Reading Here is the best teaching to read. Reading - Here is the best teaching. IV. Messages of students

VII Regional competition of educational and research works "Murai"

for students 1 - 6 classes

Kudymkar district


Literary criticism

Influence of reading technology

on student performance

Istriser Victoria Valeryevna,

Grade 3, Maue "Kuvinsky Secondary School",


Otinova Tatyana Anatolyevna,


Perm, 2018.


Introduction .............................................................................. ... 3

1. What is reading? …………………………………………………………...four

1.1 What is reading? ……………………………………………………….four

2. Practical part

2.1. Questionnament of class students ..............................................8

2.2. Filling of homework in literature ............................10

2.3. Creating on the development of the reading skill .................................... .11

Conclusion ........................................................................... .. 14

Bibliographic list ...... .. ................................................ .15

Applications ............................................................................ ..16

My grandmother says that before our country was called the most reading in the world. And today, children read little, more and more TV are watching or sitting at the computer. I thought and decided to check if modern children really began to read less?Chatting with classmates, I realized that many guys do not like to read at all. It became interesting to me, and whether reading is influenced by studying? I decided to conduct research.

Subject: The effect of reading techniques for student performance.

Purpose of work: Determine the impact of the significance of the reading technique in the success of schoolchildren's training.


1. Find out the attitude of students of our school to reading.

2. Examine the results of the reading technique of our class.

3. To identify the level of interconnection of reading and quality of academic performance.

An object research : Students of our school.

Subject of study : reading and reading students.

Hypothesis: if low student reading techniques, then low quality performance.

I used the following Research methods:

    Study of literature and Internet sources on this topic.


    Analysis of the results obtained.

    Formulation of conclusions.

The value of the results obtained is that students will start not only read more, but also will love this occupation. And this means that they will be better to learn.

To write work, we used Internet resources, proverbs and sayings, exercises from "Entertaining Pedagogy".

I. . What is reading?

1.1. What is reading?

Reading is the main skill of a person in life, without which he will not be able to comprehend the world around. "The book is a teacher without fee and gratitude. Each moment gives you the revelations of wisdom. " (A.Navoi)

Reading is the process of converting alphabetic symbols to verbal, the process of obtaining information from the book. Reading is the main skill of a person in life, without which he will not be able to comprehend the world around.

The reading skill is and what is taught, and at the same time, through which the student himself studies.

The book develops a horizon. After all, it is so interesting to look into it and present the past: battles, kings, knight tournaments, war, geographical and scientific research, learn about the history of your homeland and know the culture and religion of other nations. On the same event you can read both artistic and scientific literature. It helps to create a bright, holistic picture of the event.

The book develops thinking and fantasy. To mentally visit other countries and cities, submit and find yourself in the times of dinosaurs or in the future. Television also gives us a ready-made "picture" in which for you I was delighting the director of the film. Reading the book imagine the characters and the surrounding environment completely differently.

Books help us make the right decisions. Sometimes, looking at the heroes of the book, we learn ourselves or your friends themselves, we learn from other people's mistakes and try not to admit them.

Reading any work, we become literate, both oral and in writing. We replenish our vocabulary, thereby we make yourself a more interesting person.

