Lev borodulin photographer. Borodulin Lev (1923). Ano "cultural project russ press photo"

Lev Borodulin is one of the classics of Russian and world photography. Born in 1923 in Moscow, he largely repeated the difficult fate of the country, but still he was able to become not easy famous photographer, but one of those masters who inspire new generations of photographers.

In 1940, Lev Borodulin entered the art department of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute. But in less than a year, the Great Patriotic War, and student Borodulin went to the front, where he spent all four years, was twice seriously wounded, defended Moscow and took Berlin. And after the war, he returned to college, to finish his education.

Around the same time, in the first post-war years, Lev Borodulin became seriously interested in photography. It was far from the best time for the Soviet photographic school - the descending "Iron Curtain" and the intensified propaganda work almost killed it completely. Photography as a creative process turned out to be simply unclaimed. But still, Lev Borodulin, whose work was formed under the influence of the classics of Soviet modernism, such as Alexander Rodchenko and Boris Ignatovich, wanted to do just photography.

He chose for himself almost the last direction in photography, which remained relatively free, - sports. Moreover, it turned out that being a sports photographer means not only freedom from officialdom and ideology, but also the opportunity to travel the world.

For fifteen years, Lev Borodulin, as a correspondent for Ogonyok, attended the Olympic Games and other competitions held in different countries... The result was not only beautiful pictures, but also the recognition of their author by the professional community. In particular, in 1964, the English photography Year Book awarded him the "Star of World Photography" award, and two years later, at the Munich Games, Borodulin was awarded the Olympic gold medal for achievements in the field of sports photography. He was also recognized the best photographer 1967 according to the Japanese newspaper Asahi.

But in addition to sports photography, Lev Borodulin collected his own collection of photographs - those taken by the best photo artists of the country.

They reflected the difficult military and post-war life, the restoration of the economy and the difficult conditions in which millions of people worked. It was a real photo chronicle of the country. Of course, there was no question of publishing these shots.

In 1972, Lev Borodulin left the Soviet Union for good and went to Israel. This is another page in the history of the country, which is closely intertwined with the life of a photographer. And for more than forty years now he has been living there, still considered one of the best photographers in this country and participating in numerous exhibitions and master classes.

SOMETIME Lev Borodulin, a student at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute, did not have money for food. But he had a camera.

For them, as Borodulin himself says, out of hunger, he "photographed" all kinds of sports competitions, which he loved very much. Yes, he photographed so much that these pictures were published in one of the leading magazines in the country, and Borodulin a few years later was recognized as a classic of sports photography. And a few years later, when Borodulin had already emigrated from the Land of Soviets to the Promised Land, his works began to be sold at Sotheby’s, Christie’s and Swann auctions.

This year Lev Borodulin turned 80 years old. And in honor of the master's jubilee, a retrospective of his work was organized in the Moscow House of Photography. We collected almost all the famous shots: the colorful 1956 Sports Parade in Moscow (Bill Clinton chose this photo to decorate the White House), the mysterious We Play Volleyball (many still cannot understand how this photo was taken: either the photographer buried the camera in the middle of the field, or climbed into the hole and made people play around it), "Dad, more heat!" (in the picture, People's Artist of the USSR Mikhail Zharov is doing exercises with his daughters). But visitors to the exhibition are not at all interested in the consultants' special Borodulin approach to photography, they do not even ask about the cost of these photographs, but at the entrance they ask the ticket clerk the same question: "Well ... will it be?" To which the usher is already accustomed to answer: "Of course, it will be, where without her." “F…” is perhaps the most famous and expensive photograph. In the original, this photograph is called "From the Tower". “F…” in 1960 it was named by Comrade Suslov, who one morning, having decided to look through periodicals, saw a girl flying from a tower on the cover of a respected Soviet publication. Since Borodulin photographed the athlete just above the height of her flight, the girl came out in the photo not in profile, not in full face and not even sideways, but with the most natural Soviet backside. Apparently, the bosses didn’t like the backside, because Comrade Suslov called the photo “a flying woman ...” and took the magazine “where it should be”. There the situation was taken under control, the editor was reprimanded, and Borodulin was offered to be “tracked down” as unreliable. Soon the unreliability made itself felt: Lev Borodulin emigrated to Israel together with his "Zh ...", which he sold at the auction "Sotheby.s" for a price several times higher than the original cost of the picture.

