Events with children dedicated to the holiday of May 9

Holiday script for senior children preschool age dedicated to Victory Day.

"These days the glory never ceases."

Characters:children senior group, educators, music worker, physical instructor.

Attributes: posters about the Second World War, the Victory flag, flags, flowers, musical accompaniment.

The course of the event.

Leading: Victory Day has come! May 9 is a bright and joyful holiday. 72 years ago on this day the war ended. We remember with gratitude our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. To all the soldiers, veterans who are not with us, we owe the fact that we now live under a peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them!

1 child. Festive flag, raising to heaven,

Enters the square, May 9th.

The city is dressed in full dress,

Even the sun has a solemn color.

2 child. This holy, heroic holiday.

Great-grandfather and great-grandson share equally.

The whole country wants to embrace warriors,

With pride, looking at their orders.

3child. Victory Day is a holiday

This is fireworks in the evening,

Many flags in the parade

People are singing joyfully!

4 child. Great-grandfathers, soldiers of Victory,

Cast in bronze, sung in songs!

Glory to the lost! Glory to the living!

To all generals and all privates!

Leading : May 9 is not just a joyful and happy holiday, it is the day of the end of the war, which lasted for 4 whole years. (One thousand four hundred and eighteen days and nights ...) And it began on a beautiful summer morning, June 22, 1941, when many people were peacefully going about their usual affairs.

Dramatization of the beginning of the war, children of the older group.

To the melody "Rio - Rita" children live a peaceful life, jump ropes, boys play with airplanes, girls throw a ball.

Suddenly there are explosions of flying bombs, children are distracted from the game and look up (into the sky) with frightened eyes, covering their heads.

Levitan begins to talk about the beginning of the war, the children disperse to the sides. (The recording of Levitan's message about the beginning of the Second World War sounds).

Leading: On June 22, 1941, at exactly 4 o'clock, Hitler's troops attacked our homeland. They bombed cities and villages from planes, fired at them with tanks and cannons. All the people, young and old, rose to defend the country.

Sounds in the background "Farewell to Slavyanka".

Scene "Escorted to the front".

2 girls and 1 boy come out.

Boy : Don't cry, little sister,

Mom, don't cry

I will return with Victory

To our native land!

The boy leaves, hugging the girls, stands near the red kerchief. The girls are crying, waving, leaving.

A couple comes out - a boy and a girl.

Boy: A brave warrior takes cities,

I will always be brave, fearless!

(They say goodbye, the boy leaves for a second red scarf).

Two pairs come out.

1 Boy : We have tanks and machine guns,

We have guns and planes!

2 Boy: Let us fearlessly destroy enemies,

To free the homeland!

Boys say goodbye to girls, go to red kerchiefs.

Dance composition "Scarlet sunsets" (performed by children of the older group).

Many went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young guys - some in anti-aircraft gunners, some in telephone operators, some in scouts ...

Staging of S. Mikhalkov's poem "We Are Warriors Too"

(Children are distributed throughout the hall, put on elements of costumes, take the necessary attributes).

1 child. Signalman(sits on a high chair, on his head - headphones, in his hands - a microphone or telephone)

Hello, Jupiter? I am "Almaz"

I can hardly hear you at all,

We occupied the village with a fight,

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

2 child. Nurse(bandages a wounded man sitting on a chair, he groans)

Why are you roaring like a bear?

A trifle left to endure

And your wound is so light

That will heal for sure!

3 child. Sailor (looks into the distance through binoculars)

An airplane is on the horizon!

On the course, full speed ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew!

Set aside - our fighter!

Two pilots are examining the map.

1st pilot:

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,

Fly to the target in seven minutes!

2nd pilot:

The battle order is understood,

The enemy will not leave us!

6 child. Scout(walks near the central wall, holding a machine gun)

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here?

We clean the house behind the house ...

All together: We will find the enemy everywhere!

Leading : On cold autumn evenings, in moments of calm between battles, the soldiers were resting, sitting by the fire, mending their clothes, cleaning their guns, remembering peaceful days, singing songs. The soldiers remembered their wives, beloved girls, sisters, mothers. They remembered how good it was with them at home, cozy and warm. They knew that they were waiting for them from the war, they believed that they would return alive and with VICTORY! And this always made my soul warmer. With what joy was every news from home.

The child unfolds the sheet, "reads"

This little yellow leaf

the wind will carry my song away,

To help you in battle.

Remember the girl believes and waits

And love, and your victory!

Leading: The poems are simple, naive, but there is so much hope and love in them! Such letters were necessary for the soldier. It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song that everyone now knows, both adults and children, has become a symbol of loyalty and hope. This song turned out to be dear to everyone and everyone. And in the days of the war, the soldiers nicknamed "Katyusha" a formidable artillery weapon, which the enemies panickedly feared.

Children sing the song "Katyusha".

Leading : There were heavy battles not far from Moscow, and here is a short respite before the battle. During the rare hours of rest, the soldiers wrote letters to their families and loved ones.