Found a few studies that will tell what specific skills are improving when we read. Now spending time with the book will be even more pleasant.
1. Reading reduces stress. Do you prefer to take a walk or listen to music to get rid of stress? Scientists from Sussex University believe that instead you should read the book. Reading was recognized in the most effective way to reduce stress. Total 6 minutes of reading more than two-thirds reduces stress levels.
2. Consider will help get rid of insomnia.
Reading - one of the most effective ways calm down and tune in to sleep. Bright light from the TV or phone sends a signal to the brain that it is time to wake up. Reading a book with muted lighting has the opposite effect - the brain understands that it's time to relax.
3. Reading makes you more sensitive.
While reading, you probably empathize the heroes of the book. Studies show that, penetrating the artistic work, a person learns sympathy and an emotional understanding of another person in real life.
4. Reading makes you more attractive.
High intelligent level makes you more attractive for people. The ability to support a conversation on any topic and shine with erudition when you meet more chances that a person will give preference to you.
5. Reading improves memory and mental abilities.
Whenever you read, you train the brain. Every time he creates new connections to maintain the information received. Studies found out that in constantly reading or writing people a decrease in mental activity occurs much slower than those who rarely give such loads on the brain.
6. Reading expands vocabulary.
When you read, then encounter words that are usually not used in everyday speech. If some word is unfamiliar, it is not necessary to look for it in the dictionary. Sometimes the value can be understood by total content. Reading helps not only in an increase in the vocabulary stock, but also improves overall literacy.
7. Reading makes you a good storyteller.
The more other stories you read, the better you will tell your own. You will learn to filter out unnecessary information and better feed the desired. The more exciting will be your stories, the more interesting you will seem other, the more convincing your words will be more convincing.

But it is impossible to forget that books need to read intended for their age. Stupid, if at sixteen, a person reads the tales of "Teremok" and "Republic", and the Mom's five-year-old kid reads the "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol.

Who did not hear the saying "Books - Best Friends!"? It really is so, and this must be admitted! Unfortunately, now love for reading markedly went out - all replaced the omnipresent computer and insatiable Internet.

If you compare reading with other modern entertainment, such as watching movies, passing music, playing computer games, then its advantage consists, at least in indisputable benefits for the development of mental abilities.

Children and adolescents, often reading literature, have a higher intelligence than those who neglect this useful occupation. Is it not the proof of the foregoing? Moreover, many famous peopleHaving achieved success in life, admit that they will not exchange their libraries and the opportunity to read the favorite book.

When reading, it is necessary to simultaneously understand the read, think, show volitional qualities, include memory processes, attention, perception. The process of schoolchild development depends on the reading speed. Trendies usually read those children who read a lot, and therefore assimilate a lot of information. In general, the reading skill is made up of two sides: semantic and technical. Under the main semantic party reading, they understand that the reader understands the words used in the literal and figurative sense, understands the content of individual chapters and paragraphs.

The technical side of the reading includes several components: first, the correctness of reading, i.e. The ability to read the words correctly without distortion, replacing or permuting letters, syllables, words. Secondly, the ability to understand the content of the text, its meaning. Thirdly, expressiveness - the ability to emotionally transfer the readable readable, observing the signs of punctuation of the author and understanding their meaning. Fourth, this is a way of reading. There are four ways of reading: 1) Spible, 2) syllable, 3) Smooth syllable with reading as much words, 4) reading with whole words. Fifth, this is the pace of reading, i.e. The speed of reading words per minute. Reading skill is formed during the training period in primary schoolTherefore, in primary classes there are their readings. By the end of the 4th grade according to the requirements of the program, students should read at least 90 words per minute.

However, there are other opinions. Some teachers and scientists believe that the optimal reading speed is reading in the pace of colloquial speech, i.e. 120 - 150 words per minute. It was to such a tempo that the articulation apparatus of a person was adapted.

II. . Practical part

2.1. Questionnament of class students

How do you present life without books? It's boring and uninteresting! Many children in their free time play computer games or watch cartoons on TV, TV series. Which one is fat? What can a sponge bob or terminator teach? And the book is the key to knowledge. Reading, you will learn a lot of new and useful for yourself. Even ancient people said: "People cease to think when they stop reading."

The book develops a horizon. After all, it is so interesting to look into it and present the past: battles, kings, knightly tournaments, wars, geographical and scientific research.

I became interested to know if you would like to read the guys from our class and our school. Went to any class or passing along the corridor, asked the question to students: "Do you like to read?"

According to the answers, the guys became clear that they like to read the units. Many walked heads that they do not like this occupation.

