Three stages of work or when you need to start looking for yourself. At what age is it better to start working? Be restrained in emotions

Sooner or later, each of us is visited by the thought that it is time to grow up and get a job. The reasons can be completely different: the desire to earn your money, gain experience, gain new knowledge, or just prove something to your parents. The main thing here is your desire and attitude. So, imagine: you made an informed decision and started looking for your first job. A million thoughts immediately begin to swarm in your head: where should I start? Where and how to look for a job? And what to do with study? What if I'm under 18? Maybe it's too early for me to make a career? Relax! It's okay if you ask these questions. Worse when they do not occur. Where to find answers? They are here! Read our tips and let your start be successful.


About the reasons

Why go back to reasons? They are important for setting goals, and everything else will depend on them. For example, if you decide to work in order to gain experience, you need to build on your specialty at the university and interests. The first job in this case will be unpaid: you can start with an internship with a letter of recommendation and possible perspective employment.

Important! There is no need to be afraid of unpaid internships, as this is a great chance to get into a prestigious company, get good recommendations and invaluable experience.

In the case where the reason is the desire to earn your money, you will have to choose from standard student options: a sales assistant, a barista, a waitress, or something similar. Finding a paid job in your specialty without experience and a completed higher education is almost impossible, be prepared for this. Although suddenly you are lucky;) There is an option to start making money on your talents or hobbies, for example, if you are a photographer or a professional athlete. Think about it.

Does age matter?

Everyone starts working at different times: someone has been working since school, and someone is waiting for graduation from the university. Here the decision is only yours: you need to weigh all the pros and cons. In the meantime, we will clarify a few formal points for those who decide not to wait for the defense of their diploma:

  • If you are under 18, know that according to the labor legislation of our country, teenagers from 14 to 16 years old can work no more than 24 hours a week, and from 16 to 18 - no more than 36 hours (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Be careful, don't let yourself be exploited. What's more, minors are only allowed to work with the written consent of a parent, so don't forget to ask your mom or dad.
  • It is important for students to pay attention to the form of education. If you study full-time, you obviously cannot work full time. Therefore, look for vacancies only for a flexible or shift schedule - this is the only chance to combine. Although there are, of course, students who manage to study full-time and work at the same time. Usually freelancers, those who are not heavily loaded with couples, or owners of a time flywheel are so lucky.


Where to look for vacancies?

Everything is much simpler than it might seem. There are special job search sites. For example, is the largest and most popular job search portal, be sure to check it out. and will also help you find the right option. If you are purposefully looking for an internship in your specialty, go to, this is the most the best option. All sites have filters that allow you to refine your search. Set the right criteria, and the dream job will soon be found by itself.

How to write a resume?

After reading millions of offers on all kinds of sites, you finally found the right option. What to do next? Submit your resume, which must first be posted on the site. How to publish it is written in the instructions, it is simple, you can handle it;) Much more important: what to write in a resume, because you have neither experience nor a diploma. Write about all your significant merits. If you are a master of sports in gymnastics or fluent in Spanish, the employer should know about it. Of course, you don’t need to write that in the 3rd grade you won the Russian Olympiad - this is no longer interesting to anyone, alas. Evaluate your achievements sensibly and try to highlight the most significant and important. Do not forget to indicate the level of employment you are applying for, write about the desired work schedule. Show yourself in the best light, but be extremely honest.


How to pass interviews?

So, you responded to an interesting vacancy, sent a resume ... and you were invited for an interview. Panic! What to wear, what to say, how to behave? Calmly. The main thing: be yourself, no need to pretend or lie, it will become known sooner or later, and it will only get worse. Be calm, don't fuss. Listen carefully and try to answer the questions as fully as possible, without deviating from the topic. At the end of the conversation, ask all your questions. Wait until the hr-manager says that that's it, say goodbye, leave as calmly and without fuss. As for clothing, here you need to build on corporate culture companies. If they have an office dress code, dress accordingly. Read more about how to pass interviews.

But what about education anyway?

As we said earlier, if you are fully studying, work should not interfere with this process. However, if you don’t keep up with your work obligations because of your studies, then the boss won’t pat you on the head either. It may be difficult at first, but if you manage, you will acquire excellent time management skills, learn how to plan your life, gain work experience, and your studies will go uphill. Remember: the more you do, the more you get. Do not give up on the way to your goal, do not give in to difficulties, and then you will succeed. We hope you find the job of your dreams. Good luck!