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Lev Borodulin was born in Moscow in 1923. In 1940 he entered the art department of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute, and in 1941 he went to the front. He went through the war "from beginning to end", received two serious wounds, was awarded medals "For the Defense of Moscow" and "For the capture of Berlin" ...

After the war, Lev Borodulin returned to the Polygraphic Institute, and after graduating from it he became seriously interested in photography. The post-war years were the most difficult time both in the history of the country and in the history of Soviet photography. The criticism of formalism in photography, which began back in the 30s, then the campaign against cosmopolitanism and the anti-Semitic campaign of the late 40s led to the era of Russian modernism being erased from the history of Soviet art, and most of the leaders of Soviet photography lost their jobs. including because of nationality.

The world was divided by the "iron curtain", the country found itself in political, economic and cultural isolation. The tradition of organizing large photographic exhibitions and international festivals was interrupted, the best photographic publications were closed, the "USSR in construction" ceased to exist. Having ceased to be art, photography has become a means of agitation.

It was at this time that Lev Borodulin chooses the path professional photographer... His work was formed under the influence of the classics of Soviet modernism: Alexander Rodchenko, Boris Ignatovich, Arkady Shaikhet, etc. pages into the history of Russian photography.

By choosing a photograph of sports, Borodulin also ensured for himself a certain freedom of movement around the world. For fifteen years of work at Ogonyok side by side with Dmitry Baltermanets, Lev Borodulin has traveled almost all over the world, filming the Olympic Games and World Championships, creating frames that have become classics of Russian and world sports photography. In 1964, the English photography Year Book named Borodulin "The Star of World Photography", in 1967 he was recognized as the best photographer of the year by the Japanese newspaper "Asahi", and in 1972 Lev Borodulin was awarded a gold medal for his achievements in sports photography. Olympic medal in Munich.

In 1972, at the peak of his fame, Lev Borodulin left the USSR. For 40 years he has been working in Israel, during which time he became one of the most famous Israeli photographers.

Back in the 40s, in parallel professional work in the field of photography, Borodulin begins to collect a collection of Soviet photography, primarily the work of photographers who captured the Second World War. Today, the collection of Lev Borodulin is one of the unique collections, which can be used to reconstruct both the “history of Russia in photographs” and the history of Russian photography of the 20th century.

On January 24, 2018, an exhibition of the legendary Soviet sports photographer Lev Borodulin will open in Minsk in the Mikhail Savitsky art gallery, timed to coincide with the 95th anniversary of the classic and the XXIII Winter Olympic Games. the best photos Borodulin and his biography - in the material TUT.BY.

Lev Borodulin was born in Moscow in 1923. At the age of four, he was visiting the outstanding photo artist, pioneer of Soviet photography, Svishchev-Paolo. His childhood portrait and his dream of being a photographer remain in memory of this. In 1940 he entered the art department of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute, but a year later he went to the front. He went through the whole war, was twice seriously wounded, was awarded medals "For the Defense of Moscow" and "For the capture of Berlin."

Portrait of Lev Borodulin, Moscow. 1947 year. Photo: family archive

After the war he returned to the institute. Around the same time, in the post-war years, Lev Borodulin became seriously interested in photography.

At first, he took pictures for a piece of bread to feed his family. Then he worked for a long time in a darkroom (thanks to the technical skills acquired there, he later became one of the first "flower beds" in the Soviet Union). Gradually, his pictures began to be published in various magazines. In the early 50s he worked for the magazine "Sports Life of Russia", at the same time filming for other publications.

