Exhibition Czech parrots. Czech budgerigars and other species. Budgerigar at home

Imported from the Czech Republic budgerigar The Czech is becoming increasingly famous in the world because it has some advantages over the simple budgie. Detailed information about the Czech, as well as what other breeds of budgerigar exist, you will find in this article.

Despite the fact that Czechs are not fans of long trills, they know how to pronounce words clearly and make long speeches. In the morning, these birds are able to silently wait for their owner. Due to their large mass, they fly rarely and little, as they quickly become exhausted. However, it is possible and even interesting to play and communicate with them. Czechs can still show anxiety, for example, at an exhibition, among noise and many unfamiliar people.

It is worth noting that to keep Czech parrots you need larger feeders and drinkers and stronger perches.

Fixed ring and price

An ordinary budgie can be bought at any pet store without any documents or a ring. After all, they are bought for their own pleasure, and not for an exhibition career.

Anyone who wants to purchase a real show Czech budgie needs to know that the purchase can only be made from a breeder. And only one that is officially registered in " Russian club" In this case, he has a personal unique number and the opportunity to order permanent rings for his feathered charges. Each ring has:

  • a certain color according to the age of the bird;
  • year of birth;
  • unique breeder number;
  • serial number of the chick;
  • club data.

Somewhere at a poultry market they can sell a Czech without a ring, which means complete absence guarantees in determining the age and origin of the bird. Unscrupulous sellers may sell an old bird instead of a young one. Also, without a ring, there will be no way to register a pedigree for a Czech parrot and, accordingly, to take part in an exhibition.

Czechs breed fewer chicks, so there are not as many of them as ordinary representatives of the breed. Being a small species, the Czech parrot is an order of magnitude higher than a simple parrot. The chic appearance and large size also affect the price.

In addition to Czechs, there are other types of budgerigars in the world. Since there are too many of them, we have highlighted the main and most interesting varieties.

Other budgies

Single color

This breed of “wavy birds” has a certain feature - only one color dominates in the color of the birds. For example, green, yellow, white, blue. If the predominant color is green or blue, then the bird has the usual waviness, if yellow or white, then the bird has a pale waviness. Ash gray (anthracite) parrots have black wavy, while pure white (albino) parrots have none at all.


Such parrots are also called rainbow parrots, because this breed has different colors in its color, almost evenly distributed throughout the body of the bird. This species has its own varieties:


The name of the parrot breed comes from the English spangle, which means “bugle bead” in Russian. Birds of this species have an inverted, mirror-like waviness.

Curly (Feather Dusters)

The budgerigar breed, bred in Japan, is similar in appearance to the Parisian trumpeter canaries. These birds acquired their name because their body is completely or partially covered with a large mass of long curly plumage. Because these parrots never stop growing feathers, they have lost their aerodynamic properties and cannot fly.


Many people call this breed of budgerigars Chubby. The birds received this name for the original feathers that grow on the head in different directions, resembling a crest. There are two types of crested budgies: American and continental. In the American species, the base of the crest is located closer to the occipital part.

According to the shape, there are such types of crests as pointed (in the form of a bunch), round and semicircular. And the forelock parrots themselves have the following varieties:

  • with a double round crest;
  • with a triple round crest;
  • with deformed feathers on the back (with or without a crest).

All types of crested "budgies" can have any colors that exist in budgies.

Due to some nuances associated with their breeding and maintenance, this breed should be considered in more detail. The presence of crest in these birds is a little studied property, but scientists have established that the gene responsible for the presence of a crest is dominant.

Unfortunately, it is among the forelocked parrots that such deviations from behavioral norms as poor coordination of movements have been discovered. Nervous system disorders such as neuroses, convulsions, and seizures were also often observed. It is very difficult for crested parrots, since most chicks die almost immediately after birth, and some die before they are born.

What do you know about budgerigar breeds? Share with us in the comments - your opinion is very important to us.

Many people buy parrots so that they brighten up the gray everyday life and, chatting carefreely, greet them after a difficult day. working day. The choice of bird usually depends on the buyer’s income and his requirements for a particular species. For those who are not ready to spend money on a large parrot, but do not want to buy an ordinary wavy, the wavy Czech was bred.

