What are modems. Operators and communication standards. The history of the device

The process of developing advanced technologies immediately moves forward to satisfy even the most demanding Internet users. Some time ago, Internet speeds of several tens of megabits per second were considered almost a myth, however, today, thanks to the development of 4G Internet, this is a reality.

Some consumers believe that in order to get high-quality Internet that is in line with the latest cutting-edge developments, it is enough to purchase a modem that supports 4G, however, this assumption is not one hundred percent correct. There are several nuances that you need to pay attention to when choosing a modem, so as not to be disappointed in its operational capabilities in the future, and also to have prospects for receiving Internet at high speed. In this article, we will consider which 4G modem to choose so that the quality of communication, transmission and receipt of data is at decent level and meet the needs of the consumer.

Before proceeding directly with the purchase of products, it is necessary to study in detail the market of the offered goods, their main technical and functional indicators, which will ensure maximum convenience for the consumer in the future.

4G Internet is a noteworthy alternative to fixed wired communications, which has a number of advantages. Fixed wired access points to the World Wide Web allow you to use the Internet only in a certain place, which causes significant inconvenience for mobile devices. active people. A modem is a device that provides the ability to access the World Wide Web at any time, regardless of the user's location.

To choose the best 4G modem, you first need to decide on the scope of its application, since it directly depends on what type of device will be the best option for a particular consumer.

Types of 4G modems

With the evolutionary dynamics of advanced technologies, the diversity of modems in the sales market has increased. Today, customers can be offered a choice of mobile, wireless and USB modems.

The most purchased and common are USB modems that are synchronized with absolutely all technical devices and have a USB port. The compact modem allows you to connect to the Internet in any place convenient for the consumer, and also has integrated drivers that do not require advanced settings to access the World Wide Web. If you intend to use the Internet on a computer or laptop, then this is the best option for a modem, especially since they differ in an affordable price category.

If access to the Internet will be needed in the vast majority on tablets or mobile phones, then it is better to give preference when choosing a device to models designed for mobile devices. These are small compact devices that have a built-in battery, an access point to 4G Internet.

Some consumers prefer wireless modems that support 4G, are easy to use and multifunctional, provide the ability to connect to the network from any device that allows you to work on the Internet. The disadvantage of this type of modems is only their price, which significantly exceeds the cost of mobile and USB modems.

Provider selection

An important criterion when choosing a device is the preferred modem network. It is worth noting that some specialized stores offer flashed modems for use for a specific service provider. However, it is considered impractical to buy such modems, despite their lower cost compared to universal devices, since the user will be tied to the provider in such a situation and will not be able to change the service provider in the future.

The most popular providers in Russia are Megafon, MTS and Beeline. Their coverage covers almost all regions Russian Federation including small cities and towns. On the website of service providers, regions are indicated in which there is network coverage and uninterrupted communication is guaranteed by the provider. However, before choosing one of the Internet providers, it is worth consulting and consulting with users, if possible, test the connection in the region where the modem will most often be used.

The most rational solution would be to choose a 4G modem of a universal modification, which allows you to change the Internet provider by simply replacing the operator's card.

Modem manufacturer

An important criterion for choosing a modem for receiving 4G Internet is the manufacturer of the device. Modems from ZTE and Huawei are considered the most popular and high-quality today, which are distinguished by positive technical characteristics, quality, long service life, powerful antennas that guarantee reliable and uninterrupted communication.

Specialists in computer technology It is advised to refrain from buying modems from unknown suppliers, as well as purchasing goods in spontaneous markets, in order to protect yourself from purchasing unlicensed and low-quality products.


In order to predetermine which 4G modem is the best and fastest, it is important to carefully study and compare the technical indicators of the proposed product models. When choosing a modem important indicators, which affect the quality and reliability of communication are considered:

  1. The speed of transmitting and receiving information. In practice, in the process of using the device, the speed will largely depend on the choice of provider and coverage area, however, throughput characteristics also have an impact on the operation of the module.
  2. The presence of an external antenna or a slot for its connection, the power of the internal antenna. Connecting an external antenna will guarantee the highest possible signal level in the region.
  3. The presence of a slot for a SIM card and a memory card.
  4. The number of consumers that can connect to the device in parallel.
  5. The list of routers with which the 4G modem is synchronized.
  6. Operating systems with which the device works and the presence of automatic switching between networks.

