Who is a drug dealer. Who is the drug dealer? The best marketing is from client to client

The general stock of vocabulary (from the Greek Lexikos) is a complex of all the main semantic units of one language. The lexical meaning of a word reveals the generally accepted idea of ​​an object, property, action, feeling, abstract phenomenon, impact, event, and the like.

In other words, it defines what this concept in the public mind. As soon as an unknown phenomenon gains clarity, specific signs, or an awareness of an object arises, people assign it a name (sound-alphabetic shell), or rather, a lexical meaning. After that, it enters the dictionary of definitions with the interpretation of the content.

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The number of drug addicts in St. Petersburg is 300 thousand people. The city is 15 times larger than philatelists, falerists and books.


Unfortunately, the competent authorities claim that 15% of the city's drug market is provided by city health care.

Narcotic drugs are written off as being used for patient care and laboratory testing and continue to be sold. “You are a business, this sin is not only a nurse nurse and an irresponsible team of first aid personnel. The court has already fallen, and professors, associate professors, doctors head many scientific and educational laboratories.” Introduces the idea of ​​"imported drug intermediates".

Recently, the city court heard an example of how students of the chemical faculty of St. Petersburg state university were able to teach fanklydin in their classes.

Wild cannabis is sent to St. Petersburg on cars and passenger trains from the south of Russia, from the Pskov and Novgorod regions. Elite synthetic drugs come from Belarus, as well as from Poland from Western Europe. Opium, hashish and cocaine enter Central Asia, Afghanistan and India.

In this case, for example, one gram of Kazakh opium, when in St. and Portuguese ports. Another powerful flow comes from the countries of the Middle East (mainly from Lebanon) through the "edge".

The meaning of the word "tramp"

The "Chinese Great Road" is gaining momentum. And from China comes the whole "choice" of "drugs" - from hashish to heroin and pharmaceuticals. The strongest drug of ephedra is sold inexpensively in the country,


The daily turnover of drugs in St. Petersburg is at least a billion rubles a day. The situation is already such that anyone can buy any drug.

Until recently, it was the oldest city in the Oktyabrskaya cafe. To join the buzz you had to order a cup of coffee and then sit and wait for one of the local patrons to sit next to you.

If you inspire confidence in him, he will call you in a hotel room where you can buy drugs. Now this point is too enlightened - trade is limited.

But even without the "October" outlets enough. Usually there are rooms for the house, taverns-pubs and coffee shops. There are also metro stations. The most famous are Lomonosov, Vladimirskaya and Sennaya squares. Very active traders are Proletarskaya, Ladozhskaya, Prospekt Prosveshcheniya where you can buy cannabis, poppy straw, raw opium, ephedrine, salt and ketamine.

The work of the police department in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg "Doping" has seriously complicated the sale of drugs in the legal banking market, once considered a soft urban drug business. The time has come - marijuana has been openly sold in the arcade store. Now that the police attacks on the market are on the rise, the drugs are moving very close - the entire bus service of drug dealers is running buses on some local routes.

"Elite" drugs (crack, cocaine, heroin) are sold in apartments and only "them". But it's not hard to be yourself. To do this, it is enough to visit prestigious discos or music clubs and spend there necessary knowledge. In discotheques, you always have lighter hair. “Today, in the field of drugs in St. Petersburg, there is a wider distribution network than Rospechat or Catering.

The main link in it is the lifts.


Expert auctions in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg, according to operational data, about 3,000 people. Most of them buy goods on their own from couriers with longer margins, as well as retail and retail markets.

Some of them themselves go to goods in Central Asia. Earn a dragler on average from 5 to 15 million rubles per month. "Each manufacturer -. This is a small drug distribution network that regularly buy small batches (glass of marijuana) and sell them in doses to those who indulge from time to time, 'is the most 'volunteers' paid their 'high'. “Thus, drug trafficking in St. Petersburg is reproduced, and no special service can deal with tens of thousands of small distributors.