Differences between Czech and ordinary wavy

This species of parrot is an exhibition one and was bred in the Czech Republic, which is why it got its name.

The Czech budgerigar is larger than ordinary parrots and is very different from them with a fluffy cap and a beard with beads. Thanks to this beard, the bird's beak is almost invisible.

Unlike the hunched pose of an ordinary wavy, the Czech sticks out his chest like a wheel and at the same time holds himself like a king.

This bird will not run aimlessly back and forth around the cage; they are calm and, due to their eternal concentration, are much more trainable. It is not necessary to spend long hours with them, repeating the same phrases over and over again; Czechs are able to learn to speak on their own and happily copy the sounds that they often hear in the apartment.

Breed standard

Experts say that it is possible that the show budgerigar is calmer due to its height, reaching twenty-two centimeters or more.

Its wings fit tightly to the body, but do not cross; on them one can find seven developed primary flight wings.

The parrot has a rounded body shape, a convex chest, a wide neck and shoulders. Its head, large and wide from any angle, with a powerful forehead, a firmly set beak, in which one can see the overlap of the beak with the mandible, sits on a powerful and short neck.

The bird's legs have 4 toes, two of which are directed forward and two back, which helps to stay firmly on the perch. A true wavy cape has a uniform color of feathers, in which there should be no extraneous shades.

Features of the view

It is better to purchase parrots in groups; the exhibition budgerigar is very sociable and, like a person, he needs friends. They very quickly get used to the new stop and perceive the separation from each other tragically.

A parrot that is kept alone needs constant communication with a person; you need to start talking to him for 15 minutes a day, increasing the duration of sessions to 40 minutes or more.

You should start with the most difficult words with hissing and whistling sounds, and if the parrot manages to pronounce a word, you must not forget to reward him with something tasty. Males are by nature more sociable than females, they have a pleasant voice and love to copy the sounds and voices of other animals.

If this bird is taken care of, provided with nutritious food and protected from stress, it can live twelve to fourteen years.

In what conditions should the wavy cover be kept? Firstly, people who have cats at home are not advised to have a bird. No matter how lazy and phlegmatic the cat may be, he is a predator and perceives the parrot as food that one day he can taste.

Unlike cats, budgies need to be occasionally fed oranges, tangerines and apples. Initially, they were fed only fruits, as it was believed that budgies were natural vegetarians, but later people realized that this was not the case.

In their natural habitat, parrots also eat insects, and when living at home they will not refuse protein foods, for example, a boiled egg. But not all whole fruits can be fed to these birds; the seeds of apples, pears and cherries are poisonous to them, and it is also not recommended to give parrots food from the table.

To feed birds, food enriched with vitamins and minerals must be used, otherwise the parrot will start to get sick and all this can end in tears.

It is best to take a spacious cage with metal bars, but you cannot keep a parrot there all the time; just like a person, he needs to move a lot and stretch his muscles.

Currently, more than forty of them live on our planet. total number is about one hundred billion individuals. Among such a variety of birds, there is one order, the representatives of which anyone can recognize at first sight. These are parrots. They are distinguished from other birds by their bright plumage, energy and ability to speak. Such a pet can surround its owner with love and affection no worse than a cat or dog. The article describes existing Photos and the names of each of them are also attached.

A little history

Parrots are one of the few representatives of the animal world that have survived to this day and have practically not changed their appearance. This is evidenced by numerous excavations of ancient human sites, during which the fossilized remains of this order of birds were discovered. Historical facts indicate that the first to teach parrots human speech were Indians. Representatives of this order of birds appeared on the European continent along with the soldiers of Alexander the Great. At that time, parrots were considered sacred because they could talk like people. Later, these bright and energetic birds spread throughout the territory European countries, gaining fame as beloved pets.

How many species of parrots exist today? The answer to this question can be found below.

Types of parrots

The parrot order is divided into two families:

  • cockatoo;
  • parrots

The cockatoo family is divided into three subfamilies. They include twenty-one species.

The parrot family is divided into two subfamilies. The total number of species represented in them is more than three hundred and fifty.