I decided to find out what place the reading books takes my classmates. To do this, conducted a survey. There was a question in the questionnaire "What I love to do in my free time?" and five answer options:

    Walk with friends;

    Watch TV;

    Play computer or phone

    Do sport.

It was necessary to choose and note one version of the free time. As a result, when counting the votes it turned out that 6 people love to read in their free time, so much to walk with friends, two people - watch TV, 1 person - to play sports and 3 people - play a computer.

The same questionnaire wrote the guys from the sixth grade. According to the results, it is clear that he likes to read one person, and six people do not think himself without playing on the phone or computer.

Everything is written to the school library from our class, but 5 people attend, another 5 people visit it 1-2 times a month. The remaining children in this school year have not visited. Although the guys from 2 "b" class attend constantly. If, on average, students 2 "a" class read 2 books, then students 2 "b" 6 books.

To the question, "For what purpose do you visit the library?" We got very interesting answers. 48 people answered that they go beyond books to read them, and 6 people to play checkers. According to this, it is clear that they do not like many of our school guys to read, do not think that reading affects performance.

After conducting a survey, I learned that only 6 students are happy to read in their free time. The rest read not by own willing, but on the instructions of the teacher and the requirements of parents.
I decided to check whether the ability to quickly read in the exercise.

In our class we checked the technique of reading our students. The check showed that from 18 students 8 read on "5", 4 to "4", 3 to "3" and 3 to "2".

Next, I decided to find out: how many students in our class drumors. From the magazine it became known that from 18 certified students of 12 drummers. These are those that read above normal or norm.

Therefore, it can be concluded that study depends on reading.

In the class we introduced home reading, i.e. the guys should read three pages every day, parents must subscribe to the diary, confirm that the student read. This is taken into account in the table, which the guys themselves behave. It can be seen on this table, who has a low reading technique they are additionally read very rarely.

2.2.Fill homework on literature

I considered the number of words in one of the paragraphs of textbooks 2 and 6 classes and checked the study, how much time is necessary for execution homework.

Called the number of words in the Kyrgyz fairy tale "Wise old man" in the literary reading of the class 2 textbook. The text consists of 527 words. The student at the speed of reading 100 words will read this text in 5 minutes. To better memorize text, it is advisable to re-read again (+5 min.) It will spend another 10 minutes for questions. For retelling for another 5 minutes. Total for cooking homework literary reading The student took 25 minutes of time. And if the student reads in 2 grade 23 words, then 21 minutes will leave for reading. Plus, another 20 minutes for re-reading-understanding, even for retelling minutes 10. Total needs a student with such reading for about an hour. Of course, for a second grade student, this is a very large load. The student gets tired and does not digest the material. As a result, the academic performance falls.

In high school, the volume of information is increased by 2-3 times. Took an example of grade 6. Textbook of literature with the work"Bezhin Meads" I.Turgenev. The volume of this paragraph - 5954 words. With speedreading 100 words per minute student reads for almost an hour, the answers to the questions will spend 10 minutes, and for the retelling 15 minutes. In total, the student will spend an hour and a half.

With a speed of 30 words per minute, about three hours for reading this work. If you add a time spent at school (5 lessons) 4.5 hours. It turns out a whole working day of an adult (and you need another time to rest). Because of too much load, the student is quickly tired, poorly absorbing the material and becomes no sense.

2.3. Creating on the development of reading skills

1. Tue of the inverted text. The ordinary text page turns upside down, i.e. 180 degrees. The task of the child, moving through the right to left, read the text. It is said that the child comes a journey through the turned world and it is imperative to quickly learn to read in it.

This exercise contributes:

Formation in the memory of a child of holistic images of words and letters.

Development of the ability to combine contaminated analysis with the forecasting of the end of words.

2. Correction of deformed offers

Children love mysterious, enchanted offers. Let the student try to find the meaning in these sentences, putting the words right in the right form.

