Scenario of summer wellness entertainment in the senior group. Scenario of the holiday "New Year's antics of Kikimora. Scenario of an entertainment program with kikimora

(Within 5-15 minutes. The heroes help the children pour tea or juice.)

After drinking tea, Kikimora walks around the hall and catches something in the air.

Leshy -Kikimora, what are you doing?

Kikimora -Hush, Leshy, I catch the thought.

Leshy -What thought?

Kikimora -I don’t know yet, probably a good one. It flew in my head and flew out.

Leshy -And what was it about?

Kikimora -I managed to understand this. About how it is better to spend the New Year's holiday, so that both the children are happy and we are not a burden. There she scattered, not to be caught.

Leshy -The guys will help us now.

Kikimora -Can they?

Leshy -These then - these can do everything.

Children are taken to the center of the hall.

Kikimora -Guys, try to jump high and catch all my thoughts.

The game is running.

(During the play block, assistants prepare the playground.)

Leshy -This will not work. Your thoughts are invisible. We can’t grab hold of them.

Kikimora -The chest will help us now.

Do it, dear, so that my thoughts become visible.

Soundtrack of a miracle. Taken out of the chest bubble.

Competition - Goblin with Kikimora blow bubbles, children catch them.

Leshy -Well done, guys, sit down.

Kikimora drives thoughts into his head with his hands, shakes his head. Ringing phonogram.

Kikimora -This is another matter. We are now New Year we will meet without Santa Claus, then we will get all the gifts.

Leshy -Like this?

Kikimora -And like this. We will light the Christmas tree, we will conduct a round dance, we will sing a song. What else do we have on the script (is reading) - give gifts. Easily.

Leshy -And Santa Claus is not needed for this at all, there is nothing for the old to trample his feet in vain, but bother himself.

Kikimora -We organize our fun. New Year in Kikimorian - sounds?

Leshy -Yes!

Kikimora -And then everything is hu-hu, yes mu-hu, dance of little ducklings ... Ugh, mortal boredom.

We have our own hit of the season - "Forest Airenby"


They take the children to the center.The heroes show dance moves.

Kikimora -We danced well, only they stomped hard.

Leshy -Now we will collect more snow and bring beauty here.

Kikimora -Where are our magic snowflakes?

They bring out white balloons with a snowflake pattern.

Kikimora -How big, but cold, so as not to freeze your hands.

Leshy -And we will throw them higher into the sky.

The game is a ball in the air.

(While the music is playing, not a single ball should fall to the floor.)

Kikimora -Did a good job. Sit down. Now, chest, it's your turn to work. Get me presents from the bins.

Chest -This miracle is not easy. I can't cope without the help of Santa Claus.

Kikimora -Here are the ones on! Have arrived. This old wizard will come and give all the gifts to the children, we will not get anything.

Leshy -Before his arrival it is necessary to have time.

Kikimora -Don't worry, Leshik, we'll handle it ourselves. It is not for nothing that I have studied various wisdoms for 300 years on witchcraft courses. We ourselves will be both Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Kikimora- (Leshem)I appoint you Santa Claus. Here's a hat. (Snegurochkina)A staff for me, Snow Maiden. (to children)

Do we guys look like Santa Claus and Snegurochka?

(look at each other)

Kikimora -That's right, the opposite is necessary. A staff for you, and a hat for me. And now?

Kikimora -What would you understand. We, most importantly, need to light the Christmas tree. Without its magical light, not a single New Year's miracle happens.

(with kids)One two Three

Shine Christmas tree!

Kikimora -Did not work out.

Leshy -I know why - the tree is defective.

Kikimora -Exactly. Chest, darling, help out. We need a Christmas tree, small, pretty.

L -No, big and green.

(argue and show with hands)

Chest -You first decide on the desire.

Kikimora -Children will help us. Do you know what kind of trees are there?

Then listen carefully and answer our questions "yes" or "no".

Game song. (performed by heroes)

She grew up in a deaf forest

And froze from the frost.

Now she came to us for a holiday,

All in lights and stars.

We have fun in the New Year

We meet the Christmas tree,

And the beauty of the forest,

We decorate together.

Are there stars on the tree? - Yes!

Are there shoes on the tree? - No!

Are there garlands on the tree? - Yes!

Now give me an answer quickly.

Are there pillows on the tree? - No!

She has garlands and toys

Glitter merrily

Bumps and crackers

The guys are happy.

Tinsel shiny

I'm friendly with the Christmas tree

The stars are real

They look at you.

Chorus: Answer very honestly as always

Are there lights on the tree? - Yes!

Now give me an answer quickly.

Are there slippers on the tree? - No!

Be very honest, as always.

Is there a ball on the tree? - Yes!

Now give me an answer quickly.

Is there a broom on the tree? - No!

Chest -Now it is clear.

Soundtrack of a miracle, takes out 2 Christmas trees from the chest.

Kikimora -Again the chest faked. Guys, what are these trees missing?

(Children's answers)

Leshy -That's right, jewelry (looks into the chest).So here they are (takes out decorations).

Kikimora -Guys, can you help us decorate the Christmas trees?