Leading: Now we live in peacetime, but the memory of the soldiers is eternal. Many families still have letters from the front. These letters are triangle letters. They were sent without envelopes and stamps. What do you think the soldiers wrote home about? Of course, they wrote about the war, that they miss their families, that they are fighting for happiness and a peaceful sky for all people.

A boy comes out, sits down on the heap, unfolds a letter folded into a triangle.

Hello dear Maxim! Hello my beloved son!

I am writing from the front line, tomorrow morning there will be another battle!

We will drive the fascists, take care, son, mother,

Forget sadness and sadness, I will return with victory!

I will finally hug you

Goodbye. Your father.

Four children come out, read a letter from the front.

1 child

My dear, dear ones! Night. The light of a candle trembles.

This is not the first time I remember. How do you sleep on a warm stove.

2 child

In our little old hut. That in the deaf forests is lost,

I remember the field, the rivulet. Again and again I remember you.

3 child

My brothers and sisters are dear! Tomorrow I'm going to fight again

For my Fatherland, for Russia. That she was in dire trouble.

4 child

I will gather my courage, strength. I will beat the Germans without pity.

So that nothing threatens you. So that you can learn and live!

Leading: After the war, many mass graves remained in the vastness of our Motherland, on which fresh flowers always lie. This is an irreparable loss, a great price for victory, for peace in our land. These flowers are a sign of the deepest gratitude to those who defended our Motherland in battles and died for it. And the fire that always burns, as a symbol of the eternal memory of those who died in this terrible war.

Let us bow to all glorious commanders and soldiers,

Let us bow down to both the dead and the living

Let us honor the memory of the dead with a minute of silence


Leading: People did not lose faith in victory even in the most difficult times. “The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours! "- these words sounded everywhere. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. Finally, the enemy was broken! The warriors liberated not only our Motherland from the fascist invaders, but also many European countries. They reached Berlin and planted a red flag on the Reichstag. The country was jubilant! Every year, on Victory Day, a Victory Parade is always held on the main square of the city.

Children of the older group perform the dance "Kazachok".

Leading: Once again, we congratulate everyone on the Great Victory Day. We wish you health, long life and, of course, a peaceful sky over your head.

Child. Let there never be a war!

Trouble won't touch us anymore!

On Victory Day, all songs are sung,

Fireworks are sparkling in honor of the Victory!

All participants stand in a semicircle and perform the song "Solar Circle".

To the song Victory Day, the children organized taken from the audience.

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Development for students in grades 5-11.

Purpose of the event: create conditions for the formation of a sense of pride in their homeland, preservation of the memory of the heroism of our soldiers in the Great Patriotic War.


  • To develop students' interest in the historical past of our country, the military history of the Fatherland.
  • Propagation of wartime songs and military poems.
  • Counteract attempts to falsify the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Registration: St. George ribbons, flowers, posters, presentation for poems with pictures of battles and battles, video presentation about the Great Patriotic War.

What is better: life, where the bonds of captivity,
Or death, where are the Russian banners,
To be heroes or slaves?

F. Glinka, from "War Song"

A phonogram sounds in the hall. The growing drone of aircraft is heard.

Event progress

D: This year we are celebrating a significant date - the 72nd anniversary of the Victory of the peoples of our multinational Motherland in the Great Patriotic War, a victory that the country inherited at the cost of great deeds and incredible losses.

M: This was a long-awaited and joyful event not only for the army that defeated the enemy, but also for all people, home front workers who worked hard days and nights to provide the soldiers with everything they needed.

D: Today we bow our heads to the memory of millions of fallen defenders of the Fatherland, whose feat led to victory over the enemy.
Eternal glory to them! Everlasting memory!

M: Let's get in touch with the inner world of a person, a soldier-warrior. After all, first of all, it is someone's father, son, brother, whose war has deprived him of the opportunity to live peacefully, study, work and be close to their loved ones.

D: The memory of generations is inextinguishable

And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor,
Come on people, let's get up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Let us honor the memory with a minute of silence.

D: The hot June night was over, the dawn of a new day was already rising - Sunday, June 22, 1941. And at that time, thousands of Nazi soldiers, many hundreds of aircraft and tanks crossed the border of our Motherland.


Sad willows bent to the pond
The month is floating above the water.
There, at the border, stood guard
At night, a young fighter ...
On a dark night he did not sleep, did not doze,
He erased his native land, -
In the thicket of the forest he heard footsteps
And lay down with a gun.
Black shadows grew in the fog
The cloud in the sky is dark ...
The first shell exploded in the distance -
This is how the war began.
Peacefully the country woke up
On this June day
Just turned around
There are lilacs in the squares.
Rejoicing in the sun and the world
Moscow met the morning.
Suddenly spread over the air
Memorable words ...
The voice is confidently stern
The country immediately recognized it.
On our doorstep in the morning
The war flared up.

M: Destroying and destroying, mercilessly burning and killing everything in their path, the fascists moved on the territory of Russia to its heart - Moscow.

Our people rose to defend the Fatherland, and therefore the war was called Patriotic. Fathers, brothers, sons went to the front. In a mortal battle with the enemy, Soviet soldiers hardened and strengthened their love for their native land, the determination to defend the Motherland to the last drop of blood.


