The editor-in-chief of the newspaper Pravda under Stalin. The history of the creation of the newspaper "Pravda. From the history of the newspaper "Pravda"

The history of the creation of the newspaper "Pravda"

The VI All-Russian (Prague) Conference of the RSDLP(b) adopted, on the initiative of V. I. Lenin, a decision to issue a mass working Bolshevik daily newspaper, and on April 22 (May 5), 1912, the first issue of Pravda was published.

Hence the name of the Bolsheviks of that time - "Pravdists". With the help of this newspaper, it was supposed to distract the working reader from the tabloid press and, under the slogan "unity from below", to secure its influence in the Social Democratic organizations.

The working class enthusiastically supported the idea of ​​creating such a newspaper. The influx has begun Money from workers.

The creator of the newspaper was V.I. Lenin. He supervised the work of the publication from abroad. The official publisher of the newspaper until December 1912 was N. G. Poletaev, then A. E. Badaev. The literary department in 1912-1914 was headed by Maxim Gorky. V. M. Molotov worked as the editorial secretary. I. Stalin was the organizer and leader of Pravda in the years 1912-1914 and in 1917, when Pravda played a role in preparing an armed uprising.

The newspaper was repeatedly closed, but continued to be published under other names: in 1913 - Rabochaya Pravda, Severnaya Pravda, Proletarskaya Pravda, Trudovaya Pravda. Before the outbreak of the First World War in July 1914, the newspaper was finally banned. In 1917, the publication of Pravda was resumed. And after the October Revolution in 1917, Pravda received the status of an organ of the Central Committee of the RSDLP.

Already at the end of 1912, Vladimir Ilyich wrote about the creation of Pravda as a major event history: "By putting up a daily workers' newspaper, the St. Petersburg workers have accomplished a major - without exaggeration, one can say a historic deed ... The creation of Pravda is an outstanding proof of the consciousness, energy and solidarity of the Russian workers."

Chief Editor:

KOMOTSKY Boris Olegovich

Editorial team:

V.P. VISHNYAKOV (executive secretary);




From the history of the newspaper "Pravda"

The decision to create the newspaper was made by the delegates of the VI All-Russian (Prague) Conference of the RSDLP on the initiative of V.I. Lenin. For many years he, being a party leader, was the ideological inspirer and regular contributor to Pravda. Thanks to Vladimir Ilyich, she became a real collective propagandist and organizer of the working people of Russia. The newspaper discussed the most important problems in the life of workers, inspired them to strike and political protests, led open discussions about the role of the proletariat and the peasantry in the future reorganization of society, and was a school of Marxist theory and practice for readers. “Having put up a daily working newspaper,” wrote V.I. Lenin, “the St. Petersburg workers have accomplished a major, one can say without exaggeration, historic deed ... The creation of Pravda remains an outstanding proof of the consciousness, energy and solidarity of the Russian workers.”

The publishing of Pravda began in St. Petersburg. It was here that her first issue came out. The newspaper of the Bolshevik Party immediately began to experience persecution from the tsarist regime. Already in early July 1914 it was closed. In the future, its publication under the original title was resumed after February Revolution. Between 1912 and 1914, the newspaper, which was regularly banned by censorship, was published under various names: Rabochaya Pravda, Severnaya Pravda, Truth of Labor, For Truth, Way of Truth, Proletarian Truth, and others. I.V. became members of the editorial boards of these newspapers. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, M.S. Olminsky, K.S. Eremeev, F.F. Raskolnikov, V.V. Vorovsky, M.I. Ulyanova, A.V. Lunacharsky. The ideological leadership of the newspaper was carried out by V.I. Lenin, interacting with the editors from exile.

Pravda persistently exposed the feudal-capitalist oppression and fought for the liberation of working people from poverty and lack of rights. The newspaper quickly achieved recognition from the revolutionary workers. On their voluntary contributions and carried out its publication. Workers' representatives were active employees, correspondents and distributors of the newspaper. Thanks to mass support, Pravda had a large circulation for that time. The average circulation of one issue was 40 thousand copies, and in some months it reached 60 thousand.