Drug dealers are not necessarily fancy brushes or jurors. On Haymarket Square ... grandmothers and beams on the right banking market - a boy of 10-15 years old, "Proletarsk" has a respectable uncle who looks like a foreign ambassador.

Gypsies and black students are at the bottom of the drug trade. With rare exceptions, drug dealers are not used.

The sad consequences of this "pleasure" are known to them as to anyone.


In principle, it is no longer a secret that internal criminals control all deliveries of medicines to St. Petersburg from the West. "About the most" Russian mafia", which is now 30 years ago, settled in Western Europe and took over part of the drug market in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Russian mafia bosses are already rumored to be investing in Colombia and Brazil with drug trafficking,

These are the ones who deliver the drugs in St. Petersburg, and the city groups are "bound" only at the last stage of receiving and distributing the cargo. The closest contacts with mafia drug addiction are from Kazan, which are directly related to the supply of up to 80 percent of heroin and cocaine to the city. The eastern route is controlled by the "Azerbaijani criminal community", which covers all stages: production, transportation, distribution.

The main base of the "Azerbaijanis" in St. Petersburg - right bank. In general, the "cargo" reserved by the police is more than one percent of all shipments. But, according to the draglers themselves, the officers had other tasks - now more often than not robbers, they collect taxes from street vendors.


Professional drug dealers (drug dealers) in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg is more than professional athletes.

Usually a tramp voluntarily comes into contact with a journalist because he has professional pride. Especially to find out about it, often it is not even necessary: ​​even among your friends, the reader, it is, of course, a vagabond, you just don't know about it.

My friend Gosha is 22 years old.

And then he said the following monologue: “My career is typical. I came from Magadan to St. Petersburg to study, but I did not get the right to enter the institute. I don't want to go home. One of my compatriots taught me how to buy weed for free: you buy a glass of marijuana, you sell half the dose and you pay for the other half.

I quickly realized that this could earn it. I started buying marijuana in bulk and retailing it at the Mining Institute Café. Usually at least 20 cups of the "plan" per day, this "plan" was held there.

There was such a narcotic smog in the cafe and nearby corridors that I “tied” myself to smoking for the night. A year later, he changed his specialization - he began to study only wholesale trade. I bought drugs from those who brought them to St. Petersburg in containers and sold them to those who later carried bags in the northwestern regions.

Every month and fifteen hundred dollars were clean. But, as it turned out, even that kind of money is not worth the problem that I faced at the same time. For the "city" at the cafe institute, the gangsters of "Vorkuta" were paid. They are all addicts and eventually they started to "grind me". In the end, I gave them all the proceeds and I still had to.

I had to "jump" - I changed the apartment, the sides. The beginning of everything in a new way, quickly realized that without protection he still does not do this. And only robbers can protect our brother from the dragon. I tried to "raise" about twenty times. Of these, I lost money and money three times because the "former shooters" protected at least two bulls. Of course, he is no longer from the Vorkuta brigade. They poured gas, they shocked me when they broke my jaw.

If I hadn't been idle, I could have killed him multiple times. When I put down the "cops". Special team “NON obvious to someone advice, looked through my entire apartment Then I was scared all day by interrogation. Frightened, embarrassed, she claimed that Posad, but was released in the morning and how many times I searched on the street, so far only socks. Harm prevention.

And I managed not to see a kilogram of "marijuana" in my backpack. All in all, I had about four thousand years of "shooters" whom I could "leave" or "arrest". I've moved my residence eight times, I don't always have a drug at home, I don't talk about my connections, and I still know what's soon or soon. It's time to get nervous.

After a wave of daring bank robberies, the police were forced to throw all their main forces into protecting financial institutions. This led to riots and an aggravation of the crime situation on all the islands.

A particular problem was drug dealers (from the English. drug dealer- drug dealer), who massively bred near crowded places of a large number of people and, spitting on the forces of law and order, even during the day they sell parsley and green tea to everyone.

The seedling trade has reached such proportions that the police are forced to turn to volunteers and ask the population for help.



