Recipe for large soap bubbles. How we made huge soap bubbles. How to make soap bubbles at home: what products to use

If you truly love entertainment, then it will become interesting for you, because games with soap bubble cause not only wild delight and interest in children, but also in adults. Blowing bubbles, I always dreamed that the soap bubble would not burst, but it turned out that the life of a soap bubble ended in its prime, when it could still fly and fly.

What you need to arrange bubble games:


1.Empty container


4.Soap solution

5. Woolen glove


1. make a soap solution

2. Putting on the glove

3. Inflate the bubble

4. We rejoice at the result.

Despite its simplicity, the process of making soap bubbles has several secrets to know. For example, you should know that for soap bubbles NOT it is advisable to use hard water. Chilled boiled water is ideal, to which you need to add shampoo or liquid soap. In this case, the concentration should be 1:10. This figure is not strict, but it is also not advisable to overdo it.

In case you are going to make soap bubbles little child Consider using a baby shampoo that will not irritate if accidentally splashed in the eyes. One of the secrets to making big and strong bubbles is the addition of gelatin or glycerin.

Recipe on how to make homemade soap bubbles

There are several ways.

The easiest way to make bubbles at home

  • We take 100 ml. dishwashing liquid
  • Add 50 ml. glycerin and 300 ml. water
  • Stir well and you're done!

Recipe on how to make non-bursting bubbles

First recipe

I will clarify right away that to get the ready-made mixture, you must wait at least three days, so you should prepare in advance for a walk that involves such entertainment. So let's prepare the water first. Plain tap water will not work. The fact is that it contains impurities of salts, and salts, in turn, make the bubbles inelastic. No matter how hard you try, blowing a large bubble out of a solution made with regular water will not work. That is why it is better to use distilled water. We measure out 600 milliliters and bring the water to a boil.

Then add 300 milliliters of ordinary glycerin to the boiling water, which can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy, 20 drops of ammonia (sold there), and then add 50 grams of powder detergent (cleaning or washing powder).

Mix the solution thoroughly so that all the ingredients in it are completely dissolved.

There will still be sediment at the bottom, but this is normal. Cover the resulting solution with a lid and leave for two to three days at room temperature. Remember that children are curious creatures, so keep the container of the solution out of the reach of small hands. After this period, the solution should be thoroughly filtered by passing it through a piece of gauze folded in three to four layers. And we wait again, but we already store the filtered solution in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, you can pour it into a bottle and go for a walk. Of course, this recipe cannot be called simple in terms of preparation, but the result is worth it. The bubbles from it turn out to be large, do not burst for a long time and shimmer in different colors.

Second recipe

To prepare a solution according to this recipe, we need 800 milliliters of water (remember that it must be distilled), 200 milliliters of any dishwashing detergent, 100 milliliters of glycerin and 50 grams of gelatin and sugar each. First, pour boiling water over gelatin so that it swells. Drain off excess water, add sugar to the gelatin and dissolve the mixture over low heat, avoiding boiling. After that, pour in all the water, detergent and glycerin, mix. Please note that you should mix very carefully so that no foam appears on the surface of the solution. Strong and large bubbles are blown out of such a solution. And the ingredients in it are practically safe, if you do not take into account the dishwashing detergent, which I have a prejudice against.

Third recipe

And the good thing about these bubbles is that they can be touched. With light contact with hands and even with water, they remain unharmed. To prepare such a solution, you need to combine 100 milliliters of transparent lubricant (that's a reason to overcome shame when visiting a sex shop))), 200 milliliters of dishwashing liquid (preferably with a thicker consistency) and 100 milliliters of glycerin. Add 800 milliliters of boiling water to the mixture, stir, but without foaming. The solution can be poured into a bottle immediately.

There are several ways that, while preparing the solution, will help you determine if you are doing it right. The first is to blow out a small (about 30 millimeters in diameter) bubble and record the time during which it does not burst. If it lasted half a minute, then the solution is good. You can check in another way. Touch the blown bubble with your finger moistened with the same solution. If the bubble does not burst, then you prepared the solution correctly.

"Tool" for creating huge bubbles

The classic straw in this case, of course, will not work. You can tie a woolen thread to two wooden skewers of the same length, and then moisten it abundantly in soapy water. Vigorously pushing and pushing the skewers, the inventors of this design get large soap bubbles. Neither me nor my husband got anything out of this venture, except for a bunch of splashes. Another idea, borrowed from the Internet, has justified itself. You will need a cord about 150 centimeters long, a large bead and two sticks. First, we tie a cord to the end of one stick, thread a bead at a distance of 75 centimeters from the knot, and then tie the same end of the cord to another stick. Tie the remaining end of the cord to the first knot. The result will be a construction of two sticks, between which a cord in the form of a triangle with a bead-weight is stretched.