After studying specifications it is worth focusing on the dimensions of the device, its design and material of manufacture, as well as check the availability of a guarantee, its term and conditions. A comprehensive analysis of the correspondence between price, technical indicators and quality will help the buyer make the right choice.

Review of the best 4G modems

How to choose a 4G modem, which one will function better in the conditions the consumer needs - there is no unambiguous answer to these questions, since many of the nuances of using the device depend not only on the provider and installation cost, but on the characteristics of the region and the user's personal needs.

However, there are models of 4G modems that have proven themselves very well during operation and are characterized by positive user recommendations. Let's consider some of them.

The best-selling and popular in Russia is considered Huawei modem E392, which is sold both by providers in a firmware form for a specific operator, and in specialized stores as a universal device. It is characterized by a high data transfer rate - up to 100 megabits per second, has two connectors for external antennas such as 3G and 4G, a slot for a microSD card. The model supports automatic switching between LTE, 3G and 2G networks, which is practical when leaving the 4G network coverage range.

No less popular are models from Huawei E367 and E3276. They are also characterized by the presence of a connector for an external additional antenna, decent bandwidth, and the ability to automatically switch between networks.

A significant drawback of Huawei modems is their bulky size. This causes some inconvenience during the operation of the module, since the device blocks access to adjacent USB connectors on a laptop or tablet. However, this nuance can be attributed more to a pattern than to an exception to the rule, since almost all modernized models of devices of similar power and price category are characterized by impressive parameters.

The MF 825 model from ZTE can also be called a popular 4G modem in Russia. Features the ability to transfer data to high speeds, the device is equipped with connectors for external antennas. The price of the device is about three thousand rubles. The disadvantage is that there is no WIFI and built-in memory. Despite this, the MF 823D model is popular among buyers, as it has excellent technical characteristics, high throughput and affordable price. The main disadvantages of this model are the lack of a connector for an external antenna and synchronization not with all 4G bands operating in Russia.

One of the best modems of the new generation can be called a model Alcatel Onetouch W800Z, which has earned the respect of users due to the ability to distribute the Internet in 4G format at excellent speed, up to ten consumers can simultaneously use the Internet. The cost of the modem varies within three thousand rubles. The disadvantage of a compact modernized device can only be called a small radius of its action.

For users who need a stationary modem for a dacha or a private house, an excellent solution would be to purchase a ZyXEL LTE6100 4G modem. The device consists of two parts - an indoor and outdoor unit, connected by a cable at a distance of up to one hundred meters, which allows the outer part to be raised to the mast to obtain a high-quality signal. Decent antenna power allows you to use the Internet in regions where conventional modems do not see the network at all. The main drawback is the very high price, the cost of the model is about twelve thousand rubles.

In order to purchase the best 4G modem, it is worth proceeding not only from the technical indicators of the product and financial opportunities, but also listen to the advice of users and specialists who have already tested the functionality of certain models. An important factor when choosing a device is the personal needs of the consumer and the scope of the device, since this can radically change the model and type of device that the consumer needs. For home use with a limited budget, an Alcatel modem would be an excellent solution if the Internet is needed in a suburb or in a village with poor connection quality - then it is better to spend money once, but buy a stationary device of decent quality.

Summing up

Only complex analysis technical characteristics of devices, personal preferences and scope of use of the device will help each user to individually choose best modem just for him. The main thing is not to forget that a quality product cannot be sold in underground markets, it must necessarily have a guarantee, official points of sale and service centers.

2. internal- installed inside computer into the slot ISA, PCI, PCMCIA

3. built-in- are internal to the device, e.g. laptop.

Another classification is to divide modems into regular and voice.
Voice equipped connectors under headphones and microphone and allow you to communicate
mode " internet phone» via the Internet.

According to the principle of work:

hardware- all signal conversion operations, support for physical
exchange protocols are produced by a calculator built into the modem (for example, with
using DSP, controller). Also in the hardware modem is present rom, in
which contains the firmware that controls the modem

Windows modems- hardware modems, devoid of ROM with firmware.
The firmware of such a modem is stored in the memory of the computer, to which
modem connected. Operable only if there are drivers that are usually
were written exclusively for operating systems of the MS Windows family.
semi-software (Controller based soft-modem) - modems, in which some of the functions
modem is executed by the computer to which the modem is connected.
software(Host-based soft-modem)- all signal encoding operations,
error checking and protocol management are implemented in software and
produced by the computer's central processing unit. At the same time, the modem contains
analog circuit and converters: ADC, DAC, interface controller(eg USB).


