Contests of the game by March 8 at school. Competitions for girls at school. Team creative craft competition "Gift from the heart"

It happens that you wait for a holiday, you wait and it comes. But there is no mood, and this long-awaited day is not fun. To prevent this from happening on International Women's Day, hold new competitions on March 8 at the girls' school that all students of any grade will like. The new games and contests are funny and fun and can be played by students in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and higher grades such as 6th grade, 7th, 8th and 9th grade. Each competition is a separate competition where you have to show dexterity, ingenuity and resourcefulness. And so, let's look.

The competition is nonsense.

The first competition, and even a game, for a warm-up. You need to prepare beautiful cards of two types. On the first card you write the names of the objects. For example, these:
- a toy
- flowers
- lipstick
- nail file
- hairbrush
- ring

And on the second cards, write suggestions for what these items can be used for. For example, these:
- play and enjoy
- sniff and dabble
- to paint
- suffer
- comb
- wear on the finger

Put the cards in different bags. The first girl comes up and takes out one card with the name of the object. Shows everyone and says what she or what can be done with this item. And then he pulls out a card with offers. And it turns out nonsense, and if you're lucky, there will be a correct answer. Whoever gets the correct answer wins a prize.
The game will be fun. For example, you get a card: a comb. She needs to brush her hair. And then a card is drawn: suffer! Everyone will have fun, because this is nonsense!

Competition is a girl's business.

In this competition it is necessary to divide the girls into teams. Each team has two people. Enough 3-4 teams. When one team plays, the others go to another room.
So. For the competition, you also need drawings that show what the girls do: brush their teeth, wash their faces, paint their lips, paint their eyelashes, paint their nails, and so on. In general, everything that girls and girls do.
In each team, one girl shows, the other guesses. They stand up against each other. Near the girl who shows, there is a presenter with pictures. It shows the first picture. And the girl without words. Only movements and gestures shows the picture. The other guesses. As soon as the correct answer is given, the presenter shows the next picture. And so on until all the pictures are guessed. Time is recorded for each team. As a result, which team has shown less time, that one wins.

Competition is a new image.

Girls participate in the competition. They stand in one line. One girl will be the leader. She carefully examines all the contestants. Then she turns away and puts a mask over her eyes. And other girls change their image a little. They tie a tie to one, attach a hairpin to the second, and paint the lips in a bright color to the third (you can do everything the way you like and suits you). After changing the image, the counselor turns, removes the mask from her eyes and must answer what has changed in the girls.
So you can play several times, constantly changing the leader.

Competition is the opposite.

It often happens that you think one thing, but everything turns out the other way around. In this competition, everything will also go the other way around.
Again we divide the girls into teams, each team has two people. They stand up against each other. We give one girl a sheet on which the words are written on the contrary. She reads them, and the second girl must translate them correctly and give an answer. We mark the time for each team.
- kindzarp (holiday)
- ansev (spring)
- aloksh (school)

And many other words. If it is so difficult, then you can write the words on the signs on the contrary and show the signs to make it easier. But it still takes time to read. And then translate everything correctly.

Competition is a spring flower.

This is a simple but interesting contest. You need to print a spring flower on a printer. Then cut it into several parts, for example, into 15. Each girl has her own cut flower on the table. At the command of the leader, they must connect all the parts so that a whole picture is obtained. Who copes faster, he wins.
And after this competition, we give real flowers to all the girls!

Competitions are held between two teams of girls.

Contest "Greetings"

Teams greet each other. They must have names, a motto, an emblem. Each team must also prepare a greeting to the jury members.

Competition "Royal Jewelry"

One representative per team participates in the competition. Each must write the maximum number of decorations in two minutes. For each decoration listed, the participant receives 1 point.

Competition "Homemade"

Hair competition. The participants present two models each, one of which has a haircut for school, and the other for a festive disco. Each hairstyle should be given appropriate comments and advice on hair care. The winners receive 5 points for each model.

Competition "You are the best"

One representative per team participates in the competition. Each girl must convince the jury that her rival is the best. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need not only to pick up flattering words, but also to argue. 5 points are awarded for winning this competition.

Competition "Raspberry"

Participants of the competition receive cards with berries (currant, strawberry, raspberry), fruit (banana, apple, pear), vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pepper) listed. Girls within five minutes should come up with, and then talk about the masks that can be prepared from these products (From what? For what? What effect?) 5 points are awarded for the victory for each mask.

Competition "Serving"

One representative per team participates in the competition. Each girl receives a task in advance: one must set the table for breakfast for one person, and the other for lunch. Participants must explain where and why each cutlery is located. The winner is the girl who correctly arranges all the items and gives the most complete commentary. For the victory, the girls bring the team 10 points.

Competition "Interesting stories"

Each team prepares a short message for 1-2 minutes. The first team is about the history of the fork, the other is about the spoon. 5 points are awarded for the most informative story.

Competition "Correct behavior"

Participants of the competition are offered situations from which they have to get out. One team receives a card with the task: “In a crowded bus, they poured fruit juice on your new blouse. What to do?"; the other - “The heel has broken, and there is still a long way to go. How to proceed?". The team whose way out of this situation is more original wins. 10 points are awarded for a win.

Contest "Speak right"

Each team receives a piece of paper with words that need to be stressed (beetroot, fetaki, kebab), pick up a rhyme (broom, flower, refrigerator), explain the meaning of the word (canape, julienne, fruit drink). For the victory, the team receives 5 points in each category.

Do-it-yourself competition

Participants of the competition must make an ornament (beads, bracelet or brooch) from improvised means (buttons, beads, pins, pieces of fabric, beads). The team whose decoration will be more original will be named the winner. For winning the competition, the team is awarded 10 points.

Competition "These fragrant spices"

One representative per team participates in the competition. In two minutes, the participants must write the maximum number of spices and spices that they know. For each seasoning listed, the participants bring the team 1 point.

Competition "Soup"

One representative per team participates in the competition. The task of the first girl is to tell how to cook mushroom soup, and the task of the second is chicken. The completeness and correctness of the answer is evaluated. A team gets 10 points for a win.

Competition "We are so different"

Participants are given a choice of 4 cards describing the type of appearance (spring, summer, autumn and winter). They choose any type, it is desirable that a representative of this type be on the team. Competitors should describe this type and give recommendations on the color scheme in clothes and cosmetics. For the most complete and interesting answer, the team will receive 10 points.

Competition "Quick Needle"

The contestants must take turns sewing buttons onto a piece of fabric. This competition takes into account the speed and quality of work. After the girls have finished, the jury checks their work. For each well-sewn button, the team receives 2 points.

Competition "A whole field of flowers"

Participants of the competition receive a balloon and felt-tip pens. On command, one of the participants begins to inflate the balloon to the maximum size, and the rest of the girls must draw flowers on it. After two minutes, the balloons are blown off and the jury counts the number of flowers on the balloons. The team that draws more than its rivals wins this competition. 5 points are awarded for a win.