The first days at a new job are always filled with excitement and a desire to please. On the this stage it is important to build relationships with colleagues correctly and make sure that this place is really yours. Especially if you are a young specialist, and this place of work is the first for you. Our tips will help you join the team and establish yourself in a new place.

Martha Godzina, Managing Consultant, Hays Recruitment Company

1. Get used to the new workplace.

The first working day is a period of familiarization with the new workplace. Do not rush into the first hour of work to take on new tasks. See how the office space is organized and your workplace, where the kitchen, meeting rooms, office equipment is located. Find out from colleagues who you can turn to for help if you need, for example, a security pass or IT support.

As a rule, on the first day, an employee of the HR department contacts you and issues Required documents for hiring. Before signing documents, ask all your questions regarding employment contract, ask them to read the statutory documents and job description. No one will reproach you for being boring, rather, on the contrary, your interest will command respect.

2. Get to know the team.

Work takes up a significant part of life, so competent positioning in a new team at the first stage will help in the future. It will take time and patience to overcome this "zone of turbulence". During the first week in a new place, you will get to know colleagues and learn the details of the workflow.

If your boss hasn't introduced you to the team, ask them to. Or take the initiative and introduce yourself to new colleagues. It is important that others understand that you are not a temporary, but a permanent employee who will be useful and who can be contacted for help.

3. Be restrained in emotions.

During the first working week it is important to behave naturally, but not to cross the boundaries of the personal space of others. Good mood, positive attitude in the perception of new information and a sense of humor will help you cope with excitement.

But do not show all the bright sides of your personality - jokes may not be appropriate in a new professional environment. Do not despair! Colleagues will be able to appreciate the best manifestations of your character later, for example, at an informal dinner.

Try to be attentive to new tasks, do not hack and ask more questions - these qualities a good specialist will always appreciate.

4. Set up a circle of people close to you in spirit.

Most likely, the leader will briefly introduce you to others, and you may not immediately remember all the names and positions. Do not be afraid to ask again, clarify the details. Start communicating with those who interact with you on current projects. Over time, a circle of people who like you will form. Meet new colleagues, ask questions about their functions, experience, attitude towards the company. Be open and friendly.

5. Ask to be added to general work chats.

If the company, in addition to working mail, communicates in instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) or in in social networks(Facebook, VKontakte), ask to be added to the general work chat. it good way meet colleagues and ask questions that concern you. Ask your manager what time you can disturb him. Find out what questions you can contact him, and what you should call the reception or the personnel department.

In the early days, you should not abuse the personal space of colleagues and add “friends” to everyone you greet. Over time, you will feel which of your colleagues will respond positively to the request - and then you can “knock” on them. It is in your best interest to keep your personal distance and not harm yourself.

6. Be positive about your new job.

Be loyal to new ways of working. Accept new challenges calmly. Sequentially sort the important and minor matters. You may find yourself in a situation where the way you are used to working is different from the way you work in your new location. Pay attention to this, observe the organization of business processes and the tone of communication adopted in the company. Any new experience is priceless knowledge that should be perceived as useful and important at this particular stage of life.

7. Take part in trainings.

In some companies, it is customary to hold "induction sessions" - introductory trainings that introduce you to the features of the company's business processes and provide information about development opportunities within its framework. During such a meeting, it is necessary to note incomprehensible moments and, at the first opportunity, ask these questions to the leaders. Departments often hold specialized trainings and webinars with the participation of Western colleagues - do not ignore such events, they can enrich your experience and give impetus to professional growth.

8. Follow the unspoken rules of etiquette.

In some companies, working hours are strictly regulated, in others, the time of arrival and departure from work is not clearly fixed. But, as a rule, colleagues pay attention to how punctual you are, and neglecting working hours can play a cruel joke on you.

In any case, during the first week, come and go during the working hours agreed with the manager - this is a rule of etiquette that must be observed.