Analog- the most common type of modems for ordinary dial-up telephone lines
ISDN- modems for digital switched telephone lines
DSL- are used to organize dedicated ( unswitched) lines using the regular telephone network. The difference from switched modems in signal coding. Usually, they allow the use of a telephone line in the usual way at the same time as data exchange.
Cable- used for data exchange via specialized cables
- for example, through the cables of collective television systems.
RadioSatellite PLCs - use the technology of data transmission over household wires
electrical network, i.e. usually through wiring 220 volt.

More widely used at present:
internal soft modem
external hardware modem
built-in modems in laptops.

Composite devices

1. Input - output ports- circuits designed for data exchange between
telephone line and modem on one side, and modem and computer on the other.
To interact with analog telephone line is often used
2. Signal processor (Digital Signal Processor, DSP). Usually modulates outgoing
signals and demodulates the incoming digital level according to
the communication protocol used.
It contains software "filling" modem - firmware - BIOS.
It may also perform other functions.
3. The controller controls the exchange with the computer.
The controller is a special microcircuit that receives information,
passed through DSP. Her purpose is information compression and error correction.
Codec (Digital - Analog Coder-Decoder). translates digital signals (ready for
sending data) to analog and sends them over telephone lines.
Data coming to your PC through Internet, passes inverse transformation
and after that it is transferred to the controller for processing and DSP processor.
4. Memory chips:
ROM- non-volatile memory in which the control firmware is stored
modem - firmware that includes a set of commands and data to control the modem, all supported communication protocols and an interface with a computer. Modem firmware update is available in most modern models, for what
there is a special procedure described in the user manual.
To enable flashing for firmware storage, a flash memory (EEPROM).
Flash memory allows you to easily update the modem's firmware, correcting errors
developers and expanding the capabilities of the device. In some models of external modems, it is also used to record incoming voice and fax messages when the computer is turned off.
NVRAM- non-volatile electrically reprogrammable memory that stores modem settings. The user can change the settings, for example by using the set
AT - commands.
AT - modem commands Huawei for Hiperterminal read
RAM- modem RAM, used for buffering received and transmitted data, the operation of compression algorithms and other things.

Types of modems

It should be recognized that the classical scheme described above is not used in all modems.
Cheap internal devices may lack 1 or 2 chips.

"Softmodem" (softmodem). In him is absent controller chip, and its functions
transferred to the central processor. This is reflected only in a small drop
speed, but not in modem performance.
"Winmodems" (winmodem). In him missing DSP chip, its functions are performed by
special ON, work-oriented Windows OS.
The advantage of the above models is low price. They are used for household purposes,
but inferior in performance to full-fledged modems.

By protocol

Protocol - language, through which 2 modems establish a connection.
It determines the type and speed of information transfer.

1.V.34. Allows you to receive information at speeds up to 33,600 bits per second (bps);
2. V.90, x2 and k56flex.
Support work at speed 57,600 bps. The V.90 protocol is universal. x2 and k56flex - "private" developments of individual companies;
3. V.92.
Protocol adopted in 2000.
What is the speed of information transfer in computers, read

However, the main thing for users not a protocol, and the speed of receiving and transmitting data.
Analog modems cannot fully satisfy this need, in contrast to cable modems. Minimum internet speed 28 800bps. Protocol V.90 theoretically allows you to work at speed 57,600 bps but reality doesn't justify it.

Recommendations for analog modems.

For stability and good quality work of these models need additional
microchips and software responsible for error correction and
signal level control.
Modem must be connected directly to the telephone line in front of the telephone, otherwise communication
will break off.
Cable modems do not require the implementation of the above advice.

There are also modems with additional features, these are:

Fax - modem, allows the computer to which it is attached to send and receive
fax images to another fax modem or regular fax machine.

Voice modem- has a function digitization signal from the telephone line and playback of arbitrary sound in the line. Some voice modems have a built-in microphone. This allows you to: transmit voice messages in real time to another remote voice modem and receive messages from it and play them through the internal speaker; using such a modem in the answering machine mode and for organizing voice mail.

How to set up a modem and internet read
How to set up Wi-Fi in Windows XP read
That's all I wanted to tell you about modems.

Two years ago, on this blog, I published one of his most popular articles on a USB modem for accessing the Internet through services mobile operator. The publication received a lot positive feedback, but also raised many questions, one of which is which one is better to choose 3G USB modem? And today, on the eve of the summer season, the topic becomes relevant again, so let's see what is on the market today and what you should pay attention to.

