Submarine project 949 Antey. Antey, submarine: technical characteristics. Description of the power plant

Project 949 "Granite" (NATO - "Oscar I").

1. Number of submarines of the project: 2

2. Project image:

3. Composition of the project:

Name of the ship

Factory number

Notes (edit)



SEVERODVINSK: Northern Machine-Building Enterprise (2)

06.04.1993 - "Arkhangelsk"

04/14/1987 - honorary title.
"Minsk Komsomolets"
06.04.1993 - Murmansk

Historical information of numbered crews of the agro-industrial complex project 949:,,,

4. Project history:

As a result of the improvement of the potential adversary's naval weapons, the "anti-aircraft" capabilities of the Soviet SSGNs of the project 675 (even after their modernization) looked already insufficient for the guaranteed destruction of his groups. It was required to create a new, much more powerful and long-range missile system with an underwater launch, ensuring the delivery of masked strikes from under the water on ships from long distances with the possibility of selective destruction of targets.

The new complex also required a new carrier capable of salvo firing 20-24 missiles from a submerged position (according to calculations, it was precisely this concentration of weapons that made it possible to “penetrate” the missile defense system of a promising American carrier formation). In addition, the new missile carrier was supposed to have increased stealth, speed and depth of immersion, which ensured it the ability to overcome the enemy's anti-submarine defense and separation from pursuit.

Search work on the creation of a submarine missile carrier of the 3rd generation began in 1967, and in 1969 the Navy was issued an official tactical and technical assignment for the creation of a “heavy submarine missile cruiser”Equipped with an operational missile system.

Indexed project “949” and cipher "Granite", was developed at LMPB “Rubin” under the guidance of chief designer P.P. Pustyntseva. After his death in 1977, I.L. Baranov, and the main observer from the Navy - V.N. Ivanov. When developing a new missile carrier, it was planned to widely use the scientific and technical groundwork and individual design solutions obtained during the construction of the world's fastest submarine of the project .

The Granit missile system, created by OKB-52 (now NPO Mashinostroeniya), had to meet extremely high requirements: the maximum range was at least 500 km, maximum speed- not less than 2500 km / h. Flexible adaptive trajectories, versatility at launch (submarine and surface), as well as carriers (submarines and surface ships), salvo fire with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles, anti-jamming selective control system distinguished from previous complexes of a similar purpose "Granit". It was allowed to shoot at targets whose coordinates are known with large errors, as well as with a long data aging time. All operations for the daily and launch maintenance of missiles were automated. As a result, "Granite" acquired a real opportunity to solve any problem of naval combat with the outfit of one carrier.

However, the effectiveness of a long-range anti-ship missile system was largely determined by the capabilities of reconnaissance and target designation means. The "Success" system, which was based on the Tu-95 aircraft, no longer possessed the necessary combat stability. Was created new system MKRTs-"Legend"

In November 1975, the tests of the Granit missile complex began, which were completed in August 1983. However, even before their completion, the lead submarine entered the Northern Fleet.

The Granite complex was put into service in 1983. The supersonic anti-ship missile "Granit" has an autonomous on-board control system and a highly stable (anti-jamming) SSN. The following main characteristics of the rocket have been published:line - 10.0 m, diameter - 0.85 m, wingspan - 2.6 m, launch weight - 7000 kg, flight speed - 2.5 m, firing range - 550 km, warhead - nuclear or high-explosive weight 750 kg.

The main characteristics of the Granit anti-ship missile, the increased speed and range, as well as a large warhead mass, improved compared to the Amethyst and Malakhit anti-ship missiles, were obtained not only by improving the new missile, but also by increasing its weight and size characteristics.

As a result, not only the "Granit" anti-ship missile system, but also their underwater carriers - the SSGN of the project 949 significantly different from previously created SSGN projects 670 and 670M.

On the SSGN project 949 adopted three times more than the SSGN projects 670 and 670M missile ammunition, which, with a multi-missile salvo, provides the ability to overcome anti-missile missile defense systems of ship formations. The significantly higher full underwater speed of the new SSGNs allows them to be deployed quickly to the areas of use, and the increased secrecy due to the use of mechanisms and means of protection of third-generation nuclear submarines, in general, increases the efficiency of solving the tasks assigned to them.

SSGN project 949 - a nine-compartment submarine with a cylindrical PK in the bow and middle parts of the ship - the area where missile containers are located. Inclined (at an angle of 45 ° to the main plane of the submarine) outboard arrangement of containers (from above, the missile containers are closed by wave-cutting shields flush with the outer hull, installed at the rate of 1 shield for 2 containers), their large number and significant dimensions determined the large width of the ship and the developed inter-board space , In addition to anti-ship missile weapons The SSGN is equipped with powerful torpedo and torpedo-missile weapons of two calibers, which are located in the bow compartment of the ship's PC.

