What you need to work the repair of shoes. Repair of shoes as a business. Expendables shoe workshop

In the foreseeable future, people will not stop donating shoes to repair, almost every pair of shoes turns out to be in the workshop at least once. The shoe workshop in the modern version should be well equipped and equipped with masters of their business.

More often or less often almost every pair of shoes requires our attention and needs to be repaired. So it was always and, probably, it will be for a long time.

There are people who do not turn to shoemakers, but the overwhelming majority is not ready to part with a comfortable shoe just because the sleepy man was demolished or shovel. Whether going to the shoe workshop, we see how busy are the masters, never sitting without work. From this, it is possible to conclude a legitimate conclusion that with such a continuous flow of orders, workshops should be cost-effective.

Types of workshops

Shoe workshops can be divided into three types:

1. Economy workshops

The most common appearance. They, as a rule, are located in kiosks or in small rooms, with an area of \u200b\u200b10-12 meters. Such workshops provide the following services for replacement and repair:

  • mackets;
  • supinators;
  • heel;
  • soles;
  • stelk;
  • lightning and locks.

And also in these workshops, you can establish prevention on the soles, strain the top of the shoes and paint it.

The possibilities of such workshops are limited, because on a small area it is impossible to install equipment. It is possible to use only the simplest devices. Prices for services in such workshops are usually low. Master in a day time to repair no more than 20 pairs of shoes at an average price of 200 rubles.

The revenue of these workshops on average is 3,000-4,000 rubles. Taking into account the costs of materials, the income is approximately equal to 2,000-3,000 rubles. in a day.

2. Middle Class Workshops

They provide much more services, but prices are much higher. Middle class workshops are located in rooms at 30-50 square meters. m. with professional equipment. Middle class workshops are able to serve up to 40 customers per day, at the cost of 500 rubles. For the order. Taking into account the costs of materials income is about 10,000 rubles. in a day.

3. VIP-workshops

In VIP-workshops addressed to repair dear shoes. They are usually located in the areas of residence of fairly secured people.

Customer Circle is usually small, but services are expensive because elite shoes require special approach and skill, as well as the presence of special expensive equipment. This type of services is highly profitable, but is not enough. Equipment for the VIP-workshop costs at least 200,000 dollars. The VIP-workshop will flourish only under the condition of a sufficient number of customers. Payback is at least five years.

Registration of enterprise

Start a business needed with. In the case of the workshop on the repair of shoes, it is better to register as individual entrepreneur.

When the registration certificate was received, registration in the tax inspectorate should be registered. The best form of taxation in this case is either a patent form. You also need to register in pension Fund. Calculations will be made in cash, so you need to buy a cash register or use strict reporting form. We'll have to contact permissive documents in, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.


The room must comply with all sanitary standards, and fire safety requirements. The room with the room can be solved in several ways:

  • Rent a plot of land and install an area of \u200b\u200b8 square kiosk on it. m.
    • the cost of the kiosk is 100,000-120,000 rubles,
    • rent of the Earth - from 2,000 rubles. per month;
  • Rent a set kiosk - about 30,000 rubles. per month;

Rental at 5-7 square meters. m will be from 6,000-8,000 rubles. per month. Choosing the room, you need to take into account its location. Successful places can be considered the ground floors in the bedroom areas, shopping centers, wounds, etc. It is important when choosing a place for a shoe workshop is a reliable source. If the area allows, it is necessary to separate a small room for taking shoes and workshop where repairs are made.


For full-fledged work in the shoe workshop should be:

  • Electric stove for heating glue - 900-1000 rubles;
  • Shoe paw - 1 000 rub.;
  • Sharpened - 3 000 rubles;
  • Electrodel - 1 500 rubles;
  • Boot rashpil - 250 rubles;
  • Shoe pistol - 250 rubles;
  • Shilo - 250 rubles;
  • Pliers and nippers - 500 rubles;
  • Baby needles (set) - 500 rubles;
  • Hammer and nails - 500 rubles;
  • Abrasive skins - 10 rubles;
  • Accessories: leather, tires for care, soles, polyurethane, supinators, threads and other materials - 5 000 rubles;

If you plan to provide more services, you will need more:

  • Machining machine - 40,000 rubles;
  • Sewing machine - 5,000 rubles;
  • Ineficker - 2 500 rubles;
  • Compressor - 20,000 rubles.