Then join 2 teams. Here are the Christmas trees, and here are the Christmas tree decorations. Each child can only hang one toy on the tree.

Holiday script

"New Year's antics of Kikimora"

senior group

To the music, children enter the hall, stand around the tree.

Leading: Tell me guys

What kind of holiday awaits all of us?

Answer amicably, loudly:

We are meeting…

Children:New Year!

And again, as nature tells us,

The past year leaves the planet.

The new year is in a hurry to replace it.

And the New Year's holiday opens!

The merry hall shines today

Glitters with many lights.

On a noisy New Year's holiday

Calls friendly guests!

Christmas tree, we were waiting for you

Many, many days, nights!

We counted minutes

To see soon!

How the needles sparkle

Winter miracle - silver,

How I wrapped your branches

Santa Claus with snow!

Like an invisible hand

Someone dressed up a Christmas tree

And like Cinderella from a fairy tale

Turned into a queen!

Happy New Year!

With a song, with a Christmas tree, with a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

With new toys!

Leading: Oh yes tree! It's just amazing!

So smart and beautiful!

And what is this Christmas tree worth,

Doesn't it burn with lights?

Well, let's say: "One, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn!"

/ repeat several times, the lights don't come on /

Leading: Yes, these are miracles! The beautiful herringbone asks us to light her lights in a different way.

Well, guys, let's fulfill the request of the Christmas tree - beauties!

They pulled the ears down - come on, Christmas tree, light up!

1,2,3,4,5 - we begin to conjure,

They pulled the nose down - come on, Christmas tree, light up!

/ repeat with parents, lights are on /

Children perform a round dance song "Fir-tree beauty"

After the round dance they sit down in their places.

Leading:Our children were looking forward to this holiday, because the New Year is the most favorite holiday of all children.

And now is the time to listen to the poems that they have prepared.

Reading poems

Leading: Sit down now.

On this good New Year

You will surely be surprised -

A fairy tale will come to visit us.

Child: Imagine, guys, that we are now in the forest.

Here is a winter meadow, here is a Christmas tree in the snow,

Yes it is, guys,

The Christmas tree is sad.

Scene "Herringbone"

The Christmas tree comes out, sighs

Herringbone: I want to tell you

How boring it is to stand here.

All my girlfriends

In Christmas tree decorations.

The kids are dancing next to ...

And I stand alone in the forest. ( Crying)

Leading. What to do, how should we be, how to cheer up the Christmas tree?

The hedgehog boy runs, stops near the Christmas tree and strokes it, calms it down.

Hedgehog: How so, this is bad.

We need to think of something.

Quickly see:

I'm prickly like you.

And my needles

Just like a Christmas tree.

Let's sing and dance

Happy to celebrate the New Year!

Leading. It seems the snow is creaking

Is someone still in a hurry to visit us?

A squirrel girl runs, stops near them

Squirrel: Skok-skok-skok

From bitch to bitch

Yes, for a little white snow.

Hello hedgehog, my friend!

Hedgehog: Hello neighbor squirrel,

Jump to us from the branch,

You see: the forest Christmas tree

It's boring to stand here alone.

We will gather the forest people

Let's celebrate the New Year together.

Leading... Here again the snow creaks

Is someone still in a hurry to visit us?

A bear-boy appears

Leading. Teddy bear, well, well!

I don’t understand anything!

Teddy bear. Although our orders are strict,

Mom and Dad sleep in a den

I will not bother them

I'm going to celebrate the holiday.

I'm in a hurry to the hedgehog,

Here I will rest a little.

How could I not blunder

I really want to sleep

(stretches, yawns, squats, palms under the cheek)

Leading. What to do, how to be

How can we wake up the Bear?

(wakes up Mishka)

Misha, bear look,

The bunny is galloping ahead!

The hare comes out

Hare: Hello Misha, because just

I was in a hurry to see you now.

On a visit to the forest Christmas tree

We gathered in a crowd.

Teddy bear. Well then I won't sleep

We will decorate the tree.

Where can we get toys?

Chanterelle runs out with a basket

Fox. Right here.

I brought them now.

(shows toys)

There are crackers, confetti,

Beads, rain and balls.

There will be a Christmas tree wonderfully

And smart and beautiful.

The fox gives the tree a basket with toys.

Fox. Gathered, friends, we are together

The holiday will be until the morning.

Let's sing and have fun

Don't be bored, kids!

Hare. Play leapfrog and hide and seek,

In cat and mouse, catch-up.

We'll put on fireworks

This holiday is the best!

Christmas tree. Thank you my friends! Now I'll be smart!

Leading. Our fairy tale has ended and now from all sides

There was applause and everyone bows.

Animals walk around the tree in a round dance, then bow, sit on chairs

Leading: Guys, we have a beautifully elegant Christmas tree, but Snegurochka is gone for a long time.

Probably, she cannot go to our kindergarten, so much snow!

And I know who can help us, I have familiar snowmen.

Hey, snowmen quickly, come out here boldly!

Take your shovels, shovel the snow from the tracks!