To provide the SSGN with a high full underwater speed, a high-power NPU (two-shaft, with two steam generating and two steam turbine units) and a bifurcated form of the aft end (similar to that adopted in the 661 project) are provided. The main power plant is maximally unified with the project 941, has a block structure and a two-stage depreciation system. The NPP includes two water-water-type reactors OK-650B (190 MW each) and two steam turbines (98,000 hp) with GTZA OK-9, operating on two propeller shafts through gearboxes that reduce the rotational speed of the propellers and two turbine generators DG-190 ( 2 x 3200 kW).

Torpedo armament is represented by automated 533-mm and 650-mm TA with a quick-loading device with longitudinal and transverse feed racks. Thanks to which all torpedo ammunition could be used within a few minutes. TA allow firing torpedoes, as well as missile-torpedoes "Waterfall", "Wind" and "Shkval" at all diving depths.

The boat is equipped with the MGK-540 "Skat-3" hydroacoustic complex, as well as a radio communication system, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation. Reception of intelligence data from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out underwater on special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship's CIUS. The ship is equipped with an automated, with increased accuracy, increased range and a large amount of processed information, the "Medveditsa" navigation complex.

The SSGN has an unlimited navigation area, incl. in the Arctic regions, which is provided by special reinforcements of the light hull and cabin fencing. For long-term autonomous cruises on the ship, good conditions crew habitability with comfortable cabins, sanitary facilities and sports facilities, a recreation area. For the possibility of rescuing personnel in emergency situations, in the fencing of the submarine's deckhouse, a pop-up rescue camera is installed for the entire crew of the ship.

Developed weapons, means of protection, as well as powerful energy, led to a large displacement, the main dimensions, which forced the construction of a third-generation SSGN at Sevmash in the city of Severodvinsk. Serial construction began in the mid-70s, completed in 1981 (1980?). delivery of the lead ship to the Navy Outdoor furniture-525(the first commander was Captain 1st Rank A. Pauk, later Rear Admiral; he conducted mooring and sea trials and was taken out of the factory by Captain 1st Rank A. Ilyushkin). In total, it was supposed to build 20 PLRKs of this type.

According to the project 949 only 2 ships were built, subsequent ships were built according to the project 949A with an additional, to improve the internal layout of weapons systems and auxiliary equipment, a PC compartment and, accordingly, with an increased length and displacement of the submarine.

In the face of constant insufficient funding for the fleet, which began in the early 1990s, the Russian Navy was forced to make a series of difficult decisions aimed at preserving the core of the fleet, including the submarine. This led to a sharp reduction submarine fleet, the accelerated withdrawal of ships with early construction dates and those in poor condition, the direction of available funds to maintain new ships. Project ships 949 were withdrawn from the fleet in 1996.

According to many analysts, as well as in the development of SSBNs, supporters of the development of SSGNs in pr. 949 overstepped the limits of common sense and logic. On the agenda in the submarine shipbuilding was the question of creating multipurpose submarines. In this case, in order to solve the problem of defeating the AUG, if any, it would still be necessary to solve multipurpose submarines should act as part of diverse forces - aviation, submarines, NK, etc. We can say that the development of SSGNs in the USSR Navy was fully justified only until the mid-70s. It was by this moment that they, as the main striking force in the fight against AUG, had exhausted themselves and their further development was determined either by inertia or by a complete lack of understanding by the then leadership of the USSR Navy of the laws of the development of military technology.

From the foregoing, the following conclusion can be drawn - the design and construction of "highly specialized" SSGNs made sense only up to a certain point. As world experience shows, the future belongs to multipurpose submarines capable of solving a wide range of tasks, including the fight against attack aircraft carrier formations. But this in no way begs for the high combat capabilities of the ships of the project. 949 .

5. Project outline:

There is no data

6. Reconstruction of the salvo:

7. Tactical and technical data of the project:

surface displacement -12500 t

underwater -22500 t

surface speed -15 knots

submerged-32 knots

immersion depth-600 m.

working immersion depth - 500 m.

length -144 m.

width -18.2 m.

draft -9.2 m.

autonomy-120 days.

crew - 94 people.

missile armament-24 anti-ship missiles "Granit"

torpedo-TA 650mm - 4 pcs.

TA 533mm - 4 pcs.

8. Sources:

Kuzin V.P., Nikolsky V.I. "The Navy of the USSR 1945-1991", IMO, St. Petersburg, 1996.
- Ilyin V.E., Kolesnikov A.I. "Submarines of Russia: An Illustrated Guide", Astrel, AST, Moscow, 2002.
- Berezhnoy S.S. "Nuclear submarines of the Soviet and Russian Navy", MIA, No. 7, 2001.
- Apalkov Yu.V. "Submarines", vol. 1, part 2, Galeya Print, St. Petersburg, 2002.
- Demyanovsky V., Kotlobovsky A. "Underwater shield of the USSR" Part 1, Major, 2003.
- Special issue of VTA "Typhoon" No. 6, St. Petersburg, 2008.
- Pavlov A.S. "Striking force of the fleet", Yakutsk, 2001.