Everything was on fire: flowers and maples,
The epic was not alive.
Dusty bush around
It rustled with charred leaves.
You will look to the right - dear
Wheat is dying on the vine.
To the left - there is no end and no edge
Spaces given over to fire.
The land seemed to be to the limit
She was on fire.
And everything, withered, hummed:
"Cursed be the war!"
We will not give up the boundless blue fields
Where we won and we will win
We will not give up the beautiful Motherland
We will not give it up!

D: War. Terrible, cruel time. The time of the hardest trials, incredible exertion of all the forces of the people fighting against the merciless enemy. But war is not only heavy, bloody battles, decisive battles. War is hard, exhausting, incessant work of people in the rear. In factories for the manufacture of shells, weapons, clothing for the army. But the men were at the front, their wives and children, the elderly, those who could not go to the front took their places at the machines. Labor became the main thing for them. We lived from hand to mouth, malnourished, not resting, forgetting about ourselves. "Everything for the front, everything for the victory!" - the main slogan of those days.

M: Let's not forget. That in the days of the war the soldiers nicknamed the "Katyusha" multi-barreled guards mortar - formidable weapon, whom the enemies were afraid of in panic. And a song was composed about this.

The choir sings. Song "Katyusha" Music - Matvey Blanter, lyrics - Mikhail Isakovsky.


There were battles on the sea and on land,
Shots rumbled all around
Songs from "Katyusha" were heard
Near Moscow, beyond Kursk and Orel.
Raised the spirit of the Soviet soldiers,
She sang a victory march, a battle
And buried enemies in the grave
Under the great Kursk arch.
At the fronts, she did not lose heart,
She sang loud songs
Only then did the Katyusha become silent,
How the war ended in Victory!

D: Victory went to our people at a high price. For almost 4 years - 1418 days and nights - the war was going on. These were years of hardship, grief, hard work. Cities and villages have been devastated, fields burned out, dreams and hopes of people cut short. At the same time, these were years of courage, selfless love for the Motherland.

M: The Great Patriotic War ... In the battles for the homeland, everyone who could hold weapons in their hands stood to death, defended every inch of the earth.

Let's remember how it was ... (video)

D: The war has left a mark on almost every family. Our country has lost more than 20 million of its sons and daughters. 1710 cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and villages were in ruins. About 32 thousand industrial enterprises were blown up and destroyed.

M: How many graves of the Unknown Soldier are there in our country? Many. The soldiers died for our peaceful life, for the peaceful life of future generations. And our duty is to remember this, to prevent war and the grief it brings.

D: The last war was also terrible because the Nazis did not spare anyone: they killed children and women, burned entire villages, tried to destroy the entire population of the country.

The floor is given to veterans of the Great Patriotic War (full name) (handing flowers)


It was in May, at dawn.
A battle began at the walls of the Reichstag.
I noticed a German girl
Our soldier is on the dusty pavement.

At the pillar, trembling, she stood,
Fright was frozen in blue eyes.
And pieces of whistling metal
Death and torment sowed around.

Then he remembered how saying goodbye in the summer
He kissed his daughter.
Maybe the father of this girl
His own daughter was shot.

But then, in Berlin, under fire
A fighter was crawling, and his body was shielding
Baby girl in a short white dress
Gently carried it out of the fire.

And stroking with a gentle palm,
He lowered her to the ground.
They say that in the morning Marshal Konev
I reported this to Stalin.

How many children have their childhood returned
Gave joy and spring
Privates of the Soviet Army
People who won the war!

And in Berlin, on a holiday date,
Was erected to stand for centuries
Monument to the Soviet Soldier
With a girl saved in her arms.

He stands as a symbol of our glory,
Like a lighthouse glowing in the darkness.
This is he, a soldier of my state,
Protects peace throughout the earth.

M: May day forty-five ... Familiar and unfamiliar people hugged each other, gave flowers to each other, sang and danced right in the streets. It seemed that for the first time millions of adults and children raised their eyes to the sun, for the first time enjoyed the colors, sounds, smells of life.
It was a common holiday for all our people, for all mankind, and for every person.

Dance "A soldier is walking through the city."

D: Yes, that May morning was filled with glee. But sorrow came through him. People acutely felt the loss of loved ones, acquaintances and strangers; those who died under fascist bullets and shells, torture in concentration camps, in the siege of famine, in burned down villages. They were killed by the war ...

M: This is jubilation and this sorrow. Time does not muffle them. And you and I owe this memory of the most terrible war that touched every family to pass on from generation to generation.

D: Victory Day was, is and should remain the most holy holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now, and we must remember this. Our memory must not go blind.


The war ended in victory
Those years are over.
Burning medals, orders
Many on the chest.
Who wears the order of battle
For deeds in battle,
And who - for the feat of labor
In my native land.
The people won the victory
I did not give the country to the fascists,
Rebuilt the power again
He brought her to great glory.
Bow to you, soldiers,
For blooming May,
For the dawn over the hut,
For the native land.
I bow down soldiers
For your silence
For winged space -
Free country.


Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory,
May soldiers, glory to you forever
From the whole Earth, from the whole Earth!
Thank you soldiers.

1st Reader. For a life!

2nd Reader. For childhood!

3rd Reader. For the spring!

4th Reader. For the silence!

5th Reader. For a peaceful home!

6th Reader. For the world in which we live!

Everything. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Our event, dedicated to the Day Victory has come to an end. Thank you all for your attention!

All participants of the event congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day! (The song "Victory Day", lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov is playing)

Slide 1.

    Music. Before the start of the holiday, the music of the war years sounds. "Victory Day".

Slide 2. (3)

Lead 1.

It was Sunday June 22nd. / In schools, yesterday's tenth graders had fun at prom... / An orchestra was playing, and couples were circling in a waltz. /

02. Music. (Two couples in polka-dot dresses are dancing to the sound of a waltz on stage)

Slide 3.

And at this time, German aircraft were already entering a combat course. They flew east. At 3 hours 45 minutes the sun rose over Moscow, and 15 minutes later ... /

03. Music (Siren)

Bombs fell on the city. The Great Patriotic War began.

Slide 4.

Slide 5.

05. Music ("Holy War")

Slide 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Reader 1._Ivanov-Dranichnikov Nikita, Nazarova Christina 11 "A" class. Poem "Oh, war, what have you done vile" B. Okudzhava.

Slide 12.

Lead 2.

The country rose, everyone who could hold arms, who could defend the Motherland, stood up. Yesterday's schoolchildren besieged military enlistment offices, asked to go to the front, hiding their real age. And they left, so as not to return, went into immortality. Women saw off their sons, fathers, brothers, husbands to the front. They knew how to wait and believe that their loved ones will return.

Slide 13.

Reader 2. Kalinin Denis 10 "B" class. Poem "Wait for me and I will return" K. Simonov.

Slide 14. (4)

Lead 1.

The country lived and fought in incredibly difficult conditions. It turned into a huge camp, engulfed in a single impulse to expel the enemy from our land. People, forgetting about rest, did not leave the factories for days, trying to give the front as many tanks, aircraft, weapons, and ammunition as possible.

Slide 15. (6)

Lead 2.

They say that the war does not have a "woman's face", but women also went to the front. They brought shells, snipers, sappers, anti-aircraft gunners, pilots, sisters of mercy. Sister, sister, sister - that was how the soldiers of the front-line nurses were affectionately called. During the war, over 200 thousand doctors, paramedics, nurses were rescued and returned to service. Risking themselves every minute, they rescued the wounded.

Slide 16.

Reader 3. Gres Danil 7 "A" class. The poem "The girl who went through the war" T. Lavrov

Slide 17.

Lead 1.

Children suffered a lot during the war. / During the war, children have forgotten how to cry. If they got to the Nazis, they quickly realized that they shouldn't cry, otherwise they would be shot. / They are not called "children of war" because of their date of birth. The war brought them up. / They had to see real horror. /

Slide 18 - 26.

Reader 4. Petrikova Anna 10 "B" class. Poem "Barbarism" M. Zhdalil

Slide 27.

Lead 2.

There was no person at the front who did not miss his home, his family. Letters were the only link, the only thread between the front and rear. How much they meant to those who worked in the rear. They gave strength, helped to survive, inspired the fighters to new deeds. As mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers waited for them at home. How happy they were when the postman brought little soldiers' letters - triangles. And how they were afraid to receive an envelope with a postmark - "funeral" ...

Slide 28. (2)

(Children read letters from the front)

Slide 29.

Lead 1.

The places of those battles are sacred

Where the warriors went to feat.

Country Victory Day, spring

They brought from the battles.

06. Music (Battle Sounds)

Slide 30.

Lead 2.

In September 1941, the enemy approached Moscow. The battle for Moscow was one of the bloodiest battles of the Second World War. For three months, German troops came close to the capital. The operation to capture the city was called Typhoon. The defense of the city was led by Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Burning Moscow, exterminating its population, razing it to the ground - that was Hitler's main goal. Muscovites stood up to defend the city. The whole country helped Moscow. As a result of the counter-offensive and the general offensive, the enemy was driven back to the west by 150-400 km. There was also a psychological turning point among the soldiers and civilians: faith in victory was strengthened.

Slide 31.

07. Music (Sign song "At an unnamed height". Performed by Maxim Grinenko, Akhmed Abdullaev, Konstantin Ledochkov. Leader - Irina Mikhailovna Meshcheryakova.)

Slide 32. (4)

Lead 1.

The Battle of Stalingrad began on July 17, 1942. The goal of Germany was to seize an industrial city, enterprises in which produced military products. This plan Hitler wanted to carry out in a week. / On the part of the USSR, the forces of Germany were opposed by the Stalingrad Front. Our army was running out of ammunition. There were fierce battles. / The enemy attacked the city three times. However, the victory eluded his hands. / The Great Battle of Stalingrad ended in a brilliant victory for the Soviet troops on February 2, 1943. The Red Army lost more than 2 million people. In Germany, three months of mourning was declared in connection with the defeat.