We dip the cord in a soapy solution, let it soak thoroughly, and then straighten the sticks on outstretched hands. Please note that sudden movements are excluded, but it will not work too slowly to make bubbles, since the solution from the cord will simply drain to the ground.

A walk with such a "toy" will definitely be appreciated by your children. And not only yours, because huge bubbles cannot help but attract attention. And further. For a walk, I recommend dressing children in clothes that are not a pity to spoil, because I have not been able to wash the spots from bursting bubbles so that there is no trace left.

Video how to make soap bubbles

Interesting facts about soap bubbles

The first soap bubbles were mentioned in the frescoes found during the excavations of the city of Pompeii. These murals depicted children with soap bubbles;

If you inflate a soap bubble in severe frost (-25 C), it will quickly freeze in the air, acquiring an almost perfect spherical shape, and will break when it hits the ground;

There are many artists who delight the audience with their main job - creating soap bubbles of various sizes and shapes.

Bubbles will be strong thanks to glycerin, which makes the bubble shell stronger.

What's the hardest part about making bubble liquid? Choose the right base - it must certainly give abundant and strong foam. Remember how in childhood you “dragged” your mother’s shampoo, and you got beautiful bubbles? And now, not every soap is suitable for a solution. Chemical industry does not sleep, and compositions modern means full of emulsifiers, silicones, thickeners, preservatives - these additives greatly impair the quality of the "foam" mixture. But you want the bubbles not only to "sulk" well, but also to be large and durable.

How to make soap bubbles: 5 rules ...

Before you make your own bubble solution, there are five rules to keep in mind.

  1. Water. Ideally, it will be distilled. It is permissible to take and boiled or filtered. There are many impurities in the tap, which make the solution heavier and make the walls of the bubbles brittle. Purified water prolongs the life of soap balls.
  2. Time . Freshly made mortar will not give the expected effect. The mixture must be kept for about a day, the minimum time is 12 hours.
  3. The foundation . If possible, use a foaming agent without dyes, strong fragrances and with a minimum composition as a basis. Excess "impurities" reduce the "foaminess" of the solution and the "durability" of the bubbles.
  4. "Strengthener". You can make a "simple" mixture of a foaming agent and water, or you can strengthen the composition with a "hardener". Pharmaceutical glycerin acts as a component that makes the bubbles more durable. If there is no such house, and there is no time to run to the pharmacy, it is replaced granulated sugar.
  5. "Blowers". Use a blower or gun left over from purchased bubbles. But this is boring. Better to build homemade structures of different shapes and sizes. Next, we will dwell on this point in detail.

... and 5 easy recipes

Below are easy-to-make and affordable mix recipes that will blow durable bubbles like those sold in the store. And even better.

With Fairy

Peculiarities . This is the simplest composition from which "tenacious" bubbles are obtained. If the blowing will be completely toddler, then change the proportions by adding more water. This makes the balls easier to come out. Use any detergent other than dishwasher detergent. But experts say that Fairy is more suitable than others. More specifically, Fairy Lemon, which for some reason is thicker and gives more foam.

What do you need:

  • liquid dishwashing detergent - 50 ml;
  • glycerin - 25 ml;
  • water - 150 ml.

Glycerin is replaced with granulated sugar, but then the proportions of the recipe are different:

  • sugar - one teaspoon;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • dishwashing liquid - 100 ml.

With shampoo

Peculiarities . This method of making soap bubbles with your own hands involves the use of shampoo. But childish is better. Especially if the child is prone to allergic reactions. And the product with the "no tears" formula will allow you not to worry if the ball gets into your eyes. The water should be warm and stir the mixture until the sugar melts. You can replace sugar with two tablespoons of glycerin, but then the amount of water must be reduced to 100 ml. The glycerin recipe gives tighter bubbles than the granulated sugar recipe.

What do you need:

  • shampoo - 50 ml;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - one teaspoon.

With soap

Peculiarities . Most common soap bubbles are made from soap and water. You just need to dilute the mixture and your bubbles are ready to fly. Can be used as a base chopped on a grater laundry soap... If not, take liquid soap. But then baby food is better (it contains fewer dyes and other additives). At the same time, keep in mind that you need more liquid - 100 ml. The water should be nearly hot. Stir the mixture until the soap dissolves without residue. Only then add glycerin. The mixture must be kept for a day. However, the soap formulation gives worse results than the Fairy recipe.