Confronting the American aircraft carrier groups was the main task of the Soviet Navy immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. It was for this purpose that the "killers" of aircraft carriers began to be created - Soviet highly specialized submarines of the Antey 949A project.

Start of creation

In the 1960s, Soviet designers worked on two interconnected projects. OKB-52 employees were engaged in a new anti-ship missile system designed to destroy enemy ship formations, and workers of the Rubin Central Design Bureau were designing a third-generation submarine missile carrier. It was later planned to be used as a carrier for a new missile system. The military needed both a powerful and very effective means capable of destroying enemy ship groups, and a submarine with high rates stealth and immersion depth. In the future, after the modernization of a number of submarines, these qualities will unite the Antey class submarines.

Project "Granite 949"

In 1969, the Navy challenged Soviet designers to create a new submarine. The rocket transported by it must meet the following requirements:

  • It must have a high speed: at least 2500 km / h.
  • Range - 500 km.
  • Designed for launch from both underwater and surface positions. It was planned to use them on submarines and surface ships.

Since in most cases the enemy's echeloned air defense is penetrated by a "flock" of two dozen missiles, the Soviet military was interested in the possibility of firing in a salvo. According to the developers, in order to achieve the effectiveness of anti-ship missiles, it is necessary, in addition to high speed and a large mass of warheads, to equip them with reliable systems that provide target designation and reconnaissance.

System "Success"

With the help of this world's first Soviet space system, surface objects were identified and monitored. Success had the following advantages:

  • Absolute independence from weather conditions.
  • The collection was carried out over a huge area.
  • Inaccessibility for the enemy.

Target designations were received by the weapon carriers and command posts. The production of the nuclear submarine was carried out by the workers of the Northern machine-building enterprise... In 1980, according to Project 949, the first nuclear submarine "Arkhangelsk" was ready, and in 1983 - "Murmansk".

Nuclear submarines "Antey", project 949A

After the successful completion of the Granite project, the design work was carried out on a more advanced project. In the documentation, it is listed as 949 A "Antey". The submarine, due to modernized equipment and an additional compartment, had an improved internal layout, increased length and displacement. In addition, the developers managed to increase the stealth readings of this submarine.

At the very beginning, it was planned to release twenty nuclear submarines under the Antey project. K-148 Krasnodar is considered the very first nuclear submarine of this class. She was launched in 1986. Soon after this submarine was ready K-173 "Krasnoyarsk". At the moment, these submarines are in a state of scrapping. Despite the serial production of twenty nuclear submarines planned by the Soviet leadership, only eleven units were produced under the Antey project. The 1994 K-141 Kursk was sunk in August 2000.

Nuclear submarines in the Russian fleet

Currently in service with the Navy Russian Federation consists of the following Antey-class nuclear submarines:

  • K-119 Voronezh (Northern Fleet).
  • K-132 "Irkutsk" (Pacific Fleet).
  • K-410 "Smolensk" (Northern Fleet).
  • K-456 "Tver" (Pacific).
  • K-442 "Chelyabinsk" (Pacific Fleet).
  • K-266 "Eagle" (currently in a state of repair).

  • K-186 "Omsk" (Pacific).
  • K-150 "Tomsk". (Pacific Fleet).

Another submarine, K-135 Volgograd, created according to Project 949 Antey, is being mothballed today. And K-139 "Belgorod" will be completed according to project 09852.

APL 949 device

Type "Antey" have a two-body scheme: a lightweight outer hydrodynamic body of a cylindrical shape surrounds the inner one, which differs from the outer one by its high strength. The thickness of its walls exceeds 6 cm. Due to this double-hull architecture, nuclear submarines have the following advantages:

  • Submarines are provided with high buoyancy.
  • Nuclear submarines are protected from underwater explosions.
  • Submarines have an increased displacement.

The nuclear submarine corps consists of the following departments:

  • Torpedo.
  • Managerial.
  • Compartments for combat posts and radio rooms.
  • Living quarters.
  • Department for electrical equipment and auxiliary machinery.
  • Reactor.
  • Department of GTZA.
  • Compartment with propeller motors.

In the event of an accident, the nuclear submarine is equipped with two zones (bow and stern), in which the crew can wait for rescue. The crew consists of 130 people. According to other data, the number does not exceed 112. The submarine can stay in autonomous mode for no more than 120 days.

Description of the power plant

The modular GEU nuclear submarine consists of two OK-650B nuclear reactors and two OK-9 steam turbines. Their capacity is 98 thousand liters. with. They work by means of propeller screws using gearboxes. The nuclear submarine has two additional diesel generators DG-190 with a capacity of at least 8 thousand 700 liters. with.