Below we will describe how you can determine the species of a representative of the order Psittacidae.

How to determine the type of parrot?

In order to answer this question, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • body length and weight of the individual;
  • beak shape;
  • plumage color;
  • the presence or absence of a crest.

Having analyzed these characteristics and compared them with the photo and description various types birds, you will be able to understand what kind of representative of the parrot order is in front of you.

Let's look at the most famous types of parrots, photos and names of which are given below.


This species of parrot is an ancient inhabitant of New Zealand. Nestor is strongly built and comparable in size to a crow.

One of the subspecies - kaka - is an inhabitant of mountain forests. These parrots have a lively and sociable character and make a lot of noise. The kaka tongue is well developed and adapted for extracting nectar from tree flowers. These birds love to eat berries, seeds and larvae of harmful insects. The parrot extracts the latter from under the bark of trees, plucking out affected areas of wood.

Another representative of the nestor species is the kea parrot. Such birds live in high mountains. They feed mainly on berries of various trees, honey, roots and insects. It is believed that kea can attack flocks of sheep and pluck small pieces of meat from the backs of the animals.

Owl parrot

This species of parrot got its name due to the original shape of the facial disc, soft plumage structure and nocturnal lifestyle. Until recently, such birds lived in large numbers in New Zealand. This is now an endangered parrot species that can only be found in remote wild parts of the island.

Such birds mainly live on rocky slopes, in bushes and along the banks of mountain rivers. Owl parrots lead a terrestrial lifestyle. And this is their main difference from other species. These birds have poorly developed wing muscles, so they fly poorly. But owl parrots run well. They can also easily climb a tall tree using their tenacious claws and beak.

Like owls, such parrots sit in their nests during the day, and at nightfall they go out in search of food. At night, these birds navigate in space using special long hairs located on the facial disc. The main food of owl parrots is moss and various berries. Their favorite delicacy is snow grass.


The most numerous species of parrots, the budgerigar, lives in Australia. Its representatives can be found in any part of this continent. They live in savannas, eucalyptus forests, semi-deserts and even in cities. Budgerigars create large colonies, the number of which can be up to a thousand individuals. They always locate their place of settlement near a water source.

The budgerigar is a small, slender bird with bright plumage. Its length is 17-20 centimeters, and its weight is only 40-50 grams. Most budgerigars have a characteristic grass-green or greenish-yellow feather color. Individuals of white, blue or bright yellow colors are often found. On the back, wings and back of the head of such birds there are dark brown stripes. Budgerigars have a friendly character.

The main food of such birds is wheat grains and grass seeds. An extremely important component of their diet is water.


The main habitat of cockatoos is such island countries as the Philippines, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. These parrots live in alpine, tropical and mangrove forests. They like to exist in close proximity to civilization. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see them in a city or agricultural area.

The plumage of cockatoos is mainly colored yellow, pink, black and white. A distinctive feature of this parrot is its high crest. Its color differs from the main color scheme of the plumage. The cockatoo's body length ranges from 30 to 80 centimeters, weight - from 300 to 1200 grams.

Such birds in flight can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. They are also good at climbing trees. Representatives of this species of parrots love to swim and spend a lot of time caring for their plumage. The basis of their diet is seeds, fruits and insects.

Cockatoos are a species whose representatives can be taught to pronounce individual words and even phrases. Also, these birds are capable of showing extraordinary ingenuity to achieve their goals. You should not offend cockatoos, because such birds are extremely vindictive.


Which type of parrot is the most talkative? Without a doubt, it's hot. Another name for it is gray parrot. Ornithologists distinguish two subspecies of these birds: the red-tailed gray and the brown-tailed gray. The first lives in Central Africa, Togo, Kenya and Northern Angola. The length of its body can reach 35 centimeters. Such a bird weighs on average 400 grams. The wing length is about 24 centimeters. The plumage of this parrot is colored in ash-gray shades. Its chest, head and neck are usually slightly darker or lighter than the base tone. The tail and back of the back are colored red.

