Handicrafts for the school competition. An excellent master class with a photo. International creative competition of handicrafts "Hand-made International competitions of crafts

on the holding of the III International competition of creative works
"Crafts world!"
(EXPRESS COMPETITION !!! Head diploma for free !!!)

1. General Provisions
1.1. This provision defines the goals and objectives of the organizers, participants in the "World of Crafts!" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), the content and procedure for holding the competition, the procedure for considering the submitted materials and awarding the winners.
1.2. The organizer of the competition is the Creative Association for the Artistic and Intellectual Development of Children and Youth "Step into Art" (Barnaul).

2. Goals and objectives
2.1. The competition is aimed at identifying, supporting and socializing children and youth in different types creativity.
2.2. Objectives of the competition:
2.2.1. Formation of interest in the embodiment of various images and phenomena of the surrounding reality through arts and crafts and technical creativity;
2.2.2. Creation of conditions for artistic expression of the younger generation.

3. Competitors
3.1. Students are allowed to participate in the competition educational institutions of all types and types aged from 3 to 18 years (inclusive) who submitted their work to the competition, an application for participation and paid an application fee. Also a separate category the participants are teachers of educational institutions. Contestants are divided into the following age groups:
from 3 to 6 years old;
from 7 to 10 years old;
from 11 to 14 years old;
from 15 to 18 years old.

4.Nominations of the competition
Contestants can submit works in the following nominations:
- Works from natural materials;
- Design;
- Author's doll;
- Textile techniques;
- Mixed technique;
- Non-traditional materials and techniques;
- Small plastic;
- Folk toy;
- Technical creativity;
-Stained glass;
-Creative skill of teachers (see nominations above).
Criteria for evaluating creative works:
- Composition;
- Technique of execution;
- Fantasy and originality.

5. Stages of the competition
5.1. Reception of creative works and applications from 03/01/19 - 03/31/19;
5.2. Summing up the results of the competition 3-5 days from the date of application;
5.3. Distribution of award material upon summing up.

6. Conditions of participation
6.1. Fill out a participant application (online form on the website or according to the presented sample);
6.2. To pay the registration fee for participation in the competition, the receipt must indicate the name of the participant, the amount of payment and the nomination of the competition;
6.3. Direct to e-mail the participant's application (file in doc. format), a photo of the participant's artwork (JPEG), a scanned copy or a photo (legible) of a receipt for payment of the registration fee. If there are many participants, then you can send an application by filling it in one file in doc format (according to the sample presented on the website).
6.4. The cost of participation in the competition for one individual work - 130 rubles, collective (two or more authors in one work) - 500 rubles. The number of works from one participant is not limited. Organization fee payment for each work. In addition to the electronic version of the diploma, you can order a printed (physical) diploma sent by the Russian Post ( by registered mail). The cost of a printed diploma is 200 rubles (if it is necessary to obtain a printed diploma, this amount must be added to the amount for participation in the competition and reflected in the application).

7. Evaluation competitive works
The organizers form a jury of renowned artists, designers, architects, photographers, journalists, leading experts in the field of art pedagogy. Various public organizations are also involved in the jury.

8. Contacts
You can find all the necessary information on our website. A package of documents for participation in the competition, as well as questions and wishes can be sent to us at: [email protected]

We wish you victories and creative success!
Respectfully yours, R.V. Ignatiev! (Head of the children's design studio, project administrator).

Svetlana Shkola

Our child garden took part in competition"Best Craft"organized by the magazine" Magic world childhood". Rules competition not limited to materials, sizes and themes crafts... Many parents, together with their children, have worked creatively, and put on competition various interesting crafts... I would like to introduce you to some of them.

Today a representative of the magazine came to take pictures of children with their creative works (photos will later appear in the magazine) and chose the best onesranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd in our kindergarten ... The work that took 1st place will take part in the city competition among kindergartens, the rest will receive prizes and certificates. I, too, could not stay away from such interesting competition, and my daughter Irinka and I put on competition three works... Thanks to MAAAM, I found ideas for two of them on this site.