1. standing past the car carefully pass

2. Dali Masha Manna Manya

3. Summer in one and winter

4. Fish on fishing fishing fishermen

5. My friends came to me for a holiday

6. Santa Claus has beautiful light sleighs

7. Favorite Tree My White Birch

8. In the garden in our smaller strawberry

9. We drove to the station

10. Ice cool and long slide was

3. Employment of letters of letters in words

Printed text with missed letters. Skip points are marked with spaces or points.

Filling the passes contributes to rapid reading and internal analysis A whole word, taking into account and correlating its first and recent letters in a single visual image. The exercise forms the ability to take into account the context of each word, pay attention to neighboring words, closing the eyes forward, which is typically for a well-formed reading skill.

This exercise contributes to the development of verbal-logical memory, due to the stops due to the letters of letters there is a need to hold in memory read earlier. For example: sh - and C - - and on sh --- and s- and s ---.

4.Mimicious word

One student during reading pronounces the word incorrectly, and the other interrupts reading and read the word with the correction.

Expansion of field of view

5. A small angle of view may appear from the causes of low reading techniques. Since the angle of view is small, then in the field of view of such a reader, fewer letters (parts of strings) falls than it is possible. And there are invented techniques to help expand the angle of view: one of these techniques "Christmas tree". (Application)

The task is to look at the center on the digit to see two syllables of one word at the same time.

6.The view with repeat. Each offer is as follows: Stars - ...; Stars are huge ...; Stars are huge hotels ...; Stars huge hot balls.

7. Reading in a circle. The text is read three times a 1 minute (all the time start from one place). Every time there is a stop location. Then it is considered how many words were added from the place 1 stop to the place of stop 3.

You can talk a lot about the reading technique, but you should not forget health. There are rules of reading hygiene.

Rule 1. The TV is as little as possible.

Rule 4. Do not forget about the active activities for health promotion. To strengthen vision preferably, football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis.

Rule 5. Constantly monitor and strengthen your vision using exercises. Once a year check the vision of the doctor.


In the course of work, we came to the conclusion that reading is the most an important factoraffecting performance. Moreover, the reading skill must be formed already in elementary school, only then the students of the middle and senior link can succeed in learning.

So, the results of our research work led us to the conclusion that it was the books that are the source of knowledge, make us smarter formed. It is reading books that affects schoolchildren's performance. Rights Great Russian writer A.S. Pushkin: "Reading - it's better a doctrine!"

Bibliographic list

1. Vddina E.L. Formation of reading skills. - M. Enlightenment, 2006. -185С.

2. Hublin D.A. Formation of learning skills. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. -105С.

3. Shakirova E. P., Tokareva O.A. Prevention of violations of vision and posture in children. - Kirov. 2005 - 76 p.

4 .

Subject: Reading - Here is the best teaching.

Purpose: educational: Development of the horizons of students;

educational: Purifying love for reading books;

developing: development of cognitive interest.

Class hour.

  1. Class organization.

II. Message goals.

(The music of V.Shainsky sounds "having fun together." The class includes books.)

1st book:

Learn a durable first graders? Finally, we found you. We know that you have already learned to read, and we also told us that your heads were smart, the hearts are kind and fair, the eyes are angry, and the hands are skillful.

We want to get acquainted with you, such wonderful guys. We, wise men, live in the book kingdom - a wise state.

2nd book: How many stars in heaven,

So many colors in the forests,

How many drops in the Dnieper, -

How many books on earth!

There is one with his palm

There are - Large Toms,

They live

Together with you in homes.

Teacher: New books live lines

Open the way wide.

We could not live without books

Books are kind, interesting -

We all grade with hello!

What are books for?

Reading - Here is the best teaching!

