Types of directors in modern school. What successful principals do and what unsuccessful ones don't. Should the principal teach?

Galina Mikhailovna Ponomareva,

head of the organizational and methodological department of the Khabarovsk Regional Institute for the Development of Education in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, honorary worker of education

School management is a special process in terms of management, it is not for nothing that it is defined as a science and an art. The main distinguishing feature of the management process in education is that often school directors in the recent past were teachers from the team they manage. However, in a relatively identical environment (everything in the past former teachers without skills management activities and special education manager) some directors achieve professional success for themselves, teaching and student teams, the city and the region, while the successes of others are insignificant and are at an acceptable level of functioning for the school. Why is the success of some directors incomparably greater than the success of others? What manifestations of success distinguish them from their peers? What is the reason for the success of the best of the best? What behavioral strategy do managers choose educational organization leading them to success? What do principals avoid in the process of running a school, and what makes them unsuccessful?

These questions may seem debatable, since managerial work itself is ambiguous among different people. Only long-term practice of interaction with school principals in the system of advanced training and certification of teaching and management personnel gives me the right to express my own opinion on such issues: what they do and what they don’t do successful directors schools?

I propose to focus only on three indicators:

  • personal professional and career growth of the headmaster;
  • school personnel management;
  • Production Management.

Becoming a school principal

The professional growth of a successful school principal begins far in the past, when a young teacher first comes to the classroom as a teacher, and not as a student, realizing the new status of an adult responsible for himself and others; new role leader of the children's team and the learning process.

Over the long years of apprenticeship and studentship, young people develop performance behavior that corresponds to the role position of a “child” (in the classification of interpersonal relations according to E. Berne). The new situation forces the young teacher to change the strategy of behavior to the position of "adult", focused on sound calculation, control over own actions, control over the actions of others, adequate assessments, understanding of the relativity of dogmas, orientation towards actions. A quick change of positions leads to the fact that cardinal changes take place in a person’s personality towards the development of a positive “I-concept”, leadership qualities, confident behavior in a familiar environment, and the search for solutions to problems that have arisen, taking into account one’s own opinion.

A young teacher strives for professional growth and takes active steps towards this: he independently searches for sources of obtaining new knowledge, communicates with mentors and adopts their experience with a certain measure of critical attitude towards him and perception. The copying of positive experience is selective, depending on the goals of the young teacher, his own views on the process of education and upbringing, personal qualities, since such a teacher is aware that even the best senior colleague cannot be what he himself should become in the future. Someone else's experience is not an open wide road without bumps and potholes, which was paved by an experienced mentor, but the path to a certain turn, beyond which is the unknown, and everything that happens around this turn will become a new reality. Only the habit of independently analyzing the situation and making decisions based on the experience of others will help young specialist become yourself. And this is an important condition for the future success professional life, create your own experience, unique achievements.

A young teacher strives to take leadership positions in the work team, gradually gaining a team of colleagues who share his values, followers of actions and allies in achieving the goal of the leader and the team.

The process of building one's own career is taken under one's own control by the future successful director - young man

knows what he wants to achieve in the future and how long he takes for this. Career grows progressively from horizontal to vertical. Not always, but in many ways, professional success in the "teacher" horizon underlies the future success of the "principal" vertical. The teacher builds his career together with the one who will subsequently decide on the height of career growth, which means that such a person learns tactics and strategies for productive communication with people of various social statuses.

A young teacher motivated to become a school principal is guided by the following rules:

  • being lazy and looking at your watch is the fate of future performers;
  • being offended by constructive criticism is in the nature of a weak, capricious “child”;
  • wait for instructions from the outside - this is what people do who avoid failures, but constantly having them;
  • not allow others to doubt their current insignificant successes - he will eat the elephant bit by bit while others starve, knowing that they will not swallow him whole;
  • to be afraid to stumble - the fatality of existing mistakes leads to the destruction of motivation;
  • rise above the less successful - weak personalities are endowed with arrogance, who do not understand that there is always a stronger one for every strong one;
  • to envy the more successful - they should be respected and learned from them; they need to catch up, then go side by side, and then lead.

The issue of giving the teacher the power that the position of director gives is taken after reaching a certain age. Empirical evidence and observations show that the most productive principals are those who assume leadership of a school between the ages of 35 and 45. This is a sensitive period in personality development.

to take responsibility for the actions of other adults in the production process. By this time, the specialist already has professional achievements: a unique experience that clearly distinguishes him from others; stability in relations with colleagues and managers; a portfolio of achievements that proves his professional viability. Leadership positions are such that no one doubts that the future belongs to this person - this is a sign of the true growth of a vertical career and the support of associates. No one, including the teacher himself, doubts that it is this teacher who can be entrusted with the management of the school - he understands that the years of his own professional development were spent precisely in order to lead others, and this was actually his goal.

The young director knows that

  • one should not strive to "be good for everyone" - he should lead people,

and not on your neck;

  • narcissism is a sign of a weak director, whose age is short - therefore, spin

in a beautiful chair is not yet an indicator of professionalism;

  • to motivate the weak is a waste of time and effort for an illusory benefit;
  • it is pointless to criticize the mistakes of the strong - it is better to turn other people's mistakes

into your experience;

  • only a staggering one can be pushed down; a self-confident leader will eventually turn things around in such a way that they will please him;
  • do not forget your friends and fellow teachers - even in work time you can always find a minute for friendly memories and a cup of coffee;
  • he is not a workaholic, since a one-sidedly developed professional is like a flux, and it is not worth staying at work until late.