Boys perform the "Snowmen" dance (with shoulder blades)

Leading: It seemed to me guys that the tree was swaying,

Someone comes here to us, celebrate the New Year with us

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Leading: Hello, dear Snow Maiden, how glad we are to see you as our guest.

Snow Maiden: Hello children! (children answer)

Hello guests! (guests answer)

I came to you from a winter fairy tale,

And the blizzard made me an outfit.

My friends are blizzard and frost

And the snowy wind is the elder brother.

Happy New Year to everyone,

I wish you health and joy!

Children come out:

Hello. Snow Maiden, dear shy!
You brought us New Year again.
Let the good in him only be remembered
Let the evil go by all means.

2. Hello, Snow Maiden, the sun is clear!
Again came to the holiday at the tree,
Blue eye and beautiful smile
Along with the gifts she brought us.

3. It became at the Christmas tree and noisy and fun,
We are leading a round dance around
We are a New Year's light song
Here we will sing with the Snow Maiden.

Children stand in a semicircle in front of the tree, singing the song "At the Snow Maiden, at Ours."

Leading: We are very glad to see you, Snegurochka, look what a beautiful Christmas tree we have.

Child: A tree grew in the forest on the mountain,

She has silver needles in winter,

Ice floes are knocking on her cones,

The snow coat lies on the shoulders!

They invited me to visit,

Children have dressed up a Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Your tree is all wonderfully elegant and beautiful,

Well, the beads danced on it more fun!

Girls perform the dance "Beauty Beads"

Leading: Snegurochka, but Santa Claus is still not there,

it's time for us to call him.

Snow Maiden: And that's true. Grandfather Frost, ay, do you hear me calling you!

Music sounds, Kikimora appears in the hall, dances.

Stops near the tree.

Kikimora:What else is sticking out here ?!

/ grabs a twig /

Oh oh oh! Vile, prickly, mischievous! Like me!

Leading:This is the case, on New Year's Eve we were waiting for Santa Claus, and for some reason Kikimora came to us.

Kikimora, first we should say hello! See, we have an audience here!

/ points at children and guests /

Kikimora:I don't see any donut!

Snow Maiden:Yes, not a donut, but the audience!

Kikimora: I would say so right away! Well, hello, girls - skewers and boys - stumps. Why are you sitting near a tree?

Snow Maiden:We are gathered here to celebrate the New Year - the best, most desirable, most joyful holiday!

Kikimora (enthusiastically):Celebration! New Year! With songs?

Snow Maiden: With songs!

Kikimora.With dancing?

Snow Maiden:With dancing!

Kikimora.With gifts?

Snow Maiden:With gifts!

Kikimora.I want gifts too!

Snow Maiden:And our guys also want to receive gifts from Santa Claus. What a holiday without him?

Kikimora(grabs his heart):It's just a thorn in my heart for me

That you are all waiting only for Santa Claus!

And you don't expect me, then? (children: No!)

/ runs around the tree /

Do you want the New Year? Gifts? Are you waiting for Santa Claus?

/ stops /

But in vain! After all, you don't invite me, kind and good Kikimora, every year? ... That's right, you kick me out! ... But what gifts are you for? ... That's right, you don't give me! Do you think I will tolerate this ?! Nope! / shaking a finger / I'll conjure this up for you! / scratches the back of his head, thinks) Ooh! I can't wait to show you what I can conjure / rubs his hands /.

Leading:Do not believe Kikimore, children!

Do not listen to these tales!

The holiday will continue

Celebrate the New Year with you.

Kikimora:Quietly, screamed!

Let me sleep, at least a little.

I - Kikimora - longing, I'll sit here for now!

/ sits on the music director's chair,

freely tucking one leg under him, spinning on it /

Leading (bewildered): We are having a holiday or what?

We can't do without music!

Kikimora:Well, what does it matter to me?

I turned the one that was sitting here into a rattle,

/ pulls out and shakes his finger at the big maracas, which is decorated under the face of the music director /

So that the noise does not make!

/ gets up, shows everyone /

Leading (takes the maracas from Kikimora, looks herself, shows everyone).

What is it? It's scary!

This is our Albina Rustamovna!

Kikimora: She is beautiful! It!

And I'm not afraid anymore!

/ takes maracas from the hands of the Host /

Until the merry music sounds, I, Kikimore - Toske, have nothing to fear! And everything will be quiet! And everything will be calm, like in my swamp! And Santa Claus will not come to you! Will not bring you gifts!

/ yawns, flops down on a chair, puts his hands and head on the keys, "falls asleep", groans /

Leading (indignantly):Well, I do not! This will not happen! Now we will arrange such fun that Kikimore never dreamed of! / lowering his voice, addresses children /

We just have to outsmart her, guys! Because Kikimora guards the musical center and the piano, and without them there will be no music ... And we will not be able to disenchant our “Albina Rustamovna”. Let's try to outsmart Kikimora? (Yes!) Only you help me!

/ deliberately addresses Kikimora /

Hey Kikimora! Come on, put our children to sleep, otherwise they are really tired, tired, poor!

Kikimora (enthusiastically).