The Brown-tailed Gray is found in Southern Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. This subspecies is smaller in size compared to the red-tailed one. The body length of such a parrot can reach 34 centimeters. This bird weighs on average 350 grams. The wing length is about 21 centimeters. The tail plumage is painted in dark burgundy colors.

The gray parrot is able to remember and reproduce up to 150 words or even phrases. Such a bird can have a meaningful conversation with its owner. In addition, Grays can skillfully imitate various sounds, for example, the trill of a telephone call or an alarm clock. Gray parrots also have the ability to distinguish shapes and colors.


This type of parrot lives in Australia. In addition to the name “corella”, which was given to this bird by the aborigines of the continent, there is another name - “nymph”. European scientists awarded it to the parrot.

Externally, the cockatiel looks like a small pigeon. The length of the bird can reach 33 centimeters. Half of them are in the tail. A striking feature of this type of parrot is its yellow crest. The cockatiel's plumage is light olive or gray, with round spots of bright orange on its cheeks.

Corella feeds mainly on plant seeds, wheat grains and insect larvae.

This type of parrot is not easy to teach to speak. Despite this, the cockatiel is still able to remember up to 100 words. The males of these birds sing well and can even imitate nightingales.


The macaw is the largest representative of the parrot order. Its main habitat is the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Macaws form flocks and lead a nomadic lifestyle.

The length of an adult can reach 100 centimeters. The macaw has a large a long tail and a powerful beak, with which the bird can even bite through steel wire.

The diet of this type of parrot is based on grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Some of the macaw subspecies are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the world Red Book.


Lovebirds are called love birds because of the extraordinary mutual affection between the male and female. In nature, this species of birds can be found in Africa and on the island of Madagascar.

The male and female are always together. Even if one of them flies away, he tries to be within such limits that he can hear the sounds of the other half’s voice. Lovebirds do everything together: they get food, fly to water, rest, picking each other’s feathers. They are agile and dexterous and can fly quickly.

These birds feed on berries and small seeds.


Parrots stand out among other birds. Them bright appearance and the ability to reproduce human speech and imitate various sounds make it possible to recognize representatives of this order at first sight. The article describes the most famous species of parrots. There are many more species of such birds in the world, some of which are even listed in the Red Book.

Surely, every person who has ever met an exhibition budgerigar cannot forget such a bright and spectacular bird. Some are amazed by the size of the Czechs, others are delighted with the chic beads and tuft, and the variety of their colors dazzles the eyes. One thing is certain - it is impossible to remain indifferent at the sight of exhibition budgerigars.

The history of the origin of Czech parrots is quite interesting: during the Second World War, residents of London, fleeing the bombings, went to countryside. Unable to take all their pets with them, they handed them over to pet stores. In one of them, the visitor was attracted by a cage with unusual birds; they looked like budgerigars, but much larger in size. Despite the difficult period of time, the news about unusual birds became a sensation for the British.

Finding out the origin of large budgerigars, lovers learned that a certain Mr. Sandwich, leaving London, took some of his birds to a pet store. With several he left for the countryside. Ironically, a bomb hit his village house, killing the posthumously famous breeder and his parrots. Fans only managed to find out that Mr. Sandwich once purchased an ordinary green pair in a pet store, after a while offspring appeared that were quite large with an unusual head shape and subsequently, through inbreeding, a new type of budgies appeared. The owner had no idea that his discovery would lead to the founding of the English Club, which would focus on establishing the species and improving the wide variety of color variations of show budgerigars.

In the post-Soviet space, such parrots are called Czechs. This name was stuck due to the import of these beauties into the USSR from Czechoslovakia in the early 80s.

Today there are a huge number of colors and all sorts of variations of “caps” and crests of exhibition budgerigars. Thanks to the Czechs, budgerigars quickly gained popularity not only among professional breeders, but also among amateurs who happily took part in breeding and international exhibitions.

To consolidate the type, breeders of Czech parrots carried out inbreeding, which helped achieve stability in the genotype, but affected the health of the birds. Exhibition budgerigars are more sensitive to disease and are less fertile. A pair of Czechs can have one, maximum four chicks in a nest, and after a thorough check it often turns out that some babies have congenital defects, while others later turn out to be infertile. Selecting show budgerigars by color is much more difficult than selecting by type. The efforts to create a new color variation are complicated by the health of the Czechs. They are more demanding to care for and difficult to breed. These factors explain the high price of these birds.

