for personnel, form T-2, have been kept in the pharmacy for 75 years. The book of orders is laced, numbered, signed and sealed by the head of the enterprise. Employees are familiarized with all orders for the movement of personnel against signature.

In accordance with labor legislation, employment is carried out on the basis of a written application from the employee. The employee must present a passport, pension insurance policy, individual tax number, military ID (if liable for military service), certificate, training certificate, diploma (if it is a specialist). In case of a change in the surname, it is necessary to have a document confirming the change (marriage certificate, divorce certificate). An agreement on brigade liability is filled out with employees engaged in the receipt, storage, movement and release of goods.

If the employee did not have a work book before starting work, then it must be kept at the pharmacy. The head of the pharmacy issues an order for employment, makes an entry in the work book, and the employee gets acquainted and signs in the order book that he is familiarized. All documents must be completed within 5 days from the first day of work. The pharmacy maintains a book for registering the movement of work books and an income and expense book for recording forms of work books and inserts to them. The arrival of the book is reflected by series and numbers, based on the invoice. Consumption is reflected

surname and confirmed by a receipt for payment of the cost of the form. The fact of issuing an insert to work book reflected by a mark on the first page of the work book (the series and number of the insert are indicated). The change of surname is also reflected in the work book, indicating the document on the basis of which the change was made.

The employee's personal card (form T-2) reflects the employee's passport data, TIN, pension certificate number, family composition, work experience, registration address and place of actual residence, salary, working conditions (harmful), qualification category, time, place passing and a cycle of courses of postgraduate professional development. The pharmacy concludes an employment contract with the employee (a copy of the employment contract is attached).

The dismissal of employees is formalized by an order for a pharmacy (according to the submitted application or on the basis of an order on official punishment). Distinguish the dismissal of their own free will, the reduction of staff, in connection with the closure of the pharmacy. The employee gets acquainted with the order, the last day of work is the day of dismissal, on which wages are paid, taking into account compensation for unused types of leave.

Labor legislation regulates the procedure for granting leave. Vacation is subdivided into main and additional. The main vacation is provided for a period of at least 28 calendar days... In addition to the main vacation, the employee may be provided with a short-term leave without pay (in the event of marriage or death of persons who are in a relationship with the employee), is granted on the basis of an application and is issued by order of the head of the pharmacy. The duration of additional vacations is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the collective agreement. The duration of the vacation indicated in collective agreement cannot be less than in the labor code.

The pharmacy draws up a vacation schedule annually. The vacation order is issued no later than 12 calendar days before the vacation. An employee gets acquainted with a vacation order against signature. Payment of vacation pay is carried out no later than three days before the onset of the vacation.

The conclusion of contracts for the lease of buildings, for the provision of utilities, for the maintenance of commercial equipment is handled by the department of the directorate of the enterprise. The pharmacy does not have the right to conclude a contract. But copies of contracts concluded in the management of the enterprise and related to the activities of the pharmacy must be kept in the pharmacy.

Compliance with pricing discipline

The formation of retail prices is carried out in the electronic program mode during the formation of invoices for the supply of goods from the retail warehouse of the enterprise, in accordance with the decree of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory No. 90 of 07.07.08. In the case of decentralized supplies, the pharmacy forms the retail price and draws up this with a price agreement protocol, which indicates the price of the manufacturer, supplier. The pharmacy applies trade mark-ups to the supplier's price set by regulation no. 90.

Since the pharmacy has a small retail network, it carries out internal checks in accordance with the order of the company's management.

Pharmacy No. 1 does not have the right to manufacture DF and intra-pharmaceutical preparations (VAZ). Therefore, there are no weighing facilities, measuring devices associated with this type of activity.

The accounting of inspections by the state control and supervision bodies is reflected in the journal, which is kept in the form established by the regulatory documentation. There have been no observations in the course of checks at the pharmacy since 2004.