Competition "Much from Nothing"

The contestant receives a card with the phrase "empty fridge". The task is to make the maximum number of new words from this phrase within 3 minutes. Letters can be repeated. For each new word, the team receives 1 point.

Competition "Proper nutrition"

Within five minutes, the contestants must come up with a balanced menu for the whole day. It should include breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and a dream book. The jury evaluates the diversity, originality and useful qualities of the dishes. For the victory in this competition, the team receives 15 points.

Contest "Be healthy"

One representative from each team participates in the competition. They should show an approximate set of morning exercises, while giving comments on each exercise (where which muscle is involved, which joints are warming up). For the most complete answer, the participants bring the team 5 points.

Captains competition

Contestants must answer 5 questions. For each correct answer, the captain brings the team 2 points.

➢ What should I do if a drop of oil gets on my clothes? (sprinkle with salt)

➢ How to check if an egg is cooked or raw? (Spin it: if it spins, it's boiled)

➢ How to check if the nail polish is dry so as not to smudge? (Try with the tip of your tongue)

➢ Which cloth should be used to clean the mirror: dry or wet? (Dry)

➢ With which spoon do you eat soup? (dining room)

➢ Should the comb be individual or shared by the whole family? (Customized)

➢ How do they quench soda? (with vinegar)

➢ How to quickly prepare a protein cream? (beat protein and sugar)

➢ What are the types of mechanical sewing machines? (Hand and foot)

➢ How to quickly peel a tomato? (dip in boiling water)

Competition "The fastest team"

Participants of the competition must quickly prepare the Olivier salad. All vegetables must be cooked, but not peeled, so the task must be completed quickly and accurately. The team that finishes first will be declared the winner. 10 points are awarded for a win.

Competition "Healing herbs"

Teams receive a list of plants. Girls should divide them into two groups - poisonous and non-poisonous. For example, chamomile, chicory, calendula, wild rose, daisies, belladonna, anemone, hemlock, castor bean, marigold. The first five are non-poisonous, the second are poisonous.

Competition "Feast for the whole world"

Participants of the competition must write a chain consisting of various dishes in three minutes. The first word is "dish". The next word must begin with the letter "o", and so on. The team with the longest chain will be the winner. 5 points are awarded for this competition.

Competition "Funny ditties"

The competition can be announced in advance so that the participants can prepare. Girls from each team take turns singing funny ditties about their friends. The winners will be those who come up with more ditties than rivals. For each ditty, participants receive 1 point.

The jury sums up, announces the results, awards the winners. After that, all the participants go to the festive table, where the boys congratulate the girls on the holiday.

As you know, intuition works better for girls, girls and women than for men. Time to check it out. In turn, each girl is blindfolded and any 5 boys from the class are seated in front of her. The girl must guess her classmates by their shoulders and back. Which of the girls will be able to guess all five classmates from her top five, she will be the winner - the owner of one hundred percent intuition.


One or more Nesmeyans are selected from among the participants in the competition. The task of the rest is to make Nesmeyana laugh by any means. Only touching and tickling is prohibited. You can tell jokes, make faces, giggle contagiously, and so on. The winner is that Nesmeyana, who will keep a serious expression on her face the longest.

Lovely women, wonderful teachers

Wishing participants pull out a fant, which indicates the name of the teacher, which must be shown, focusing on her main differences, habits and habits. The rest of the students and guests of the holiday must guess who they were shown. Prizes are awarded to the most artistic and cheerful students who have shown imagination.

girls emblem

Girls are divided into teams with the same number of participants, preferably 4 teams. The big board is divided into 4 parts. Each part of the board will be a canvas for the creativity of each team. The girls will have to come up with a girls' emblem, depicting all the main components of a girl's life (skirts, bows, a figure, silhouettes, cakes, sweets, gifts, and so on). And the boys will determine the most creative and best emblem, the authors of which will be awarded prizes.

This competition is perfect for students and a class teacher or teacher of the Russian language. Each of the students writes their wish to the teacher on a piece of paper, they are mixed, and the teacher takes out one wish in turn and reads it, according to the handwriting and content, and also due to the presence or absence of grammatical errors, the teacher must determine from whom this wish.

Parodies of favorite girls

Each of the boys of the class takes out his fant, which indicates the name and surname of his classmate, which he will have to show. Without naming the girl, each boy takes turns going to the blackboard and showing the girl from the class, and everyone else guesses. For the funniest and funniest parody, and maybe more than one, you can give prizes.

Women's professions

To each participant in turn, the facilitator offers to name women's profession according to him brief description, for example, forever flies in the clouds - a stewardess; colitis those who came to her - a nurse; provides children with milk - a milkmaid and so on. Whoever misses an answer misses a point, and whoever has more points wins.

Varied menu

In this competition, the girls will have to remember all the dishes that they know how to cook, that they once tried, about which they once heard. The girls stand in a row, the leader calls any product, and the girls take turns, starting from the first, name the dishes that may include this product, for example, the leader names the product - eggs, and the girls take turns listing: Okroshka, Olivier, Fried eggs, Pies with egg and rice and so on. Then the presenter names another product, for example, cabbage, and the girls, already starting in reverse order (from the end), list: Borscht, Cabbage Pie, Stew, Stuffed cabbage, and so on. As a result, the girls who named more recipes according to the named products.

Such different princesses

Each girl takes it in turn to take out a fanta that indicates the status of the princess, for example, the warrior princess, the mermaid princess, the swan princess, the princess knight, the viking princess, and so on. And after that, each participant takes turns showing her princess, and the audience must guess. The participant who shows her princess in the shortest time so that she is guessed will be the winner.

in 1st grade


(Cheerful music sounds, the host enters the stage)


March 8. On this day, beautiful, affectionate words are spoken to all female representatives. Let me congratulate everyone on the first spring holiday. I wish you good, joy, bright spring sun, fulfillment of all desires! In our country, this day has long turned into a fun one, comic holiday. Everyone is looking forward to March 8, but not because they dream of expensive gifts, but because it is a day of surprises.

Our boys are not left out either.


Today we are all dressed up, shoes are burning with flames.

They gathered to congratulate you on Women's Day, as if at a parade!

We are funny guys, congratulations to you girls,

With the women's holiday of spring - tenderness and beauty.

In the classroom we sit and look at the girls:

They are beautiful and smart, you just can't find better!

You are lucky, girls, you are already happy,

Because we are the most beautiful!

(The boys sing verses about girls from the song “From what”).

Why are we all dancing here, why are we singing here?

Because all the girls (together) congratulations on Women's Day!

We wish you only happiness and we will tell you a secret:

There are simply no more beautiful girls in the whole school!

Spring came! Spring came! And she smiled at us.
And lit up brighter sun, beams illuminating the window.

And there were girls in the class. No, they do not sit on the sidelines -
They are beautiful and smart, but it’s better not to find them!

And now we will find out from them what they are capable of, how much they know!