If a breeder of Czech parrots is a member of a club, registered and has a personal number, he buys non-removable paw rings for his pets. Each color of the ring is assigned a year, which allows you to know the exact age of the bird. This is a guarantee that, having paid a rather high price, you will receive a bird of the age you need. The sale of Czechs due to their capriciousness in breeding is not as common as the sale of ordinary budgies. Well, the price, of course, for a high class breed will never be low, just like the price for any show class animal or bird.

Photos of exhibition budgerigars:

Exhibition budgerigars are very tame, this is explained by the close attention of the breeder to them. From birth, the chicks are under constant control; often the couple loses interest in their offspring and parrot breeders have to feed the babies themselves. Czech budgies do not have well-developed natural reproductive instincts.

The size of a mature budgie can reach 23-28 cm from the top of the head to the tip of the tail, the average size is 25 cm. Unlike an ordinary budgie, the Czech has a lush “cap” on its head and a prominent beard, which is decorated with beads. The proud posture, combined with a spectacular “crown” and bright color, gives the bird a very important and aristocratic appearance:

Czechs have a calmer character compared to budgies, their large build eliminates excessive “agility”, their movements are smoother and a little clumsy. But each bird has an individual character, so both among the ordinary “wavy birds” there are lazy and phlegmatic ones, and among the exhibition ones there are energetic and funny specimens.

They are very inquisitive, willing to make contact and happy to have fun, they are excellent companions for humans. Czechs are very smart and easily learn to talk; they love to be close to their owner and participate in his activities.

Housing for one Czech should be more spacious than for an ordinary wavy one: the minimum cage size is 50 * 40 * 35, wooden perches with a diameter of 2.5 cm, drinking bowls and feeders are slightly deeper than usual.

An exhibition budgerigar should be fed in the same way as a regular one: grains, vegetables, fruits, herbs, twigs, mineral stones, sprouted grass, water, a course of vitamins. Considering that the Czech is twice as large as the Wavy, the amount of food should be given in a larger volume.

With careful care and proper maintenance conditions, Czech budgerigars will delight you with their chirping for many years.

A few videos that will help you gain confidence that this is the type of budgie you need:

Show budgerigar chicks:

Exhibition in Canada:

A whole film about the Czechs:

When moving to cities, people still try to be closer to nature, growing flowers on the windowsill or having pets: cats, dogs. The desire to keep some kind of bird at home is no exception, because it is so pleasant to listen to singing, melodious chirping in the morning or when you come home from work. Parrots have become the most popular feathered friends that can be kept in apartment conditions. But there are so many types of them that it’s dizzying, who should you choose? In this article we will look at the most common breeds of parrots that are suitable for keeping at home and their characteristics. Then you will understand which bird is right for you.

Parrots (breeds, names of species) for home keeping

Scientists have estimated that more than three hundred species of parrots live on our planet. Of these, people made a significant part of them as pets. All parrots differ in some way from each other: in size, variegated plumage, peculiar singing, life expectancy. One species of these exotic birds will be more capable of talking, another will be more capable of beautiful melodies, a third will be more capable of performing tricks, and the fourth will be talented in various areas. In addition, each parrot, like people, has its own character, from friendly and unpretentious to aggressive and demanding. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a bird and decide which criterion will be most important for you.

In this article we will look at such breeds of parrots as budgies, lovebirds, cockatiels, necklaces and Amazon parrots, cockatoos, grays and macaws. The list starts with small ones and ends with larger species.


Perhaps everyone has heard about budgies. And this is not at all surprising. The popularity of budgerigars is determined by their low price, friendliness, small size, which allows them to be kept even in small apartments, and bright plumage: green, blue, yellow, white, motley. Of course, these are not all the colors that these parrots can be painted in. The natural color is green, but now you can find any combination, for example, a yellow head and a purple body or a lemon head, and the body is half green and blue. You can even hear these unusual names colors like anthracite, pearl, turquoise, lilac, rainbow.