Slide 33 (4)

Despite the fierce battles, artists came to raise the morale of the soldiers. / They contributed to the common cause of fighting the enemy. Front-line theaters and concert brigades enjoyed immense popularity. / Risking their lives, these people with their performances proved that the beauty of art is alive, that it is impossible to kill it /

08. Music (Dance "Cossack" Leader Belykh Vladimir Ivanovich. /

09. 10. Music (Pantomime "Nabat" Leader Poidunova Elena Alekseevna. /

Slide 34

Lead 2.

The Battle of the Kursk Bulge began on July 5, 1943, it was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War. More than 6 thousand tanks took part in the battle. / This has never happened in world history. During the battles on the Kursk Bulge, near the village of Prokhorovka, the largest tank battle in history took place. / 800 tanks from each side came together in the battle. It was an impressive and terrifying sight. The battle on the Kursk Bulge lasted for about 50 days and ended on August 23, 1943. / The victory in the Battle of Kursk showed Germany the strength of the Red Army. From that moment on, Hitler's troops began to retreat. The Liberation Army was advancing towards Berlin. In May 1945, Soviet troops hoisted the banner of Victory over the Reichstag. /

Slide 35

Lead 1.

On the 9th day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground

The message rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won! The war is over!

Slide 36

12. Music (Song "About that spring" Leader Marina Vladimirovna Tokareva)

Slide 37.

(Minute of silence. Metronome.) (Video)

Slide 38.

13. Song "A gray heads" Petrikova Galina. Head Filimonova Irina Evgenievna

Slide 39.

Boy in military uniform speaks words

Rakov Igor 11 "A"

I know you have anxiety in your heart -

It's not easy being a soldier's mother!

I know all of you are looking at the road

On which I once left.

Slide 40.

Lead 2.

The soldiers' mothers, even having received a funeral, did not stop hoping and waited for their sons from the front alive many years after the war.

Slide 41.

Reader 4. Kharitonenko Andrey 10 "B" class. "Ballad of Mother" A. Dementyev.

Slide 42.

Slide 43.

14. Music (Song "I want there to be no war." Petrikova Anna 9 "B" Head Irina Evgenievna Filimonova)

Slide 44.

Lead 1.

We will always remember the feats performed in the name of victory during the Great Patriotic War. We will never forget the names of the heroes who fought for the Motherland, gave their lives for our bright future.

Towns and streets are named after them.

Slide 45.

15. Music. Dance "Katyusha". The head is Cherepanova Natalya Yurievna.

Slide 46.

There are many holidays in Russia. But the most important holiday rightfully all people consider May 9 - Victory Day!

Slide 47.

16. Music. Sign song "Main holiday" Leader Meshcheryakova Irina Mikhailovna

All participants of the holiday take the stage.

Slide 48.

Victory Day is the most beloved, the most important, the most sacred holiday for our country, which is of great importance for its history. Therefore, children must be included in the celebration of Victory Day, starting from kindergarten.

Victory Day holiday kindergarten Is not a one-time promotion. it whole system activities that organically fit into the educational process of a preschool institution.

During the preparation for the holiday on May 9 in kindergarten, you need to acquaint children with the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. This can be done during conversations or excursions to the museum, along the streets of the city. The excursions can be carried out with children aged six to seven. At this age, children are already receptive to information, their attention is sufficiently formed.

The following thematic excursions can be organized:

  • “They are named after them” - about the history of the streets that are named after the heroes of the Great Patriotic War;
  • "Immortal Feat" - about the monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War in your city or village, settlement;
  • excursion to the "Eternal Flame" monument;
  • "Place of achievement" - about the significant places of the city, village, township, village and environs. Such an excursion is most relevant for those places where during the Great Patriotic War there were battles, but it can also be conducted at the places of formation of divisions and near those buildings where hospitals, military enterprises were located during the war years, those are where people performed feats in the rear ;
  • a cycle of excursions "City of Labor Glory" - to the enterprises that worked in the rear during the war.

The time of the excursion dedicated to the May 9 holiday for preschool children should not exceed 40-45 minutes. These excursions can be carried out throughout the year, dedicating them to the significant dates of the Great Patriotic War.

Very often, such classes are offered by the Houses of Children's Creativity, where you can take children to a thematic lesson.

In the process of preparing for the holiday on May 9, the kindergarten has an opportunity to clarify and expand the knowledge of children about military equipment and about people of military professions. To do this, you can use toys depicting military equipment, demonstration materials, computer presentation, if conditions permit, or an excursion to the monument - military equipment. Children examine the monument and listen to the teacher's story about it.

Kindergarten events on May 9 can be categorized into different educational areas:

  • socialization,
  • physical education,
  • work,
  • cognition,
  • communication,
  • reading fiction,
  • artistic creation,
  • music.

Educational area "Socialization".