The pharmacy has a “Book of Reviews and Suggestions” of the established form, numbered, laced, sealed and signed by the head of the enterprise. The book is on the trading floor in a prominent and accessible place. If the book is not completely filled out during the year, it is extended for the next year, about which the head of the enterprise makes an entry in the book. All appeals of citizens are considered, the answer is prepared by the head of the pharmacy and, together with the book, is submitted to the directorate. After familiarization with the management of the enterprise, the answer is sent to the applicant within 10 days by registered mail with notification.

In the structure of pharmacy No. 1 there is a small-scale retail network - a drugstore DLO located in the building of polyclinic No. 3. In accordance with the order of the directorate of the enterprise, the activities of the pharmacy are checked by sections. Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up in two copies, reflecting the actual state of the activities carried out. When drawing up the act, the document is indicated in accordance with which the check is carried out, the act is signed by the person who carried out the check and the head of the pharmacy.

At the time of internship renovation works in pharmacy no. 1 was not carried out. The repair work is preceded by the conclusion of an agreement between construction organization and the head of the Pharmacy enterprise. An estimate of the work is drawn up, indicating the volume and cost of tariffs for services. Repair is major and cosmetic. If there is a redevelopment of premises, then this is considered a major overhaul. At overhaul must be agreed with the Bureau of Technical Expertise (BTI). Upon completion of the repair and construction work, an act of acceptance and delivery of repair work is drawn up, which is signed by the head of the pharmacy. When carrying out work related to the replacement of communications, electrical networks, the construction organization is provided with a document confirming professional readiness and the right to perform these types of work.

Production meetings are held in the directorate of the enterprise. The pharmacy conducts classes to improve the level of professional knowledge and study regulations in accordance with the orders of the management of the enterprise.

If your company does not have a regular practice of conducting interviews regarding the assessment of the work done, then you will do a good job if you introduce them into your practice. This should not be turned into an empty formality as a rule, the less formal such conversations, the more effective they are. Just make a practice of discussing with your subordinates the results of their work, regardless of whether the work is excellent, satisfactory, or poor. Sometimes you need it. just to convince each of them that you know and appreciate their efforts, or to remind them that there are none.

Head of Practice (industrial, educational)

It should be noted here as a common drawback in the work of all organizations working according to the Saratov system, the inability to calculate the economic effect from improving the quality, reliability and durability of products. It is not easy to assess correctly the quality of the work of research and design work, however, in the practice of the design and design bureaus of the region, very interesting and original calculations were born that determine or, more precisely, try to determine the level of quality of the work of designers. In these bureaus, for each designer, special journals (or cards) of the work record are kept, in which the designers note the time spent by them on the execution different types works.

For more than 2000 years, the government prerogative, or the exclusive right to provide society with money, meant in practice only a monopoly on the minting of coins - gold, silver or copper. It was during this period that such a prerogative began to be accepted unconditionally as an essential attribute of sovereignty, shrouded in a veil of mystery with which the sacred power of rulers was usually associated. Perhaps this idea arose even earlier than the sixth century BC, when the Lydian king Croesus minted the first coins - even at the time when it was customary to put marks on metal ingots in order to certify the fineness of the metal.

The completed report is submitted to the manager for verification. The report adopted by the head is subject to protection before the commission appointed by the head of the department, which is carried out with a differentiated assessment on a 5-point scale, taking into account the correct answers to questions, the quality of the data presented in the report and the depth of the analysis, the student's observance of labor discipline during the internship. A student who has not completed the internship program, received a negative review of the work and an unsatisfactory grade when defending the report, or who did not defend the report within the prescribed time limit, is not allowed to complete the diploma project.

The cargo is delivered to the warehouse, where it is checked in accordance with the invoice and accompanying document for quantity, assortment, quality. The warehouse manager or storekeeper accepts the values, and if a shortage is found, a representative of a disinterested organization is involved. For the revealed discrepancy between the quantity and quality of the cargo delivered to the warehouse, an acceptance certificate is drawn up, where the amount of the shortage is recorded and the amount collected from the supplier is established. The acceptance certificate serves as the basis for filing a claim against the supplier. It is drawn up according to the form No. M-7 in two copies by the members of the acceptance committee with the obligatory participation of the financially responsible person and the representative of the disinterested organization. The act is approved by the head of the organization or another authorized person. One copy of the act with the attached primary documents is transferred to the accounting department to record the movement of material assets, the other - to the supply service (supplier). In practice, various situations of shortage or damage to cargo may arise both along the route and in a specific situation. The necessary additional data, which are not highlighted in the form of an act by special lines, are recorded in the Other data section.