Pravda played a special role in propagating Bolshevik ideas during the preparations for the Great October Socialist Revolution. Only from March 5 (18) to July 5 (18), 1917, 99 issues of the newspaper were published with a total circulation of about 8 million copies. Its daily circulation during this period was already 85-100 thousand. Pravda was a truly people's newspaper. In March 1917 alone, about 16 thousand rubles were collected by Russian workers in her fund. It was on them that the Trud printing house, which printed the newspaper, was acquired.

During the July crisis, on the orders of the bourgeois Provisional Government, Pravda was destroyed, and the premises of the printing house were arrested. But the newspaper was able to continue the fight.

After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Pravda rightfully began to be considered the main newspaper of the country. Its pages capture the rich history of our socialist motherland, great victories and difficulties in building a new society. Lenin's Pravda played a huge role in strengthening the ranks of the party and expanding its ties with the masses at all stages of the heroic biography of the Land of Soviets.

During the Civil War, Pravda became a mouthpiece mobilizing the forces of the revolution to fight against foreign intervention. When victory was achieved, the main attention of the newspaper focused on issues of economic development, on the implementation of the New Economic Policy, the fight against illiteracy, the implementation of the GOELRO plan, industrialization and collectivization of the national economy.

Everywhere and everywhere the journalists of Pravda, its worker and peasant correspondents were in the thick of things. From Moscow to the very outskirts, they conveyed information about the successes of Soviet power, informed the world about the construction of the Dneproges and Magnitogorsk, the Stalingrad Tractor and Gorky Automobile Plants, about the long-distance flights of our heroic pilots and the world records of Stakhanov strikers, about the achievements of our science and technology. Traveling editorial offices of the newspaper worked at the largest construction sites. Pravda did a great deal of work in developing socialist emulation, promoting shock work, and instilling a communist attitude towards work among the working people. Fascinated by creation, the USSR persistently pursued a peaceful foreign policy. Pravda promoted this in every possible way by propagating the approaches of the Soviet state and exposing the aggressive policy of the imperialist circles.

In the difficult time of the treacherous attack of Nazi fascism on our Soviet Motherland, Pravda was next to every soldier and commander, worker and collective farmer, with every communist and Komsomol member, instilling confidence in our inevitable Victory over the enemy. The slogan of the party is "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" formed the basis of daily activities of the newspaper. The best of the best writers and poets were the authors of Pravda during the war. Among them are M.Sholokhov, K.Simonov, V.Vishnevsky, B.Gorbatov, M.Isakovsky, L.Leonov, S.Marshak, S.Mikhalkov, B.Polevoy, S.Sergeev-Tsensky and others. Many of the war correspondents of the newspaper laid down their lives in a severe struggle for our Motherland, for our people.

Already in the most difficult first years of the war, as a result of inhuman efforts, a single, well-coordinated and rapidly growing military economy was created. By the beginning of 1943, it made it possible to eliminate the superiority of the enemy in technology and achieve a radical change in the course of the war. Pravda rendered enormous assistance to the party in mobilizing the masses of the people to help the front, to defeat the enemy.

After the May fireworks of 1945, the winners, together with Pravda, restored our destroyed cities and villages, factories and factories, schools and palaces of culture from the ruins. Having revived the country's national economy, they continued constructive construction - they raised virgin lands, conquered the mighty Siberian rivers, and brought the space age of mankind closer. From the pages of the central organ of the CPSU, millions of Soviet citizens learned about our victories on the labor front, about the flight of the first Soviet satellite of the Earth and the space launch of Yuri Gagarin, about the conquest of the North Pole by the Arktika nuclear-powered ship and shock Komsomol construction projects.

Over many decades of Russian, Soviet history, Pravda has become a heroic chronicle of our people. Step by step, day by day, she embraced the experiences of millions of Soviet people. The country worthily noted this labor feat of many generations of journalists, editors, proofreaders, photojournalists, workers' correspondents, all those who bore and still bear the proud title of Pravdist. The contribution of the newspaper to the cause of socialist construction was appreciated by the highest awards of the Soviet state: two Orders of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution. Many of those who wrote the history of the Great Socialist Era made their names famous thanks to the authority of Pravda. They became known to the whole world, to which the newspaper opened a broad picture of the achievements of our heroic people.