Now we will hold a FUN COMPETITION for our girls. They will have many interesting competitions. As you know, girls have to be able to do a lot. For example: sewing, knitting, cooking, doing housework, while remaining attractive and charming. Now we will check what our girls are capable of. And the boys today will be fans and judges.

Let's get to know our teams.

So 1 team _ sweets _____________ captain _______________________.

2 team ___ berries _____________ captain ______________________.

(Team names are written on the board)

A jury consisting of ___________ will observe the work of our girls and evaluate their work. (2 boys) headed by ______________ ( dad).

And now I announce our contests!

Our first competition"RIDDLES". In every riddle - folk wisdom. Whoever guesses correctly, he glorifies his mind.

Come on, dear girls, test your mind, quick wits and resourcefulness. Each team must solve 5 riddles. Thinking time 2 minutes.

For each correct answer, the team receives a flower.

2. We have a robot in our apartment, it has a huge trunk. The trunk loves cleanliness and buzzes like a TU liner (vacuum cleaner).

3. In this white chest we store food on the shelves. There is heat in the yard, cold in the chest (refrigerator).

4. Looking at the screen in the apartment, we see what is happening in the world. An ordinary thing, the whole universe lives in it. Standing on the table and loudly wailing (TV).

5. Boils from the inside and blows bubbles (kettle).

6. I'll put this riddle in my purse, then I'll take it out - I'll look at myself (mirror).

7. Bathes many, many times every day. It pinches, bites - you won’t open your eyes (soap).

8. They stuffed her mouth with meat, and she chews it. He chews, chews and does not swallow - he sends it to the plate (meat grinder).

9. Walked among the curls, lost a clove (comb).

10. No legs, but I walk; no mouth, but I will say: when to sleep and when to get up (clock).


While our teams are conferring, I propose to hold competition for FANS.

March 8 is called International Women's Day. So let's remember women's names with you. But they should not just be named, but remember the names of the songs (lines from the songs), where the names are mentioned.

Dear fans! Who will earn an extra flower for the team?

Your task: take turns calling the names of the songs (lines from the songs) where a woman's name is mentioned. Whoever calls the name of the song (line from the song) last, he will win, bring a flower to his team!

Jury word!


Mum! The most beautiful word on earth! Every language has this word. It is babbled by a child in the cradle, lovingly pronounced by a young boy. And in all languages ​​this sacred word sounds gentle and affectionate. "MOM ..., AND WHAT IS SHE?"- this is the name of our next competition.

Your task: in turn, you will name adjectives for the word mother, moreover, the words should not be repeated.

The jury is closely watching the competition! The flower will be earned by the team that names more words.

Jury word!


So, the eve of the kindest, brightest holiday. And before the holiday you need to put things in order in the apartment: wash the floors. Can we help mom? I think any of the girls will cope with such work as cleaning the apartment from garbage. You agree with me?


Conditions of the competition: take turns sweeping the rubbish out of the room (i.e. small balls between pins). Whose team will sweep faster - she will win and receive a flower.

Jury word!


There is no more beautiful and tender flowers on earth. For humans, flowers have always been a symbol of perfection. To give flowers means to express to a person your sincere feelings of love, respect, respect.

Our next contest is dedicated to COLORS.

Here are your flowers, here are your vases. (Vases on the board, flowers on magnets for the participants). Your task: put flowers in a vase (in order). Whose team will be faster, the bouquet will turn out more beautiful, that is the winner.

Word jury.


The apartment is cleaned, flowers are on the table. It's time to think about the holiday table. The next competition is "SET THE TABLE".

Competition conditions: put treats on the table with the letter "K".

Your task is to run one person from each team to the table, write one treat for the letter “K” and return to your place, etc. Moreover, the words in the team should not be repeated! How many treats will be written, so many flowers your team will earn.

Jury's word


Because of us, my mother worries, she tries to please us in everything, tries to help in the most difficult moment. Do you help your moms? How? So HELP MOM GET DRESSED to the holiday table! This is the name of our next competition.

For this competition, I will ask 2 mothers to come to me. (They go out and sit opposite the teams on chairs).

Your task: in turn, on a signal, you each run to your mother and dress her (scarf, beads, hat, fan, hairpin). Mothers do not help their children! Whose team will dress mom faster will receive a flower.

Jury word!


So, everyone gathered at the festive table and is waiting for mom to congratulate her. Next competition "POETIC".

Girls, who are the poets?

Of course, we have not yet become poets, but we can make a wish for mom. So?

Your task is to write a wish for your mother for the holiday. You will write in turn, i.e. the first team members run to the table, write what they want to mom and come back; then the next team members run, write a continuation, etc. Each team member, before writing his wish, must read the previous one so that there are no identical words.

Whose team will cope with the task faster, and the wish will turn out to be more colorful - a flower.

Jury word.


Mom was congratulated. Time to get refreshed! And what is a festive table without fruit? Our next competition VERY TASTY.

Your task: one person from each team, run to the table, eat a slice of an apple and only then go back, etc. Whose team will be faster?

Jury word.


But now the holiday ends. Again, mom has a lot of trouble: clean the table, wash the dishes, put your sister to bed ...

Our next contest "Calm your sister, read her a fairy tale."

But here's the problem: my sister can't remember the name of her favorite fairy tale, she only remembers what it's about!

Your task: to name the name of the fairy tale correctly. How many correct answers will turn out, so many flowers the team will earn!

1. A fairy tale about a little girl who cheerfully runs along the path to the house in the forest. This girl needs to quickly take the basket sent to her to her grandmother (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. A fairy tale about how a girl sits in a basket with a bear behind her back. He, without knowing it, carries her home (Masha and the Bear)

3. A fairy tale about a little girl who almost became the wife of a mole and a mustachioed beetle, who, together with a swallow, flew high under the clouds (Thumbelina)

4. A fairy tale about a miracle squirrel that gnawed nuts. And the nuts are not simple, they have golden shells, and the kernels are pure emerald (The Tale of Tsar Saltan).

Jury word.


Putting the little sister to bed, we see that:

Mom is sleeping, she is tired

And I didn't wash the dishes!

But after all, every girl should have a tender heart, be sensitive and kind, attentive and hardworking towards her mother. Let's turn our attention to our girls and see if they can handle a job like washing dishes.

So our last competition.

Your task: to apply water for washing dishes; moreover, the team that applies more water and spills less water will earn a flower.

(Water is transferred to a jar with a wooden spoon)

Jury word.


For every girl, housework - real profession. You have a whole life ahead of you. You have to do everything, learn everything and learn everything.

And the secret of the victory of the _____________ team is simple: you need to love any business that you do, do it with your soul, and it will certainly bring joy, success and recognition.

Good luck and happiness, my dear girls!

(Teacher gives gifts)

And now your boys will congratulate you!


As you can see, we are handsome, and our hearts are on fire.

Now we will read poems for our dear girls.