That's right! This is the case! And then we sang, danced!

/ walks around the hall, makes passes with his hands /

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word! Don't lie on the edge! Sleep! Sleep! /to parents/ Why aren't you sleeping ?! All spa-a-at! / children “fall asleep”, putting their heads on the shoulder of a neighbor, Kikimora rejoices, rubs her palms, sits on a chair near the tree and also “falls asleep”. The presenter carefully approaches the piano, plays /

Moose. Leader: Thank you, friends! You have disenchanted me!

Let's continue the holiday, have fun, dance!

Kikimora (covers ears).

Well, I'll show you! Well, I will take revenge on you! I’ll take presents from Santa Claus for you!

Escapes from the hall

Leading:Well, Kikimora, well, she scared us. Grandfather Frost was here, he didn't let her be so mischievous! Snegurochka, let's call grandfather again.

Snow Maiden:Santa Claus prankster joker

Come soon to the holiday!

You guys help, call Santa Claus with me!

Children call Santa Claus.

Music sounds, Santa Claus comes in.

Santa Claus: Hello guys! Hello guests!

I wish you success, health and strength!

I was in a hurry to see you guys!

Even on the way to the ravine he failed.

But, it seems, he came to visit on time!

Snow Maiden:We were waiting for you, Santa Claus! Kikimora came to us and wanted to ruin our holiday, but they could outwit her!

Santa Claus: Kikimora, well, get me her!

Do not be afraid of anything, children, but rather get into a round dance,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

CHORUS "Eh, the best!"

Santa Claus: And now, my friends, I will transform you!

Help me with the staff, and the guys have fun!

Playing by the Christmas tree with Santa Claus "Magic Staff"

Leading: Grandfather Frost, and our guys can do transformations too.

Children: One-two, turn around (Santa Claus turns)

And turn into a dancer!

Santa Claus: I can not resist, the legs are asking to dance! Come on, Snegurochka, let's go dancing!

Dance of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. After the dance, they sit on the chairs.

Santa Claus:Oh, and I danced! I'm tired!

Leading: And we will sit down and rest!

And we will read poems to you!

Reading poetry for Santa Claus

Leading: Grandpa, you liked our poems. (Yes!)

But look, our guests are bored of something,

For a long time their legs did not dance.

Child: Come on, guests, come out with us and dance merrily!

Children perform a dance with the audience "Heel - Sock".

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden praise children and parents.

Leading / asks children /:

Did Santa Claus play with the children?

Danced near the tree?

Sang songs?

Did you laugh at the children?

What has Grandpa forgotten?

Children. Presents!

Santa Claus:Santa Claus walked through the forest,

I brought you gifts, friends.

The blizzard howled, the snow circled,

I dropped the presents ...

Ice flakes, snowflakes,

Icicles, snow!

Come back to this hall

My magic bag!

/ the bag enters the music /

Leading: Look, kids,

The bag is coming to us here!

Snow Maiden:And under the bright fabric for children - gifts!

/ Santa Claus opens the bag - there Kikimora chews candy /

Leading:Look guys, Kikimora ate all the candy!

Kikimora:Yes! I ate it!

Santa Claus (surprised): Something is wrong here ... She couldn't eat all the candies!

Kikimora: But she could, it was very tasty!

Santa Claus: / menacing Kikimore / And I'll take my staff, but now how will I knock!

I'll freeze you, tell me, where are the presents?

Kikimora:Oh, don't freeze me, Grandpa Frost!

I understood everything, I understood everything!

I behaved badly.

I'll stop cheating.

And please forgive me!

After all, today is New Year!

He brings goodness with him!

Santa Claus:I'm angry at you! / to children / It's up to you: forgive, friends!

/ children answer: Forgive /

Leading:Grandfather Frost, forgive Kikimora, forgive, just let her return gifts for the guys!

Kikimora:Yes, you see, where I hid something, I forgot!

Leading: How did you forget?

Kikimora:Santa Claus, maybe

Will music help us?

If it sounds loud -

Your bag is next to it!

Santa Claus:Well, I'll try to search

And you will help me!

/ New Year's music begins to play quietly, gradually adding sound. Santa Claus, together with Kikimora, come up to the children, then to their parents and, finally, to the Christmas tree /

Kikimora: Santa Claus! Hooray!

I found your bag!

The music sounds loud

Your bag is next to it!

/ take out a bag from under the tree /

Santa Claus:Snow Maiden, help me untie the bag!

Snow Maiden: That's a knot ... Uh-huh!

I cannot untie!

Leading: Well, together we all clap!

Let’s boldly stomp our feet!

The knots were all untied and we got the presents!

/ Santa Claus gives gifts, Snow Maiden gives him gifts /

Santa Claus: We have not forgotten anyone, have we received all the gifts?

And now it's time to go, goodbye, kids!

The Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and Kikimora once again wish everyone a Happy New Year,

say goodbye, leave.

The presenter says that the holiday is over, the children are leaving the hall.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Svetlana Makarova

Scenario of entertainment birthday boy's day for the adult group from 6 to 7 years old "Kikimora is visiting the guys"

Musical director Svetlana Yurievna Makarova

Children enter the music hall to music


All children:

Leading: Why do we have fun? The holiday is here, what is it now?

