The competition is our best school. All-Russian photo competition “Our best school! Competition schedule

The publishing house "Uchitelskaya Gazeta" announces the start of the All-Russian competition "Successful School" for all educational organizations Russian Federation.

Today, it is the student's success that is recognized as the main indicator of the effectiveness of the entire education system, so we want to create an objective criterion basis for assessing the success of the school in real life together with directors, practicing teachers, parents, schoolchildren and the public.

In recent years, the main indicator of success was considered to be the average USE scores, the number of Olympiad winners and university students. But we are convinced that success cannot be limited to just these numbers, because there are so many schools in Russia, there are so many ideas about true success.

One of the key goals of the Successful School All-Russian Competition is to promote self-analysis of educational organizations in the field of technology and practice of achieving individual success.
  • Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Education and Science,

    General partner of the competition

    The Russian Textbook Corporation unites the publishing houses of educational literature "DROFA", "VENTANA-GRAF", "Astrel" and the digital educational environment LECTA. The activities of publishing houses are supported by professional expert communities: academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAO conduct a professional examination of the teaching materials and are directly involved in the development of the scientific core of future textbooks of the corporation. More than a third of Russian teachers annually take part in face-to-face and online events organized by the corporation. In the first half of 2018, 35,000 teachers underwent advanced training at the University of the Russian Textbook Corporation. The corporation cooperates with training institutes in all regions of the Russian Federation and regularly holds up-to-date methodological events. "Russian Textbook" implements large-scale projects "Reading Country", "Country with great history"," The country is ecological "," The country of unlearned lessons ", the all-Russian action" Lessons of Good ".

    Competition partners

    Rostelecom is a recognized technology leader in innovative solutions in the following areas: e-government, cloud computing, healthcare, security, housing and communal services, storage and data processing, cybersecurity, biometrics, education. The company directs technology to make people's lives comfortable, interesting and complete and for this it implements large-scale socially significant programs and projects for various target audiences... Rostelecom annually organizes a social and educational project "Explore the Internet - Manage It!", A competition of school Internet projects "Cool Internet", implements the IT-Growth project, the goal of which is to acquaint high school students with promising high-tech services in the field digital technologies, implements a project for teaching computer literacy of the elderly "Alphabet of the Internet", creates training sites and tutorials. is an adaptive online educational platform, where 2.5 million students from all regions of Russia are studying school subjects in an interactive form. The platform fully complies with the Federal State Educational Standard and VET and significantly strengthens the classical school education. The goal of is to unleash the learning potential of each child by building an individual educational trajectory.

    OJSC "Kirzhachskaya Printing House" is an enterprise specializing in the development and production of state-recognized forms of documents on education and qualifications for the needs of educational organizations of all levels of education. The Kirzhach Printing House is the largest official developer and supplier of letterheads for the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    RELOD is an educational company and distributor of books in foreign languages. For more than 25 years, RELOD has been working with both large foreign publishing houses, famous all over the world, and with little-known ones, and is also the exclusive distributor of Oxford University Press (ELT) and CLE International textbooks. In stores you will find a large selection of fiction and adapted literature, dictionaries, educational literature, gift editions, albums, books for children and adolescents, posters and visual aids, and much more. Also RELOD is one of the largest suppliers of integrated solutions in the field of learning and teaching foreign languages: webinars and advanced training courses for teachers, international competitions, testing and olympiads in english language... RELOD inspires continuous learning, development and knowledge dissemination!

    Publishing group "CONTENT" is literature for children, books on creativity and handicrafts, original stationery, art calendars. The new priority direction of the publishing house is a collection of children's books on harmonious development, education of musical taste, creativity and painting. The combination of current trends, impeccable quality of material and experience of working with domestic and foreign professionals make the books of the publishing group "CONTENT" unique on russian market and have been in demand among readers for over 17 years.

    The Foundation for the Support and Development of Children "Ty-Legend" is a non-profit foundation created in 2014 with the aim of supporting the children of Russia and the belief that the younger generation is "not lost" and is able to change the world for the better, as well as that the search and supporting talent is one of the most important tasks in modern Russia... The Foundation for the Support and Development of Children "Ty-Legend" works closely with the leading public organizations Russia, which opens up great opportunities for his wards. The fund's team implements projects aimed at developing the education and creative potential of children, and also takes part in federal programs and projects.