  1. The drug dealer is the first in the list in single orders.
  2. To complete the quest, you need to kill 10 drug dealers by surviving the battles.

    Draws don't count.

  3. After killing a drag dealer: Characters with a low combat level have a higher frequency of spawning drug dealers (5 minutes). For the elders - 10 minutes after the murder. If you are not killed, you can try again at the same moment (but you will have to heal).
  • Tracking the number of drug dealers killed is available on the "Your Quests" page.



  1. If you are playing from a phone, then the drug dealer will be at the bottom of the list of applications.
  2. The level of the drug dealer is usually in line with your combat level, they are clones of other players.

    When a turn is skipped, nothing happens, third-party intervention in the battle log (replies in the chat) does not lead to a move being skipped. Drag dealers do not count towards the cyborg limit counter.

The drug market is immoral, condemned, hated, but three trillion dollars is constantly spinning on it. Without the slightest hint of the prospects of drug dealership, we invite you to figure out which helpful ways can be borrowed for any legal business.

Don't let this unusual offer scare you. Nothing illegal will be offered to you. And meanwhile, do you know what the turnover of the drug market is?

The figure is simply unrealistic - nearly 3 trillion dollars! I repeat, no one is going to offer you illegal business. But, you see, such an amazing turn of events was somehow created and maintained.

Is there really nothing to learn from the founders of this gigantic market? Let's use the example of this trillion-dollar monster to try to determine the main thing that underlies it and try to take something useful that can be applied in any type of business, improving it.

The most important thing is the quality of the product

In gangster films, drug dealers always fight for markets. It may seem that this is the main thing in their business. But it's not. The quality of the product is much more important than better product the higher the sales and profits. Therefore, the most serious struggle is for best product on the market.

Having transferred this simple rule to your business, try to make your product the best. The buyer likes not just good, but the best. Having got used to quality, the client will never leave you.

The best marketing is from client to client

True, this is inextricably linked with the first principle: if your product is the best, customers themselves will tell their friends and acquaintances about it absolutely free of charge, increasing your sales. You can spend money on regular advertising if you want, but remember: the best advertisement is the quality of your product.

How free becomes profitable

The old drug dealer trick is to accustom the client to yourself with free doses. Much later, this technique was adopted by network marketers. If you want to get more customers, give them something for free. If the product is really cool, then buyers will not refuse to pay for it.

Try to be an organizer, not a performer

Successful drug dealers never stand on the streets selling merchandise. Their business is organizing supplies, quality control, investing earned money, etc.

In order to succeed, in no case should you engage in routine work. Focus on strategy and control, that is, what will quickly lead to results. And performers will always be in abundance!

There is no sales ceiling

The drag dealer is in a constant trading bustle, inventing new ways to make money. Never rest on what has been achieved.

Additional sales are a constant concern for everyone successful businessman. Such sales do not at all mean the presence of a new clientele: do a survey of your old clients, find out what they would like and offer them the new one you have.

Supply control for price optimization

What do drug dealers do if the market is overstocked and prices are falling? That's right, reduce supplies. Supply control means the main thing in trading - price control.

It's the same in legal business. Controlling the state of the market and adjusting it with the supply of goods and prices is an important part of the work of a successful businessman.

It's easier to keep old customers than to get new ones.

In any business, you can’t focus only on finding new customers. Your most important task is to make your regular customers happy to cooperate with you. Remember the old rule successful business: if you can make good money on new clients, then you can become really rich on old ones.

, Iran , Pakistan . It produces large quantities of raw opium (see also opium), heroin and cannabis.

  • Golden Triangle - Myanmar, Laos, Thailand. The region also produces large amounts of raw opium (see also opium) and heroin.
  • South America (South America) - Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia. The cultivation of coca, from which cocaine is made, and the production of crack cocaine predominate.
  • Netherlands (Netherlands) - production of marijuana and synthetic drugs.
  • Morocco - production of hashish.
  • People's Republic of China - production of synthetic drugs and potent substances (precursors used to manufacture narcotic drugs).
  • Afghanistan has been the world's largest producer of raw opium and heroin in recent decades.