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of a mobile operator, but this is a matter of taste for everyone. Also decide what type of modem you will buy - 3G or 4G. 4G is much faster and comparable to the speed of cable Internet in an apartment, but the modem will cost more and this high-speed signal does not work everywhere, but only in large cities, so if you plan to go to nature, then the maximum you can count on is 3G or even 2g.

As for equipment, all operators use the same Chinese models, they just stick their logos on them. Let's take a closer look at the ones that are offered for purchase in their stores today. I will refer to the models by their native names, however, different operators they may have other designations, for example, Huawei E3272 may be referred to as Megafon M100-4 or MTS 824F.

Installing drivers for them, as a rule, is not required - when connected to a computer, it starts automatic installation both firewood, and all applications necessary for work.

USB modem 3G Huawei E3131

A good budget modem with a stylish and pleasant to the touch case. The advantage is that despite the fact that it is quite compact, it can also be used as a flash card due to the available micro SD card slot. Data transfer rate - up to 21.6 Mbps.

Supported standards: 3G/2G
Frequency range: 850, 900, 1800, 1900, 2100 MHz
Antenna: Internal
Length/width/height: 29x13x91 mm
Weight: 40 g
Additional features: USSD and SMS

USB modem 3G ZTE MF 667

Similar model from another manufacturer. Unlike Huawei, ZTE MF 667 is controlled not through an application installed when a USB modem is connected, but through a web interface, which is more convenient and does not require the installation of any programs on a computer. It is also slightly smaller and lighter than its competitor at the same cost. But it has a smaller frequency range of operation.

Frequency Range: 2G/3G
900, 1800, 2100 MHz
Antenna: Internal
Length/width/height: 88.5×10.5×27.2 mm
Weight: 22g
Memory cards: MicroSD up to 32 GB
Additional features:

USB modem (3G) - wifi router Huawei E355

A very interesting model, which is two devices in one - this is both a modem and a router in one bottle. Supports wireless connection to mobile internet up to 5 devices in hotspot mode. Also, this modem has a connector for connecting an external antenna to amplify the signal. The admin panel is presented, as in the previous case, in the form of a web interface. This device is an excellent solution for those who will use the 3G network from several devices at once.

Ability to share the Internet: Yes, via Wi-Fi
Length Width Height:
29x13x91 mm
Weight: 40 g
Memory cards: MicroSD up to 32 GB
Additional features:

4G USB modem Huawei E3272 (Megafon M100-4, MTS 824F, 824FT)

Universal USB modem with data reception speed up to 100 Mbps. It automatically switches between 4G+/3G/2G standards, providing the most convenient access depending on the quality of signal reception from the operator.

Frequency range: 2G/3G/4G (850/900/1900/2100MHz)
Antenna: Internal + external
Length/width/height: 93x30x13 mm
Weight: 35g
Memory cards: MicroSD up to 32 GB
Additional features:

I have listed those USB modems that are currently available for purchase from operators mobile communications. You can meet others - older ones, which will also work successfully with your SIM card and provide the ability to access the Internet, but I see no reason to describe their characteristics, since they are no longer officially sold.

In addition to modems, there are more versatile devices - - from which you can distribute the Internet to several gadgets at once. If with 3G communication this will be a little problematic due to low speed, then those routers that operate in the 4G standard already deserve more attention. I hope we will talk about them in a separate article.

A modem is a device designed to modulate a signal, that is, to convert an analog signal into a digital one. It is from the word "modulation" that the name "modem" comes from. Using a modem, the user accesses the Internet. The first similar device appeared in 1979. During this time, of course, a lot has changed. The speed has also changed, which can vary greatly among users, so some want to measure the speed of the Internet.

Types of modems

1) Fiber optic modem. The device connects a computer to global network via fiber optic cable.

2) Cable modem. It allows you to transmit a signal through a standard television cable. At the same time, working on the Internet does not affect the quality of the television signal transmission.

3) ISDN modems. Such modems are used to work in digital networks - with their help it is possible to transmit voice, text information and graphics at the same time at a constant high speed.

4) ADSL modems. They are connected to a telephone line, but they work according to a special technology, due to which the access speed increases significantly. Such modems are not common due to the fact that special sophisticated equipment which is not always justified.

On a functional basis, modems are classified as follows:

1) Analog modems work to transmit information and receive a signal.

