How to decorate the bird feeder from the box. Bird feeders. How to make a feeder for birds with your own hands

Now very difficult time for birds. It is difficult for them to survive: the yard is cold, the snow, and the reservoirs are covered with ice crust. It's time to feed and warm pennate friends.

The feeder at the cottage or near the house is a very small construction, but it will collect a lot of hungry peah. You can buy for them a ready-made "dining room", but it is much more interesting to make. Let's feed them in winter, and they will pay a hundredfold to us in the spring when they will destroy the pests in the garden and sing in the morning there are ringing songs. And ideas for creativity can be found literally anywhere: in the forest, in the garden and garden, in the attic or in the kitchen.

1. Wall "Cell" with a grain mixture

The container from a large mesh is fettered on the fence or a shed wall, put inside the grain mass and waiting for the feathers!

How to prepare a grain mass:

  1. We take coconut solid oil or beef (pork) fat (150-200 g), 1 tbsp. A spoonful of vegetable oil and about 300 g of grain mixture for birds.
  2. Heat fat in a saucepan, pour oil and grains into it.
  3. We make the forms of the desired size and wait until they frozen.
This mixture will fall to taste birds that love hard food (Title, sparrows and finchs). Replace some ingredients to attract as much pernata as possible.

For fans of soft feed (Malinovka, Wheat, Drozd) instead of a grain mixture, use wheat bran, raisins and oatmeal. They need to be mixed with fat in the same proportions.

3. Grain "Cookies"

Well, if the grain mass turned out to be more than you need for a feeder, it's not trouble! You can take the basis and make such cute hearts:

When the mass hardens, do the hole in each form, the pull in it is twine and hang out on the tree.

4. "VAZoys" from orange

You can use halves as the base for the suspended feeder.

  1. Cut the orange in half and remove the core;
  2. Purify 4 small holes on the opposite sides, stretch the split crosswise in them;
  3. We collect the ends of the twine together and tie the knot;
  4. We place the grain mass into orange bases and hang on trees or bushes.

5. Edible ball of apple

Similar idea, only the base of the feeder serves.

Edible apple feeder. Photos from

What is good this design: Apple will fully go into the case, the whole feeder will be eaten.

6. "Arbor" from pumpkin

Here is another example of the edible feeder - from pumpkin. It is enough to cut into it through a hole, clean from seeds, hang over the rope or wire to a strong branch and put inside food.

Pumpkin can be taken any, including.

7. Cinemas from tin cans

A bright solution is small tin cans painted in different colors. Hang them on the branches using ropes or ribbons and they will not only be aware for feathery, but also an unusual decor for your garden.

8. Basket with treat

In the attic dust broken or unnecessary wicker? Give them a second life! For example, a braided chest can be suspended using a rope or ribbon so that its cover becomes the roof for the feeder.

Cutter-basket. Photos from

9. Wicker trough from the vine

Have you ever wanted to try your hand in? Start with a small one - make such a pretty "gazebo" from.

17. Drinking and Kratka

Similar in form - and such different contents ... These ideas are for creative masters!

From the old brewing kettle with a lid, it will be convenient drivingker. And the apples or frozen grain mass in the form of a ball will easily replace on fresh, if they fasten them on removable horizontal "skewers". For this, aluminum pegs are quite suitable.

18-19. Gazebo and balcony

Imitation of the arbor and cozy balcony. Very painstaking work, but if the master is a fond of peculiar, then the works will be only a joy. Decorating your garden with such works of art, you will turn it into a fairy tale!

20. For the most solid

We will finish our selection of a real masterpiece. To build such a "Dream House", not necessarily possess the skill of a carpenter, but fantasy and an email here will not be superfluous. The highlight of this fabulous house is the foundation from. Securely secure all the elements and install the house for a solid foundation. To the birds it is convenient to trape, take care of a wide input. And the white color will give the whole design solemnity and ease.

It is necessary to interfere in the affairs of nature, and often we can harm our good intentions more than bring benefits. Different birds It is suitable for different feed, so it is always desirable to check which species dwells where the feeder will hang.