    Jury of the III All-Russian Competition "Successful School"

    Jury Co-Chairs

    Asmolov Alexander Grigorievich, head of the Department of Personality Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University; Lomonosov, Doctor of Psychology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education

    Jury members

    Vladimirova Tatiana Nikolaevna, Vice-Rector for Public Relations of the Moscow Pedagogical state university, Director of the Institute of Journalism, Professor, Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Doctor of Pedagogy, Candidate of Philology

    Garmonova Anna Vladimirovna, Department Director educational programs Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics

    Golovanov Victor Petrovich, the main researcher FSBSI "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education", member of the Presidium of the Pedagogical Society of Russia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

    Gonysheva Irina Vitalievna, Director of the School named after the Knight of the Order of the Red Star A.I. Gonyshev, p. Chernorechye, Orenburg region, absolute winner II All-Russian Competition "Successful School" (2017)

    Dimova Irina Georgievna, First Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Uchitelskaya Gazeta, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

    Zakharova Marina Borisovna, member of the editorial board of the Uchitelskaya Gazeta

    Ivanov Daniil Nikolaevich, Manager for Strategic Partnerships of the educational platform ""

    Kirichenko Vita Viktorovna, Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow “School No. 1520 named after the Kaptsovs”, the absolute winner of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year of Russia” - 2012

    Kovaleva Galina Sergeevna, Head of the Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education, Institute of Education Development Strategy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

    Lyashko Lev Yurievich, Chairman of the All-Russian Small Academy of Sciences "Intelligence of the Future", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

    Malevanov Evgeny Yurievich, member of the Council of the National Association of Organizations of Additional Professional Pedagogical Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

    Milekhin Andrey Viktorovich, vice-rector for extracurricular and social work Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences

    Nesterenko Galina Mikhailovna, specialist in educational and methodological work of the Lyceum of the Southern Federal University, Chairman of the Association of Creative Teachers of Don, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

    Polshkova Lyudmila Petrovna, director of Temnikovskaya school No. 1, winner of the 1st All-Russian competition"Successful School" (2016)

    Rusetskaya Margarita Nikolaevna, Rector of the State Institute of the Russian Language A.S. Pushkin, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor

    Sataeva Irina Gennadievna, director of the Novinsky school, Nizhny Novgorod Region, the absolute winner of the II All-Russian Competition "Successful School" (2017)

    Sokolova Inna Anatolievna, Deputy Director of the Nikolaev School of the Elizarovsky District of the Kamchatka Territory, winner of the I All-Russian Competition "Successful School" (2016)

    Sokolova Svetlana Viktorovna, Director of the Center for Education No. 28 with Advanced Study foreign languages the city of Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory), silver medalist of the II All-Russian Competition "Successful School" (2017)

    Tyunnikova Marina Alexandrovna, Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Administration municipal formation Novokubansky District of Krasnodar Territory, Head of the Department of Educational and Organizational and Personnel Work

    Filippova Ekaterina Alekseevna, teacher french School No. 34 in Ryazan, winner of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 96", People's Teacher of the Russian Federation

    Chernobay Elena Vladimirovna, Director of the Center for the Study of School Practices and Educational Programs of the 21st Century, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics, member of the expert group for the development of educational and methodological complexes of the corporation"Russian textbook", Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor

At the second stage, each participant of the Best Schools competition had new number, while spectators and fans have an amazing opportunity to give not one, but three at once votes for competitive essays. Three different essay:)

Meet ...


I love our gymnasium very much. The life of our school is interesting and varied. As in others educational institutions, in the gymnasium there are certain school traditions: Day of Knowledge, Lessons of Courage, subject weeks ...


My twelfth ... This best school Mariinsky district, the best school in Kuzbass, her name is included in the encyclopedia "Gifted children - the future of Russia 2009", in the National Register "Leading educational institutions of Russia 2009" ...


We came here small. With bows. With flowers. And they came every day. Every year. This place has become a place of discovery. Here I found friends. I was wrong about people. I studied and grew up ...


At school we work and study. We are the teachers and students of this school. The most important thing that unites us is that we try to understand each other. It's not that simple. We are different…


Outskirts of Moscow,
Ring road,
And next to her,
Six hundred and sixty-seventh ...


State educational institution Secondary School No. 902 is a school with lyceum classes, for 38 years of our existence we have managed to create a school with wonderful traditions, with our own face ...


In the fate of a person, it turned out that the word "school" became dear and unforgettable for him, because it is associated with the most wonderful time for him - youth. We will forever remember the bright school events ...