Combat control of the submarine

For the nuclear submarine "Antey", the MGK-540 "Skat-3" sonar systems and systems providing space reconnaissance, target designation and combat control of the submarine are provided. Information received by a satellite or an aircraft is sent to the submarine using special antennas. Additionally, the Antey-class submarines are equipped with the Zubatka towed antenna.

Its location is the feed stabilizer. The buoy-type antenna "Zubatka" is designed to receive radio messages and signals by a boat staying at a very great depth or under a thick layer of ice.

Navigation in the submarine is provided by a special complex "Symphony-U". High accuracy, long range and volume of processed information are characteristic features this navigation complex.

What are the submarines armed with?

Armament Nuclear submarine type Antey is presented in two types:

  • P-700 "Granite" (24 units). The location of the missile containers became both sides of the wheelhouse behind the wall of a strong hull (the middle part of the submarine). To close them, special fairing covers are used, which are part of the outer casing. The container is installed at an inclination of 40 degrees. The missiles can be used both conventional (weighing up to 750 kg) and equipped with nuclear warheads. PRKs move at a speed of 2.5 m / s and are designed for distances up to 550 km.
  • Mine torpedo tubes (four pieces). Two of them have a caliber of 533 mm, the rest - 650 mm. They are designed to fire both conventional torpedoes and torpedo missiles. The location of these devices was the bow of the nuclear submarine. Due to the system responsible for automatic charging, torpedo weapon has a high rate of fire. In just a few minutes, the entire ammunition, consisting of rocket torpedoes (12 units) and torpedoes (16 units), can be fired by the Antey submarine.


  • The nuclear submarine above water has a displacement of 12 thousand 500 cubic meters. m.
  • Displacement under water is 22 thousand 500 cubic meters. m.
  • Antey-class ships are capable of speeds up to 15 knots above water.
  • Their speed is higher under water: 32 knots.
  • Submarines can dive to a maximum depth of 600 m.
  • The submarine can stay in autonomous mode for 120 days.

Feasibility of serial production of "Anteev"

As noted by many Russian experts, the Antey-class nuclear submarine, in terms of its effectiveness, is the most preferred means of dealing with enemy aircraft carriers. In the 1980s, the cost of manufacturing one nuclear submarine did not exceed 227 million rubles (only 10% of the price of the American Roosevelt). But the effectiveness of the Soviet nuclear submarine turned out to be very high: "Antey" poses a danger to the aircraft carrier and accompanying ships. According to other experts, the effectiveness of the "Anteev" is overestimated. This is due to the fact that nuclear submarines are ships with a narrow specialization. In this regard, they cannot fully resist multipurpose aircraft carriers.


Today, developments in the 1980s are considered quite obsolete. In this regard, in 2011, it was decided to replace the Granit-700 anti-ship missiles with more modern Onyx and Caliber missiles.

This will allow Antey to become a universal tool for solving a variety of tasks.

After the first two ships built according to Project 949, the construction of submarine cruisers according to the improved Project 949A (code “Antey”) began. As a result of the modernization, the boat received an additional compartment, which made it possible to improve the internal layout of weapons and onboard. As a result, the displacement of the ship increased somewhat, at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install improved equipment.

According to the estimates of a number of domestic experts, according to the criterion of “efficiency-cost”, Project 949 SSGN is the most preferred means of dealing with enemy aircraft carriers. As of the mid-1980s, the cost of one Project 949A submarine was 226 million rubles, which at par was equal to only 10% of the cost of the Roosevelt multipurpose aircraft carrier ($ 2.3 billion excluding the cost of its aircraft wing). At the same time, according to the calculations of the Navy and industry, one nuclear submarine could with a high probability disable an aircraft carrier and a number of its escort ships. However, other fairly authoritative experts questioned these estimates, believing that the relative effectiveness of SSGNs is overestimated. It was necessary to take into account the fact that the aircraft carrier was a universal combat vehicle capable of solving an extremely wide range of tasks, while submarines were ships of a much narrower specialization.

After the first two ships built according to Project 949, the construction of submarine cruisers according to the improved Project 949A (code “Antey”) began.

"Omsk" is launched

As a result of the modernization, the boat received an additional compartment, which made it possible to improve the internal layout of weapons and onboard. As a result, the displacement of the ship increased somewhat, at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install improved equipment.

Currently, the boats of Project 949 have been put into reserve. At the same time, the Project 949A submarine group, along with Tu-22M-3 naval missile-carrying and long-range aircraft, is actually the only means capable of effectively countering US strike aircraft carrier formations. Along with this, the combat units of the grouping can successfully operate against ships of all classes during conflicts of any intensity.
The sturdy steel hull of the double-hull submarine is divided into 10 compartments.