Workshop for the repair of shoes refer to the types of business, where best advertisement serves good reputation. Timely and high-quality execution of orders will quickly make a workshop cost-effective.

The demand for shoe masters was and will always be high. According to experts, already for the first season socks every tenth pair of shoes needs to be fixed. Each thirtieth is made of expensive materials, and therefore requires special care. Given that the demand for shoes, including elite, is growing constantly, the business repair business will always find its client.

Who and when wearing shoes in repair

For a long time, it was the opinion that the workshop on the repair of shoes mainly works for the middle class and below. Like, rich easier to buy new shoes than to repair the old one. But in fact, wealthy people turn to the repair no less often than the rest. Buying elite shoes, it is easier to pay expensive repairs than to upload another 400 dollars for a new pair.

But cheap shoes just get it rarely. In this case, it is much wiser to buy a new couple for 300 rubles. Than to pay 250 rubles. For repair. Therefore, the main client of workshops is the middle class and higher.

It is believed that this is an incoming business - people wear shoes to repair always. But in practice, the most orders workshop on repairing shoes gets in the offseason when people go from one type of shoes to another.

Formats of shoe workshops

Before making a workshop business plan, you need to decide on its format. There is such a separation of the level of workshops:

  • cheap;
  • middle level;
  • elite format.

The greatest competition in the cheap segment. There are many masters that use the minimum of tools and the cheapest materials for repair. Naturally, the quality of work is proposed appropriate. In order to start such a business, it is enough to include the purchase of a special machine for 19 thousand rubles in the expense plan. And repair shoes in the kiosk on the street. But you need to understand that with all your desire it will not bring expensive shoes.

The average format is considered an ideal solution, since here you can repair various shoes. For work, various tools are purchased, materials of different quality under different types shoes. Such workshops seek to open in stationary premises.

Elert workshop format has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage can be called the cost of services. To repair shoes here, you need to focus on the price of thousands of rubles and above. Therefore, there are such workshops in prestigious territories, for example, in shopping centers. A significant disadvantage of this business is an extremely narrow target audience and a large plan of expenses on expensive materials, equipment, workshop work and rent. All this can increase business payback period. Therefore, let's look at how to open the repair of the mid-level shoes.

Brief opening plan

Deciding on the field of activity, it is possible to make a business plan for opening a workshop. With it, it is necessary to solve such basic questions.

Registration of enterprise

First of all, it is necessary to officially issue your business. To do this, you need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The fundamental value, on which format to stop your choice, no. If you open a small workshop yourself, you can register an individual entrepreneur - so faster and easier then to lead all the necessary reporting documentation. If you have a partner or you open a large-scale project, it makes sense to register LLC. But then before registering it is necessary to form statutory capital. To register in the tax inspection, you need to choose the type of taxation. Most often a UNVD is recommended or a simplified system.

Also need to specify oKVED codes. In the case of workshop shoes, it will be:

  • 52.71 Repair of shoes and other leather products;
  • 52.74 Repair of household goods and personal items not included in other groupings.

Since this kind of service is usually paid in cash in place, it is desirable to purchase a cash register or use the shades of strict reporting. Cash machine - This is, of course, additional costs. In addition, it must be registered in the tax inspectorate, and these are additional time costs. Therefore, more often workshops work with blanks.

You also need to be recorded in a number of funds in a number of funds and get permission from Rospotrebnadzor, Fire Inspection and SES.

Search for premises

It is logical, to open such a business, a place must be sought where a large stream of people passes the day. It is desirable that your workshop be on the way potential customers From work and to work. Many recommend looking for a place at the subway. But in fact, the choice of a place largely depends on what target audience You are oriented more. The subway, for example, rarely go those who move around the city by car. And this is basically very solvent customers. Therefore, it is better to open your workshop in a residential area where you can enjoy several categories of the population. True, it is necessary to carefully check the terrain for the presence of competitors and try to place your point as far as possible from them.

If it is possible, it is desirable to divide the room into two zones. The main must be allocated under the working area, and allocate a small zone to receive customers. Today they turn to the level of service, so it is necessary to clearly respond to this requirement of the market.


