Achievements and results of work. Professional achievements in an accountant's resume: examples. Examples of professional achievements of an accountant

The column "Achievements" baffles many applicants. What is an achievement, how to write them down correctly in a resume, and then present them at an interview?

"Expanding the client base", "monthly implementation of the plan", "overcoming work difficulties" - these theses are often filled in the column "Achievements" in the resume of applicants. But if you look at it, all of the above successes are, in fact, work responsibilities. Vera Ignatkina, managing partner of the career development center AimToAction, says that candidates often have a substitution of the concepts of “achievement” and “job responsibility”.

For example, applicants write the following phrases among the main results of their work: “Implementation of telephone sales, work with potential clients"Or" Good performance of job duties, no complaints from the management. " This is not true. If the employee did not fulfill his job duties, then he would soon be dismissed on the initiative of the employer after observing the procedure specified by law (clause 3, clause 5, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore it is not an achievement.

So what are they - achievements? What, according to experts, does this concept include?

According to Anna Kuraeva, lead recruiting consultant Recruiting agency unique specialists, applicants themselves determine what is an achievement for them: as such, they can be both professional successes (completed projects and tasks, receiving awards and certificates, rapid career growth), and personal (strong family, children, hobbies) or social (participation in social events, promotions). The professional success of the candidate is important for HRs, but, unfortunately, many job seekers do not describe them in their resume.

Irina Zotova, Deputy general director consulting group "Steps", considers an achievement that goes beyond the scope of a specialist's job responsibilities: these are the moments where the applicant took the initiative, which allowed the company to go to another level, or brought it additional income etc. It can be independent study of some programs, their further implementation and application, creative proposals, the most striking projects, awards, titles that the specialist was awarded.

Achievements mean the actions of applicants, completed or implemented projects that led to an increase in financial indicators company (department) or to any other positive change in the work of the company (department). For example:
- increase in market share (from 25% to 34%) due to aggressive advertising campaign in 2009;
- increasing the coverage of the territory - development branch network(from 5 to 21 cities) in 2005-2007;
- keeping the company afloat during the crisis;
- winning a tender for 5 million rubles, etc.

Correctly articulating your achievements is half the battle. It is also necessary to correctly fill in this item in the resume. Otherwise, the ill-fated graph may turn out to be a fly in the ointment and spoil the impression of a perfectly composed self-presentation.

Anna Kuraeva advises not to forget that a resume is a document that forms the first impression of an HR specialist about an applicant: “The more clearly and clearly you state your professional skills, knowledge and experience in your resume, the more chances you have for success.

Ideally, after describing the responsibilities at each job, briefly indicate the main achievements. In this way, the HR will be able to more accurately assess the level of your professionalism and experience. For example, if you are looking for a job as an accountant and indicate in the resume in the column “Achievements” the transfer of the company from the program “1C: 7” to “1C: 8”, then it is important to show the scale of the company. After all, it is one thing to implement such a project in a small enterprise, and another thing - in large company with a staff of 30–40 accountants ”.

A list of nuances that should be considered when describing achievements:
- The results of achievements (ie, numerical parameters) must be indicated as a percentage (by 5%, from 10 to 13%, etc.), or the words "at ... times" must be used without specifying absolute figures , - in this case it is impossible to determine them, but the percentages will show the degree of your effectiveness.
- It is imperative to indicate the period in which these successes were achieved. As a rule, this is either a year or a couple of years, if the implementation of something was of a long-term nature and it was not possible to assess the result immediately.
- Achievements must be substantiated and reasonable. For example, you write that you “won 50% of the market from competitors”, but this result could not have been due to your efforts, but simply because a competitor went bankrupt and all of its customers became yours.
- The resume should indicate 3-5 achievements, depending on the position you hold.
- If there is nothing to write in the “Achievements” column (or you are a young specialist or a student), then it is better not to write anything at all than to indicate false information - it is very easy to verify the reliability.