  • All birds without exception are harmfulfried and salty, categorically impossible to pour over a moldy and vocular feed, as well as put the millet and black bread.
  • Raw sunflower seeds and oat groats in small quantities fit all birds.
  • Feeders better do not keep full constantly, and shove in them feed several times a day on a little bit.
To avoid mistakes, it is easiest to buy a ready-made mixture in a pet store. Such mixtures are balanced and made by all the rules of the bird diet.

And what do you feed the birds in winter?

The bird feeder has long become something big than just a device for feeding them. We admit that we want not only to ease the life of Pernavi, but also to watch the behavior of wonderful birds, decorate their yard, to realize in front of others and teach their children to love this world. If at the same time our wards will help in protecting the garden from pests, it turns out quite well.

Bird feeders: What should they be?

Tallowing facial production, it is useful to remember the remark of Exupery: We are responsible for those who have tamed.

In other words, escyeing the birds to the easy prey for food, we must think about them all winter.

Otherwise, they will experience big problems, having lost his feed overnight, and can even die. Now list a number of characteristics that must match the bird's dining room:

  • bird table should have flights that will not give the wind to carry food;
  • the exercise should not have sharp edges, which the feathers can face legs;
  • the roof over the table will protect me from rain and snow;
  • the feeder should be, if possible, is not available for cats;
  • holes in the walls of the crafts must have sufficient size so that the birds are not afraid of the closed space;
  • the product should be moisture resistant to listen not less than one season;
  • the exercise should not be very swinging in the wind, that is, it is better to drag a piece of linoleum or pebbles.

This feeder does not like the birds

Feeders for birds: what are they?

Those who wish to make an exclusive bird table so much that they composed the innumerable amount of their own works. Obviously, preferences and opportunities are different. We intend to offer you a number of different products describing their features and designs. Of course, we will align and wishes actually birds. After folding all together, you will get the opportunity to compose your own "symphony" called "bird feeders".

From wood - most options

The picture shows feeders made of dusts. Depending on the preferences and availability of the material, you can choose something or another. At the very first option there is a raisin: a gap on the side plank for flowing water. Any product will serve longer if it is handled by impregnation, paint and coat with varnish.

These products are slightly harder - all of them are made of bars and rails. Such material allows you to make quite interesting and exclusive options. Pieces of rubberoid on the roof will noticeably increase the durability of the crafts. Lands and specks can be mounted with small nails or glue.

Using tree branches bring your craft to nature. The product can be quite simple and unusual. The use of impregnation and varnish and in this case it is advisable.

Very interesting looks of birch branches. If there is such a material, I would choose this particular option. Possible various methods Roof performance. Bark bark is already in themselves protective functions, but the varnish does not hurt.

The photo presents several feeders for mounting on the wall or to the tree trunk. They all have a back plank with a hole for fasteners. You can independently make various options for complexity. Very simple and convenient to use the feeder with glass jar.

The photo presents amazingly simple and original structures from wood. Such feeders are quite realistic to make himself. Processing with protective impregnation went to them.

Carved products make up considerable opportunities. However, without a jigsaw in this case, it is difficult to do. A piece of galvanized on the roof is correct. Special color products will give the treatment with a soldering lamp. Protect from moisture product to which spent a lot of time is simply necessary.

In the image above, products made by professionals are selected. All feed parts were first processed and painted, and then collected in a single design. As a result, we have impeccable appearance and durability. Nothing prevents the same thing to repeat the same thing!

The photo shows the feeders who will decorate with their presence a mansion of any level. Probably such products make specialists in the workshop. I am sure if you specify the goal, repeat the elite option is quite possible.

In the photo at the top we picked up the most interesting ideas Wood feeders. They are different based on materials and execution. In this case, such products are quite realistic to make themselves.

From plywood - their own features and opportunities

Before you, several designs of plywood feeders. Many products made by this technology are quite a lot. Details of such feeders are cut on the machine and sold in stores in the form of sets. Crafts are going to easily and quickly. A set from the store is interesting and useful to process and paint on your taste.

These products are made in a workshop of thick plywood. The designs are assembled from simple parts and actually repeat them in the presence of a jigsaw. Clean plywood clearly requires coating and decorations.