During the period of destruction Soviet Union Pravda was one of the first to bear the brunt of the reformers. They tried to close the newspaper, reorient it to the needs of the “democratizers”, force them to abandon their principles. But Lenin's Pravda and its journalistic staff did not flinch, withstood harassment and persecution, and did not succumb to the promises of local and foreign intermediaries. Pravdists had to go through dozens of court hearings in order to defend the right to continue to carry the Word of Truth to people, in order to regain the status of the main newspaper of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Throughout its biography, Pravda has not been a simple narrator about great and dramatic events in the country and the world. She acts as their active participant, the creator of history. Even today the newspaper carries socialist ideals to the masses, defends the interests of working people, and fights for the establishment of genuine democracy. It continues to maintain an inextricable link with the fate of the people of the great country and its Communist Party. Pravda serves as the main tribune of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, publishes the main documents of the party, explains its position on topical issues modernity, organizes the masses to fight for better life. Together with other people's patriotic publications, together with our regional newspapers, Pravda is still in the forefront of fighters for the power of the working people.

Publication date: 06/14/2019

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On April 22 (May 5), 1912, the first issue of the first daily legal workers’ newspaper in Russia was published in St. Petersburg, created on the initiative ofV. I. Lenin- "Truth". The newspaper began to be published by the decision of the 6th All-Russian (Prague) ConferenceRSDLP, held in January 1912 in response to the desire of the workers to have their own daily newspaper.

The actual editor and leader of Pravda was V. I. Lenin. He determined its direction, took care of the selection of the editorial apparatus and the team of authors, developed the structure of the newspaper. The publishers of Pravda and its active collaborators were the Bolsheviks - deputies of the 4th State Duma: A. E. Badaev, M. K. Muranov, G. I. Petrovsky, F. N. Samoilov, N. R. Shagov.

The purpose of the newspaper was "to illuminate the path of the Russian labor movement with the light of international social democracy, to sow the truth among the workers about the friends and enemies of the working class, to stand guard over the interests of the workers' cause ...".

Pravda was published with funds from the voluntary contributions of the workers, many of whom were its active employees, correspondents and distributors. Thanks to their mass support, the newspaper came out with a large circulation for that time - an average of 40 thousand copies, and in some months - up to 60 thousand copies daily.

In 1912-1914. Pravda published correspondence on the course of the proletarian struggle in various cities of the country, letters on the working and living conditions of workers, and materials on village life. The newspaper wrote about the need to confiscate all landed estates in favor of the peasants, called on all sections of the working people, under the leadership of the working class, to fight against the autocracy, against social and national oppression.

Pravda was subjected to constant police harassment. In two years, the newspaper was closed eight times, but continued to be published under other names: Rabochaya Pravda, Severnaya Pravda, Truth of Labor, etc. 8(21) July 1914 the newspaper was closed, its publication resumed on 5(18) March 1917 The Provisional Government continued the policy of persecuting the newspaper, it was again forced to change its name: Leaf of Pravda, Proletary, Rabochy, Rabochy Put.

On October 27 (November 9), 1917, the Central Organ of the Bolshevik Party began to appear under its former name. Pravda propagandized the strategy and tactics of the Bolshevik Party, conducted a great deal of ideological and educational work, published the most important documents and materials of the Party, the works of Lenin.

With the liquidation of the non-communist press in 1918, Pravda became the main newspaper in the country. The most acute, topical issues of state policy and public life have always been discussed on its pages.

In 1922, in commemoration of the day of the publication of the first issue of the Pravda newspaper X The congress of the RCP(b) adopted a Resolution on the celebration of the 5th May Day of the press.

In 1945 the newspaper was awardedOrder of Leninfor outstanding achievements in the mobilization of the Soviet people for the construction of a socialist society and the defense of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. The 50th and 60th anniversaries of Pravda were marked by the presentation of the second Order of Lenin andOrder of the October Revolution .