The proposed textbook written by the Deputy Head of the Department of Legal Support of the Market Economy of the Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation, devoted to issues legal regulation entrepreneurial activity. In an organic unity, it examines the system of existing regulatory legal acts and the practice of their application. Special attention the relationship between economics and law, the role of state bodies and local self-government bodies in the formation, functioning and development of entrepreneurship, their interaction with business entities is given.

This category of sellers provides sales support for retail and wholesale. Ordering can take place nationwide at company headquarters, but sales to individual retailers are directly supported by merchandise experts who provide guidance during sample demonstrations, practice sales promotions, monitor inventory levels and maintain contact with warehouse managers. ...

It is advisable for a specialist in modern domestic libraries, first of all, directors / heads and heads of structural divisions - library managers to know theoretically and apply in practice the main provisions of marketing as a market concept of managing a library and information institution. The importance of mastering the management personnel of libraries with marketing tools is determined by the objective need for each Russian library to develop its own strategic line of activity for the future, as well as to determine the adaptively flexible tactics of daily work.

Delegation of PM responsibilities is constantly changing. In most organizations, human resource management activities are carried out by two groups of specialists (PM-specialists) and managers-practitioners (P-managers). P-managers (managers, department heads, vice presidents) are included in this activity insofar as they are responsible for the efficient use of all the resources at their disposal, Human resources are a very specific type

In 1944, new Standard staffs of city, regional and children's libraries with a fund of up to 60 thousand volumes appeared, which existed until 1973. The number of librarians was established depending on the size of the fund and the volume of work for each employee, including the head, there should have been at least 1 thousand readers and 20 thousand book loans. In 1950, the department of architecture of the State Library of the USSR named after IN AND. Lenin developed a spreadsheet to help design public libraries. For the first time, recommendations appeared on the optimal size of the area of ​​premises for library institutions, depending on the size of their collections, which was indirectly linked to the possible number of potential readers. In the early 50s. On the initiative of the Committee for Cultural and Educational Work of the RSFSR, to which the state public libraries were subordinate, the practice of drawing up five-year plans for the development of librarianship in rural areas, where the shortcomings in such services to the population were most acute, began.

Performance by the employee, in addition to the main job, of other paid work without employment established posts in the same enterprise, institution and organization is not a part-time job (performance by teachers of general education schools and teachers of secondary specialized educational institutions of the duties of managing classrooms and laboratories, teaching work of directors, deputy directors, heads educational part educational institutions, management of subject and cycle commissions, the work of engineering and technical workers in the management of industrial training and practice of students, duty medical professionals in excess of the monthly norm of working time, etc.).

Make up a certain, the most effective, in your opinion, system of practical recommendations on the technique of self-management (for a specific head of the department), What is the relevance and effectiveness of your proposed method? Try to use it in practice.

The university administration practices various forms operational, informational and instructive production meetings, in which deans and heads of departments take part.

Reference book for chiefs. What is included in the director's or department head's directory depends on a number of factors, including the scale and type of business of the company, the persons who receive these directories (only bosses or managers of various ranks). The guidelines included expand or limit the company policies and practices contained in directories for all company employees.

The allowances are established for a certain period, but not more than one year, by order of the institution in agreement with the elected trade union body on the basis of the submission of the team of the structural unit. The surcharges are canceled in case of deterioration in performance or the end of particularly important or urgent work... For the heads of health care institutions (chief doctors, directors, managers, chiefs), allowances are established by the decision of the higher health management body for work aimed at developing the institution, applying advanced methods of diagnosing and treating patients, new drugs and medical equipment in the institution’s practice.