What do you need:

  • khozmylo - 20 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - one teaspoon.

With bubble bath

Peculiarities . This product is specially formulated to create a rich lather. Just what you need.

What do you need:

  • bath foam - 200 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - two tablespoons.

With powder

Peculiarities . Laundry detergent is an excellent base for soap balls. This composition allows you to make strong soap bubbles. It is better to take a detergent for hand washing, because defoamers are added to the "machines", but here you need just the opposite effect. Dissolve the powder in water first, and then add the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe. You need to forget about the mixture for at least half a day.

What do you need:

  • powder - 50 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;

Compositions for "large" balls

How to make really strong and large soap bubbles correctly? The secret is to add several "strengthening" ingredients at once. And if you add food coloring to the main components, then the balls will be not only gigantic, but also colored.

From a mixture of "strong" components

Peculiarities . It is impossible to independently make non-bursting soap bubbles without glycerin. Therefore, in all "strong" recipes, it is an indispensable component. It is difficult to blow bubbles out of such a mixture - the composition is "heavy" and viscous. It is better to make a special frame that can be lowered into a basin with liquid and blow out bubbles by drawing “lines” in the air with it.

What do you need:

  • dishwashing liquid - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - four tablespoons.

Syrup based

Peculiarities. Sugar syrup acts as an additional "hardener". To prepare it, you need to boil sugar in water in a 1: 1 ratio. First, you need to completely dissolve the soap, and then add other components.

What do you need:

  • grated household soap - 50 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;
  • sugar syrup - three tablespoons.
  • ammonia - ten drops.

We make blowers

Here you can dream up from the heart. Plus to involve children in making. Here are six ideas of what and how to make unusual "blowers".

  1. Plastic bottle... Cut the container in half. For children's "blowers" it is better to cut it closer to the neck. Unscrew the cover - you won't need it. Ready. Dip a wide cut into a container of liquid and blow into the neck - large bubbles are provided.
  2. Gauze. You can simply lower a piece of gauze into the composition and drive it through the air with sweeping movements. A whole scattering of small bubbles will fly out of the gauze at once. You can improve the previous "blower". Wrap the cheesecloth over a wide section of the bottle and secure it at the neck with an elastic band or thread. As a result, a thick "flying sausage" will be blown out of small bubbles.
  3. Tubules. Take cocktail tubes and cut off the corrugated section. Secure several of the tubes together with rubber bands at both ends to keep the structure from falling apart. Dip one end in soapy water, and blow on the other side. If there are no cocktail tubes, they can be easily replaced with ballpoint pen casings. After all, this is how bubbles blew in childhood, remember?
  4. Frame . Needed to create huge balls. The main principle is to pull two ropes between two sticks - they will serve as a flexible frame, from the center of which a bubble "grows". You can stretch the ropes parallel to each other - the frame will be square. And you can tie both to the upper edges of the sticks, but make one longer than the other - then the frame will have the shape of a smile.
  5. Beater or landing net... If you find a carpet beater or a large landing net, great. Just incredible fireworks from bubbles will fly out of them - the children will definitely like it.
  6. Wire. Cut off a piece of wire. To make a round blower, wrap the middle section around the medicine bottle. If you want a larger size, find a round shape with a larger diameter. For a triangular or square shape, bend the wire with a ruler in several places. Twist the ends of the wire with a "bundle", and for safety bend the ends with "rings".

The wire can be given absolutely any fantasy shape: from a heart to complex colors. You can also decorate blower handles with beads, ribbons, tie a bow at the end. Another option is to wrap the shape itself with a beautiful ribbon, lace or thread. Then the solution will be absorbed into the fibers and one dip is enough for more bubbles.

A way to hold the balls in your hands, and other fun

Thought bubbles can only be blown corny? Not at all. Here are just a few ideas on how to diversify children's entertainment and make the game unforgettable.

Soap paintings

You will need paints: watercolors, gouache or food colorings... Just two or three teaspoons of dye and, voila, your creative tool is ready. You can make as many of these color mixtures as you like.

Use a tube to "foam" the colored solution directly in a glass or on a saucer. Take heavy paper and start applying the sheet to the multi-colored foam caps. From the obtained prints, when they dry, you can fantasize and finish painting. For example, if you "paint" with shades of blue, you get sea ​​bottom, on which fish, pebbles, corals and algae will then appear.