People are realized in different spheres of life: family, friends, education, as well as work. The professional area of ​​activity is no less important than others. Realizing as a specialist in his field, receiving recognition of his skills, experience, knowledge, a person grows and improves himself. Another indisputable plus in the presence of professional achievements is the increase in wages, the settlement work schedule improving the quality of life. This article discusses how to set goals in professional areas and achieve them, why you need it, how to describe your results in a resume. Also, the issue of professional achievements of the teacher will be considered separately, their types and descriptions are presented.

Definition of the concept

What does "professional achievement" mean? Each work has moments that can be called achievements. This list is individual for each specialist, each employer pays attention to the moments that are important in his company. Professional achievement is a successfully resolved situation, the fulfillment of certain tasks, useful experience in resolving complex conflicts and circumstances. In some areas, this is getting a certain title, degree, level of education, category of a specialist. In others - uniting people, leadership among certain groups of people, exhaustion social conflicts... Thirdly, high levels of sales, completed deals, won tenders. Professional achievement is a very broad concept that depends on the field of activity, the specifics of the work, the attitude of employers and the relevance of the skill in the modern work process.

The meaning of work for a person

The job should be profitable. This is its main meaning, which many workers are content with. But in addition to the monetary result, work should bring pleasure, moral satisfaction, the realization of human qualities. So professional achievement is also one of the meanings of work. They allow a person not only to arrange his life and career more safely, but also to realize himself psychologically and emotionally, evoke a number of positive emotions, stabilize nervous tension, and increase self-confidence.

Goal setting and achievement

High professional achievements and results are rarely the product of luck and coincidence. Such situations happen, but in practice, the employee receives these points of the characteristics if he makes some effort. In order to achieve something, you need to act. At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine what achievement is really important in a specific field and profession, how it can improve the position of the employee in society and in career growth... At the second stage, you need to set a goal for yourself, break it down in steps and systematically move in a given direction. It is important to determine the time intervals, available resources and ways to accelerate the achievement of the goal. A well-designed plan will help you achieve your goals much faster and more likely.

Do I need to indicate all my merits

Professional achievement in a resume is one of the key characteristics candidate. If a person strives to take the best vacancy with a decent wage and good conditions, it is simply necessary to indicate your achievements. Achievements corresponding to the profile of the company will allow us to weed out the majority of competitors on workplace, agree on the desired amount of remuneration and gain the respect of colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, not all vacancies require certain candidates from candidates. corporate success... So, it is difficult to present a resume of a loader, cleaner, plumber and other working specialties with a list of professional achievements. This paragraph on the resume is necessary for workers in social or intellectual spheres.

How is the selection of candidates

Organizations consider several options before choosing an employee for a particular position. Depending on the characteristics of the vacancy and the employer itself, the number of applicants who responded can range from several people to hundreds. V large companies consideration of the resume is the responsibility of the whole department of professionals, the essence of which is to identify the best personnel among the huge stream of incoming candidates. These people are very well versed in professions, requirements for applicants, they can perfectly distinguish between falsehood and truth, identify a psychological portrait, conduct various kinds of testing and, based on the results obtained, form a holistic image of an applicant. It is difficult to hide from an experienced HR manager negative stories from the professional past, absolute ignorance of the subject of the vacancy, and other criteria for inappropriateness of the position. Everything else at your disposal personnel service There are various services in which previous employers leave comments and feedback on their employees. Often, if the professional achievements of a person in the resume interested a personnel worker, then by the time of a live meeting at an interview, he had already collected a lot of information about him.

How to describe yourself correctly

Based on the information in the previous block of the article, we can conclude that you should adhere to certain rules for drawing up a resume, describing examples of professional achievements, listing your qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities. Following these instructions greatly increases your chances of being liked by your employer and getting the job you want.

So, the resume should be structured. This is for readability, highlighting critical aspects for the employer, and increasing the chances that the hiring manager will notice something significant in your response. With a huge amount of incoming correspondence, it is very difficult to focus on a monolithic text, read in and search for certain information in an array of completely useless text.

The resume should answer specific questions posed. The employer should see from it that it is this person who has a sufficient understanding of the professional field in which he is applying for the position.