Observations of the circle of successful directors show that only the opportunities provided by the “tops” and support from the “bottoms” give positive results in career growth leader. The director will build the next stage of professional and career development in a different way, focusing on the new social status of a manager - on power.

Use of power

The use of power functions for the benefit of oneself and the led team is a hallmark of successful school principals. That's right: for yourself and for others. The director appreciates his power and enjoys its capabilities - and this is not a negative quality of the leader, on the contrary, the gravitation from power leads to the destruction of the development prospects - first the director, and then his school. But the pleasure of power meets all high moral laws. A successful director lives by the rule "I'm good, you're good." Such life position helps the manager to attract equally successful people to work, thereby expanding their capabilities. Achievement motivation is characteristic of a significant number of team members, since it is based on the charisma of the leader and such sources of his power as the power of the standard, the expert, the power of remuneration, normative and informational power. Power is inextricably linked with leadership. A successful leader is always a leader. He was an informal leader before his appointment, and now he is strengthening the position of a formal leader, and he easily succeeds.

Power allows the director to achieve goals higher than those that were in the past, and since these are humane goals, the leader finds followers and has strong team creative, active, success-motivated performers, whose hands the result is achieved. And of course, there are now resources to achieve the goal!

A person in power does not allow himself:

  • to lose it - power can only be strengthened (by building an even higher career) or let go (leave in time and give way to others);
  • use power to the detriment of people - it is power that should make a person a Man;
  • to be afraid of the power of others - one must simply not be afraid of anyone;
  • hide behind the backs of the performers - you can stand behind their backs only in one case: when you need to be the last to leave the sinking ship;
  • manage people from the position “I am the boss, you are a fool” - otherwise the day will come when you will become your own boss

and a fool to himself;

  • coming to work late - the presumptuous boss does not have power over his subordinates, but fear of them, which he covers up with arrogance;
  • look bad - the spectacular appearance of a successful leader is not a whim of the image, but a severe necessity.

Every successful director understands that his own success is made up of the success of his subordinates. Therefore, one of the first tasks of a manager is to motivate the team for high achievements and help everyone who wants to reach heights. The director's own role in managing the school comes down to finding the right active, motivated, initiative performer, giving him the right order, building an adequate line of control - and that's it. Further, the subordinate himself will bring the necessary result to the leader, which will ultimately be the result of the work of the school, and therefore the director himself. The previous experience and charisma of the director will do their job - people will obey a successful leader with great pleasure and will do great things to achieve his positive assessment, which he often gives out to subordinates. Yes, the only way - frequent and positive reinforcement of the activities of subordinates! Criticism, if necessary, allows neither fatality, nor edification, nor emotionality, on the contrary, only the use of constructive criticism helps a successful director to extinguish the resistance of his subordinate to the perception of critical remarks, involve him in joint decision-making, change the situation and activities of the criticized for the better.

The second most important criterion for effective personnel management of a successful director is the ability to delegate authority. In the hands of the leader is the supreme power (of course, within the framework of official competencies), which several more people in the organization would probably like to receive. Formally, this cannot be done, but it is possible to satisfy their need for power by temporarily expanding the powers - firstly, of the management team, and secondly, of subordinates actively seeking power. A successful leader is not afraid to lose power. However, the distancing of people from this power will lead to the fact that subordinates will seek to obtain it in a different way, up to an aggressive one. That's the case and there is delegation of authority to team members, and a successful director often uses this. As a result, he gets high-quality work, loyal employees, a lot of initiative proposals, a close-knit team, and also free time to perform immediate duties in the workflow, which cannot be delegated in any way, but for which there is never enough time!

At the same time, the delegation of authority does not exclude the dominance of the leader over subordinates. Unlike power, dominance is dominance, dominance, influence, ambition, the desire for personal independence, leadership under any circumstances and at any cost, readiness for an uncompromising struggle for one's rights. Strange as it may seem at first glance, employees easily obey the dominant leader, and not only do not condemn this personality trait of his, but also evaluate it as necessary for themselves personally, since in the end the leader’s dominance becomes a shield for them in difficult situations.

In addition, a successful school principal is a model for subordinates of such competencies as emotional self-regulation. They say about him - a good leader is like a swan: above the water

on the smooth surface it swims calmly and majestically, and under water it paddles frantically with its paws. The ease and speed of decisions made by the director, his calmness during crisis situations help subordinates feel secure and stable. People highly appreciate the one who is a “strong wall” for them, with such a leader they will go through fire and water, and will do everything possible to lead the school (principal) to success!

Process management

In the process of personnel management, a successful director:

  • does not select personnel for himself, his beloved, - the school does not have the positions of "matchmaker" and "brother", there is a "professional" and "high professional";
  • supports the initiative of the subordinate - if the torch is not allowed to flare up, it will quickly turn into a firebrand, will the director look beautiful with a firebrand in his hands ?;
  • will not nurture mediocrity - no matter how you pile up a pole by the road, apples will never grow on it, it is better to pass by, and let it stand, once it was set up by someone once;
  • speaks little at meetings - the words "fly" and "five minutes" were invented just for a successful leader who values ​​his own and other people's time;
  • does not expect gratitude from subordinates for the fact that "I have done so much for them." - it is necessary to do good and throw it into the water;
  • does not refer to the lack of funds for staff training - the staff themselves will offer creative ideas and various forms of training, if he, the staff, is given the opportunity to hang a certificate of professional development in a prominent place.

A successful director is characterized by a triune component: analysis - plan - analysis.