III. Conversation.

Teacher: "All good in me I owe books," A. M. Gorky wrote. Since childhood, man's life is inextricably linked with a book. The greatest happiness for the child is a meeting in childhood with books. First that magic world fairy tales Fairy tales teach a person to be humane. They are forced to be upset because of someone else's misfortune, rejoice in the joy of the other, worry about the heroes of the fairy tale.

But not only fairy tales teach a person good and justice. There is no such area in the life and activities of a person who would not be associated with the book. Some books teach good, others - love for nature, the third stores and transmit human knowledge. Books are good teachers of man. Any book can help a person in a difficult moment. Help advice, answer any question.

Russian People's Proverb says: "Who reads a lot, he knows a lot." Books tell us a lot: about our homeland, her expanses, about her best people and their work, about scientific discoveries.

What new have you learned lately?

How did you know it?

Recently, a huge number of children's books, magazines is published.

Each child can choose any literature that interests it. What do you most like to read?

What attracts you this topic?

Currently, various encyclopedia series have been published. It is "What is, who is?", "I will know the world", "so much" and others.

Another proverb says that "the book is our assistant in labor." The worker reads books about machines to manage, the collective farmer, about what needs to be done to grow rich harvest, a doctor, how best to treat people so that they are less ill, a teacher, how best to teach and educate Children. Each person is constantly in finding new knowledge, and where can I get them?

Books help to understand our life around us. Therefore, they need to read carefully, slowly, not missing pages. We carefully treat the book.

1st book:

Please do not touch me with dirty hands. I will be ashamed if you take other readers. Do not write to me either a handle nor a pencil - it is so ugly. If you have not finished reading, then put a bookmark in me so that I can relax and relax. Help me stay clean, and I will help you become smart, competent and erudite.


- To find out, a good student or not, just look at his books. A student who likes to read, carefully refers to the books, they are always in order, and at a negligible student, all the leaflets are coat, dirty. This is what our books say.

(Two student leave. Their costumes - book covers. One beautifully decorated, and the other - torn, disheveled. Pupil, sitting at the desk, loudly reads a poemM. Illina "Two Books").

Once meet two books,

Communicated in themselves.

Well, how are you doing? -

One asked the other.

Oh, honey, I'm ashamed before the class,

The owner of my cover snapped with meat!

Yes, that the covers ... cut the sheets!

Of them he makes boats, rafts

And pigeons ...

I'm afraid of the sheets will go for snakes,

Then fly me to the clouds!

Do you have a boc?

Your unfamiliar flour to me,

I do not remember such a day

What would not wash clean hands

And look at my leaves,

On them ink you will not see the point,

About the blots I am silent - about them

And it is indecent ...

But I study him

Not somehow, but on "excellent."

Well, my troyons rides barely barely

And even got a twice in that week.

IV. Outcome.

  • What did books help you?
  • Often, reading books, think about your actions. The book is the most important teacher. She teaches life, teaches to love and respect the person, so it is impossible to treat the book, like things, without which you can easily do. How good that in life there are wise and good friends and advisors - books! Read books and you will be wiser and smarter.

Naumycheva love Vitalevna Maou Lyceum№21 G. Ivanovo

Representation of the project "Reading - Here is the best teaching"

at the Festival of Primary School Projects

1. Good afternoon, dear participants in the festival of projects

Today we present the Group Children's and Parent Project: "Reading is the best teaching."

This statement heard everything. And it is impossible to disagree with him. "The Bible" reads: "First there was a word." And with the word it all started. Ancient Russia appreciated books as the greatest treasure. Have a few books meant possess a whole state.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" calls books by rivers, "Fantry Universe", the wisdom of an immeasurable depth. "If you diligently look for in the book," said the chronicler, "you will find the great benefit to your soul." It is not by chance that there are inscriptions in the old books: "Mount to someone who draws in books in the fields, on the light of the demons overhairs to him with iron"; "This book is neither selling or not at all." The reader of books felt herself to eternal wisdom World.

2. The fall of interest in reading, the book is the fact of today's life. Especially strong this process is manifested in children and adolescents.