    According to the UN, from the moment the US and NATO military contingents entered Afghanistan in 2001 and the start of the military operation "Enduring Freedom" and until the beginning of 2010, opium poppy crops in Afghanistan increased by almost 40 times. Today, this country alone produces twice as much opiates as the entire world produced just 10 years ago.

    On June 29, 2011, the British Independent on Sunday confirmed that Afghanistan is the largest producer of heroin and cannabis in the world, and the US military actions in this country have changed little. Afghanistan still accounts for 74% of the world's raw opium production. As said Executive Director UN Office on Drugs and Crime Yuri Fedotov, "Our preliminary data suggest that Afghan opium production is likely to reach its highest level in 2011" .

    Colombia remains the leader in the production of cocaine in the world. This was stated by the US Assistant Secretary of State for Combating international trade Drug and Law Enforcement Affairs David Johnson, presenting the State Department's annual drug control strategy report to reporters. "Colombia is still the largest producer of cocaine, although the scale continues to decline markedly," he said. As the report points out, the Colombian government's ability to combat drug trafficking has been greatly enhanced, not least thanks to US support. The bulk of Colombian cocaine finds its way to the US market, although experts are drawing attention to an "increasing percentage" of drugs that are shipped to Brazil and Europe. More than 500 tons of cocaine enter the United States every year from Latin America. Most of it - more than 90% - is delivered in transit through Mexico, which in turn is one of the largest suppliers of heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana destined for the American market.

    Modern drug trafficking[ | ]

    The most important role in the global drug business is played by the ways of wholesale supply of drugs from the places of their production to the consumer, the so-called drug trafficking.

    Drug trafficking or drug trafficking- this is a channel for the smuggling of narcotic drugs; the totality of the route of their movement, the vehicles used for this, the methods of concealing illegal drugs, including when crossing state and customs borders, as well as persons directly involved in the illegal transportation of drugs and involved in ensuring its safety, as well as in their distribution.

    Illicit drug trafficking has a detrimental effect on transit states, causing political and economic instability, contributing to the growth of corruption, as well as an increase in the number of diseases associated with non-medical drug use, etc.

    “Global drug trafficking is estimated at $800 billion annually, which equates it to the oil market. The banking system is one of the main beneficiaries of the drug trade: only 0.5% of the funds received from the sale of drugs are confiscated. Therefore, one of the tasks of the drug police and financial intelligence of states is to make it difficult to enter such money into banks, ”said Viktor Ivanov, director of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation.

    Currently, there are two largest, or as they are commonly called, planetary centers of drug production in the world - in Afghanistan and South America, and two drug trafficking generated by them - Afghan heroin and Latin American cocaine, which actually determine the general drug situation in the world.

    For example, in Russia, the share of drugs of foreign origin exceeds half of the total illicit trafficking, while heroin and cocaine almost completely come from abroad. Both of these drug trafficking are self-regulating systems that change their routes under the influence of various external factors. One of these factors is the degree of rigidity of the anti-drug policy of potential transit states, which has a significant impact on the formation of Afghan and Latin American drug trafficking routes.

    • "Balkan route"(Afghanistan - Iran - Pakistan (port of Karachi) - by sea to Turkey - the countries of the Balkan Peninsula - Southern Europe - Central Europe - the Netherlands);
    • "northern route"(or " silk road ”) - (Afghanistan - Tajikistan - Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan - Russia - Ukraine - Belarus - the Baltic states - Eastern Europe - Germany - the Netherlands).

    If the advantages of the “Balkan route” are a shorter distance on the way to the EU countries and a smaller number of state borders that must be crossed during traffic, then the “Silk Road” attracts the attention of the drug business with the transparency of borders between the CIS countries.