First of all, the leader is a wonderful analyst. Any information received by him, he can quickly connect with the previous one and, based on the analysis, determine the pros and cons of the forecast, which, in turn, will first be determined in the development strategy, and later detailed in tactics. Foresight helps the director to understand the vector of development of the organization, so all the details of information are taken seriously and important to him, since you can never say in advance which fact should be accepted as significant and which should not. The ability to first combine the facts and figures of the information received into a single whole, then group them into various categories, compare them with the expected result, assess the state and predict subsequent results corresponding to the positive and negative vectors of the development of the situation and do everything quickly and efficiently - a striking feature of the director analytics that distinguishes him from all other directors.

The favorite word of a successful director is a goal! What is the purpose of the future action plan? It is from this word that the specific work plan of the school as a whole and all its substructures, in particular, will largely depend. The goal is seen as a real result, achievable in the near future, as a fact that is not questioned. The clarity and realism of the goal enable the manager to determine the circle of performers to the extent that they are able to realize this goal, even if they do not yet understand the full depth of ideas about the result that the respected director is pushing them to. After setting the goal and motivating the team to achieve it, a successful leader will go into the shadows: he is a strategist, the details are in the hands of the performers. His time to return to the plan will come when the framework of all necessary actions will be formed and everything will be prepared for the stage of monitoring and editing the plan, its individual details, for example, the quantity and quality of the necessary activities, predicted results, resources. Only now the director's word will be final as the decision of the person responsible for the idea and steps towards its implementation. At the same time, a successful leader provides team members with the opportunity to fulfill themselves in planning - he can afford to delegate authority.

And as soon as the plan enters the execution stage - immediately analysis: first, step by step, to eliminate unforeseen misses. Then more and more generalized, so as not to load either yourself or the team with trifles that generally do not affect the global result, but are often associated with the emotional perception of the performers.

Resources, their quantity and quality, and especially their content: everything is in the hands of a successful director and under his control.

At the first place human resources- the team of the school, consisting of professionals of different levels, but which the director can manage most effectively based on this very level of professionalism of the employees. The director skillfully uses:

  • the resources of each individual and the potential for its development;
  • resources of small groups and, accordingly, their potential;
  • the resources of the organization as a whole.

Information resources, including external and internal information. All information is analyzed from the point of view of the adequacy of its perception by subordinates and only then is it issued by the director to the team. A successful leader knows how to present all the information so that no one has any doubt that the director has no doubts about the veracity of the information and the need to take it into service. Informational power is used by him as a necessary shield from possible conflicts and stresses in the team. In other words - information is not for the sake of information, but for the sake of information! To make it clear to the reader, I will inform Golden Rule successful interlocutor: if you can count to ten - count to nine!

Financial resources are a special scale of leader's values. On the one hand, there is always little money, no matter how much you give. On the other hand, the rubbish director is also not the best strategy for future success. Therefore, the wisest of directors choose

a promise between high results and a real amount of money, they know how to create a level school life at the level of luxury even with little funding. How? And this is a company secret. The commercial streak of successful directors is manifested in the management financial activities at the level of a zealous housewife, money is earned and spent wisely. This is also a sign of a successful school principal - a director-entrepreneur. He studied economic issues to such an extent that it allows him to independently make decisions within the organization without external consultations, since any consultant will always provide information that is beneficial to him. That's why in successful schools "all the money is in one pocket."

But a successful director knows the law better than economics. And honors him to the fullest. Whatever temptations arise before making a decision, the leader always coordinates it with the law. The word "law" is also understood by subordinates, it does not matter whether it is the law of a higher organization or the law emanating from the director himself. All school staff understand that the principal is the law in the school by default, albeit a democratic one, but the law. And that's it!

Managing the production process, a successful director:

  • does not seek to compensate for all the problems of the organization - it is more important for him that his subordinates cooperate, be people who understand his ideas and implement them in life;
  • creates a quality management system that is understandable to all performers;
  • knows such a science as administration, does not accumulate debts;
  • allows others to believe in his expert authority, even the chief accountant;
  • has enough templates in the computer for routine and creativity;
  • always rich, because he does not earn much, but spends little;
  • follows the letter of the law;
  • handles any challenge

and demonstrate it to subordinates.

Magazine " public education» 10/2013

Necessary knowledge (articles)

Help for a rural school

The current concept of reform and modernization of education imposes all the difficulties of its implementation primarily on educational institutions, giving them the opportunity not only to independently conduct financial and economic activities in the field of education, but also responsibility. Implementation of the national educational project, improving the quality of education, introducing specialized and distance learning, new information and communication technologies in studying proccess and the management process, providing a material base, new principles of financing and independent management - this is not a complete list of tasks that will fall on the shoulders of leaders and managers of educational institutions.




student of advanced training courses

for additional professional education

professional development program

"Modern educational management"

FULL NAME. listener: Kireev Nikolay Mikhailovich

District: Northern

Educational institution: GBOU secondary school №648

Position: Deputy Director for UVR

Essay topic: The modern head of an educational institution - who is he?

The current concept of reform and modernization of education imposes all the difficulties of its implementation primarily on educational institutions, giving them the opportunity not only to independently conduct financial and economic activities in the field of education, but also responsibility. The implementation of the national educational project, improving the quality of education, the introduction of profile and distance learning, new information and communication technologies in the educational process and the management process, providing a material base, new principles of financing and self-management - this is not a complete list of tasks that will fall on the shoulders of leaders and administrators of educational institutions.

What should be the modern head of an educational institution?

What qualities should one have?

Does the success of the modernization of education depend on the personality of the leader? What should be done and how?

Who is he, the effective head of the modern school?