9. Talk to your boss and HR in private.

Usually HR professionals in large companies monitor the onboarding process of a new employee throughout probationary period, and at the end of the first week, an appointment is made. But such rules do not exist in all companies. In any case, set aside time for a face-to-face conversation with a member of the HR department to discuss your impressions of the first days on the job and resolve problems in a timely manner if they arise. Make an appointment with your manager and find out how he evaluates your success, what you should pay attention to, voice the moments that bring discomfort. Such a conversation will help establish a trusting relationship and facilitate adaptation.

10. Set aside enough time for rest.

Many HR professionals recommend taking enough time to rest, sleep well, and connect with loved ones. During the first week you will receive a large amount of new information. Your goal is to understand and structure it, remember the essential points. In such conditions, you can quickly get tired. To new job brought results, in your free time, relax, walk in the fresh air, do your favorite sports. And, of course, enjoy life and solve any work tasks with a positive attitude.

But it's not just the climate that's changing, people's behavior is also changing due to the change of seasons. including the labor market.

The working year in Russia is divided into four main parts. The first begins towards the end of January and lasts until the May holidays. During this period, quite high activity in the labor market, a lot of layoffs, but, accordingly, a lot of open vacancies. However, very often these are vacancies for positions, let's say, far from the boss's chair. Administrators, managers, middle managers. The logic of these layoffs is simple: many people, tired of the long winter, plan to take a few summer months off in order to start looking for work by the fall. Since the market is quite volatile in this segment, they often take dismissal lightly, especially if it is preceded by several years of work with no prospect of promotion. Very often, such layoffs are provoked by the employer, who, instead of reconsidering the system of pay or bonuses for employees, prefers to gently push them to quit: new employees are easy to find by promising them a bonus in a few years.

Summer is usually divided in half: from mid-May to mid-July, while company management and decision makers are still at work. This is a very short period, very dynamic. At this time, hot vacancies often appear, where they can take a person who is not fully prepared, but promising, because time is running out. If an employee is engaged in job-jumping, that is, changing jobs in order to increase the level of salary / position, then this period is his finest hour. Indeed, going to work in new position, involving the expansion of responsibilities and workload, he has a margin of time until the fall, until the management returns from vacation in order to improve their work, enter into the subtleties, join the team. Very often, employees who come at this time adapt quickly and relatively painlessly, then work in the company for many years, feeling grateful for the opportunity to prove themselves.

The second part of the summer consists of a vacation period: from mid-July to almost mid-September, when many managers go on vacation, and personnel decisions are delayed. During this period, they usually do not look for work and do not offer vacancies, waiting for a more convenient time.

From mid-September, a new wave of activity begins. Many employees who have spent their summer vacation start looking for interesting vacancies. At this time, executives often change jobs, who receive bonuses for the past year in the spring, have a rest in the summer, so that by autumn they come to the idea of ​​changing jobs. For several autumn months, the new manager has the opportunity to delve into the details of work in a new place, so that next year he can start working in full mode.

Autumn is a time of unhurried selection, multi-stage interviews, a large number of vacancies and their not very large real closing. In autumn, many employers probe the market by talking with job seekers, assessing the adequacy of their employees' demands to increase their wages or increase the social package. Of course, some pressure on the "rebellious" employees is both this search for people and the posting of a job posting. Thus, the employer often solves internal problems in the team, pretending to search for employees for positions that are still occupied. The applicant should be careful and understand that in the series of those companies that invited him for an interview, only a certain percentage of employers are interested in actually filling the vacancy. The rest can simply solve their internal problems with such a simple but effective method of intimidating the "old" staff with the threat of dismissal. Very often, this thoughtless practice leads to a wave of layoffs at the end of winter and beginning of spring, when many really valuable employees, offended by the fact that they are looking for a replacement, leave the company.

In addition to calendar seasonality, there is also intra-industry. For example, in construction the “hottest” season is the warm season. In trade, depending on the goods, there is also a seasonality: household goods are best sold in the cold season, and window frames- in a warm, in the car trade, spring is traditionally a "hot" time. Marketing tends to have a slight slump in the summer, as does the holiday services sector, which peaks during the winter break. AT tourism business the main sales fall on the warm season.

If the job seeker has been looking for a job for a long time, he should consider whether the delay in finding a job is related to seasonality: it is best to look for a job before the start of the "hot" season. It also makes sense to think about seasonality for those who plan to change jobs - so that the break is not too burdensome for the budget.