    The main drug trafficking routes for Latin American cocaine are:

    "Northern Route"[ | ]

    "Northern Route" It is customary to call the export of Afghan opiates to Russia and Europe through the territory of Central Asia. It began to form in the early 1990s, immediately after the collapse of the USSR. Before, in the 1970s, the countries of the Golden Triangle were the leaders in the production of opiates, where up to 67% of the world's opium was produced. Prior to the Afghan war, opium production in Afghanistan and Pakistan was oriented exclusively to regional markets, and there was no heroin production at all. In Afghanistan, after the overthrow of the Taliban by NATO countries, opium poppy crops increased by almost 40 times. According to Sergey Ivanov, transnational drug cartels have turned Afghanistan into a drug farm, which is an absolute world monopoly, producing 94% of all opiates in the world. The hashish harvest in 2010 amounted to 3,000 tons. Almost all opium is exported. A significant part of Afghan politicians is involved in the drug trade.

    Russia annually consumes about 70 tons of Afghan heroin, which is about 20% of the world consumption of this drug. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report, "Addiction, Crime and Insurgency: The Threat of Afghan Opium Transit:" Russian Federation, being the largest national heroin market, consumes more than 20% of heroin products from Afghanistan” (Russia consumes twice as much heroin as China and three and a half times as much as North America). Lion's share drugs (50 tons per year) enters Russia from neighboring Kazakhstan. The key link in the transit of heroin from Afghanistan to Russia is Tajikistan, as well as Kyrgyzstan. The development of corruption in Russia makes this route very profitable.

    Ethnic groups, including the Uzbek drug mafia, play a significant role in the transit of Afghan drugs. There are suspicions that the American, British and Russian military are involved in the drug trafficking of Afghan drugs. For example, in 2011, a lieutenant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was detained in St. Petersburg, who was distributing hashish among cadets of the St. Petersburg State University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Earlier in the Sverdlovsk region in 2000, a drug dealer with the rank of colonel was detained.

    "The Cocaine Route"[ | ]

    The founding father of the "cocaine route" is the head of the Medellin cartel, Pablo Escobar. In 1993, he was killed, but to this day Colombia remains the world's largest producer of cocaine, followed by Peru and Bolivia in second and third place. By comparison, in 2008 Colombia produced 430 tons of cocaine, Peru 302 tons and Bolivia 113 tons. In Colombia, local Marxist rebels from the FARC were accused of producing and exporting cocaine. Most of the cocaine goes to the USA, but a considerable part (about 40%) also ends up in Europe. Initially, cocaine entered Europe through the Caribbean to the ports of Spain, but with the strengthening of European integration, drug trafficking began to pass through West Africa (Gambia, Liberia, Guinea-Bissau). A fourth of the cocaine exported to Europe passes through Africa, which is about 50 tons per year.

    The fight against drug trafficking and penalties[ | ]

    • Many countries provide for criminal prosecution for the distribution of drugs. In Uruguay, the Netherlands, some Indian states and the US, the distribution of drugs such as marijuana is legal; in North Korea, where the circulation of "soft drugs" is not regulated in any way [ ] . In some Muslim countries, alcohol is prohibited, and its sale is also equated with drug trafficking.
    • The sale of "hard drugs" is criminalized in all countries. The death penalty is punishable by any drug trade in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines [ ] .
    • In Russia, under article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum term for drug trafficking is up to life imprisonment if the trade was carried out on an especially large scale.
    • In 2013 International Center Research in Drug Policy (ICSDP) published in the British journal British Medical Journal Open report summarizing the data obtained by the family international systems drug control over the previous ten years of observation and claiming that the global war on drug trafficking is effectively lost. The authors of the report argue that drug use should be seen as a public health problem, not a criminal one, and that national governments, whose efforts up to that time had been focused on eliminating the supply of narcotic drugs to grassroots users, need to switch to research on other approaches in solving the problem of drug addiction, for example, decriminalization and limited legalization of "hard drugs". One of the co-authors of the report and the center's scientific director Dr. Evan Wood said: “We must understand that attempts to reduce the supply of drugs to users are doomed to failure; we also need to step up drug treatment.”
    • In some countries, in addition to criminal liability for drug trafficking, there is also liability for their possession, carrying, shipping and even use.
    • EMCDDA (European Observatory on Drug Abuse and Drugs) plans to use hackers to fight drug trafficking on the Internet. The corresponding item is already included in the work of the organization until 2025.
    • In Belarus, there is criminal and administrative liability for the sale, storage, carrying, shipment and use of narcotic drugs. From January 1, 2015, the maximum criminal penalty in the field of drug trafficking and drug use is up to 25 years in prison with confiscation of property.