For effective change in the field of education, the principal is the key figure. The fate of Russian education and, ultimately, the future of Russia depends on its ability to accept and implement the main ideas of modernization.

The main thing for a modern head of an educational institution is a clear vision of the ultimate goals, an understanding of the scale and depth of the tasks facing modern society, the correct definition of priorities and ways to express them, formulate and predict the result.

An effective leader of a modern school solves the main problem - to ensure the proactive nature of education: to set tasks that are important today and that will become even more important tomorrow, and, most importantly, to be able to find ways to solve them.

For development innovation activities v educational institution requires a competent, skillful command of the director of new modern technologies in your work.

The director is a teacher and organizer who has legal and economic knowledge, takes care of the role of a teacher in his team, contributes to the improvement of the qualifications of teachers, creates conditions for the disclosure of their creative abilities. To create comfortable learning conditions at school, he needs knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, various methods, technologies, the ability to understand people and their knowledge.

The leader must be a leader worthy of emulation. Leadership is an art, skill, skill, talent, creativity.

It is necessary to have the courage to take on initiative and the ability to instill this courage in the responsibility of your employees.

The director is the main face of education. The system of school traditions depends on it: cultural, ethnic, hygienic.

Head psychologist , because it is always focused on the human soul and stands guard over spirituality. He guards the school as a place where the soul of a child is nurtured. Where the highest values ​​of life are comprehended, where a person acts in his essence as a bearer of social relations.

Director - the first person in the system management an authorized owner of the school and a particularly responsible person, because he is responsible for the school building as a whole, possessing financial, economic and legal literacy. A large list of characteristics of the improvement of schoolchildren depends on it. educational institution and a combination of material and technical elements that provide physical comfort for both children and adults.

The effectiveness of the school depends on the style of team management, on personal qualities leader. This is self-confidence in one's own strengths and capabilities. The leader knows everything, knows how, can! What does a confident leader mean for a subordinate? This is, first of all, that in a difficult situation you can rely on such a leader, with such a leader it is easier to think about tomorrow, he gives psychological comfort, provides and increases motivation for work. Mandatory for the leader is his emotional balance and stress resistance.

The dynamics of the expected transformations depends on the managerial competence of the manager, his ability to create a team of like-minded people and transfer the institution to work in an innovative development mode.

The school is going through hard times right now. And only a qualitatively different leader, capable of thinking and acting at the level of global changes and looking far into the future, is able to move his ship forward and forward. Not afraid of storms, storms and unknowns.

Prepared by:

Maksimishina Oksana Sergeevna,

deputy director for educational work, teacher of geography, KSU "Incomplete secondary school No. 31"

city ​​of Petropavlovsk, North Kazakhstan region

The role of the leader (director) in the management of a modern school.

The head of the school (headmaster) is a key figure in the field of education, which determines the success of the implementation of the ongoing changes in education. According to many experts in the field pedagogical management, the director of a modern school is an effective leader with such qualities as: competence; sociability; respect for subordinates; courage in making decisions; ability to solve problems creatively.

An effective head (principal) of a school is:

    creative person who is able to overcome stereotypes and find non-traditional ways to solve the problems facing the school, create and use innovative management technologies;

    a person who is constantly working on himself, on his professional and personal qualities;

    a strategist who sees the prospect of developing his school for several years ahead;

    a person who inspires the teaching staff with his example.

Director of the Center for Leadership Research at the Institute of Education at the University of London, Professor Alma Harris believes that there are a lot of skills and competencies that a modern head (principal) of a school should have, but the most important thing is the ability to form a team of teachers. It is the teacher who works directly with the student, and therefore the director must believe in the teacher, trust his opinion and admit that he can understand some issues better than him.

In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the Kazakh school. There is a saturation of the educational process with modern educational, technological equipment, teaching aids and educational complexes.

Innovative technologies are being introduced into the educational process educational technologies, and not at the level of replacing individual parts, but at the level of conceptual changes that require the training of qualified teachers of a new formation.

Schoolchildren of the 21st century differ significantly in development from schoolchildren of the twentieth century. Under these conditions, the functions and role of the head (principal) of the school change significantly. On the one hand, the headmaster is an effective manager, since today the headmaster has to perform a lot of managerial functions - managing the budget, interacting with the public, interacting with senior management, etc. Organization management skills are becoming more and more important every day, and the director has no time to deal with pedagogy.

Peter Drucker, founder modern management, based on many years of observations, came to a paradoxical conclusion: "strong professionals", excellent specialists in their field, rarely become good leaders. This is due to the fact that management is a very special kind professional activity, the result of which is directly related to the personal effectiveness of a person.

On the other hand, within the framework of great freedom, the director of a modern school, in addition to management theory, must understand modern educational paradigms, priorities, and promising educational technologies.

Many experts believe that it does not matter what education a school director has, but he must have pedagogical experience: “Any school director should “stand at the machine”, at the blackboard in the classroom - have teaching experience. Otherwise, he will not be able to be an effective school principal. He may be able to manage the school budget well, but he will not be the director of the school, in the true sense of the word.

A similar point of view is shared by the director of the Center for Leadership Research at the Institute of Education at the University of London, Professor Alma Harris: “ For modern directors need to be able to effectively, rationally and intelligently manage the school. But the school, which is experiencing serious difficulties, just good manager few. She needs a director who, by his own example, can show what good lesson, because in problem schools, as a rule, there are few good teachers, and there is simply no place for teachers to get examples of high-quality teaching practice. The director must be able to do everything himself in this situation.