(a quatrain is read to each girl)

Everything is in order with Viola: on the table, in the closet, in the notebook.

Everyone in the class knows about it and sighs with envy!

And our Anyutka has eyes like forget-me-nots.

Tall and slim, we all love her!

Our Fields dazzle us with beauty.

We wear sunglasses now at school!

And dances, and sings, does not give offense.

Cheerful even in bad weather, but simply called - Nastya!

First I walked, and then I ran.

And then I almost flew - I wanted to meet Semyonova Sofia!

We have a girl in our class: sponges like raspberries.

She is very slender, her name is Alina!

Our Vika Kuznetsova loves to chat.

He sits in class and doesn't say anything!

And Sophia Smirnova is an excellent student.

And besides, look - very cute!

Zeltina Sofya is good, even if she is small in stature.

Well, in a festive outfit - a feast for the eyes just!

And we will load the whims of our Vicki into a dump truck.

Let's take them to a deep ravine so that no one gets them!

We are finishing poems for you, we promise you to become better:

So that over time you have pride born for us!

Dear girls!

Congratulations on the holiday

And with all my heart we wish you

Health a whole cart!

More in the life of stars!

To get a little trouble!

To sing and dance!

So that there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness!

So that you do not know grief!


The holiday scenario is a puzzle game "Gourmet", in which for each letter the players need to guess the riddle about edible rich and sweet. Everyone sits in a circle, and the leader makes riddles. All participants are responsible. To do this, prepare cards 20 x 30 cm in size with a letter made of colored paper on one side and with an image of this product on the other side, which must be cut out of colored paper and pasted onto cardboard. First, the leader shows the letter and asks his question. When the answer is given, the facilitator turns the card reverse side and shows a picture confirming the correctness of the answer.


Bread drink, "A" in the middle. (Kvass)

From flour with raisins, "B" at the beginning. (Bulka)

From flour and cottage cheese, "B" at the beginning. (Cheesecake)

From flour with jam, "G" at the end. (Pie)

From flour with raisins and a hole, "D" in the middle. (pretzel)

A basket of flour, "E" in the middle. (Cake)

The sweetest, "E" in the middle. (Honey)

Sweet, fruity, "F" at the beginning. (Jelly)

From proteins and fruits, "3" at the beginning. (Marshmallow)

Milk candy, sweet, "I" at the beginning. (Toffee)

Made of flour, large, round, "I" at the end. (Loaf)

Bread, traditionally round, "K" at the beginning. (Kalach)

From flour, crispy, "L" in the middle. (Waffles)

Sweet, curly, multi-colored, "M" at the beginning. (Marmalade)

Sweet, from berries or fruits, "H" in the middle. (Jam)

From flour, butter, round, "O" at the beginning. (fritters)

Butter, figured, from flour, "P" at the beginning. (Biscuit)

From flour, the shape is interesting, "P" at the beginning. (Horn)

Made of flour, hard, round with a hole, "C" at the beginning. (Drying)

From flour, rich with cream, "T" at the beginning and at the end. (Cake)

From flour, stuffing inside, "U" in the middle. (Roll)

Black drink, "F" in the middle. (Coffee)

Sweet, nutty, "X" at the beginning. (Halva)

Sweet on the inside, chocolate on the outside, "C" in the middle. (Marzipan)

A drink made from dry leaves, "H" at the beginning. (Tea)

Brown and sweet, "Sh" at the beginning. (Chocolate)

Boiled sugar with nuts, "Щ" at the beginning. (Sherbet)

Made from flour, fatty, round, "Y" at the end. (Pancakes)

The drink is sweet, thick, "b" at the end. (Kissel)

Sweet, milky, cold, "E" at the beginning. (Eskimo)

Candy with "U" in the middle. (Truffle)

From flour, honey, rich, "I" in the middle. (gingerbread)


From the total number of players, you need to choose two drivers. One is the buyer, the other is the owner or flower lady. The rest of the players are flowers. Everyone chooses a name for the flower and informs the “hostess” about it. The "buyer" goes far into his house - a drawn circle or square. When everyone has chosen names, the “buyer” comes up and asks if there is such and such a flower (names a flower). The “owner” answers that there is, and asks to tell about this flower, how it looks, how it smells, where it grows, etc. When the buyer player shows his knowledge, the “owner” gives him the “flower”. The "buyer" takes the "flower" and leaves. Then he comes for the next one. If the “buyer” fails to tell anything about the flower, then he leaves with nothing. If the situation repeats again, then the "buyer" becomes the "flower", and the "flower" becomes the "buyer". For a hint, a list of flower names is offered: aster, acacia, marigolds, cornflower, veronica, bindweed, carnation, gladiolus, hyacinth, dahlia, geranium, jasmine, iris, camellia, water lily, etc.

Day and night

We need to choose two leaders. They go away from the rest of the players and agree among themselves which of them will be during the day and which - at night. They stand up, holding their raised hands, form a gate. The rest of the players must choose for themselves the name of some animal, plant, bird. When they pass through the gate, they will call it and determine whether it is daytime or nighttime. In accordance with this, teams of the day and night will be formed. For example, the player says that he is an owl, therefore, a nocturnal creature. He moves to one side. And the other says that he is a lark, which means he is a creature of the day, so he moves off in the other direction. When all players pass through the gate, they consider which team has more people, that one will be the winner.


This game is also very similar to the famous folk song game, but differs from it in that you can sing not only about the loaf. In this game, a leader is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle. The rest join hands, walk in a round dance around and sing first about the loaf, how they baked a loaf on (the name of the person who stands in the center is called) name day, but before suggesting, for example, Masha, that she choose who she wants, they ask about what a loaf is, what it is baked from, etc. Masha must answer questions and only then choose a player. The player stands in the center, and Masha takes his place in a round dance. The round dance moves and sings again, but not about the loaf. For example, you can sing that we baked a pie. And the next player must tell about him and only after that choose his shift. And the round dance again sings that they baked, but already something else - for example, cookies, bread, a bun, a gingerbread, a cupcake, a kalach, a bagel, a bagel, etc. You can also sing about, for example, that they planted a flower, etc. . P.


In this game, two drivers must be chosen from among the participants, they will portray lazy people. They sit or even lie down and should not move for as long as possible and, of course, do not say anything. Other players can interfere with this. They can talk among themselves, tell something very funny in order to make some of the "lazy people" laugh. He will laugh and, forgetting about the game, will say something. You can also turn to the "lazy people" themselves - talk to them, make them laugh, trying to make them move. But, of course, you can’t roughly pull them, push them. And when one can’t stand it and moves or says something, then everyone says: “Aha, here’s a pot for you to wash.” But you also have to wash it in a peculiar way. This player, who had to wash the pot, lies down, and all the players stand in a chain and take turns running and jumping over it. He must catch them, that is, at least touch someone. The one whom he taunted becomes "lazy" and takes his place.