All children: Birthday! Birthday! Birthday is with us!

Leading: What is a birthday?

This is joy and fun

These are songs, jokes, laughter,

The best day!

And it's not for nothing that our kindergarten

The holiday is celebrating

Happy birthday guys

Congratulations to ours!

1st child:We did not meet by chance

It's time to start our holiday

After all, today marks

Birthday kids!

2nd child:Everyone loves birthday.

What is there to be surprised at?

Who was born in August

We ask you to get together in a circle!

Leading: Who are the lucky ones with us?

We want to see you!

Well, give us an answer:

How old are you today?

Birthday people answer how old they are

For those who are six today

In the middle, please stand up.

Happy birthday guys

We will congratulate you!

3rd child: Make your circle soon

We gathered to see you,

So that we all have more fun

We want to sing "Loaf" for you!

As for the guys (girls) for a birthday

We baked a loaf, etc.

Leading:Happy birthday to the guys!

May it all come true what they want

Let the fun never stop, ringing laughter,

Let them sing and dance the best!

Children perform the dance "Invitation", Ukrainian. bunk bed melody, arr. G. Teplitsky

The kikimora enters, laughs. Hiding behind the Christmas trees.

Leading:Who's hiding there, come out!

Kikimora: Er, I'm Kikimora! And what are you gathered here?

Leading: We're celebrating! We are celebrating the name day!

Kikimora: And I never had a name day. I don't even know how old I am. I live so much in the world that I forgot. And what do they do on name days?

Leading: Many things. Happy birthday congratulations, singing songs, reciting poems, playing different games.

Kikimora: Oh, I love to play games. My favorite is to tie knots.

Leading: What a game it is, to tie knots.

Kikimora: Do not believe it! Very funny! I, when I race with the devil, tie knots, I always win.

Leading: Why is this?

Kikimora: We will tie ribbons to the tree and up to five knots, whichever is faster. And he can't count to five. ( laughs) Three knots will somehow tie and rejoice.

Leading: Guys, let's play a game with Kikimora. ( Children answer).

Contest "Knots"

Ribbons are tied to the chairs, several children, each with its own ribbon, together with Kikimora, knots are knitted to music, first up to five.

Kikimora boast that she is faster anyway, so she won

Kikimora again ties five knots the fastest and says he won.and.

Leading: Children, did Kikimora win this competition or not? ( Children answer)

That's Kikimora, you need to study. This is not for you to play with Leshim. Our kids are smart. They know how to count, and you only count to five.

Kikimora: I didn't like this game, let's play another.

Leading: Let's play well this game, but it's difficult. Game "Grandfather". You Kikimora will be our grandfather.

Kikimora: And what is this "Grandfather", I want to be Kikimora.

Leading: So this is a game like that, but if you want, you can be Kikimora. You will go behind the tree and hide. And here we will whisper.

Kikimora: What do you want to run away from me?

Leading: We won't run anywhere, children have a holiday! So listen further. You will go behind the tree and hide. When we call you, you will have to guess the pantomime that the children have asked. If you guess right, you'll catch the guys. Clear.

Kikimora:And if I don’t guess?

Leading:You will guess again. Well I agree.

Kikimora: Difficult game ( thinks). Okay, consonant, me!

Game "Grandfather Mazai"

The driver ("Grandfather Mazai") steps aside or leaves the room, the others agree on what they will represent (work (digging with a shovel, hanging clothes, etc., an animal). When the driver returns, the following dialogue occurs:

Grandfather Mazai, get out!

Hello guys! Where have you been? What did you do?

Where we were, we will not say, but what we did - we will show.

Children show what they did, and the driver must guess this action.

Kikimora: Best of all, I am good at making riddles, listen. You will need to choose the correct answer from several suggested ones. Whoever answers the most will receive a prize from me. ( Takes out its riddles)

1. Who ate Kolobok?

The cook from the dining room.

2. What did Baba Yaga fly on?

By plane.

On a flying carpet.

3. Where was the death of Koshchei the Immortal hidden?

In fridge.

4. What was the Puss in Boots wearing?

In sneakers.


5. What did Emelya use as a vehicle?


Kikimora chooses the child, pat him on the head and gives him a lump.

Kikimora: Well done! Take the lump!

Leading:What kind of gifts do you have, Kikimora? The children tried their best to guess your riddles.

Kikimora: And what's wrong with my little bump, I'm not sorry, I still have a lot of them.

Presenter: So you can't put your lump in your mouth. Anything sweet should be given. Children love sweets.

Kikimora: Sweet! ( Asks children). Don't eat buds at all? ( Children answer). I will know next time…. Something I’ve been too late with you. It's time to go home.

Kikimora says goodbye, leaves.

Leading:Visible to the sun from the firmament -

Children lead round dances.

In a round dance and you get up -

Sing along more fun.