Volumetric drawings

You can create volumetric paintings from multi-colored foam. Remember how to make a "blower" with gauze? It is only better to take not plastic bottle, but something with a smaller diameter, for example, you can cut a ten milligram syringe. Wrap the wide end with gauze or a piece of loose cloth, drip paint onto the fabric and dip in the solution. Multi-colored "foam sausages" will be blown out. It is from them that you can lay out all sorts of figures and landscapes. Alternatively, invite the children to create a "foamy" rainbow or a seven-colored flower.

Foam locks

Pour some soapy water on a wide plate and give the child a thin tube or pen barrel. Here you can build whole "soap" castles. You can blow bubbles into each other (blow a smaller bubble inside a larger one) and thus create voluminous fantasy figures or give the foam cap the shape of a certain object. For example, boys love to "blow" tanks, and girls love flowers and butterflies. You can arrange a competition for the best structure, and then together figure out what exactly the author wanted to portray.

Magic Gloves

Did you know that you can catch bubbles directly in your palms, and they will not burst? You just need to put on gloves on your hands or just wrap your brushes with a cloth. Soap and fat are antagonists; when they come into contact with the skin (and there is always a fat layer on it), the soap film is damaged and the bubble bursts. And if the bubble gently falls on a clean, fat-free surface, then its integrity is not violated.

Give the children clean gloves and have a competition. The winner is the one who builds the largest "pyramid" of the bubbles caught in his palms. As an option for young footballers - put on a knitted hat and let the one who "collect" the most balls with his head wins.

It is very easy to prepare the liquid for soap bubbles. Even a child can handle this. It is more difficult to turn a banal blowing into an exciting and memorable action. Imagine, and even the most ordinary moment will become an occasion for fun and joint activities with your child.

Bubbles are simple, fun and exciting entertainment that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Therefore, many are interested in how to make soap bubbles at home. You can make bubble fluid cheaply and in just about any quantity. There are many ways to make a composition with your own hands. Let's consider some of them, and you will choose the recipe you like.

Classic recipe


  • 500 ml of water;
  • 50 g of laundry or glycerin soap without fragrances and dyes;
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

If you do not have the last component at home, then a jar of glycerin can be bought at almost any pharmacy. First, grind the soap by grating or chopping finely. Fill it with hot water and stir until completely dissolved. If the soap does not dissolve well, you can slightly warm the water by stirring it constantly. But don't bring the solution to a boil! If necessary, strain the composition through cheesecloth. After that, it remains to add glycerin to the soap solution.

This is a fairly simple and affordable recipe. All components are likely to be found in your kitchen. Plus, you don't have to wait for the soap to dissolve.

Required Ingredients:

  • 400 ml of water;
  • 100 ml dish detergent;
  • 2 teaspoons of regular white sugar.

It is better to take ordinary dishwashing liquid without dyes and fragrances. Dishwasher detergent will not work. So, to make a soap bubble solution, add dish soap and sugar to warm water. Then stir the ingredients well. That's it, the solution is ready!

Washing powder solution

It will take you several days to prepare a solution with the addition of washing powder. Therefore, if you want to please yourself and your child today, this recipe will not work for you.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 ml of water;
  • 100 ml glycerin;
  • 8-10 drops of ammonia;
  • 20-25 g of washing powder.

Add washing powder to hot water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then add the rest of the ingredients. The resulting soap solution should stand for about 2 days. After waiting a couple of days, strain the solution and send it to the refrigerator for several hours (you can overnight). After that, the composition will be ready for use.

Bubble recipe for the little ones

It happens that while playing with a child, drops from bursting bubbles get into the eyes. And then entertainment does not bring any joy. Liquid with the addition of mild baby shampoo, getting on the mucous membranes, does not cause pain and burning sensation in the baby. How to make soap bubbles at home for the little ones?

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • 200-250 ml baby shampoo;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Dissolve the shampoo in warm water. The prepared liquid should be slightly infused. Leave the solution overnight, or better for a day. Then add sugar to the mixture and mix everything well. The bubble solution is ready.

Extra Durable Bubbles Recipe

If you want non-popping bubbles, you need the following ingredients:

  • 800 ml of water;
  • 350-400 ml of glycerin;
  • 200 g of laundry soap;
  • 80 g sugar.

Rub the soap and pour hot water over the shavings. Stir the liquid until the soap is completely dissolved. After that, add sugar and glycerin to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. From the resulting solution, you can make not only strong bubbles, but also various soap figures, for example, blowing balls onto a smooth table.