All players from among their number choose one driver. This is Thumbelina. Everyone sits in a circle or a chain. Thumbelina stands in front of everyone, she has a small ball or ball in her hands. Thumbelina will name any pair of words, the players must choose one of the two words, but the one that suits Thumbelina more. Everyone knows that it is very small, and therefore, from a pair of words, players must choose the word that means something small. But not everyone should answer at once, but only the one to whom Thumbelina turns. She throws a ball to him and says two words for big and small. The player must catch the ball, answer very quickly and throw the ball again to Thumbelina. For example, Thumbelina will say "pumpkin and cranberries" and throw the ball to the player. The player must catch it, quickly throw it back and say "cranberry", because it is much smaller than a pumpkin and just right for Thumbelina. But if the player made a mistake, mixed up the words, thought for too long or failed to catch the ball, then he changes roles with Thumbelina. And there are many such pairs of words. For example, melon - cherry, tomato - radish, sunflower - buttercup, potato - beans, water lily - clover, zucchini - cucumber, elephant - hare, giraffe - turtle, etc.

The Princess and the Pea

One player is chosen from the total number of players. This is the princess, she will have to guess where the others are hiding the pea. Instead of a pea, you can take a bead. The rest of the players line up. And everyone should have the same game set: a pea (bead) and a few, for example, magazines. Each player stacks them in a pile in front of him and hides a pea between them. "Princess" tries to guess, and she has only three attempts. If the “princess” does not guess the third time, then she goes to the next player, approaches and tries to guess where this player hid the pea. When he guesses correctly, he changes roles with this player, he becomes a princess and goes to the beginning of the row to guess. The "princess" who took his place hides the pea between the magazines.

Golden Key

This game is similar to the previous game, but differs in that each player will have to pretend to be Pinocchio looking for a golden key. They play in teams. Teams should have the same number of players, for example three or four people. But first they choose the driver who hides the key. The driver takes as many identical containers as there are participants in both teams, and two keys (instead of keys, you can take any two small objects). He pours sand into each container and hides the keys in only two of them. The task is to find the key. But you need to look, not pouring out all the sand at once, turning the cup over, but scooping out the sand with a spoon. The player who finds the key faster than the other becomes the driver, and his team wins.


All players are divided into two teams. They stand in two lines opposite each other, begin to throw the ball to each other. And at the same time they say words related to a particular concept. The outer player starts, he throws the ball to the one who is standing opposite, and at the same time pronounces the word. That player catches the ball and throws it, saying the word, back, but not to the one from whom he received it, but to the one who stands nearby, etc. The ball moves from one end to the other, as if in a zigzag. If the player who received the ball fails to come up with a Answer word, then he brings his team down, because in this case the opposing team won. But you can come up with a new keyword and start a new round of the game.

For example, the players decide to name the trees. The first one says “spruce”, the next one says “oak”, etc. You can choose the names of animals, birds, etc.


This game is similar to the game "Zigzag", because the ball must be thrown in the same way. Players are divided into two teams, stand in two lines opposite each other and, starting from one side, throw the ball to each other with words, as in the Zigzag game. But only the words will be different - antonyms, that is, words that are opposite in meaning, for example: white - black, high - low, etc. You need to throw it quickly. Whoever thinks for a long time or makes a mistake receives a penalty point for his team. The team with the fewest points wins. An approximate list of antonyms: light - dark, empty - full, fast - slow, daytime - night, long - short, high - low, wide - narrow, festive - everyday, fluffy - smooth, big - small, hot - cold, loud - quiet, thick - thin, sunny - overcast, dry - wet.

Round game

The game has such a name because all the players stand in a circle and quickly throw the ball to each other along the chain with words. And these words denote everything that can be round. If someone makes a mistake or thinks for a long time, he leaves the circle.

There are a lot of words denoting round: porthole, cup, plate, stool, table, ball, ball, ball, cake, drum, etc.

square game

This game, as the name suggests, is similar to the Round Game. Only the words that will need to be called when throwing the ball should designate square or rectangular objects. Only there are much fewer of them than the words denoting round objects, and the players will have to stand on the sides of the square. And the one who makes a mistake or thinks is out of the game. Here are some words for square objects: window, tray, book, notebook, sheet of paper, chair, table, stool, carpet, flag, basket, house, cube, box, cookie, cake, cupcake, sail, roof, brick, cell, mesh, scarf, pie, bar, tile, shelf, napkin, envelope, piece, area, raft.

When the words for square objects run out, you can name words that begin and end with some letter, for example, "k". It can be: a gingerbread man, a box, a zucchini, a fermenter, a key, a key, a piece, a wallet, a visor, a shortcake, a kalachik, a cap, a goat, a wren, a gooseberry, a sandpiper, a bag, a hook, a circle, a cube, a ball, a rabbit, a coffee pot, ladle, boat, boiler, jug, kinglet, bell.

If, according to the rules of the game, the wrong players leave the square, then in time there will be four of them. Then it is best for them to stand at the four corners of the square at the distance of throwing the ball and, when throwing, name words that have four letters. For example, these are: window, circle, raft, hoopoe, raccoon, stingray, note, zero, pike, fish, lynx, goose, bittern, stump, shadow, turnip, sheaf, stack, etc.

gold fish

All players from among their number choose one driver. This is a goldfish. She will fulfill the desires that the players come up with. All players sit in a circle, the “goldfish” is in the middle. She addresses each player with the words: "I am a magical goldfish, I will grant three wishes, tell me what you would like." And the player must answer quickly and clearly. Desires can be the most ordinary (such as to eat candy, read a book, go to the movies) and some fantastic, unusual or comic. At the same time, players should not begin their desire with the words "I want." To the player who utters these words, the fish will assign some kind of penalty task, but not offensive, but fun, doable. When all players have said their wishes, you can choose " goldfish' and continue the game.

That, I don't know what

All players are divided into two teams, one player from each team goes out. The questioning player must think of any word denoting an object, action, and describe it in a few words, giving a characteristic clue. The guesser asks suggestive questions, which tries to guess what word is intended. The correct answer earns a point for their team. The team with the most points is considered the winner.

Cool game

This is a word game. A group of players must name words, while the number of letters in words must increase. But the pace of the game is very tight. We must speak quickly. The first player says a word that has three letters, the following! must quickly name a word in which there are four letters, then five, six, etc. Words in which there are more than nine letters are no longer worth taking. Words can begin with different letters, denote different objects. For example: forest, fox, rooster, chicken, bun, etc.

This game can be played in teams. First, one team calls the words in a chain, then another. You need to speak quickly and without mistakes. Who made a mistake, was delayed, receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Wise Answers

In many fairy tales, there is such a situation when the hero is given the task of doing something obviously impossible. But the wise hero sets his own condition in response, which is also impossible. For example, the hero is offered to weave a shirt from one thread, and he in response asks for a loom made from one straw, thereby freeing himself from the task and loss.