The feeder from plywood is noticeably easier to make with the use of bars and rails. In this case, you can do without jigsaw.Presented in the picture of the structures are different, but simple.

Plywood feeders with the use of wood are quite popular. We demonstrate a few possible options. The simplicity of execution cannot create barriers to exclusive options, if creative people are taken for business.

The picture above presents evidence of the effectiveness of the use of paints in the manufacture of a feeder. In the hands of craftsmen, pretty simple products are easily converted into fabulous attributes. In this case, the desire is more important than the deputy artist.

Especially for those who wish to make a feeder from plywood and bars, we have prepared drawings of the product. All items for convenience are numbered. For the assembly of the feeder, a plywood is 4mm thick, a bar in cross section 20x20mm and wood screws.

Before you drawing the details of the feeder. The number of the latter is given in the table. 20x20 bar section in the drawing is not given.

From bottles - simple and reliable

Very often bird feeders make plastic bottles. This is explained by the availability and durability of the priest, the ease of manufacture. Transparent plastic bottles allow you to freely observe the behavior of the feathers.

Sharp edges of plastic need to be treated with tape or cut along PVC tube. Then the birds do not embrace foot and plumage. Light feeders from bottles should be pulled by pieces of linoleum or pebbles, so as not to swing in the wind. The image above presents the simplest options.

Capacities from under car liquids allow you to obtain more reliable and volumetric designs. Unfortunately, they are not transparent. In the feeders from any plastic containers should be done in the bottom of small holes for the flow of water.

Five-liter eggplants can be decorated beyond recognition. Skip, twine, rocked and small twigs. So that beauty does not fade quickly, it is necessary to use moisture-resistant techniques and glue.

As you can see, options for decorating feeder feeders from five-liter bottles. Categories fantasy and make your own and unique. Do not forget about the reliability of the design.

In the photo at the top there are still several characteristic methods of using plastic bottles:

  1. In the first picture in the bottle, two holes opposite each other closer to the neck. In the holes inserted a wand - found. Just below, the nester was trained for feed. It should have optimal dimensions: seeds do not wake up, but the bird is available. Then fed food, turned the capacitance upside down and secured the wood.
  2. In the following image, the role of dispensers and the natives perform two tops of the bottles, tightly inserted with tights into the holes on the sidewalls of the main bottle. The lower edges of the specified parts are bent and wrapped inwards so that the birds do not parse.
  3. The picture on the left below demonstrates the possibility of using paints. A simple design made with taste will revive the technical transparency of plastic.
  4. The presence of wooden spoons helps call birds to dinner. They are simply fought through the holes in the bottle. It is better to place spoons at an angle to destroy two poker at once. Holes for feed over a spoon should not be overwhelming, so that the latter does not pour out all right away.

From cardboard and packages - cheap and angry

Feeders for birds from cardboard and cardboard boxes are the most unreliable. But you can make a large feeder and decorate at your discretion. You can increase the service life of the canteen for birds from cardboard, covering it with a tape or film.

Packages from dairy products and juices are a good means for making feeders. They do not stand and have good moisture resistance. Of course, the bottles are more durable, but it is easier to work with packages. Before you several versions.

We decided to make a cheerful and simple feeder from a two-liter package from juice. There was an idea to feed the birds in an improvised bus. Master class on the build crafts is quite simple:

Unusual - bunker, transparent, designer, with joke

Of particular interest to us are bunker feeders, which provide automatic feed feed as it is spent. Thus, bird food is not worn by the wind, and we do not need to constantly monitor the presence of grain. The design of such a feeder can be the most different, but the essence is one everywhere: through the hole of a certain size, the feed rushes from above and replenishes the bird table.

In the examples given as a dispenser acts:

  • gap between two glasses;
  • narrow neck glass bottle;
  • holes at the bottom of the plastic bottle.

Similar options, we have already considered in the description of the feeders from plastic bottles. Relying on these principles, for sure, you can come up with something new.

Feeders using plexiglas look elegant. Birds and food are visible great. The designer approach raises a desire to repeat a successful experiment.