Birthday people wear hats Bunnies

Round dance game "We went to the meadow", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina

Leading: And now I suggest you put together a mosaic. This mosaic is not simple. I have pieces of a picture of a birthday cake in the envelopes. I suggest you split into 2 teams. Each team will receive an envelope. And those guys who collect their picture first will become the winners.

Contest "Assemble the Drawing"

Leading:Let's say for today the last wishes to our birthday people.

Competition "Wishes"

To the music, the children pass each other a card with wishes in a circle, as soon as the music stops, the child holding the card says a wish.

4th child:We played, we sang songs

But the hour of farewell has come.

Will be the most interesting

A moment on a holiday with us.

Happy birthday again

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

Birthday gifts

They will be very good!

Leading: Amicably, birthday people, everyone stood up!

We have prepared medals for you!

Children give birthdays medals

Children sing the song "Let them run awkwardly"

muses. V. Shainsky, lyrics A. Timofeeva

Leading:We wish you joy always

And cheerful mood,

Never know sorrow

And all the best in life.

Never lose heart

Not to see the chagrin

And start the days with a smile

Like this birthday.

Internet resources used

Sections: School sports and children's health , Extracurricular work

Class: 1

Goal:popularization of mass sports work at school, development of physical qualities, formation of the need for healthy way life.

Location:school pool.

Participants:1st grade students - two teams of seven.

Inventory:music center, whistle, floating hoops, floating toys, sinking toys, plastic bottles, boards, props and costumes for demonstration performances and heroes of the holiday.


Music sounds (Muslim Magomayev "Heroes of Sport"). Children go into the pool, sit down. The host helps.

Leading: Hello dear guys. We have an unusual day today. We will go to the sea kingdom. Today we will go to visit our dear friend - the Little Mermaid. ABOUT! (The presenter takes a letter out of her pocket)This morning I received a letter with a strange content:

"In a deep forest in a swamp
You will certainly find me
I'm not a fish, not a frog
I'm a Water Girlfriend "
And the signature "K." ...

Music is playing (Yeralash "Kikimora"). Kikimora enters. He walks around the pool, looks appraisingly at the children, pulls, pulls, sits on the throne.

Kikimora: Well hello! Who are you and why are you looking at me like that? I am Kikimora and I am at home, but who you are and what you are doing here is interesting ...

Leading: These are our first graders! We were just going to visit the Little Mermaid, but for some reason we ended up with you? ...

Kikimora: Eh, then you are at the address, unfortunately. Once upon a time, in time immemorial, I was a Little Mermaid, but misfortune happened to me - the evil Water One enchanted me and for many, many years I have already been the most ordinary Kikimora.

Leading: Is there really nothing you can do? And have you ever tried to break the spell?

Kikimora:But how! What have I not done! But one witch predicted to me that only the strong, fast, courageous and dexterous could help me get rid of the spell, and I have never met such people on my life path. They were fast, I also saw dexterous ones, and I met brave ones, but in such a way that strong, and fast, and courageous, and dexterous - no, such probably do not exist at all!

Leading: What about our guys? Look! That's who you need! They are strong, and fast, and brave and dexterous! They can help! Isn't that right guys?

Children: Yes!

Kikimora: Who! They? They probably don't know how to swim? And even more so to pass all the tests! No! I do not believe!

Leading: Guys, let's show what we can, Kikimore. 1 A goes down the right staircase and stands along the side to the middle (mark the middle of the pool) opposite its boards, 1 B on the left and also stands along the side.

1 task:On the whistle, we float to the other side of the leg, a crawl (fountain) on the chest, arms in an arrow. IN back side... Now let's take the boards, put them behind our heads and float on the back, back. Who will sail faster.
Well, Kikimora? Aren't we fast?

Kikimora: Really fast! And they swim great! Or maybe they are inattentive and don't know how to do anything else?

Leading: Guys, let's prove to Kikimora that it is not!

2nd task:The teams stand opposite each other. The presenter throws six sinking toys into the water (yellow for 1 A, green for 1 B. One participant from the team is assigned - who will quickly get his toys from the bottom. Thus, each pair of participants.

Well done! Children, we get out of the water, sit down in our places.

Kikimora: Great swim! And now ... Who is this? Well, try to guess!

They sit in the water all day
They eat mosquitoes and flies.
Water then, girlfriends,
Everyone is funny ...

Children: Frogs.

Kikimora: Correctly! And here is a surprise for you from my frog friends!

Dance of frogs(demonstration performance of the synchronized swimming duet).

Kikimora: Now I know that you are quick and alert, but what about agility?

Leading: The teams enter the water and stand opposite each other.

3 task:When students hear music, they spread throughout the pool - play, have fun, somersault. Once the music has died down, the teams must return to their seats as quickly as possible. Which team completes the task faster will win. It is important to return exactly to their places, so now we are carefully looking at the neighbor on the right and left. The task is repeated three times. Music "We are small children, we want to walk."

Kikimora: What are you fellows! And here's a task for you!

Leading: 4 task. The team turns to the back of the head, one after the other, facing Kikimora. The first participant is given a toy. On command, the toy is passed back to the last participant and back without turning the torso. Who quickly?
Well done! We leave the water.

Kikimora: And here's a riddle for you from me!