Some companies require a separate resume. So, for many large holdings it is important for a person to study the history of development, the specifics of work, features corporate ethics their organizations. The resume needs to show your awareness of the company. An integral part of a well-written resume is transmittal letter... Some employers do not even consider candidates who have not written at least a couple of words in the appendix to the resume.

Exaggeration and outright lies

You should not attribute to yourself the highest professional achievements, if in fact you have nothing to do with them. First, not all people can professionally lie and embellish reality so that it is not noticeable to others. An experienced HR employee will definitely sense that something is wrong with the information you provide. Secondly, if there were really negative moments in your professional history, most likely, the HR specialist is already aware of them from the blacklists of employers. Thirdly, the deception regarding skills and professional achievements will be revealed in the first week of work. It is not worth starting a "new life page", and this is what a new job often is, with actions that defame the reputation.

Downplaying your accomplishments

Many people are notorious, lack confidence in themselves and their strengths, they themselves do not imagine their capabilities and talents. Yes, even the usual shyness is inherent in every second person. And if a person is pursued by a series of failures, a long and painful job search, he may completely despair and lose faith in his abilities. In fact, this position does not bring anything good. Even in the most difficult situations, be sure of yourself, talk in detail about significant achievements in professional activity, do not hide your merits. If you don't tell them about them, your position will be assigned to someone else who can overcome fear and embarrassment. After all, how does an employer know about your advantages as a candidate, if you yourself chose to hide them from the public?

Blurry and specificity

A resume is a document. Even if it does not have an established form, it is not presented in state institutions and is not checked for falsification. A resume is a document that is a pass to new job... This means that it must be filled out with high quality, accurately and according to the rules, albeit unspoken. Many professionals who have not yet acquired a rich portfolio and experience try to cram as many words as possible into their resume, using vague wording, complex sentences and long lists of meaningless lists and explanations. Both in thesis and in the resume: the less "water" the better. Write specific phrases, formulate sentences in which brevity and information content are agreed.

Advances in pedagogy

Teacher, teacher, educator, professor, lecturer - all these professions are united general concept"teacher". This in itself is a very important job, requiring full dedication, long years of study, a certain set of personal qualities and even leading a special lifestyle. Moreover, the higher the status educational institution, in which the vacancy is announced, the higher the requirements for candidates. Teachers' professional achievement can play a key role in the selection process. Moreover, in itself, it is low wage educators in the field public education can increase significantly upon obtaining certain degrees, ranks, titles, victories in competitions and passing certifications.

Examples of teacher achievements

What to write in the resume, what achievements of professional goals can a teacher have? Taking into account all of the above description rules, the following examples can be given:

  • Obtaining the title "Teacher of the Year", winning competitions related to professionalism, obtaining certification, advanced training.
  • Successfully written and defended doctoral dissertation or any other scientific work in the field of teaching.
  • Organization of events for students with high attendance rates.
  • Involvement of outside parties in the learning process who have had an important impact on the mentees (scientists, celebrities, well-known persons).
  • Successfully attracting and motivating students to volunteer, help people in need, improve social life and the environment.
  • Fruitful participation in the life of children with poor living and social conditions, assistance in adaptation.
  • Creation and maintenance of circles, sections, interest groups.

A teacher is a person who participates in the formation of not only the level of education of his students, knowledge about a specific subject, but also in drawing a picture of the world, establishing mental health and balance. All of these points can add value to the staff for the institution.

One of the most controversial sections of applicant information is personal results. On the one hand, it largely influences the impression of the applicant. On the other hand, it is the most difficult to paint them. It is very important to find the right example: your resume achievements must fully meet the expectations of the recruiter. But this is not enough either. The wording plays an important role.

What to write

Not everyone is able to correctly distinguish between responsibilities and achievements in the resume: examples suggest that the concepts of "did" and "did" are confused in the minds of applicants. This is clearly demonstrated by a sample of achievement in work for an accountant's resume:

  1. “Passed tax audits”.
  2. "Has successfully passed tax audits for 4 reporting periods in a row."