In 1975, the newspaper was published with a total one-time circulation of 10.6 million copies, printed simultaneously in 42 cities from pages received via phototelegraph communication channels or from matrices delivered by aircraft, the newspaper was subscribed to in more than 120 foreign countries.

In the early 1990s Pravda suspended and resumed its publications several times.

Since April 1997, the newspaper began to appear as an organ of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which was confirmed by a special resolution of the IV Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Lit.: Press Day // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. M., T. 8. 1972; Daily working newspaper "Pravda".April 22 (May 5), 1912; The same [Electronic resource]. URL : http:// oldgazette. ru/pravda/05051912/index1. html; Andronov S. A., Tsukasov S. V. Pravda // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. M., T. 20. 1975.

The decision to create the newspaper was made by the delegates of the VI All-Russian (Prague) Conference of the RSDLP on the initiative of V.I. Lenin. For many years he, being a party leader, was the ideological inspirer and regular contributor to Pravda. Thanks to Vladimir Ilyich, she became a real collective propagandist and organizer of the working people of Russia. The newspaper discussed the most important problems in the life of workers, inspired them to strike and political protests, led open discussions about the role of the proletariat and the peasantry in the future reorganization of society, and was a school of Marxist theory and practice for readers. “Having put up a daily working newspaper,” wrote V.I. Lenin, “the St. Petersburg workers have accomplished a major, one can say without exaggeration, historic deed ... The creation of Pravda remains an outstanding proof of the consciousness, energy and solidarity of the Russian workers.”

The publishing of Pravda began in St. Petersburg. It was here that her first issue came out. The newspaper of the Bolshevik Party immediately began to experience persecution from the tsarist regime. Already in early July 1914 it was closed. Later, its publication under the original title was resumed after the February Revolution. Between 1912 and 1914, the newspaper, which was regularly banned by censorship, was published under various names: Rabochaya Pravda, Severnaya Pravda, Truth of Labor, For Truth, Way of Truth, Proletarian Truth, and others. I.V. became members of the editorial boards of these newspapers. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, M.S. Olminsky, K.S. Eremeev, F.F. Raskolnikov, V.V. Vorovsky, M.I. Ulyanova, A.V. Lunacharsky. The ideological leadership of the newspaper was carried out by V.I. Lenin, interacting with the editors from exile.

Pravda persistently exposed the feudal-capitalist oppression and fought for the liberation of working people from poverty and lack of rights. The newspaper quickly achieved recognition from the revolutionary workers. On their voluntary contributions and carried out its publication. Representatives of the work collectives were active employees, correspondents and distributors of the newspaper. Thanks to mass support, Pravda had a large circulation for that time. The average circulation of one issue was 40 thousand copies, and in some months it reached 60 thousand.

Pravda played a special role in propagating Bolshevik ideas during the preparations for the Great October Socialist Revolution. Only from March 5 (18) to July 5 (18), 1917, 99 issues of the newspaper were published with a total circulation of about 8 million copies. Its daily circulation during this period was already 85-100 thousand. Pravda was a truly people's newspaper. In March 1917 alone, about 16 thousand rubles were collected by Russian workers in her fund. It was on them that the Trud printing house, which printed the newspaper, was acquired.

During the July crisis, on the orders of the bourgeois Provisional Government, Pravda was destroyed, and the premises of the printing house were arrested. But the newspaper was able to continue the fight.

After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Pravda rightfully began to be considered the main newspaper of the country. Its pages capture the rich history of our socialist motherland, great victories and difficulties in building a new society. Lenin's Pravda played a huge role in strengthening the ranks of the party and expanding its ties with the masses at all stages of the heroic biography of the Land of Soviets.

During the Civil War, Pravda became a mouthpiece mobilizing the forces of the revolution to fight against foreign intervention. When victory was achieved, the main attention of the newspaper focused on issues of economic development, on the implementation of the New Economic Policy, the fight against illiteracy, the implementation of the GOELRO plan, industrialization and collectivization of the national economy.