The next item that should include your business plan is a purchase of necessary equipment and tools. For a full-fledged workshop, it is necessary to purchase at least 30 items of various inventory. Moreover, it is advisable to buy imported equipment, since it can carry out work much better. It costs this equipment is not cheap. For example, the German production harvester is on average 20-30 thousand euros. But experts recommend first to purchase a minimum set for typical workAnd then gradually expand the arsenal of the equipment and the services offered.

You can save by purchasing equipment that was in use. Thus, a set of European used machines will cost $ 60 thousand, and Russian - $ 10,000. If you take a new import directly from the factory, you need to score the cost of this article at least 80 thousand dollars.


In addition to the equipment and tools, it is necessary to make a plan for purchasing consumables. Here at least include:

  • support;
  • lining;
  • heels;
  • adhesives;
  • leather.

Their purchasing cost directly depends on the quality. Quality audits will cost 200-250 rubles. For a couple, prevention stickers - 400-500 rubles. At the same time, it is necessary to be ready to accept a non-standard order and have the necessary details to him - people sometimes bring extremely non-standard shoes.

You can buy consumables both abroad and domestic manufacturers. It all depends on the desired quality of goods. You can save on procurement if you do not register orders not during the season when purchasing prices are significantly reduced. In addition, if it allows the level of the format of your business, you can find domestic analogues and buy them significantly cheaper.


Special attention should be paid to the organization of the Wizard's workplace in accordance with the requirements of safety. Each work place should be located on an area of \u200b\u200bat least 7 square meters. m. also indoors, and better above each workplace it is necessary to install a powerful exhaust. In the room there should be no dust, smell of glue, paints. Each wizard must have work clothes, glasses, mask for different types of work. It is also necessary to ensure that the wizard does not start to work tired - it is extremely attendant.

Other nuances

Think in advance the workshop work schedule. It is advisable to open from 7 am so that people going to work can be repaired for repair. It is worth finishing the work by 20.00 so that customers can pick up the shoes on the way home. It also makes sense to work on Saturdays and at least half of Sunday. Most people solve household issues at this time.

Increase the work plan will help partnerships with other representatives of the service sector. For example, you can open a reception point for dry cleaning, laundry or sewing workshop. Customers will be convenient to attract all things immediately, intermediaries will receive a percentage of orders, and you will expand your customer database.

Investments in the opening

Financial plan It will be very different depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the number of employees. For opening a workshop for 20-30 square meters. m. With two masters and one receivers will need about 100 thousand dollars. investment. The bulk of these funds will go on the purchase of the necessary equipment, consumables and the rental of the premises.

Take this money on credit in the bank is unlikely to succeed. Startups are always associated with high financial risk, so banks can go to such lending only if you have a good one for half a year old financial results. Therefore, it makes sense at the start to consider the mods of franchising.

Expenditure plan for the first year of workshop

The payments are not included in the calculations, since its size varies greatly within the city, district. In addition, conditional is the wage indicator. More often it is formed on the basis of interest from completed orders. As a rule, subsequent years, the cost of expenses is reduced by about four times and consists of:

  • rent;
  • wages;
  • utility costs;
  • purchases of consumables.

The return on the project depends on the number of orders. As a rule, at first it is possible to take about six customers in the day, and by the second year of work - up to 30. Accordingly, with the promotion of services, your workshop can receive at least $ 35 thousand per year. Business profitability varies between 6% and 18%, and the term Payback on average is about three years.

Development prospects

The most common types of work in workshops is:

  • installation of beams;
  • setting the beams;
  • lightning replacement;
  • replacing heel.

But the modern workshop, equipped with the necessary equipment, is capable of performing up to 20 different species Works, taking 20-30 orders per day. Of course, while the customer base is not accustomed, not to see such indicators, but they need to strive for them.

First of all, you can take for complex orders, from which "handicraft" workshops refuse. Having needed equipment, You can perform exclusive orders. By the way, for exclusiveness, as for urgency, you can set a certain markdown.

Increase customer streams by expanding the spectrum of related services. For example, if the area allows, you can highlight the place for the small repair of clothing, leather goods or household appliances. Or open an item on receiving orders for such a repair. It makes sense to organize the sale of cosmetics for shoes, especially exclusive.