In practice, when the director has a lot of managerial and other tasks, it is difficult to demand that he be an effective manager and an effective innovator in terms of pedagogical technologies. According to a number of researchers, today there are four main types of school leaders (principals):

    "democratic business executive";

    "democratic leader"

At the same time, two of them are most common: “authoritarian business executive” and “authoritarian leader”, the most popular of which is “authoritarian business executive”.

Unfortunately, such a combination, when the director is both a talented teacher and an effective manager, is possible only in the ideal. Author's schools are close to it, where the director himself is a generator of innovations. According to experts, “the personal example and personal relationships that the director builds are key. A great manager who doesn't like people, a great manager who isn't a teacher, can't run a school."

For the most part, effective leaders are not born, but made. You can gain knowledge and skills of effective management by undergoing special training. However, this can also be achieved through self-education. In all cases, appropriate motivation is needed: personal ambitions (I am no worse than others), the desire to make a career (the soldier who does not want to become a general is bad), school patriotism (my school is better), the desire to earn money (you work better - you get more).

V modern time the leader (principal of the school) is a coordinator, a social builder, a bearer of everything new, progressive and democratic. Based on various management principles, the leader uses an individual approach to teachers in his work, taking into account the human-centric approach.

One of the options for a human-centric approach to the socio-psychological and cultural-ethical aspects of management is the system of Dale Carnegie, set out by him in the famous 10 rules:

1. Begin with praise and sincere recognition of the dignity of the interlocutor.

2. Point out the mistakes of others not directly, but indirectly. Direct criticism is useless, as it makes you defensive.

3. First, talk about your own mistakes, and then criticize the interlocutor.

4. Ask the interlocutor questions instead of ordering him something.

5. Give people the opportunity to save their prestige.

6. Be generous with praise.

7. Create a good reputation for people, which they will strive to maintain and justify.

8. Encourage. Give the impression that mistakes are easy to fix, make everything that you encourage people to seem easy to them.

9. Get people to enjoy doing what you want.

10. Let people save face.

"Effective manager" is a conditional concept denoting an ideal leader who knows the basic provisions of management theory, who knows how to effectively implement them in practice, and who is characterized by high professional competence. Effective leader in modern society one who knows how to correctly set and solve problems.

There are plenty of methods and trainings on how to become an effective school director - choose according to your taste. For example, the methods of Peter Drucker, who believes that in order to become a successful leader, first of all, one must learn to manage oneself, because "management abilities are different for all people, but those who can manage themselves, their actions and decisions successfully manage others."


    Bolshakov A.S. Management. Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: "Peter Publishing House", 2000. - 160 p.

    Intraschool management: Issues of theory and practice. Ed. T.I. Shamova. - M., 1991. - p. 352

    Isaev I. F. School as a pedagogical system: Fundamentals of management. - M.; Belgorod, 1997. - p. 286

    Kustobaeva E. Director's managerial culture: adequate self-assessment. Public education. - 2002. - No. 1.

    Pedagogy. Ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo. - M., 1998. - p. 452

    Management of a modern school: A guide for the director of the school. Ed. M. M. Potashnik. - M., 1992. - p. 298

Innovation Manager is a leader who organizes innovative activities, timely development and development of innovations that ensure the stable development of the enterprise.

The main areas of responsibility of the innovation manager are: development of an enterprise development strategy; organization of business (formation of an effective structure and management technology) and work with personnel.

Special attention when working with personnel, today it is paid to stimulate their creative activity, develop the ability to solve complex and non-standard tasks, as well as methods of motivating personnel, which are understood as ways to encourage employees to innovate to achieve the goals of the enterprise. Motivation should cover all activities for the development and implementation of innovative ideas and projects.

Today, the innovation manager is subject to requirements that can be divided into two groups: I - common to all managers and II - special, due to the peculiarities of innovation as an object of management.

General requirements to manager:

1) professional knowledge (according to the profile of the enterprise, economics, management, marketing, finance, etc.);

2) the ability to lead people (the power of persuasion, the ability to achieve one's own, willingness to cooperate, intuition, communication skills);

3) the ability of strategic thinking (the ability to analyze and predict the situation, creativity);

4) the ability to achieve success (perseverance and endurance, independence of action, the ability to withstand stressful situations, ambition, initiative);

5) administrative abilities (ability to plan, ability to make decisions, organizational skills).


In one of the foreign magazines, the following list of qualities of a modern manager was proposed:

1. He is well informed about the situation related to the activities of the enterprise.

2. Strives to understand reality through experience and talent.

3. Predicts undesirable developments, knows how to rally the team.

4. Makes decisions that will be the right ones for the next five years.

5. Timely feels the change in the rules of the game and reacts accordingly.

6. Finds a balance between the demands of employees and the need for unpopular decisions.

7. One hundred percent open to all new ideas.

8. Admits his mistakes, does not prosecute for dissent.

At the same time, a manager responsible for the innovation policy of an enterprise needs a number of special qualities:

Firstly, the ability to creatively approach the solution of complex management problems, in particular to the development of an enterprise strategy;

Secondly, intuition, flexibility and the ability to quickly respond to change external environment(market situation, political and economic situation). The highest manifestation of intuition is the ability not only to anticipate changes, but also to influence the situation to the benefit of your enterprise;

third, the ability to optimally organize the activities of subordinates, create such conditions for their work, which practically do not require intervention from the manager;

fourthly, the ability to be a leader recognized by colleagues and subordinates (this property is especially necessary when an enterprise finds itself in a difficult situation).