Suddenly lit up on a blade of grass
A real light.
It's with a light bulb on the back
I sat down on the grass ...

Children: Glowworm!

Firefly dance(synchronized swimming duet show) - dance in the dark with candles.

Leading: We go into the water and fall into place.

5 task:Each team has a floating hoop. The host throws floating toys. On command, the participants begin to collect them, each can bring only one toy. Which team will cope faster.

Kikimora: Now let's test your wits! I have riddles for you!

Leading: 6 task:Opposite the teams, on the opposite side, are small plastic bottles. On command, the participants swim to the opposite side and take the bottle in their hand as soon as possible. You cannot open them!
Well done! Let's get out of the water! Count how many bottles you have in your team. Seven. But only one mystery from Kikimora. We open and search! So, 1 B found a riddle, we read.


You already, my friend, of course
Heard something about me:
I am always five-pointed
And I live at the very bottom.

Leading: Who is this?

Children: Starfish!

Leading: Correctly! Well done! 1 A reads a riddle.


A rumor spread about him:
Eight legs and a head.
To make it worse for everyone
He releases ink.

Leading: Who is this?

Children: Octopus!

Kikimora:What are you fellows! You are really strong, smart, brave, fast guys! Oh, what's going on?

Kikimora transforms into the Little Mermaid (rumble and mysterious music sounds). Dance of the Little Mermaid (demonstration performance by the soloist in synchronized swimming).

Mermaid: Thank you guys so much! You helped me become a real Mermaid again! I am very grateful to you and I have small gifts for you!

Sweet gifts are given to children.

Leading: Well guys, our journey is over with you. Let's say goodbye to the Little Mermaid! Bye!

Children: Bye!

Mermaid: Bye!

Children leave the pool to the music ("Fanfare").

Valentina Savelieva
Scenario new Year's party "Kikimora visiting the guys"

New Year's celebration« Kikimora visiting the guys

Children enter the hall to music and walk around the tree and stand in front of it in half

LEADING: The past year has been a glorious year

But the hasty time does not wait

The last leaf of the calendar

New Year is marching towards us!

Look children, how beautiful it is in our hall, an elegant Christmas tree, decorations everywhere, everything is ready for a meeting new Year

Children: Hello, forest fir tree,

Silvery, thick,

You grew up like a sunflower

And she came to us on a holiday

You dressed up for a miracle

So smart, so pretty

All in toys, lanterns,

Gilding and lights

Spruce greets us affectionately

How nice is her outfit

The lights sparkle on it

Ice floes burn merrily

We will stand near the Christmas tree

We will start round dances

Happy New Year to everyone

Sing the song together

We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Rejoiced together

Fun tinkling under the tree

Holiday song!

We meet the kindest

Friendly, glorious New Year

It is spinning near the Christmas tree

New Year's round dance!


Leading: Oh, guys, hush hush,

I hear something strange!

Someone is running here to us,

Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

Runs into the hall to the music Kikimora with elements of the Snow Maiden.

Kikimora: Finally I came,

Finally found you!

Wow, there are a lot of people in the hall!

I know you've been waiting for me!

Well, hello to you!

Leading: What a miracle!

Excuse me, where are you from?

Something I'm looking at you

And I just don't know ...

Kikimora: Well, I will improve,

I will introduce myself now!

I - kikimora(oh, I'm a forest Snow Maiden,)

I'm a naughty girl

I like to joke, laugh,

Different - different fun!

I am not harmful, not evil,

I - Snow Maiden is just a treasure!

And I am smart and beautiful

Everyone is talking about it! Wow!

I dressed up today

I came to you on a holiday


Draws attention to the tree

KIKIMORA: Oh, what a big broom!

LEADING: Snow Maiden, this is not a whisk!

: What do you think it is?

KIKIMORA LEADER: And the children will tell you now!

POEMS ABOUT THE Christmas tree

Leading: Yes, this is our beautiful Christmas tree!

No way Kikimora will not understand

That the New Year will come to us very soon.

Kikimora: I ask you not to call names, you forgot, I'm a Snow Maiden!

Leading: Well, where are the gifts?

Kikimora: Of course, of course, I understood everything,

I brought you good gifts.

There are countless gifts here,

And you can't avert your eyes!

(takes out of the bag)

Here's a dress, almost new, in her youth she wore when she was a beauty. But the self-assembled tablecloth, however, it is leaky, but still good (she will scold herself)... Or here, a frying pan, so educate the guys(He realizes, waving his hands, no, no, I wanted to say something else, if you clean it, you can look like in a mirror. Do you like my gifts?

Children answer.

Kikimora(offended) - No? Once she wanted to be kind and did not please. But I also want a holiday, I sit in this swamp alone, you can die out of boredom. And you have fun here, the tree is so shining.

Leading: Kikimora, well, we can amuse you, but what deceived us is not good.

Kikimora: Well, sorry, I will never deceive again. And what really amuse me?

LEADING: Of course we'll have some fun! Sit down and see what dance our children have learned!