The book began to "enjoy", with her became "getting acquainted", with the text began to "work", but not read. The book has become only in the source of information, and reading is to obtain it.

3. Hypothesis Our project: Do you need to spend time reading a book if you can watch a movie and get information from the Internet.

4. Relevance:

    According to the statistics provided in 2005 by one of the ten leading global companies exploring the book market, NOP World - Russians ceased to be the reading nation itself, giving way to the palm of the championship not only Indians and the Chinese, but also to Thailants, Filipinos and Egyptians.

    Prestige reading falls

    The literacy rate is reduced

    Family reading traditions are lost

"In the 1970s, 80% of families were regularly read, at present - only in 7% of families"

5. Purpose of work- attract the attention of schoolchildren, parents and teachers to the problem of reading

6. Followas Research:

    Find out the attitude of students and parents of our class to read, including to family reading

    Conduct survey and interviewing on the topic of the project

    Develop a system of measures to attract children and parents to read

    Find new forms of attraction to reading and books using modern information technologies

7 . Stages of project implementation

Stage 1 Study of sources on the topic of the project and the presentation of group projects at the Class Conference

    The role of a book in the life of a schoolchildren

    World on the tips of the fingers

    Amazing world of books

    History of the book: from rocky to electronic

    Book Kaleidoscope

    Journey through the Ocean of Books

    The most unusual books of the world

    Monuments books in Russia

    Do we need libraries

In total, 9 group projects were presented, 6 of them were highly appreciated on International competitions In the nomination "Research and projects".

And at the classroom conference, where all the class guys represented their projects, parents acted as experts.

2 Stage implementation of the project:

a) survey classmates and parents

b) interviewing school librarian

c) representing the most interesting books of the home library, the school library and the library of D.G. Burylina

According to the results of the questionnaire, we found out that 100% of girls and 87% of boys love to read books. Movings most like to read the adventures and stories about nature, and boys - fiction and encyclopedias. Loud authors: V. Dragunsky and A. Volkov.

Girls and boys go to the school library, and city libraries. 33% of girls and boys attend the school library often. 60% of boys and 67% of girls attend, in addition to the school library, also other libraries

All disciples of our class have a home library and everyone reads books from this library.

Girls to search for information use books and the Internet. Boys for information use to more Internet than other sources of information. Most guys have read 5-7 books for the summer. There are students in the classroom who read 10 books and more. It is no coincidence that 4 children of our class became winners and prize-winners of the city Olympiad on literary reading.

And the class according to the results of the past school year has become the most reading school class.

Our school library has 36,000 books. The oldest books dated 1916. The biggest and most fat - "Illustrated Dictionary of Living Great Russian Language V. I. Dal", the smallest - songs of Russian poets, epics, proverbs of the Russian people The most popular in elementary school - Gregory Oster " Harmful councils", Most popular in high School - "I know the world", "everything is clearly becoming secret"

The Burylin Library is the rarest and richest collection of books and print publications, which is greater value for all Russia. Collection of books D.G. Burylina contained literature in different languages \u200b\u200bin various branches of knowledge

3 Stage of the event to attract to read

    All class - in the library "What children read in the XIX century"

    Competition of Readers "Basnya - Wisdom of Life"

    Competition illustrations for beloved literary works

    Participation in the annual action in support of the reading "Biblision"

4 Stage Group project: "We read, reason, create"

5 Stage Creating Booktakelers: Group and Individual

The most promising channel of promoting any information or resources is currently the Internet, and the most relevant, popular form is the video format. BookTerler is a wonderful book and reading tool. In the literal translation: Beech - Book, Trailer - ads.

The letteringler is a short video, which includes especially bright and recognizable moments of the book. The main task is to tell about the book, interest, intrigue the reader. With the help of a lettering, you can implement the most bold creative ideas and tell all the world about your favorite book.