The remains of a tea service do not want to throw away at all. Before you are four options for using dishes as a feeder. Moisture resistance and the appearance of the material do not cause doubts. Fasten a cup or kettle in the garden does not represent complexity.

Particularly stubborn and talented homemade workers compose merry feeders - jokes. Need to gain determination to repeat best examples. It is especially nice to compose something your own.

To begin with, you can try the option easier from plastic bottles. Much depends on your girlfriend you have. The above examples are quite subject to feminine hands.

Before you are four options for the "male" cool trough from a tree. The design of the craft is quite obvious. Repetition of the proposed ideas - quite real task.

We present images of several other options for unusual bird feeders. The main idea is obvious: do not be afraid to experiment. It is easier - not to torment yourself from exactly the same materials, but to use the available.

Making a feeder - a snowman made of plastic bottle

Of course, I want to make the bird feeder simpler and more interesting. As it seems to us, a snowman with gifts from Santa Claus for birds is a suitable option. Master class of making crafts Next:

  1. On one side of the bottle, placing a snowman's mouth marker. Now this wall will be face. Slap the outlines of the mouth on the markup. Filing the resulting language down 90 degrees.
  2. On the side, place your ear in the form of an inclined oval, narrowed down. Cut the hole imitating the ear.

  3. The resulting piece of plastic apply on the other hand and supply the marker. Cut the second ear.
  4. We place a large rectangular hole on the back of the head and cut it out.

  5. It turned out a blank, as in the photo at the top.
  6. Pray the snowman cap is as blue as the bottle cap. The bottom of the eggplant is painting white paint.

  7. Praying the tongue of red paint.

  8. On the edges of all holes we wear a plastic corrugated tube with a diameter of 16mm. In the store of electrical goods 2m such pipes will cost at all. The tube is pre-cut along along the entire length.
  9. For weighting of the container, we use linoleum. We put the container on it and get the marker. Such details are better cut two.

  10. We prepare traffic jams, self-tapping screws, cover from sealant and wand in accordance with the pattern. In corks, we do the holes for screws. In the red cork we make a hole under the wand.

  11. We do two holes to install the nose stick. One break through the place of the nose, the other on the back of the head. Insert the wand in them. I put on it first the red plug, and then the cover from the sealant. It turned out the nose of a snowman.

  12. Eyes collected from small white and large blue caps. We screw them into place by self-draws. From the inside the protruding screws rush two more covers for the reliability of the attachment of the eyes and protection against sharp screws. All is ready!

Master class making classic feeder

At school younger son pushed to the manufacture of a feeder for birds. As materials were discovered:

  • painted galvanized corner 50x50mm;
  • wooden rail with a cross section of 20x40mm;
  • a piece of plywood 4mm thick.

What was decided to compose your work. The master class sequence is as follows:

Bird grain cookies

Sometimes you can do without creating a feeder to help feathers. On the branches of trees you can spend a special bird cookies. Note, biscuits for birds from grains looks so seductive that he himself would eat.

The first method of manufacturing a delicacy is as follows:

  • cooking molds for cookie cookie;
  • we put in the molding pieces of twine, which will serve suspension;
  • we dissolve gelatin in warm water;
  • we fall asleep into the cooked solution of grain feed;
  • pour the mixture into cooked forms;
  • we place food for pouring into the refrigerator;
  • finished cookies hang on the branches of a tree: Available for our eyes and inaccessible for cats.

In the absence of forms, beautiful food for feathered can be made differently:

  • cut from cardboard figures of various shapes;
  • in cardboard blanks, we do the holes, we produce twine and tie the rings for fastening on the tree;
  • for fastening the feed to the cardboard, we prepare special glue, which consists of eggs, spoons of honey, 2 spoons of oat cereals and flour;
  • mix mix and leave for ripening for half an hour;
  • as glue is ready, we lubricate them with cardons and collapse the latter in bird stern;
  • we send a semi-finished product into a frodder refrigerator;
  • as cookies are ready, hang it on the tree, and we go to the window yourself - watch.

Food for birds: "What is good and what is bad"?