Directors, their deputies for scientific and educational work, scientific secretaries, heads of departments and specialties, heads of educational units, heads of research departments, heads of postgraduate studies (sectors), heads who do not perform teaching at the same educational institution, methodologists, senior researchers, researchers, foremen and instructors of production training and laboratory assistants - 24 working days.

To persons of the administrative and educational personnel of educational institutions listed in paragraph 4 of this order, directors, their deputies for scientific and educational work, heads of departments and specialties, heads of educational units, heads of postgraduate studies, heads of students' industrial practice, academic secretaries, simultaneously performing the same educational institution pedagogical work-. in the amount of not less than 1/3 of the corresponding annual rate, leave is granted with a duration of 48 working days.

It is better to double-check the weight of the purchased goods on the same scales, which the seller also used when releasing the goods, but previously subjected to a separate independent check for serviceability (accuracy) and adjusted. In practice, there are and sometimes there are certain technical tricks for underestimating the indicators of weight (volume, measure), with which the inspectors should also be familiar. Rechecking and adjustment can be entrusted to the seller himself, the head of the section or store, but in this case, the current control of the inspectors over the implementation of these procedures is also necessary.

The practice of annual inventories is not unusual for Western enterprises either. But here the warehouse manager is not responsible for the deviation of the cost of real inventories from their book value, these losses are borne by the company.

Fatkhutdinov Rais Akhmetovich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems. Was born in 1938 in the city of Zlatoust. He studied at a mining college, served in the army. In 1966 he graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute. He worked as a mining foreman, designer, economist at the enterprises of Donetsk, Ufa and Krasnodar, head of a department at a research institute, head of the department of economics and management at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering. In practice, he studied the features of technology, economics, management of engineering enterprises, the oil, defense industry and other sectors of the national economy. In 1989 he defended his doctoral dissertation on planning the efficiency of machines at the Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Economics.

Let me give you an example from my own practice. It's not about commercial firm and oh government agency- on the outpatient department of a psychiatric hospital (for adults), which, among other things, is engaged in the methodological support of the city's psychotherapeutic service. I am the manager. I have rates. I need employees. A girl psychologist comes for an interview. Let's start a conversation ...

If you look closely at the practice of project management in some organizations, you will find a lot of oddities in it. In this regard, the analogy with a hospital in which surgeons plan operations without thinking about whether the operating room will be free at the right time is appropriate. Imagine a situation when one fine morning 10 surgeons with patients prepared for the operation appear in the operating room at the same time, but none of them is familiar with the work schedule of the operating unit, the personnel of which is subordinate own leader... Let us also assume that the head of the operating room himself is not going to operate on that day and orders his subordinates to help other surgeons. At the same time, each surgeon gets access to the limited resources of the operating room, where there is only one operating table, one anesthesiologist and one surgical nurse, but only for 15 minutes. In this case, the first surgeon can begin to operate, but after fifteen minutes he is obliged to empty the table for the second surgeon, who in turn

Chief consultant for psychology and management Kudashev Azat Rishatovich - professor, head of the department of management at BAGSU, doctor of psychological sciences. Consultants with scientific degrees, leading psychology consultants in NLP, training, as well as practitioners.

Some firms practice "exclusion management" at this stage. at each performance level, a minimum level is determined, and if the results exceed it, no corrective action is taken. Peak levels are often set as well, as results that exceed them indicate either exceptional efforts by the salesperson, for which he deserves a reward, or a change in some key metrics in determining performance levels. For example, an excessively high level of sales revenue may be the result of a large new customer in a given region, which greatly increases the sales potential in that region. Elimination management is the most economical in terms of saving the sales manager's time, since it allows him to focus on exceptional situations.

S.I. G.V. Plekhanov. In 1929 he was elected professor of the Moscow Higher Technical School, and in 1932 he was appointed head of the Department of General Chemical Technology of the Military Academy. K. E. Voroshilov. where he taught courses at the same time. In addition to General Chemical Technology and special courses on the technology of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium salts and fertilizers, S.I. taught courses on Physicochemical Basics of Chemical Technology and Fundamentals of Design and Calculation of Chemical Technology.