At that time, photography was primarily supposed to perform propaganda functions. Lev Borodulin, an artist by training and a staunch formalist, a follower of the founders of Soviet modernism, Alexander Rodchenko and Boris Ignatovich, chose the only area in which the artist could be relatively free from ideological attitudes - sports. He did not want to be part of the propaganda apparatus, he was interested in art.

Basketball ballet. 1960s

In the late 1950s, Lev Borodulin became a photojournalist for the most popular magazine in the country, Ogonyok. For fifteen years, his freedom was practically unlimited - on assignments from the editorial office, he went to the Olympics and all significant sporting events in the world.

Tete-a-tete. Rome. 1960

Borodulin's pictures immediately stepped over the scope of official photo reports, fixing the successes Soviet Union... In every movement of the athletes, in the plasticity of their figures, in the lines of their hands, he saw a clearly perfected drawing or intricately intertwined ornament, caught the most subtle feelings, traits of the athletes' characters. The ability to masterfully "catch" a moment, to build a composition, to place accents translated Borodulin's photographs into the sphere of high art, made them an emblem of the era.

Spartakiad. 1959

In the 1960s, Lev Borodulin became the undisputed leader of sports photography. In 1964, the English photography Year Book named him the star of world photography, in 1967 he was recognized as the best photographer of the year according to the Japanese newspaper Asahi, in 1971 in Munich for his achievements in the field of sports photography Lev Borodulin was awarded the Olympic gold medal ...

From the tower! 1960

In 1973, at the height of his fame, Borodulin emigrated to Israel. There he continued his beloved work, becoming one of the most famous Israeli photographers. He also became famous as a successful collector, having created with his son the Borodulin Collection - one of the world's largest collections of classic Soviet photography.

USSR hockey team coaches Anatoly Tarasov and Arkady Chernyshev. Grenoble 1968

According to Maya Katsnelson, curator of Borodulin Collection, “the exhibition features over 100 photographs. All prints are copyrighted, with signatures, many with the seal of the Ogonyok magazine, in which he worked and for which he created a record number of covers. At the exhibition you can see the legendary scandalous "Jump from the tower". The photo graced the cover of “Ogonyok” dedicated to the 1960 Olympics in Rome - a swimmer hovers in the air with her arms spread across the entire diagonal of the photo, just about ready to touch the water surface. This cover angered the country's chief ideologist Mikhail Suslov. He called the picture "flying woman ..." and criticized it for its formalism. Then he stood up for Borodulin Chief Editor magazine Anatoly Sofronov, taking all the blame, and many years later that very picture was sold at Sotheby’s auction.

U-turn. 1970

“The famous 1956 Parade with athletes proudly marching under fluttering banners - a powerful charge emanates from photography,” continues Maya Katznelson. - It was her that Bill Clinton once acquired to decorate the White House. A photo sketch, awarded with the Olympic gold medal in Munich - “Coach Vikentiy Dmitriev and his future champions”. In the frame is an outstanding Vitebsk rhythmic gymnastics coach and his young students. Extraordinary pictures “We play volleyball” and “Gymnastic circle”, taken with the photo lens “ fish eye“- Lev Borodulin was the first owner of such a lens in the USSR. And many other photographs that have already become icons. The pictures show famous athletes - Lydia Skoblikova, Albert Azaryan, Alexander Medved, Victor Chukarin, Lev Yashin, Vasily Alekseev. "

To space! 1964

The project was organized by Maya Katznelson (curator of Borodulin Collection) and Nativ - the Ministry of the Prime Minister of Israel (Israeli Cultural Center at the Embassy of the State of Israel in the Republic of Belarus). The project is supported by: the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, the Embassy of the State of Israel and the Minsk City Executive Committee

Coach Vikenty Dmitriev and his future champions. Vitebsk. 1968

On a bend. 1957


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