In the first case, the employee simply did what he ordered. job description... In the second, he achieved certain personal results, which distinguishes him from other representatives of the profession. Here are some more examples of personal achievement on a resume.

Name of the profession Right Not right
Cook Developed the menu, supervised the preparation of food according to the established standard, personally supervised the production sanitation on a daily basis Prepared dishes for customers, cleaned the kitchen
Commodity specialist Checked the availability of accountable goods on a monthly basis, personally kept records of the receipt and consumption of goods in program X Participated in inventories, kept records
Driver Every day I went to the line to carry passengers, during the work of the traffic police there were no violations, no road accidents happened Carried workers from the gathering point to the place of work and back

Let us also compare these formulations with functions. In this case, an example of achievement for a resume is double fleshing out.

Table. Examples: responsibilities, functions, resume achievements




Teach informatics for the use of ICT technologies in Everyday life

Prepare students for passing the exam in informatics

Prepared 10 students who scored 100 points on the exam in computer science in the 2017-18 academic year

Sales Manager

Interact with customers

Attract customers through cold calls

He attracted 43 clients through "cold calls" in a month


Provide medical care in the field of surgical dentistry

Carry out tooth extraction

Successfully performed the removal of "eights" without complications in 11 patients per month


Create websites

Develop plugins for online store sites

Developed an online payment plugin for an online store website, which increased the average order receipt by 15,000 rubles.

How to write

Let's consider examples of what achievements can be indicated in the resume and how to formulate them. We offer 5 golden rules:

  1. The focus is on the benefits for this employer. Applying for the position of an architect? It is not worth describing personal successes at the McDonald's checkout. You need to show your results as a sought-after professional. Here is an example of what achievements to indicate in the resume for this position: he received an award in an industry competition, brought his company to n-th place in the rating for 2017.
  2. Specificity is an indicator of reliability. Describe what specific results you personally achieved and for how long. Not "increased sales", but "increased sales by 33% in two months."
  3. Brevity is a job seeker's best friend. Choose the most important and don't get carried away with the details. They distract from the result.
  4. For each duty - according to the result. You will determine the sufficient number of points according to the duties listed above. Show that you are striving for the maximum in everything.
  5. Verbs are everything. Here's an example: successes and achievements in a resume, expressed in short participles, are mentally transferred to someone else. “An innovative project management system has been implemented” - and who has implemented it? “Implemented the system” - of course, it was you.

You can tell a story about how you excel in your last job and make the recruiter get bored. Either with striking facts to attract his attention and show his candidacy the most suitable. And do it based on the same information.

What will not attract a recruiter

Clear your story of the following facts:

  1. If they are not related to the vacancy. When you list professional achievements on your resume, examples for a manager are only important for a candidate for a similar position.
  2. Lack of personal results. Has not worsened, not equally improved.
  3. Personal growth. The recruiter is not interested in what at the last place of work you have finally mastered a computer or learned how to communicate with clients.

Resume samples are available on the Internet, so recruiters receive thousands of well-made, but almost identical documents, and it is good to write down achievements - The best way show professionalism and value to the employer.

Correct placement of achievements in the resume

Above you saw our example of a structured resume with highlighted achievements at the previous place of work.

Achievements at work on a resume help HR managers evaluate the performance of a hypothetical new hire.
It is clear that each employee's achievement is unique, but general recommendations to compilation is still there.