The history of the lettering began in 2002, and the trailer first demonstrated the general public at the Louisiana Book Fair in 2003. However, the popularity of the creation of bookuthels has received since 2005 due to the development of video hosting (YouTube, etc.) and social networks. It turns out that at present in Russia this type of attraction to reading has become very popular.

Together with adults, we started work on creating our lettering.

First, we read the book "Legends about the colors" S. Krasikov, wrote an essay "On which flower is similar to my mother," where they confessed in love for the closest person on earth, they themselves raised the flower to March 8 and issued a book in the technique Scrapbooking. Screpbuking (eng. scrapbooking, from English. Scrapbook: scrap - Cut, book - book, letters. "Book of tenderloin") - view of needlework art, concluding in the manufacture and design of family or personal photo albums, as well as design of gifts, interior items, postcards, etc. Therefore, the topic of our letteringler:"Flowers for mom"

Then we proceeded to the second stage. It was necessary to come up with a creative decision of the future video: to determine the genre and the style of the letteringler ...

Genre and style

We decided that in our video, the pages of our book and the photo of the brightest moments of work on the book will be combined.

The hardest stage was to write a script plan.

After all, in 1-2 minutes we will have to reveal the most interesting moments of our book. And, most importantly, do not disclose all secrets, but on the contrary, intrigue. For this we collected necessary materials: photo, pictures, removed several videos, picked up the music, wrote voice-over text.

When the scenario plan was written, the materials are collected, we switched to the fourth stage. Mounted the video in the programs: Windows Live Movie Maker and Pinnacle Studio

Hooray! Today is the premiere!

Conclusions in our work

1. The book reduces stress.

Wealth and rhythm of the language has the property to reassure the psyche and relieve the body of stress.

2.The following protects against Alzheimer's disease.

When you read, the activity of the brain increases, and this has a beneficial effect on his condition.

3. This gives confidence.

Reading books makes us more competent. When we demonstrate in a conversation, we demonstrate a deep knowledge of one or another item, they involuntarily behave more collected. Recognition by the surrounding your erudition has a positive effect on personal self-esteem.

4. Reels brain activity.

When reading, we present a lot of details: characters surrounding their items. Therefore, it is necessary to memorize a lot of things that are needed to understand the book. That is why reading trains memory and logic.

To experience the real pleasure of reading a book, you need to find your genre or your author.

Family reading contributes to grafting the child of love for reading without coercion

Joint reading and discussion of read book strengthens family relationships

Family reading allows adult to participate in the child's life, to know the world of his interests.

Reading a child books out loud for the whole family improves equipment and read speed

A child can ask an adult about incomprehensible places in the book, ask questions on the read. It raises parents from the child

"Family reading is the relationship of the shower of adults and children," wrote D. S. Likhachev

3. You need to use different forms of attracting children and parents to read, as

we all well-known and new, one of which is a letter - a wonderful tool for promoting a book and reading.


Somehow, the Children's writer Astrid Lindgren asked: "Does the book have a future?" Lindgren replied: you can ask with the same success: is there a future at bread? Have a rose, have a children's song, the May rain? .. It is better to ask: is there a future in a person? .. If it is in a person, it is also at the book. Because if one day we learned to draw joy and consolation in the books, we can not do without it ...

If a child has tears and whims,
Do not take moms to help the TV.
Son does not figure out what's there on the screen,
And kinda and it will not be better from him.
And do not miss the MIGA in this life:
Show children what a book is.
Explain to children: angry - always punished.
Good wins. There must be anything to them.
Everywhere triumph truth, not power.
In the book, the world is huge: what is - and it was.
Breathe on the pages time and space,
And calls with the wind of distant wanderings.
Children grow up and read themselves.
If you have questions, ask them to mom.
Moms or dad, explain to children:
The book is the gift is invalid that like the sun, shines.
Let children love bright pages -
And the smile of good indigest persons.
The book will help them understand life
And grow to the joy of mom and debris.