Leadership is an essential component of an organization's activities in achieving a goal. The main task of the leader is to organize the work of subordinates according to their qualifications, abilities, inclinations; based on this, build models of organizational ties; monitor the effective performance of work. Such a versatility of the manager's work requires him to perform various, but complementary functions: administrator, organizer, specialist.

In the role of an administrator, the manager exercises his powers to ensure the development of the organization in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, develops and implements personnel policy.

Performing the functions of an organizer, the leader creates the conditions necessary for the fruitful activity of the team in achieving common goals; coordinates the actions of subordinates involved in management and production processes.

As a specialist, that is, a professionally well-trained person who possesses knowledge and experience in a particular area, the manager is called upon to correctly outline the tasks, competently analyze and effectively control the progress of their implementation.

In connection with the formation of new socio-economic tasks of enterprises, modern leaders must possess the qualities of managers. At the same time, the main requirements include: a wide range of specialized knowledge in the field of market research, marketing planning, pricing, organization of sales channels, accounting, foreign trade, labor legislation, etc .; entrepreneurial spirit, that is, the ability to achieve specific economic and social goals, choosing original, non-standard solutions related to economic risk; perseverance, purposefulness, striving for the obligatory achievement of the set goals.

As a manager, a manager must:

· Organize and plan the production and sale of products;

· Make the right management decisions;

· Conduct business negotiations;

· Select and train workers;

Lead the team at the level modern requirements;

· Encourage employees to be creative, rationalize, invent, celebrate and evaluate every achievement of a subordinate;

· Be extremely objective, regardless of their tastes;

Find a way out of conflict situations, etc.

There is a fairly extensive list of characteristics that contribute to effective leadership. To such personal qualities usually include the mind, the level of intelligence, self-confidence, dedication, energy, initiative, severity and exactingness, politeness, a benevolent attitude towards subordinates, etc.

The head or director of the pharmacy, as the head, organizes the work on drug provision of the population and medical and prophylactic institutions, manages the trade, financial and administrative activities of the pharmacy. Accordingly, its functions include:

· Licensing of pharmacy activities and control over compliance with licensing conditions;

· Business contacts with government and regulatory authorities;

· Ensuring the proper organization of all trade, production and business operations in the pharmacy;

· Control over the availability of an assortment of medicinal products, compliance with the rules for their dispensing;

· Organization of supply of medicines and medical products (MP);

· Organization of drug quality control;

· Monitoring compliance with the rules for dispensing medicines;

· Control over the observance of the sanitary regime, the rules for storing medicines in the pharmacy and medical institutions;

· Hiring and dismissing employees, concluding agreements on material liability, approving work schedules;

· Selection, placement, education and professional development of personnel;

· Introduction of progressive forms of work;

· Organization of information work;

· Organization of sanitary and educational work among the population;

· Ensuring the implementation of all business and financial transactions;

· Organization of correct accounting and reporting, planning the activities of the pharmacy;

· Adoption management decisions on organizational and production issues, monitoring their implementation, etc.

The functions of the deputy head of a pharmacy include: receiving goods from suppliers; operational communication with suppliers, control and analytical laboratory; preparation of applications-orders for medicines and medical devices; delivery of goods to medical institutions and structural units of the pharmacy; control over the observance of the pharmaceutical order; scheduling of going to work and others, determined by the functional and job description.

Quality management activities has a direct impact on the work of each employee and the success of the organization as a whole. One of the main directions of increasing the efficiency of management activity is its division and cooperation. They are carried out on three grounds: technological, functional and professional qualification.

According to the technological characteristics of personnel labor, management is distributed by type of work according to the specialization of workers.

The functional division and cooperation of labor are based on specialization in the performance of various management functions.

On the basis of professional qualifications, responsibilities are distributed and responsibilities are delineated between employees, taking into account the position held, which is necessary for this qualification.