SSGN Project 949A "Antey"

1 - Antennas SAC

2 - Shelves with longitudinal and transverse feed devices from UBZ torpedo-missile armament complex

3 - Bow (torpedo) compartment 4 - Batteries 5 - Navigation bridge

6 - Second (central) compartment 7 - APU 9 - Third compartment 10 - PMU 11 - Fourth (residential) compartment

rest cockpit

12 - Containers with PU SCRC "Granit" 13 - Fifth compartment (auxiliary mechanisms)

14 - Sixth compartment (auxiliary mechanisms) 15 - VVD cylinders 16 - Seventh (reactor) compartment

17 - Reactors 18 - Eighth (turbine) compartment 19 - Nasal STU 20 - Nasal main switchboard 21 - Ninth (turbine) compartment

22 - Stern vocational school 23 - Stern main switchboard 24 - Tenth compartment (GED) 25 - GED

The ship's power plant has a modular design and includes two OK-650B water-cooled reactors (190 MW each) and two steam turbines(98,000 hp) with GTZA OK-9, operating on two propeller shafts through gearboxes that reduce the rotational speed of the propellers. The steam turbine unit is located in two different compartments. There are two turbine generators of 3200 kW each, two diesel generators DG-190, two thrusters.

The boat is equipped with the MGK-540 “Skat-3” sonar system, as well as a radio communication system, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation. Reception of intelligence data from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out underwater on special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship's CIUS. The ship is equipped with an automated, with increased accuracy, increased range and a large amount of processed information, the "Symphony-U" navigation complex.

The main armament of the missile cruiser - 24 supersonic cruise missiles complex P-700 "Granite".

On the sides of the wheelhouse, which has a relatively long length, outside the robust hull, there are 24 twin onboard missile containers, inclined at an angle of 40 °. The ZM-45 missile, equipped with both nuclear (500 Kt) and high-explosive warheads weighing 750 kg, is equipped with a cruise turbojet KR-93 with an annular solid-fuel rocket booster. The maximum firing range is 550 km, the maximum speed corresponds to M = 2.5 at high altitude and M = 1.5 at low altitude. The launch mass of the rocket is 7000 kg, the length is 19.5 m, the body diameter is 0.88 m, the wingspan is 2.6 m. Rockets can be fired both singly and in one salvo (up to 24 anti-ship missiles, starting at a high pace). In the latter case, target distribution is carried out in a salvo. The creation of a dense grouping of missiles is ensured, which facilitates the overcoming of enemy missile defense systems. The organization of the flight of all missiles of the salvo, additional search for the warrant and “covering” it with the included radar sight allows the anti-ship missile to fly on the marching sector in radio silence mode. In the process of missile flight, the optimal distribution of targets between them within the order is carried out (the algorithm for solving this problem was worked out by the Institute of Weapons of the Navy and NPO Granit). When any missiles are destroyed, their functions are automatically distributed among others. Supersonic speed and complex flight path, high noise immunity radio electronic means and the presence of a special evacuation system for enemy anti-aircraft and air missiles provide Granita with a relatively high probability of overcoming the air defense and missile defense systems of an aircraft carrier when firing in full salvo.

rocket 3M-45 "Granite"

loading "Granite" on board the boat

The submarine's automated torpedo-missile system allows the use of torpedoes, as well as the “Waterfall” and “Wind” missile-torpedoes at all diving depths.


" Wind "

It includes four 533 mm and four 650 mm torpedo tubes located in the bow of the hull.

According to estimates, the combat effectiveness of the modernized missile system, which is currently in development, should increase approximately three times compared to the Granit missile system in service. The rearmament of submarines is supposed to be carried out directly at the basing points, while the time and cost of implementing the program should be minimized. As a result, the existing grouping of Project 949A submarines will be able to function effectively until the 2020s. Its potential will be further expanded as a result of equipping ships with a variant of the KR "Granit", capable of hitting ground targets with high accuracy with non-nuclear weapons.

Pavlovsky bay


Performance characteristics of the boat:
Crew - 109 people (including 44 officers and 39 warrant officers)
Length - 154.8 m Width - 18.2 m Draft - 9.2 m
Displacement above water normal - 14700 t
Full displacement - 24000 t (19400 t according to other data)
Maximum underwater speed - 32 / 33.4 knots (under GTZA)
Economic underwater speed - 5 knots (under hydroelectric power)
Maximum surface speed - 14.6 / 15 knots (GTZA)
Maximum immersion depth - 600 m
Working immersion depth - 500-520 m
Autonomy - 120 days
Missile strike complex 3K45 "Granite" with 24 inclined launchers SM-225A with supersonic anti-ship missiles 3M45 "Granite" - SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK. Missile launchers are located in two groups of 12 pieces on-board outside the robust hull.


Factory number



At disposal. Among the Soviet nuclear submarines that have been in sludge for decades, one of the last will be dismantled.