I told the idea craft"Autumn tree" by Elena Doilova

The idea prompted craft"Caterpillar" by Artem Borzov (The same competition) .

Only Artyom's face and the specks of the caterpillar were painted, and we were molded from plasticine, and even decorated with a wreath, so that our caterpillar is a fashionable girl.

And this picture is in the technique of "plasticinography", made by me together with my daughter. Ira sculpted all the small details; grass, scales and beads for a mermaid, "fur" for a hat, etc. This work won first place in kindergarten and will go to the city competition.

Love for creativity is always passed on from parents, and if the child sees that the mother is constantly busy making interesting homemade products, the student will certainly want to try to create. What kind of creativity is in the first place among adults today? Almost all mothers in their free time are busy creating original topiary items that can decorate your home. For a child of 7-9 years old, you can also find an interesting master class on how to make a topiary, while there is no need to make flowers from ribbons or learn to twist flowers from corrugated paper. For the first topiary, which will become an adornment of the school exhibition, you can choose the already known facing technique.

Now we need to take materials for dIY crafts for the school competition: for the topiary, you need to take a spherical base, for example, a ping-pong ball is suitable. Corrugated paper will be used, buy the colors that you like best in the store. It is best, of course, to use several colors in one topiary, it is desirable that they are close in color. You need scissors to work with paper, and a bamboo skewer to make trimming. You will also need such materials: PVA glue and a pencil, awl, brushes, cardboard, paper napkin, yogurt glass, acrylic paints, plasticine, a piece of foam rubber, Moment glue, satin ribbon for decoration.

If you do not have a ping-pong ball, you can replace it with a deodorant ball, sometimes a round base can be formed from old newspaper or napkins, fixing the ball-like shape with threads. You need to make a hole in the ball with an awl, insert a skewer into this hole, which can be smeared with "Moment" or with a pencil. The ball can be pasted over paper napkinsso that the pieces of corrugated paper then hold better. Grease the surface of the ball with a pencil and glue thin pieces of napkin. When the pencil dries, coat with PVA on top.

While the glue dries, you need to cut the corrugated paper. The squares should be 2 by 2 cm. It is convenient to first cut into strips, and then put all the strips together, aligning the edges, and cut into squares.

When you first do dIY crafts for the school competition, you do not know how many pieces you may need, but in the future you will already be orienting, but for now, even those squares cut for future use must be carefully folded into a jar. They can be used in the future, because you will do it more than once.

To glue the end faces, you can use a wooden skewer or a pencil, you need to attach the middle of the square to the blunt end, and then wrap it around and attach it to the base, well coated with glue. Thus, glue over the entire base. The trunk must be wrapped with a strip of paper, secured with PVA.

Next, you need to make a decorative pot from a plastic cup that was left over from yogurt. It must also be pasted over with napkins, and then painted over with acrylic white paint or a composition of a different color. To fix the trunk in the pot, you can use plasticine. Such

Participation in the competition IS FREE

Applications are being accepted CONTINUOUSLY

results during 1-3 days,from the moment of application!

Paymentaward materials after summing up competition!

Goals and objectives

1. Stimulating the creative activity of children;

2. Activation of children's cognitive interest in the world around them;

3. Provide participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities in a competitive manner;

Participation rules

1. Participants are divided into age categories:

  • Preschoolers;
  • Students;
  • Educators (Teachers, Educators).

2. One creative work is accepted from each participant. Collective work is not allowed.

3. The competition is held in absentia on the basis of submitted author's creative works (in electronic form).

4. Methods of performing competition works: beads, paper, fabric, etc.

5. The subject of the competition works is free.

Criteria for evaluating creative works

1. Creative fiction (originality, meaningfulness, degree of structured material, accessibility of presentation, compliance with the stated topic)

2. Design (originality of design, style unity, compliance of design with content)

3. Artistic and aesthetic level of performance.

Rules for applying and issuing awards

1. Fill out the application on the page (Participation is FREE):

2. Within 1-3 days, your data will be entered into the results form. RESULTS

3. After you have found your results in the form, fill out an application for award materials (paid service).


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