In my life, I have moved from one school to another twice. I had to deal with the emotions that a person experiences when entering an unfamiliar team. So, going into your new school two years ago…


Our Education Center No. 1863, located in the South-West of Moscow, is 15 years old. During this time, more than one generation of students has changed, graduates, becoming fathers and mothers, bring their children here. This is such a nepotism ...


School ... Everyone knows what it is. But what is the best school? Graduate of 2005 Knyazev Pavel at the party Last call said: “We're finishing school. I believe that we lived in it with dignity for 10 years and showed ourselves with better side …»


New time has put forward very urgent requirements for education: education of people with a new type of thinking, initiative, creative, intellectually developed, competent. You can find such guys in GOU SOSH # 2012 ...


I live in a small but very nice town of Kotovo. I also study at the best school in the world. Our dear director Olga Svyatoslavovna Gadzhiramozanova is doing everything to improve our school ...


... I unrolled a geographical map dated to the 20th century and mentally drew a path from Moscow to the north of the Moscow region to Sergiev Posad and from there even further south to the town - the administrative center of the former royal possessions ...


A school is a whole world with its own laws, its own rules. The schoolboy plunges into it every day. Here everyone can reveal their talents, find friends for life ...


Municipal educational institution "Dmitrievskaya secondary school" is located in Ilyinsky district, Perm region, on the right bank of the Obva river ...


When we enter a new school, how do we feel? We see a corridor ending with racks with cups, here it is always either very noisy or very quiet (it depends on the lesson and the change), we see school walls, stands. Any school begins with this ...


What is actually hidden behind such a short, but at the same time, so complete concept - "school"? Many, already in adulthood, being mature parents, members of the labor collective, remember this word ...


I often ask myself the question: Can my school, in which I studied for several years, be called the best? And what is the best school? Is the school the best in which every class, every classroom is equipped with the latest technology? ..


School is just a short word
How many people remember her
With joy, with pride, over and over again,
When they tell us about their childhood ...


School ... Having uttered this word, adults immediately recall with a smile their young years spent in it, someone will remember their teacher, someone - how he first went to the first grade, some with trembling and excitement remember the exams ...

Twenty one

Every day, for many years now, I climb the well-known steps of the school porch, open the heavy door, see the familiar faces of my friends, the smiles of teachers walking along the floors with heavy bundles of notebooks and books ...

Twenty two

What is the meaning and what feelings do we put into the phrase "My school"? To answer this question, let's try to imagine the following situation: a group of students from different schools "hang out" in one of the cafes on the Arbat ...

Twenty three

Everything important in a person's destiny begins at school. What will you be in school years, so you will become in the next life. We study at a wonderful school number 999 in Moscow. We are sure that this particular school will be able to educate and teach ...

Twenty four

A school building is not just a building, it is a whole living organism. It doesn't matter how it looks outside and inside, the main thing is the soul of the school: teachers and students ...

Twenty five

Hello! My name is Nastya Kryuchkova, I am a student of grade 10 "A". I have been asked to give you a tour of our school. Take your clothes off, please, while I start my story ... ...

Twenty six

I am a student of school number 997. I want to say that I love my school, because here I have many good friends, there are many kind teachers. Sometimes they are strict, but sometimes this strictness is justified, useful ...

Twenty seven

Kayerkan ... This is an amazing city beyond the Arctic Circle. Amazing so much that while on a summer vacation among the Moscow region birches and Sochi cypresses, you begin to doubt - does it really exist? ..

Out of competition 1 *

I am studying in the fifth year high school No. 939. I feel comfortable here, the school is decent, we get solid knowledge. I somehow thought: sometimes we get used to good things, sometimes we don't even notice it ...

Out of competition 2 *

Odintsovo Gymnasium No. 4 has a glorious past and a wonderful present. It employs 63 teachers, among whom 80% are teachers of the highest and first qualification categories ...

Out of competition 3 *

Evening of August 31, nine years ago. Do you remember? I remember. For a long time, future first-graders sleep, see something pleasant and exciting in a dream. Older children also sleep. And I cannot sleep ...

Choose from the above essays 3 (three) the best (except for the essay marked "Out of competition") and indicate their numbers in the letter that you send to the address .

Letters stating less than three different essaysas well as letters from questionable addresses will not be counted.

* Essays marked "Out of competition" and also incomplete competitive works (photo only) will be considered as contenders for victory in individual categories. The struggle for the main prize is continued by 29 participants who submitted both photographs and essays.

Photos are accepted for the competition school life - photos of lessons, holidays, excursions and trips of students.