In reserve for

Atomic Submarine is a powerful and deadly machine. Nowhere else on the planet is there such a concentration of people and firepower. really fought at the front " cold war", but for all their strength, they cannot be compared with the power of the seas. The submariner's strongest enemy is not a potential enemy, but the ocean itself. The deep-sea environment will look for a flaw in a steel cocoon submarine... She can rush in and drown her. The sea can make the submariner its captive and kill him with horrendous deliberation.

NUCLEAR SUBMARINES OF PROJECT 949 / 949A "Granite" / "Antey"

Shock atomic submarines project 949 is a kind of submarine missile carriers, which became real threat for surface ships of the "" type. Interest in them has always remained great on the part of foreign intelligence services as a treasure trove of secrets.

The rapid modernization of the potential enemy's naval weapons gradually brought to naught the capabilities of the Soviet submarines missile carriers. Now the aircraft carrier strike groups of the NATO fleet could inflict 1,500 nuclear strikes on the territory of the USSR within three days. By that time Soviet Union has already developed an anti-ship complex " Granite". Its missiles were completely autonomous throughout the entire flight path, had a multivariate target attack program and increased noise immunity, which made it possible to use them to destroy group surface chains. The Soviet military leadership instructed three design bureaus at once to create a carrier of such missiles, a cruising submarine third generation. After the development of the tactical and technical assignment in December 1978 at the Central Design Bureau MT " Ruby"The keel was laid in Leningrad first submarine by opening a series of nuclear-powered ships of Project 949.

Project 949 received the code " Granite". The chief designer was P.P. Pustyntsev.

The lead submarine K-525 was launched in 1980 and entered service on October 2, 1981. NATO forces classified it as “ Oscar". The next submarine, K-206, entered service in 1983.

nuclear submarines of project 949 "Granite" photo


complex "Granite"

launching of the submarine "Omsk"

submarine "Omsk"

submarine "Smolensk"

After the first two submarines, construction began submarines according to the improved project 949A cipher " Antaeus"(According to NATO classification -" Oscar II»).

As a result of modernization submarine received an additional compartment, allowing designers to improve the internal layout of weapons and on-board equipment. As a result, the displacement submarine Project 949A increased by 2000 tons, at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install improved equipment.

Submarines Project 949 are two-hull ships with a solid cylindrical hull, divided into 9 compartments. The lightweight body is covered with a special anti-hydrolocation coating.

To facilitate surfacing in ice, the conning tower has a reinforced rounded roof. Bow horizontal rudders submarines installed in the bow and retracted into the light body. There are also two thrusters.

The main armament submarines of project 949 are 24 anti-ship missiles " Granite"Located along the sides in the launchers. Rockets can be fired both singly and in one gulp. In the bow there are torpedo tubes with ammunition of 26 torpedoes. The torpedo tubes are automated and equipped with a quick-loading device with longitudinal and transverse feed racks, which allows you to shoot all the ammunition in a few minutes.

Submarines of project 949 are equipped with a hydroacoustic complex " Stingray", Navigation complex" She-bear"And the radio communication complex" Tsunami».

The main power plant has a modular design and includes two nuclear reactors of the OK-650B type and two steam turbines of the OK-9 type with a capacity of 98,000 liters. c, working through gearboxes on propellers. Additionally for auxiliary functions submarines project 949 are equipped with two diesel generators of the DG-190 type, the capacity of which is 8700 liters. with..

Submarines Project 949 differ from their "colleagues" in fairly decent conditions of comfort and habitability of personnel for long autonomous navigation.

All crew members SSGN project 949 are provided with individual berths in one-, two-, four- and six-berth cabins. The submarine has a wardroom and a dining room for 42 sailors to eat at the same time. The reserve of provisions for full autonomy is placed in provisions freezers and pantries. The missile carrier also has gym, swimming pool, solarium, sauna and living area.

The leadership is planned to have twenty submarines of this type, but only 13 were built. submarine did not serve her term. By 2001 already written off submarines K-525 and K-206 of project 949, K-148 and K-173 are in the sludge. Submarines K-132 and K-119 require major overhaul.


Submerged under water, a nuclear submarine makes less noise than the sea itself, and its nuclear reactor can supply electricity to a small town. The ears of an atomic submarine are hydroacoustics capable of hearing the sound of feeding shrimp or whales. Nuclear submarine should always function, so work on it continues around the clock. Powerful and technically advanced submarines still remain vulnerable. And when something happens, the consequences are too often fatal.

August 2000. Russian nuclear Submarine « Kursk»K-141 is at the pier of the Western Arctic base of the Russian Navy, Zapadnaya Litsa. The crew of the 118 submarine is an intelligent, courageous and close-knit brotherhood and is not much different from the crews of foreign submarines. The submarine is run by strikingly young people. The average age of the crew is 24 years. Like all submariners, the cruiser's crew is happy to go to sea. " Kursk " leaves his home base, heading for exercises in the Barents Sea.