The most important component of effective leadership is leadership. Translated from English, the word "leader" means: "head", "commander", "leader", "leader". Leadership is a special position in society social system), which is characterized by the ability of the individual to influence collective behavior in a certain way, to direct and organize it.


The Harvard Business School (USA) formulated the following requirements for a leader:

Þ have a vision (people want to follow those who know where to go; they want to know why they are being led there);

Þ trust your subordinates;

Þ be cool;

Þ do not be afraid to take risks;

Þ be an expert (everyone must be convinced that the leader knows at least as much as they do);

Þ stimulate the manifestation of different points of view;

Þ find simple solutions to complex problems.

Distinguish between formal and informal leadership. Formal- associated with the appointment of a person to a leadership position, his position in society, organization. informal leadership is based on the authority acquired as a result of the recognition by the team of competence, high business, organizational and other personal qualities that are important for the leader. A formal leader (for example, the director of a company) is not always recognized in the team as informal. The innovation manager should be an informal leader.

Many foreign companies at competitive selection innovative managers use special tests for the conformity of the qualities of an employee to the position held. The candidate who combines leadership with high responsibility, a friendly attitude towards others, and efficiency and accuracy with the timeliness of decisions is given the highest rating. An exemplary test for compliance with the qualities required of an innovation manager is given in Table. one.

According to Western experts, the success or failure of an enterprise today is almost 90% dependent on the effectiveness of management. In connection with the transition Russian economy to the market role and importance innovation management is of particular importance to businesses.

Recently, in my papers, I dug up old handouts to the management skills training that I conducted in 1996... I don't even know whether to admire or be horrified :) this anniversary. For 20 years I have been working with managers of various levels, but, as practice shows, the problems in their work remain the same. I'm not afraid of this word - "eternal" problems :).

One of these "eternal" managerial problems is adaptation of the leader to new position . Character doesn't matter personnel reshuffle: promotion or demotion, transfer to a new job / to a new division or organization / to a new large-scale project, etc. The important thing is that such movements are often carried out not at the initiative of the worker (" I was offered, so I agreed"), and do not always coincide with his career and work expectations (" Actually, I would like to work in the position of... , and I would be more interested in doing..."). A career choice is proposed ("fork"), where each alternative has its own "pluses" and its "minuses". This choice is not always simple (something has to be sacrificed), and from the point of view of psychology is situation of professional stress and sometimes even leads to a professional crisis.

The heaviest stress occurs when a leader "jumps" to another career level: he was an ordinary worker, but became a lower-level manager (foreman, head of department, etc.); was a specialist, but became a middle manager; was the head of a division, and became a top manager, heading an entire enterprise or responsible for a separate line of business / market of the company. Psychologically, the most difficult thing is to “jump” from an ordinary worker (or specialist) to lower / middle-level managers. Especially if you need to manage your colleagues, with whom you spoke on an equal footing just yesterday. And today you are no longer "your", but "bosses" :). It is necessary to change the entire previously established system of relations, to "put" oneself in the team again in the role of leader.

How to do it ===>

Entering a new leadership role can be called professional adaptation of the leader. I recently came across a monograph A. Reana "Psychology of personality adaptation. Analysis. Theory. Practice" (M, Prime-Eurosign, 2008; browse ;)), which has a pretty good chapter specifically on managerial adaptation.

I'll bring her brief summary(plus some of my comments, plus valuable usefulness at the end ;)) , I hope it will be useful for novice managers:

"...term "adaptation" can be used in relation to the situation when an employee (one’s own or accepted “from outside”) is appointed to a managerial position. In this case, we can introduce the concept of “managerial adaptation” (“manager adaptation”), by which we mean the process and result of active balancing with the changed professional environment, which allows you to effectively achieve goals and is based on a number of personal neoplasms.

I will translate from psychological into ordinary language :) If you want to be productive in a new position - learn, develop, change yourself! "Personal neoplasms" are new knowledge, skills, habits, competencies, etc.

"The adaptation process is especially important for a specialist, appointed to a leadership position for the first time. As our pilot studies have shown, about 43% of the surveyed managers experienced difficulties at the very beginning of their managerial career, another 18% described their situation at that time as very difficult. This was most often due to a lack of managerial skills and only secondarily due to a lack of special knowledge.

I'll add on my own ... I conducted similar kinds of questionnaires among experienced managers. In fact, 100% of managers experience difficulties at the beginning of their career :). The only question is how they perceived these difficulties then, and how they remember it now. It depends on personal characteristics: there are optimists who "do not dramatize"; have high self-esteem(and believe that "everything is normal, everything is under control"); and there is a property of human memory to selectively preserve mainly good memories. As a rule, even if in the questionnaire a person answers that at the beginning of his career there were no difficulties at all, then during an in-depth interview with him, he recalls a pile of these very difficulties :)). He simply treated and treats them relatively easily.

Those who immediately recall the beginning of their managerial career as "very difficult" either have objective reasons (the company was in a deep crisis, and the beginning of their career took place as an anti-crisis manager), or their career began with some serious mistake, and this life lesson they remembered for a long time.

"According to recent studies by Australian scientists, well-established engineers are not natural born leaders at all. This is primarily due to the fact that many engineers, having turned out to be leaders of large organizations, mainly focused on achieving short-term benefits. As a result, the strategic tasks of survival and development turned out to be in the background, which inevitably led to difficulties with changes in the environment".

Typical story :). It is very difficult for a person who is used to being responsible for a specific limited area of ​​​​work to break away from micromanagement and switch himself to the mode of seeing the whole - strategic perception. That is why for newly minted leaders (even if they are not top management) courses / trainings / coaching will be extremely useful on strategic management and systems thinking.