Look carefully on the birds that remained wintering in our area. In their eyes, the hope was frozen, that we will not suck the "overdue product" or harmful food for them, from which the feathers will suffer. Let's remember than our wards treat it impossible, which should never be included in their diet:

  • salted, as well as fried seeds;
  • cream cakes and cake;
  • fresh white bread;
  • rye bread;
  • nuts;
  • crisps;
  • oat flakes;
  • remnants of bananas and other citrus
  • fresh fruits.

Fortunately, the range of possible is noticeably wider. Pernaya can offer:

  • bread crumbs;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkins and watermelons;
  • cereals: oats, wheat, millet, barley;
  • rice, buckwheat;
  • sobbed fat specifically for cinemas;
  • kalina and Ryabina, maple seeds and ash specially for bullfding.

The egg shell, major sand, the pushed chalk will serve the seasoning to the bird dinner, especially during the construction of the nests. Thus, we know almost all about feeders and bird stern. By the way, in the spring and summer to observe the behavior of the feathers no less exciting than in winter. We wish you good luck and offer a video to help.

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Protectors of nature, lovers to make and just those who like the idea to breathe new life In something completely ordinary, you will not be able to pass by the idea to make the bird feeder from the box. If you attract children to the needlework, then such a simple, at first glance, the occupation can turn into an interesting, almost a magical event. And at the same time, anyone who does not need yesterday's garbage will turn into real help with little pennate friends.

First of all, it is worth noting that in the manufacture of a feeder from the box, you will need cutting items. Therefore, very small children should be under the control of adults. But the older guys should not leave, because it is better to do this cheerful occupation together.

The idea itself is simple, it will require only boxes, sticks and self-adhesive paper, which is used as desired for decoration. Very nice will look a pattern under the tree, he will harmoniously fit into the landscape. List of what may be needed:

List of approximate, almost all parts can be replaced by something else, it all depends on the smelting. Make feeders for birds and from the boxes of other purposes, for example, shoe. But the most comfortable still from under milk.

It is approaching winter and our birds will need to survive it. Let's take care of them! Consider several options how to make a feeder with your own hands.

  1. The feeder should be with the roof, as the rain can wet the feed or fall asleep with it with snow.
  2. The feeding hole must be wide - birds are afraid of a closed space.
  3. Choose a practical moisture-resistant material for making feeders.
  4. The feeder should not be too easy, as it pegs the wind and can crumble food. If it turned out to be too easy - we will take it. This can be done with a piece of plywood or linoleum. Put it on the bottom of the feeder strictly in size.

Fit from a tree

You will need: Hacksaw, hammer, nails, plywood, Bruks 2: 2 cm, thin wooden board.

Master Class


Drawing №1

Drawing №2.

Drawing number 3.

We present to your attention a few options for the drawings of the manufacturer of a bird feeder. You can create a conventional feeder-dining room, a small castle or just a house for birds. And if you are a master of all hands, then the feeder can be decorated with a carving of a tree by creating beautiful patterns.

Cuts from grain

You will need: feed (in raw form), egg, oat groats, flour, honey, gelatin, thick cardboard, scissors, tight thread, pencil, needle, molds.

Recipe number 1.

  1. Draw on cardboard any figurine. It can be a heart, circle, triangle, square ...
  2. Cut with scissors.
  3. Thread the thread in the needle, and make a hole, creating a mount in a cardboard figure.
  4. Prepare glue. To do this, mix: 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, egg, 1 teaspoon honey and a little flour.
  5. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes.
  6. Apply the adhesive mass on the cardboard basis.
  7. Mix the grain mixture with adhesive mass.
  8. Apply the mixture on the cardboard basis.
  9. Put cereal feeders in the fridge for several hours.

Recipe number 2.

  1. Dissolve in warm water package gelatin.
  2. Pour food into it.
  3. Spread the mass in the molds.
  4. Insert the fastening threads.
  5. Send to the fridge for several hours.
  6. Color treats from trees branches.

Candy Box

You will need: 2 boxes from candy, glue, 2 lace.

Master Class

  1. The edges of the box spread glue.
  2. Insert the edge of the box to another box in such a way to get a triangle.
  3. Stick the base of the box to the triangle.
  4. Let me dry for 10 minutes.
  5. Grind through the roof of the lace box.
  6. Tie a nodule.
  7. Tie a trough to the tree branch using a second lace.