  1. Use of effective words. To understand what we are talking about is quite simple, you need to describe the finished processes. Not "spent", but "spent", not "implemented", but "implemented"... If the applicant writes that he did something, these are more likely job responsibilities, and to indicate the achievements, you need to list your successes, no matter in which industry, the main thing is that they are related to the vacancy.
  2. Converting results into numbers. Great recommendation from professional recruiters. Use numbers, percentages, quantitative indicators wherever possible, since the achievements indicated in the resume are the same for most applicants, and digital data make the eye stop. Of course, the numbers add weight to the achievements, because "increased sales" sounds like banal words, and "Increased sales by 28%" Is a real indicator of efficiency.
  3. Compliance with this vacancy. It is clear that responsibilities and achievements in a programmer's resume should relate to knowledge of certain programming languages, participation in completed projects, but there are also more subtle points. So, on leadership position it is better to indicate the experience of making independent decisions, filling the position of top managers, etc. If you plan to expand, increase work functions, you can talk about the performance of tasks that go beyond the normal work activity.
  4. Binding to favorite places of work. It is useful to tie professional achievements for a resume to the last places of work, and they should be directly or at least indirectly related to open vacancy... Of course, if the candidate worked in one place, he may not pay much attention to this point, but many active people by the age of forty they can boast dozens of positions, so you should not list them all.

Remember that achievement is what you have achieved in your professional field and should not be confused with personal and business qualities on your resume.

Using the right phrases to achieve

Accurate, specific information, quantitative indicators and assessment of success by management- this is the information that recruiters are waiting for.

Employers want to get best employees Of course, resume skills and accomplishments are the best fit for self-promotion. Interesting achievements will nominate the applicant to the top, and banal ones will leave them among thousands of similar applicants with “gray” resumes.

"Try to include quantitative indicators in your achievements, the numbers speak volumes"

You can work on writing short but informative phrases after the resume has been submitted for review, if useful and beneficial facts are remembered.

Features and achievements in a resume might look like this:

  • made 24% more deals;
  • introduced new system video surveillance, which made it possible to detect losses in the warehouse;
  • reduced debt by 13%;
  • received 8 certificates from public organizations;
  • opened a branch of the company, while cutting advertising costs by 17%;
  • ranked among the top sellers three times a year.

Achievements in the resume are best placed in the work experience section.

Not only managers or office staff can indicate achievements in the resume, miners, cashiers or teachers can do this.

A worker can produce 30% more parts in a month than his closest competitor, a cashier can work a quarter without shortages, which is a common thing for supermarkets, and a teacher can write about the success of students in local or international competitions.

An example of achievements in a specific profession

How to write your accomplishments on your resume- perhaps the most correct question that applicants are asked, since only such information can interest employers.

Many applicants, especially aged ones, rely on their advantages in the form of experience, knowledge, but the situation is such that without good resume it is impossible to achieve a personal meeting... The example below can clarify what achievements in a resume are, but it should be clarified that achievements cannot be copied, you should use samples only to understand the issue.

Now let's see one of the examples of achievements in the resume (shop assistant):

  • in two years 6 times overfulfilled the sales target by 110-140%;
  • received 2 certificates from the company's management;
  • buyers wrote to me personally 15 grateful reviews;
  • was invited to the New Year's corporate party as the best seller of the chain;
  • 16 months out of 24 received additional premiums for the first places in sales in the department.

Typical mistakes and methods of their correction

The main mistake of job seekers- listing, in the column of achievements in the resume, work duties.

The line between the two is really thin, and your résumé accomplishments turn into a chore due to incorrect phrasing. The phrases "improving efficiency", "ensuring growth", "implementing the current system" are used by almost all applicants, of course, recruiters leaf through such documents without looking.
If a person writes without specifics, he usually slips into a listing of job duties: he did this, did this, etc.

When there are phrases like "I tightened 150 nuts with a plan of 75", they show the real success of the applicant for the vacancy.

"The main mistake is listing the responsibilities at work, instead of achievements."

Personal achievements in a resume, an example of which can be easily found on the web, must meet the criteria. It is not enough to say - I go in for sports, it is better to indicate the disciplines, participation in competitions, even victories with school or student teams will turn simple information into interesting information for HRDs. What achievements in the resume can be - it is up to the applicant to decide, although you can consult on the forums of "headhunters", read the opinions of people who are closely involved in recruiting personnel.

How to come up with achievements without work experience?

You can, of course, come up with achievements in the resume if there are none, but such a method can severely impair the chances of a successful career.

The deception is easily revealed in an interview, the applicant will be included in the lists of “inadequate”, and it will be more difficult further, but what should newcomers, young graduates with no experience or with a short term of work do?