"According to the well-known management consultant Peter Fischer, the newly appointed leader must consistently decide the following seven tasks:

— actively meet the expectations of senior managers, colleagues and subordinates;

— establish and develop productive relationships with key people in the organization;

— constructively analyze the current situation from the point of view of the structure of interactions and development prospects;

- develop a motivating spectrum of immediate and long-term goals;

— to establish a positive climate for transformation based on all the positive potential accumulated so far;

— effectively initiate these transformations with the involvement of all employees;

use symbols and rituals productively."

Please note that there are not only tasks of managerial adaptation, but also tips on how to solve them;)

-communications purposeful building of relations with all stakeholders;

-goal setting(moreover, a certain novelty of these goals is important, so that subordinates feel that "a new broom sweeps in a new way" :));

OWN motivation system(here it is important to understand that any organization has certain motivational resources and mechanisms; but their effective use depends on the specific leader. It is extremely important for a novice leader to master the available motivational tools, demonstrating to his subordinates what "sticks" and "carrots" he can and will use: ))

"Here is how I. P. Volkov describes the specifics of managerial adaptation in the most difficult, perhaps psychologically, situation - the appointment to a lower management position for the first time:

Let's say you were appointed to the position of master for the first time. You still do not have sufficient experience in organizational activities in production ...

First of all, you need to get to know the people with whom you will work. Then you should study the state of production, the equipment of workplaces, the organization of labor, the availability of technical documentation. You must also assess the level of labor and moral-political activity of workers, understand the relationship in the team. Start your acquaintance thoughtfully, slowly, talk individually, take your time with a meeting of workers. Meet the leaders of all departments in the shop.

Focusing on the situation in general terms, it is necessary to outline an action plan for "entering" a new position. Such “entry” is not a matter of one day or even one month. For some beginners, this process stretches for one and a half to two years. It is necessary to gain experience in order to feel confident in various situations. It is necessary to psychologically master the situation not only in your area, but also in the workshop, even in adjacent subdivisions. Then confidence in decisions and actions will come.

* * *

“We conducted a survey of 231 subjects (heads of various levels of organizations and enterprises, management experience ranged from one year to 16 years). They were asked an open question: “After my first appointment to a managerial position, I encountered such difficulties: . ..” A detailed analysis of the responses received showed that they can be divided into two fairly homogeneous groups.

The first group of responses of respondents-managers is difficulties in goal acquisition and goal formation when entering a new management activity. The most typical answers in this group were: “I didn’t know where to start”, “I didn’t understand the tasks we were facing”, “It was difficult because there was complete uncertainty”, “It was difficult to orient and explain to people what we would do further”, etc.

The second group of answers Difficulties associated with interacting with subordinates. Here, answers are highlighted that describe difficulties in uniting, rallying everyone around a common cause, problems in relations with older subordinates, fear of being alone before starting a new business, etc. The most typical answers in this group are: “It was difficult to establish business relations with some employees, since I myself used to be their subordinate”, “More experienced staff and those who had a long work experience treated me critically”, “I encountered low production discipline, the incompetence of a number of workers”, etc.

"Based on the literature data and the results of our own research, we can approach the description of the main personality neoplasms of the adaptive leader.

First, the new leader (especially the first-time manager) needs to move to a different level of goals that become broader and qualitatively more complex. If earlier the scale of tasks was not high and they were rather narrowly specialized, now the leader faces goals that are closer to the global goals of the organization.

So the first important personal quality, which the manager must develop after his nomination is the ability to identify, operationalize the global goals of the organization, turning them into unit goals and tasks for subordinates.

Secondly, after the appointment as a leader, it is required to develop anew or expand the set of techniques, methods of interaction between the manager and subordinates.

The second significant personal neoplasm for a manager in the process of his adaptation to new managerial activities is the expansion of his role repertoire, adequate development and performance of roles, taking into account the characteristics of the new professional activity.

Knowledge of the strategic (global) goals of the organization;

The priority of consistency and global goals over the private and momentary goals of the unit;

The ability to formulate the goals of the unit, taking into account the global goals of the organization;

The ability to decompose goals to the level of personal tasks.

Everything seems to be correct, but missing three important points. Goal setting - communication process, which is highly dependent on corporate culture companies. For example, in some companies a list of global goals hangs on every wall, while in others it is a secret with seven seals. In some companies, top management is open to discussing the consistency of the unit's goals with organizational ones, while in others the policy "you yourself are there somehow" is adopted (but if you do it wrong, you will be punished!). And many novice leaders "do not know what to do" precisely because they find it difficult to fit into "communication on goals."

And the second point: goal setting is very closely related to planning and execution. It is not enough to "cut" tasks to subordinates. It is necessary to plan these tasks; communicate plans to subordinates; initiate the execution of the plan; coordinate and assist (as needed); control the execution of tasks/plan. In my consulting experience, behind the words of novice managers “I don’t know what to do”, in fact, there is not a weakness in understanding goals and setting goals, but other links in the chain - planning, coordination, control, and so on.

And third: it is impossible to organize other people if you are not organized yourself! New managers often do not realize that the higher their managerial level, the more their personal self-organization affects the organization as a whole. If the leader does not set any goals/tasks for himself personally, does not plan his working day, does not own at least the "basics" of time management, if he does not have own system self-organization, then what kind of goal-setting and goal achievement in a unit / organization can we talk about?!