Fit box of juice

You will need: Plastic bottle with a capacity of 5-6 liters, scissors, wire.

Master Class

  1. Take a bottle and scissors.
  2. Return 3 cm from the bottom of the bottle up and cut the rectangular window.
  3. Put a piece of plywood or linoleum strictly in the size of the bottom of the bottle.
  4. Take the wire, envelop the neck of the bottle.
  5. Attach the feeder to the tree branch.


Make a feeder is great, but you should know exactly what you can put there.

Birds can be burned raw seeds, millet, oats, swallow, buckwheat, crumbs of frail white buns, small pieces of dried fruit, rowan, viburnum.

Birds can not be fed crumbs of fresh white and rye bread, cakes, cakes, chips, salns and fried seeds, nuts and oatmeal.

Thanks to your care in the winter period, birds will survive. In turn, they will delight you in the spring with their songs. Birds are very important, as they not only make an eye, but also perform huge sanitary and recreation work!

Unfortunately, according to statistics, birds often die from hunger, on the streets they can still find meals, especially in the winter season of the year. To help feathery, you can make a feeder with your own hands, for example, together with the child who will be interested in this occupation. Putting into the feeder can pumpkin seeds, sunflower, millet, oats. In winter, you can add nutrient nuts to the feeder.


Option 1: Bird feeders from tin can

An interesting idea of \u200b\u200bthe feeder for birds, which is simply made of girlfriend.


Preparation method:

  1. Wooden wand cut into several parts, 8 - 10 centimeters long.
  2. Make sure that the lid in the bank is cut off exactly if there are sharp edges, they must be bandaged.
  3. With the help of an adhesive gun, glue a stick to the jar so that the bird can sit on it and eat like a pranch.
  4. Cut the bank with ribbons several times, pour food into it and hang on a tree.

Helpful advice:

  • Tin cans can be painted in bright colors with paint, so they will attract birds more, and they will be seen from afar.

Option 2: Cardboard Birds

The easiest and simple variant of the feeder, which can be made of the box from under the juice.


Preparation method:

  1. Box from under the juice is well rinsed without detergent and leave to dry.
  2. With the help of a knife or scissors, cut two holes on opposite sides of a box of square or round size.
  3. Paint the box to the desired color, wait until the paint is driving.
  4. A little lower holes, make two outbreaks.
  5. Insert into shorts wooden stick. So that her ends stick out on both sides so that the bird could sit on them.
  6. At the top of the box make two outbreaks, insert the rope in them.
  7. Fill the feeder feed for birds and hang for the rope on the tree.

Helpful advice:

  • In order for the product does not wet during the rain and did not become unsuitable, the box can be placed from all sides with scotch several times.

Option 3: Bed Featshirt

The original feeder, which will be very easy to fill feed.


Preparation method:

  1. Bottle cut in half.
  2. At the bottom of the bottle make holes so that the bird can sit down and eat.
  3. Turn over the top of the bottle down, insert into the lower part, not reaching the bottom of about 0, 5 centimeters.
  4. When the feed is poured into the upper part of the bottle, it will be dispensed from below.
  5. Make a hole in the feeder, turn the rope and hang it on the tree branch.

Helpful advice:

  • So that the bird does not hurt about sharp edges of the hole of the bottle, they can be sealed with a tape or plaster.

Option 4: Feeder for birds self-filled

A very comfortable feeder, which can be filled with food and he will be replenished as far as the bird eats.


Preparation method:

  1. The first bottle is cut at its top.
  2. Near the bottom of the bottle to make a few holes so that birds can sit on them and eat.
  3. At the top of the bottle make holes through which to stretch the rope.
  4. Leave the second bottle the whole, with the help of a funnel to fall asleep the feed in it, approximately half.
  5. Turn over and paste down into the first, cropped bottle, not reaching it until it is about 0.5 centimeters.

Helpful advice:

  • In the bottom of the first plastic bottle, you can make several holes so that water flows through them when thawed.

Option 5: Feeder for birds with spoons

An interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba feeder, in which birds are sitting on a spoon and eat food from it.