Everywhere and everywhere the journalists of Pravda, its worker and peasant correspondents were in the thick of things. From Moscow to the very outskirts, they conveyed information about the successes of Soviet power, informed the world about the construction of the Dneproges and Magnitogorsk, the Stalingrad Tractor and Gorky Automobile Plants, about the long-distance flights of our heroic pilots and the world records of Stakhanov strikers, about the achievements of our science and technology. Traveling editorial offices of the newspaper worked at the largest construction sites. Pravda did a great deal of work in developing socialist emulation, promoting shock work, and instilling a communist attitude towards work among the working people. Fascinated by creation, the USSR persistently pursued a peaceful foreign policy. Pravda promoted this in every possible way by propagating the approaches of the Soviet state and exposing the aggressive policy of the imperialist circles.

In the difficult time of the treacherous attack of Nazi fascism on our Soviet Motherland, Pravda was next to every soldier and commander, worker and collective farmer, with every communist and Komsomol member, instilling confidence in our inevitable Victory over the enemy. The slogan of the party is "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" formed the basis of daily activities of the newspaper. The best of the best writers and poets were the authors of Pravda during the war. Among them are M.Sholokhov, K.Simonov, V.Vishnevsky, B.Gorbatov, M.Isakovsky, L.Leonov, S.Marshak, S.Mikhalkov, B.Polevoy, S.Sergeev-Tsensky and others. Many of the war correspondents of the newspaper laid down their lives in a severe struggle for our Motherland, for our people.

Already in the most difficult first years of the war, as a result of inhuman efforts, a single, well-coordinated and rapidly growing military economy was created. By the beginning of 1943, it made it possible to eliminate the superiority of the enemy in technology and achieve a radical change in the course of the war. Pravda rendered enormous assistance to the Party in mobilizing the masses of the people to help the front, to defeat the enemy.

After the May fireworks of 1945, the winners, together with Pravda, restored our destroyed cities and villages, factories and factories, schools and palaces of culture from the ruins. Having revived the country's national economy, they continued constructive construction - they raised virgin lands, conquered the mighty Siberian rivers, and brought the space age of mankind closer. From the pages of the central organ of the CPSU, millions of Soviet citizens learned about our victories on the labor front, about the flight of the first Soviet satellite of the Earth and the space launch of Yuri Gagarin, about the conquest of the North Pole by the Arktika nuclear-powered ship and shock Komsomol construction projects.

Over many decades of Russian, Soviet history, Pravda has become a heroic chronicle of our people. Step by step, day by day, she embraced the experiences of millions of Soviet people. The country worthily noted this labor feat of many generations of journalists, editors, proofreaders, photojournalists, workers' correspondents, all those who bore and still bear the proud title of Pravdist. The contribution of the newspaper to the cause of socialist construction was appreciated by the highest awards of the Soviet state: two Orders of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution. Many of those who wrote the history of the Great Socialist Era made their names famous thanks to the authority of Pravda. They became known to the whole world, to which the newspaper opened a broad picture of the achievements of our heroic people.

During the period of the destruction of the Soviet Union, Pravda was one of the first to take the blow of the "reformers". They tried to close the newspaper, reorient it to the needs of the “democratizers”, force them to abandon their principles. But Lenin's Pravda and its journalistic staff did not flinch, withstood harassment and persecution, and did not succumb to the promises of local and foreign intermediaries. Through dozens court sessions the Pravdists had to go through in order to defend the right to continue to carry the Word of Truth to people, in order to regain the status of the main newspaper of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Throughout its biography, Pravda has not been a simple narrator about great and dramatic events in the country and the world. She acts as their active participant, the creator of history. Even today the newspaper carries socialist ideals to the masses, defends the interests of working people, and fights for the establishment of genuine democracy. It continues to maintain an inextricable link with the fate of the people of the great country and its Communist Party. Pravda serves as the main tribune of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, publishes the main documents of the party, explains its position on topical issues of our time, and organizes the masses to fight for a better life. Together with other people's patriotic publications, together with our regional newspapers, Pravda is still in the forefront of fighters for the power of the working people.


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