The events dedicated to Victory Day on May 9, included in the educational area "Socialization", form gender, citizenship, and patriotic feelings. With children, you can play role-playing games "Tankers", "Sailors", "Pilots", "Border guards"; games with soldiers "Our army is strong, it protects the world." For these games, you can also use plastic dolls Mitya Voenny, Mitya Moryak, Mitya Spetsnaz and Mitya Pogranichnik from the "Profi" series produced by the Kirov toy factory. To this educational area can be attributed and excursions on the theme "Victory Day on May 9".

Educational area "Labor".

The educational area "Labor" involves the following activities:

  • participation in actions and subbotniks to prepare the territory of the kindergarten for the holiday on May 9 together with parents and teachers;
  • assistance in cleaning up the territory near the monuments of military glory, military monuments;
  • planting flowers in a flower bed in the form of the name of the holiday on May 9;
  • preparation of souvenir gifts for war and labor veterans, war children;
  • preparation of congratulations on the holiday of May 9, which then the children and their parents hang out on the doors of their entrance, on the stairwells.

Educational area "Cognition".

The educational area "Cognition" includes activities that form the idea of ​​the army, about the May 9 holiday. It:

  • cognitive activities on topics: "Kind of troops";
  • the study family tree families, asking parents about relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War;
  • involvement of parents in the joint design of the exhibition, in the selection of exhibits (photographs and letters from family archives) and organization of the exhibition: "I remember, I am proud!"
  • thematic excursions;
  • cognitive classes on the topics: "My grandfather is a soldier", "Victory Parade", " Military equipment"; "The fate of the family in the fate of the country", "Heroes in our family", "Heroes of the Great Patriotic War - our fellow countrymen", "St. George ribbon - a symbol of Victory Day"; meetings with war veterans and home front, children of war.

The educational area "Communication" includes:

  • situational conversations and conversations with children on the topic "Victory Day";
  • conversations on pictures about the war. Pictures for conversations with children: I. Toidze Wartime poster "Motherland Calls", P. Krivonogov "Victory", "Defenders of the Brest Fortress", S. Gerasimov "Mother of the Partisan", A. Loktionov "Letter from the Front", A. Merkulov "Salute of Victory" Yu. Neprintsev "Rest after the battle", G. Marchenko "The beginning of the defeat ...", P. Krivonogov "Duel", "Victory", Yu. Truse "Crossing the Soviet artillery across the Dnieper", A. Samsonov "The road between life and death", A. Sytov "Meeting on the Elbe" and others.

If possible, you can not limit yourself to showing reproductions or slides, but also take the children on an excursion to an art museum or exhibition hall. As a rule, themed exhibitions are opened in Art Schools and Art Schools before May 9, where little art connoisseurs will be gladly welcomed.

Educational area "Reading fiction".

The educational area "Reading Fiction" includes reading stories about the war of the following works:

  • Z. Aleksandrova "Dozor",
  • Ya Akim "Earth",
  • A. Nehod "Pilots",
  • E. Karasev "Hero City"
  • S. Baruzdin "Glory", "Right on target", "For the Motherland",
  • A. Agebaev "Victory Day",
  • A. Mityaev "A bag of oatmeal",
  • O. Vysotskaya "Salute",
  • Yu. Koval "Scarlet",
  • Lyrics by S. Mikhalkov.

With the help of works of art, children's ideas about the war, the army, the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War are formed.

In the process of joint reading of works of fiction about the war, children develop the ability to listen to new works, follow the development of the action, and empathize with the heroes. The teacher explains to the children the actions of the characters and the consequences of these actions. Children can review the most interesting, expressive passages from the read work. The integration of educational areas implies the continuation of activities related to one educational area by the implementation of forms of work in another educational area. For example, after reading a literary work about the war, children can take part in a competition of drawings and illustrations for this work, and then arrange an exhibition of these drawings.

Educational area "Artistic creativity".

You can choose any topic related to Victory Day and a topic appropriate for the age of the children and conduct a drawing lesson. The drawing technique can also be varied and coincide with the thematic plan of classes in kindergarten. Topics can be as follows: "Border guard", "Festive fireworks", " Sea ships"," Airplanes "," Parade "," We are celebrating Victory Day! "

Modeling from plasticine: "Airplane", "Tank", "Cannon", "Fortress", "Soldiers".

Making a holiday card using methods known to children: applique, scrapbooking, quilling, drawing with cereals, etc.

Making collective works on the theme of the May 9 holiday "Salute, Victory!"

Paper construction, origami making: "Airplane", "Tank", "Victory Flowers".

Constructing from natural material and improvised means.

Educational area "Music".