Teachers and students of educational organizations are invited to participate in the competition.

Founders of the Competition:

Photos that have passed the initial selection, as they become available, are posted on the competition page on the website of the journal "Education in Modern School" -. The earlier you send photos, the longer they will be on the site.

  • Winners and laureates are awarded with Diplomas. Participants receive Certificates. Diplomas and Certificates are sent to in electronic format by email mail
  • Educational organizations that have submitted 3 or more works that have become winners or laureates of the competition are awarded an Honorary Diploma
  • Lists of winners and laureates of the competition, as well as photographs of the winners will be published in the journal "Education in Modern School". The lists will also be posted on the magazine's website and the Asnoor website (

To further reward the participants of our photo contests, there is a system of accumulating points, which will allow, after gaining 50 points, to publish for free in the journal "Education in Modern School" personal virtual exhibition of photographs (8-10 pcs.). Points are awarded depending on the results of participation in competitions: 1st place - 25, 2nd place - 20, 3rd place-15, Laureate - 10 points.


1-3 classes; Grades 4-7; 8-11 grades, teachers.

Work evaluation criteria:

  • compliance with the theme of the competition;
  • plot,
  • originality;
  • photo quality (focus, balance of light and shade, composition, etc.);

Competition schedule

  • until 20.04.16 - acceptance of works and posting on the website of the journal "Education in the modern school"
  • 20.04.- 25.04.2016 - summing up
  • 25.04 - 01.05.2016 - distribution of diplomas and certificates to the participants of the competition.
  • 05/10/2016 - placement of the winners' works on the website of the journal "Education in Modern School"
  • Publication of the results of the competition and the works of the winners in the journal "Education in the modern school".

Arrangement fee

  • To participate in the competition, an organizational fee is paid - 200 rubles. for one photo. Students and teachers of organizations that are members of the ASNOOR RF can send one photo from each participant without registration fee.
  • Registration fee is made according to the details specified in the Appendix.

Photos of school life are accepted for the competition - photos of lessons, holidays, excursions and student trips.

Teachers and students of educational organizations are invited to participate in the competition.

Founders of the Competition:

  • National Committee for the Support of Science, Education and Arts;
  • Association of Non-Profit Educational Organizations of the Regions (AsNOOOR);
  • Journal "Education in the modern school".

The photographs that have passed the initial selection, as they become available, are posted on the competition page on the website of the journal "Education in Modern School" - The earlier you send photos, the longer they will be on the site.

  • Winners and laureates are awarded with Diplomas. Participants receive Certificates. Diplomas and Certificates are sent electronically by email. mail
  • Educational organizations that have submitted 3 or more works that have become winners or laureates of the competition are awarded an Honorary Diploma
  • Lists of winners and laureates of the competition, as well as photographs of the winners will be published in the journal "Education in Modern School". The lists will also be posted on the magazine's website and the Asnoor website (

To further reward the participants of our photo contests, there is a system of accumulating points, which will allow, after gaining 50 points, to publish for free in the journal "Education in a modern school" personal virtual exhibition of photographs (8-10 pcs.). Points are awarded depending on the results of participation in competitions: 1st place - 25, 2nd place - 20, 3rd place-15, Laureate - 10 points.

Previous photo contests: "My Favorite Teacher", "Our School New Year! " , "In the lesson ... Physical education", "In the lesson ... Fine art", "70 years of the Great Victory." "Our school is on summer vacation." The results of the contests can be viewed on the websites of the journal Education in the Modern School ( and AsNOOOR (


1-3 classes; Grades 4-7; 8-11 grades, teachers.

Work evaluation criteria:

  • compliance with the theme of the competition;
  • plot,
  • originality;
  • photo quality (focus, balance of light and shade, composition, etc.);

Competition schedule

  • until 20.04.16 - acceptance of works and posting on the website of the journal "Education in the modern school"
  • 20.04.- 25.04.2016 - summing up
  • 25.04 - 01.05.2016 - distribution of diplomas and certificates to the participants of the competition.
  • 05/10/2016 - placement of the winners' works on the website of the journal "Education in Modern School"
  • Publication of the results of the competition and the works of the winners in the journal "Education in the modern school".

Arrangement fee.

  • To participate in the competition, an organizational fee is paid - 200 rubles. for one photo. Students and teachers of organizations that are members of the ASNOOR RF can send one photo from each participant without registration fee.
  • Registration fee is made according to the details specified in the Appendix.

Official site # 1

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