This game offers the same. You can play in teams. In succession, each team comes out with a player who, in turn, offer each other such fabulous tasks. First one asks, the other answers. Then they switch roles. For a successful answer, the team receives a point. The team with the most points wins. Tasks can be very different: for example, sew a dress from one thread, weave a basket from one straw, weave a carpet from one ball, bake bread from one grain, water the whole garden from one mug, build a house from one brick, etc.

The spoon

Two teams play, each with the same number of players. The players of both teams stand one behind the other in two chains. There is an empty container in front of the first players. A few meters from it stands exactly the same, but filled with sand. The first players of both teams have spoons in their hands. They must pour sand from a full container into an empty one, using only a spoon.

When the container is full, he swaps them so that the empty cup is again at a distance, and goes to the end of his chain. The new player gets to work. This is a relay game. The team whose players are faster will win.


All players choose a driver. The rest are divided into two teams. They stand opposite each other at a short distance so that a passage forms in the center. The driver takes two small buckets and a yoke (instead of a yoke, a stick 80-100 cm long is suitable). Buckets must be strengthened at its ends. Each player on both teams must have a ball to table tennis. The leading player with the yoke walks along the aisle between the teams. Players should try to throw each ball into their bucket, like a ball into a basketball basket. But only in this game the players stand still, but the basket moves. And, of course, someone will hit the bucket, someone will miss. When the driver passes to one end, then you need to count the balls in both buckets. This will also be the number of points scored by each team. So the driver passes with the yoke several times. After counting the points scored by each of the teams. The team with the most points wins. For the next round of the game, the driver is chosen from among the players of the winning team. The former driver takes his place in the team.

Flying saucer

There is such a toy - a flying saucer. But it can be made by yourself from several layers of cardboard. All players are divided into two teams. The playing field is divided in half by a line. Each team occupies half of its playing field. The essence of the game is that players throw a flying saucer to each other. One team starts. Her player throws the plate to the opposing team, they must catch it and throw it back, if they don’t catch it, they get a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

You can make the game harder if you want. The playing field of each team must be divided by lines into identical squares and write a number in each. And when a flying saucer not caught in flight is on the site, you need to look at the square with which number it is. This is the number of penalty points that the team receives. If the plate was not entirely in the field of the square, but on the line dividing the square, then it should be noted which part of the plate goes into one of the squares more. This will be the number of penalty points. If the dividing line turned out to be exactly in the center of the plate, then it is better not to count such a point.

Little Red Riding Hood and the Sea Wolf

In this game, a quick question must be answered quickly. From the total number of players, one driver is chosen - he will ask. The others sit around him. The driver asks a question by throwing a small ball to the player, the player catches and must immediately send the ball back with an answer. And the ball is needed here only as a kind of appeal of the driver to the player. But you can do without the ball, just the driver with a question turns to any player. And if the player is mistaken, then he either performs a comic task, or gives a phantom - some small object of his own, which after the game must be rescued, that is, again either answer or complete tasks.

Why is this game called "Sea Wolf?" Because the questions in this game will be related to the names of marine animals. These are the questions the player will have to answer. The driver asks: “Who is a seahorse?” The player replies: "This is a perch-like fish." In this game, the driver is a sea wolf, he is wearing a striped T-shirt. The rest of the players are in charge. They are wearing red caps, which the player gives away if they answer incorrectly as a penalty. After the game, when all the players answer the questions, the penalty box performs the tasks that the driver offers them. For a new round of the game, you can choose a driver from among the players who answered correctly in the previous round. He puts on a striped T-shirt and gives the previous driver his red cap.

Here are the sea animals that will be useful to you in the game.



Sea Horse

Perciformes fish

sea ​​dragon

Perciformes fish

sea ​​fox

Perciformes fish


Perciformes fish

Marine awl

Fish of the needlefish family



sea ​​mouse


Perciformes fish


Flounder fish


Barracuda fish


Fish of the stingray family

sea ​​fox

Harbour porpoise

sea ​​otter

Sea cow

Animal of the siren squad

Sea Elephant

Animal of the seal family

Sea lion

Animal of the seal family

sea ​​hare

Animal of the seal family

sea ​​hare

Sea saucer


sea ​​lizard

Sea urchin




Sea lily


Sea cucumber

Holo-, echinoderms

sea ​​salad

green algae

sea ​​kale

brown seaweed kelp

Eat my pie

Choose one driver who will answer questions. The rest portray fairy tale characters and sit in a row. For example, a leading player walks along a row, approaches one who plays the role of an apple tree, he says: “Eat my forest apple and tell me what apples are or what apples can be cooked from.” And the player has to tell a little. So he moves along the line of questioners and answers, and if he fails, then he gives a phantom. If it goes well, then he chooses to replace any player from a number of inquirers.

Stove. Tell us how bread is baked, what else can be baked.

Kiselnaya river. Tell us how and from what you can cook jelly.

Pumpkin. Tell me what vegetables you know, what can be cooked from them.

Pear. Tell me what fruits you know, what can be prepared from them.

Mushroom. Tell me which mushrooms you know, which of them can be Cooked.

circle cup

All players sit in a circle. One is the leader who directs the game. He takes any cup, preferably plastic, and says: “Today we have a holiday, we need to fill the circular bowl to the brim, that is, this cup. To do this, everyone must consistently put in it something that will rhyme with the word "cup". For example, a cup, porridge, chamomile, shirt, frog, wah, etc. If someone makes a mistake with rhyme or thinks too long, slows down the movement of the cup, they come up with a penalty task.

Chickens and "tsy"

For this game, two drivers are chosen from among the players, these are chickens. The rest are responsible. All respondents sit in a circle. “Chickens” stand in the center and say these words: “We are chickens. We lost "tsy", whoever found our "tsy", come on confess!" And the players in a circle say words that end in "tsy". For example: foxes, tits, martens, marigolds, chickens, well done, swimmers, brothers, etc. When all the words run out, that is, the players can no longer think of anything, the chicken players say: “Yeah, that's who found our "tsy" and does not give! Now we'll catch you." And they rush to catch all the players, as in a tag. The first two that the "chickens" catch become chickens in the new round of the game. And the game starts again.

rainbow game

Teams of seven players each play. They should form a rainbow. Each team is given colored cardboard - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, as well as felt-tip pens or markers. Each player receives one color. On a signal, everyone begins to draw on colored cardboard with a felt-tip pen what belongs to this color. Everyone draws their own, but together they drew multi-colored characters and “formed” a rainbow. When all the players have drawn on their sheets, they must be strung on a string. To do this, you need to prepare holes in the corners in advance. And if you take such a string by the ends and lift it up, you get a garland of multi-colored flags - a real rainbow. The team that draws flags faster than the other and forms a rainbow wins. Here's what you can draw.

Red: strawberry, tomato, rose.

Orange: fox, orange, calendula.

Yellow: chicken, lemon, dandelion, melon.

Green: cucumber, crocodile, frog, leaf.

Blue: butterfly, forget-me-not, blueberry (berry), arctic fox.