Musical works are used as a means of enriching children's ideas about the war, the army, and the Victory. The following works are suitable for this:

  • PI Tchaikovsky "March of Wooden Soldiers",
  • G. Sviridov "Military March",
  • D. Shostakovich "March",
  • "Katyusha" (music by M. Blanter, lyrics by M. Isakovsky),
  • "Victory Day" (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov),
  • "Yungi" (music by E. Shmakov),
  • "Apple" (music by R. Glier),
  • "Three Tankers" (music. Dm. And Dan. Pokrassov, lyrics by B. Laskin),
  • "Brave Soldiers" (music by V. Soloviev-Sedoy, lyrics by M. Matusovsky),
  • "Anthem of Russia" (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov),
  • "March of Victory" (M. Starokadomsky),
  • "Don't be afraid, mom" (music by M. Protasov, lyrics by E. Shklovsky),
  • "Captain" (music and lyrics by Y. Verizhnikov),
  • "We need one victory" (author B. Okudzhava),
  • "Veterans do not grow old in soul" (music by S. Tulikov, lyrics by I Belinsky),
  • "Clouds" (music and lyrics by V. Egorov),
  • "Let us bow to those great years!" (music A Pakhmutova, lyrics by M. Lvov),
  • "I accept the parade" (music by O. Devochkin, lyrics by E Shklovsky),
  • "May there always be sunshine" muses. A. Ostrovsky, lyrics L. Oshanin),
  • “You could do everything, my Russia” (music by S. Tulikov, lyrics by G. Khodosov).

One of the forms of work related to the educational field "Music", before the May 9 holiday in kindergarten, is traditionally the preparation and holding of a concert for war veterans, children of war, home front workers; participation in district city and regional competitions of preschool groups educational institutions dedicated to Victory Day.

Educational area "Physical culture".

This educational area includes thematic physical education and sports holidays related to the theme of the army, Victory Day on May 9.

Relay "Let's go to the army soon!"

In the process of this relay race, children get acquainted with what kind of troops are in the army, with the types of their activities. Before carrying out the relay, a conversation is held with the children about branches of the armed forces using visual information in the form of demonstration materials.

To show various types of troops, you can use the dolls from the collection "Profi" of the Kirov toy factory - Mitya Voenny, Mitya Moryak, Mitya Pogranichnik. These dolls are dressed in stylized military uniforms, they have a positive image of a preschooler, which is very attractive for children. These dolls help to create a positive image of the military profession in children.

Children 5-7 years old can participate in the relay, three teams of 6-8 people each.

Each relay mission is associated with a stylized image of a certain type of troops. In each separate task, the winning team is determined, based on the results of all relays, the fastest team and the teams that took second and third places are identified. Also, the most dexterous team, the most friendly team, the "loudest team", the most daring team, etc. can be determined.

Before each relay task, the teacher helps the children remember what these troops are doing, explains to the children what is the connection between this task and the proposed type of troops and clearly and accurately explains the task to the children, not forgetting to make sure that they understood it absolutely correctly. This is necessary so that the children do not make mistakes while completing the assignments.

This presented relay offers several tasks to choose from.

Before the start of the relay, a check of the readiness of the troops is carried out. The facilitator explains that he will blow the whistle and that the children must follow the commands.

One whistle - everyone is marching in place.

Two whistles - everyone turns in a circle.

Three whistles - everyone shouts "Hurray!"

After this warm-up game, the relay competition begins.

Relay tasks

  • Infantry

Competition "Step march!"

The first member of the team marches from the start line to the finish line, which is marked with a flag. You can move back in a free style, for example, run. After the first participant has reached his team, he passes the baton to the next, and the second team member also marches to the flag and runs back. When the last member of the team reaches his team, everyone should raise their hands and say: "Ready!" The teams begin to march at the command of the leader "Walk a step!"

A complicated version of the relay, for more physically prepared children: the participants march not in turn, but joining each other: the first, returning, marches to the flag again, but the second participant is already joining him, then the third, and so on, that is, everyone is marching in formation , twos.

Competition "Swamp"

Hoops are laid out on the floor from the start line to the finish line. These are bumps in a swamp. The task of the teams is to run from start to finish, jumping into the hoops. You can run back along the "swamp". If, on the way to the finish line, someone stumbles and falls from a "bump" into a "swamp", he must start over.

Competition "Crossing"

Gymnastic benches are installed. This is a river crossing. The task of the teams is to go from start to finish on the gymnastic benches. You can run back along the benches.

Competition "March-throw"

This is the so-called complex relay race. Each team member has to overcome several stages: to crawl through the hoop, to jump two meters on a rope, to crawl under a gymnastic stick. Everyone just runs back.

  • Artillery

Competition "Hit the Target"

A "target" is set on the finish line - a box or some other container, where team members from a certain line take turns throwing "shells" - small balls. The team that throws the most "shells" wins.

  • Intelligence service

Competition "Night reconnaissance"

The educator explains that scouts, when obtaining information or some kind of materials, often act in the dark in order to remain invisible. From the team, one person is called up - a scout. He is given the task: blindfolded, to touch to find out what objects are in front of him. The items are laid out on the chair after the scout is blindfolded. It can be both traditional items for kindergarten, for example, toys, and unusual, which you usually will not find in kindergarten.

Competition "Crawl and do not hit"

Gymnastics mats are spread on the floor. The task of the participants: in turn, one after another, crawl on the mats under the gymnastic stick, without catching it. Option - a stretched rope or string with bells attached. You need to crawl so that they do not ring.

  • Flight troops

Competition "Flight range"

Assignment for participants: stand on one line and launch airplanes. Teams should have planes of different colors so that you can determine which team member's plane will fly further.