Marketing and advertising

It is important not only to open the workshop and offer quality services, but also to constantly expand the database of customers, increasing the number of permanent customers. Today, the media is not used for these purposes, as they have lost their relevance in this sense. A significant part of customers comes from the street, so it is important to make a beautiful and catchy sign. It also makes sense to distribute flyers and business cards not far from the workshop. Many recommend to give orders to customers in branded packages: and the customer is pleasant, and you have a certain advertisement.

Also worth paying attention to the Internet. Today he is able to bring a significant number of customers. For the workshop justified will be the opening of its own site, through which you can accept orders. At the same time, take an additional fee for the courier services, which comes to order, and then takes it back to the client. However, that the site gives proper return, it is necessary to invest in its promotion, and this is another $ 250 per month. It makes sense to place ads on free online boards, create your own groups in social networks, as well as use discounts and shares through special resources. These steps will help create a database. permanent customersOf course, subject to quality performance.



Date of birth: d

home address: Torzoksky district,

Education - average

Qualification - Accountant

From 1998-2002 Worked the accountant later translated on the chief accountant.

From 2008-2011. Worked by an accountant.

IN this time I study at the correspondence department of TGSHA Tver in the direction of the economy

i achieve the goal, principled, sociable, is responsible for the entrusted case

i know how to find a common language with people

i own a computer

Summary of the project

Workshop on repairing shoes - obviously winning business. After all, shoes are one of the indispensable things of everyday life, but, like any thing, shoes have the property to wear and break. Production quality, even in famous shoe factories, leaves much to be desired. One season is the average life expectancy for a pair of shoes. After it requires repair. Consequently, the clients from shoe workshops do not arise. This type of business does not require embedding huge amounts. money And it is very attractive and advantageous. It is worth noting that the most appropriate, cost-effective and profitable format is the usual workshop offering a standard set of services. The opening of the workshop on the repair of shoes does not require a license. To organize this type of business, you just need to register as an entrepreneur - legal or individual. Shoe repair workshop can offer a wide variety of services, among them: repair of heels, their replacement, replacement of shoe beams, repair soles, stretching shoes, replacement of stelks and supinators, accessories (buckles, locks, serpents, rivets, lipukek), professional shoe cleaning etc. Different types The services offered require different equipment.

Explanatory note


Yarkkova Anna Nikolaevna

Organizational and legal form.


ENVD Single tax on imputed income

1. Summary of the project

1 Project goal

This project is the opening of a regular workshop where a standard set of services is provided.

The main goal of the project is the provision of a population designed for the middle class qualitative services on repair shoes.

1.2 Project Production Base

To accommodate such a workshop, you will need either a separate kiosk or a small room.

3 Project Efficiency Indicator

the estimated period is one year, at the end of the settlement period it is expected:

Net income - 817672.00 rubles

Profitability own capital - 13%

Profitability of the implementation of services - 57%

Profitability of production - 461%

2. Marketing plan

2.1 Market description

Open the workshop on the repair of shoes, especially in the light of global economic problems and high risks in other business areas - the solution is quite justified and logical. It is worth paying attention to the lack of competition in this area, the client chooses the master, whose quality he remains satisfied and chooses for sure and for a long time. Therefore, opening your work on repairing shoes, the main criterion in the work should be the quality of implementation.

2.2 Customer Description

Footwear wear everything, women do not need to explain how often heels are laid out, cliffs, wear spouts and riquges, almost the overwhelming number of women in some radius from the workshop our regular clients. You must not forget men and children, especially now, when the industry is experiencing not the best times and the quality of products of many manufacturers, including shoes, leaves much to be desired. The question arises more profitable, repair the heel or buy new shoes?

2.3 Description of works, services

Mode of operation: from 8.30 hours to 17.30 hours. Weekend - Sunday, Monday.

On weekends I will procure the components on the bases. Getting ready for your project in advance, I learned the places of their location in Moscow, where you can buy a qualitative, which is in demand for the goods (components), and found out how the product is purchased to be purchased so that I can officially confirm my costs on their acquisition.

2.4 Planned services to the population. (Appendix No. 1)

3.Production plan

3.1 Preparatory period

In the preparatory period it is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe area under the workshop is 20 m 2 (Rental) - 15,000 rubles.


-machine sewing column - 10,000 rubles.

-machine sewing "Bottle" - 12000 rubles.

-ground electric - 3000 rubles.

-accessories - 39720 rubles.