And another opinion: unlike A. Rean, I would not reduce the second "neoplasm" to expand the role potential. Of course, a good leader must be guided by the role structure of the group, as well as be able to recognize and model his own role (roles) in the work team. But in fact, most of the "understanding problems" with employees do not require any special role flexibility or role reversal. For this enough individual communication skills or abilities. For example, such a skill may be the ability of a leader to communicate with difficult people, defuse conflict situations, reduce stress levels, etc. Separate psychological trainings are devoted to the "pumping" of such individual communication skills, a review of which I gave in this post: Psychological trainings for a leader - what to choose?).

Can be described four stages of the manager adaptation process(they are presented as pairs of opposites: on the left is the result of a successful passage of the adaptation stage, on the right is the result in case of unsuccessful adaptation).

1)Goal Identification - Lack of Vision. The first thing that begins the process of adaptation of a manager is a clear understanding of the global goals of the organization, its mission and philosophy. These long-term goals should unite efforts and underpin the work of all departments of the organization. Based on this, the manager must be quite clear about the goals facing the unit that he was assigned to lead, as well as the goals of other major units of the organization, and above all those with which he has to interact directly. This stage manager's adaptation is based mainly on the operationalization of global goals.

2)Distribution and organization - detached management. At the second stage of the adaptation process, the problematic task is to determine tasks for subordinates (based on global goals), as well as to organize their joint work. Along with the presence of special knowledge, this requires the implementation of the basic functions of management, the establishment of a network of interpersonal contacts, the organization of information flows and decision-making.

In the implementation of these tasks, planning of both joint work and the activities of other departments (employees) becomes important.

3)Solving a new problem - broadcasting instructions. In the third stage, the manager, who has understood the goals of the organization and the unit, who has managed to organize subordinates to fulfill the plans already outlined, now needs to direct joint efforts to solve a relatively new task - for example, the introduction of a new method of organizing production.

The successful solution of such a task will allow the manager, on the one hand, to recognize his subordinates in somewhat unusual conditions, and on the other hand, to show others and himself that he is a real organizer. This gives the necessary confidence in oneself, in one's subordinates and in the common cause. Successful completion of the third stage implies that the manager will delve deep enough into all the subtleties of the new task, "accompanying" the course of its solution from beginning to end. At the same time, he will be required to update the entire range of his managerial roles, but references to the organization’s global goals and their “decomposition” for subordinates are gradually fading into the background.

When a manager cannot offer something relatively new, representing only a transmission and distribution element in the management hierarchy, there are great difficulties in authority among subordinates. The holistic picture of interpersonal interaction is disrupted and significantly impoverished, autonomously functional subgroups are formed, even the emergence of personally significant problems does not contribute to the convergence of the points of view of the minority and the majority.

4)Initial Delegation - Online. The main problem of the final - fourth - stage of the manager's adaptation process is the formation of the skill of task distribution and delegation of authority. To do this, it is necessary to determine, based on the results of joint work, several (or at least one) subordinates who could be entrusted with the independent implementation of an integral part of the work. By gaining the first experience of delegating part of his duties to competent and executive subordinates, the manager is able to better coordinate the work of the unit and pay more attention to long-term goals. Introspection of what has been achieved, identification of strengths and weaknesses own management style in order to improve it. Under these conditions, the use of roles and the specification of global tasks for each subordinate are somewhat reduced in volume.

When a manager cannot determine the circle of subordinates capable of working autonomously enough, this leads to the need for constant total control, which, in turn, causes inevitable nervousness, haste, and the impossibility of long-term planning.

Successful completion of all four stages leads, in our opinion, to a fairly complete adaptation, that is, to the development of skills for interacting with management and subordinates in order to achieve the goals of the unit and organization.

From myself I will add that I generally agree with the highlighted stages of adaptation. But the problem is that, for example, a situation can easily arise when new leader appointed to a newly created division / to a completely new line of work or project. That is, he immediately enters the third (in A. Rean's model) stage of adaptation, and he has to "give birth" to new tasks at his own peril and risk. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to tie them to the strategy (stage 1) and established business processes (stage 2).

But I agree that even if a completely new task arises before a novice leader, it still makes sense to take two steps back and first determine the strategic priorities; then build a certain system of work/communications; and only then to innovate.

Further, A. Rean offers a holistic two-dimensional model of managerial adaptation. At the initial (1 and 2) stages of adaptation, it is important to determine the operationalization of global goals, and at subsequent stages (3 and 4), communication skills and skills become more priority (Rean calls this "role expression"). The 2D model looks like this:

"As follows from the scheme, at the first stage of adaptation, the skills of operationalization of global goals play a leading role, at the second stage both personal neoplasms are already involved (role behavior is added), then the role playing to solve a new task comes to the fore, and, finally, at the last stage these two qualities are involved to a lesser extent, which means the completion of adaptation.

Duration passing through the four stages of adaptation can be different. If everything goes well, then you can turn from a novice leader into a seasoned manager :)) in about one year. If difficulties arise at some stages of adaptation, the process can stretch for 2-3 years.

According to A. Rean adaptation to leadership position may be unsuccessful. But this does not mean that the leader is unsuitable for the profession, or that the career has finally come to a standstill. The best solution would be to reduce the official level or return to the previous (or similar) position, but at a higher professional level (that is, with greater functionality, responsibility, authority, remuneration, etc.).

And in conclusion, as I promised, the most interesting! ;) Rean thinks that success or failure of the manager's adaptation to a new position can be predicted. And for this purpose, he developed the POMA test questionnaire - the Predictive Questionnaire of Managerial Adaptation ( ). There are only 32 questions, you can answer in 5-10 minutes.

If you got 23 points or less - welcome to my coaching! - write to [email protected] let's agree ;)

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