If a young specialist simply did not have time to fulfill and exceed some indicators, he can describe achievements in life for a resume. Describe how he successfully engaged in, for example, volunteering, participated in the work of public organizations, but for this there is a separate column "About me" in the resume

You should not write anything, embellish your successes - you can, but within reason, because at the interview all controversial points will be cleared up. Achievements in the resume should clearly be present, but they are required to provide specific information related to the open vacancy.

"If you have no accomplishments at work, use the About Me box to describe your accomplishments outside of work experience."

Resume authors can be roughly divided into two categories: those who lie and do not blush, and those who do not lie and blush.

If we rely on statistics, then only 38 percent of job seekers ascribe to themselves non-existent merits. The remaining 62 percent either beautifully present their successes, or are afraid to once again indicate professional achievements, examples of which we will look at today so that you do not have a feeling of shyness or excitement.

Let's first take a look at what a resume is.


This document provides assistance in finding vacancies and getting a job. It indicates a brief biographical data, education and describes the work activity.

A resume is a true advertisement of oneself; it is read in 1-2 minutes. Since there may be more candidates for one vacancy than for a budgetary position at the institute, the HR specialist has to look through tons of similar information. In this case, the human factor is triggered, and vivid information will catch the eye of even an experienced recruiter.

Key summary points

The surname, name and patronymic, date of birth, address, marital status, phone number and e-mail must be indicated.

The next step is a list of all educational institutions in which you had to study, Special attention paid to higher education institutions.

You can supplement the previous paragraph with courses, trainings or webinars. You need to indicate those that directly relate to the future position.

Work experience. If you started to drive labor activity at the age of 11, selling apricots in the bazaar is commendable, but such a fact should not be entered into a resume. The most important are your last three jobs.

V additional information you can talk about your useful skills: knowledge of computer programs, possession foreign languages etc.

Applicants often write in "personal qualities": sociability, purposefulness. This is great, but these advantages are so common on the resume that employers simply miss them and consider them a lack of creativity. Ability to learn quickly, prioritize work, enter rationalization proposals... Such an employee is the dream of any manager.

Examples of professional accomplishments on a resume include job responsibilities that have been completed, completed, and triggered a positive shift in the organization or benefit someone. For example, if you are responsible for finding new candidates and conducting interviews, then indicate that in the last year the staff was filled with 50 employees, 100 interviews were conducted.

What are professional achievements?

The question is not an easy one, and the answer to it will be different for everyone. After all, for someone one type of activity is given with difficulty, and the second is easy. It is important not to confuse professional achievements with personal ones.

If you worked in a social service and you managed to save many families from such an unpleasant procedure as deprivation of parental rights, this will be a professional achievement. You might not have made it up special labor, because you are an altruist by nature, but mastering computer program Excel was a real challenge, but you did it. Do you feel the difference?

The second item has become your personal pride, but the employer will appreciate the first one.

Not to destroy, not to let down and to prevent - sometimes a greater achievement than to promote, increase and achieve.

What is not considered an achievement?

Some very stupid phrases may sound below, but this also occurs:

  • "managed to achieve personal success in professional activity";
  • "during my tenure as a secretary, the flow of clients has increased dramatically";
  • "managed not to lower the company's turnover";
  • "achieved communication skills in the course of work", etc.

First phrase. What is Personal Success? This is the result personal growth... A very commendable phenomenon, but no one will take your word for it. In this case, it equates to saying "I have become much better."

The second phrase is similar. It is unlikely that the flow of clients will depend on the secretary, unless of course you are Aphrodite. This phrase can be reformulated: "I am very beautiful and charming." This is great, but you need to shine with professional skills. But if we supplement it with the following words: "... the number of clients has doubled in a year," then it will have the right to life.

The third phrase can be an example of a major professional achievement in life if you are a crisis manager. If a person has managed to turn a successful developing company into a stable one, there is no need to talk about it.

The fourth case is your personal achievements. It is likely that this girl had communication problems. She managed to work on herself and achieve success, you shouldn't shout about it. The employer may regard this achievement as short-lived.