-transport costs-7000 rubles.

-electricity - 6000 rubles.

-other expenses - 3000 rubles.

-expenses for registration of IP - 1080 rubles.

-state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

Total: 117600 rubles.

For the preparatory period there are own funds available:

-sewing machine special - 20,000 rubles.

-machine sewing column - 10,000 rubles.

Total to the preparatory stage follows 15,000 + 12000 + 39720 + 7000+ 6000 + 3000 + 1080 + 800 \u003d 84600 rubles.

Financial assistance in the form of a subsidy from the center of employment of the city of Torzhka will be spent on components, a bottleneck machine.

workshop service profitability income

Organizational plan

4.1 Organizational and Legal Form

This project It is planned to be implemented in the form of individual entrepreneurship without education. legal entity, in order to reduce taxation and simplified financial statements.

4.2 Organizational structure

The implementation of the services will be carried out by an entrepreneur and a worn person accepted through the employment center. Management of services, accounting and reporting is under the jurisdiction of an individual entrepreneur.

5. Financial Plan

1 for calculation financial indicators It is necessary to determine the total amount of the initial costs.

General Project Organizational Expenses

NU N / P / PNAIENING COSTS ON THE ORGANIZE OF COMMUMMUM IN RUB.1. Costs for the preparatory stage: - rent 1 months - Purchase of goods (components) - registration of IP (state duty) - Purchase of special purpose machine - transportation costs84600 rub.

Sources of financing

1. Common funds58800 rub.2. SUBSIDIA Employment Center58800 rub.

Year of expenses for the year

JanuaryFugvralMart2 quarter 2012.3 quarter 2012 24.4 Quarter 2012G.Registration IP1080.0000xxxxghgos. duty800.00xxxxxakup machine12000,00khxxaccup components20000.0020000.0015000.0040000.0035000.0035000,000035000.0035000,000035000.0035000,000035000,007000.007000.007000.00 Nalog PFR3434,003434,003434,001030,0061202.00,006120,006120 006120.00Ard15000.0015000,0015000,0045000,0045000,0045000,00,005000,0045000.00 electric energy6000.006000,006000,0018000.0018000,0018000.00З / fee 6100,006100,0018300,0018300.0018300.0018300.001000.001000.00 003000.003000.00itoy: 55114,0065034,0053754.00147722,00142722.00142722.00

Performing 18 orders per day on average at a price of 300 rubles \u003d 5400 rubles per day. Total earnings per month at the rate of 22 working days - 118800 rubles. (per year 1425600.00)

Plan of income and expenses per year

Indicatritisum Rub. Rub. Surfers from the sale of services1425600.00 rubles. Posses for the purchase of goods177000.00 rubles. Range revenue1248600.00 rubles. Employed fee 73200.00 rubles. Navy24480.00 rubles. Nalog from entrepreneur (FFR, FFOMS, TFOMS) 16200.00 rub. Nalog to employee (PFR, FSS, TFOMS, FFOMS) 25048.00 rubles. The edge of the room180000.00 rubles. Eelectroenergia72000,00 rubles. Transportation costs28000.00 rubles. Oports costs177672.00 rub.

Profitability of production.

RP 817672/177000 * 100% \u003d 461%

Profitability of equity.

ROE 817672/58800 * 100% \u003d 13%

Profitability of services.

RP 817672/1425600 * 100% \u003d 57%

Planned payback period of the total amount of investment 12 months. Guided by data and installations were formulated working goals, criteria for the purposes and objectives of this business plan.


And since it is already clear that the workshop on the repair of shoes, this is a source permanent income Little affected external factors and the enterprise is sufficiently advantageous.

According to statistics, about 10% of the shoes fall into repair for three months after the start of the socks. Seasonality in this business, though traced, but is not the main factor. The most important will be the speed of work. From how quickly we will time to change the knobs, glue soles, etc., and will depend on the income level. In the future I plan to expand the business to open a few more points, including what would be one workshop to repair elite shoes. The more expensive shoes, the natural will be more expensive and work. The workshop network will bring more income. Now 70% of the population resorted to the repair of shoes and repeatedly, which allows this species Business stable and demanded.

We will always have customers regardless of the economic situation in the country. Footwear is needed to everyone, but it is not eternal, and though in preventive, but repair.

Appendix No. 1.