Blue: cornflower, bluebell, grapes, caterpillar.

Violet: violet, plum, lilac, cloud.

It is necessary to draw something that really only happens in this color (for example, a chicken is only yellow, unlike parrots, which are blue, red, and green. Tulips are also multi-colored).

chess game

This game is similar to the previous one. There should only be eight players per team. Each player receives the same square piece of cardboard. One team has all black sheets, the other has white sheets. Any dark and white crayons are used for drawing. On black cardboard, draw with white chalk, on white cardboard - with any dark one. You have to draw fast. One contour line, but recognizable. On a signal, everyone starts to draw. On black cardboard what is black, on white cardboard what is white. When the players of one of the teams finish drawing, they must lay out their squares in a checkerboard pattern, and they lay them out taking into account that black squares will be laid between their white squares. The other team, having finished their work, fills in these cells. Get a chess square. Cardboard sheets can be fastened in the corners and decorate the interior with them.

The team that draws and lays out their squares faster wins.

The dimensions of the squares are 20 x 20 cm.

Seven sisters

The leader is selected from the total number of players. This is a brother, and the rest are sisters who sit in a row. The brother-player walks along the row and with the words “I have seven sisters, I will help everyone” approaches the first “sis”. And he says: “Today is a holiday. What to give you? Tell me what you're doing." And the “sister” should show some kind of needlework, craft with gestures, so that the “brother” can guess. For example, she will show that she knits. “Brother” says: “You knit, you will have new knitting needles or a ball of thread as a gift for the holiday.” The “sister” thanks, and the “brother” goes on until he congratulates everyone. Actions should be recognizable, and gifts should correspond to the needlework that the “sis” does.

Knitting - knitting needles, ball, hook.

Sewing - thread, needle, fabric.

Weaves lace - threads.

Cooks porridge - a ladle, a pot.

Spinning - spinning wheel, spindle.

Watering flowers - a watering can, a bucket.

Collects fruits - a basket.

plays on any musical instrument- this tool.

But if the "brother" did not guess what the "sister" was doing, he, by prior agreement, either changes roles with her, or gives a phantom, or performs a penalty task.

Matryoshkas (1st option)

For this game, you need to prepare two sets of nesting dolls. First of all, choose a driver. The rest are divided into two teams and stand in two chains one after the other. This game is a relay. Matryoshka dolls are placed in front of each chain. The driver puts them. Nesting dolls should be mixed. Each team has one player. And at the signal of the driver, they must each fold their matryoshka in order. Who folded faster, he received a winning point for his team. After that, the first players go to the end of their chains. And the next players come out, etc. The driver at this time again puts the matryoshkas mixed up. And again, at his signal, the players begin to fold them. The team with the most points wins.

Matryoshkas (2nd option)

The players are divided into 2 teams, each has as many players as there are nesting dolls in the sets. If there are seven, then there should be seven players. The game requires two sets of matryoshkas. At the beginning of the game, each player takes a matryoshka. On a signal, they must very quickly get into line according to their height, but not according to their own, but according to the growth of nesting dolls. Whoever has the biggest one is the first, etc. But now everyone stood up. Two teams - two systems, the team that gathered faster wins. But there also needs to be accuracy. This can be checked by placing nesting dolls in front of you. You can even fold nesting dolls one into another for persuasiveness. If the kit is assembled exactly, then the players are not mistaken. And then their winning result is confirmed. If you make a mistake, the result is not counted. And the game continues again. So you can play several rounds. The team with the most points wins.

Nesting dolls (3rd option)

Two teams are playing. Two sets of nesting dolls are needed to play, but the nesting dolls must be differently colored. The number of players in each team must match the number of dolls in the sets. The game begins with the fact that all the players of both teams receive a matryoshka. And everyone gathers on the site; they walk, run, you can even play tag, and everyone holds his matryoshka in his hand. But on a signal, the players of each team gather together, guided by the color of their matryoshkas. The team that gathers faster gets a point. The team that scores the most points wins.

Matryoshkas (4th option)

Again, two teams, and each player has a doll. Two circles are drawn on the site at a short distance from each other. The players stand up, each team - in its own circle, with nesting dolls in their hands. Then each player puts his matryoshka in front of him in a circle. The diameter of the circle should be approximately large enough for seven to ten players to join hands and dance. And at the signal, the players join hands and. they begin to dance around their nesting dolls.

When the signal sounds, the players must each run to their matryoshka and stand behind it. Everyone should be directed by the player who has the largest matryoshka. The team that takes its place before the other gets a point. And, accordingly, after several rounds, the team with the most points wins.

After the successful completion of the matryoshka series, each team receives its own set of nesting dolls. The winning team is like a reward for the victory. The losing team is like a consolation prize.

Hockey "eight"

Two teams are playing. On the site draw a big eight. Along its contour, empty spaces are placed after a certain distance. plastic bottles. Two teams stand in two lines so that the "eight" track is between them. These are relay games. Each team has a player with hockey sticks and pucks. They stand in the center of the figure eight. And they begin to lead the puck with a stick, bypassing the bottles. Everyone first goes around one of the circles of the figure eight, reaches the center from where he started, and goes to another circle of the eight and also goes around it. As the players move from different speed, then when they change circles, in the center, presumably, they will not meet. When one of the players passes the center, the other will only approach it. It is necessary to pass the "eight" track clearly, without knocking down a single bottle. If the player touches the bottle, then he must put it in its place. The player who completed the track faster gets a point for his team. After that, the next two players from each team go out, and so on. The team with the most points wins.

Football "eight"

Two teams are playing. The playing area is divided in half by a line, these are two playing fields for each team. In the middle on this line, you need to put a goal made of two sports hoops of the same diameter, fastened vertically. They represent the figure eight. To strengthen the figure eight to stand upright, it is necessary on rope extensions. Two teams play football, fight for the ball, you can move around the entire field, but you need to throw the ball into the opponent's goal only from your own territory. If the ball went to the bottom of the eight, then the team gets one point, if it went to the top, then two points. If the players of one of the teams manage to knock down the "eight" gate, then such a team receives three points ... penalties. Here also consider! The team with the most winning points wins. They play for a time, for example 20 minutes or an hour.

Basketball "eight"

Both baskets stand in the middle of the playing area above the line dividing it into different territories. Two baskets are a figure eight of hoops, suspended on stretching ropes, like a hammock. The distance to the baskets must correspond to the height of the players. Each team tries, as in basketball, to throw the ball into the opponent's basket. But since both baskets in this game are practically together, so that the players of each team know their basket, the hoops must be of different colors, but the same in diameter. If you accidentally hit your basket, a penalty point is awarded for this. The team with the most points wins. You need to play for a while, for example, 30 minutes or an hour.

Relay "eight"

1. Two hoops in the form of a figure eight are fixed on the wall. The players of each team stand in a chain and take turns throwing a small ball into the hoops. If the ball hits the bottom hoop, the player gets one point, if the top hoop gets two points. The team whose players get the most points wins.