Distribution and cooperation of management activities in pharmaceutical organization fixed in the job descriptions, which determine the organizational and legal status of the head of any management level. The instruction is developed on the basis of the Regulation on a specific position regarding specific employee taking into account his knowledge, experience, personal and business qualities, the specifics of the pharmacy.

in a management system, the main carrier of information is a document that constitutes a specific subject and result of management activities. According to the results of some studies, the manager spends 30 to 80% of his working time on working with documents. So, the organization of document flow directly affects the efficiency of the head.

Among the factors that affect the efficiency of a manager's work, an important place belongs to planning and increasing the efficiency of working time, as well as the psychological aspects of managerial activity.

The efficiency of a manager's work largely depends on the organization of his personal work... When organizing others, the leader must first of all be organized himself. This work of his is called self-management, those. self-organization, self-government. Self-management helps to improve management efficiency and improve the performance of the entire team of the enterprise.

The main goal of organizing a manager's personal work is to save his working time and make the most of his own capabilities. Each manager sets the system for organizing personal work independently, based on specific conditions, scope of activity, the nature of the work performed, the number of subordinate employees, etc.

The main components of self-management are:

· Organization of the manager's workplace;

· Optimization of the working environment in the workplace;

· Analysis of the costs of working time;

· Planning by the manager of his work;

· Holding business meetings and meetings and participating in them;

· Organization of public speaking;

Reception of visitors and holding business conversations(business contact technique);

· Organization of information services for the manager's work, improving his qualifications.

Correct organization and rational equipment of the manager's workplace make it possible to rationally and with least cost labor to perform their functions, to communicate fruitfully with visitors, employees and subordinates, to receive visitors, to maintain high efficiency and working mood.

Working time planning involves a number of interrelated stages: time tracking, cost analysis, working day planning.

The methods of time tracking include: photography, self-photography, timing, instant observation, the choice of which depends on the goals set.

The analysis of the costs of working time is aimed at finding out: a) does the work performed correspond to the position, qualifications, b) does the time spent on performing the work exceed rational norms? According to many studies, management workers with higher education 30-70% of working time is spent on performing functions that do not provide for higher and sometimes secondary specialized education.

All this indicates the need for planning the manager's working time, which is based on the development of a certain mode, the corresponding regulations, robot schedules. Planning should be carried out both for the long term and for more short term- week, day.

Responsibilities of the head of the practice in preparation for the practice:

1. receiving from the manager. Department of instructions on the conduct of practice, educational, methodological and accompanying documentation.

2. familiarization with the regulation on industrial practice students, with the content and characteristics of the contract for the practice concluded with the enterprise.

3. study of the program and educational and methodological documentation for the practice.

4. development of a working curriculum, a thematic calendar plan, an internship calendar.

Responsibilities of the head of the practice in the initial period of practice:

1. together with the personnel department and the head. the department to prepare an order "on the direction of college students for industrial practice."

2. holding an organizational meeting with trainees, at which to inform about the terms of the internship, familiarize with the internship program, the peculiarities of internship at different enterprises.

3. get to know the head of the practice from the enterprise, familiarize him with the requirements for keeping a diary and drawing up a report, agree on individual tasks.

4. Together with the head of the enterprise, distribute students to workplaces, paying attention to the correspondence of the workplace to the studied specialty.

5. take part in instructing students on safety measures and supervise their passing of the test.

6. to organize time keeping records of students' attendance in practice.

7. Ensure the timely arrival of students for practice.

Responsibilities of the head of practice in the process of practice:

1. monitor the implementation of the schedule and advise students on the implementation of the internship program.

2. at each visit to the practice base, check the keeping of diaries, the implementation of individual tasks.

3. to control the training of students in safety rules, provision of specials. clothing, personal protective equipment.

4.control over compliance with the rules of internal and work schedule when passing practice.

5. providing systematic methodological assistance to students in the implementation of the practice program, the selection of materials for course and diploma design, the implementation of individual assignments.

6. systematically inform the college management about the course of the internship.

7. participation in the work of the commission for acceptance of tests on safety measures, in the conduct of exams for the assignment of working qualifications.