At what age do you start working? 3 most common opinions:

1. You need to earn money as soon as you get a passport.

2. You need to start working in parallel with your studies at the university.

3. It is better to think about a career after university or at the age of 25.


However, you can’t argue with stubborn numbers: according to statistics, only 1% of professionals started working after the age of 25, about 50% of managers and directors began to independently earn a living at the age of 18 and younger, and 10% started working at 14-16 years old.

If you want to be a leader

People are most often pushed to an “early career” by a banal lack of money. A classic story: a student studies at a metropolitan university and, in order to make ends meet, starts working as a waiter or a loader. At first glance, the situation is sad, but psychologists say what is the beginning work activities - .

Indeed, the majority modern directors and heads of the largest corporations in Russia and the world began to climb career ladder from the very bottom as a teenager. A vivid proof is the example of the president of the Euroset company, who began working as a janitor as a freshman.

In addition, experts say that young people today find much earlier than young people 20 years ago. The early desire for independence is one of the main differences between the modern young generation.

In Russia, the trend of early employment is also fueled by the fact that employers impose the same requirements on graduates regarding work experience in their specialty as they do on other job seekers.

Cons of early employment

But the opinions of experts are also divided. University lecturers and rectors point out that the early start of working life affects studying proccess. In recent years, the percentage of working students whose performance leaves much to be desired has increased significantly. Constant lack of sleep, overwork and lack of proper rest become the reasons for the deterioration of not only academic success, but also health. Experts also warn that the nervous system and psyche of young people are more prone to stress and depression.

At what age to start working is a purely personal matter, which depends on many circumstances. It is important to adequately assess your capabilities and needs and find a balance between them.

At the Russian stage of the Euro Hockey Tour 2019, which is called the "Channel One Cup", the Russian national hockey team holds three meetings.

The first two games have already taken place in Moscow at the CSKA Arena, and the final match of the stage ( Russia - Finland) will be held on Sunday 15 December 2019 in St. Petersburg at the Gazprom Arena.

That is, the venue of the match Russia Finland on 12/15/2019:
* Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Gazprom Arena.

Gazprom Arena was originally a football stadium, and for the first time it was converted to hockey in December 2018. Then the game Russia - Finland, held as part of the "Channel One Cup" in 2018, broke the attendance record for hockey matches between Russia and the USSR. The 2018 game was attended by 71,381 people.

Now the record attendance for hockey matches in Europe belongs to the Veltins Arena, where 77,803 spectators came to watch the 2010 Ice Hockey World Cup game between Germany and the USA.

During the organization of the hockey match, the football field of the Gazprom Arena was moved out into the street. But it will remain intact, as the lawn was covered and the heating turned on. Fans who come to the stadium will also be comfortable, because. the roof of the arena has been moved. The indoor temperature will be about 20 degrees Celsius higher than the outdoor temperature.

What time will the match Russia - Finland start on December 15, 2019, where to watch (TV channel):

Beginning of the hockey match between the Russian and Finnish teams on 15 Dec. 2019 scheduled for 16:00 Moscow time.

AT live the game will be shown two television channels: federal "First" and sports "Match! Arena". Live broadcast from St. Petersburg will begin at 15:55 Moscow time.

What time will the hockey match Russia - Sweden start, where to watch it live:

Start time of the match Russia - Sweden - 20:00 Moscow time.

live broadcast can be seen in online on the site of the "First" channel(section "Hockey Channel 1 Cup 2019"). Also on the site the game will be available for viewing in the recording.

Live will be available on the channel " Match! Country", included in some packages of channels of cable operators, starting from 19:55 Moscow time.

On the television broadcast of the "First" meeting Russia - Sweden will be shown in the recording at 00:00 (midnight), from December 12 to December 13, 2019. The time indicated is Moscow.

List of regions in which orders have been issued to postpone the day off from Saturday December 28, 2019 to Tuesday December 31, 2019 (the list is being updated):
* Tomsk region.
* Kirov region.
* Republic of Crimea (Decree of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 466-U dated December 5, 2019)
* Pskov region.
* Karachay-Cherkessia.
* Stavropol region.


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