Preparation method:

  1. IN plastic bottle Make a knife two holes perpendicular to each other at different heights.
  2. Insert into each hole spoon.
  3. The hole from which the spoon sticks out a little expand to the bird can independently get food from there.
  4. In the lid of the bottle make a hole, stretch the rope and tie it.
  5. Screw the lid on the bottle and hang it to the tree, filling with food.

Helpful advice:

  • By making a feeder, you can insert no 2, but three spoons, the main thing is to remember that the level of grain should be higher than them.

Option 6: Feeder for birds from a cardboard box

A good option to use an old unnecessary box from under shoes or candies.


Preparation method:

  1. At the edges of the cardboard box make several holes with the help of the spokes. Stretch through the holes of the box with a rope.
  2. In the lid of the box, too, make holes and stretch through them that rope that passes through the basis of the future feeder.
  3. Fix the cover above the box at the desired height with glue and tie a trough on a tree.

Helpful advice:

  • Well, if the cardboard is durable or laminated so that it is not for the rain and snow.

Option 7: Edible bird feeders

The unique version of the feeder, which the bird will eat at once sitting on it.

Tools and feed:

Preparation method:

  1. Salo lay out in a saucepan and melt at small temperatures.
  2. Mix all dry components with lard, thoroughly sweat so that they are all soaked.
  3. Leave the mixture to make it a little frozen.
  4. To shape the ball from the feed, to put it in the grid, from under fruit.
  5. Put the feeder in the refrigerator so that it is completely frozen and hardened.
  6. At the end of the grid, stretch and tie the rope.
  7. Move the edible feeder for the rope on the tree.

Helpful advice:

  • Such feeders can be done somewhat, hiding them on a wooden helper next to one on the other. Creamy oil can be folded into the feeder, pieces of fruit.

Option 8: Pumpkin bird feeder

An interesting version of pumpkin feeders, which will also have birds.


Preparation method:

  1. Pumpkin washed, cut two holes in it opposite each other, remove the flesh and seeds.
  2. Put on the bottom of the pumpkin lay out a plank, so that I fed to me, lying on the pulp of vegetable.
  3. To tie a pumpkin to tie the rope, hang it on the branch.
  4. Put food on the table.

Helpful advice:

  • Alternatively, you can cut off the top of the pumpkins, remove the flesh out of it and pour food inside it. On top of such a feeder, you will need to make the lid that the feed was not wary during a wet weather.

Option 9: Wood feeder for birds

It is more difficult to make such a feeder, but also to use the birds can be able to longer, as it is stronger.


Preparation method:

  1. Lobzik cut out of plywood all parts that use the feeder.
  2. Among them: the bottom of the feeders, 4 boards for the sidewalls of the bottom, 2 boards for the roof, 2 for the sides on one side of the feeder and 2 on the other.
  3. To the bottom of the feeders to glue the sidewalls from all sides so that in the future food does not crumble.
  4. Glue the front and rear walls to the bottom of the feeder.
  5. Insert the side walls of the feeders so that the bottom is some distance from the bottom.
  6. So subsequently feed will be poured on the bottom of the feeder.
  7. One part of the lid is to stick to the walls of the feeder, the second to put on the loop to the first.
  8. So you can always open the lid and shine feed.
  9. Keep all the details to each other with nails.
  10. Shallow emery paper process the entire feeder, reveal it with a protective varnish or impregnation for the tree.

Helpful advice:

  • Before starting work, you should make sketches on paper, how the feeder will look like, so it will be easier to collect. You should drill holes for nails, before you score them, so that the tree does not cracked.

Option 10: Cut - Garland for birds

Great treating for birds that is easier to perform.


Preparation method:

  1. To rope riding bird feed: fat, dried fruits, nuts, crackers, rams, and so on. Make some such billets.
  2. Make several holes in a wooden bar with a knife.
  3. Ropes with feed insert into the holes of the plank and tie them on them.
  4. In the middle into the hole of the plank insert the rope and tie the feeder to the branch on the tree.

Helpful advice:

  • You can drive a feed on a wire, bending her end to the ring, so the bird can easier to sit on it than on a soft rope.



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