8. to assist the heads of practice from production in organizing and conducting lectures, excursions and other events.

Responsibilities of the head of the practice after the end of the practice:

1. Drawing up conclusions on the quality of the internship by each student.

2. Submit to the head of the department a written report on the completed practice. The lecturer's report should reflect the following issues: the enterprises in which the internship took place, the names of the students in practice, the date and number of the order for the admission of students in practice, the names and positions of the heads of the internship from production, the actual time spent by the students in practice, the implementation of the program and the schedule of internship, conversations, lectures, excursions with students, the state of discipline, a brief description of bases of practice.

3. Submit to the head of the department a transcript with grades for industrial practice, production characteristics and certificates of qualification for each student.

4. Submit reports and diaries to the head of the department.

5. Conduct a student conference on the results of practical training.



[Job title]



[Name of company]

________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"____" ____________ 20__


Head of educational and industrial practice

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the head of educational and industrial practice [Organization name in the genitive case] (hereinafter - Educational institution).

1.2. The head of the educational and production practice belongs to the category of managers, is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of [name of the position of the immediate manager].

1.3. The head of the educational and industrial practice is directly subordinate to the [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Educational institution.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional education and work experience in teaching positions or leadership positions in organizations in the direction professional activity corresponding to the activity of an educational institution (structural unit), at least 3 years.

1.5. The head of the educational and industrial practice should know:

  • laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education;
  • priority directions of development educational system Russian Federation;
  • basic information about the development of education in foreign countries;
  • theory and methods of management of educational systems;
  • local regulations educational institution;
  • the procedure for drawing up curricula;
  • rules for maintaining documentation for educational work;
  • modern forms and methods of teaching and education;
  • fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology, ecology, economics, law, sociology;
  • financial and economic activities of an educational institution;
  • fundamentals of administrative, labor and economic legislation, personnel management;
  • rules for labor protection and fire safety.

1.6. The head of educational and industrial practice in his activities is guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Educational institution;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety measures, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • this job description.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of the head of educational and industrial practice, his duties are assigned to [the name of the position of the deputy], who is appointed in the prescribed manner, acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the educational and industrial practice performs the following duties:

2.1. Organizes training and ensures the conduct of educational and industrial practice in accordance with the charter of the educational institution and the regulation on practice.

2.2. Carries out general management of all types and areas of training and industrial practice in areas (specialties) of training of an educational institution (structural unit, faculty (institute), branch).

2.3. Determines the strategy, goals and objectives of educational and industrial practice.

2.4. Carries out the development and submission for approval of educational and methodological documents on the conduct of all types of educational and industrial practice.

2.5. Carries out work to ensure the conduct of educational and industrial practice in the areas (specialties) of training of an educational institution together with representatives (heads) of organizations that correspond to the profile training of students.

2.6. Together with leaders educational institutions (structural units) solves educational, methodological, administrative, financial, economic and other issues arising in the process of work to ensure the conduct and conduct of educational and industrial practice.

In case of official necessity, the head of educational and industrial practice may be involved in the implementation of his job duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The head of the educational and industrial practice has the right:

3.1. To give subordinate employees and services assignments, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. Monitor the execution of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks by the services subordinate to him.

3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities, subordinate services and units.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues related to his competence.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.6. Enjoy other rights established Labor Code RF and other legislative acts of the RF.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The head of the educational and production practice bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of one's own labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Not enforcing labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the head of educational and industrial practice is carried out:

4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the process of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the head of the educational and industrial practice is the quality, completeness and timeliness of the fulfillment of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of the head of educational and industrial practice is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the Educational Institution.

5.2. Due to production needs, the head of the educational and production practice is obliged to travel to business trips(including local significance).

5.3. To resolve operational issues to ensure production activities the head of the educational and industrial practice may be allocated official vehicles.

6. Authority to sign

6.1. In order to ensure his activities, the head of the educational and production practice is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues attributed to his competence by this job description.

Acquainted with the instructions ____ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__


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