Why list your achievements?

  • Any company is interested in employees who will lead it to prosperity, and not just perform their duties at an average level, so your success will be previous locations works will demonstrate your prospects.
  • Better not specify a couple of three personal qualities in the summary, and confirm them with facts in "professional achievements". Purposefulness must be demonstrated in practice.
  • A soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. "Bad soldiers" are unlikely to be interested in a successful promising company.
  • You don't have to mention your progress on your resume, only then don't be surprised if you don't even get called for an interview.
  • You have to describe yourself as the ideal "victim" of a headhunter, then a good company with a high motivation system will "bite" you.

Examples of professional achievements of an accountant

  • Reduction of the staff of economists by half as a result of the introduction of automation of calculations.
  • 10 successfully passed tax audits.
  • Update software enterprises.
  • 5 checks on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund have been successfully passed.
  • Availability of a diploma of professional retraining.
  • 12 passed inspections for compliance with labor legislation.
  • Three articles were published in the newspaper "All About Accounting".
  • 9 successful external audits.
  • There is a certificate of a professional accountant, certified by the qualification "Chief accountant".
  • She supervised and mentored five student trainees.

Professional achievements of the teacher

  • Certificate of honor of the Department of Education for conscientious pedagogical work.
  • Gratitude to the Administration of the Ivanovo region for the high-quality preparation of the winners and prize-winners of the regional conference of scientific research works.
  • Letter of thanks from the Administration of Petrovsky municipality for the preparation of the prize-winner of the regional conference "My land is beautiful".
  • 15 open lessons were held.
  • Participation in 5 regional and 7 district conferences.
  • Organization of the "Skillful Musician" circle.
  • 8 seminars for teachers of the city were organized.
  • 5 webinars were held as an exchange of experience among teachers of geography.

Professional achievements of the doctor

. There were 250 successful operations.

We managed to obtain the purchase of new medical equipment: 3 fetal monitors and a Doppler.

I have a certificate training course under the program "Medical massage".

10 medical property inventories have been successfully completed.

I have completed a 6-hour first aid training course, I have a certificate.

Took part in an international scientific and practical conference.

I have a certificate of honor from the mayor of the city for organizing and providing highly qualified medical care to the population during the epidemic.

Professional achievements of the programmer

Managed to save 20% of purchase funds new technology through software optimization.

Developed the website of the organization.

Developed a program that facilitated the process of translating archival documents into digital format and saved 10% of funds.

Reduced the number of crashes by 4 times by improving the functioning of the server.

Examples of other professional achievements

Prepared the necessary documentation for participation in the tender, which was won by our organization.

Conducted negotiations, as a result of which the number of new clients increased by 120%.

In 2014, according to a social survey, she was one of the ten best bank tellers.

Awarded certificate of honor "The best seller network of stores "2015.

Among the top three according to the results International Competition in hairdressing.

What wording won't appeal to a recruiter?

We looked at examples of professional achievements that can be indicated on a resume. Below are some phrases that you shouldn't write.

  • Increased the efficiency of the department.
  • At the previous places of work, he performed his work with high quality and on time.
  • After a year of work, he was one of the applicants for the position of the head of the department.
  • For 3 years of service, I have not received a single comment.
  • Regulated personal conflicts with the boss.

Let's summarize!

1. It is better not to indicate in professional achievements the fulfillment of their direct duties.

2. Any positive indicators are best calculated. Achievements must be backed up by numbers.

3. Do not list successes that do not in any way relate to the responsibilities of the desired position.

4. If your profession does not imply achievements that can be calculated, keep them silent. If you know how to express thoughts beautifully, then go from the opposite: "During the work there were no emergency situations."

5. Do not confuse personal achievements with professional ones. If necessary, please indicate them separately.

6. Avoid humor, sarcasm, or irony. "I'm so cool" is not acceptable in the official document.

7. Do not reveal the essence of your professional achievements against the background of the failures and failures of other employees. Don't compare yourself to your former colleagues.


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