    UN position [ | ]

    The 1988 UN Convention Against the Illicit Distribution of Narcotics and Psychotropic Drugs proclaimed the need to criminalize both the production and consumption of narcotic substances (p. 3 and p. 12 of the Convention):

    In accordance with their own constitutional principles and the basic provisions of their legal systems, all Parties shall take the necessary measures to criminalize […] the possession, acquisition or cultivation of narcotics and psychotropic substances for personal consumption.

    Original text (English)

    Subject to its constitutional principles and the basic concepts of its legal system, each Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary to establish as a criminal offence under its domestic law, when committed intentionally, the possession, purchase or cultivation of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances for personal consumption.

    • Countries should make efforts to develop legislation to decriminalize injection and other drug use, thereby reducing incarceration rates.
    • Countries should make efforts to develop legislation to decriminalize the use of sterile syringes and needles (including programs to improve access to syringes and needles) and to legalize substitution therapy for people with opiate dependence.
    • Countries should prohibit compulsory treatment for people who use drugs, including injecting drugs.

    Original text (English)

    Countries should work towards developing policies and laws that decriminalize injection and other use of drugs and, thereby, reduce incarceration.

    Countries should work towards developing policies and laws that decriminalize the use of clean needles and syringes (and that permit NSPs ) and that legalize OST for people who are opioid-dependent.

    Countries should ban compulsory treatment for people who use and/or inject drugs.

    According to the British weekly The Economist, the report contains a "soft but clear" call for drug decriminalization.

    Economic evaluations[ | ]

    However, at the end of 2009, Antonio Maria Costa, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, told The Observer newspaper that the multi-billion-dollar drug trade helped keep the financial system afloat in the midst of the global financial crisis: “This was the point (at the end of 2008) when the system was basically paralyzed due to the reluctance of banks to lend money to each other”, “in many cases drug money was the only liquid investment capital. In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the main problem of the banking system, and therefore liquid capital became an important factor". According to him, as a result, the economic system absorbed a significant part of the funds received by the underworld from the drug trade, which amounted to 352 billion US dollars.

    German political scientist Jochen Hippler notes that structurally for the global illegal drug trade with the main producers of the countries of the "third world", the vast majority of income remains in the main consumers (in financial terms) developed countries.

    see also [ | ]

    • Drug trafficking in the USA
    • Foundation "City Without Drugs" (combating drug trafficking and the spread of drug addiction)

    Notes [ | ]

    1. "RUSSIAN" TRANSIT. Problems of combating illegal drug transit // rau.su, July 27, 2003
    2. “Criminal globalization of the economy. Part I. Smuggling is a leading international criminal industry. Jochen Hippler: "Drug trade in the system of relations between the North and the South." 1990 In the magazine " Economic theory Crimes and Punishments”, No. 5-1 // corruption.rsuh.ru
    3. WORLDWIDE MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS OF DRUGS. // vestnik-mgou.ru (March 27, 2009)
    4. An overview of the probable ways of world drug trafficking, taking into account the tough anti-drug policy of individual states. Archived October 21, 2013 at the Wayback Machine // pfo.fskn.gov.ru (December 13, 2012)
    5. Imitation fight. The US is losing the anti-drug war in Afghanistan. // rg.ru (January 19, 2010)
    6. Independent: "What has really been achieved as a result of the war in Afghanistan?" // CentralAsia (June 29, 2011)


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