Thanks for attention.

"Reading is the best teaching!" Pushkin A. S.

Previously, our country was the most reading country in the world! And now? The world, of course, is changing, but you can not forget about the books! After all, it is not by chance that popular wisdom says:

The book is a friend of man.

Who reads a lot, he knows a lot.

The book is happiness decorates, and in misfortune comforts.

One book is a thousand people teaches.

The book is a small window, through it the whole world is visible.

The book is the best gift.

With the book to live - the age does not rush.

House without a book - day without the sun.

But what the famous people about the book and reading said:

"Reading is the best teaching!" Pushkin A. S.

"If my feet put the crowns of all the kingdoms of the world in charge of my books and my love for reading, I would have rejected them all." Francois Phenelon

"Love reading is to exchange a clock boredom, inevitable in life, on the clock of great pleasure." Montesquieu

"Learn and read. Read the books serious. Life will make the rest. " Dostoevsky F. M.

"Reading good books is a conversation with the most best people Time, and moreover, such a conversation, when they inform us only the best thoughts. " Descartes

"Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development." V.A. Sukhomlinsky

"There is no better means to refresh mind as reading ancient classics; It is worth to take some of them in the hands, although half an hour, - now you feel the refreshed, lightweight and cleaned, raised and fortified, as if freshed by bathing in a clean source. " Schopenhauer A.

"People cease to think when they stop reading." Didro D.

"Reading was for me the best tool against trouble in life; There was no such grief, which the hour of reading did not scatter. " Montesquieu

"The whole life of humanity consistently settled in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, and the book remained." A.I. Herzmen

"Most of the human knowledge in all sectors exists only on paper, in books, - this paper memory of mankind. Therefore, only a meeting of books, the library is the only hope and not destroyed by the memory of the human race. " A. Shopenhauer

"No failures of the history and deaf space of times are unable to destroy human thought attached in hundreds, thousands and millions of manuscripts and books." K.G. Powesty

"The book is a wizard. The book transformed the world. In it, the memory of the human race, she is the rugers of human thought. The world without a book is the world of savages. " N.A. Morozov

"Classes with books - youth feed on, old age enjoy, happiness decorate, in misfortunes deliver asylum and consolation, happy at home, do not interfere outside the house ..." Mark Tuly Cicero

"The book is the purest essence of the human soul." Thomas Carlel

"The books contain a special charm; Books cause pleasure in us: they talk to us, give us a good advice, they become alive friends for us. " Petraka F.

"In the books, we greedily we read about what you do not pay attention to life." Emil Krotky

"The book read on time is a huge luck. She is able to change life how not to change it best friend or mentor. " Pavlenko P.A.

"Books are the ships of the thoughts, traveling on time waves and carefully carrying their precious goods from generation to generation." Francis Bacon

"The book is a vessel that fills us, but he does not empty."

"I judge about the city by the number of bookstores available in it." A.G. Rubinstein

"Of all the inventions and discoveries in science and arts, from all the great consequences of the amazing development of technology in the first place is a typography." Ch. Dickens

"Everything good books Similar in one, - when you read to the end, it seems to you that all this happened to you, and so it will remain forever with you: good and bad, enthusiasm, sorrow and regret, people and places, and what the weather was. " E. Hemingway

"There is no entertainment cheaper and pleasure longer than reading." Mary Wortley Montaga

"One of the truths of my pedagogical faith is an infinite faith in educational power of the book. School is first of all the book. Education - First of all, the words, a book, living human relationship. The book is a powerful weapon. Smart, the inspired book often solves the fate of a person. " V.A. Sukhomlinsky

"Books collect pearls of human thought and transmit them to the offspring." Abeck

"When I see around myself, like people, not knowing where to give your free time, you seek the most pitiful classes and entertainment, I search for a book and speak internally: this is one pretty life" F.M. Dostoevsky
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