Kikimora: Oh, what good fellows! I'll run, I'll tell my friends how funny you are, and at the same time, I'll hurry the Snow Maiden to you for a holiday (leaves) .

Leading: Oh, guys, hush hush,

What a wonderful ringing I hear?

A swarm of snowflakes rustles

The Snow Maiden is in a hurry to us!

The Snow Maiden enters to the music

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year

All children and all guests!

I wish you only happiness

New, good news!

Will spin in a waltz

Crystal snowball.

Snowflakes are girlfriends

Get up in a circle

Snowflakes girls come out

1) Here the breeze blew,

It smelled cold

Like Zimushka - winter

She waved her sleeve.

2) Flew from a height

White fluffs.

On trees and bushes

Snowflakes are falling.

3) Let's circle under the garden

On a cold winter day

And sitting quietly next to

With the same as we

4) We dance over the fields,

We lead our round dance

Where we don't know ourselves

The wind will carry us!

Snow Maiden: I am rich in snowflakes,

I love to play with them so much!

Admire guys,

How can we dance

Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes

Snow Maiden: We waited for the holiday,

Gathered in a bright room

One is missing ...

Well, tell me who?

Children answer.

Snow Maiden: Of course, Grandfather Frost. That he has been coming to us for a long time. Let's sing a funny song, he will hear and come to us faster!


Behind the door you can hear: "AU! Ouch! COMING! COMING!

Snow Maiden: Guys! Yes, there is Santa Claus! (points to the window) With a huge bag on your back! Let's play with him. We will hide from him behind a tree (hiding)


SANTA CLAUS: Hello, guys! Lovely grandchildren! (looks around)

Oh, there is nobody! I probably got lost

And you got to the wrong kindergarten?

Maybe I got it wrong?

Maybe the address was confused?

Probably the children were scared

They clung to their mothers!

GET OUT THE SNOW Maiden from behind the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden: We are not afraid of frost

And do not hide our nose in a fur coat

How we go out and how we shout

Children run out from behind the tree

EVERYTHING: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Santa Claus: Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

And my Snow Maiden! Did you miss me?

Oh what a tree in the hall!

Did you decorate it yourself?


SANTA CLAUS: Well, as they say

Let's sing and have fun!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, our Christmas tree is off

Our Christmas tree does not shine

SANTA CLAUS: Yes, we will fix the disorder!

Let's make the Christmas tree burn

Let's say: one two Three,

Burn our Christmas tree!

Repeat 3 times, the tree lights up!

SANTA CLAUS: In the mountains, in the forests

I walked for a long time guests to you

To be here on New Year's Eve

Stand under the tree in a round dance!



SANTA CLAUS: Ah, they decided to joke with me! I'm going to freeze you now!

GAME "FREEZE" (at the end they join hands)

TOGETHER: I got into our circle

Here and stay

DO NOT leave you friend

How not to break free!


SANTA CLAUS: Let go you little children

After all, I love to dance more than anyone else in the world

Legs are shaking, do not stand still

Eh, come on, friends

We will dance together


SANTA CLAUS: And now I will blow on you with a magic breeze and you will sit down in your seats

(Children sit down)

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, and it's hot for me! danced, just no strength! I'm tired!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, and you sit down, cool down, rest, but listen to the verses

SANTA CLAUS: Well, who is this? They look like me!

Their cheeks burn with blush

Probably they want to present themselves!

Gnome boys come out

We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes

We are always with jokes

And we are not discouraged

Nowhere and never

We are a playful song

We meet the new year

We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes

We are cheerful people


SANTA CLAUS: That's the way Gnomes! Well done!

Snow Maiden throws a snowball at Santa Claus from behind a Christmas tree

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, who's throwing a snowball at me (Snow Maiden throws from the other side and leaves from behind the tree) Oh, that's who threw snowballs at me - my granddaughter! Oh yes, the naughty girl.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, we are with guys we want to play snowballs!

SANTA CLAUS: Well, let's play!


Snow Maiden: Well grandpa, is it still hot?

SANTA CLAUS: Cool now!

Snow Maiden: Guys, and now let's split into two teams and collect snowballs, whose team will collect more and faster.


SANTA CLAUS: Thank you friends for the holiday! You sing loudly, dance merrily, play great! Well, it's time for me to go to another kindergarten, to other children for a holiday (I'm going to leave)

LEADING: Grandpa, what about gifts?

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, I completely forgot! Here are some presents for you! {!LANG-52ffb200bbcd9aeeec172e6abd59ef0b!}


SANTA CLAUS{!LANG-f926d362535d18b841eb7a5b334e653b!} {!LANG-fb553f105dcb85c585cf8b25c4fd3b8f!}{!LANG-d823ef060f9d558c8a332b62d1033a4a!} {!LANG-c9e898e966fe3d667c10d813c30dcc52!}:





Snow Maiden{!LANG-147d5273069af33fb66c5c29be327a86!}




SANTA CLAUS{!LANG-51e001381eb2045f2240b601b398f276!}






TOGETHER{!LANG-4106f3e87d5db3e3276cfce1b5a7afda!} {!LANG-e845a9de1a1749815b1c401719a0c11d!}