August 12, 2000 at 09:00 crew submarine preparing to practice a torpedo attack. The role of the target is played by the atomic " Peter the Great". Commanding Northern Fleet RF Admiral Popov gives the order to start. An American one is watching Russian exercises nearby. Suddenly, her sonar picks up a terrible noise. The explosion caused the detonation of the submarine's torpedo compartment " Kursk "... Two minutes later, seismographs record the second powerful explosion. Mighty " Kursk ", the gigantic lethal weapon of war has been destroyed. Most of the crew died immediately, but 24 surviving submariners gathered in the ninth compartment.

« Kursk”Lay in relative shallow water. On board the cruiser Peter the Great"Could not believe that Submarine sank. Several hours passed before the alarm was sounded. The first hours of the disaster are decisive. But only 30 hours later, Russian rescuers went to the Kursk submarine. Russian media reported that the nuclear submarine had technical problems, and the submarine deliberately went to the bottom.

The truth in the form of rumors reached the relatives who were waiting for the submariners in the military town of Vedyaevo. Mothers and wives did not know what to believe or who. Fleet officials provided conflicting information. The relatives were told that with the submarine “ Kursk»A connection is established and knocks are heard from it.
Despite official statements, Russian rescuers were unable to dock with the nuclear submarine " Kursk". This was due to the place where the submarine lay. There was a strong current, which made it difficult to accurately dock with the emergency site. However, the Russian Navy did not accept the assistance of the United States and other countries. With each passing hour, the chances of saving someone were hidden.

Four days after the accident " Kursk The military leadership continued to refuse any foreign aid. For more than a week, distraught mothers and wives, in spite of everything, hoped that it was still possible to save the submariners. Finally, Russian officials admitted that they could not reach the people in the submarine.

Later rescue teams from Norway and Great Britain were invited. The submarine was found. With the help of a hammer, the rescuers opened the hatch and thanks to the milk, which did not flow in a white veil, the rescuers realized that all 118 people submarine « Kursk"Died. After days of outright lies of officials, the commander of the fleet, Admiral Alexander Popov, spoke on television: “ Life goes on, raise children, raise your sons, and forgive me for not being able to save your relatives».


For a large-scale operation to raise the Kursk, about 40 sets of documents of various kinds were developed. Many force majeure circumstances that could arise during the ascent were discussed. Finally, the submarine "Kursk" of project 949 in October 2001 with the help of the ship " GIANT 4"Created by the company" MAMMOET”Was raised. The submarine was lifted at a speed of 9 meters per hour. Operation was successfully completed. After fixing the object, the vessel was sent to the Murmansk region to the shipyard in Roslyakovo. Then the ship was brought into a floating dock, where Submarine « Kursk”Was secured in a submerged position. After pumping the water out of the dock, a terrible picture appeared to people. The submarine did not have a bow compartment, and what was left of it was torn to shreds. Then it was taken to Snezhnogorsk for further disposal.

Technical characteristics of the nuclear submarine of project 949 "Granite":
Surface displacement - 13,400 tons;
Displacement underwater - 22,500 tons;
Length - 143 m;
Width - 18.2 m;
Draft - 9.2 m;
Immersion depth - 400 m;
Surface speed - 15 knots;
Underwater speed - 30 knots;
Power reserve - not limited;
Autonomy - 110 days;
Crew - 107 people;
Power plant - nuclear;
Turbine power - 100,000 hp;
Impact missile:
Anti-ship missile system P-700 "Granit"
Ammunition - 24 ZM-45 missiles;
Anti-aircraft missile:
Anti-aircraft missile system 9K310 "Igla-1" - 2;
Torpedo tubes 650 mm - 2 (bow);
Torpedo tubes 533 mm - 4 (bow);
Ammunition - 24 torpedoes;

According to the estimates of a number of domestic experts, according to the criterion of “efficiency-cost”, Project 949 SSGN is the most preferred means of dealing with enemy aircraft carriers. As of the mid-1980s, the cost of one Project 949A submarine was 226 million rubles, which at par was equal to only 10% of the cost of the Roosevelt multipurpose aircraft carrier ($ 2.3 billion excluding the cost of its aircraft wing). At the same time, according to the calculations of experts of the Navy and industry, one nuclear submarine could with a high probability disable the aircraft carrier and a number of its escort ships. However, other fairly authoritative experts questioned these estimates, believing that the relative effectiveness of SSGNs is overestimated. It was necessary to take into account the fact that the aircraft carrier was a universal combat vehicle capable of solving an extremely wide range of tasks, while submarines were ships of a much narrower specialization.

After the first two ships built according to Project 949, the construction of submarine cruisers according to the improved Project 949A (code “Antey”) began. As a result of the modernization, the boat received an additional compartment, which made it possible to improve the internal layout of weapons and on-board equipment. As a result, the displacement of the ship increased somewhat, at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install improved equipment.