Name service. Izm.zena, hubbing repair of shoes1Look the top of the shoes (for one firmware) or make a thing in one place up to 5 cm. The cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of the firmware40-002. Restore the front or rear striking seam in insulated shoes with a zipper "Lightning" manually every complete SM50- 003 Support a pay outdoor or internal footage of used b / refueling under the sole of up to 5 cm, over 5 cm, the cost is leaking proportional to the increase in the size of the checkpoint100-004remont of the boots, n / boots with a top of artificial and genuine leather (Installation of figure parts made of genuine leather) Para450-005 Replace the eyelet in the shoes or make and attach a luggage strap in sandals and in children's shoes55-006 Trucking buckles, buttons, bows or strengthen straps (without replacing the grocery belt) pcs40-007Reopap new buckles (with replacement Sugar belt), decorations in shoe70-008 sign a curly hook, a block, holnitane with a complete replacement or partial replacement of subbnodnutrix 20-009oging the heel strap in the summer shivel40-0010.Grevel and sew a new strap from genuine leather160-0011Inter Read and sew through the lifting strap -0012Product COVER "Contact" (strap) pcs70-0013Grevel and attach new decorations from natural skin and other materials160-0014 Replace: (lengthen) "Rubber" with a buckle insert (hook) with a single flash or a luggage belt in women's shivel90-0015 Or lengthen the "rubber band" with two firmwaresCht110-0016 Replace "Rubber" n / bootink ah, shoes, bootinkchst70-0017 Replace the Zipper Zipper in shoes tape tape up to 25SMP / Para130-0018 Replace Zasya "Lightning" in shoes tape tape up to 36SMP / para140-0019 Replace Zasya "Zipper" in the shine of the top of the tape of up to 40 sheets / Para180-0020 Clause "Lightning" in the shine of the top of the tape of up to 40,1SMP / PA240-0021 Replace the Zipper "Lightning" in shoes with artificial tops, with external or inner shoes, or in the boots - "stockings", the height of the shining to 30cm (without the cost of the Zipper clasp ) pcs280-0022 Replace the zipper "zipper" in shoes with artificial tops, with outdoor or inner shuttless, or in boots "stockings", the height of the shining over 30cm (without the cost of the zipper "zipper") pcs320-0023nadbank to the retail price of the insertion of the clashes " Zipper ": cut the top boot with an insert of the valve under the zipper" zipper "n / pair110-0024 Replace the shuttlefish or valve in the shoe / para80-0025 Castle (slider) zipper" Zipper "footsht55-0026 Replace lock (slider) Zipper" Zipper "Deco RATISHT65-0027 Endbank for decorative lock-runner when replacing zipper "Zipper" pcs10-0028 Endbank for firmware with colored threads (zipper, payments) pcs30-0029 Reinforce the edging of the vertex of the shivera220-0030 Replace the altitude in n / boots, sneakers, saphapara4-0031Real All kinds of materials on a fur or insulated lining due to the insertion of a clinapapara500-0032Rexide of the top with a riding of all kinds of materials on a fur or insulated lining due to the insertion of the gum depth to 19cmap350-0033Shis to the boots, P / Sapozhek Paul760-0034 Up the shine of boots, P / Sapozek Paul600- 0035Sell and shorten the boozek shore, P / Sapozek Paul860-00Force repair of shoes1Product the jams with a glue method of fastening from microporous rubber or prophylactic parameters220-002Product jogging by adhesive method of fastening from wear-resistant rubber 340-003 Supported jams by adhesive method of fastening from microporous rubber over 44 sizes250-004 Support leva method of fastening from wear-resistant rubber over 44 samples260-005 Put one rutter to ¼ Square of the brew or a kosyachok up to 1/3 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Svaloye of the Microporous Rubber 770-006Post ¼ Square of the brew or a jacket to 1/3 of the Svaloye area from wear-resistant rubber, leather-like-biting of the microporous rubber band140-008 Support A waters of wear-resistant rubber size up to 100 cm24 Paul170-009 Support Waste-resistant Rubber Naval Size of over 100.1 cm230-0010Product Polyurethane Systems160 -0011 Put a polyurethane audit size of 8.1 to 80cm2APA180-0012Post a native of a polyurethane size from 80.1 to 140cm2APA220-0013 Put a native of a polyurethane size from 140.1 to 300cm244-0014Post Aubylizer Felt or Summer Leather Player220-0015Post (Simple, curly) paragraph230-0016 Support Navoy from all kinds of materials (except metal) or M / porous rubber rims, wear-resistant rubber and prevention from the Customer's material120-0017 Class Molded Nabilities from the Customer's Material70-0018 Sleeping Heel Tights in Shoes without replacing OCEKAPA30-0019 EDUCATION FOR INSTALLATION OF FIGURE CASES OF ALL TYPES OF MATERIALS, CROMME METAL (RETURN PRICES ON WITHES) PA40-0020 Cleaning shoes Gutalin or appression