2. A pair of players comes out from each team. They stand in pairs, and each takes one hand for one hoop, which is obtained between the players. So, holding on to the hoop, they run to a certain point and back. The pair that returns faster wins - this is a point for the team.

3. One player comes out from each team, each of them takes a hoop and puts it vertically, runs to the point and back, pushing the hoop, leads it in front of him. The fastest one gets a point for the team.

4. One player from each team comes out, each takes a hoop and goes the same distance, jumping through the hoop on the run, like jumping rope. Whoever goes there and back faster gets a point for the team.

After the end of the game, points are counted. And the team with the most points overall wins. And she is given a big eight made of gold foil. The team that is lagging behind is also given a figure eight as a consolation, also made of gold foil, but very small. Eights must be made in advance from thick cardboard and pasted over on both sides with paper-based gold foil. To make the eights fun, you can stick circles, flowers, leaves, also from multi-colored foil, on top.

Approximate dimensions: the big figure eight - the diameter of the outer circles is 40 cm, the diameter of the inner circles is 20 cm, the width of the figure eight ring is 10 cm. The total height of the figure eight, consisting of such two rings, is 80 cm. circles - 10 cm, diameter of the inner circles - 6 cm, width - 2 cm.

Competitions of needlewomen

In many fairy tales there is a character - a needlewoman. She knows how to do everything: spin, weave, sew, cook, and much more. And he does everything quickly and efficiently. So let's assume that all our players are such needlewomen. Here are some games or contests for them.

Embroider a shirt

It may very well be that many players already know how to sew and embroider well. But if you embroider at the competition directly, then it can take a long time. Therefore, it is better to try this method: cut a shirt out of paper and apply a pattern of future embroidery on it with a thin line or dots, which everyone should color. Before the start of the competition, each participant receives such a shirt and a red felt-tip pen. On a signal, all players begin to color. And whoever is faster wins.

string beads

Each player receives the same number of beads, a needle and thread, and the task of stringing beads. So that the beads do not roll out during the game, it is better to give them in a separate box. Everyone starts on the signal. Who is faster is the winner. The game can be complicated at will, for example, so that beads of different colors (for example, two or three) alternate in the beads at a certain interval. For example, three beads are yellow, one is red. And everyone should be the same. This is the quality check of the work. Then each participant receives beads in separate small boxes by color.

weave canvas

Considering the fact that there is no weaving equipment, you will have to do this: take colored cardboard in sets, make identical cuts on sheets of cardboard, stepping back from the edges of 2 cm, and after a certain interval, for example, 1 cm, first square the sheet 20 x 20 see This will be a blank canvas. The cut strips are the warp threads. Now we need to prepare weft threads. To do this, you need to cut strips of cardboard of a different color 20 cm long and 1 cm wide. Each player receives such a blank set and a certain number of strips. And at the signal, the strips must be woven between the slots on a sheet of cardboard. The strips should be intertwined in a checkerboard pattern. You can come up with some kind of pattern.

A sample must first be made and during the competition it must be in front of the players. For this game, the color of the main workpiece and the stripes does not matter. They can be the same, so it will even be more convenient to compare later. finished goods, because not only the speed of execution should be taken into account, but also the quality.

Paint the box

Each participant in the competition receives the same box-box glued from colored cardboard, gouache paints and a brush. The task is to paint this box with patterns. One such box should be ready as a sample. With it, the players will check their work. You need to choose a simple drawing for painting, so that everyone succeeds and so as not to waste a lot of time. You can try this pattern, flowers, leaves just stick on. Then each player must receive, complete with a box, a sheet of colored cardboard on which these patterns are drawn (each has the same).

Make a pitcher

Each participant before the start of the game receives plasticine and the task of making a jug. One such jar as a sample should be ready. After all, a jug must not only be molded, but also decorated on top with a stucco pattern in accordance with the finished jug. In addition to plasticine jewelry, you can use beads or beads, which should also be given to each participant.

Make a fan

Each participant in the game receives a sheet of colored cardboard measuring 15 x 30 cm, from which a fan must be folded. The fan can be decorated with a simple pattern. If the fan is made of colored cardboard, then the pattern can be drawn with a felt-tip pen, the outline of the pattern must already be applied to the workpiece so that everyone is on an equal footing. In this case, the workpiece must first be painted, then folded. If the fan is made of self-adhesive paper, then the pattern can be glued from the same film, but in a different color. For example, the background of the blank is yellow - the pattern is red. The color of the blank and the pattern can be either the same for all participants, or different.

Dress up a roly-poly

Each participant receives the same piece of colored cardboard - the profile of a roly-poly. These are two circles, one larger, the other smaller, connected together. The diameter of the larger circle is 20 cm. The diameter of the smaller circle is 10 cm. Circles or circles made of colored paper, foil, etc. are attached to this cardboard blank. After all, you need to make a tumbler's face and strengthen it with balls. The finished roly-poly should also be made according to a previously known pattern that everyone should see. Why a tumbler? Because it looks like a figure eight.

Paint nesting doll

This task is similar to the previous one. But instead of a tumbler, all participants in the game should be given a nesting doll cut out of white cardboard. On cardboard, it is necessary to draw patterns for painting in advance with a thin line, so that everyone is on an equal footing. The height of the workpiece is no more than 30 cm. And each participant also receives gouache paints and a brush or a set of colored felt-tip pens with which he will paint patterns.

Weave a belt

Each player receives three multi-colored thick laces no more than 1 m long each. From them it is necessary to weave a belt, like a pigtail. Before starting work, all three threads must be tied in a knot, leaving 3 cm as a brush. When the weaving is over, it is also necessary, leaving a few centimeters, to tie the end in a knot. You can also give each participant some woolen threads so that tassels or pompoms can be made at the ends of the belt.

Decorate the ball

Each participant receives an inflated balloon, which must be decorated, for example, with the words "March 8". They must be made from a colored self-adhesive film: cut out the number eight and letters from it and, after removing the backing, stick it on the ball. The number and letters must be the same for everyone, so they must be given to the players already drawn.

Make a postcard

Each participant receives the task to make a holiday postcard from colored foil and for this blank task - a sheet of foil for the background and another sheet on which the number and words "March 8" are drawn. You can also provide for some simple patterns, which must also be drawn in advance so that everyone is on an equal footing. The size of the postcard is 15 x 20 cm or 20 x 30 cm. The foil should be used the one that is sold in sets, paper-based, it sticks well.

Summarizing. In each competition, the player who completed the task faster and without errors receives points. You can decide that there will be three winners, then the one who finishes first gets 3 points, the one who finishes second gets 2 points, and the one who finishes third gets 1 point. After all competitions of needlewomen, the points are added up and the winners are determined. They receive prizes, tasty, funny, useful. But some consolation prizes must be prepared for all participants in the competition. A holiday is a holiday.


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