Original recipe: syrup solution

Corn syrup can replace sugar or glycerin. To prepare the solution, you will need:

  • 600 ml of water;
  • 200 ml shampoo or dishwashing liquid;
  • 70-80 ml corn syrup.

The recipe for this recipe is very simple: you just need to add the syrup and dishwashing detergent to the water, and then mix everything well.

It is easy to check the quality of the soapy liquid: inflate the bubble, dip your finger into the lather and gently touch the bubble with it. If the balloon bursts, add a little more glycerin or sugar. If the bubbles are difficult to inflate and are too heavy, add a little water to the solution. If the bubbles inflate well and do not burst, then the solution is prepared correctly, nothing else needs to be added to it.

Recipe for making a composition for large bubbles

Nowadays, various soap bubble shows are very popular, which can be seen at weddings, birthdays and other festive events. You can also arrange such a show for children or friends.

To prepare the composition with your own hands, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 ml of water;
  • 200 ml dishwashing liquid;
  • 150 ml glycerin;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • a bag of gelatin (30-40 g).

Before making soap bubbles, you will need to prepare gelatin. Soak it in a little water (check the recipe on the bag) and let it swell, then strain. Combine the gelatin with the sugar and melt the mixture without bringing it to a boil. This can be done in a water bath or in a microwave oven. In 800 ml of warm water, add the resulting mixture of gelatin and sugar, and then the rest of the components. After that, it remains to mix everything thoroughly.

The solution can be prepared in a wide bowl. And they form giant bubbles using a hoop or a large frame made of flexible material. True, you don't have to blow out the balls. Just immerse the frame in the liquid and gently pull out large bubbles.

If you want nice bubbles that won't pop while blowing, consider the following guidelines.

  1. To prepare the solution with your own hands, it is recommended to use not tap water, but boiled or bottled water.
  2. When choosing soap, dishwashing detergent or powder, pay attention to the composition. The fewer dyes and perfume additives are in the product, the better the bubbles will be.
  3. Glycerin, like sugar, affects the density of the solution and the strength of the balloons being blown. But do not overuse glycerin, otherwise the solution will be too dense and it will be difficult to inflate bubbles.
  4. Bubbles made from a less dense solution are not as strong, that is, they burst faster. But they are much easier to blow out. Therefore, this composition is more suitable for babies.
  5. If possible, keep the prepared solution in the refrigerator for 1-2 days before use.
  6. Before inflating, it is necessary to wait until there is a solid film on the surface of the solution without foam and bubbles. The foam can be removed or you can wait for it to disappear by itself. Cooling the liquid is the easiest way to get rid of unnecessary foam.
  7. Blow out the ball slowly and evenly, otherwise the soapy film will quickly break and the bubble will burst.

Optimal conditions

If you are blowing bubbles outdoors, be prepared for the result to be largely dependent on the weather. Strong wind and dust are the real enemies of bubbles. Also, they should not be allowed on a dry and hot day when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees. But high air humidity, on the contrary, will be an excellent assistant in the "soap" business. It is believed that the best results are obtained in the morning or evening after rain or watering the lawn.

If you are blowing bubbles at home, avoid strong drafts. Also, the room should not be too hot, dry and dusty. It is important to consider: in some cases, bubbles bursting can leave marks on parquet, linoleum or furniture.

To a large extent, the size and quality of the bubbles depends on the tools used to blow them. Today, it is easy to find many ready-made tools in various shapes and sizes in the store. But you can make them yourself. For example, a looped wire is perfect for these purposes. Some people use a cut-off plastic bottle or curly dough cups. You can also use a cocktail straw. And to make the balls larger, several longitudinal cuts can be made at the end of the tube.

Safety regulations

  • When working with the solution, be careful: it should not get into the eyes, nose and mouth.
  • If you bubbled up your toddler, be careful not to taste the solution.
  • Blow soap bubbles in a direction where there are no people or animals.
  • If any splash from the bubble does get into your eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean running water.
  • After preparing the composition and experimenting with soap bubbles, do not forget to wash your hands under running water.

If you want to give a holiday to your child or just to cheer up your loved ones, use one of the presented recipes. As you can see, you can make beautiful bubbles with your own hands without special efforts and serious costs.

You can give a holiday and fun to children without significant costs. Cooking soap bubbles with your own hands!

It's easy to give children a holiday!