of shoes, partial cerebral cylinder cylinder 40-0021Orott rubber soles adhesive method for fastening in a filling shoes with knobs without on-board oblakiapara430-0023 Replace rubber soles with a glue attachment method in the filling shoes with bellows from an on-board clappapair450-002. Remove rubber soles with a glue method for fastening in leather shoes with an ordinary heighter380-0025 Replace rubber soles with a glue attachment method in leather shoes with Single-layer wedge-shaped heeker400-0026 Replace the rubber soles with a glue attachment method in leather shoes with a two-layer wedge-shaped heighter430-0027 Replace the rubber soles by the adhesive method of fastening in the ONTs with Nabyotapara470-0028 Replace the rubber soles by the adhesive method of fastening in the HSD with onboard slab, Nabyotapara4-00-0029 SCHOYAKAPAPA4-00-0029 TEP Soles Stoys 911264, 9111l462, 84227n, 842242, 1528pa500-0030 Replace the soles TEP with the strengthening of the supinator all styles, except the above-mentioned paragraph 300-0031 Replace the soles of the TEP with the replacement of main insoles, n / insoles, supinator, all stacks A980-0032 Replace the soles TEP with replacement of n / insoles, supinator All the shasapara910-0033 Replace the soles made of genuine leather or leather, without replacing the heel 470-0034 Replace the soles from genuine leather SHASS 131 with a heel and a naidacopapara90-0035Ostrovontit synthetic soles when fractured with microporous rubber , prevention360-003666 synthetic soles with a fracture with a staging of wear-resistant rubber band390-0037Oremontail synthetic soles when a fracture is produced with microporous rubber tires. Over 44 solespara420-0038Tepair. Synthetic soles with a fracture with setting from wear-resistant rubber. Over 44 solespara4-0039 cutting Synthetic materials and stagnation of the solepara430-0040 Replace the crocular part of the sole in the shoes on a high and medium heeker 60-0041Ocinting with genuine leather nose of warmed shoes on a molded sole with a borochikol380 -0042 Support a decorative rubber rant when replacing rubber soles80-0043 Support the insoles from a special shop in the women's shoes N / C and male shoes on the molded sole (without deposit racks) with the supinator replacement 270-0044 soles (at partial plywood soles, the price is applied with a discount proportion to the coal area ) Couple20-0045 Close the old soles throughout the perimeter manually shoes up to 40 soleplates220-0046 Close the old soles throughout the perimeter manually shoes over 40 solespara240-0047Clide and flash the soles and auditics in the filling shivepara220-0048 to write a boost with refueling under the sole of the adhesive attachment in the leather or textile shoes or boost on shoes with a riding of synthetic materials. Internal patch up to 5 cm around the perimeter Over 5 cm. Cost increases in proportion to the increase in the size of the checkpoint 1cm180-00 36-0049 Support the pay with refueling under the sole of the adhesive attachment method in leather or textile shoes or patch Buv with a riding of synthetic materials Outdoor patch up to 5 cm around the perimeter Over 5 cm. Cost increases in proportion to the size of the checkpoint 1cm150-00 30-0050 Support supinators without replacing heels (without replacing the deposit racks) with installation: hard tunes from cardboard, metal, semi-strand from special cardboard, Metal Planpapara440-0051Prip the heels monolithic, single-layer microporouspara260-0052Post Low-set heels heels from the skin320-0053Poise medium, high heels heels from the skin410-0054 Cable Heels with genuine leather craps or replace heels tights, or strips without the cost of nutrition460-0055Post Tight heels of any shape with a subposter replacement, with installation of P / insoles and a tune from cardboard 30-0056Okrakaska synthetic heels with removal of tightness 20-0057pair of plastic heel / pair100-0058 Crew low, high, medium heels with inserting rigid tape SpecialCarton or Metallapa Square270-0059 Crew Heels in Boots "Stockings" Couple90-0060Dell Falling Insert (mark) in progressive place Valenokst70-0061Product internal soft backdrops from genuine leather in shoes, low shoes, shoes or repair backs in rubber shoes160-0062 Put internal soft backdrops from genuine leather with elongated berths, crossovekia210-0063 Put internal soft backdrops in insulated shoes (boots, n / boots, shoes) Couple00-0064Product insoles from the bike spoard70-0065 Supplies artificial mechanical insoles90-0066 Support Insoles made of genuine Fur TargetApara160-0067 Support Insoles from Natural Fur Composite Paul130-0068 Put Insoles made of genuine leather130-0069 On the shoes New laces length up to 60cmapara 20-0070 Land in shoes New Laces from 60.1 cm to 90cmApara25-0071 On the footwear New laces from 90.1 cm to 120cm 30-0072Repace on the rules