The second version of the relay: if the children own origami and know how to make airplanes, you can give each of them a sheet of A-4 paper for the preliminary production of props for this stage relay races.

  • Navy

Competition "Knit knots"

The task of the teams is to tie as many knots as possible on the ropes offered to them in a minute.

Competition option: everyone in the team is divided into the first - the second, every first knot ties, every second - unties. All do this while standing in the ranks. The winner is the team in which in one minute the rope with a knot will pass through more people.

Competition "Tug of War"

Each team takes on its end of the rope, at the command of the leader, a tug-of-war begins. The winning team is the one that quickly pulls him over to their side.

Competition "Sea campaign"

In basins filled with water, transport the paper boat from one bank to the other as quickly as possible, blowing on it. One person or the whole team can blow.

Travel game "Victory awaits us!"

The meaning of the travel game is the team execution of various tasks that are set at various so-called stations. This form works can have different names: a relay game, a station game, and even a quest game. The meaning remains the same: performing various tasks.

The criteria for winning can also be different:

  • the team that is the first to bypass all the stations can win;
  • the team that will receive the most points for the tasks performed at the stations;
  • a team that, within a certain time, will bypass as many of the proposed stations.

The nature of travel games can also be different. A travel game can be devoted to testing knowledge on a topic; at the stations, children can learn any information, for example, as in our case, concerning the holiday of May 9th.

Also, there may be a different system of passing stations. Teams can have a route sheet, which indicates the location of the stations. In this case, you can visit any station that is currently free. The location and order of passage of stations may be indicated. In this case, the possibility of accumulation of a large number of teams at the same time at one station will be excluded. In the route sheet, the names of stations can be indicated, but it is not written where they are located. This is possible, for example, if all stations are located in the same room, for example, in an assembly hall. The route sheet is also needed in order to mark the stations passed or the points received on them for completing tasks.

For children 6-7 years old, for whom on the May 9 holiday in kindergarten you can play a travel game, it is better to indicate the order of passage of the stations and their location. And, of course, in this case, an adult must go through a travel game with each group in order to eliminate various hiccups.

The number of people in a team can be from five to seven. The number of stations must either coincide with the number of teams or be one more.

Any game-journey necessarily begins with a ruler or collection of the opening of the game, where the theme of the game is called to the children, the rules are explained. Children are divided into teams, they are given route sheets, they are told where the game-travel stations are and the game is started.

1 station "Poetic"

Children compose a quatrain based on the proposed rhymes. The rhymes are given final, they can be interchanged.

Examples of rhymes:

Cannon May Salute Happy Hero

Ear Congratulate Here My Parade

Victory Bouquets Shoot Beauty Soldier

Grandfather Victory Congratulate Cleanliness Awards

2 station "Song"

Children sing war songs known to them.

3 station "Congratulatory"

Children make a greeting card using the proposed decorative elements: pre-prepared flowers, bows and other types of decoration.

4 station "Historical"

Children answer questions about Victory Day.

Examples of questions:

When is Victory Day celebrated in our country?

Name the years when the Great Patriotic War took place.

What are the names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War that you know?

Name the monuments dedicated to the Great Patriotic War in our city.

Name the streets in our city that are named after the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

5 station "Mysterious"

Children solve riddles about travel games.

Examples of riddles:

This boat is not easy
And such a huge one!
Protects our peace
Swims only under water.

As if holiday bouquet,
A light has lit up in the sky!
There are many bright flashes here!
It's festive ... (firework)!

This line cannot be
No way friends go.
She is strictly guarded
And the enemies are not allowed!
(The border).

Flies past the clouds
He is huge and powerful.
Makes its flight
Our military ... (airplane)!

The violator will be caught
And he knows by smell.
Serves in the army without fear
Border ... (dog)!

Jumping out of the plane
They rushed in flight
In the sky, blue, summer, clear.
Who are they? (Parachutists)

We go to the parade in the morning
We shout to grandfather: "Hurray!"
Happy Holidays,
We wish him happiness
We are waiting for the fireworks in the evening
And we go to watch it,
And our grandfathers sing songs to us.
A holiday is ... (Victory Day)!

6 station "Artistic"

Assignment: to portray any object or concept on the theme of the army, Victory Day.

The names can be written on cards that can be in the soldier's cap, from where their commands are taken. Examples of items and concepts: salute, cannon, soldier, border dog, Victory Day, attack, reconnaissance, and so on.

7 station "Bystraya"

Quest "Border"

In 30 seconds, the team must lay out a line of "borders" of the cubes. The number of cubes is recorded in the route sheet. The team with the longer line wins.

The second option for assessing the completed task: each team is given the same number of cubes. The presenter at the station marks with a stopwatch how much time the team lays out the "border" line. The total time of the task is entered in the route sheet. The team that laid out the line faster than the others wins.

At the end of the travel game, everyone again gathers to summarize and close the game. You can award all teams in different nominations: the most friendly team, the fastest, the most poetic, the most musical, the most knowledgeable, the most dexterous, and so on. The main thing is that the children have a desire to participate in such a game again.


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