Currently, the boats of Project 949 have been put into reserve. At the same time, the Project 949A submarine group, along with Tu-22M-3 naval missile-carrying and long-range aircraft, is actually the only means capable of effectively countering US strike aircraft carrier formations. Along with this, the combat units of the grouping can successfully operate against ships of all classes during conflicts of any intensity.
The sturdy steel hull of the double-hull submarine is divided into 10 compartments.

SSGN Project 949A "Antey" (Enlarged diagram)

1 - Antennas SAC
2 - Shelves with longitudinal and transverse feed devices from UBZ torpedo-missile armament complex
3 - Forward (torpedo) compartment
4 - Rechargeable batteries
5 - the running bridge
6 - The second (central) compartment
7 - APU
9 - Third compartment
10 - PMU
11 - Fourth (residential) compartment
12 - Containers with PU SCRC "Granite"

13 - Fifth compartment (auxiliary mechanisms)
14 - Sixth compartment (auxiliary mechanisms)
15 - VVD cylinders
16 - Seventh (reactor) compartment
17 - Reactors
18 - Eighth (turbine) compartment
19 - Nasal vocational school
20 - Nasal main switchboard
21 - Ninth (turbine) compartment
22 - Fodder vocational school
23 - Aft main switchboard
24 - Tenth compartment (HED)
25 - GED

The power plant of the ship has a modular design and includes two water-water-type reactors OK-650B (190 MW each) and two steam turbines (98,000 hp) with GTZA OK-9, operating on two propeller shafts through gearboxes that reduce the rotational speed of the propellers ... The steam turbine unit is located in two different compartments. There are two turbine generators of 3200 kW each, two diesel generators DG-190, two thrusters.

The boat is equipped with the MGK-540 “Skat-3” sonar system, as well as a radio communication system, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation. Reception of intelligence data from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out underwater on special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship's CIUS. The ship is equipped with an automated, with increased accuracy, increased range and a large amount of processed information, the "Symphony-U" navigation complex.

The main armament of the missile cruiser is 24 supersonic cruise missiles of the P-700 "Granit" complex. On the sides of the wheelhouse, which has a relatively large length, outside the robust hull, there are 24 twin onboard missile containers, inclined at an angle of 40 °. The ZM-45 missile, equipped with both nuclear (500 Kt) and high-explosive warheads weighing 750 kg, is equipped with a marching turbojet engine KR-93 with an annular solid-propellant rocket booster. The maximum firing range is 550 km, the maximum speed corresponds to M = 2.5 at high altitude and M = 1.5 at low altitude. The launch mass of the rocket is 7000 kg, the length is 19.5 m, the body diameter is 0.88 m, the wingspan is 2.6 m. Rockets can be fired both singly and in one salvo (up to 24 anti-ship missiles, starting at a high pace). In the latter case, target distribution is carried out in a salvo. The creation of a dense grouping of missiles is ensured, which facilitates the overcoming of enemy missile defense systems. The organization of the flight of all missiles of the salvo, additional search for the warrant and “covering” it with the included radar sight allows the anti-ship missile to fly on the marching sector in radio silence mode. During the flight of missiles, the optimal distribution of targets between them within the order is carried out (the algorithm for solving this problem was worked out by the Institute of Weapons of the Navy and NPO Granit). Supersonic speed and complex flight trajectory, high noise immunity of radio electronic means and the presence of a special anti-aircraft and air missile diversion system ensure that Granita, when fired in full salvo, has a relatively high probability of overcoming the air defense and missile defense systems of an aircraft carrier.

The submarine's automated torpedo-missile system allows the use of torpedoes, as well as missile-torpedoes "Waterfall" and "Wind" at all diving depths. It includes four 533 mm and four 650 mm torpedo tubes located in the bow of the hull.

Complex "Granit", created in the 80s, by 2000 was already morally obsolete. First of all, this applies to the maximum firing range and anti-jamming missile. The element base, which is the basis of the complex, is also outdated. At the same time, the development of a fundamentally new operational anti-ship missile system is currently not possible for economic reasons. The only real way to maintain the combat potential of the domestic "anti-aircraft" forces is, obviously, the creation of a modernized version of the "Granit" complex for deployment on the 949A SSGN during their scheduled repair and modernization. According to estimates, the combat effectiveness of the modernized missile system, which is currently in development, should increase approximately three times compared to the Granit missile system in service. The rearmament of submarines is supposed to be carried out directly at the basing points, while the time and cost of implementing the program should be minimized. As a result, the existing grouping of Project 949A submarines will be able to function effectively until the 2020s. Its potential will be further expanded as a result of equipping ships with a variant of the KR "Granit", capable of hitting ground targets with high accuracy with non-nuclear weapons.


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