2) Fax modems are convenient in that they perform the function of a fax.

Modems are divided into external and internal.

The external modem looks like a small box and is connected to the PC via the main COM port, in some cases via the USB port. The external modem is equipped with indicators by which you can read the necessary information.

Modems tend to freeze, in which case it needs to be turned off and on again. Connecting an external modem is easier than an internal one - you need to connect the cable to the modem at one end and to the computer with the other.

An internal modem is a small board that is installed in a special PCI slot that is located inside the computer. Internal modems are cheaper and do not require a power supply and a separate outlet for connection.

Relevance: April 2019

AT Everyday life, at work and at home, the Internet is the link between relatives, friends, colleagues, shoppers and consumers. But not always a person is in an office or a cozy apartment, where access to the global network is provided. For long trips, holidays in the country or a picnic, manufacturers offer 4G modems. Compact dimensions provide incredible portability, put it in your pocket and go. All of them stand out for their versatility, they can be connected via a standard USB connector. But each model has its own characteristics that allow you to expand the functionality and turn the modem into something more.

We have compiled a list of the best 4G modems based on expert reviews and real customer reviews. Our recommendations will help you make the best choice for your requirements and desires. There are many competitors on the global equipment market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

  1. Huawei
  2. Mikrotik
  3. Alcatel
External antenna Standard: 3G Standard: HSPA+ Memory card support

* Prices are valid at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

4G modems: External antenna

External antenna

Main advantages
  • For the modem to work, it is enough to power it from USB in any equipment available at home or on the road: a radio tape recorder, a TV, a laptop, a tablet, a 220V charger with an appropriate port
  • Able to work in access point mode. The built-in Wi-Fi module provides coverage up to 100 meters in open areas. For indoors, the range of the network is limited by walls
  • A web interface is available where you can configure some parameters, view incoming SMS from a telecom operator, get connection statistics and see the signal level
  • There are two connectors for external antennas, if you need to increase the signal strength to connect to the network

External antenna / Memory card support/ Standard: 3G / Standard: HSPA+

Main advantages
  • Support for 4G LTE technology allows you to stably enjoy high-speed mobile internet at speeds up to 150 Mbps
  • Thanks to its small size and reliable protective cover, the modem is easy to carry and use when needed
  • The USB connector allows you to easily connect the modem to laptops, computers, tablets or power banks
  • The presence of a slot for flash cards MicroSD allows you to use the modem as a card reader and a portable information drive with a capacity of up to 32 GB
  • Wide set support operating systems, such as Windows from XP to 10, and Mac OS allows you to use the modem with a large number of devices

Show all items in the External Antenna category

4G modems: Standard: 3G

Standard: 3G

Main advantages
  • The device combines a 4G modem, a multifunctional router and an antenna, which makes it unique where you need to provide high-speed and stable Internet access via the LTE network in weak signal conditions
  • High Gain Directional External Antenna Increases 4G Signal Strength Nine Times
  • Thanks to two slots for SIM-cards, you can organize a backup communication channel, which significantly increases the stability of access to the Internet
  • The ability to mount the device on a mast allows you to confidently receive a signal at a considerable distance from the base station
  • The router can distribute PoE power through one of the ports, which allows you to power another device from it

Standard: 3G

Main advantages
  • Working with different network standards, both high-speed 4G LTE and older 3G and GSM, allows you to achieve maximum performance in any operating conditions
  • Support for MicroSD memory cards makes the modem also a portable file storage
  • Due to the stable operation under the control of many operating systems, the modem can be connected to different equipment
  • The device is very easy to install and set up. Does not require additional software, a standard web browser is enough
  • Thanks to the update software modem during its operation there will be no problems

Show all products in category "Standard: 3G"

4G modems: Support for memory cards

External antenna / Memory card support/ Standard: 3G / Standard: HSPA+

Main advantages
  • Thanks to modern LTE communication technology, the signal reception speed reaches 100 Mbps, and the transmission speed - up to 50 Mbps
  • If the network does not support a 4G connection, the router automatically switches to a lower class technology - 3G, EDGE
  • Drivers are installed automatically after connecting to a device running Windows 7, 8, 10
  • There is a slot for installing a microSD memory card. You can organize your own mobile file storage, provide access for computers on the network
  • To increase the coverage area, you can use external antenna, which allows you to cope with obstacles in the form of walls and electromagnetic interference

Memory card support/ Standard: 3G / Standard: HSPA+


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