What is the article?

Business relevance

Repair of shoes - a requested service that will always be relevant. Working in it, the entrepreneur is protected from crisis market phenomena, the source receives stable income. By studying the customer base and increasing customer loyalty, you will increase your profits and can expand the business.

The cost of the opening and the average profitability of shoe workshops

Workshop for medium-income customers, open in Novosibirsk, brings about 100,000? per month. Playback of business opened "from scratch" - about 15-20 months.

It is possible to expand the case by offering additional services (manufacture of keys, sharpening skates) and selling related products - Nabyli, locks.

Business opening costs in Novosibirsk:

Monthly expenses:

Business registration, documents and permits

You need to register as an IP by selecting the form (Patent, UTII), contacting tax inspection And putting on accounting in PF. In cash calculations are necessary cash car. For work you will need:

  • Obtaining permits in Rospotrebnadzor, SES, Fire Inspection
  • Obtaining technical Conditions and drawing up a power grid agreement (power - 10 kW)
  • Conclusion of contracts - Rental, utilization of MSW, providing space for advertising on the facade of the building
  • Relationship with personnel - labor contracts, Agreement on the provision of outsources
What kind of OKVED to choose for a shoe repair workshop

Selection of place for workshop

For business with a perspective of growth, you need a workshop of 15-20 sq.m. Usually they are placed in the bedrooms - on the first floors of houses (with a separate entrance) or in kiosks. For rental selected places with a reliable power source:

  • In areas with a large number of residential buildings
  • In close proximity to shoe stores, supermarkets, markets, shopping center
  • Near the subway, land transport stops

Equipment and components

For standard shoe workshop needed:

This is a minimum - to work on good equipmentrendering additional services Need an investment about 350,000? Need components and materials - sets of shoe hooks, needles, abrasive skins, polyurethane and so on. They will go about 10,000?

Suppliers and personnel

Network providers sell components and equipment, as well as advise customers on choosing heels, care, materials. For savings, you can buy b / u-technique from private sellers. Tools are in the markets, in construction hypermarkets.

For a workshop, you need a minimum of one master (if you yourself are not a specialist in this area), as well as an accountant who will keep records of materials, funds and donate reporting. Personnel costs for Novosibirsk are:

Business advertising

  • Noticeable signboard on the facade, showcase with a large inscription
  • Advertising with the help of Flyers at the subway, social networks, forums of residents of the LCD district
  • Discount System, Discounts, Shares

Examples of advertising:

How to advertise a workshop to repair shoes and leather iceboards how to arrange a sign and showcase for workshop to repair shoes

Comparison of the expenditure on the opening of the shoe workshop and the purchase of the finished studio

Compare the cost of opening a workshop from scratch with expenses for the purchase of a studio for the repair of shoes and manufacturing keys. Area area - 16.5 m? (Novosibirsk city).

When comparing initial spending, the opening of the business is more profitable. But at the same time, the owner loses time for official harmonies, is forced to produce customer base and work for quite a long time "in minus". In the future, the finished business pays off more efficiently.

Browse our catalogs: here - current proposals for sales workshops for the repair of shoes for different regions of Russia:

  • In St. Petersburg
  • In Moscow
  • In Russia


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