One of the funniest, most romantic, simple and fascinating undertakings is soap bubbles. Moreover, this fun will captivate children and adults, in winter and summer, at home, in the yard and outside the city, and one child, and a large group of different ages. What is especially nice - you can buy a bottle of soap bubble solution inexpensively, and it is even easier to make homemade soap bubbles yourself. Moreover, promptly and in any volume.

Making soap bubbles at home is easy! The main components of the solution are water, soap, glycerin or sugar. But it is important to follow some recommendations that will allow you to prepare such a solution for soap bubbles that the balls will blow out easily, large and will not burst in the next few seconds.

- to prepare the solution, it is better to use not tap water, but boiled, and even better - distilled water. There are a lot of salts in tap water, and the less impurities in the components of the solution, the better quality soap film;

- for a greater density of the solution, and therefore, greater strength of future balls, use glycerin or sugar. You can buy liquid glycerin in a pharmacy for 13 rubles;

- when making homemade soap bubbles, do not overdo it with glycerin / sugar, otherwise the solution will turn out to be dense and it will be difficult to blow the bubbles;

- less stable bubbles are blown out of a less dense solution, but they are blown out easily, which is optimal for babies;

- if possible, withstand the ready-made solution for 12-24 hours, and only then start! Some experts advise keeping the solution in the refrigerator for the best bubble quality. During this time, the foam will settle - it is not needed in the solution;

- wind and dust are enemies of soap bubbles;

- high humidity - helper.

DIY soap bubbles

From laundry soap

You will need:

10 glasses of water

1 cup grated laundry soap,

2 teaspoons of glycerin (or a solution of sugar in warm water, you can add gelatin).

Grate the soap without a grater, pour it into hot boiled water and stir until completely dissolved. If dissolution is difficult, heat the mixture, stirring continuously. Do not bring to a boil!

Instead of laundry soap, you can use soap with olive or almond oil, but not any perfumed toilet soap - there are unnecessary additives in this case.

From liquid soap

You will need:

100 ml of liquid soap,

20 ml distilled water

10 drops of glycerin.

Mix the soap and water, wait for the foam to settle (this will take about 2 hours), then add the glycerin. Let the solution sit, preferably in a cold place.

From dishwashing liquid

You will need:

1/2 cup dishwashing liquid (not for dishwashers!),

2 glasses of water

2 teaspoons of sugar.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Ready! Instead of sugar, you can use 1-2 tablespoons of glycerin. And if you put the solution in the refrigerator for a day, the bubbles will turn out to be notable!

From baby shampoo

You will need:

200 ml baby shampoo,

400 ml of distilled (boiled) water.

3 tablespoons of glycerin or 6 teaspoons of sugar.

The mixture is infused for a day, after which glycerin (or sugar) should be added.

Sugar syrup - for experimentation

You will need:

1 part of concentrated sugar syrup (proportion: for 1 part of water 5 parts of sugar: for example, for 50 g of sugar - 10 ml of water),

2 parts grated soap

4 parts glycerin

8 parts distilled water.

Using this solution, you can, for example, build a variety of shapes from soap bubbles, blowing them onto a smooth table surface.

For a children's party

You will need:

50 ml glycerin,

100 ml dishwashing liquid,

4 teaspoons of sugar

300 ml of water.

Giant soap bubbles can be blown out of these ingredients. The solution can be prepared in a basin, and "blown out" with the help of a gymnastic hoop or a frame specially twisted from wire. You won't have to blow, you have to wave the frame or slowly pull out a large durable bubble from the basin with the same frame or hoop.

From washing powder

You will need:

3 glasses of hot water

2 tablespoons of powder

20 drops of ammonia

The solution should be infused for 3-4 days, then it must be filtered. This, of course, will take time, but knowledgeable people assure that the bubbles from such a solution are large and beautiful, like in the show.

Large (from 1 meter in diameter) bubbles

Recipe number 1

0.8 l of distilled water,

0.2 l dishwashing liquid,

0.1 l of glycerin,

50 g sugar

50 g of gelatin.

Soak gelatin in water, leave to swell. Then strain and drain off excess water. Melt the gelatin and sugar, not boiling. Pour the resulting liquid into 8 parts distilled water, add the rest of the ingredients and mix without foaming. This solution produces particularly large and durable bubbles and is non-toxic.

Recipe number 2

0.8 l of distilled water,

0.2 l thick dishwashing liquid

0.1 l of lubricant gel without impurities,

0.1 l of glycerin.

Mix gel, glycerin and dish soap. Add hot distilled water and mix thoroughly without creating foam. Especially "tenacious" bubbles are obtained from such a solution, which do not burst even when in contact with water.


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