Conventionally, we can say that there are two breeds of budgies - ordinary and exhibition. The latter are distinguished by larger sizes and more pronounced beads on the cheeks. From the name it is clear that exhibition budgies (or Czechs, as they are also called) are suitable for participation in exhibitions.

Budgerigars are flocking birds, this must be taken into account when having such a feathered pet at home. Solo living is not recommended unless you can devote a lot of time to your friend. While you are at work or minding your own business, your parrot may simply get bored.

“Wagies” are excellent at learning to talk, imitate melodies, and learn tricks. There is a common misconception that only males are capable of all this, and only when kept alone. This is not so, females, for example, pronounce words even more clearly than males, and conversation can be taught even in a flock.

Perhaps the only disadvantages of this breed of parrots are the noise and debris that spreads around the cage. But there will be dirt from any living creature, and that’s why the bird is there to sing songs.


These parrots get their name because they mate for life. It is very cute to observe the special devotion of these birds. You will always see them together, if, of course, you buy a couple: a female and a male.

Lovebirds make specific sounds, are very vocal, but are still considered quiet. The quietest of these parrots is the rosy-cheeked lovebird. These birds can be tamed, they make contact with humans, but it is not worth keeping them in the same cage with other parrots, since they are aggressive towards other species.

Corellas (nymphs)

If we talk about medium-sized species, the most popular breed of parrots is the cockatiel. They are also called nymphs. These are funny, smart birds with a funny crest and orange cheeks, they resemble cockatoos, only smaller in size.

Cockatiels also make contact and easily learn tricks, but they are not as capable of imitating a conversation as budgerigars, but you can still learn words with them. They emit a melodic whistle, but express their dissatisfaction with something with a shrill cry.

Necklace parrots

They got their name because of the strip around the neck that resembles a necklace. Only males have it, females do not. Necklace parrots are found in green, blue, grayish blue and yellow colors.

These parrots are easy to care for, very intelligent, capable of conversation, behave carefully in communication, they are easily frightened by careless movements, and at the same time they are freedom-loving. Behind necklace parrots interesting to watch. For example, when these birds climb over a perch or branch, they use their beak as another point of support.

Amazons (Amazon parrots)

If we consider breeds of talking parrots, it should be noted that Amazons are considered the calmest. They quickly get used to their new home and are friendly towards humans. These are capable parrots, but the white-headed, yellow-headed and blue-fronted Amazons are considered the easiest to learn words and train. By the way, the natural color of these parrots is bright green with spots of yellow, red, blue and white.

Among the disadvantages of Amazons, one can note the musty smell from the plumage, which arises from poor care, as well as their loudness, which they begin to show only in old age. But all large parrots usually have this disadvantage.


Most often you can find the black-billed cockatoo on sale. This funny, lively bird will bring a lot of joy to all family members. The cockatoo loves to dance to music, while doing squats, bows and movements with its crest. This parrot may not learn many words, but it is very smart, easily opens the door in its cage and loves to repeat the movements of its owner.

The cockatoo's character is not sweet, especially if it is spoiled. If you don't give him enough attention, this parrot will scream loudly until he gets it.


What other breeds of pet parrots are there? Jaco can become a full-fledged member of the family. It is believed that this large parrot has little intelligence, easily learns words, phrases, songs, and can even answer questions and imitate the voices of people or animals. There is an opinion that the red-tailed gray is more gifted in terms of learning human speech, compared to the brown-tailed gray.

This parrot requires a lot of attention, especially in its fledgling years, in order to raise it properly. If the owner has little time for Grays, it is better to get a couple; they do not tolerate loneliness well. Also, these parrots react sharply to any changes, for example, rearranging furniture can cause stress, leading to plucking. Grays express their dissatisfaction with a shrill cry, reminiscent of the croaking of a crow. Therefore, before purchasing this bird, you should consider whether you can tolerate such noise.

In fact, these are not all breeds of parrots that can be kept at home. Before purchasing one or another type, it is worth studying the literature in more detail, revealing the features and nuances of the content, so that there are no surprises later. And remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.


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